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Lets learn about... fencing

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker

Western Cape candidate takes the honours www.agrimega.co.za1

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Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014

Die Plaaswerker publikasie is beskikbaar by toonaangewende landboukoöperasies en agribesighede in jou streek • The Farm Worker publication is available at leading agricultural co-operatives and agri businesses in your area. Aberdeen Addo Albertinia Ashton Augrabies Avontuur Barrydale Beaufort-Wes Bellville Bitterfontein Bloemsmond Bonnievale Brackenfell Brandvlei Bredasdorp Caledon Calitzdorp Calvinia Carnarvon Ceres Citrusdal Clanwilliam Darling De Rust Durbanville Eendekuil Franschhoek Fraserburg Garies George Graaff-Reinet Graafwater Grabouw Greyton Groblershoop Hankey Heidelberg (WK) Herbertsdale

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Porterville Prince Albert Protem Rawsonville Riebeeck-Wes Rietpoelstasie Riversdal Riviersonderend Robertson Simondium Sir Lowry’s Pass Somerset-Wes Springbok Stanford Stellenbosch Steytlerville Sutherland Swellendam Tulbagh Tweeriviere Uitenhage Uniondale Upington Van Rhynsdorp Van Wyksvlei Velddrif Victoria-Wes Villiersdorp Vosburg Vredenburg Vredendal Vyeboom Wellington Williston Willowmore Wolseley Worcester

This publication is the property of Agri Mega Group and is published by: Agri Mega Investments Reg no: 2009/004866/07 PO Box 1477, Paarl, 7624 MANAGING DIRECTOR Teresa Labuschagne +27 79 517 1959 E-mail: [email protected] GROUP EDITOR Hanlie du Plessis + 27 83 296 8007 E-mail: [email protected] EDITOR Marelle Fortuin +27 28 424 1716 / E-mail: [email protected] LAYOUT AND DESIGN Hantie Engelbrecht +27 21 863 1803 E-mail: [email protected] PRINTING WIZ Marketing +27 82 777 3591 [email protected] MANAGER ADVERTISING / GENERAL Lynette du Toit +27 21 863 1803 E-mail: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION Agrinet • Dipaola Trading GROUP ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTS H/O Carin Oosthuizen +27 28 424 1124 GENERAL E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.agrimega.co.za


CONTENTS INHOUD Seasonal greetings


Congratulations Jerome Thomas!


SMS & wen!


The brave man – Tinus Linee 05 Western Cape candidate takes the honours


Pa’s, raak aan jou kinders… wys so jou liefde!


Jerome Thomas – Wes-Kaap Plaaswerker van die jaar 2014


Wes-Kaapse Plaaswerker van die Jaar 2014 Toekenningsfunksie


Dink nuut oor hoe God jou sien: Vrygespreek, nie veroordeel nie!


Randrekkers: Roosmaryn




Youth:Peer pressure, choose your friends wisely


Surviving the holidays!


Kopkrap Kompetisie - Wen R100


DEC / JAN 2014 NUWE BESEM MAAK SKOON ! Ek was een van die gelukkiges wat op 7 November die WesKaap plaaswerker van die jaar gala geleentheid kon bywoon en daar sit ek op die grond in my hoogste hakke met my kamera in my hand toe hulle die wenner aankondig. Jerome se video speel op die skerm en daar val ‘n traan, ek het dit vinnig probeer wegvee, maar hoe meer ek vee, hoe meer val hulle. Ek het toe geweet, dis waar ek hoort. Hierdie is my eerste voorwoord, toe Leensie weg is het ek haar belowe dat ek mooi na die tydskrif sal kyk, ons twee en ek dink almal wat al ‘n aandeel in die tydskrif gehad het, het almal ‘n sagte plekkie vir hierdie publikasie en sy lesers. Vir die wat my nie ken nie, ek is die meisie wat haar gedagtes met die wêreld deel in die Randrekkers gedeelte van die tydskrif. (ek sal moet leer om nie soveel te deel nie) Ek hoop dat die tydskrif vir julle bietjie laat dink, bemoedig, aanmoedig en dat dit hope plesier sal verskaf. Geniet hierdie uitgawe, veral die wenners van 2014 se plaaswerker van die jaar kompetisie, hierdie uitgawe is vir julle. Geseënde Kersfees en mag volgende jaar jou beste jaar ooit wees! Marelle Fortuin - Editor / Redakteur

Vroue – 6 van die beste nuwejaars voorneme ooit!


Kids Corner


Lets learn about... fencing


1 December – World Aids Day


Jeug: Gevolge van dwelms


Opinions of co-workers, columnists, corres-pondents and advertisers are not necessarily those of this publication.

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker

SMS Sien bladsy 4 >


SEASONAL GREETINGS is drawing to an end. But before we dream, plan and pledge our resolutions for the New Year, we must remember to look back and reflect on the year that has passed and take stock. A year is a great expanse of time, but when it’s nearing its end, it may seem to have passed incredibly quickly. Nevertheless, when you start adding up the changes in your community, events at work, in your social circle and your family, you might just find that it has indeed been an eventful year. The Agri Mega Group can look back on a year of growth, filled with abundant blessings. Because the goodwill of those we serve is the foundation of our success, our thoughts turn with gratitude to those who have made our progress possible. It is in this spirit that we wish you and all those close to you... a joyous holiday season, a new year filled with happiness and success, and hope for a truly united rainbow nation. Thank you and Best Wishes for the Holiday Season!

CONGRATULATIONS JEROME THOMAS! n behalf of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture I would like to congratulate Jerome on this exceptional achievement. Winning the competition has been a dream of his for several years and through hard work and dedication he has made that dream come true. Farm workers like Jerome play a critical role in ensuring we have food on our tables every day and it will be exciting to see how he develops even further in the years to come. It is important that our children view agriculture as an attractive sector with many opportunities to pursue and Jerome has established himself as a role model for young people to look up to. We are proud to take the hands of farm workers like Jerome in order to create a prosperous future for agriculture, Better Together. Joyene Isaacs Head of Department: Western Cape Department of Agriculture


Wie was die Plaaswerker l k van die Jaar 2014? Sms jou naam, e-pos adres en antwoord na 082 777 3591, 3 persone staan n kans om elk n kontantprys van R500 te wen geborg deur Agri Mega Groep. Sluitings datum: 6 Januarie 2015



Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014

Photo: www.citypress.co.za


inus Linee, we salute you. You were an exceptional rugby player and an extra ordinary role model. Your style of tackling and defence mirrored the way that you lived your life – fearless, full-on, strong and without hesitance. Former Western Province centre Tinus Linee passed away on Monday morning 3 November. He was only 45 years old. Tinus was diagnosed with Motor neuron disease in April 2013. Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name given to a group of diseases in which the nerve cells (neurones) that control the muscles enabling us to move, speak, breathe and swallow becomes weaker and eventually die. For the last 18 months, Tinus fought a very brave battle against this dreadful disease. His deteriorating health resulted in him having financial difficulties and was forced to auction off his prize possessions, his Springbok and Western Province blazers, in an attempt to cover his medical bills. The Western Province Rugby Football Union also helped him to raise funds. The news of Tinus’s death was broken by fellow MND sufferer Joost van der Westhuizen, who tweeted: ‘Sad day for Rugby in SA. Just received news of the passing of a rugby legend and MND Warrior Tinus Linee RIP my friend.’.

“Tinus will be remembered as a pioneer and a role model – he and Chester Williams were some of the first black rugby players to go on tour with the Springboks in the early 1990s.“

Tinus will be remembered as a pioneer and a role model – he and Chester Williams were some of the first black rugby players to go on tour with the Springboks in the early 1990s. They inspired a new generation of talented players for whom the colour of their skin would no longer hold them back.

tackles. He played 112 matches in the centre position for Western Province between 1992 and 2001 and made his Springbok debut in 1993, at the age of 23. Tinus played nine tour matches for South Africa in Australia, Wales, Scotland and Ireland between 1993 and 1994.

He will also be remembered as a loyal Western Province rugby player with a no-nonsense approach to defence and his bone-crunching

Former Springbok, Chester Williams, says he’ll sorely miss the late rugby player. “I was sad to hear about my friend Tinus. I just got back

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker

from Brazil and was going to visit him the same morning that I got the news about his passing away” After hanging up his boots, Linee worked as a development officer for the Western Province Rugby Football Union and was a member of the Western Province Vodacom Cup management team in 2008.


Ralph and Preline Swart of the Elim district in the Western Cape.

WESTERN CAPE CANDIDATE TAKES THE HONOURS prestigious function was held in Bloemfontein on 14 November to showcase the cream of the South African agricultural industry. The event has been hosted by the Agricultural Writers SA since 1977.

100ha barley, 250ha triticale and 40ha oats. The livestock consists of 1 500 Dohne Merino crossbreed ewes and 140 Bonsmara cows. Ralph switched to conservation farming in 2000 after a visit to Europe “to see how some of those farmers operate”. Practices include using zero or minimum tillage planters to plant diThis year the winners in the category New En- rectly into residue from previous years, instead trant into Commercial Farming were Ralph and of ploughing and sowing. Preline Swart of the Elim district in the Western Cape. Ralph Swart, who has lived in Elim all his Ralph switched to conservation life, began farming in 1975 with roughly 4ha farming in 2000 after a visit to for planting, one cow and 10 sheep. Currently he farms on 1 280ha leased from the Moravian Europe “to see how some of those church as well as an 89ha plot that he owns farmers operate”. -72ha pastures and 17ha veld. Earlier this year, Ralph achieved his lifelong goal of owning his own commercial farm when he bought a 950ha farm near Stormsvlei, between Swellendam and Riviersonderend. He bought this farm after securing a loan from a commercial bank, without any financial support from the government. His family and workers have already started preparing the farm and plan to plant wheat, canola and barley on at least 770ha for the 2015 harvest. Some 250ha will be used as grazing land for livestock. He grows a mix of grain crops, but to spread risk and make full use of non-arable veld, the farm also includes a livestock component. In 2014 he planted 220ha of wheat, 6

Since starting to use no-till planters, Ralph has decreased the amount of seed planted for wheat from about 125kg/ha to 75kg/ha. In the early days, Ralph achieved average grain yields of roughly 0,8 ton/ha. “Before we were used to a wheat yield of around 1,5t/ha. But because of advice we received on implementing better production management practices, we achieved our bestever harvest in 2012, with a yield of about 3,2t/ ha.” Preline, Ralph’s wife, who was also born and raised in Elim, says when she married Ralph six years ago, she knew nothing about farming.

“I was preparing to be a housewife, but now farming is my life.” She has indeed proven to be a very fast learner, having already been given a number of awards for her achievements in farming. This includes a special award for young entrepreneurs at the 2013 Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Female Entrepreneur Awards. Not only is she actively involved in farming, she also handles most of the farm’s administrative functions. Ralph’s two sons, Jacques and Leaan, also work full-time for the family farming business. The family works together but each member has his or her own particular interest. Jacques, for example, prefers working with the livestock, while Leaan is in charge of maintenance on all the farm vehicles and equipment. To ensure additional income for the family and help finance the expansion of their farming business, Ralph also runs a roof thatching business. This business also helps to create much needed jobs for the Elim community. Stormvlei employs six fulltime workers. “The next step is to grow the farming interests to provide a better future for my family and workers and to help feed the nation,” says Ralph.

Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014

”Kinders tot en met die ouderdom van 7 jaar het twee ambisies : om gejaag te word en om gekielie te word !”

PA’S, RAAK AAN JOU KINDERS… WYS SO JOU LIEFDE! om dit te doen nie! Pa’s se aanraking is anders as ma’s sin, sterker hande, harige arms. Pa’s speel ook anders met hul kinders as ma’s. Ma’s speel op ’n kalmer manier met koesterende aktiwiteite. Pa’s speel speletjies wat die kinders opgewonde maak, wat elemente van risiko en vrees inhou. So ’n tipe speletjie is wanneer die Liefde vir jou kinders moet op dood gewone pa sy hande bo sy kop hou soos kloue en dan maniere gewys word, deur net natuurlik op te op die kind afstorm asof hy ’n groot beer is. tree. Die eenvoudigste is die vader se aanrak- Grommende storm die groot beer dan op die ing. Kinders het ‘n behoefte hieraan. Kinders kleintjie af : “ Ek gaan jou opeet as ek jou vang!“ wat hierdie liefde en sorg van hul pa’s ervaar , Die kinders hol gillend weg , wanneer jy hom vang lig jy hom op en maak of jy hom gaan ontwikkel ’n hegte band met hul vaders. eet en kielie hom. Elke keer as die kind hierdie Seuns wat hierdie gesonde aanraking ervaar, ervaring van die pa kry, word sy geloof in die pa se liefde versterk. is minder geneig om later in hul lewe seksueel losbandig en rebels te wees. Meisies Met hierdie tipe speletjies leer kinders wat hierdie warmte ervaar se kanse is goed om nie seuns behep te word nie. Dit is omdat verskillende lesse: • om te onderskei tussen realiteit en ilusie, hulle behoefte aan manlike aanvaarding hulle weet hul pa is nie regtig ’n beer nie. reeds tuis vervul is. Sy kan onderskei tussen Hulle geniet die ekstase om bang gemaak werklike liefde en wellus want sy is reeds te word sonder dat hulle regtig gaan seerkry. verseker van die liefde van die belangrikste • Om negatiewe emosies te hanteer (vrees man in haar lewe, haar pa. Haar verhouding vir die beer) in ’n ondersteunende en met haar pa gee vir haar die verwysing hoe positiewe omgewing. sy met ander mans vorentoe gaan omgaan in • Hulle leer ook om hul pa se gesig te lees haar lewe. en daarop te kan reageer. Daar is gevind dat kinders al vanaf 6 maande hul pa’s se “Skin hunger“ – die gebrek aan fisiese gesigsuitdrukkings kan lees. Hulle kan sien kontak- kan ’n dramatiese effek op ’n kind hê. wanneer die speletjie verby is. Daar is kinders in kinderhuise wat al dood is • Die kinders leer hoe om na ’n emosionele a.g.v. die gebrek aan fisiese aanraking. Die hoogtepunt weer kalm te raak, dit dra weer positiewe kant is ook waar. Die wat wel toeby tot emosionele selfbeheer . paslike en gereelde aandag ontvang, floreer op ’n fisiese, emosionele en intellektuele vlak. Die pa kan die kinders ook in die lug gooi en Behalwe aanraking het die kinders ook ’n be- vang. Of die kinders kan van die bank of bed hoefte dat pa’s met hulle sal speel. Nie dat jy af in sy arms spring. Eenvoudige speletjies wat altyd daarvoor lus sal wees, of die energie het die kinders aanmoedig om risiko’s te neem en oe jy jou liefde vir jou kinders wys speel ’n groot rol hoe hulle eendag as grootmense gaan wees. Dit beïnvloed hulle selfbeeld, emosionele volwassenheid, intelligensie, seksuele identiteit en gedrag.

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker

om hul pa’s te vertrou. Die eerste keer gaan jou kind nie te gretig wees om in jou arms te spring nie, maar as hy/sy eers agter kom jy gaan hom/haar vang, sal hulle gaande wees daaroor. Om die band tussen die twee te verstewig kan die pa ook geheime tekens gebruik. Dit kan ’n spesiale handdrukkie wees, ’n knipoog oorkant die kamer gee die boodskap ”Jy is spesiaal ” en ’n gevoel van sekuriteit. Dit versterk hierdie onsigbare band wat tussen pa en kleuter kan ontwikkel. Kinders floreer op aandag en goedkeuring van hul pa’s. Jy hoor dikwels hoe kinders uitroep “kyk pa”, as hulle besig is met een of ander aktiwiteit. Dis hulle manier om erkenning en aandag by hul pa te kry. Wat jy dan moet doen is om betyds te reageer en die nodige kommentaar te lewer. Jy kan natuurlik nie altyd en onder alle omstandighede jou onvoorwaardelike aandag gee nie. En dit moet jy vir hulle ook verduidelik. Hierdeur leer hulle dat daar ook ander mense en prioriteite in die lewe is. Ons wil almal graag net die beste vir ons kinders gee. Hierdie beste is nie goed wat met geld kan gekoop word nie, maar met liefde. Dit sal hulle ervaar as jy dood gewoon tyd maak om met hulle te speel !

Bron: “Kids crave a dad’s touch“ deur Alan Hosking, in HR FUTURE 02.2010, Vertaling & verwerking : Archie van Biljon


Farm Worker of The Year

CONGRATULATIONS JEROME THOMAS! would like to congratulate Jerome Thomas on his achievement. It’s people like you who keep pushing the industry forward. We raise our glass to you!


Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014


JEROME THOMAS  WESKAAP PLAASWERKER VAN DIE JAAR 2014 erome is op 7 November 2014 aangewys as 2014 se Wes-Kaap Plaaswerker van die jaar. Toe Jerome daardie aand sy toekenning ontvang en sy toespraak maak, kon ek hoor dat dit nie net ‘n doodgewone plaaswerker is, wat dag na dag sy take verrig en dan aangaan nie, maar dat die plaas en sy mense vir hom baie na aan die hart lê. Hy het in sy toespraak ander plaaswerkers aangemoedig om te droom, om nie moed op te gee nie, maar om mekaar aan te moedig en by te staan. “Dan vir die plaaswerkers. Ek mag dalk hier voor staan en die trofee gekry het met alles daarby, maar julle is almal meer as oorwinnaars. Glo dit. Dis hoekom julle vanaand hier sit. Moenie ophou met wat julle doen nie. ’n Mens moet altyd ’n droom hê. Ek droom elke dag. Droom – dit gaan waar word.”

“Tans dink baie van ons jongmense dat hulle net plaaswerkers kan wees, maar daar is baie ander geleenthede in landbou.”

Jerome werk al 14 jaar op Kanonkop en het sy loopbaan begin as ‘n deeltydse arbeider, vandag is hy ‘n toesighouer oor sy medewerkers sowel as seisoen werkers, ‘n verantwoordelikheid wat hy nie ligtelik op neem nie. Maar dis nie waar Jerome se drome eindig nie, met die geleenthede wat die toekenning hom bied sal hy graag eendag sy eie boerdery wil besit. Hy raai alle jongmense aan om die landbousektor te betree. Tans dink baie van ons jongmense dat hulle net plaaswerkers kan wees, maar daar is baie ander geleenthede in landbou. Sy vrou Alicia het tans haar honeurs graad in landbou voorligting geskryf en sy mede kollega, Jeremy Arries het sy Diploma in wynmaak voltooi. So daar is ‘n toekoms in landbou, nie net as plaaswerker nie, maar as kundige. Daar is te min jongmense wat die landbousektor betree en dit is ‘n verlies vir die sektor, Jerome meen dat daar baie meer bewusmaking onder die jongmense moet wees om die sektor se groei te bevorder. Hy moedig alle plaaswerkers aan om deel te neem aan die kompetisie, veral die wat toegewyd is tot die landbou, aan hul plase en die bemagtiging van hul medewerkers . Hy doen ook ’n beroep aan plaas eienaars om hul mense te bemagtig ,deur opleiding sodat hulle meer kan leer van die bedryf, sodoende sal hulle meer toegewyde en ingeligte werkers in diens hê. Jerome se boodskap aan plaaswerkers: Moenie jouself minder ag nie, jy is ‘n bevoorregte, uitverkose persoon om deel te hê aan die groei van die plaas en ook tot die land se ekonomiese groei. Wees ten alle tye nederig en toegewyd in als wat jy doen en doen dit met ‘n opregte hart en God sal jou waardig ag en oplig. 2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker






Algemene Werker

Hendrina Rooi




Bonito Pedro



Administratiewe Personeel

Wayne van Rooyen


Kleine Zalze Wyne


Booi Blom

Koup/Sentraal Karoo


Tegniese Operateur

Gladwin Nzima


Villiera Wines


Dawid Davids


Môreson Boerdery

Sosiale Ontwikkeling

Rose van Wyngaard


La Motte

Junior Bestuur

Japie Petoors



Middel Bestuur

Faiz Neethling


Riverside-Van Loveren

Beste Potensiaal

Franklin Jansen




Kanonkop Wynlandgoed

Wes-Kaapse Plaaswerker van Jaar 2014 Jerome Thomas 057 plaaswerkers van regoor die WesKaap het hierdie jaar aan die Wes-Kaap plaaswerker van die jaar kompetisie deelgeneem, ‘n rekord getal vir hierdie kompetisie. Op 7 November 2014 is die gala geleentheid gehou, geborg deur Shoprite en Wes-Kaap Departement Landbou. Die Jaloersbokkies het die atmosfeer geskep met bekende treffers soos die Rosa. “Almal wat deelgeneem het aan die kompetisie is ‘n wenner” , het Minister Alan Winde in sy toespraak gesê. Mnr Winde het ook die prys oorhandig aan die algehele plaaswerker van die jaar wenner, Jerome Thomas van Kanonkop Landgoed. Hy het met kontant pryse, studiebeurs en ‘n oorsese reis weggestap.


Booi Blom.


Dawid Davids.

Faiz Neethling. Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014

Jerome Topley, Executive Director, Agri Mega NPC.

Minister Alan Winde en Jerome Thomas, Wes-Kaapse Plaaswerker van die Jaar 2014.

Wayne van Rooyen.

Franklin Jansen.

Bonito Pedro.

Hendrina Rooi.

Gladwin Nzima.

Japie Petoors.

Rose van Wyngaard.

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker


DINK NUUT OOR HOE GOD JOU SIEN: VRYGESPREEK, NIE VEROORDEEL NIE! Lees: 1 Kor 1:30-31 en 2 Kor 5:21, asook Rom 4:25 tot 5:1 en 8:1 en 33. k weet nie van jou nie, maar ek hou nie daarvan om met mense kontak te maak vir wie ek iets skuld nie. Ek is bang dat ek my kan vasloop teen ’n klomp lastige vrae. Ek sal moet verduidelik waarom ek nog nie my skuld betaal het of my verantwoordelikheid om iets te doen, nagekom het nie. Skuldgevoelens hou my weg van mense af. Net so maak skuldgevoelens ook dat baie Christene onbewustelik probeer wegbly van God af. Omdat hulle skuldig voel, is hulle bang om in God se teenwoordigheid te kom, net soos wat ’n beskuldigde bang is om in die hof voor die landdros te verskyn. Hulle vrees veroordeling. Hulle is bang hulle word van

’n klomp goed beskuldig. Skuldgevoelens en vrees vir veroordeling ondermyn ons gebedslewe. Dit hou ons weg van God af. Maar die Bybel het vir ons goeie nuus. Jesus was tot die dood toe absoluut gehoorsaam aan God (Fil 2:8b). Hy het Homself nooit skuldig gemaak aan enige sonde nie (Joh 8:45 en Hebr 2:15). Selfs tydens sy verhoor kon die regter (Pilatus) niks kry waaraan Jesus skuldig was nie (Joh 18:38 en 19:6b). Nogtans is Hy gekruisig. God sê in sy Woord dat Jesus sonder sonde was, maar dat Hy in ons plek as skuldige veroordeel is. Die goeie nuus is dus dit: Jesus is in ons plek veroordeel en ons is in sy plek vrygespreek. Hy moes vrygespreek word, maar Hy was Amos-Bediening Leierskap-Span (ABLS) Amos Ministry Leadership Team (AMLT) E-pos: [email protected] ABLS Koördineerder Piet Dreyer E-pos: [email protected]


bereid om sy vryspraak vir ons te gee en ons doodsvonnis vir Hom te vat. Daarom sê die Woord baie duidelik: “Daar is dus nou geen veroordeling vir die wat in Christus Jesus is nie” (Rom 8:1). En ook: “God het ons dan nou vrygespreek omdat ons glo. Daarom is daar nou vrede tussen ons en God deur ons Here, Jesus Christus” (Rom 5:1). Dis wonderlik. Die verhouding tussen my en God is nie meer gespanne nie. God beskuldig my nie meer van alles wat ek verkeerd doen nie. Hy verwyt my nie oor al die gebede wat ek nié gebid het nié. God is vír my, nie teen my nie (Rom 8:31). Elkeen wat in Jesus glo, kan met vrymoedigheid na God gaan. God

gaan jou verseker nie beskuldig of veroordeel nie. Hy het jou reeds vrygespreek. Daar is dus geen rede om van God af weg te bly nie. Geen rede om nie met geloof in gebed na Hom te gaan nie. Die verhouding tussen julle is heeltemal herstel. Deur Christus is dit reg en mooi en goed. Jesus gee jou sy vryspraak (die vryspraak wat Hom toekom) sodat jy in God se teenwoordigheid kan kom. Gebruik die voorreg. Gebruik dit baie. Bid gedurig. Boer voor die troon! God wil so graag hê jy moet deur gebed in sy teenwoordigheid kom. Hy wil hê jy moet naby Hom wees. Hy wil na jou luister en vir jou alles gee wat jy vra.

Bydraes, briewe en navrae: Amos Agrimin, Posbus 17270 Bain’s Vlei 9338 Tel: +27(51) 451 1874/1981 Faks: +27(51) 451 1598 E-pos: [email protected]

Bankbesonderhede: Eerste Nasionale Bank, College Court Rekeninghouer: AMOS AGRIMIN Taknommer: 230-137 Rekeningnommer: 5299 000 8842

Tuisblad: www.amosafrica.net

Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014


is weer sulke tyd, see-, kers- en kuiertyd. Hierdie is los hande my gunsteling tyd van die jaar. Wanneer almal bymekaar kom langs die braaivuur, vriende en familie wat jy deur die jaar nie gesien het nie kom maak’n draai. Ek het gemengde gevoelens oor kersdag self. Ons hou 99% van die tyd kersfees ete by ons huis, wat vir my lekker is, want dis waar ek die gemaklikste is (die wat my ken sal weet dat ek nie baie hou van by ander mense kuier nie) , maar dis baie werk, die hele regmaak vir ete, dan die skoonmaak proses daarna is ‘n nagmerrie. Elke jaar sê ek, volgende jaar gaan eet ons by ‘n restaurant, maar met dit verdwyn die samesyn en gemaklike kuier. By ons huis eet ons rustig op kersdag, die tafel word gedek, almal eet, maar die kos bly heel middag en meeste van die aand op die tafel, so as jy later nog lus is vir ‘n stukkie soutvleis kan jy maar vir jou kry, waar gaan ons dit kan doen in ‘n restaurant. Wat van die oorskiet kos vir die volgende dag, dis mos tradisie net soos kersdag self. Die volgende resepte bevat almal roosmaryn, dis maklik om in jou eie tuin te plant en het min water en aandag nodig. Steel ‘n stukkie by jou vriend of bure en maak vir hom ‘n gaatjie in jou tuin of in ‘n pot op die vensterbank in die kombuis. Hierdie resepte is almal maklik en lekker Desember vakansie kos idees. Geniet dit! Roosmaryn Koekies Hierdie koekies kan jy mooi verpak en gee as klein kers geskenkies. Bestandele: 2 koppies meel 1 koppie versier suiker 250g koue botter, in blokkies gesny 3 takkies roosmaryn Metode: Verwyder die blare van die roosmaryn en kap fyn. Sif meel en versier suiker in ‘n bakkie en voeg roosmaryn by. Vryf botter in met jou vingerpunte totdat dit ‘n deeg vorm. Rol die deeg uit totdat dit min of meer 1cm dik is, jy kan dit dan in vormpies van jou keuse uitsny. Die botter maak dat die koekies versprei wanneer dit gebak word so dit sal nie die presiese vorm behou nie. Smeer die koekie plaat met margarien en plaas koekies ongeveer 5cm uitmekaar op plaat. Bak teen 180 oC vir 10-12 min. Hou ‘n ogie op hulle, want hulle brand gou! Gebraaide Roosmaryn Aartappels Hierdie sal ‘n treffer wees vir jou kersete Bestandele: 600g klein aartappels ¼ koppie olyf olie 1 teelepel growwe sout 1 teelepel vars gemaalde peper 1 eetlepel fyngekapte knoffel 2 eetlepels fyngekapte roosmaryn blare Metode: Voorverhit oond tot 180 oC. Sny aartappels in

die helfte of kwarte en plaas in ‘n bak met die sout, peper, olie, knoffel en roosmaryn. Meng goed totdat al die aartappels goed bedek is met die mengsel. Plaas die aartappels op ‘n oond bak en bak vir 1 uur. Jy sal ‘n paar keer die aartappels moet omdraai sodat dit eweredig bruin word.

¼ koppie olie ¼ koppie vars gedrukte suurlemoen sap 2 teelepels gekapte roosmaryn blare 4 knoffel huisies 2 teelepels fyn gerasperde suurlemoenskil ¾ teelepel rooi peper 8 hoender dye met vel verwyder

Worsie Sosaties Vinnige happie vir jou vakansie gaste Bestandele: 4 lang stele vars roosmaryn 8 kersie tamaties Rooi peper in 2.5cm blokkies gesny 8 klein worsies 1 teelepel heuning 1 teelepel mosterd

Bros laag: 1 ½ koppies meel ¾ koppie fyn gedrukte corn flakes ½ koppie gerasperde Pecorino kaas ¼ koppie olie 1 ½ eetlepel sout ½ teelepel fyn swart peper 3 groot eiers

Metode: Voorverhit oond tot 200 o C. Sny die roosmaryn stele sodat dit ‘n punt aan die einde maak, verwyder meeste van die blare, nie almal nie. Ryg die tamatie, peper en worsies op die roosmaryn steel. Herhaal bestandele totdat die steel vol is. Meng heuning en mosterd in ‘n bak en gebruik ‘n kwas om oor die sosaties te verf. Braai in die oond vir 18-20 min of totdat worsies gaar is. Roosmaryn-Suurlemoen Oond Gebakte Hoender Vir wanneer jou idees vir vakansie etes aan die min kant is, bedien met ‘n vars groen slaai. Bestandele: ½ koppie karringmelk

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker

Metode: Vir die marinade: meng al die bestandele behalwe die hoender. Voeg hoender by en bedek met die marinade. Bedek dan die bak met hoender en marinade en hou oornag in yskas. Volgende dag kan jy die oond verhit tot 180 oC. Meng meel, corn flakes, kaas, olie, sout, peper en rooi peper in ‘n bak. Klits eiers in aparte bak. Doop dan die hoender eers in die eier en dan in die meel mengsel. Sit die hoender in ‘n oond bak en laat die hoender vir 15 minute daarop rus. Bak totdat die hoender goud bruin is, dit sal ongeveer 40-45 minute neem.

Geniet dit!


DAGBOEK 1 December – World Aids Day 3 December – International Day of persons with disabilities 5 December – International Volunteers Day 9 December – World Patient Safety Day 16 December – Day of Reconciliation 18 December – International Migrants Day 18 December – World Arabic Day 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Day of Goodwill January – Skin Cancer awareness month 1 January – New Years Day 4 January – World Braille Day 27 January – World Leprosy Day 27 January – International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the holocaust All South African Government Schools close on 10 December 2014.

YOUTH: PEER PRESSURE, CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS WISELY e have all experienced a bit of peer pressure in our lives, whether it’s good or bad. Yes, there is such a thing as good peer pressure. Your peers are those people who are in the same age bracket as you, in other words your friends or cousins or classmates. Peer pressure is the influence that your peers have on you. This pressure can start at a very early age. As young as when you start to socialise with others. If you watch your younger brother or sister carefully you will notice that they are easily influenced by what their friends are saying, doing or wearing. Many teens get influenced to do bad things to others, because it’s okay we won’t get caught or I’ve done it so you must also do it. It is important to stand by what you believe in and learn to say no in an uncomfortable position, yes you might not be the most popular kid at school then, but it will blow over and soon you will find teens that are just like you. You will see that it will be much easier and comfortable to be friends with people that are like you. Teenagers, it seems have the worst form of peer pressure. When you are a teen you want to fit in, being part of a group and most of us 14

would do as the group does. That is why most of us do the things we do. In a way when we are young our friends shape our personalities. Just sit back and think how you act, speak and think when you are among different people. If your friends are sporty, you will also participate in sport, if they swear and don’t do their homework, chances are you will too. Your peers can also influence the way you feel, if your friends are positive people you will be too and if at an odd occasion you do feel a bit down your friends will lift you up with their positive spirits the opposite will happen when you have negative friends. Try it, if you have friends that are bad, that do bad things that don’t want better lives for themselves, try and find friends who play sports and do their homework and want to do something with their lives and see how it influences you. It is true we do act like the people we surround

ourselves with, whether you notice it or not. This does not change when you become an adult, some adults still act like their friends and differently in the company of different groups of friends. This is why you should decide now as a teenager who you are and who you would like to be and find peers with the same goals, dreams and ambition to help you achieve these aspirations. Don’t let peer pressure stand in the way of your future.

Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014

Here are a few things to keep yourself and the kids busy during the holidays. 1. Decorate the tree together. You could even make your own decorations. Use play dough (which you can also make yourself ) cut into shapes and bake so that the dough is hard. Remember to make holes for string before you bake it and hang on the tree. You could also do this with cookie dough, but they might disappear before Father Christmas comes. 2. Rent a few movies and make popcorn, it will keep the kids busy all day and it’s cheaper than taking everyone to the cinema, especially those who live far from the city. 3. Bake biscuits, everyone likes a good biscuit, but it normally takes you a whole day to bake. Get the kids to help you, it will keep them occupied for hours. 4. Camp in your own back yard. Camping sites are normally booked months in advance. Take a tent and put it up outside, kids can have great imaginations they will have loads of fun. 5. When I was little we used to dress up and have a fashion show for our parents. Girls and boys loved this. You could even dress up and host a play. 6. Take the kids to the library, you could get a few books for yourself and them this will keep them occupied and get them reading all in one. 7. Have a picnic at your local park or in your garden 8. Teach your children how to knit or sew on buttons to clothing, believe me she will thank you later when she has a family of her own and it will give you time to bond. Father’s could teach the boys how to make their own kites; I remember my cousins used to do this a lot when they were younger. You could of course do this with both your daughter and son, and it is the 21st century. 9. Go hiking, there are many hiking trails in this beautiful country of ours and most of them are for free. 10. Have a pizza party, everyone can help make the pizza dough and choose their own toppings, a whole lot nicer and healthier than shop bought pizza.

SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS! t’s holiday time again and it can be fun for some of us, but for others with small children and even older kids, it can be a nightmare. How do you keep the little monsters entertained without breaking the bank or having them break down the house? It’s a tough one, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Enjoy the holidays and remember it’s a time for family not fighting!



Active Bold Clever Dreamy Encouraging Feisty





Generous Handsome Inventive Jovial Kind Loyal






Mischievous Nice Observant Pleasant Resourceful Sincere

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker




Tough Virtuous Wise

Die woorde wat onder die vierkant verskyn is almal versteek in die vierkant. Kleur die letters van elke woord in, die eerste woord is klaar vir jou ingekleur. Vul jou besonderhede in en pos aan: Kopkrap Kompetisie, Die Plaaswerker, Posbus 1477, Paarl, 7624. Die sluitingsdatum vir hierdie kompetisie is 9 Januarie 2015. Alle korrekte inskrywings sal in aanmerking kom vir ‘n gelukkige trekking waarna die wenner gekontak sal word. Prysgeld vir hierdie kompetisie is R100. Naam en Van: __________________________________________ Adres: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Kode: __________ Telefoonnommer waar u gekontak kan word: _________________________________________________

Die wenner van Oktober/November se kopkrap kompetisie is:

Zeenat Abelse van Paarl. Baie Geluk!


VROUE  6 VAN DIE BESTE NUWEJAARS VOORNEME OOIT! et die aanbreek van elke nuwe jaar maak mense nuwejaars voorneme, jy kan selfs sê dat dit ‘n wêreldwye tradisie is. Teen die eerste week of twee is hierdie voorneme al vergete. Maak hierdie jaar bereikbare voornemes, klein dingetjies waarby jy kan hou. Hier is 10 wenke wat jou 2015 stukke beter as 2014 sal maak.

“Net omdat jy nie van die gimnasium hou nie , beteken dit nie jy moet totaal en al die oefen tou weggooi nie.”

1. Kry genoeg slaap ‘n Goeie nagrus verbeter jou konsentrasie deur die dag, verbeter jou gemoed en help ook met jou gewig. Jou liggaam herstel wanneer jy slaap. Wanneer jy genoeg slaap inkry is jou liggaam en brein funksie optimaal. Om te bepaal hoeveel slaap jy nodig het, gaan slaap en word wakker sonder ‘n alarm. Doen dit vir 3-4 dae, dit sal dan bepaal hoeveel slaap jy waarlik nodig het om optimaal te kan funksioneer. Vermy maaltye 2 ure voordat jy gaan slaap, dit sal verhoed dat spysvertering jou in die aand wakker hou. 2. Eet ‘n vrug of groente by elke maaltyd Vrugte en groente is vol vitamiene en antioksidante wat jou liggaam nodig het vir ‘n goeie immuunstelsel. Hoe meer groente en vrugte jy inkry, hoe beter. Sny ‘n piesang in jou pap of graanvlokkies in die oggend, eet ‘n slaai voor jou hoof maaltyd. 3. Vind ‘n vorm van oefening waarvan jy hou

jou gemoed. Balans is baie belangrik, ‘n goeie sosiale lewe help met depressie, jy sal ook meer kyk na jou voorkoms en gesondheid. Dit Net omdat jy nie van die gimnasium hou nie, beteken ook nie jy moet oorboord gaan nie, beteken dit nie jy moet totaal en al die oefen probeer een sosiale geleentheid per week, dit tou weggooi nie. Maak ‘n lys van 5 tipes oefen- sal definitief jou lewe verbeter. ing waarvan jy hou, dit kan trampoelien spring, stap, fiets ry, swem enigiets wees. Die geheim 5. “Stop sweating the small stuff ” is om iets te vind waarvan jy hou in ‘n omgewing waarvan jy hou en jy sal dan geneig wees Moenie meer stres oor die klein dinge in die om dit meer te doen. lewe nie, te veel stres, verswak jou immuunstelsel en maak dan dat jou liggaam te swak word, 4. Kuier meer met familie en vriende en jy dan siek word. Wanneer iemand jou weer kwaad maak, haal diep asem en vra jouself of Kuier met familie en vriende is baie goed vir dit regtig die moeite werd is. 16

6. Vermy die suiker Te veel suiker, beteken te veel kaloriee en geen voedingswaarde vir jou liggaam. Eet ‘n vrug of ‘n joghurt voor die hongerte inskop. Moenie maaltye mis nie, honger pyne sal jou vinnig na die lekker pakkie laat gryp. Probeer natuurlike suikers, soos vrugte, kaneel en soet patat, hierdie kosse sal ook langer jou soet tand stil hou.

Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014

kids corner Start


2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker


LETS LEARN ABOUT... FENCING ell-designed and constructed fences are essential infrastructure on any property. Without quality fencing, maintaining livestock can be a real headache. Straying stock are not only a danger to themselves and passing motorists but also a sure way to get upset neighbours. Luckily smart investment in the right fencing material and a little fencing know-how can go a long way to manage both four and two-legged creatures. Whether replacing an existing fence or erecting a new one, the first step is to decide on the most appropriate fence for the job.

The most appropriate fence design will depend on a number of factors: • The type of animal needing to be kept in or out. Different animals have different fencing requirements — cattle for instance place much higher pressures on fences than sheep. • Whether the fence is an internal fence or boundary fence - boundary fences may need to be sturdier than internal fences. Barbed wire may be recommended for boundary fences. • The topography of the site - does the fence pass through gullies or up steep slopes and other issues such as whether the fence will have to withstand floods or fire.

Wire fences for mixed large and small stock • A minimum height of 1200 mm • The number of fence wires varies from 6 to 10. Any combination of smooth wire and barbed wire can be used for large stock, small stock or mixed large and small stock.

Let the following example serve to illustrate. A fence of 1200 mm requires the following: wire netting 900 mm wide; 3 fence wires to keep the wire netting in position; 2 fence wires above the wire netting; 2 fence wires above the wire netting if it is anchored to the ground.

“Well-designed and constructed fences are essential infrastructure on any property.”

Other farmers and local fencing suppliers can help to determine the most suitable fence for you. The minimum requirements for inner fences for various kinds of livestock are as follows: Wire fences for large stock • A minimum height of 1200 mm • The number of fence wires varies from 5 to 8.

Jackal fences These fences need to be a minimum height of 1350 mm, and the minimum height above the ground of the top edge of the wire netting is 750 mm. The wire netting must be attached to the bottom wire. A row of stones can be put beneath the bottom wire to prevent this wire and the wire netting from lying on the ground where it could rust. The width of the wire netting should preferably be 1200 mm, although 900 mm is also acceptable. Using a width of 1200 mm, 4 fence wires are needed to keep the wire netting in position, with 3 fence wires above the wire netting. The fence wires above the wire netting should preferably be of barbed wire. The maximum spacing of the fence wires above the wire netting is 100 mm. However, a spacing of 75 mm is preferable.

Wire fences for small stock a) Sheep only • A minimum height of 900 mm • The number of fence wires varies from 5 to 7. b) Mixed small stock (sheep and angora goats) • A minimum height of 1050 mm • The number of fence wires varies from 7 to 9. 18

Game-proof fences For this purpose game is divided into the following three groups:

Group 1 includes kudu, eland, impala, waterbuck and buffalo. This group requires a fence 2,4 m high with 21 fence wires. Group 2 includes gemsbuck, red harte beest, wildebeest, sable and zebra. This group requires a fence 1,8 m high with 16 fence wires. Group 3 includes blesbok, bontebok, springbok, grey rhebok, mountain reedbuck and other smaller game species. This group requires a fence 1,4 m high with 13 fence wires. Wire netting in a game fence must be 1200 mm wide and must be anchored to the ground.

Wire netting for separating inner camps

Pre-woven fences Specifications for straining and fence posts are the same as for wire fences. Droppers are not necessary. The distance between fence posts in a livestock fence is 16 m and in a gameproof fence 10 m. Fence wires for keeping the woven fence in position is not necessary.

Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014

Livestock-proof pre-woven fences may be used • as livestock fences. However, this type of fence is not jackal-proof. Now that you know what kind of fencing you’ll need let’s look at the different fencing materials you will need for the job: Straining posts, corner posts and gateposts • The minimum depths at which straining posts, corner posts and gateposts should be planted are available in the trade. In a livestock fence a stage may never be more than 500 m in length, and in a game fence no more than 300 m. All gateposts must be properly anchored. Straining posts must be anchored at least to the one side, and fence wires must be wound around the straining post at least twice and then fastened. • Wooden posts: Wooden posts must bear the mark of the SABS, and be 120 mm in diameter at the small end. • Iron posts: In the case of rail sections, posts must have a mass of at least 10 kg/m. In the case of pipes it must not be less that 100 mm in diameter, with walls of no less than 3,65 mm, with a steel plate base of 300 mm x 300 mm x 3 mm, and with a metal cap on top. However, it can also be filled with concrete, in which case the metal cap is not required. Fence posts • The minimum depths at which fence posts should be planted are available in the trade. In a livestock fence fence posts may not be more than 20 m apart, and in a game fence not more than 15 m apart.

Wooden fence posts: For use in a livestock fence, the diameter of a wooden fence post should be at least 70 mm at the small end. However, 75 mm to 100 mm is recommended. The diameter for a wooden fence post used in a game fence should be at least 75 mm at the small end, but 100 mm is recommended. Iron fence posts: I- or Y-section iron fence posts with a mass of 3 kg or 2,5 kg/m respectively are recommended. For Y-section poles in a game fence, every fifth pole must be supported by means of a pipe post with a 50 mm diameter. Aluminium alloy fence posts: The diameter of a post must not be less than 70 mm.

Droppers • The length of droppers must correspond with the height of the fence. A minimum of 4 droppers between fence posts is required. For a livestock fence the maximum spacing is 4 m and for a game fence 3 m. • Wooden droppers: Treated droppers bearing the SABS mark are recommended. The diameter at the small end should be at least 30 mm. • Iron droppers: Ridgeback or CG-type iron droppers are recommended. In a game fence two iron droppers or two wooden droppers can be used as one dropper by placing the one above the other, and attaching both to the middle wire or wires where they overlap. • Galvanised wire droppers: The recommended application is a double twisted galvanised wire dropper of 4 mm or 3,15 mm

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker

with a maximum spacing of 4 m. As an alternative, single strands of the same material can be used, placed not more than 2 m from each other. • Aluminium alloy wire droppers: A double twisted wire dropper of 4,5 mm or 4,06 mm or 3,15 mm at a maximum spacing of 4 m is recommended. Binding wire • Galvanised soft wire with a thickness of at least 1,6 mm is recommended. e) Anchor wire • Galvanised soft steel wire with a minimum diameter of 3,15 mm or aluminium alloy wire with a minimum diameter of 3,1 mm is recommended. Galvanised wire netting • The mesh in the wire netting must be 75 mm to 90 mm and the diameter of the wire must not be less than 1,8 mm. Fence wires • Fence wires may be either barbed wire or smooth wire or a combination of barbed and smooth wire. The top and bottom fence wires in a game fence must be high-tension wires with a minimum diameter of 2,24 mm or an oval cross section of 2 mm x 2,6 mm. • For game fences fence wires are spaced throughout at 114 mm from the ground surface. For jackal fences the spacing above the wire netting is as follows: 75 mm for wire netting up to a height of 750 mm to 1050 mm; 75 mm to 100 mm for wire netting higher than 1050 mm.


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Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014


1 DECEMBER  WORLD AIDS DAY December is World Aids Day, this day is dedicated to a disease that has claimed more than 39 million lives thus far and 35 million people were living with HIV at the end of 2013. Our beautiful continent, Africa is the most affected region in the world, with 24.7 million people living with HIV at the end of 2013.

“Individuals cannot become infected through ordinary day-to-day contact such as kissing, hugging, shaking hands, or sharing personal objects, food or water.” How does the virus work? The Human Immunodeficiency Virus targets the immune systems and weakens people’s surveillance of defense systems against infections and some types of cancer. The virus destroys and impairs the function of immune cells and infected individuals gradually become immune deficient. The most advanced stage of HIV infection is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which can take from 2 to 15 years to develop depending on the individual. AIDS is defined by the development of certain cancers, infections, or other severe clinical manifestations.

All testing and counselling services must include the 5 C’s recommended by WHO: informed Consent, Confidentiality, Counselling, Correct test results and linkage to Care, treatment and other services.

How do people become infected? HIV can be transmitted via the exchange of a variety of body fluids from infected individuals, such as blood, breast milk, semen and vaginal secretions. Individuals cannot become infected through ordinary day-to-day contact such as kissing, hugging, shaking hands, or sharing personal objects, food or water. Behaviours and conditions that put individuals at greater risk of contracting HIV include: Having unprotected anal or vaginal sex; Sharing contaminated needles, syringes and other injecting equipment and drug solutions when injecting drugs; Receiving unsafe injections, blood transfusions, medical procedures that involve unsterile cutting or piercing. Experiencing accidental needle stick injuries, this mainly happens to health workers.

There is no cure for HIV infection. However effective treatment with antiretroviral drugs can control the virus so that people with HIV can enjoy a healthy and productive life. Source: World Health Organisation www.who.int/

How do I prevent contracting the disease? 1. Male and female condom use Correct and consistent use of male and female condoms during vaginal or anal penetration can protect against the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Evidence shows that male latex condoms have an 85% or greater protective effect against the sexual What are the signs and symptoms of the disease? transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The symptoms of HIV vary depending on the stage of infection. 2. Testing and counselling for HIV and STIs Though people living with HIV tend to be most infectious in the first Testing for HIV and other STIs is strongly advised for all people few months, many are unaware of their status until later stages. The exposed to any of the risk factors so that they can learn of their own first few weeks after initial infection, individuals may experience no infection status and access necessary prevention and treatment symptoms or an influenza-like illness including fever, headache, rash services without delay. WHO also recommends offering testing for or sore throat. partners or couples. As the infection progressively weakens the person’s immune system, 3. Voluntary medical male circumcision the individual can develop other signs and symptoms such as swollen Medical male circumcision, when safely provided by well-trained lymph nodes, weight loss, fever, diarrhea and cough. Without treathealth professionals, reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV ment, they could also develop severe illnesses such as tuberculosis, infection in men by approximately 60%. This is a key intervention cryptococcal meningitis, and cancers such as lymphomas and Kaposi’s in generalized epidemic settings with high HIV prevalence and low sarcoma, among others. male circumcision rates.

How do I know if I have the disease? HIV testing should be voluntary and the right to decline testing should be recognized. Mandatory or coerced testing by a health-care provider, authority or from a partner or family member is not acceptable as it undermines good public health practice and infringes on human rights.

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker


JEUG: GEVOLGE VAN DWELMS nie,maar die gevoel hou nie vir eesdae is dwelms mos Baie dwelms, soos tik verander ook die “in ding” almal rook ewig nie. jou voorkoms. Jy word maer en dagga, almal is op tik of Dwelms doen ook baie dinge aan slaan uit in jou gesig, jy verwaarbuttons of een of ander jou liggaam.Jou brein is soos die loos jouself, want al waaraan jy kan dwelm wat die lewe dalk vir ‘n kort kontrole sentrum by die lughawe. dink is die dwelms. rukkie beter maak. Dit stuur boodskappe na die Baie dwelms veroorsaak lewer Baie tieners of jeugdiges gebruik res van jou liggaam. Wanneer jy probleme, jou liggaam kan nie dwelms as gevolg van groepsdruk. dwelms gebruik stuur jou brein meer siektes veg nie, jou hart klop Dit is verstaanbaar, jy wil deel die verkeerde boodskappe na jou te vining, jou liggaams temperwees van die “cool kids”. Die seuns liggaam. Dit is hoekom mense wat atuur is so hoog dit kan jou brein waarvoor almal bang is of die dwelms gebruik dinge hoor en beskadig en jy kan sterf van ‘n meisies waarvan almal hou. sien wat nie daar is nie. beroerte of oordosis van dwelms. Maar het jy al mooi gevolge van dwelm “Ander gebruik weer dwelms om weg Die gesit en dink aan die gebruik is veel erger gevolge van dwelm te kom van die realiteit van hul lewe. as die van hoe jy gaan misbruik. Ja, almal by voel as ‘n paar ouens die skool en by die huis Dit gaan nie goed by die huis nie, by die by die skool nie van preek daaroor. Wat skool gaan dit nog erger, jy sien nie hoe jou hou nie, dit waai weet hulle? Maar het jy in elk geval oor ‘n paar dit kan beter word nie en dwelms gee maande oor en die al regtig gekyk, na jou vriend wat verslaaf is is nie so erg dat jy vir jou ‘n lekker gevoel, dat niks saak lewe aan tik, waardeur hy /sy dwelms moet gebruik maak nie, maar die gevoel hou nie vir nie. Ons almal kan iets of hul ouers of familie moet gaan,is dit regtig doen, jy moet net glo ewig nie.” die moeite werd? dat jy kan en natuurlik Ander gebruik weer dwelms om Jungle Oats eet. Dwelms laat jou hart vinniger weg te kom van die realiteit van klop, jou liggaam stadiger beweeg hul lewe. Dit gaan nie goed by die en jou asemhaling versnel. Dit huis nie, by die skool gaan dit nog affekteer ook die manier waarop jy erger, jy sien nie hoe dit kan beter dinge sien, hoor, voel en proe. word nie en dwelms gee vir jou ‘n Sommige mense wat vir ‘n ruk lank lekker gevoel, dat niks saak maak dwelms gebruik, ontwikkel ‘n tipe verdraagsaamheid teenoor die dwelm. Hulle dink dan dat hul liggame gewoond geraak het aan die dwelm en probeer dan iets erger om weer die gevoel te kry wat hul voorheen gekry het. Dit is baie gevaarlik aangesien jy ‘n sterker dwelm moet gebruik wat dan jou liggaam erger kan aantas.






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2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker

Western Cape candidate takes the honours

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Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014

Tailor made Agricultural Insurance Understanding your needs Agruma is an underwriting management agency catering for the very specific insurance needs of the agricultural sector, inclusive of rural commercial businesses. The combination of their sound knowledge of the industry, together with their expertise and support of Constantia Insurance Company and the Agri Mega Group (AMG), enable the Agruma team to provide you with insurance that is perfectly tailored for this market. With over 40 years of combined experience in agricultural and rural commercial insurance, Hannes du Plessis and his team, are the perfect instruments that will ensure that every specific insurance need of this niche market will be addressed. The team has 17 years of professional experience and built relationships with leading brokers across South Africa. The market Agruma offers market specific insurance to a selected group of highly recommended brokers, who will service farmers and commercial businesses in the platteland. The difference With “food security” on everybody’s lips, the importance of the South African agricultural sector and the need to protect this vulnerable industry can no longer be questioned

nor ignored. Combing their exceptional service levels with sector specific underwriting, the Agruma team is sure to play a pivotal role in securing the future of agriculture. Their strong relationship with both brokers and clients, and their personalised service levels, are the key factors that keep Agruma in touch with the unique needs of the agricultural and rural commercial community. Acknowledging the diversity of the sector and of each client, the team will assess individual needs and pledges to find a tailor-made solution for every potential client. Products and services Agruma’s product and services are extremely flexible and therefore allow for individualised insurance solutions. It offers coverage for both the farm and rural business venture in a single policy. Rural businesses in the total agricultural value chain could definitely benefit from insuring with Agruma.

To enable Agruma to offer you these exceptionally high levels of service you deserve, we partnered with companies that share in our vision, mission and passion for the agricultural sector. The two main partners are: • Agri Mega Group (AMG) AMG is a growth and development business with a focus on facilitating change. On-going transformation and land reform in agriculture is critical to facilitate good social order, food security and sustainable production. With AMG as a shareholder, Agruma is able to access the rural and business markets with a competitive edge in the agriculture insurance industry. The partnership aims to ensure optimum access to required finance and insurance, to commercial and previously disadvantaged smallholder farmers. • Constantia Insurance Company (Ltd) Constantia Insurance Company has been in existence for 60 years and has vast expertise in underwriting agencies because it is a core part of their business. Currently there are twelve underwriting agencies in Constantia’s portfolio that exhibit a wide range of products. Constantia is well known for its continuous innovation – an excellent business philosophy!

One policy means one debit order, thus making payment and planning so much more convenient. In addition to their standard underwriting services, Agruma also offers a number of value added services and products to the benefit of our urban clientele. Be sure to get all the relevant information from you broker. The partners

Contact: 087 809 1691 E-mail: [email protected] Agruma (Pty) Ltd Reg no: 2012/207013/07, an authorized Financial Service Provider – FSP Number 45254

short term insurance for agriculture and rural businesses

2014 December / Januarie - Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker



Die Plaaswerker | The Farm Worker - December/ Januarie 2014