Page 1 of 6. V. L. EC. V. GL. VZ. E. M. L Sarah Merritt. Executive Director.
. Dena Villareal. Book
Goldsboro, NC 27530 Permit # 192
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage
Sarah Merritt Executive Director
[email protected] Traycee Williams Operations Director
[email protected] Heather Reynolds Gallery Director
[email protected] Dane Magee Gallery Assistant
[email protected] Anna Hajjar Gallery Assistant
[email protected] Dena Villareal Bookkeeper
[email protected]
BOARD Martha Kornegay President Renita Allen Dawson Vice-President Barbara Bradshaw Secretary Alando Mitchell Treasurer Amita Shreenath Past President
Arts Council of Wayne County 102 N. John Street Goldsboro, NC 27530 (919)736-3300
PARTNERS Center Stage Theatre Goldsboro Area Photography Club Goldsboro Ballet Goldsboro Writers’ Group Heritage Dance Foundation StageStruck Starlight Dance Band III Century Singers Goldsboro Multicultural Arts Advocates
The ACWC Board of Directors and staff wish you the happiest of holidays. May your 2016 be a year of peace, love, joy, and creativity!
102 N. John St. Goldsboro, NC 27530
Color Printing Courtesy of
of Goldsboro
These projects are supported by the N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources.
Betty Duncan Beverly Ann Kee Kalilah Mischeaux Allison Platt Susie Sumner Spencer Tate Elizabeth Woodard Tyanna Yonkers Matt Young
Ensuring the arts are thriving in our community.
2016 Winter Quarter Events
Hamlet's Corner
Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the public.
January 1/8–First Friday & Opening Reception: North Carolina through the Lens: Photographs by the Goldsboro Area Photography Club and Junior Women’s Club Student Art Show–5pm to 8pm 1/14–Open Mic Night–6:30pm to 8:30pm 1/15–PNC presents Wayne County Jazz Showcase ft. Eve Cornelious–7pm to 9:30pm
1/21–Artist Professional Development–5:30pm to 7pm 1/22–Community Drum Circle–6pm to 8pm
February 2/5–First Friday & Mystery Masterpieces($30/ticket)–5pm to 9pm 2/11–Open Mic Night–6:30pm to 8:30pm 2/13–Valentine’s Day Dinner & Painting Party–6pm to 9pm ($4/person) 2/15–ACWC closed for President’s Day 2/18–Opening Reception–5pm to 7pm. RGB CMYK: Photographs by Marilue Cook and The Way I See It: Work by Robert Lawrence 2/19–PNC presents Wayne County Jazz Showcase ft. Ernest Turner -7pm to 9:30pm 2/26–Community Drum Circle–6pm to 8pm
March 3/4–First Friday & Downtown Art Walk–4pm to 9pm 3/10–Open Mic Night–6:30pm to 8:30pm 3/18–PNC presents Wayne County Jazz Showcase ft. Dick Griffin–7pm to 9:30pm 3/25–ACWC closed for Good Friday
ART OF FASHION SHOW is scheduled for Saturday, April 23. More information coming soon. Calling all clothing and jewelry designers, and models. If you’re interested in being part of this great event, contact the Arts Council of Wayne County – (919) 736-3300.
HEY KIDS! Don't forget to check out our new classes. Congratulations 2015/2016 Subgrant Recipients The ACWC is the Designated County Partner for the NC Arts Council’s Grassroots Arts Program. Each year we are required to grant out 50% of our Grassroots funds to Wayne County arts and community organizations for arts programming. Organizations can receive a minimum of $250 and a maximum of $2,000. This year’s recipients are Center Stage Theatre, Goldsboro Ballet, StageStruck, III Century Singers, Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County, Friends of the Peggy Seegars Senior Center, Artistic Dance Productions, University of Mount Olive, Starlight Dance Band, and Wayne Historical Association. A total of $14,900 was awarded.
Downtown Art Projects Piano Project Thanks to David Weil for getting the Arts Council involved in a fun, new downtown art project. In September, Mr. Weil approached us with the idea to paint pianos for placement in specific downtown locations. In October, he had a wonderful upright delivered to us. Many thanks to artists Suzy Palmer and Christy Thompson for transforming the old instrument. The piano is located in front of the Waynesboro House on Center Street. Watch for more painted pianos coming soon to downtown Goldsboro.
Downtown Alley Projects ACWC staff and volunteers continue to work on a series of art panels for two downtown alleys on the 100 block of East Walnut Street and the 100 block of North John Street. Bistro Alley will feature panels of scenes Greece by Martha Kornegay, ACWC Board President and Studio Artist from around the world representing the international cuisines of downtown restaurants. Music Alley will feature music themed panels celebrating our community’s rich musical traditions. We expect to unveil these projects in early 2016. Follow us on Facebook - Arts Council of Wayne County - for updates and more information.
Mystery Masterpieces Friday, February 5, 5pm to 9pm Mystery Masterpieces is an art lottery. Local artists create masterpieces on 6”x6” canvases. This year we’ll have over 150! You get in on the action by purchasing a $30 ticket for one masterpiece or a $50 ticket for two masterpieces. On the night of the event, you will draw a number. You will receive the artwork with the corresponding number. It’s fun and you’re supporting the ACWC! On February 5, join us for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, live music & learn whodunnit! The mystery artists will be revealed, and you’ll get to take home your original masterpiece. (You don’t have to be present to get a masterpiece. We’ll draw your number and deliver it to you).
Tickets go on sale January 4 and can be purchased at the ACWC, 102 N John St, Goldsboro or over the phone 919-736-3300.
Valentine’s Day Dinner & Painting Party Saturday, February 13, 6pm to 9pm
Try something different this Valentine’s Day! Join us for a very fun evening. We start with light hors d-oeuvres followed by a dinner of lasagna, salad, buttery garlic bread, and finish up with decadent chocolate cake. Dinner includes wine, beer, and ice tea. (Vegetarian lasagna available). After dinner, artist Martha Kornegay will lead you through the creation of beautiful paintings that can be hung together or separately . No previous painting experience necessary!
Must be at least 18. $45 per person Call 919-736-3300 to get your ticket Space is limited.
Downtown Art Walk Sponsored by the Duke Energy Foundation Friday, March 4, 4pm to 9pm
This fun event will start at the ACWC where you’ll pick up a map and your Art Walk Passport. Follow it to the participating businesses around downtown. Stop in, meet the artist, check out the business, and get your passport stamped. Once you’ve visited all of them, come back to the ACWC and enter to win a $100 gift certificate to the Art Market.
artist opportunities free stuff
Creative Directory: Are you a visual artist, musician, performer, writer or dancer? If so, you need to be listed in the ACWC’s Creative Directory. Located on our website, the Directory is a great place to list all of your information, links to your website and social media sites, and photos and videos of your work. For more information about the Directory, contact
[email protected].
vending opportunities
First Friday: This monthly, laid-back, social event is a great chance to mingle with other artists, market yourself to the community and sell your work; commission-free. For $25, you can reserve a table and two chairs. Call 919-736-3300 or email
[email protected] for more information. Downtown Art Walk: March 4, 4pm to 9pm. This is a great opportunity to market your business and sell your work commission-free. For more information call 919-736-3300 or email
[email protected].
professional development
FREE: Art & Taxes - A Tax Workshop for Artists.
January 21, 5:30pm to 7pm. Anne-Marie Wright, from A. Wright, CPA will provide and overview of streamlining the tax preparation process for self-employed individuals and will integrate tax savings tips for artists and other entrepreneurs. The discussion will be followed by an open Q & A so bring your questions! Call 919-736-3300 or email
[email protected] to register.
Music Lessons
Have you ever wanted to learn to play an instrument? We offer piano, violin, cello, guitar, ukulele, drum & voice lessons for $20 per 30 minutes (paid monthly). For a complete description of classes & instructors go to or call 919-736-3300.
Duke Energy Foundation Grant The Arts Council of Wayne County has been awarded a Duke Energy Foundation grant. The $5,000 award supports the organization’s Downtown Art Walk program. Funds will be used to provide musical performances, art activities, artist demonstrations, and promotion of this quarterly event. Many thanks to the staff & Board of the Duke Energy Foundation!
Winter 2016 Exhibits Junior Women’s Student Art Exhibit- TA Loving Gallery January 8 to January 22 Opening Reception – January 8, 5pm to 8pm This annual contest exhibits the artwork of Wayne County’s k – 12 students and features a variety of mediums. Works awarded a prize will advance to a regional competition. North CarolinaThrough the Lens– Main Gallery January 8 to February 13 Opening Reception – January 8, 5pm to 8pm This exhibit showcases the personality of North Carolina as seen through the lens of some of Goldsboro's finest photographers with the Goldsboro Area Photography Club. RGB CMYK - Main Gallery February 18 to March 24 Opening Reception – February 18, 5pm to 7pm An exhibit of the work of photographer Marilue Cook featuring vivid images that span the spectrum. Cook brings a parade of colors to the Arts Council of Wayne County in her photographs from around the corner and across the world. Visitors will be able to immerse themselves in images that are categorically displayed according to the colors of a rainbow. The Way I See It - TA Loving Gallery February 18 to March 24 Opening Reception – February, 18 5pm to 7pm Enter the surreal world of Robert Lawrence. Through his colorful, detailed ink and graphite drawings, he explores themes of fantasy, fear, and futuristic imagery.
2016 Juried Fine Art Show Change of Date
Due to the overwhelming number of eastern North Carolina juried art shows in the spring, the ACWC is moving its Juried Fine Art Show to the fall. The 37th Juried Fine Art Show will open on Friday, October 7. The prospectus for artists will be published online and mailed in late June or early July.
Featured Artists: January - Eve Cornelious Febuary - Ernest Turner March - Dick Griffin Check our website Information coming soon!
Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 The Arts Council of Wayne County (ACWC), in partnership with the North Carolina Arts Council and 31 North Carolina communities is participating in the fifth national Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 (AEP5) research study to be conducted by Americans for the Arts (AFTA). Conducted though out 2016 this research will measure the economic impact of the nonprofit arts and culture industry for Wayne County and the State. The 2012 Arts & Economic study found that nonprofit arts and culture was a $2.8 million industry in Wayne County – one that supported 90 full-time equivalent jobs and generated $267,000 in local and state government revenue. Local partners in this important study include University of Mount Olive, Downtown Goldsboro Development Corporation, and Paramount Theatre Foundation. ACWC staff, community partners, and volunteers will collect audience surveys at arts events in Goldsboro, Mount Olive, and around Wayne County. The Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 findings will be published in 2017. In Wayne County, we anticipate a dramatic increase in the numbers.
2015/2016 Fund Drive
One ot the oldest Arts Councils in North Carolina, the ACWC has been serving Wayne County for over 52 years. The organization is passionate about providing all of the wonderful events, projects, and programs you see in this newsletter. The Arts Council of Wayne Couty is fortunate to receive state and local government support. Approximately 72% of our annul buget is raised through earned revenue, grants and YOUR support. If you have already given to the 2015-2016 fund drive, THANK YOU! Please give as much as you can. If you haven't, please consider giving now. Every donation is important!
You can make your 2015-2016 Fund Drive donation:
· Online at · Send checks to 102 North John Street, Goldsboro, NC 27530 · Call 919-736-3300
SmART Initiative Update In early 2015, the North Carolina Arts Council selected Goldsboro to be a SmART Initiative community. The SmART Initiative provides resources to cities and towns, with a demonstrated partnership between the local arts council and local government to produce transformative arts-driven economic development projects. With funds from the AJ Fletcher Foundation, the program provides the Arts Council of Wayne County (ACWC) with $30,000 per year for up to five years. The North Carolina Arts Council working with the ACWC, Downtown Goldsboro Development Corporation, and City of Goldsboro, identified a local resource team consisting of community leaders, downtown business owners, and local artists to begin working on the first phase of the initiative- the creation of an Art Vision Plan- and put out a national call for artists to submit their qualifications. Out of dozens of submissions, the team narrowed the field to three artists. In July, the artists came to Goldsboro for interviews. The team selected Walter Hood to create the Vision Plan.
About Walter Hood Walter Hood is an Oakland, CA-based designer, artist and educator. He is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley's landscape architecture and environmental design department, which he chaired from 1998 to 2002. His studio practice, Hood Design, has been engaged in architectural commissions, urban design, art installations, and research since 1992. Hood specializes in the urban civic realm. Within it, his work ranges from small community-based places to large-scale landscape commissions. Hood was a fellow at the American Academy in Rome in Landscape Architecture in 1997. In 2009-10 Walter Hood received the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for Landscape Design, and in 2010 was bestowed the title, Master of Design, by Fast Company Magazine. In 2013, Hood was appointed as the inaugural holder of the David K. Woo Chair in Environmental Design. Walter Hood was an instructor at LandWorks in Sardinia in both 2014 and 2015. He also completed the Rising Waters Confab Rauchenburg Residency in May 2015 in Florida. Hood served as a Goldman Sachs Design Fellow for the Smithsonian Institute in 2011 and as a MIT fellow for Robert Taylor in 2011. He has exhibited and lectured on his professional projects and speculative works internationally. Walter Hood has several publications that illuminate his unique approach to the design of urban landscapes. His published monographs: Urban Diaries and Blues & Jazz Landscape Improvisations, won an ASLA Research Award in 1996. In 2001 Walter’s essay “Macon Memories” was featured in the Princeton Press. His work had been featured in the exhibition and publication, “Open” New Designs for Public Spaces, Van Allen Institute, NY, Metropolis Magazine, the New York Times, and Dwell Magazine, etc.
Art Vision Plan – Phase 1 Hood’s first visit will take place February 4, 5, & 6. During this time, he will meet with community stakeholders and the SmART Resource Team, get a tour the community and an indepth look at downtown Goldsboro to gather inspiration and learn about the aspirations for public art and aesthetic interventions (permanent and temporary) for downtown Goldsboro. Stayed tuned to the ACWC’s quarterly newsletter and for updates about the Art Vision Plan and information about community meetings and workshops. To learn more about the SmART Initiative go to
CHILDREN’S CLASSES Paintings from the Heart w/Penny Craven – Thursdays January 28, February 4 & 11- 4 & 5 year olds 4:15 to 5:15pm and 6 & 7 year olds 5:30 to 6:30pm. Young artists will learn basic painting techniques as they paint colorful and abstract hearts based on the work of artists like Peter Max. Cost: $58, all supplies included. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration. Pottery Fun – Wendsdays Febuaray 17. 24, and March 2 and 9 and 5pm to 6pm for ages 5 to 7, 6:15pm to 7:15 for ages 8 to 12. Children will learn hand building techniques and make a pinch pot, coil bowl, and a slab plate Cost: $50, all supplies included. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration. Parents, are you interested in trying a fun pottery class? We are offering a class for the grown ups the same dates and times as this kids class. See the listing on the next page. Fun Baskets – Tuesdays March 8 & March 15 – 5:30 to 6:30pm. Kids ages 5 to 12 will love this fun class. Each student will make two baskets, a rabbit and a chicken. Cost: $35, all supplies included. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-7363300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration. Easter Egg Dying - Thursday, March 24 - 5pm to 6:30pm. In this annual class, students will use different techniques to decorate a half-dozen hardboiled eggs. The Easter Bunny will be delighted to see such beautiful, colorful eggs. Kids ages 5 to 12 will love this festive class. Cost: $15, all supplies included. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration.
Mom & Me Easter Themed Glass Painting w/Suzy Palmer – Saturday, March 12, 10:00am to Noon. In this fun class, Mom will paint a wine glass and child will paint a cute tumbler. This is a fun way to spend a Saturday morning enjoying some family time and getting creative. Cost: $30 (for 1 adult & 1 child – additional children $10 each), all supplies included. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration.
Summer Art Camp! Stay tuned. We’ll be planning our Summer Art Camp schedule and projects in January and publishing the info at the end of February so you can start planning your child’s summertime fun.
ADULT CLASSES Sweetheart Wine Glass Painting w/Suzy Palmer – Thursday January 28 – 6pm to 9pm. Students will create love themed wine glasses or champagne flutes. A great chance to make something to keep or give to a loved one. Cost: $30, all supplies included. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration. Atmospheric Painting Workshop w/Christy Thompson – Saturday January 23 - 10am to 3pm (lunch break 12:30 to 1pm). Arts Council of Wayne County Main Gallery. Working with the instructor, each student will select a scene. Students will learn techniques for painting depth, distance, and other beautiful qualities of the atmosphere. Cost: $125 per person, all supplies included. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration. Registration ends January 19. Drawing What You See w/Tim Darr – Thursdays, January 21 & 28 and February 4 & 11 -6:30pm to 8:00pm. Successful drawing and painting often requires the ability to accurately reproduce what you see in front of you. Developing and enhancing those skills always results in better art. The focus of this class is on the use of drawing aids, defining values, measuring, understanding shapes, edges, and proportions. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced artist, this class will significantly improve perception skills and your art. Cost: $50. Students will supply their own pencils, paper, erasers, and one or more reference photos. For the supply list, go to Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration. Pottery Leaf Bowls - Wendsdays Febuaray 17, 24, and March 2 and 9 – 6:15 to 7:15pm. In this class, students will use a variety of real leaves to make beautiful leaf bowls. Cost: $40 all supplies included. Registration is required and payment is taken at the time of registration. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration. Next Steps in Acrylic Painting w/Christy Thompson – Thursdays March 3, 10, 17, and 24, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Have you dabbled with acrylics but you’re not sure what to do next? Whether you’re interested in learning some new techniques or looking to further you’re existing skills, this class is for you. Cost: $65, all supplies included. Stop by the ACWC or call 919-736-3300 to register. Payment is due at the time of registration. Cancellation policy: The Arts Council is unable to give refunds for cancellations less than 7 business days days before the start date of any class or workshop. If the Arts Council must cancel a class, your registration fee will be refunded. Thanks for your cooperation with these policies!