2017 Annual Meeting, to be held at the newly-renovated Charlotte Marriott ... The American College of Obstetricians and
12 hours of CME including opioid prescribing!
This continuing medical education activity is jointly provided by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Target Audience and Purpose
The North Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological Society & NC Section of ACOG is pleased to announce its 2017 Annual Meeting, to be held at the newly-renovated Charlotte Marriott City Center in Charlotte, NC. The target audience for this meeting includes obstetricians and gynecologists in private practice and in academic medicine, residents in training, physician assistants, and mid-level providers. This educational activity will update attendees on the latest medical knowledge available from medical literature, clinical experience and research, to keep practitioners on the forefront of new discoveries and their application to the practice of obstetrics and gynecology for the benefit of their patients.
• Describe who should be tested for Zika infection and discuss which tests should be used. • Identify women at risk for postpartum hemorrhage and develop standardized team-based methods for controlling postpartum hemorrhage. • Describe ways to counsel women with PCOS on weight loss, activity and medication options. • Discuss counseling regarding and placement of postpartum LARCs. • Describe how Medicaid policies are developed.
ACCME Accreditation
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists designates this live activity for a maximum of 12 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. College Cognate Credit(s) The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists designates this live activity for a maximum of 12 Category 1 College Cognate Credits. The College has a reciprocity agreement with the AMA that allows AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM to be equivalent to College Cognate Credits.
Disclosure of Faculty and Industry Relationships
In accordance with College policy, all faculty and planning committee members have signed a conflict of interest statement in which they have disclosed any significant financial interests of other relationships with industry relative to topics they will discuss at this program. At the beginning of the program, faculty members are required to disclose any such information to participants. Such disclosure allows you to evaluate better the objectivity of the information presentation in the lectures. Please report on your evaluation form any undisclosed conflict of interest you perceive.
Americans with Disabilities Act
The NCOGS is fully committed to the principle of equal educational opportunities for all individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of any characteristics protected by federal or state law. If you require any of the auxiliary aids or services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to participate in this program, please call Nancy Lowe at the NCOGS at (919) 833-3836 no later than 10 business days before the date of the activity.
Meeting Features
Friday afternoon features the Presidential Address by Laurence Shields, MD on the Maternal Early Warning System, along with information on the Postpartum Hemorrhage Project in North Carolina and an important legislative update and outlook on the 2017 General Assembly. Saturday features an ACOG update on the Future of Women’s Health by Barbara Levy, MD, along with presentations from the state’s residency programs. Also on Saturday, residents and students are invited to a free lunch forum on Promoting Patient Safety and Quality of Care in Residency Training. On Sunday, a special session on Opioid Prescribing will be offered to help meet the new CME requirement. The weekend includes a welcome reception and daily breaks in a networking hub presenting products and services to help the ob/gyn practice. On Saturday evening, bring your family to the optional reception and dinner, featuring musical entertainment. Attire for all functions is business casual, except for the Saturday dinner, for which cocktail attire is suggested.
Distinguished Service Award
On Saturday evening, the NC Obstetrical and Gynecological Society will present its Distinguished Service Award to Joseph McDonald “Mac” Ernest, III, MD. Dr. Ernest chaired the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Carolinas Medical Center until his retirement in 2014. He also served as Professor Emeritus of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Associate Dean for Student Services at Wake Forest School of Medicine. Dr. Ernest served as President of the NC Obstetrical and Gynecological Society in 1997 and as President of the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics in 2005-06.
To secure your accommodations, please call (800) 359-3204 or go to this link to book online: http://bit.ly/2017NCOGSAMRB. Our block of rooms will be released on March 16 so you are urged to make your reservation promptly. Rates are just $156 plus taxes, per night. The hotel parking garage is valet-only; the rate is $25 per day.
Meeting Registration: Early Registration Discounts End March 15
Optional Free Resident lunch Program: Promoting Patient Safety and Quality of Care in Residency Training
Immediately following the resident presentations on Saturday, residents, fellows and students are invited to a free lunch presentation discussing the use of simulation in residency training, presented by Brian Charles Brost, MD, and moderated by NCOGS Past Presidents Robert Higgins, MD, and Haywood Brown, MD. Pre-registration is required for catering purposes.
Free Time Options
Charlotte is a vibrant city with an abundance of leisure time and recreational options. The U.S. National Whitewater Center (www. usnwc.org) is famous for its rafting, paddle boarding, kayaking and canoeing, zipline and ropes courses, as well as 30+ miles of scenic trails. Many museums including Discovery Place Nature and the NASCAR Hall of Fame are within an easy walk of the hotel. The Charlotte Knights baseball team has its season opening home games beginning April 6. For ideas and inspiration, go to www.charlottesgotalot.com/.
The registration fee for this meeting is $275 for member physicians, $475 for non-member physicians or PharmD, and $125 for mid-level providers. The fee for senior/retired members is $200. Registration fees are waived for residents, fellows and medical students. Members of neighboring state societies may register at the NC member rate. Registration fees include electronic versions of the handouts, continental breakfasts, daily breaks, the Friday evening reception for the participant and guests, and the Saturday reception and dinner for the participant. The fees for guests for the Saturday reception and dinner are noted on the registration form. You may register securely online at http://www.cvent.com/d/wvq62p or complete and return the registration form in this brochure. Refunds of registration fees will not be made after April 1; refunds, less $25, will be made for cancellations received prior to that date.
If you have any questions or need assistance, contact the NCOGS at (919) 833-3836 or nlowe@ncmedsoc.org. 3
Friday, April 7
11:00am-6:00pm Meeting Registration 12:45pm-5:30pm Scientific Session
12:45pm Welcome and Introductions - Cecelia Grasinger, MD, President, and Elizabeth Livingston, MD,
Annual Meeting Program Chair
1:00pm Presidential Address: Maternal Early Warning System - Laurence Shields, MD
1:40pm NC Postpartum Hemorrhage Project Kickoff - Arthur Ollendorff, MD
2:20pm Managing PCOS in the Obese Patient - Rebecca Usadi, MD
3:00pm Break / Networking
3:30pm Prematurity Prevention - Amy Murtha, MD
4:10pm NC Health Services Update - Robert Lamme
4:50pm Legislative Advocacy Update - Robert Lamme
5:20pm Q&A/Discussion
5:30pm Adjourn
5:30pm-7:00pm Reception / Networking
Saturday, April 8
7:00am-12:00pm Meeting Registration 7:00am-8:00am Continental Breakfast / Networking 7:30am-9:00am Spouse/Guest Breakfast (pre-registration required) 7:50am-12:30pm Scientific Session
7:50am Introductions - Elizabeth Livingston, MD
8:00am Postpartum Depression - Robert Bashford, MD
8:45am ACOG Update: The Future of Women’s Health - Barbara Levy, MD
9:25am NCOGS & NC Section of ACOG Annual Business Meeting - Cecelia Grasinger, MD
9:50am Break / Networking
10:20am Stress and Ovarian Function: Mind over Matter? - Sarah Berga, MD
Resident Presentations
11:00am Pregnancy Outcomes for Women on Buprenorphine vs. Methadone Opioid Replacement Therapy
- Erin Lorencz, MD (MAHEC)
11:15am Surgical Management of Low-grade Endometrial Cancer: Where Are We Now? - Allison Puechl, MD (Duke)
11:30am Peripartum Prediction of Postpartum Preeclampsia - Jenna Beckham, MD (UNC)
11:45am Anatomic Outcomes One Year after Minimally Invasive Sacrocolpopexy: A Comparison between Permanent
and Barbed Delayed Absorbable Suture - Ashley Martinez, MD (Carolinas Medical Center)
12:00pm Discussion
12:30pm Adjourn 12:30pm-2:30pm Optional Resident Lunch Forum: Promoting Patient Safety and Quality of Care in Residency Training - Brian Charles Brost, MD (Moderated by Robert Higgins, MD, and Haywood Brown, MD) (pre-registration required)
Saturday, April 8, cont. Afternoon free
6:30pm-10:30pm Reception, Dinner and Musical Entertainment - Families Welcome! (pre-registration required; cocktail attire)
Sunday, April 9
7:00am-12:00pm Meeting Registration 7:00am-8:00am Continental Breakfast / Networking 7:50am-12:00pm Scientific Session
7:50am Introductions - Elizabeth Livingston, MD
8:00am Zika Update - R. Phillips Heine, MD
8:40am Postpartum LARC - Jessica Morse, MD, MPH
9:20am Break / Networking
9:50am Opioid Prescribing: Safe Practice, Changing Lives - Christopher Grubb, MD
11:15am Pelvic Pain - Denniz Zolnoun, MD
11:45am Awarding of Resident Prize and Closing Remarks - Cecelia Grasinger, MD
12:00pm Adjourn
Charlotte Marriott City Center
The Charlotte Marriott City Center completed a $30 million renovation in 2016, bringing new polish to a building filled with history and character. The hotel’s reinvented style draws the Charlotte community into dynamic, tech-enabled public spaces perfect for connectivity and integration. Learn more at http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/cltcc-charlotte-marriott-city-center/.
Program Faculty
Resident Presenters
Sarah Berga, MD Wake Forest School of Medicine
Erin Lorencz, MD MAHEC
Robert Bashford, MD UNC School of Medicine
Barbara Levy, MD American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Christopher Grubb, MD East Carolina Anesthesia Associates R. Phillips Heine, MD Duke University Medical Center Robert Lamme, BA Rob Lamme & Associates Jessica Morse, MD, MPH UNC School of Medicine Amy Murtha, MD Duke University Medical Center Arthur Ollendorff, MD MAHEC Ob/Gyn Specialists Laurence Shields, MD Perinatal Center Santa Maria, CA Rebecca Usadi, MD Carolinas Healthcare System Denniz Zolnoun, MD UNC School of Medicine
Jenna Beckham, MD UNC School of Medicine
NCOGS 2016-17 Executive Committee Cecelia F. Grasinger, MD President Boone, NC
Ashley Martinez, MD Carolinas Healthcare
M. Kathryn Menard, MD, MPH President-Elect Chapel Hill, NC
Allison Puechl, MD Duke University School of Medicine
C. Richard Kirsch, MD Secretary-Treasurer Thomasville, NC James T. Al-Hussaini, MD Immediate Past President Greenville, NC Robert V. Higgins, MD Past President Charlotte, NC Elizabeth G. Livingston, MD Annual Meeting Program Chair Durham, NC Tana L. Hall, MD Member at Large Greenville, NC Thor O. Svendsen, MD Member at Large Charlotte, NC John R. Allbert, MD ACOG Section Chair Charlotte, NC W. Alan Skipper, CAE Executive Director Raleigh, NC
April 7-9, 2017 • Charlotte Marriott City Center • Charlotte, NC Register securely online! Go to http://www.cvent.com/d/wvq62p
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Degree(s) inc FACOG: _________________ Preferred Name For Badge: ________________________________________ Spouse/Guest, if attending: __________________________________ Child(ren) Name(s) and Age(s), if attending: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ACOG #: __________________ Practice Name: ___________________________________________________ Specialty: __________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (
) ____________________________________E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact: (Name) ____________________________________________ (Phone) _____________________________________________ Accessibility Needs/Dietary Restrictions: ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. REGISTRATION FEES (To qualify for member rate, 2017 dues must be current.) Prior to 3/15 After 3/15 Member Physician $275 $325 Non-Member Physician or PharmD $475 $525 Senior/Retired Member $200 $225 Mid-level Provider: _______________ $125 $150 Resident or Fellow $0 $0 Medical Student $0 $0 • • • Registration Fee Total $ _________
Presentations will be available electronically free of charge for download prior to the meeting. If you prefer to have a printed, paper copy of the lecture handouts, you must pre-order one. The fee for the print version is $25 to cover printing costs. Check below to order a paper syllabus. Additional syllabi will not be available at the meeting.
3. ACTIVITIES (Please indicate number attending for catering purposes.) _____ Friday Evening Welcome Reception @ n/c Spouse/Guest/Children Breakfast ________ adults / ________ children Printed Syllabus @ $25 _____ Saturday Resident Lunch Forum @ n/c (residents, fellows and students only) Saturday Dinner and Entertainment: _____ Registered Physicians/Mid-level providers @ n/c _____ Residents/Fellows/Students @ $65 _____ Spouse/Adult Guest(s) @ $65 _____ Child(ren) 4-12 @ $20 _____ Child(ren) under 4 @ n/c • • • Activity Fee Total $ _________
4. TOTAL FEES (SECTIONS 2 AND 3; INCLUDE $25 FOR PRINTED SYLLABUS) (No refunds after April 1.) Enclosed is check # ___________ for $ ___________ payable to NCOGS OR Visa _____ MasterCard _____ American Express _____ Name as it appears on credit card: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Account #: _________-_________-_________-_________ Expiration Date: ____________ CVV#: _____________ Billing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Please register online, or mail or fax this form to: NCOGS, PO Box 27167, Raleigh, NC 27611, FAX: (919) 833-2023
NC Obstetrical and Gynecological Society NC Section of ACOG PO Box 27167 Raleigh, NC 27611