Pharma Marketing Network's mission is to promote best practices and to help pharma- ceutical marketers .... email âbla
Media Kit Includes Rate Card with Advertising Options & Fees Updated January 1, 2017 Pharma Marketing Network® PO Box 760 * Newtown, PA 18940 215-808-0859
[email protected] © 2017. Pharma Marketing Network
About Pharma Marketing Network .................................. Page 1 Network Visitors and Page Views .................................... Page 2 Publications, Lists, Social Media, & Web Pages................. Page 3 Pharma Marketing News™ Subscriber Profile ...................... Page 4 Pharma Marketing Blog Visitor Profile................................. Page 5 Pharmaguy’s Twitter Follower Profile ................................. Page 6
Ad Options ....................................................................... Page 7 Rate Card Display Ad Options .............................................................. Page 8 Social Media Promotion Options .......................................... Page 9 Promoting Your Services ..................................................... Page 10 Promoting Your Conferences & Other Events ...................... Page 11
© 2017. Pharma Marketing Network
Media Kit
About Pharma Marketing Network® Pharma Marketing Network®—The Leading Online Resource for Pharmaceutical Marketers—brings together into a single online community pharmaceutical marketing, advertising, and sales professionals from pharmaceutical companies, communications companies, and marketing service providers. Pharma Marketing Network (PMN) includes a FREE quarterly e-newsletter (Pharma Marketing News™), a curated content site (PharmaGuy Insights), a blog (Pharma Marketing Blog), a podcast talk show (Pharma Marketing Talk), Twitter accounts (@pharmaguy, @PharmMktingAds, and @PharmMktingNews), Pinterest boards, pages, and a LinkedIn account. A Web portal site and RSS feed widgets distributed throughout PMN integrate all these channels. Pharma Marketing Network's mission is to promote best practices and to help pharmaceutical marketers increase their knowledge, network with their peers, advance their careers, highlight their products and services, and find new clients.
History In 1998, VirSci Corporation, which owns and operates PMN, established the PHARMAMKTING email listserv (also known as an email discussion group) for pharmaceutical marketers. The associated Web site,, was primarily used to promote and support this email discussion list. In 2002, Pharma Marketing News (PMNews), a FREE, independent e-newsletter, supported by advertising, was launched for distribution to members of the PHARMA-MKTING listserv. Pharma Marketing News—currently in its 16th year of publication—includes in-depth articles that are packed with data, opinions of pharma executives, highlights from industry conference, survey results, and much more. In January 2003, the Pharma Marketing Network Portal was officially launched to fully integrate the email discussion group with an informational Web site and PMnews. In January 2005, Pharma Marketing Blog—cited as a “must-read” health blog by the Wall Street Journal—was launched to publish the opinions of John Mack, Editor of Pharma Marketing News. The blog focuses on constructive criticism and analysis of all aspects of pharmaceutical marketing. In March 2008, the Pharmaguy Twitter account (@pharmaguy) was created. Since then, over 26,000 tweets have been posted to the account, which now (January 2017) has over 27,000 followers. Tweets link to editorial and promotional content found throughout the Network. In 2014 PMN officially incorporated Pharmaguy’s social media assets – Twitter accounts, LinkedIn site, and site – into the Network, which now offers advertisers a much larger audience and other benefits of an extensive social media network.
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Media Kit
Network Visitors & Page Views Pharma Marketing Network,, includes a portal Website and Pharma Marketing Blog ( The portal site is organized into subdomains for Pharma Marketing News, the Pharma Marketing Conference Calendar, Pharma Marketing Talk, Glossary, Surveys,, and Ads. In addition, PMN includes a site that curates content from a variety of sources, including sponsors and advertisers.
Monthly Stats (Based 1&1 SiteAnalytics data and Blogger stats as of 1 January 2017)
Views Per Month
Pharma Marketing Blog
Pharma marketing Network
Pharma Marketing News Home Page
PMN Scoop.It Site
Visitors to Pharma Marketing Network come from every continent. The chart on left shows the breakdown of visits by continent for all domains, meetings, and news. Note: 96% to 98% of North American visits are from the United States.
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Media Kit
Publications, Lists, Social Media, & Web Pages The Pharma Marketing Network includes a portal Web site, e-newsletter, content curation site, and social media networks. These are ideal “vehicles” through which advertisers can reach a wide audience of prospective customers. See following pages for relevant subscriber/visitor statistics.
Delivery Format
Pharma Marketing News™ Executive Summary
Short summaries of articles with links to full text (pdf) articles
HTML and Text
Pharma Industry News Update (PinUp)
Curated content of topical interest from a variety of sources
Delivery Method
Ad Types
Publication Frequency
Email to Subscribers
Social Media Ads, Sponsored Content, Banner Ads, Sidebar Ads
Five Times per Year
HTML and Text
Email to Subscribers
Banner Ads, Display Ads
Every Tuesday & Thursday
Twitter account of Pharmaguy™, industry pundit
Text, graphics, Timeline widgets
Web, Mobile
Sponsored Messages
Multiple Posts Daily
Pharma Marketing Blog
A top-rated blog focused on pharmaceutical marketing issues
Web, Mobile
Banner Ads, Display Ads
Available 365/24/7
List of industry conferences
HTML and Text
Email to Subscribers
Featured Box Ads, Banner Ads
Bi-weekly (Monday)
Live Streaming Audio, iTunes Podcast Archive
Sponsored Guest Appearances, Audio Ads
Archived audio podcasts available 365/24/7
Conference Calendar Update
Pharma Marketing Talk
Audio interviews of pharma marketing experts, advertisers, etc.
Curated content from news feeds, publications, sponsors.
HTML, Formatted Text, Attached files
Web & via PinUp
Social Media Ads, Sponsored Curations, Event Listings
Available 365/24/7
Portal Site
Main Web site provides access to all services
Banner Ads, Display Ads
Available 365/24/7
© 2017. Pharma Marketing Network
MP3, playback widget
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Media Kit
Pharma Marketing News Subscriber Profile Pharma Marketing News™, currently in its 16th year of publication, is an enewsletter available FREE by subscription. Periodically—4 to 5 times per year— subscribers receive an email Executive Summary from which they can download the PDF version of the full issue or each article separately. No 3rd-party promotional email “blasts” are sent to the PMN subscriber list. Sponsored content and ads, however, can be included within the Executive Summary (see page X).
Subscriber Professional Affiliation Distribution (Based on 476 responses to a survey of subscribers)
At the end of 2016, there were 6,500 opt-in email subscribers to the newsletter. Fortyone percent (41%) of PMN subscribers are based in the U.S., 21% in Europe, 23% in India/Asia, and 15% elsewhere. Affiliation Pharma/Biotech/Device Company Marketing Communications Company Consultant Other Product/Services Company Publishing/Media Healthcare Professional Consumer or Patient Other
% of Subscribers 30 % 23 % 14 % 11 % 5% 2% 1% 14 %
Topics of Interest to Pharma Marketing News Readers: A=New Marketing Ideas B=Physician Marketing C=Internet, Social Media, New Technologies D=Relationship Marketing E=Sales Force Effectiveness F=Market Research G=FDA Regulation H=Buzz/Social Networking I=Physician education/CME
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Media Kit
Pharma Marketing Blog Visitor Profile Award-winning Pharma Marketing Blog is currently in its 11th year of publication. It was rated #4 in Igea’s Top 10 Pharma Blogs in 2016. The Wall Street Journal said it is a “Must Read” blog for insiders. It’s also read by consumers and patients (10%) and healthcare professionals (6%). Blog posts are promoted via Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest,, and Tumblr social media sites. Visitors also are directed to Pharma Marketing Blog via periodic email highlights sent to nearly 1000 FeedBlitz subscribers.
Reader Professional Affiliation Distribution (Based on 323 responses to a survey of followers)
Fifty-two percent (51%) of PMB readers are based in the U.S., 20% in Europe, 20% in Australia/ India/SE Asia/Asia, 3% in Canada, and 6% elsewhere. Affiliation Pharma/Biotech/Device Company Marketing Communications Company Other Product/Services Company Consumer or Patient Healthcare Professional Consultant Publishing/Media Other
% of Readers 40 % 14 % 12 % 8% 6% 5% 4% 12 %
Topics of Interest to Pharma Marketing Blog Readers:
A=New Marketing Ideas B=Physician Marketing C=Questionable Marketing Practices D=Internet, Social Media, New Technologies E=FDA Regulations F=DTC Advertising G=Sales & Sales Reps H=Drug Safety I=Physician education/CME
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Media Kit
Pharmaguy’s Twitter Follower Profile Twitter extends the Pharma Marketing Network® in a very unique way by broadening the PMN community and helping this community find articles, conferences, advertisements and other information posted on the portal Web site, Pharma Marketing Blog, and Pharmaguy’s Industry Insights Scoop.t site. The Pharmaguy Twitter account is the personal voice of John Mack, Editor of Pharma Marketing News and author of Pharma Marketing Blog. Some comments from Pharmaguy’s followers include: “You have excellent Tweets and are a great source of knowledge,” “you are informative and funny and always on top of things,” “insight & snark rolled into one,” and “I like your analytical turn of mind, being well balanced between criticism and enthusiasm towards all the new [techniques], tools and services.”
Follower Professional Affiliation Distribution (Based on 3,640 responses to a survey of followers)
As of 1 January 2017 there are over 27,000 followers of @pharmaguy on Twitter. About 200 new followers are added every month. Fifty-nine percent (59%) are based in the U.S., 29% in Europe, and 12% elsewhere. Affiliation Pharma/Biotech/Device Company Advertising Agency/Public Relations Consultant/Consulting Company Healthcare Communications Company Healthcare Professional Marketing Services Company Teacher/Student Other Product/Services Company Publishing/Media Medical Education Company Consumer/General Public Other
% of Followers 21 % 14 % 12 % 11 % 7% 6% 5% 5% 4% 2% 2% 12 %
Topics of Interest to Pharmaguy’s Followers: A=Internet, Social Media, New Technologies B=Buzz Marketing C=FDA Regulations D=New Marketing Ideas E=Market Research F=Public Relations G=Physician Marketing H=Drug Safety I=Unbranded/Disease Awareness Promotion
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Media Kit
Ad Options Pharma Marketing Network (PMN) provides the following types of online ad options and formats. See the following pages for more details, ad packages, and prices.
Ad Type
Display Ad
Graphical ad placed on top-viewed PMN pages, Pharma Marketing Blog (all pages), and/or in house emails (e.g., Pharma Marketing News executive summary, Conference Calendar Update, and Pharma Industry News Update) sent to all newsletter subscribers.
468x60, 528x91, 300x250 pixels; jpg, png, or gif
Promotional content housed on the PMN portal site and curated to the “Pharma News, Views, & Events” Scoop.It page plus inserted in a Pharma News Update (PinUp) issue sent via email to all PMNews subscribers. Includes two tweets: one to @pharmaguy and one to @PMNNewsAd Twitter accounts. The latter tweet is inserted into a newsfeed widget displayed on Pharma Marketing Network (Blog & Portal site) linked to the Scoop.It version of ad.
Twitter Campaign
Six (6) scheduled Twitter posts ("Tweets") by @Pharmaguy1. Each Tweet is uniquely composed, approved by the sponsor, and linked to a specified landing page.
Text plus images
Conference/Event Listing
Listing of event name, link, date, and location in Conference Calendar Update (biweekly email sent to ALL subscribers) and/or listing in online Conference Calendar page and/or Scoop.It (plus tweet). Various enhancement options available.
Dedicated, 15-20 minute Pharma Marketing Talk pre-recorded audio podcast and/or short live, on-site Periscope (video) interview. Podcast includes promo page, iTunes listing, Featured Box Ad in newsletter sent to all PMNews subscribers via email, and promotional @pharmaguy tweets.
Audio podcast hosted on iTunes;
(click for details)
Social Media Ad (click for details)
(click for details)
Audio/Video Interview (contact us for details and pricing)
Live video available 24 hours via Twitter
To learn more about the @Pharmaguy Twitter account and followers, see
For more details regarding these and other advertising options, see
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Media Kit Rate Card:
Display Ad Options
The following display ad options are suitable for a variety of promotions including event announcements, product and service messages, etc. These options can be combined in packages for customized campaigns (see following pages). Discounts for multiple ad insertions are available. We will prepare an insertion order/proposal based on your needs.
Popular Display Ad Options Featured Box Ad above the fold on ALL of the TOP 3 most viewed portal pages (Home page, Conference Calendar page, and Newsletter page). Includes graphic image (format: 528x91 pixels; GIF, PNG, or JPG), tag line, and a short paragraph of text. 2-week run.
$ 245
Portal Banner Ad above the fold on ALL of the TOP 3 most viewed portal pages (Home page, Conference Calendar page, and Newsletter page). Image only (formats: 468x60 or 528x91 pixels; GIF, PNG, or JPG). 2-week run.
Blog Banner Ad at top of the Pharma Marketing Blog site (all pages). Image only (formats: 468x60 or 528x91 pixels; GIF, PNG, or JPG). 2-week run.
$ 195
Blog Sidebar Ad above the fold in the right-hand column of the Pharma Marketing Blog site (all pages). Image only (format: 300x250 pixels; GIF, PNG, or JPG). 2-week run.
$ 195
Email Banner Ad placed above the fold in a Conference Calendar Update or Pharma Marketing News Executive Summary or Pharma Industry News Update email blast sent to all Pharma Marketing News subscribers. Image only (formats: 468x60 or 528x91 pixels; GIF, PNG, or JPG). One insertion.
$ 145
Package, Broker, and Advanced Payment Discounts are Available.
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Media Kit Rate Card:
Social Media Promotion Options
PMN uses Twitter, Blogger, LinkedIn, Pinterest,, and Tumblr to “social media enhance” its sponsored promotions to expand and better serve its audience of pharma marketing professionals who use these channels to keep informed. Popular social media promotional options and prices are listed in the following table. Site Metrics As of 1 January 2017: PMNews Email Subscribers: 6,532 @pharmaguy Twitter Followers: 27,037 Scoop.It Followers: 20,739 LinkedIn Followers: 2,410 PMNews Web Page Impressions: 2,618 per week Pharma Marketing Blog Impressions: 40,000 per week
• • • • • •
Social Media Promotional Options Twitter Campaign: Includes 6 scheduled posts ("tweets") to the Pharmaguy2 Twitter account. Each tweet is uniquely composed & linked to a Web page that you specify. It can also include an image.
Fee1 $ 525
Pharmaguy’s Twitter timeline is also displayed in a widget on the Pharma Marketing Blog website. Social Media Ad Campaign: In this option, your promotional content is housed on the PMN portal site and curated to the “Pharma News, Views, & Events” Scoop.It page plus inserted as the first item in a Pharma News Update (PinUp) issue sent via email to Pharma Marketing News subscribers. PinUp is also available to thousands of pharmaceutical industry professionals on LinkedIn. Several tweets to tens of thousands of PharmaGuy followers link to these ad insertions.
$ 425
A Social Media Ad Campaign Includes: • • • • • •
1 1 1 2 4 4
Web Page Ad Newsletter Email Blast (inserted ad) Newsletter Web Page (inserted ad) Scoops Tweets Twitter Widget Inserts
(Click for more information and sample) 1 2
Package, Broker, and Advanced Payment Discounts are Available.
To learn more about the @Pharmaguy Twitter account and followers, see
For more details regarding these and other advertising options, see © 2017. Pharma Marketing Network
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Media Kit Rate Card:
Promoting Your Services
Product or Service Promotional Options
Review Article. A Pharma Marketing News article focused on your product, service, or case study. This Review Article is non-promotional in that it does not promote the sale of a product or service. Usually, a Review Article is combined with a promotional ad in an Advertorial Package (see below).
$ 495
Co-branded Reprint Usage Fee. Co-branding of Review Article with your logo, tag line, and contact information. Includes free unlimited distribution to all Pharma Marketing News readers and subscribers. Client has non-exclusive right to upload pdf file of the article to a Web site and print unlimited copies for distribution.
$ 150
Advertorial Package. A Review Article PLUS an ad or ads that are run independently of the article comprise an Advertorial Package, which highlights your product or service and can include a specific calls to action. Choose from the following popular options (other combinations are available): • Review Article + Reprint Usage + Social Media Ad Campaign • Review Article + Reprint Usage + Podcast Interview Social Media Ad Campaign: In this option, your promotional content is housed on the PMN portal site and curated to the “Pharma News, Views, & Events” Scoop.It page plus inserted as the first item in a Pharma News Update (PinUp) issue sent via email to all PMNews subscribers. PinUp is also available to over 2,400 industry professionals on LinkedIn.
$ 1,165 $ 885 $ 425
Includes two tweets with links to the ad: one tweet via @pharmaguy and one via @PMNNewsAd Twitter accounts. The latter tweet is inserted into a Twitter timeline widget displayed on Pharma Marketing Network (Blog & Portal sites). (Click for more information and sample) Twitter Campaign: This option includes 6 scheduled Twitter posts (“tweets”) made by pharma pundit Pharmaguy2. Over 27,000 professionals follow Pharmaguy on Twitter. Each tweet is uniquely composed & linked to a Web page that you specify. Tracking number of clicks is available. Offers BOTH reach & frequency at a low price! 1 2
$ 525
Package, Broker, and Advanced Payment Discounts are Available.
To learn more about the @Pharmaguy Twitter account and followers, see
For more details regarding these and other advertising options, see
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Media Kit Rate Card:
Promoting Your Conferences/Events
Pharma Marketing Network works closely with conference organizers and other organizations that produce live and/or Web-based events to help them promote their events throughout the Network. The following promotional options are available. For more details regarding theses options, see Options may be combined at a discounted price. Please inquire about customized packages.
Event Promotional Options (live conferences, webinars, etc.) Standard Portal Site Conference Calendar Listing: Includes event name, start and end dates (or times), location, and Web link. 10-point font. ENHANCE IT! Conference name in bold 12pt font, PLUS conference logo/banner (330x55), PLUS tag line and a post to the Pharma Marketing News page. Add $170… Standard Email Conference Calendar Update Listing: Includes event name, start and end dates (or times), location, and Web link. Sent biweekly to ALL Pharma Marketing News subscribers. ENHANCE IT! Conference name in bold 12pt font, PLUS conference logo/banner (330x55), PLUS tag line PLUS tag line and a post to the Pharma Marketing News page. Add $130…
Fee1 $ 175
$ 345 $ 295
$ 425
Standard COMBO Listing: Includes a Standard Portal Listing PLUS Email Update Listing. SAVE $45!
$ 425
ENHANCED COMBO Listing: Includes an ENHANCED Portal Listing PLUS ENHANCED Email Update Listing. SAVE $100!
$ 670
Featured Conference: Includes (1) a box ad at top of Conference Calendar Web page; a large banner (528 x 91 pixels) plus a short paragraph that can include tag line, special offer, etc. Two-week run; (2) a similar ad in one email Conference Calendar Update sent to all Pharma Marketing News subscribers; and (3) a post to the Pharma Marketing News page.
$ 245
Multimedia Enhanced Conference Listing: Same as an Enhanced Portal Listing PLUS an embedded video or audio player or blog/Twitter RSS feed widget. Embed your YouTube overview or Pharma Marketing Talk audio interview of a speaker or speakers or a widget that displays an RSS feed dedicated to your conference. NOTE: Video and audio assets are not included in the price quoted - See "Event Promotion Rate Card":
$ 395
Package, Broker, and Advanced Payment Discounts are Available. Prices may be substantially lower depending on client’s “Loyalty Grade.” For more about that, see "Event Promotion Rate Card":
For more details regarding these and other advertising options, see
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