2017 Sponsorship Opportunities.pdf - Google Drive

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Your logo will be prominently displayed on race apparel, website and best full color. logo placement on posters. Your lo
2017 San Juan 24 North American Championship June 23-25 Oak Harbor, WA has been once again chosen to host the annual San Juan 24 North American Championship. This proud tradition continues to resonate throughout the sailing communities. Its popular location draws many local boats to Penn Cove on Whidbey Island. Our sponsors help create the welcoming and energetic atmosphere by donating door prizes and supporting associated costs in order to pull together a great event. If you are interested in supporting this event, please select the best choice for your business. Platinum and Gold levels need to be registered by May 25 th in order to make apparel design.

Sponsorship Opportunities Platinum Title Sponsor- $750 (Exclusive opportunity-first come, first served) Business name becomes part of the event name (ie-2016 Ullman Sails San Juan 24 North American Championship). Your logo will be prominently displayed on race apparel, website and best full color logo placement on posters. Your logo will be linked to your website from the San Juan 24 Class website through March 31, 2018. Ability to display banners onsite and promotional materials during skipper’s meetings and dinners. Six-foot table will be available to display products and promotional materials may be inserted into skippers’ packets and/or given away as door prizes during the event dinners. Time will be given to representative to speak at skipper’s meetings and catered dinners. Representative may award trophies to race winners at awards ceremonies. Framed poster or plaque to display in your business. Gold Sponsor- $500 or equivalent prizes Full color logo on posters. Linked logo from the San Juan 24 class website through March 31, 2018. Your logo will be displayed on race apparel. Promotional materials may be inserted into skipper’s packets. Ability to display banners onsite and materials during skipper’s meetings and dinners. Recognition during the skipper’s meetings and awards ceremonies. Framed poster or plaque to display in your business. Silver Sponsor- $250 or equivalent prizes Full color logo on posters. Linked logo the San Juan 24 class website through March 31, 2018. Recognition during the skipper’s meeting and awards ceremony. Promotional materials may be inserted into skipper’s packets and/or be given away as door prizes during the event dinners. ------------------------------------------Cut here-------------------------------------------------I am ready to support this year’s event! ☐ Title Sponsor - $750 ☐ Gold Sponsor - $500 ☐ Silver Sponsor - $250

Business Name: Contact Name: Email Address: Street Address: City:

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Please enclose check or money order made payable to SJ24 NACA and mail to: San Juan 24 North American Championship Coordinator: Denise Buys 1035 West Beach Road, Coupeville, WA 98239 [email protected] Ph. 360-678-9025 Questions? Contact Dave at 360-632-1909