2017 Squad Announcement [PDF]

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Oct 23, 2017 - The DAC Men's Na_onal Team is set to compete in the Mekong Cup against long_me rivals, Thailand, next month. Coached by Head Coach ...
DAC Men’s Na,onal Team Squad Announcement Vien,ane, Lao PDR, 23 October 2017: The Lao Rugby Federa,on is proud to announce the squad for the DAC Lao Men’s Na,onal Team who will compete in the 2017 Mekong Cup at Vien,ane’s Chao Anou Vong Stadium next month. The DAC Men’s Na.onal Team is set to compete in the Mekong Cup against long.me rivals, Thailand, next month. Coached by Head Coach Ian Snook and Assistant Coach Steve Bosse, the side is made of players from the senior men’s clubs in Laos the Wild Hogs, Tigers and Buffalos and will be excited to take the field next month following their Asia Rugby Championship Division .tle victory over Indonesia in 2016. Congratula.ons to all of the players who have been selected for the DAC Lao Men’s Na.onal 15s Team including: 1. Adisack Khamphavanh 2. Anousith Chaleuensouk 3. Anousith Phaipanya 4. Anousone Sisomphou 5. Damlongsack Chanthasouk 6. Daniel Phannalay 7. Hideaki Matsumoto 8. Kaikeo Chounlamounty 9. Khampasueth Sihalath 10. Locker Sethsackda 11. Nicolas Sisombath 12. Phayphisith Maniseng 13. Phetsamone Chanthavithong 14. Phonepasith Phetsomphou 15. Phonepasueth Phanousith 16. Phouphet Phou^havong 17. Saoxay Lounbundith 18. Savanhxay Xayyasone

19. Sengamphone Lo^halad 20. Somphone Phommixay 21. Somsaiynoy Phokham 22. Soukthavi Souliyachack 23. Souliyet Thammavong 24. Thit Outhone Thirakhoun 25. Tino Som Paophavihanh 26. Vannaxay Somsuthi 27. William Luangrath Coaching Staff Mr. Ian Snook Mr. Steve Bosse Management Ms. Soulisa Savatdiphon Mr. Tom Meadley Ms. Anoulek Douangdala

Thank you to everyone who came down and tried out for the teams this year and to all of the support staff and volunteers whose dedicated efforts are making the team’s travel and compe..on possible. The LRF encourages everyone to follow the Na.onal Rugby Teams and the Mekong Cup on the LRF website (www.laorugby.com) or on the LRF Facebook at www.facebook.com/laorugby. Cheer on the team by sharing your photo and comments of support and tagging the photos #LaoSuSu. Many thanks to Mekong Cup and LRF Elite and Pla,num Sponsors DAC Management LLC: