20170202Assessment Task Taxonomy and HESF.docx. 1. Role of Curriculum Mapping and an Assessment Task Taxonomy in the Higher Education Standards.
Role of Curriculum Mapping and an Assessment Task Taxonomy in the Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF) A curriculum map is a key tool to demonstrate that a course is compliant with the HESF standards 1 as well as meeting standards set for accredited professional courses. An assessment task taxonomy is a useful tool to ensure a curriculum map is understandable by all stakeholders and to guide the process of designing new units or amending existing units.
HESF Standard
HESF Standard 1.4.3 Methods of assessment are consistent with the learning outcomes being assessed, are capable of confirming that all specified learning outcomes are achieved and that grades awarded reelect the level of student attainment.
Standard assessment task taxonomy and learning outcomes: • •
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limit number of assessment task categories provide descriptor for each category with listed assessment task types that fit within the category provide descriptor for common assessment task types to aid selection provide guidance on selection of assessment task type to align with learning outcome type.
HESF Standard 1.4.4 On completion of a course of study students have demonstrated the learning outcomes specified for the course of study, whether assessed at unit level, course level, or in combination.
Standard assessment task taxonomy and Mapping Curriculum:
HESF Standard 3.1.1 The design for each course of study in specified and the specification includes: … b) structure, duration and modes of delivery; c) the units of study (or equivalent) that comprise the course of study; … e) expected learning outcomes, methods of assessment and indicative student workload.
Standard assessment task taxonomy and Mapping Curriculum:
HESF Standard 5.1 A course of study is approved or accredited, or re-approved or re-accredited, only when: …b) the decision to (re-)approve or (re)accredit a course of study is informed by the design, delivery and assessment of the course independently of the staff directly involved in those aspects of the course…
Standard assessment task taxonomy and external peer review
descriptor of assessment type aids demonstrating that aligned to learning outcomes that assessing increasing difficulty/complexity of same assessment type for different levels of learning through a curriculum to demonstrate scaffolding
simplifies design for alignment of learning outcomes and assessment across course curriculum indicative student workload easier to calculate and justify
Assessment type taxonomy and descriptors provide shared language / translation of meaning of assessment design by unit and course for internal and external peer review.
In particular, HESF Standard 1.4 Learning Outcomes and Assessment, Standard 3.1 Course Design, Standard 5.1 Course Approval and Accreditation and Standard 5.3 Monitoring, Review and Improvement in the Higher Education Standards Framework. 1
20170202Assessment Task Taxonomy and HESF.docx
HESF Standard
HESF Standard 5.3.2 A comprehensive review includes the design and content of each course of study, the expected learning outcomes, the methods of assessment of those outcomes, the extent of students’ achievement of learning outcomes, and also takes account of emerging developments …
Standard assessment task taxonomy and external peer review
HESF Standard 5.3.4 Review and improvement activities include regular external referencing of the success of student cohorts against comparable courses of study, including: … b) the assessment methods and grading of students’ achievement of learning outcomes for selected units of study within courses of study.
Standard assessment task taxonomy and external peer review
20170202Assessment Task Taxonomy and HESF.docx
Assessment type taxonomy and descriptors provide shared language / translation of meaning of assessment design by unit and course for external peer review.
Assessment type taxonomy and descriptors provide shared language / translation of meaning of assessment design by unit and course for external peer review.