2018 Summer Adventures Registration Packet.pdf - Google Drive

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4-H Youth Development. [email protected] ... Add a Club. Stlt
N.C. Cooper at ive Ext en sion For syt h Cou n t y Cen t er

Su mmer Ad ven t u r es 20 18 REGISTRATION PACKET Apr il Bow m an Extension Agent 4-H Youth Development Livestock and Forages [email protected] 336-703-2855

M on iqu e Pear ce-Br ady Extension Agent 4-H Youth Development [email protected] 336-703-2856

Er in M cSpadden Extension Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] 336-703-2848

Accom m odat ion r equ est s r elat ed t o a disabilit y sh ou ld be m ade at least 10 days pr ior t o t h e even t by con t act in g Kim Gr essley, Cou n t y Ext en sion Dir ect or , at (336) 703-2850 or by em ail at k sgr essl@n csu .edu . NC State University and N.C. A&T State University are collectively committed to positive action to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation and veteran status, NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.

Reg is t er in g f o r Su mmer Ad ven t u r es is a s ea s y a s :

1) En r o ll in 4 - H On lin e.

Forsyth County's summer programs are going paperless! We'll be using an online registration system this year. See the next page for detailed instructions on how to enroll in 4-H Online. En r ollm en t in 4-H On lin e is m an dat or y in or der t o par t icipat e in Su m m er Adven t u r es 2018.


C h o o s e yo u r c la s s es .

See page 3 for a list of Forsyth County 4-H 2018 Summer Adventure Classes. Each description contains a registration link for that program. Please follow these links to sign up for individual classes.


Su b mit yo u r pa ymen t .

Payment must be received on or before the registration deadline given for each program. For syt h Cou n t y on ly accept s ch eck , cash , or m on ey or der paym en t s. Payment may be mailed or delivered in person to: For syt h Cou n t y 4-H, 1450 Fair ch ild Rd, Win st on -Salem , NC 27105.

Page 1

Enrolling in 4H0nline SETTING UP A PROFILE You will be required to set up a family profile on 4HOnline, the on-line North Carolina 4-H Enrollment and event registration program. The family profile will be where the members (Youth & Adults) will enroll. The website can be found at https://nc.4honline.com


If you need to create a family profile, select "I need to setup a profile," complete the fields required and click Create Login.

fs!..l J Art you m I Mitttary 4--H Club:

What happens if it says User account already exists? This means a family profile exists with that email address because your child was already enrolled through their local Extension Office. Select "I forgot my password" and a new password will be emailed to the email address on file. Please do not create a 2nd account! Then follow the steps on the tip-sheet, Re-Enrolling in 4hOnline.


County: Email:

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[Farnd'f Create Login


Follow the instructions on the Family Information page and click Continue.


After adding the family, add your family members to that family profile. Use the follow to determine the type of membership to add: • •

Adult: 4-H volunteers Youth: 4-H youth between the ages of 8 and 19 who are involved in a 4-H program

IMPORTANT! Adult records should only belong to adult volunteers.

For adults and youth, the next pages are authorization releases and health forms for risk management. These are important to have completed in case you get injured at a club meeting or 4-H event. If you have questions or concerns when filling out the forms, contact your County Extension Office.

When adding a club, select the club from the drop down and click "Add Club" button to save the selected club. Repeat the same steps to choose your project(s). Each 4-H youth member must have at least one club to be marked active and valid.


Add a Club Stlt >

j submit Enrollment I

When you complete the registration process - click "Submit Enrollment" to send to your local county for activation.


C h o o s e yo u r c la s s es .

Use the REGISTER HERE links below to register for 2018 Summer Adventures programs. You must register for each program individually. Be sure to complete one registration per program for each child.

Dat e


Descr ipt ion / Cost Teen Cuisine

Ju n e 13t h -14t h



Interested in enhancing your cooking skills? Teen Cuisine is the ultimate time to put your cooking knowledge to the test. Come learn about new recipes, make delicious snacks, and enjoy healthy drinks. REGISTER HERE

Cost: $5.00

Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Financial Boot Camp: Only the Financially Strong Survive REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 4:30 PM ON THURS, JUNE 7

Ju n e 25t h -26t h


Learn how to maintain, save, and budget your finances. Develop habits of spending, saving, and investing money to help your financial future. Receive hands-on experience in working through a budget, speaking with banking representatives, and more. REGISTER HERE

Cost: $5.00

Time: June 25th 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM June 26th 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM **We will travel to the Rockingham County Extension on the 26th for this program.** 4-H Discovery

Ju ly 10t h -12t h


Interested in learning more about 4-H? Join us as we learn and explore the FUN world of 4-H! REGISTER HERE

Ju ly 17t h


Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Enjoy hands-on STEM activities. These activities are sure to offer a day of investigative fun!


Cost: $15.00

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Explore the basics of sewing. You will learn some hand-stitching techniques, as well as basic sewing machine operation. You do NOT have to own a machine to participate. REGISTER HERE Chef & the Child

Ju ly 30t h - 8-12 Au gu st 3r d

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Enjoy hands-on STEM activities. These activities are sure to offer two days of investigative fun!

Introduction to Sewing


Cost: $10.00

May the STEM be with YOU! Middle School Learners REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 4:30 PM ON THURS, JUNE 28


Ju ly 17t h -19t h

Cost: $3.00

May the STEM be with YOU! Elementary Learners REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 4:30 PM ON THURS, JUNE 28


Ju ly 18t h - 19t h


Cost: $15.00

Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Experience a hands-on learning opportunity and cook with a REAL Chef. You will learn how to make simple recipes and proper kitchen safety procedures, while preparing nutritious lunches with a local chef. *** Youth may only participate in this class one time, so if they participated in previous years, they are unable to do so again this year. *** REGISTER HERE

Cost: $5.00

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Page 3

3 ) Su b mit

yo u r pa ymen t .

Please circle the events for which you've registered below and provide a total amount owed. Please detach this form and submit it with your payment. You should submit one payment form per child. However, you can submit one check that includes payment for every child.

Nam e of Ch ild: __________________________________________________________________ Teen Cuisine

$ 5.00

Financial Boot Camp

$ 5.00

4-H Discovery

$ 3.00

Elementary STEM


Middle School STEM


Introduction to Sewing


Chef & the Child

$ 5.00

TOTAL AM OUNT DUE: __________

I w ill pay f or t h is ch ild's r egist r at ion via: -

Cash, check, or money order. Please make checks payable to For syt h Cou n t y 4-H and deliver via mail or in person to 1450 Fair ch ild Rd, Win st on -Salem , NC 27105.


This child will use 4-H Sch olar sh ip Dollar s for all or part of their registration fee. - If using Scholarship dollars for partial payment: - ___________ Scholarship Dollars - ___________ Remaining (see above)

Please detach the above section and submit it with your payment.

IM PORTANT INFORM ATION In order to enroll in 2018 Summer Adventures with Forsyth County 4-H, each step delineated above must be completed: 1) En r oll in 4-H On lin e. 2) Regist er each ch ild f or each desir ed class u sin g t h e appr opr iat e lin k s. 3) Su bm it paym en t . * * * * * Regist r at ion is n ot com plet e u n t il all of t h ese it em s, in clu din g paym en t , ar e r eceived. * * * * * Space is limited and is available on a first come, first serve basis to all Forsyth County youth. However, active 4-H members are allowed to register first. Should you need to cancel your registration for any event, please let M on iqu e Pear ce-Br ady (336-703-2856, [email protected]) know ASAP, as we do keep a waiting list for each program. Refunds will be made ONLY if a session has been filled or canceled, and refunds will be mailed in late August 2018. Participants should wear comfortable shoes and clothing for all sessions. Sandals, flip-flops, or open-toed shoes of any kind are not acceptable for outdoor activities and cooking activities. Participant may not be allowed to fully participate if such footwear is worn. Participants should adhere to the 4-H Dr ess Code for all 4-H activities. For all trips and activities, Forsyth County 4-H, its staff, and volunteers, are not responsible for sunburn or insect bites and will not administer either sunscreen or insect repellent. Parent/Guardian is responsible for applying these protective agents. All events operate under the 4-H Code of Con du ct an d Disciplin ar y Pr ocedu r e, which is a condition of participation in 4-H events and activities. We reserve the right to suspend your child from the program without a refund should he/she become disruptive and/or violate the 4-H Code of Conduct in any way. If a child is dismissed from the program, then the parent/guardian or your designee must pick the child up immediately. For all programs three hours in length, Forsyth County 4-H will provide ONE snack and ONE drink. Classes longer than four hours will also receive an afternoon snack. Feel free to send additional snacks if your child will want more than one, but NO PEANUT PRODUCTS will be allowed! Please adhere to the specific age limits set for each activity. Age limits are set reflecting developmental comprehension activities. For accommodations for persons with disabilities or food allergies and/or should you have any questions or concerns, please contact M on iqu e Pear ce-Br ady. We look forward to you joining us for an exciting summer!

Page 4

Th is page in t en t ion ally lef t blan k .

4-H Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Department of 4-H Youth Development I.

Purpose and Application: A.



Behaviors Prohibited at 4-H program Activities: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.



The 4-H Code of Conduct is intended to foster a safe environment that is conducive to optimal learning and growth. Toward that end, youth participants are expected to behave in a way that respects the rights and property of others, and that will not disrupt or interfere with 4-H program goals. This 4-H Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure is a condition of participation in any North Carolina 4-H activities or programs.

Possession, selling, and/or use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and illegal drugs OR being present where individuals are using alcohol, tobacco products and/or any illegal substances Any kind of sexually related physical contact Possession of weapons or firearms (except while participating in a 4-H Shooting Sports Event) Behavior that violates state or local laws Damage to property of others Theft, misuse or abuse of public or personal property Conduct that jeopardizes the safety of self or others Conduct that disrupts or interferes with 4-H programming Leaving a program or facility without permission of parents or 4-H staff (including authorized volunteers) Inappropriate dress, including but not limited to clothing that is sexually suggestive, indecent, or otherwise disruptive to the operations or goals of 4-H. Examples include clothing with negative or hateful language or symbols; see-through blouses, skirts or pants; sagging pants; exposed undergarments; bare midriff shirts; and excessively short or tight garments. Clothing should meet the standards expected in public schools. Specific clothing requirements may be required where appropriate for a particular event Unruly behavior in hotels and public areas, particularly during overnight events. There should be no running in the halls, prank calls, unnecessary noise, excessively late hours, or visiting in rooms of the opposite sex

Additional Basis for Disciplinary Action

County or State Extension personnel may impose discipline pursuant to Part IV below in cases of misconduct by current, former, or prospective 4-H participants if, in the judgment of 4-H personnel or their supervisors, the misconduct poses a potential risk to the 4-H program. This includes risks to the safety or well-being of others and risks to the effective functioning or integrity of 4-H. This applies regardless of whether the misconduct occurred during a 4-H activity or in a setting unrelated to 4-H activity.

1 of 2

Approved of 3/26/10


Disciplinary Procedures: A. Discipline may be imposed by any 4-H staff or Cooperative Extension Service employee who has oversight responsibility for 4-H activities. B. Unless immediate action is required, the following procedures must take place before there can be any finding or conclusion of guilt: 1)

the accused participant shall be told the charge (which of the prohibited behaviors listed above he or she is accused of violating), and 2) the accused participant is told what factual evidence supports the charge, and 3) the accused participant has been given a chance to tell his/her side of the story. C. The 4-H staff person must be satisfied that the participant more likely than not engaged in the prohibited behavior before imposing a sanction. D. Sanctions may include some or all of the following: 1) Verbal warning 2) Notification to parents 3) Immediate removal from the activity 4) Being placed on a behavior contract 5) Referral to local law enforcement and/or juvenile court 6) Program suspension and/or 7) Expulsion from program 8) Other sanctions appropriate to the circumstances, as determined by 4-H. E. Appeals 1) Disciplinary action for local or county-level events may be appealed to the County Director and or 4-H Agent. All appeals must in writing and must be received by the County Director and or 4-H Agent within 30 days of the disciplinary action. The County Director and or 4-H Agent or designee shall review the appeal statement, any written response from the decision maker, and may review other relevant information. The County Director and or 4-H Agent shall send a written decision to the appellant, the 4-H staff member who made the initial decision, and Head of the Department of 4-H Youth Development. The County Director and or 4-H Agent’s appeal decision shall constitute the final agency action unless the Department Head chooses to exercise further review. 2) Disciplinary action for regional or state-level events may be appealed to the Head of the Department of 4-H Youth Development, Cooperative Extension Service, Box 7606, NC State University, Raleigh NC 27695-7606; telephone (919) 515-3242. All appeals must in writing and must be received by the Department within 30 days of the disciplinary action. The Department Head or designee shall review the appeal statement, any written response from the decision maker, and may review other relevant information. The Department Head shall send a written decision to the appellant and the 4-H staff member who made the initial decision, and the Department Head’s appeal decision shall constitute the final agency action. F. Immediate action situations: 4-H or Extension staff may take immediate action to remove a participant from an activity and other action as needed, where there is an emergency situation or significant risk of continuing misconduct. In those cases, the immediate action is temporary discipline and the 4-H or Extension staff must arrange for the procedures in parts B, C, D, and E above as soon as possible but in no event longer than seven days from the temporary discipline.

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Approved of 3/26/10

4-H DRESS CODE For males and females: The dress code is designed to assure that each 4-H member wears the appropriate attire resembling a school and community expectation. Any youth attending 4-H events are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive or obscene, or which endangers the health and safety of the youth or others is prohibited. Examples of prohibited dress or appearance include but are not limited to: • • • • • • • • • • •

Exposed undergarments Sagging pants Excessively short or tight garments Bare midriff shirts Strapless shirts Attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law to minors Head covering of any kind inside except special circumstances See-through clothing Attire that encourages indecent exposure Any adornment such as chains or spikes that reasonably could be perceived as or used as a weapon And any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with intimidation.

** DO NOT wear these items to 4-H events: •

• • • •

Tube tops, halter tops, one-shoulder tops, strapless tops, casual tops with spaghetti straps, dresses/tops/ pants/ skirts that expose midriff, navel, back or cleavage. See-through or muscle shirts. Clothing that advertises alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or drugs. Clothing that has vulgar, obscene or offensive messages or images. Cut-offs, ripped jeans or other clothing with holes.

Please note: Semi-formal wear during the closing banquet at 4-H Congress is an exception.

Agriculture & Industry Tour August 12-17, 2018 Join Alleghany, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Surry, Wilkes, & Yadkin Counties on an out-of-state Agriculture & Industry Tour. We will have stops in North Carolina, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois to learn about crops, equine, sheep, dairy cattle, hogs, beef cattle, and equipment. Stops include: Lexington Horse Park Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory Churchill Downs Poe Hampshire Farm Fair Oaks Farms Caterpillar Visitors Center & Museum John Deere World Headquarters Indiana State Fair UK Sheep & Beef Units

How to Register & Reserve Your Space: Go to http://go.ncsu.edu/agtour or use the QR code to complete online registration. Mail $50 deposit per person (made payable to: 4-H Ag Tour) to: Agriculture & Industry Tour c/o Sara Drake 301 E. Center St. Lexington, NC 27292 Refunds will be given until June 1. Payment is due in full by June 15. Full payment amount is TBD based on sponsorships.

“NC State University and N.C. A&T State University are collectively committed to positive action to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation and veteran status. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.”