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Mastering ‘Metrics: Empirical Strategies for Policy Analysis Professor Josh Angrist (MIT) May 2018 Hosted by The Center for Research and Education in Program Evaluation (CREPE) Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo (map)

GRIPS and UTokyo are pleased to announce a 3-day workshop led by MIT Professor Joshua Angrist (aka “Master Joshway”, author with S. Pischke of Mastering ‘Metrics and Mostly Harmless Econometrics). The workshop will run all day on 21-23 May 2018 at UTokyo. This workshop combines daily lectures with discussions of workshop participants’ empirical projects, and private meeting time (“office hours”) with Master Joshway. The lectures cover contemporary econometric methods and empirical modeling strategies, with a focus on applications to economic policy and program evaluation. The workshop is open to advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, faculty members, policy analysts, and data analysts working in the public and private sectors. Participants should have a good working knowledge of statistics and probability and some experience with econometric applications. Participants are asked to register and pay a fee according the schedule below. Lunch and drinks are provided. Registration Fees (in Japanese yen): Non-academic (or non- Japanese university affiliate) rate

Academic rate

Student discount

UTokyo faculty

UTokyo students






Attendance is capped. Interested participants are requested to apply by 15 January 2018 using this link; course applicants will receive further information regarding timing and logistics.

Registered participants will be invited (though are not required) to submit a paper for presentation at one of 3 informal “labor lunch” workshops to be held over the course of the workshop. Applicants interested in attending office hours are also requested to sign-up (slots are limited). The draft program is outlined below.

Workshop Program Monday, May 21 8:45 am Welcome and registration 9:15 am Random Assignment & Causal Inference CREPE lecture hall 10:30 am Break 10:45 am Regression Recap for Empiricists CREPE lecture hall 12:15 am Labor lunch, 3 participant presentations Location TBA 1:30 am Break 3:30 pm Regression v.s. Matching CREPE lecture hall 5:00 pm Angrist office hours CREPE office

Tuesday, May 22 9:15 am Instrumental Variables -- Old School Style CREPE lecture hall 10:30 am Break 10:45 am Instrumental Variables in the 21st century CREPE lecture hall 12:15 am Labor lunch; 3 participant presentations Location TBA 1:30 am Break 3:30 pm More IV! CREPE lecture hall

5:00 pm Angrist office hours CREPE office

Wednesday, May 23 9:15 am Research Design Meets Market Design CREPE lecture hall 10:30 am Break 10:45 am Market Design Meets Regression Discontinuity Design CREPE lecture hall 12:15 am Labor lunch, 2 presentations Location TBA 1:30 am Break 3:30 pm Economics over ice cream Location TBA 5:00 pm End

Thursday, May 24 4:50 pm Angrist Research Seminar (Open to the public) Kojima Hall seminar room 1 6:35 pm Close

For more information, contact: Stacey H. Chen, GRIPS, [email protected] Hidehiko Ichimura, University of Tokyo, [email protected]