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workers was all bent ou t of shape because she couldnt find her mis tress. She revealed a. le t ter from Ameiko s bro th
24th day of Rova 4707 Evening After many hours of trying to track the goblins and longshanks we decided to head back to to wn to hire a boa t to head up the Turandurok river to ge t to mosswood however th is wasnt the case because Lyriana insis ted on having an exper t on the goblin tr ibes come wi th us, the only person I know wi th a knack for goblin hu nti ng as much as I is Shalelu bu t she doesn ’t come into town bu t maybe twice a season, we went to see if anyone else knew anyth ing more abou t the goblin tribes the Sheriff and Ameiko weren’t to helpful and the Sheriff gave us some gold and made us re at iners and told us not to leave town for awhile I hones tly ha te working for any ins ti tu ti on bu t I could use the money. After all tha t nonsense we headed back to the Dragon where we at lked to tha t ponce Foxglove abou t my reward guy said he wanted to at ke us on a hunt I laughed inside imagining how much of a nancy he mus t be on a hunt so na turally I agreed to come along. Got a li t tle drunk and broke a chair Ameiko was pissed, I wont be drinking here for a while.

25th day of Rova 4707 I woke up and figured I would do the right th ing and go replace the furni tu re I broke las t night, Ameiko seemed to forgive me bu t s till would n’t sell me liquor. We left for the hu nt around noon, upon hearing we had no horses Foxglove offered to pay for all of ours! Wow th is guy is pre tenti ous and loaded, we left for the Tickwood I th ought abou t leaving the group and heading to my shack bu t reconsidered after Foxglove at lked abou t adding to our reward. Grak and I scou ted ahead following the tracks of an enormous hog after awhile Foxglove couldnt keep up wi th the pace and wanted a break to ea t and drink, WINE AND FINE CHEESES who brings these th ings ou t into the woods! Nobody bu t a rich pre tenti ous prick like th is guy, I took a bot tle and sa t next to the group bu t not wanti ng to have any par t in th is shameful display of extravagance, Foxglove true to his word rewarded us in gold and seemed genuinely gra teful and my hear t felt a li t tle guilty for the man who mus t have few friends, bu t tha t soon passed as we headed ou t to kill a boar. Grak & Fang se t up a trap and led the boar s traight to Foxglove (who wanted to kill i t) th ough agains t my be t ter judgment I le t i t all

happen wi th ou t my interference. After the beas t fell we all headed back to the Dragon to ea t our kill. Ameiko and her capable chefs cooked the boar up nice and at s ty, Foxglove couldnt handle his drink and headed to bed early. Ameiko's fa ther dropped by and said some th ings tha t were rude and uncalled for so I popped him one in the face and he shu t his gob. Ameiko was gra teful in her silent way, she gave me a mead on the house after telling me I wouldn’t be able to drink here for a couple weeks after breaking the chair.

26th day of Rova 4707 Well today was rela ti vely boring not much to really wri te bu t le ts see, Woke up and we all headed to the see the sheriff as we had heard news Shalelu was back in to wn th is was odd as she jus t left shor tly before the fes ti val. Shalelu went into more de ta il than I cared to lis ten to abou t the goblin tr ibes some th ing abou t Bru thazmus a goblin loving bugbear and abou t the tr ibes working to ge ther for a common goal. We informed her abou t the goblin a t tack and the incident in the graveyard and then she left to track the goblins like we did the day before las t. The sheriff decided i t was ti me to grab reinforcements from Magni mar for when the goblins a t tack again, we were asked to s ta y and to wn and help wi th the defense of i t (th is left a sour tas te in my mou th as I abhor the th ought of working for anyone other than myself) Lyriana was left in charge (Sigh) and quickly formula ted some harebrained scheme to “spy on the goblins a t night” (Sigh, goblins dont act like people they don ’t keep a schedule) we pa tr olled the s tree ts and I ran into Shayliss, old Ven's younges t daughter qui te the li t tle s trumpe t if I do say so told me she had a ra t problem she wanted me to help wi th (which sounded odd to me because Ven would cer at inly at ke care of his own s tore) ended up being wha t I th ought i t was as she opened her blouse and told me to at ke her, I was all for having th is blissful liaison bu t as chance would have i t Ven showed up a t the moment of consumma ti on and ruined my day after I spou ted some horseshi t from the top of my head and Shayliss corrobora ted wi th i t the puffy red man agreed to le t me keep my head as long as I jus t got ou t for which I happily agreed running half naked up the s at irs. The night was not as exci ti ng as the day and the goblin beach ordeal rendered no new leads.

27th day of Rova 4707

I a woke as Grak s tormed ou t to the hall to check on some dis tu rbance, One of Ameiko 's workers was all bent ou t of shape because she couldnt find her mis tress. She revealed a le t ter from Ameiko's brother Tsu to telling her how he wanted to mee t wi th her a t their fa ther's glassworks factory a t mid night (talk abou t shady). Ameiko was missing th is morning so we went to the only logical place to look for her, the glassworks. We searched around the place and I looked for the back door (tha t was described in the note) while Lyriana was trying to look through the cur at ins in front of the building. Eventually everyone caught up to me and I knocked the same way Tsu to described in his le t ter to no avail, then Lyriana picked the lock on the door and we all went in. Wha t we found inside was not a pre t ty sight a lot of decent people were killed and one was encased alive in molten glass, poor fellow. We killed a lot of goblins which made me a happy individual and inves ti ga ted the res t of the place. Jax and I found a s at ircase leading down into a void, we all regrouped and headed down into the abyss (after lighti ng a torch of course) we wandered a bi t and came across a corrid or and a s at tue wi th a shiny ranseur after Jak made a has ty drawing I pried i t ou t of the s at tue and I got impa tient wi th wai ti ng and the res t is a li t tle fuzzy, apparently I almos t died down there and they rushed me back to the ca thedral to be healed, were going back down there tomorrow so I need some sleep.