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COPYMASTER. Pronoun Case with Compound ... Lesson Summary for Lesson 11, Pronoun Case Following a Linking Verb. ... PRACTICE WORKSHEET A.




Pronoun Case with Compound Objects and Subjects


form of noun or pronoun that shows how it is used


person or thing doing the main action in a sentence or clause

object: person or thing that directly or indirectly receives the action of a verb, or a noun or pronoun that follows a preposition in a phrase compound subject: two or more subjects that share the same verb, joined by a conjunction such as and or or compound object:

two or more objects, joined by a conjunction

linking verb: a verb that expresses a state of being, and connects a subject to another word in the sentence; commonly a form of the verb to be

HERE’S HOW Step 1: Review the forms of personal pronouns. See the chart on the Student Lesson Summary for Lesson 11, Pronoun Case Following a Linking Verb.


Fern and (I, me) carried out research on Camelot. Our teacher gave an assignment to Terri and (we, us).

Step 3: Decide whether the remaining pronoun is a subject or object. EXAMPLES

I carried out research on Camelot. (subject) Our teacher gave an assignment to us. (object) Step 4: Use the subject pronoun when the pronoun is a subject, or when it follows a linking verb such as is, was, will be, or seem. EXAMPLES

Arthur and she both loved Lancelot. (subject) The knights skilled at jousting were Lancelot and he. (after linking verb were) Step 5: Use the object pronoun when the pronoun is a direct or indirect object or the object of a preposition.

Grammar 12

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Step 2: Mentally block out or cross off the other noun or pronoun.


Lancelot’s personality intrigued both Sandra and me. (direct object) Hank showed them and us a painting of Guinevere. (indirect object) Guinevere’s heart was torn between Arthur and him. (object of a preposition)

Standards Lesson Files

Book 5: Grammar Grade 9






Pronoun Case with Compound Objects and Subjects

Directions: For each sentence, choose the correct pronoun in parentheses. Write the pronoun on the line to complete the sentence. 1. The first students to research the Arthur legends this past winter were Harry and (I / me).

2. There was an agreement among Gus, Stella, and (we / us) that Gus and Stella would

keep notes on our research.

3. Arthur and Guinevere were an inspiring couple; the knights pledged allegiance to both

Guinevere and (he / him).

4. Harry and (I / me) found some interesting photos of tapestries showing the Round Table.

6. Several experts and (she / her) consider that the real Arthur may have been a Celtic

military leader.

7. Byron showed Inez and (I / me) a copy of Perceval, the earliest known version of the

Grail legend.

8. Between you and (I / me) , medieval legends and romances still cast a fascinating spell.

Grammar 12

9. Legends about knights and chivalry are always popular with the twins and (we / us).

10. Lancelot is an especially fascinating character; my favorite figures in the tales were

Arthur, Guinevere, and (he / him).


Book 5: Grammar Grade 9

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Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

5. Plans were drawn up by Lateesha and (we / us) for a Camelot poster exhibition.






Pronoun Case with Compound Objects and Subjects

A. Directions: For each sentence, choose the correct pronoun in parentheses. Write the pronoun in the blank to complete the sentence. 1. Although our friends and (we / us)

a week, few of (we / us)

watch television for many hours know how a TV show is put together.

2. When my friend Judd and (I / me)

went to see a program being

taped, we learned a lot about how a TV show works. 3. Beforehand, we saw workers scurrying around; (they / them)


the engineers put the program together. 4. One worker said that, between (she / her)

and (we / us), light

technicians are the most important members of the crew. 5. Her co-worker and (she / her)

explained that just one televised

B. Directions: Rewrite the following paragraph, correcting any errors you find in the use of pronouns. HINT: There are six errors.

(6.) Judd and me were joined in the studio by our friends Teal and Sushila. (7.) Them and we watched as microphones and cameras were put in place. (8.) Teal and me saw a man rushing off to the side of the filming area. (9.) Our friends and us learned that he worked behind the scenes in the control room. (10.) The co-producers, Mr. Boyle and Ms. Palumbo, seemed to be everywhere at once; the people responsible for coordinating everyone and everything were him and her. (11.) After a show is taped and edited, the tape is stored until the time you and I see it on our screens.

Grammar 12

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

scene may require as many as 20 different lighting instruments.

Standards Lesson Files

Book 5: Grammar Grade 9