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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 .... we search for a book about it—a nonfiction book. ... unusual facts that may be found in nonfiction books.
30 Nonfiction Book Reports by Deborah Rovin-Murphy

New York • Toronto • London • Auckland • Sydney • Mexico City • New Delhi • Hong Kong • Buenos Aires

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

To Frank, for stepping on the writing path with me so many years ago. Thank you.

Acknowledgments For their time, energy and enthusiasm for project making I gladly acknowledge and thank Joseph Donahue, Daniel Flor, and Amelia Knipmeyer.

Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the activity sheets from this book for classroom use. No other part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. Cover design by Gerard Fuchs Interior design by Ellen Matlach Hassell for Boultinghouse & Boultinghouse, Inc. Interior illustrations by Jason Robinson ISBN: 0-439-37072-8 Copyright © 2003 by Deborah Rovin-Murphy Published by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


09 08 07 06 05 04 03

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Helping Students Select a Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

ACTIVITIES 1 ABC Topic Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

16 Just the Facts! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2 Facts in the Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

17 Peek-Through Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3 Read All About It!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

18 Topic Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4 Mini-Vocabulary Book . . . . . . . . . . . 11

19 Where in the World? . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5 Travel Brochure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

20 Wear It Out! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6 Teaching Toys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

21 Famous Figure Bookmarks . . . . . . . 26

7 Ask the Experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

22 Topic TV Game Shows . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8 It’s in the Bag! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

23 Puzzling Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

9 Magazine Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

24 Present It in 3-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

10 Getting Mathematical . . . . . . . . . . . 16

25 Let’s Play! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

11 Fun Fact Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

26 Shape Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

12 Made to Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

27 Testing 1, 2, 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

13 Compare It! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

28 Cereal Box Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

14 Hanging Out the Facts . . . . . . . . . . 20

29 Research Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

15 Documentaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

30 Research Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Reproducible Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Bibliography of Children’s Nonfiction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Introduction Why Nonfiction? Children are fascinated with the world around them. They gather facts, look at pictures, and write about topics of interest. Reading nonfiction is an important skill—students must be able to “read to learn.” But, all too often, when children are asked to respond to the nonfiction they’ve read, they must present their facts in the same old way—the research report. As adults, much of the information we gather comes to us via newspapers, articles, and essays. When we want to learn how to start a home repair project, plan a trip, handle finances, and even raise a child, we search for a book about it—a nonfiction book. Being able to locate the answers you are looking for, as well as synthesize and apply information to new situations, is a skill that children are never too young to try. Writing a report that lists facts and figures will not help a child to become excited about nonfiction. By using the creative projects in this book, children can challenge themselves to apply what they have learned and make decisions about the importance of certain parts of their topic. The projects in this book give children the freedom to explore topics of interest in fresh and fun ways. They address different learning styles as well as foster creativity and critical thinking, helping students become actively engaged in their research. Kids will become a primary resource in “Ask the Experts.” They’ll create an artifact in “Teaching Toys.” They’ll display their research in “Wear It Out!” And much more!

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30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Getting Started Use these introductory activities to pique students’ interest in nonfiction. Ask students to think of a question that could be answered by research. Examples could be: What animals live in the rainforest? What kinds of foods did people eat in ancient Rome? Explain that, often, the way we find answers to the questions we have is by reading nonfiction. Because many children prefer to read stories about amazing places and fanciful characters in fiction books, encourage them to explore the genre of nonfiction by sharing interesting and unusual facts that may be found in nonfiction books. The activities in this book can be used throughout the year as the class studies different topics. They might also be the focus of an end of the year project in which students are evaluated on their research techniques and skills.

Create Interest Ask students what they are curious about. Record students’ ideas on chart paper.




penguins dogs

tornados butterflies

pyramids 13 colonies knights


People presidents


Scavenger Hunt Introduce your students to the world of nonfiction with a factual scavenger hunt. First, look at the nonfiction titles you have in your classroom library. Select a range of titles across a variety of subject areas (history, science, howto, biography, animals, math, and so on). Make up several simple questions about the topics of the books and display the books on the board. Read a question aloud and have students figure out what book would contain the answer. Next, divide the class into small groups. Each group gets a nonfiction book (place corresponding questions inside, on index cards) and tries to locate the answers to the questions. Rotate the books through each group until everyone has the answers to all of the questions.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 5D

Helping Students Select a Topic Ask students what they would like to know more about, and have them come up with a research question (for instance, What types of animals live in the desert? Why do people get viruses? How is peanut butter made?). Encourage them to choose something that they are curious about. When helping a student select a book for research, keep in mind their interests and reading ability. Depending on their reading level, you might help students select a picture book, easy reader, or chapter book. Here are some possible research topics.

Famous People Animals ocean land insects prehistoric marsupials

historical figures writers leaders inventors artists

Sports football ice skating tennis karate cycling

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30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Geography continents countries land forms states cartography

History Middle Ages exploration Civil War Industrial Revolution Lewis and Clark

Science electricity the senses matter life cycles simple machines

Nature plants weather rainforests pollution ponds

Cultures Japan Mexico Egypt India Navajo

Space planets sun moon stars space travel

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 7D


ABC Topic Books

Students organize factual information into an alphabet book format. CMaterialsD

• • • • •

paper pencils markers crayons colored pencils

students write their topic at the top of a sheet of paper and the 1 Have letters of the alphabet, A to Z, down the left side. students to think of a fact about their topic for each letter. They 2 Invite can play with words to make their facts fit. For instance, “E—Eucalyptus leaves are a staple of the koala’s diet. F—Far away in Australia is where these cuddly creatures live.” each student 26 pages, one for each letter of the alphabet. (For 3 Give smaller books, you may fold seven sheets of paper in half.) Using the information from their brainstorming sheets, have students write and illustrate each page. Bind the books together and have students read them to a kindergarten or first grade class.

C 8D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Facts in the Mail

Students write letters to communicate information. books such as Postcards from Pluto by Loreen Leedy (Holiday 1 Share House, 1993) and Your Best Friend, Kate by Pat Brisson (Bradbury


• reproducible 1, page 36 (one per student)

Press, 1989). These books are good examples of how to put factual information into letter format. students to think about the “where” in their research. Students may 2 Ask be researching a state, a time period, a habitat or environment, and so




on. Invite them to imagine they are writing a letter home from one of these locations.

Name Facts in the Mail

ne 12 Penny La .S.A Anytown, U October 16 Date

ad , Mom and D in the rain re tall here s The trees a colorful bird n see many forest. I ca canopy. in the forest howler animal is the My favorite kes so much ause he ma c e b y ke n o m is the sloth ond favorite c se y M ! e is no much. e sleeps so because sh it here. I ould not like w u yo , m o M uld like to ! But you wo ke a sn ig b saw a e smell rchids. Som o l ifu ut a e b see the te. like chocola er, Your daught Kama Name


1 Reproducible

Books tic Professional Reports Scholas

• pens and pencils

Reproducible 1

my new sneakers. My footprints will be here forever because there is no wind on the moon!” Have them write letters on their reproducibles, including their own personal touches. (For example, “Greetings from Ancient Egypt. I hope my writing doesn’t look like hieroglyphics to you!”)

30 Nonfiction Book

C 36D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports Scholastic Professional Books

students to incorporate facts by including them in their letters 3 Remind as observations. For instance, “I just stepped on the moon’s surface with

Mail Facts in the

C 36D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 9D

Read All About It!


Students write a newspaper article. with students the six questions reporters ask when covering a 1 Discuss story (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?). Share local newspapers


• newspapers • reproducible 2, page 37 (one per student) Name

as examples of newspaper-style writing and features. Make a list of what they find on the board (headlines, advertisements, help wanted, comics, and so on).


students write down several interesting facts about their topic on a 2 Have piece of blank paper. Next to each fact, students can write how they want to include that fact in their newspaper. Examples could be: • The Tyrannosaurus Rex was a fierce dinosaur. Advertisement for T-Rex as a watchdog.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports Scholastic Professional Books

• Scientists who research dinosaurs are called Paleontologists. “Help Wanted” Ad. • The Pteranodon was a dinosaur that could fly. Article. Reproducible 2

Read All About It!

• pens and pencils • crayons or colored pencils

C 37D

students write 3 Have and illustrate their


Ellen H. Date


Dinosaur Tim es

stories. all pages into a 4 Bind class book, or display

Dinosaurs F lying High

on a bulletin board.

The flying Pteran odons

The Pteranodon s will fly into town th is week. They will be re ady to reach new heig hts and find food in high places.

30 Nonfiction Book

Reports Scholas tic Professional


T-Rex Is Bes t!

Adopt a Tyrann osaurus Rex. It makes a grea t watchdog. It is easy to ho use-train and can find its ow n food. Adopt one toda y!

Reproducible 2

Read All About It! C 37D

C 10D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Mini–Vocabulary Book

Students make a glossary of terms related to the topic. CMaterialsD

• • • •

drawing paper drawing supplies pens and pencils stapler

students they will encounter topic-specific vocabulary words in their 1 Tell research. For examples of this, have students open up a social studies or science book and locate the glossary at the back of the book. Explain how knowing word meanings will help them better understand their topic. For example, a book about elections might include the vocabulary words democrat, primary, ballot, electoral college, and representative. students list five vocabulary words specific to their research topic 2 Have on one side of paper, and the definitions of the words on the other side. make the book, students fold a stack of paper in half and staple along 3 To the fold. They decorate the cover and put one or two vocabulary entries on each page. students complete the mini-vocabulary book using their lists. 4 Then Students should include pictures with the definition as well.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 11D

Travel Brochure


Students create a brochure to display facts. CMaterialsD

• oaktag • drawing supplies

students samples of brochures from different countries, states, 1 Show museums, historical places, and events. Explain that brochures are made to entice people to learn more about a certain place or topic. students take the piece of oaktag and fold each edge toward the 2 Have middle to make three sections. have students create an eye-pleasing cover by making a catchy 3 First, title such as “Soar to Saturn.” Next, have students create a page with interesting facts. Then they can create a page that highlights a particular part of the area. Last, students can create a page using persuasive language and slogans such “Like the heat? Spend your next vacation on Mercury! “ students use photos, drawings, and diagrams to decorate their 4 Have brochures. Display on a table or bulletin board.

C 12D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Teaching Toys

Students create a toy that that represents their research topic. CMaterialsD

• paper • pencils • art supplies, such as construction paper, markers, paint, scissors, glue, clay, papier-mâché, cloth

students that they will be making a museum gift shop display that 1 Tell will consist of toys representing their research topics. students brainstorm a list of toys they see in museum gift shops 2 Have (dolls, books, games, puzzles). Then have them pick an idea that would work with their specific topic. For instance, Dinosaurs—a clay model, Solar system—planet balls, George Washington—cut out doll. each student a piece of blank construction paper so they may 3 Give design or plan out what they are going to make. This will include a materials list, a diagram, and an explanation of how the toy that they are making will be a “teaching toy.” may present their toys to the whole class or in a small group. 4 Students Extend learning by sorting the toys by object (doll, model, ball), category (history, science), or size. Place objects on display with a sign (“Our Class Museum Shop”).

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 13D


Ask the Experts

Students become expert authorities on their topics as they answer classmates’ questions. CMaterialsD

• • • •

posterboard markers index cards pens or pencils

a class list on a large piece of posterboard. Write students’ names 1 Make down one side of the paper with the topic they are researching down the other. students to fill out index cards with questions to several “experts,” 2 Invite write their name on the card, and leave the cards on the expert’s desk. Some examples could be: What types of food did the ancient Egyptians eat? Or How long did it take Alexander Graham Bell to invent the telephone? expert answers the question on the back of the index card and 3 Each returns it to the inquiring student. If the expert does not know the answer to the question, encourage him or her to research further.


It’s in the Bag!

Students gather artifacts related to their topics. CMaterialsD

• plain brown bags (one per student) • glue • art materials • construction paper • found objects

students decorate bags using art materials, pictures, or photos 1 Have related to their topic. the bag, students place items (pictures, student-created or found 2 Inside objects) that relate to their topics. For instance, a student researching dinosaurs may include sand, a rock, a fossil, and pictures of dinosaurs. students share the contents of their bags with the class explaining 3 Have why they included each item. Display on a table with a sign, “Knowledge Is in the Bag!” Students can look in each others’ bags to learn about different topics.

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30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Magazine Covers

Students create the cover of a magazine that focuses on their topic. students various magazines that focus on a particular topic. 1 Show Discuss with students the catchy names of the magazines as well as the


• reproducible 3, page 38 (several per student) Name

attention-grabbing pictures and text on the covers. students come up with a name for a magazine related to their 2 Have topic. Next, have students use the smaller lines on the sides of the cover


to create catchy article names. For instance, for the topic of ancient Egypt, the title might be Hieroglyphics Weekly, with an article called “10 Tips for Building a Lasting Pyramid.”

30 Nonfiction Book Reports Scholastic Professional Books

an extension, have students write one of the articles they’ve 3 Asmentioned on their cover.

Magazine Cover

Date Name

Weekly Hieroglyphics er 1 Volume 1 , Numb

ding Tips Pyramid Buil


May 11

onal Scholastic Professi

• pens and pencils • drawing supplies

Reproducible 3

a How to Make y Great Mumm

Meet Osiris and Isis 3 Reproducible

Reports 30 Nonfiction Book

C 38D

er Magazine Cov

C 38D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 15D


Getting Mathematical

Help students integrate math into their research. CMaterialsD

• pens and pencils • paper

with students the fact that math is connected to all of their 1 Discuss research topics. Some examples are: the size of the planets, the life span of different animals, timelines, sport statistics, and so on. Invite students to generate five math-related facts related to their topics. then use these facts as a starting point for math word 2 Students problems. You might use the examples shown below.

3 Have students trade cards and solve each others’ problems. FACT: The Titanic sunk in 1912. Its location was discovered in 1985. MATH PROBLEM: How long did it take for the Titanic to be discovered on the ocean f loor? ,000 FACT: Americans eat about 500,000

pounds of popcorn each year. pcorn would MATH PROBLEM: How much po be eaten in 5 years?

FACT: Insects have 6 legs, 3 body parts and 2 antennae. MATH PROBLEM: There are 4 ins ects. How many legs, body parts, and antennae are there altogether? C 16D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Fun Fact Cards


Students create trading cards. their reproducibles, have students draw a picture or diagram that 1 On depicts their topic. They fill in the label underneath the picture with the


• reproducible 4, page 39 (one per student)


Card created by

Fun Facts

2 Have students write facts on the other half of the picture. the card is completed, students cut the sheet in half and mount 3 When back-to-back on colorful construction paper, then trim the paper around the card. can have fun sharing their cards and trading with others. Store 4 Students the finished cards in a large filing box for easy reference. an extension, play “Who Am I?” Give each child a card and have the 5 Asother students ask yes or no questions, trying to determine the person’s identity. Fun Fact Card

construction paper glue drawing supplies pens and pencils

C 39D

30 Nonfiction Book

tic Professional Reports Scholas


d Fun Fact Car

4 Reproducible

• • • •


Fun Fact Card

30 Nonfiction Book Reports Scholastic Professional Books

Reproducible 4

name of the topic.


e Henri Matiss Fun Facts

d Fun Fact Car

se was a • Henri Matis t. famous artis tures. ic p d te in He pa d was n ie fr d o o g • His Picasso. t, is rt a another c ade ut • Matisse m ges when lla paper co ld to paint. he got too o ed g si n • Matisse de ined glass st l beautifu a church. ra windows fo

e Henri Matiss

by Card created

C 39D


30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 17D


Made to Order

Students create a catalog page related to their topics. CMaterialsD

• reproducible 5, page 40 (one per student) Name


in mail-order catalogs for students to look through for inspiration. 1 Bring Point out how items are shown and described. the reproducible, have students choose six “products” related to 2 Using their subject and write a short description.

Catalog Name

students draw a picture of each product in the box provided. For 3 Have instance, if the student is researching the Arctic, the items pictured might be ice blocks to build an igloo, sealskin clothing for protection from the cold, dogsled for traveling on the ice and snow, and Northern Lights postcards.

C 40D

Reproducible 5


Made to Order



Catalog Name

• drawing supplies • pens and pencils

Ice Blocks

Weather Station

Build your ow n ice shelter

This compac t device will giv e

quickly and easily with these handy ice



Thermal Boots

For trips far into the wilderness, thi s dogsled is the best choic e! Dogs sold separately.

Sealskin Clothing These comfy

in the coldest

temperature readings to –4 0 degrees F.

clothes are warm and dr y weather.

Thick treads make walking on snow and ice safer. The lining keeps fe et warm.

Binoculars Observe nature with these handy waterproof binoculars.

C 40D

Reproducible 5

C 18D

Made to Ord er

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Compare It!


Students make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast information. a Venn diagram on the board. As an example, have students 1 Draw compare two topics they are familiar with (for instance, books and


• reproducible 6, page 41 (one per pair of students)

television). students to share information about the topics they are studying. 2 Ask List these topics on the board in categories such as time period, animals, biography, science, and so on.

Topic 2

with similar topics pair off and fill out the reproducible using 3 Students information from their research. For instance, pairs might compare

Topic 1

giraffes with koalas (animals), Roman times with Egyptian times (time periods), Wilma Rudolph with Abraham Lincoln (famous figures).

Reproducible 6

Compare It!

C 41D

• pens and pencils 6 Reproducible

Topic 1


Compare It!

tall ly dd cu so not mammal g have interestin ns er tt pa fur live on ground live in Africa

Topic 2

have fur eat plants care for babies live far away interesting

KOALAS short cuddly marsupial lor usually one co ees tr in spend time us pt ly ca eat eu live in Australia

C 41D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 19D


Hanging Out the Facts

Students create a classroom display of interesting facts. CMaterialsD

• • • • • • •

construction paper drawing supplies pens and pencils scissors clothesline clothespins basket

students write down five interesting facts about their topics. For 1 Have example, Theodore Roosevelt: He was the first president to fly in an airplane. each student to draw and cut out pieces of construction paper to 2 Invite resemble pieces of clothing. Students write each of their facts on a separate piece of clothing. Hang clothesline with clothespins. Each week (or day) a student gets to “hang out” the interesting facts they have learned about their topic. all students have displayed their facts, put all clothes together and 3 After invite students to “sort” all the clothes into the right topic pile.

Sloths have black teeth.

C 20D

Sloths live in rainforests.

Sloths sleep 18 hours a day.

Sloths are mammals.

hs Slot ick, e th hav hair. wiry

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources



Students make and narrate a filmstrip about their topic. CMaterialsD

• cube-shaped tissue box (one per student) • wrapping or construction paper • drawing supplies • reproducible 7, page 42 (one per student)

students cut the tops off tissue boxes. Then, wrap the box in 1 Have wrapping or construction paper, leaving the cut side open. students cut 3-inch slits opposite each other on two sides of the 2 Have box, for pulling the filmstrip through. the reproducible, students draw five diagrams, illustrations, or maps. 3 On On a separate piece of paper, students number 1 to 5 and write a script to go along with each of the filmstrip panels.

C 42D


My Topic

cut out the filmstrips, tape them end to end, and pull them 4 Students through the slits as they narrate their documentaries for the group.

Reproducible 7


• tape

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 21D


Just the Facts!

Students create a class encyclopedia of research topics. different encyclopedias with the class. Explain that encyclopedias 1 Share contain information about a variety of nonfiction topics and are


• looseleaf binder with dividers • reproducible 8, page 43 (one per student) Name

arranged in alphabetical order, much like a dictionary. the reproducible, students write facts about their topic along with an 2 On illustration. Punch holes in each page so they can fit in the looseleaf binder.



finished pages in alphabetical order, punch holes, and put in a 3 Arrange classroom binder. Place in the classroom library. As students research more topics, make more reproducibles available to add to the encyclopedia.

Date Name Reproducible 8

Encyclopedia Entry

• pens and pencils • drawing materials • hole punch

C 43D



POLAR BEARS in Polar bears live , da na Alaska, Ca , and nd la en re G , Russia a e ar Norway. They s. ie ec sp ed threaten n ee tw be e ar e Ther 00 22,000 and 27,0 r ei Th s. ar polar be bear. e is the brown tiv la re t es os cl n feet tall and te to up n be blubber Adult males ca unds. A layer of po 00 1,7 to up weigh They can live from the cold. protects them ernate. Polar They do no hib up to 18 years. d in the water. an food on land r fo nt hu s ar be

C 43D

8 Reproducible

C 22D

Entry Encyclopedia

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Peek-Through Poster

Students present a unique oral report by stepping into the action! CMaterialsD

• butcher paper or posterboard • drawing supplies • scissors

a large sheet of butcher paper or posterboard, students draw scenes, 1 On maps, or illustrations from their research, leaving holes to poke their heads through. For instance, if a student were researching the old west, he or she may draw a scene of a western town with a hole for a “cowboy’s” head to peek through. Or, a student researching the solar system could make his or her head one of the planets! students to present information about their topics while sticking 2 Invite their heads through the holes in their posters. Two students may hold up either side of the poster.


Topic Survey

Students conduct a class survey and graph the results. CMaterialsD • pens and pencils • paper • drawing supplies

the variety of topics 1 Discuss students are reading about and make a large chart on the board as shown at right. students and put tally 2 Survey marks in the appropriate


How Many

Historic time period Animals Famous people Science

categories. the information obtained in the survey, and depending on 3 Using students’ levels, they might create their own pie graphs or bar graphs.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 23D


Where in the World?

Students create a map full of information. CMaterialsD

• • • • •

map of the world paper drawing supplies pens and pencils pushpins

The Gold Rush started in California.

C 24D

out that the research that the students are doing may take them 1 Point around the world! Display a large world map.

2 Have students cut out a small “flag” (a small rectangular piece of paper). students to write a fact about their topic on their flag and pin it to 3 Invite the appropriate area of the map. For example: Panda bears live in the bamboo jungles of China. The Gold Rush started in California.

Pandas live in the bamboo jungles of China.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Wear It Out!

Students show off their research by wearing it! CMaterialsD

• plain paper grocery bag (one per student) • scissors • drawing materials • pens and pencils • glue • found objects

out holes for the arms and head as shown in the diagram below. Cut 1 Cut up the middle to make it into a vest. students to write, draw, and decorate their vest with facts and 2 Invite illustrations about their topics. Students might write their topic on the front of the vest along with some questions (the answers could be written on the back of the vest). Students may also use real life objects such as a miniature teddy for Teddy Roosevelt or gold coins for pirates. Students may wear their vests when making a presentation or walk around with them on at a sharing party. the extra paper from cutting out the vest to make pockets! Fill the 3 Use pockets with information cards or found objects related to the topic.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 25D


Famous Figure Bookmarks

Students make bookmarks to teach others about a topic. CMaterialsD

• • • • •

construction paper drawing supplies scissors hole punch yarn

to students that advertisers make promotional materials to sell 1 Explain their products. Tell students that they will be advertising their topics by creating promotional bookmarks. students examples of catchy phrases and creative wording in 2 Show advertisements and have them brainstorm one for their topic. students use a ruler to divide a piece of construction paper into 3 Have four separate rectangular pieces and cut them out. Then have them write a catchy phrase and illustration on one side of the bookmark and information about the topic on the other side. each student to create four different bookmarks about their 4 Invite topics. Upon completion, laminate the bookmarks, hole-punch the tops, and attach a yarn tassel to each one. Place them in books that focus on their topic.

C 26D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Topic TV Game Shows

Students use information about their topics to create a game show. CMaterialsD

• classroom furniture such as desks, chairs, and bulletin boards • posterboard • drawing materials • pens and pencils • index cards • play money • video camera (optional)

students to name some game shows they have seen on TV. Make a 1 Ask list on the board. Ideas might include: Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?, and The Price Is Right.

2 Discuss the rules of each game. students into small groups to create a game show for their 3 Organize topics. Students may use posters, props, illustrations, and flash cards, for authenticity. one group a day (a week) to present their games (with their format 4 Pick of choice), using the class as the contestants and/or audience.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 27D


Puzzling Topics

Students create puzzles with pictures on front and facts on back. CMaterialsD

• large poster board (one per student) • scissors • drawing supplies • pens and pencils

C 28D

1 Have students cut the posterboard into nine puzzle pieces. one side of each puzzle piece, have students write a fact related to 2 On their topic. On the flip side, they draw a picture related to the fact. pieces and place in plastic bags at a center. Students read each 3 Laminate piece and then put the puzzle together.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Present It in 3-D

Students make a three-dimensional display of a research topic. CMaterialsD

• manila paper (four 14-inch squares per student) • scissors • drawing supplies • stapler

students to list four important or interesting facts about their 1 Invite topic. Tell them they’ll be illustrating and writing about each fact in a 3-D display. make the displays, have them fold a manila square in half diagonally 2 To to form a triangle. Unfold and fold the opposite corner to form a triangle. Unfold. Cut along one fold line from the corner to the center. Repeat with the remaining manila squares.

students how to overlap one triangle 3 Show made by the cut over the other to form a backdrop that stands on its own, with the overlapped sections as the base. Before stapling, have them decorate and write their fact on the backdrop. Staple through the base. Decorate, fold, and staple the remaining manila squares. may arrange their four pieces 4 Students back to back so that they form a foursection square. Glue together to make a permanent display.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 29D


Let’s Play!

Students create a game based on facts from their research. CMaterialsD

• reproducible 9, page 44 (one per student) Name

several board games for students to examine. As a group, make a 1 Display list of game features on the board. Make another list of the objects of each game. the reproducible, have students complete a gameboard that relates 2 Using to their topic. For example, “Race to the White House,” “Find That


Koala,” or “Journey Through the Universe.” Encourage them to think of a title, create rules, and add special steps on the board such as “Get lost in the bamboo jungle! Lose one turn.”


students write questions about their topics on index cards to be 3 Have used during the game. End

C 44D

• • • • •

small index cards drawing materials pens and pencils small game pieces number cubes

Reproducible 9

may bring in and decorate shirt boxes to use as containers for 4 Students their games.

Let’s Play!

Date Name

hite House W e th to e c a R Start

Move ahead 2 spaces.

Pick a debate card.

Lose a turn. Pick a campaign card.

Make a speech.

Go back to Start.

Move ahead 3 spaces. Poll your group.

End Answer 3 Go back question 3 spaces. cards.

’re You ent! id s Pre

9 Reproducible

Let’s Play!

C 44D

C 30D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Shape Report

Students create a nonfiction picture poem. CMaterialsD

• • • •

notebook paper white drawing paper drawing materials pens and pencils

to the students that “concrete poetry” is a special type of poetry 1 Explain where the text itself forms a picture on the page. a blank piece of notebook paper, have students write down five 2 On sentences about their research topics. Emphasize that they may be creative with their wording, but the sentences need not rhyme. blank drawing paper. Invite students to draw lightly, in pencil, 3 Distribute the outline of an object that relates to their topic. then use this line as a guide to create a poem that takes the 4 Students shape of its subject. For instance, if the topic is electricity, the poem may take the shape of a light bulb.


30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 31D


Testing 1, 2, 3

Students test their classmates’ knowledge of different subject areas. CMaterialsD

• lined paper • pens and pencils

the different types of test questions (true/false, multiple choice, 1 Discuss essay, fill in the blank). a blank sheet of notebook paper, have students write down at least 2 On ten facts about their topics. students to change one of their facts into a test question. For 3 Guide example: Fact: About 490 one-dollar bills make a pound. Test Question: True or false? It takes more than 400 one-dollar bills to make a pound. Fact: President Thomas Jefferson asked Lewis and Clark to lead an expedition to the west coast of America. Test Question: _____ asked Lewis and Clark to lead an expedition to the west coast of America. each student create a test with ten questions and an answer key on 4 Have the back. tests and place in a center with wipe-off markers. Or, have 5 Laminate children trade papers and take each others’ tests!

C 32D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Cereal Box Reports

Students decorate cereal boxes with facts and pictures representing their topics. CMaterialsD

• empty, clean cereal boxes (one per student) • white drawing paper • drawing supplies • scissors • glue

students trace around each of the four upright sides of the box on 1 Have drawing paper and cut them out. students label one large side with the name of their topic. Then 2 Have have them decorate the remaining sides with illustrations, facts, vocabulary, photos, diagrams, and so on. For example, students may list vocabulary words on one of the thin sides of the box and make a timeline on the other. Students might create a catchy phrase to cover the front of the box along with a colorful picture or drawing. If desired, students may leave the top of the cereal box open to store research information inside the box. students glue the decorated sheets to the sides of the cereal box 3 Have and display.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 33D

Research Evaluation


Students reflect on their research by filling out an evaluation form. CMaterialsD

• reproducible 10, page 45 (one per student) Name


Research Evaluation Topic:

to students that they will be evaluating their research to 1 Explain examine their successes and challenges. By analyzing the research process, students become more aware of how to investigate and explore the world around them. Instruct students to complete the questions on the reproducible. student conferences after reading their evaluations forms to 2 Hold discuss their answers. This may be used as an assessment tool.

1. Why did you chose this topic?

2. What resources did you use?

3. What was the most interesting thing you learned?

4. What was the most surprising thing you learned?

5. What was the hardest part of doing your research?

6. Would you read more about your topic?

Before my research: I thought nonfiction was

Reproducible 10

After my research: I think nonfiction is


C 45D

• pens and pencils

C 34D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Research Party

Celebrate and share what you’ve learned with a party! At the conclusion of your research unit, have students share what they have learned by hosting a Research Party. Decorate the classroom with all the projects you have created during the unit. Invite other classes, school personnel, and families to the party. Here are some party ideas.

Encourage students to dress up in attire matching their subject matter.

Have students give a speech using their peekthrough posters.

Give out door prizes such as bookmarks, toys, and fact cards. Have students display their work on their desks. As visitors look at the projects, students can answer questions about their topics.

Hand out copies of research-based math word problems for visitors to solve.

Hold a news conference.

Invite visitors to play research-based games.

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 35D




Name C 36D

Reproducible 1

Facts in the Mail

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources




Reproducible 2

Read All About It!

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 37D


C 38D


Reproducible 3

Magazine Cover

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Card created by

Fun Facts Topic


Fun Fact Card Reproducible 4

Fun Fact Card

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 39D



Catalog Name

C 40D

Reproducible 5

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Made to Order

Topic 2 Topic 1 Reproducible 6

Compare It!

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 41D


My Topic C 42D

Reproducible 7

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources





Reproducible 8

Just the Facts!

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 43D





C 44D

Reproducible 9

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Let’s Play!



Research Evaluation Topic:

1. Why did you chose this topic?

2. What resources did you use?

3. What was the most interesting thing you learned?

4. What was the most surprising thing you learned?

5. What was the hardest part of doing your research?

6. Would you read more about your topic?

Before my research: I thought nonfiction was

Reproducible 10

Research Evaluation

After my research: I think nonfiction is

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

C 45D

Bibliography of Children’s Nonfiction Nonfiction Series

Meet George Washington by Joan Heilbroner (Random House, 1989)

Eyewitness Books Ancient Rome by Simon James (Dorling Kindersley, 1990) Money by Joe Cribb (Dorling Kindersley, 1990) Volcano and Earthquakes by Susanna Van Rose (Dorling Kindersley, 1992)

Hello Readers (Scholastic) A Boy Named Boomer by Boomer Esiason (Scholastic, 1995) A Girl Named Helen Keller by Margo Lundell (Scholastic, 1995)

If You Lived… series If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Ellen Levine (Scholastic, 1994) If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War by Kay Moore (Scholastic, 1994) If You Lived in Colonial Times by Ann McGovern (Scholastic, 1992) Scholastic Encyclopedia of… Animals by Laurence P. Pringle (Scholastic, 2001) How Things Work by Claire Llewelyn (Scholastic, 2000) Presidents and Their Times by David Rubel (Scholastic, 2001) Women in the United States by Sheila Keenan (Scholastic, 1996) Magic Tree House Research Guides (Random House) Dinosaurs by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne (Random House, 2000) Knights and Castles by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne (Random House, 2000) Mummies and Pyramids by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne (Random House, 2001) Rain Forests by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne (Random House, 2001) Space by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne (Random House, 2002) Step-Up Biographies (Random House) Meet Abraham Lincoln by Barbara Cary (Random House, 1989) C 46D

Rookie Biography (Children’s Press) Elizabeth Blackwell: First Woman Doctor by Carol Greene (1991) Madam C. J. Walker: Pioneer Businesswoman by Marlene Toby (1995) Margaret Wise Brown by Carol Greene (1994) Childhoods of Famous Americans (Aladdin) Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross by Augusta Stevenson (Aladdin, 1986) Henry Ford: Young Man With Ideas by Hazel B. Aird (Aladdin, 1986) Roberto Clemente: Young Ball Player by Montrew Dunham (Aladdin, 1997) Sitting Bull: Dakota Boy by Augusta Stevenson (Aladdin, 1996) Troll Biographies (Troll Publishing) Young Martin Luther King, Jr.: I Have a Dream by Joanne Mattern (Troll, 1991) Young Rosa Parks: A Civil Rights Heroine by Anne Benjamin (Troll, 1996) Women of Our Times (Puffin) Laura Ingalls Wilder: Growing Up in the Little House by Patricia Reilly Giff (Puffin, 1996) Mary McLeod Bethune: Voice of Black Hope by Milton Meltzer (Puffin, 1996) Our Golda: The Story of Golda Meir by David A. Adler (Puffin, 1986)

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources

David Adler’s Picture Books A Picture Book of Fredrick Douglass by David Adler (Chelsea House, 1995) A Picture Book of Helen Keller by David Adler (Chelsea House, 1992) A Picture Book of John F. Kennedy by David Adler (Chelsea House, 1999) A Picture Book of Paul Revere by David Adler (Chelsea House, 1995) A Picture Book of Simon Bolivar by David Adler (Chelsea House, 1992) Gateway Biographies (Millbrook Publishing) Bill Clinton: President of the 90s by Robert Cwiklik (Millbrook, 1997) Bill Gates: Computer King by Josepha Sherman (Millbrook, 2000) Colin Powell: Straight to the Top by Rose Blue (Millbrook, 1997) Lives of... (Harcourt Brace) Lives of the Artists: Masterpieces, Messes (And What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull (Harcourt, 1995) Lives of the Athletes: Thrills, Spills (And What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull (Harcourt, 1999) Lives of the Musicians: Good Times, Bad Times (And What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull (Harcourt, 1993) Lives of the Presidents by Kathleen Krull (Harcourt, 1998) Lives of the Writers: Comedies, Tragedies (And What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull (Harcourt, 1994)

Math Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares (Random House, 2001) Count Your Way Through China by Jim Haskins (Carolrhoda, 1988) The Go-Around Dollar by Barbara Johnston Adams (Four Winds Press, 1992) Math for Fun: Exploring Numbers by Andrew King (Copper Beech Books, 1998) Mission Addition by Loreen Leedy (Holiday House, 1997) Subtraction Action by Loreen Leedy (Holiday House, 2000)

Social Studies By the Dawn’s Early Light: The Story of the Star Spangled Banner by Stephen Kroll (Scholastic, 1994) The Century for Young People by Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster (Doubleday, 1999) The Great Fire by Jim Murphy (Scholastic, 1995) Exploring the Titanic by Robert Ballard (Scholastic, 1988) Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman (Scholastic, 1980) Shhh…We’re Writing the Constitution by Jean Fritz (Putnam, 1983)

Notable Picture Books with Biographical Subject Amelia and Eleanor Go For a Ride: Based on a True Story by Pam Munoz Ryan (Scholastic, 1999) America’s Champion Swimmer by David Adler (Raintree/Steck-Vaughn, 2000) The Babe and I by David Adler (Gulliver, 1999)

Science/Nature A Drop of Water by Walter Wick (Scholastic, 1997) The Extinct Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta (Charlesbridge, 1993) Monarchs by Kathyrn Lasky (Harcourt Brace, 1993) The Pumpkin Book by Gail Gibbons (Holiday House, 1999) Tornado by Stephen Kramer (Carolrhoda, 1992) Wolves by Seymour Simon (Harper Collins, 1993)

Cleopatra by Diane Stanley (William Morrow, 1994) The Legend of the Teddy Bear by Frank Murphy (Sleeping Bear, 2000) Leonardo Da Vinci by Diane Stanley (William Morrow, 1996) Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man by David Adler (Gulliver, 1997) Pioneer Girl: The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder by William Anderson (HarperCollins, 1998)

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C 47D

Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin (Houghton Mifflin, 1998) The Starry Messenger by Peter Sis (Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1996) Steamboat! The Story of Captain Blanche Leathers by Judith Heide Gilliland (Dorling Kindersley, 2000) Stone Girl, Bone Girl: the Story of Mary Anning by Laurence Anholt (Orchard, 1999) Tutankhamen’s Gift by Robert Sabuda (Atheneum, 1994) What’s the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? by Jean Fritz (Putnam, 1976) William Shakespeare and the Globe by Aliki (HarperCollins, 2000)

http://www.awesomelibrary.org/ This site is a library that contains more than 5,ooo web sites to search for information. Topics include: social studies, math, science, English, and special topics such as the Olympics and the environment. http://www.americaslibrary.gov This web site is sponsored by the Library of Congress and offers entertaining facts and stories about American history.

Magazines Cobblestone (Cobblestone Publishing) Muse (Carus Publishing) Ranger Rick (National Wildlife Federation)

Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World’s Fastest Woman by Kathleen Krull (Harcourt Brace, 1996)

Scholastic News (Scholastic)

You Forgot Your Skirt, Amelia Bloomer by Shana Corey (Scholastic, 2000)

Super Science (Scholastic)

Young Teddy Roosevelt by Cheryll Harness (National Geographic Society, 1998)

3-2-1 Contact (Children’s Television Workshop)

Smithsonian (The Smithsonian Institute) Sports Illustrated for Kids (Time Inc.) Time for Kids (Time Inc.)

Computer Connections The following are helpful web sites for information on biographies. Teacher guidance is suggested in order to ensure appropriate web site content. http://www.yahooligans.com/ This kid safe search engine is a web guide that includes a dictionary, encyclopedia, reference tools, games and access to topics such as around the world, science/nature, and school subjects. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/KidsClick!/ This is a websearch for kids by librarians and includes such subjects as: facts and reference, science and math, the arts, machines and transportation, society and government, and more. http://www.ajkids.com/ This is the kids version of the web search engine called Ask Jeeves. Students can type in a question and ajkids will confirm the question being asked and then look for websites that can answer that question. http://www.brainbrawl.com/lesley/biographies.htm This web site provides links to selected biographies available on the Internet.

C 48D

30 Nonfiction Book Reports © Deborah Rovin-Murphy, Scholastic Teaching Resources