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SICAM PQ Analyzer. SICAM PAS. SICAM PAS CC. SICAM 1703. Substation Automation/RTU. Control Center. SIMEAS. Power Quality. Substation Automation .
Smart technology optimizes charging infrastructure for all stakeholders Drivers and charging station hosts benefit from an advanced user friendly software platform. Host benefits

Driver benefits Data tracking

• Utilization and consumption • Alarm monitoring and control

• Fuel and green house gas savings • Energy consumption Fully functional web portals

• Asset management and access control tools • Configure access fees and times

• Station location and availability • Trip mapping

Wireless communications via cellular data network • Up to 24 stations can leverage a single gateway via IEEE 802.15.4; reducing costs • Over-the-air firmware upgrades

• Email/text alerts to indicate status of charge or session interruption

24/7 support • Increased uptime, utilization and return on investment

• Around the clock telephone assistance

All of these features are available through the ChargePoint Network Smart Grid Division

Sector Infrastructure & Cities

Power System Analysis for the Smart Grid

Smart Grid Division

Sector Infrastructure & Cities


Siemens PTI provides independent, power system consulting to manufacturers and large industrial users 

Identify areas for improvement of operational efficiency and reliability  

Improves up time Lowers cost

Power system expertise: Unbiased electricity expertise from a company that’s been involved in power systems for 60+ years

Independent: Use software from a variety of sources (e.g., CYME, ETAP, SINCAL or others); tool selection based on customer preference


Smart Grid Division 1975

Sector Infrastructure & Cities 2000

Slide 33 c1

Who is PTI What do we offer What value do we provide to your customers As a result of engaging - you should identify additonal oppty to sell more of your product and svs How do you id and oppty and call for help crowe00r, 10/14/2011

Siemens PTI delivers analysis for all large commercial and industrial facilities Line Loss and Motor start studies Harmonics Analysis

Dynamic System Analysis

Fault, Disturbance, Transient studies

Arc Analysis

DG Interconnect. (IEEE1547)

Protection system Switching, Surge Lightning Protection design/coordination

Network Analysis

System Control and Smart Automation

Neutral Grounding Studies

Energy Efficiency Audits

Potential Manufacturing Examples: Metals & Mining, Oil & Gas, Chemicals, Automotive, Paper, Cement and most other manufacturing plants

Smart Grid Division

Sector Infrastructure & Cities

Siemens PTI – Network Consulting Typical fields of activity Description Protection Design & Coordination Scope  Analysis of fault records and annunciations  Dynamic system and protection equipment simulation  Dimensioning of instrument transformers  Protection system design  Relay consistent setting calculation  Coordination of all protection equipment  Operations and maintenance  Troubleshooting  Commissioning

 Caption Arial 12 point Smart Grid Division

Sector Infrastructure & Cities

Siemens PTI – Network Consulting Typical fields of activity Description Distributed Generation/ Renewables Scope  Network analysis: Probabilistic steady state and dynamic calculation, optimized unit placement and dimensioning, impacts on reliability, protection  Energy Management: Determination of optimum supply scenarios and operation strategies  Economical and environmental analyses

Smart Grid Division

Sector Infrastructure & Cities

Smart Grid- Areas for Automation

Decentralized energy management system

Communications solutions

Smart substation automation

Condition monitoring/ asset management

Power transmission

Distribution automation

Smart metering

Building automation

Smart Grid Division

Sector Infrastructure & Cities

Siemens Energy Integrated energy systems portfolio Energy Data Management

Energy Data Management

SCADA System

Solution FDWH


Spectrum PowerCC Spectrum Power 3 Spectrum Power 4 Spectrum Power TG DEMS SICAM PQS SICAM PQ Analyzer Communication

Substation Automation

PowerLink/SWT 3000 LiveLine Broadband PLC PDH / SDH


Control Center

Substation Automation/RTU SICAM PAS SICAM PAS CC SICAM 1703




Power Quality

Power Quality SIMEAS Tools


Spectrum PowerCC IMM SICAM PAS UI Toolbox II DIGSI

AMIS Meter AMIS Data Concentrator

Smart Grid Division

Sector Infrastructure & Cities

Smart Grid- Areas for Automation

Decentralized energy management system

Communications solutions

Smart substation automation

Condition monitoring/ asset management

Power transmission

Distribution automation

Smart metering

Building automation

Smart Grid Division

Sector Infrastructure & Cities