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Kyong I. Chang, Kevin W. Bowyer, and Patrick J. Flynn. Multiple Nose Region. Matching for 3D Face Recognition under Varying Facial Expression, IEEE Trans-.
3D Face Recognition Evaluation on Expressive Faces Using the IV 2 Database Joseph Colineau and Johan D’Hose1 , Boulbaba Ben Amor2 , Mohsen Ardabilian and Liming Chen3 , Bernadette Dorizzi4 1

Thales Research & Technology, Palaiseau, France 2 Telecom-Lille1, Lille, France 3 Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Lyon, France 4 Institut Telecom; T &M SudParis, Evry, France

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of face expressions on the performance of a 3D face recognition algorithm. Three facial surface matching based algorithms, namely ICP, Localized ICP (LICP) and Region-based ICP (R-ICP), are benchmarked on several sets of data : the two first sets with neutral faces and the last with expressive ones. Results show that the R-ICP algorithm provides more robustness to face expression verification than the two other approaches.



Face recognition is an attractive biometrics as compared to other ones such as fingerprint or iris which require explicit cooperation from users. Unfortunately, as described in the Face Recognition Vendor Test Report [17], despite great strides achieved over the past few decades, face recognition technologies still face difficult challenges such as lighting conditions, pose variations, often leading to greater intra-class variation as compared to inter-class variation. In the last few years, 3D face recognition has emerged as a major research trend for its theoretical robustness to lighting condition and pose variations. However, one still needs to deal with intra-class variations related to facial expressions. There exists a number of 3D face recognition approaches proposed in the literature, ranging from subspace-based solutions which propose to apply classical 2D methods for 3D face recognition by considering for instance range (depth) images [6] [7], to geometry feature-based techniques which propose to represent facial surfaces by certain geometrical features sets, such as the convex parts, areas with high curvatures, saddle points, etc [8]. For face surface matching, ICP (Iterative Closest Point) [1] is mostly applied; this algorithm computes the residual error between the probe surface and the 3D images in the gallery as proposed in [10] and [9]. Although such feature definitions are intuitively meaningful, the computation of curvatures involves numerical approximation of second derivatives, and thus is very susceptible to observation noise. All these approaches treat the face as a rigid object and do not perform well in the presence of expression variation. A good review and comparison studies of some of these techniques

(both 2D and 3D) is given in [7] [11]. Their challenge is expression changes. To deal with facial expression variations, Bronstein et al. [12] use a geodesic distance function to define level curves that are invariant to rigid motions and also to facial expressions to some extent. Another interesting work in [13] proposes to approximate facial surface by indexed sets of level curves of a continuous function, such as the depth function, defined on these surfaces. However, these approaches only partially solve the problem of facial expression variation as facial surface also has some elastic properties. In this paper, we investigate the influence of facial expressions on the performance of facial surface matching-based 3D face recognition algorithms. Using the French biometric IV 2 dataset, we benchmarked three facial surface matchingbased algorithms, namely ICP [1][14], L-ICP which is a variant of ICP applied to localized facial surface centred at the nose comparable to the work described in [5], and R-ICP which is a region-based facial surface algorithm [15][16]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We describe in section 2 the IV 2 dataset and in section 3 the evaluation protocol. Section 4 briefly introduces the three facial surface-based algorithms. The experimental results are then discussed and compared in section 5. Section 6 contains our concluding remarks and some future research directions.


Presentation of the IV 2 Database

The IV 2 base is a large multimodal biometric database, with more than 480 sessions, corresponding to 365 subjects, collected in several locations, by different operators. The data base is designed to allow for evaluations of biometric algorithms in regard to different variability parameters known to tamper the performance, such as image quality, pose, expressions, and illumination. For each subject, more than 2GB of data have been collected: - 2D stereoscopic sequences: 2000 MB - 3D faces : 11 MB - Talking faces and 2D faces : 200 MB - low quality talking faces : 15 MB - iris images : 15 MB The different modalities have been gathered according to well defined protocols. A small part of the database (53 sessions), which was gathered according to slightly different protocols is isolated, and used as a training set for algorithms requesting learning ( PCA,...). The acquisition protocols for the 3D faces are the following: - neutral and expressive steady faces were digitized thanks to a laser scanner. The device is a Konika-Minolta Vivid 300 sensor. The data format is vrml2.0. The different expressions and conditions are : neutral expression, neutral expression with low ambient light, eyes closed, smile, surprise, disgust. In addition to the neutral frontal view, lateral views have been scanned in order to reconstruct a full 3D reference face.

- stereo records of videos of animated faces were realised with variable light, pose and expression. Two stereo heads were used, one taking a front view of the subject, and the other a profile view. These records can be used as stereo videos or pairs of images can be extracted from them. For the present work, only the simple vrml files were used. The IV 2 data base was chosen for this experiment instead of the well known FRGCv2.0 data base because it offers a large number of different expressions for each subject as shown in the table below which makes a comparison between the 3D data sets of the two databases. Table 1. Comparison of the 3D data sets of the FRGCv2.0 and IV 2 bases FRGC v2.0 IV 2 illumination controlled controlled/ uncontrolled expressions 2 5 subjects 466 365 scans 4007 2880 scanner Vivid 910 Vivid 300 resolution 640x480 400x400


IV 2 Evaluation Protocol

The evaluation protocols were defined in view of a technology evaluation of the algorithms, and not a scenario or an operational evaluation as described in [19]. Moreover, we defined the scores on all the biometric evaluations in order to allow comparisons between modalities. As the performance is widely dependant of average sample quality, and, even more, on borderline samples, we decided not to discard from the test sets questionable samples, and to have a post-processing procedure allowing to get the performance results on all the data set, or on a filtered part of it, in order to evaluate the resistance to poor quality signatures. A common strategy in evaluation frameworks is to provide a set of anonymized signatures, and to make a comparison of each of these signatures against each of the other. The similarity scores which are obtained form the ”similarity matrix”. This method leads to a large number of comparisons (N 2 /2). On the other hand, it provides all the scores of all the possible comparisons, allowing to make, a posteriori, evaluations on parts of the matrix. However, the interest is smaller than one could think, as in this set of N 2 /2 comparisons, only a small fraction corresponds to an intra-class comparison. The intra-class score is statistically much less represented than the inter-class one. We then decided to proceed with a list of comparisons between two signatures. A test list generator software makes a random sampling which ensures an equivalent number of intraclass and inter-class comparisons.



Many different performance metrics have been used. In the case of algorithm performance, a significant metric is the similarity score returned by the algorithm. The ultimate performance evaluation of a system is the operational false acceptation and false rejection rates. In fact, the acceptation or rejection decision depends on a threshold which can only be settled in reference to a given system (for instance, the threshold can be fixed a priori, or after a learning or development phase, or even be adjusted in real time in some cases). This threshold depends on a set of specifications (for instance to ensure a given rate of false acceptance, or allow a given false rejection rate, with a specified maximum number of trials). It depends also on the a-priori knowledge on the users population statistics (closed world test, open world test, like ”watch list” function, a-priori evaluation on the percentage of fraud trials per test). The FAR (False Acceptance Rate) and FRR (False Rejection Rate) are the curves which represent the statistical error in acceptance and the statistical error in rejection versus the threshold value. In our case of algorithm evaluation, it makes sense to present results which are independent from any threshold settling. The well known DET (Detector Error Tradeoff) curve, defined in [4] corresponds to this requirement. The EER (Equal Error Rate) is the value on this curve where FAR = FRR. It is also a figure independent of the threshold. It is usual also to give the FRR value for a given FAR(i.e. 0.01). 3.2

Test sets

The test sets must be built according to the available data set. Their size and content must be chosen in order to allow a good evaluation of a given performance. For instance, if one wants to evaluate, or to compare algorithms, whose EER is estimated to be in the range of 4%, with a ”sensitivity” of .5%, a ”rule of the thumb” indicates that the test should produce a number of errors ( for the threshold corresponding to this position ) in the range of 10 . This leads to a test set size of 250 intra-class comparisons. Now, if one wants to evaluate a small performance increase, he could have to increase this number, in order to improve this sensitivity of the evaluation. One could alleviate that this sample size dimensioning is not based on accurate statistical estimations. Our experience is that the distributions in this domain are often far from normal, and make hazardous the application of strict probabilistic reasoning. Moreover, a good estimation of statistical distributions remain a true challenge, because of the small number of samples generally available, as much as the representativity of these samples for a given population, because of the large importance of parameters like age or ethnicity. Available data have been used in a way such as to construct several test series, which are presented in the table below. The Multi-session Test allows comparisons between neutral faces of two different sessions. Neutral faces include : neutral expression, neutral expression in low ambiant light, eyes closed.

Table 2. Test sets test



intra-class comparisons Multi-session Test neutral faces s1 neutral faces s2 96 x 3 x 3 Neutral Faces Test neutral faces s1 neutral faces s1 300 x 3 x 2 Expressive Faces Test neutral faces s1 expressions s1 300 x 3 x 3

The Neutral Faces Test includes comparisons between neutral faces in the same session. The Expressive Faces Test is a comparison between neutral faces (gallery) and expressive faces (probe) in the same session. Expressions include : smile, surprise, disgust. 3.3

Data Preprocessing

No preprocessing has been performed on the data furnished with the IV database. Each laboratory submitting an algorithm has to take into account the classical acquisition problems with 3D data such as filling holes of the faces or eliminating false peaks. However, the test data preparation includes automatic landmark annotation. The method used to detect characteristic points of the face is based on the technique developed in [2]. Gabor wavelets are used to extract information about the horizontal and vertical curvatures of the 3D faces. A representation of the face curvature is then calculated and used for performing a coarse detection of landmarks. As a second step, an ICP with a mean face is locally applied on each characteristic point in order to enhance the precision of the detection of each point. The ICP also gives a score of similitude between the two objects which allows us to detect most of the errors. In [2], the algorithm was tested on the FRGC database [3] and returned good performances. The nose was correctly localized in 99.89% of the cases while the detection of the eyes was correct for 99.47% of the pictures. We tested the algorithm on 2550 faces of the IV 2 database on which we did a manual labeling. The nose was correctly localized for 99.84% of the faces while the eyes detection succeeded in 98.98% of the cases. Note that the list of landmarks coordinates distributed with the IV 2 database to the different partners was partially obtained thanks to this algorithm. Indeed, the algorithm was performed on all the pictures before a second step of human verification.


Presentation of the Algorithms

Interpreting a 3D face as a rigid surface, one simple way for comparing two 3D faces consists in matching as close as possible two facial surfaces, using for instance ICP, and measuring then their residual error. This is the baseline algorithm developed in section 4.1. Unfortunately, 3D facial surface is not rigid

and has deformations especially during facial expressions. A simple way to cope with these deformations (section 4.2) is to apply the baseline algorithm to a less deformable part of the facial surface, leading to L-ICP applied to the face region centered at the nose. In section 4.3, we further consider a region-based ICP which gives more weight to stable facial regions in the computation of the similarity scores. 4.1

Standard ICP algorithm

Proposed by Besl and McKay[1], the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm performs a registration between two 3D objects by searching the best correspondence between the two point clouds representing the object shapes. After a first rough registration using 3 landmarks (for instance the eyes and nose 3D positions) the algorithm associates to each point of the first face a point of the second one. From these couples of points, a distance between the two faces can be calculated, and a geometric transformation to apply to the first face in order to minimize this distance. The operations of matching the points by couple, calculating the distance and the transformation are applied iteratively until a stop criterium is reached. This stop criterium can be based on the distance variation from step to step. The final transformation is applied, and the final ICP distance can be taken as a distance score between the two faces. Due to different factors like the facial expressions and the quality of the acquired data, two faces of the same person will not match perfectly. In order to minimize the error due to this noise, the mean distance between the two faces is not calculated from all the distances of the couples of points. Indeed, the couples of points having the largest distances are discarded in this calculation and only a predefined percentage of couples is kept. In our case, the experiments performed on the training database showed that the best results were obtained when using a percentage of 82% of the couples of points. 4.2

L-ICP algorithm

A problem of the ICP algorithm is that when it is performed on the entire face, the registration of local regions of the face is degraded. Indeed, each part of the face does not match as well as if we had tried to match it alone, without the rest of the face. For example, in some cases, when comparing two faces of the same person with different facial expressions, the algorithm will not register perfectly the noses of the two faces in order to have a better matching on the rest of the face. In [5], Chang et al. proposed a local approach for 3D face recognition. It is based on a combination of scores corresponding to matching multiple overlapping regions around the nose. Their experiments performed on the FRGC database showed that their algorithm outperformed the ICP baseline that uses a frontal face region. Based on this work and on previous experiments we had performed in our laboratory, we decided to focus on the small region localized around the nose

which is less sensitive to facial expressions than the entire face, and performed the ICP on it. We defined a reference distance Dr (here, 60% of the distance between the eyes) and kept only the points which were closer than Dr from the tip of the nose. Compared to the baseline ICP algorithm, the region to match in our method is really localized. The percentage of couple of points to eliminate in order to calculate the distance between the faces is also more limited than in the first case. Here, the experiments performed on the training database showed that the best results were obtained when using a percentage of 93% of the couples of points. 4.3

R-ICP algorithm

The aim of this third variant of ICP for 3D face matching (published in [15] and [16]) is to propose a weighted similarity metric based on the distance between aligned facial regions according to their degree of deformation. We used the principle that the more static the region is, the greater is its weight. In fact, according to the anatomy of face, we can split a facial surface into regions having more or less the same moving amplitude during facial expressions. Remarkable facial surface deformations during facial expressions are provoked by the activation of some specific muscles such as zygomaticus major while smiling and the movements of the lower jaw. In order to perform recognition, first we processed the scans in order to crop facial region and cancel non-facial parts such as clothes, shoulder, and hair. Second, we split automatically the probe face surface onto two regions (rigid and non-rigid). Here a specified sphere function (centered on the nose bridge and with a radius of 50mm) was used in order to separate the rigid part (inside the volume defined by the function) and the non-rigid part (outside the same volume). Then, we performed standard ICP on rigid region (region around nose) and 3D face from the gallery in the one hand and the same algorithm on the non-rigid region and 3D face from the gallery in the other hand. Finally, since each of these steps produces a normalized similarity score the final score is the fusion using : ξ = αξrigid + (1 − α)ξnon−rigid Weights are produced using the IV2 trainig dataset as described in [16].



Whilst the performance of 2D algorithms is tampered by many different parameters (illumination, pose, expressions, time between two sessions), most of the 3D face algorithms are known to be sensitive to two main variability parameters : expressions and time left between two acquisitions. The test sets have been built in order to evaluate the influence of these parameters. Monosession comparisons

of neutral faces are performed in the Neutral Faces Test. The Multi-session Test allows to compare neutral faces taken during different sessions. At last, comparisons of faces with different expressions are proposed in the Expressive Faces Test.


Multi-session Test

Table 3 represents the results of the Multi-session Test : the total number of comparisons is 1532 and the number of intra-class comparisons is 760.

Table 3. Multi-session Test results algorithm mean intra std intra mean inter std inter EER

ICP 0.813 0.084 0.420 0.125 0.040 ±0.012 FRR(FAR=0.01) 0.100

L-ICP 0.802 0.071 0.445 0.127 0.038 ±0.011 0.098

R-ICP 0.838 0.087 0.403 0.139 0.037 ±0.011 0.061

Fig. 1. Multi-session Test DET curve

The multisession test shows good performance, confirming that the 3D face modality is not very sensitive to the environment and time distance between gallery and probe. 5.2

Neutral Faces Test

Table 4 represents the results of the Neutral Faces Test: the total number of comparisons is 4001 and the number of intra-class comparisons is 1604. Table 4. Neutral Faces Test results algorithm mean intra std intra mean inter std inter EER

ICP 0.715 0.059 0.392 0.098 0.020 ±0.006 FRR(FAR=0.01) 0.028

L-ICP 0.599 0.049 0.350 0.083 0.020 ±0.006 0.028

R-ICP 0.497 0.045 0.244 0.079 0.016 ±0.005 0.027

Fig. 2. Neutral Faces Test DET curve

The standard test shows very good scores, rather equivalent for all the algorithms, and confirms that low light and eyes closed do not reduce the performance of the algorithm.


Expressive Faces Test

Table 5 represents the results of the Expressive Faces Test : the total number of comparisons is 4724 and the number of intra-class comparisons is 2380. Table 5. Expressive Faces Test results algorithm mean intra std intra mean inter std inter EER

ICP 0.721 0.110 0.510 0.099 0.167 ±0.013 FRR(FAR=0.01) 0.450

L-ICP 0.716 0.093 0.503 0.101 0.141 ±0.012 0.392

R-ICP 0.408 0.081 0.225 0.078 0.109 ±0.010 0.408

Fig. 3. Expressive Faces Test DET curve

This test results reveal the large degradation of the performance when expressive faces are tested. One should notice that the R-ICP algorithm performs better on such difficult cases. 5.4

Sensitivity to the sample quality

In the results above, signatures presenting a defect (hole at the nose or eyebrow arcade) were discarded. This represents about 7% of the 2444 files used. In order

Table 6. Neutral Faces Test results on low quality samples algorithm Filtered data EER FRR(FAR=0.01) Raw data EER FRR(FAR=0.01)

ICP L-ICP R-ICP 0.020 0.020 0.016 0.028 0.028 0.027 0.035 0.026 0.058 0.050 0.034 0.090

to show the sensitivity of the different algorithms to acquisition defects, we give here for the Neutral Faces Test, the results on all data, including poor signatures. One can see that the sensitivity to acquisition defects is not the same for the different algorithms. This is due mainly to the different methods used for face registration.


Conclusion and Perspectives

In this paper, we investigated the influence of facial expressions on the performance of 3D facial surface matching-based algorithms. Using the French IV 2 dataset, we benchmarked three facial surface matching-based algorithms, namely ICP, L-ICP and R-ICP. The experimental results show that facial expressions account for a major intra-class variations and the region-based facial surface matching algorithm (R-ICP), while giving more weight to stable facial regions in the similarity score computation process, gives promising results. Currently, we have been working on 3D face preprocessing in order to enable automatic coarse 3D facial surface alignment within the framework of the French national FAR 3D project [18]. Furthermore, we are also investigating optimal weight and deformation region selection by a learning process. Large experiments on full FRGC dataset and IV 2 dataset are under way.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the French Ministries of Defense and Research.

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