-50.00 11 n m 111 |i m m u | m i n i n 11 ii n i i i i | n 11 ii 111111 ii 11111|. 0.00. 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00. TMAX(june)-TMAX(january). X o l. >-. 2.50.
This formulawas taken from one of the preliminary reports underlying this investigation. In the final formula the values of 936 and 276 willbe replaced by 925 and 273, respectively. The modifications •rehowever ofminor influence on the evaporation results.
Net radiation is composed of two parts:net shortwave and net longwave radiation:R„-R^-R^. Netshortwaveradiationcanbedescribedby R„s= (l-o)*Rs
The extraterrestial radiation, Ra, can be calculated from the following formulasasgiveninSmith,1991. Ra=37.586*Dr*(n*SIN($)*SIN(5)+COS($)*COS(5)*SIN(fl))