5th Annual Farm Festival - Google Groups

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Page 1 ... Scarecrow Making f Apple Pressing. Cow Plop Bingo t Petting Zoo ... together in a spirit of collaboration, en
Weavers Way Farms and Saul HIgh school present


5th Annual Farm Festival

Saturday, October 17 • NooN to 4 PM Henry Got Crops CSA Farm - 7095 Henry Ave. Across the Street from Saul High School

Pumpkin - Painting, Bowling, Golf Scarecrow Making f Apple Pressing Cow Plop Bingo t Petting Zoo s Hayrides

Live Music Food Trucks and more !




The proceeds from this fundraiser go to Weavers Way Farms and Henry Got Crops operations.

W eavers W ay F arms


W.B. s aul H igH s cHool

August 7, 2015

We would like to invite you to participate in this year’s Harvest on Henry (HOH), the fifth annual farm festival brought to you by Weavers Way Co-op and Philadelphia’s W. B. Saul Agricultural High School. HOH 2015 takes place on Saturday, October 17th, with a projected public attendance of over a thousand people. In recent years, Weavers Way has distinguished itself among co-ops nationally by establishing two pioneering urban farms. Both farms are located within the city limits of Philadelphia, and have grown deep connections to their surrounding communities. Each farm functions as a platform for innovative educational programs that link local food production to community health and well-being, environmental responsibility, productive local economies, and vibrant neighborhoods. The farm at Saul, “Henry Got Crops,” has evolved as a close partnership between Weavers Way Co-op, a member-owned full-service grocery business with two locations in NW Philadelphia, and W.B. Saul Agricultural High School, a unique Philadelphia public magnet school in Roxborough. The 2 ½-acre farm is used to teach small-scale organic vegetable growing and operates as a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), supplying over 100 members every year with shares of weekly harvests throughout the growing season. The farm is sustained by the hard work and extraordinary commitment of Saul faculty and students, dedicated staff from Weavers Way Co-op and Weavers Way Community Programs, and countless volunteers. The 2-acre “Mort Brooks Memorial Farm” is the Co-op’s production farm on the grounds of the Awbury Arboretum in Germantown. It also serves as an outdoor classroom for experiential study offered by Weavers Way Community Programs to area schools and visiting student groups. Both farms are immensely valuable to the communities they serve, bringing diverse groups of people together in a spirit of collaboration, entrepreneurship and learning . And yet, while similar initiatives are on the rise throughout the country, the struggle to keep them financially viable remains a daunting challenge. Your contribution to Harvest on Henry improves access to fresh, healthy food for our community, and provides vital support for the education of thousands of children, young adults, and residents from all walks of life across Philadelphia. Kindly review the enclosed materials for the different ways to participate, and consider contributing to Harvest on Henry this year. Your support will provide critical support directly to our farms and is not tax-deductible, though with deepest gratitude we will be very pleased to associate your organization publicly with our work. Please refer to the enclosed packet for details or contact HOH Event Coordinator Bettina de Caumette for assistance: [email protected] / 215-843-2350 x118. Sincere thanks,

Jon Roesser General Manager

Henry Got Crops A C S A PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H :



5th Annual Farm Festival

Saturday, October 17 • NooN to 4 pM Henry Got Crops CSA Farm - 7095 Henry Ave. Across the Street from Saul High School Urban Farm Sponsor

Major Sponsor

Festival Sponsor

Supporting Sponsor





Benefits Your Comany Banner hung at the festival site on the Henry Ave. traffic corridor serving 16,000-30,000 cars per day


Your Company Logo prominently positioned on the official Harvest on Henry festival T-Shirt


Twelve free festival T-shirts


Custom Banner Ad (4” x 4 col.) for your Company in the October issue of the Weavers Way Shuttle (distr. 10,000+)


One week’s Large CSA Share of Fresh Farm Produce



Your Company Logo prominently placed on the Weavers Way website & the Philadelphia School District website for 6-8 weeks




Free Festival Exhibit Space furnished with Tent, Table and Chairs





Your Company Name listed on the official festival T-Shirt




Custom 1/8th of a page Ad for Your Company in the October issue of the Weavers Way Shuttle (distr. 10,000+)


*See Exhibitor Information Sheet **Must commit and provide logo by September 10 in order to be included in October Shuttle

Henry Got Crops A C S A PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H :



5th Annual Farm Festival

Saturday, October 17 • NooN to 4 pM Henry Got Crops CSA Farm - 7095 Henry Ave. Across the Street from Saul High School

SPONSOR CONTRIBUTION FORM The Harvest on Henry Farm Festival is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your business or organization to the community. Sponsorships can be cash contributions as well as in kind sponsorships of goods and services, including gift cards, on site services, materials, and food. All sponsors must submit their logo by September 10 for inclusion in the October Shuttle. Please Select One: ❑ I would like to be a sponsor of Harvest on Henry. (If you are an in kind sponsor and your contribution has a dollar value that meets one of the sponsor levels below, please check the appropriate box.) ❑ Urban Farm Sponsor - $5000 ❑ Major Sponsor - $1000 ❑ Festival Sponsor - $500 ❑ Supporting Sponsor - $300 ❑ I am an in-kind sponsor. Please describe your contribution: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of company or organization: _______________________________________________________________________ Product or service: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact phone: ____________________________________ Contact email: _____________________________________ Name of your organization as you want it to appear in PR materials, if different from above: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your signature:___________________________________________________________ Today’s date: ________________ Form of Payment: ❑ Check: Please make payable to Weavers Way Co-op ❑ Credit Card: You will be contacted at the number above for your credit-card information. Please return form with payment to: Weavers Way Co-op Attn: Bettina de Caumette 555 Carpenter Lane Philadelphia, PA 19119

If you have any questions, please contact Bettina de Caumette: [email protected] Fax: 215-843-6945 Tel: 215-843-2350, ext. 118.


5th Annual Farm Festival

Saturday, October 17 • NooN to 4 pM Henry Got Crops CSA Farm - 7095 Henry Ave. Across the Street from Saul High School

EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM The Harvest on Henry Farm Festival is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your business, organization or activity. Vendors, nonprofit organizations, area businesses, craftspeople, artisans and hobbyists are invited to join us to sell or display products and services. • All exhibitors will be provided with a 10-by-10-foot exhibit space, but you must provide your own tent, 6-foot table and up to two chairs. • Commercial vendors planning to sell the day of the event must return this form with a copy of their business license and payment of $25 by September 15, 2015. • Late registration for commercial vendors: September 16 - October 6, 2015, $50. • Registration fees are non-refundable. • Registration fees for nonprofit organizations are waived. Please Select One: ❑ I would like to reserve a 10’ x 10’ exhibition space. ❑ I am a commercial vendor and my registration fee of $25 is enclosed. ❑ I have enclosed my business license. ❑ I represent a nonprofit organization for whom registration fees are waived. Name of company or organization: _______________________________________________________________________ Product or service: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact phone: ____________________________________ Contact email: _____________________________________ Name of your organization as you want it to appear in PR materials, if different from above: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your signature:___________________________________________________________ Today’s date: ________________ Form of Payment: ❑ Check: Please make payable to Weavers Way Co-op Please return form with payment to: Weavers Way Co-op Attn: Bettina de Caumette 555 Carpenter Lane Philadelphia, PA 19119

❑ Credit Card: You will be contacted at the number above for your credit-card information. If you have any questions, please contact Bettina de Caumette: [email protected] Fax: 215-843-6945 Tel: 215-843-2350, ext. 118.


5th Annual Farm Festival

Saturday, October 17 • NooN to 4 pM Henry Got Crops CSA Farm - 7095 Henry Ave. Across the Street from Saul High School

FOOD TRUCK REGISTRATION FORM • There is no registration fee for food trucks, but participating trucks are asked to contribute 10% of the day’s sales to the Harvest on Henry farm fundraiser. Contributions are not tax-deductible. • Food trucks will park a designated area of the festival. • The registration deadline is September 15, 2015. All trucks must provide a copy of their business license, food license and ServSafe documents. ❑ I agree to donate 10% of the day’s sales to the Harvest on Henry fundraiser I have enclosed my

❑ Business license

❑ Food license

❑ ServSafe documents

Name of company: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact phone: ____________________________________ Contact email: _____________________________________ Name of your organization as you want it to appear in PR materials, if different from above: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Signature:___________________________________________________________ Today’s Date: ________________

If you have any questions, please contact: Bettina de Caumette: [email protected] Fax: 215-843-6945 Tel: 215-843-2350 ext. 118.


5th Annual Farm Festival

Saturday, October 17 • NooN to 4 pM Henry Got Crops CSA Farm - 7095 Henry Ave. Across the Street from Saul High School

FAST FACTS What: 5th Annual Harvest on Henry is a fall festival celebrating urban farming and farm education, and a fundraiser for the Weavers Way Farms. Who: Open to the public. The event is hosted by Weavers Way Co-op and Saul Agricultural High School, in partnership with Weavers Way Community Programs, and dozens of volunteers, including Saul students and community members. Date: Saturday, October 17, 2015 (Rain Date: Sunday October 18) Event Time: 12 - 4 p.m.; Load-in times for exhibitors will be assigned between 8 a.m. - 11a.m., by October 1. Exhibitor Registration Deadline: September 15, 2015 • Commercial Vendors: $25; Late Registration: September 16-October 6, 2015 - $50 • Nonprofit exhibitors: Free Exhibit Fees are non-refundable. Confirmation of your participation will be confirmed via email. Event Contact and Logistics: Bettina de Caumette – [email protected] For more event information: visit www.weaversway.coop/harvestonhenry2015