Accident Causation Models, Management and the Law. Patrick Hudson Department of Safety Science, Delft University of Technology.
[email protected]
Abstract To apportion blame, and by extension liability, for an accident it is necessary to decide causality, who caused the accident and how it was caused. The same requirements apply to the preventative management of such potential accidents, except blame is assigned post-‐hoc, after the event, whereas preventative management is essentially proactive and obviates the need for blame. Much thinking is based on the notion that there is a single root cause of an incident, the most important cause and therefore the one pointing at liability as well as determining the main target for prevention. This is embedded in the idea that incident causation is linear and deterministic, that there are clear sequences of causes going back to a root cause. This way of thinking has proved very successful and its preventative application may be regarded as reducing the number of (potential) accidents by 80%. Most of these 80% accidents are personal; the development and use of the Swiss Cheese model, aimed also at process incidents, has led to a further reduction of possibly 80% of the remaining potential incidents, now covering some 96% in total. Such models are still deterministic, but non-‐linear in their causal effects. The remaining 4% of possible incidents, especially complex and major process accidents, unfortunately appears to be much more intractable. The proposal is that these incidents have a causal structure that is both non-‐linear and non-‐ deterministic, being inherently probabilistic. This has consequences for the management and prevention of such incidents, because of their complexity, but also for the legal approach, that has to confront non-‐deterministic and non-‐linear causation. The legal viewpoint is made more complex because, in hindsight, such incidents still appear to be simple, linear and deterministic. 1. Introduction Preventing accidents and major incidents can, initially, be done quite effectively by identifying the immediate causes and implementing direct remedial measures. Experience has shown, however, that this piecemeal reactive approach becomes increasingly difficult. A theoretical understanding of how accidents are caused (e.g Tripod – A principled basis for safer operations (Reason et al, 1988)) allows analysis of the nature of accident causes and how they operate. Armed with better underlying models of how accidents happen, providing the theoretical underpinning of safety management systems, safety performance has been found to move off the asymptotic values and continue to improve to a new, and much lower, asymptote. This paper represents an attempt to develop further the understanding of how accidents happen, to see if this knowledge can be applied. Undoubtedly the main reason we want to understand how accidents happen is because we wish to prevent
future ones (Wagenaar & Hudson, 1987). The best way to do this is to have a solid theoretical basis that can be shown both to describe what actually happens and to serve the goal of helping define effective preventative measures; the categorisation of causal and contributing factors and the understanding of the mechanisms should be explicitly related to opportunities to prevent, remedy and improve. Armed with such an understanding, the legal system should be able to perform its roles of retribution –assigning blame and punishment – as well as deterrence – ensuring that appropriate preventative measures are actually taken – and reform – ensuring that corporate governance does not give in to the temptation to slide back to old, dangerous, habits. The message developed here implies that to really understand how accidents happen we need to accept that they are often complex processes and that we cannot hope to prevent accidents with models that are too simple for the phenomena involved. The persistent failure to achieve the target of zero accidents in high hazard industries can be seen in the light that efforts based on simpler models are ultimately doomed to failure, even if those models have proven successful in attacking the simpler types of accident. When managers say “It’s not rocket science”, they express their belief that accidents are pretty simple events, so preventing them is pretty simple too; I believe that their contention about the science of safety, that it is not rocket science, is indeed true, but only because it has to be a lot more complicated than that. Why managers fail to understand that reality is explained later in terms of attribution bias and the asymmetrical effects of hindsight bias. 2.Models of Accident Causation 2.1 Acts of Gods- out of our control As a first approximation to any study of a complex subject, the first thing we do is to reach for a metaphor, and then see how far it takes us before we have to replace it with a new one. These metaphors are turned into models that should allow for empirical tests and, for scientists at least, rejection of the model in favour of an alternative explanation. Here I briefly examine the history of thinking about how accidents happen, how they are caused, starting from random Acts of God(s) malicious or uncaring, to complex and shifting interdependencies between many actors. I then look at why many people, often those in positions to effect change for the better, managers, and those charged with determining liability, lawyers, remain fixated on an early and overly simplistic model. Bernstein (1995) reviewed much early thinking about how people saw accidents as the acts of gods and other spirits, capricious or otherwise, and how they originally saw accident prevention as best done by performing an appeasing ritual or sacrifice rather than really doing something about it. The first breakthrough started when we started to conceptualise what happens, relinquishing the need to refer to luck, good or bad, in favour of understanding. Not everybody, however, makes this intellectual breakthrough and we can ourselves still fall foul of our heritage if we are not careful and aware, especially given our tendency to ascribe special causal powers to people, as opposed to animals, technology or natural conditions which cannot choose what
should happen next. This means that in complex combinations it is those containing people that we select for special attention, often called blame. 2.2 The Chain of Events – Linear and Deterministic An accident can be seen as the unfortunate end of a sequence of events and conditions. With the benefit of hindsight, the final event first becomes obvious and then seems inevitable and each step before that can be traced. This simple metaphor, the Chain of Events, is well expressed in Benjamin Franklin’s aphorism -‐ "For the want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for the want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for the want of a horse the rider was lost, being overtaken and slain by the enemy, all for the want of care about a horseshoe nail." (Poor Richard's Almanack ca 1750). The earliest models simplified causal effects to a single chain of events, rather than an ever-‐increasing tree of binary or more combinations that we see later. One thing was clear from the start; people cause accidents by doing the wrong thing, whether at the start of the chain or at its end. They either set the chain in motion, possibly they exacerbate it along the way, or they fail at the last moment to stop a potential accident. This simple model was best expressed in Heinrich’s Domino theory, with the metaphor of falling dominoes, each one bringing down the next one as it fell until the final domino fell as the accident. "The occurrence of an injury invariably results from a completed sequence of factors, the last one of these being the accident itself. The accident in turn is invariably caused or permitted directly by the unsafe act of a person and/or a mechanical or physical hazard." (Heinrich, 1931). He also wrote (Heinrich, 1931), introducing the domino model: “The occurrence of a preventable injury is the natural culmination of a series of events or circumstances, which invariably occur in a fixed and logical order. One is dependent on another and one follows because of another, thus constituting a sequence that may be compared with a row of dominoes placed on and in such alignment in relation to one another that the fall of the first domino precipitates the fall of the entire row”. Heinrich specified 4 levels of analysis, in which he concentrated on the faults of humans, as he claimed that his data showed that 88% of accidents were caused by unsafe acts, with only 10% by unsafe conditions and 2% unavoidable circumstances. These levels were: - Ancestry and social environment – where and how a person was raised and educated - Fault of person – from the social environment or acquired by ancestry - Unsafe act/mechanical or physical hazard – caused by careless persons, poorly designed or improperly maintained equipment - Accident -‐ caused by an unsafe act or an unsafe condition - Injury -‐ the result of an accident
Now Heinrich never presumed that one’s ancestry would inevitably lead to injury and he recognised that best practice was a major route to accident prevention. His Iceberg model accepted that not all, or even most, accidents inevitably resulted in the next step, even if the reasons why this should be was kept vague, or was too hard at this level of analysis to be treated as anything more than chance. Nevertheless his general model is one that reads in a fairly straight line. In many ways it appears as if poor design, improper maintenance and the presence of other careless persons are simply to be accepted, our job is to avoid the problems they create. The Iceberg quantified the Domino model, with figures like 1 major injury to 29 minor ones, to 300 unsafe acts and thousands of faults and unsafe conditions (Heinrich, 1931; Bird, 1966). This introduced a level of attenuation, so that not every domino had to lead inexorably to the next one failing. Many people have criticised this model because they keep getting different ratios, but it remains appealing just because of the idea that fixing small problems will solve big ones, which means propping up dominoes, usually the unsafe act one by simply telling people ‘not to do it’. It all seemed so very obvious and solved the problem of prevention, often by just telling people to “Look out” and “Be safe”. 1 Heinrich’s models were essentially linear -‐ simple and in a straight line. They appeal to people who abhor what they see as unnecessary complexity in simple matters, such as why people have accidents. A moment’s consideration, however, can allow the posing of a few questions: what about the other conditions that came together? And: if there are so many unsafe acts and conditions, why do we not have more accidents? The first question still allows for an answer that tracks backwards from A was caused by B, that was caused by C, that was caused by … etc, except that every time we have an event or condition we will have a bifurcation (split or branch) starting up two or more pathways that can, and should, be tracked down in search of a ‘real’ or underlying cause. In itself the notion of causality used remains totally deterministic (every time you get B, A will necessarily follow) and we have only substituted single linearity with a branching one. The straight-‐line piece of string may turn out, on closer examination, to be a number of individual threads woven together to reach the accident at the end of the string. The A’s, B’s and C’s are now the combinations where the pathways converge en route to an accident. This is still fully determined and proceeds along a (admittedly more complicated) straight line to the final conclusion. The second question is more problematic. It implies that even if a necessary condition is met, it may not be sufficient; it may be the case that an event or condition, on its own, requires quite specific combination with other conditions or events together to become a significant cause of what happens next, as opposed to
1 This simple way of thinking was enshrined in the legal framework of the US National Transport
Safety Board (NTSB), requiring them to report the probable cause of an accident as a single fact, albeit supported by contributing factors. The NTSB charter under the Independent Safety Act of 1974 requires the NTSB to determine a single “probable cause’ and after that their investigations are terminated.
being an epiphenomenal2 cause. If this is true then we cannot truly state that one or the other is the main cause, so no one line has priority. In such a case the Domino Theory has to be replaced with a great many dominoes, falling together in sequence. There is an alternative interpretation, more consistent with the Iceberg model, that combinations may (or may not) become causes with a degree of probability – i.e. we step away from having definitive combinations as causes (A & B definitely ⇒ C moves to A & B might ⇒ C). Both interpretations are difficult for deterministic models, as it is the combinations that have to be taken as causes, as it is when A and B are in combination that C happens. This weakens the causal power of any one event or condition and implies that we cannot say that in combination with other factors an unsafe act will necessarily cause an accident, only that it might and in certain combinations possibly will. While the first interpretation creates problems for a simple deterministic view of how accidents are caused, the second interpretation weakens the requirement for linearity by introducing variable probabilistic notions, which may or may not require specific combinations. Probabilistic versions of these models are just expressions of the A & B might ⇒ C logic, in that we may have a set of possible outcomes, some of which are accidents, but all of which can still be identified and followed. The probabilities remain fixed3, as relative frequencies with extra conditions just being taken up earlier in the causal chain and appearing as conditional probabilities, so that the underlying model remains essentially linear (if complicated) and deterministic (with a probabilistic flavouring). In short, a moment’s consideration of the simple linear (straight line) and deterministic (If A happens then B will happen next) models, implied by the Domino Theory and propagated in the Iceberg model, shows that neither one, and Figure 1. The original Tripod model. The defences grew out to become the Swiss Cheese model., but this can conflate the underlying cause and unsafe acts as similar slices of cheese.
possibly both, ways of thinking captures exactly how accidents happen. Simply adding probabilities using contingent conditions is equivalent to adding further lines back in history. But the question arises is whether such additions are sufficient 2 An epiphenomenon is a secondary symptom that may occur simultaneously with a disease etc.
but is not regarded as its cause or result (Concise Oxford dictionary).
3 We can call these point probabilities, represented as a single number, in contrast to probability
distributions, that can capture conditionality of the probability in which the point probability would be a single value such as the mean or median probability.
to capture the complexity of causation. 2.3 Swiss Cheese – Latent conditions and non-linear thinking I propose that this simplistic approach is probably adequate to capture 80% (using the Pareto principle) of all the potential or possible accidents. Analyses of real accidents, in contrast, shows that they are multi-‐causal, made more or less likely by large numbers of events and conditions. Furthermore the sequences are not ‘accidental’ if only certain combinations are effective causes of the subsequent accident. The 80% can be taken to represent an adequate approximation to a more complex reality. Such analyses led to the realisation that Heinrich’s unsafe acts were themselves the result of behavioural precursors such as haste, using error-‐prone designs and lack of knowledge (the Hows of causation), behind which could be identified Latent Failures and Conditions (the Whys of causation), accidents waiting to happen (Reason et al, 1988; Reason, 1990; Wagenaar et al, 1990). Haste, error-‐ prone designs and lack of knowledge can be brought back to poor planning, inappropriate design standards and inadequate training programs, any or all of which may wreak their havoc at any time. Behind these latent failures or conditions lie fallible decisions made by people far distant from the accident in time and space, such as managers and regulators (the How did we allow this? of causation). One of the issues that the model developed at this time had to face was that the intermediate causes that could be identified were all too often negative, that is to say nothing happened, there was no procedure, the expectation was wrong, the antidote failed, the extra check was not performed. The original model, called Tripod, had a number of defensive barriers after the unsafe acts, once the hazards were introduced, and before the incident (See Fig. 1). If there were holes in these barriers then it would be possible for the hazard to have an impact – the accident. Pilots see 747 and abort take-‐off
Routine violation of tow procedures
Tunnel brought into use without briefings Airport structure
Airport decides to change airport structure Controller gives clearance without assurance of tow position
Tower combining training and operations during difficult periods
Figure 2. The Swiss Cheese model in its most recent graphic form, representing the near-miss on take off of a Delta 767 and a KLM 747 at Schiphol airport. The model in this representation implies a straight line of causation from the original airport structure to a controller giving a clearance.
The barriers started to be drawn as slices of cheese with holes but it was also still clear that the holes at the end of the sequence were being put there by yet other latent issues, some long-‐term, some short-‐term. In this original model, which gradually became known as the Swiss Cheese model, the causal mechanisms by which latent failures or conditions create unsafe acts could be quite different from the causal mechanisms operating once the hazard was lined up and the unsafe acts ready to be carried out. This model, from fallible decision to accident, was still deterministic but certainly no longer linear, except possibly for the final short trajectory from hazard to accident. The proposal is that this extension, remaining deterministic but removing the requirement for linearity of causes and conditions, can capture 80% of the remaining potential accidents, thus covering 96%, a considerable improvement, but still not 100%. Unfortunately the causal links between early and late causal influences was often mislaid in favour of a conveniently simple picture that implied that the holes, and therefore the causes, were independent; this picture was nevertheless probably adequate in more than 95% of cases. 2.4 Billiard balls, Newton and Einstein By way of analogy we can imagine the earlier linear and deterministic models by thinking in terms of billiard balls on a perfectly hard and flat green baize surface. Seen from above we can predict what will happen and even reconstitute previous situations from end states. We can call this a Newtonian universe; one that is linear, deterministic and gives us the equations we need to fire rockets accurately. But what if there are subtle influences at work, guiding balls slightly off course? This might happen if the surface of our billiard table actually turned out to be a sheet of tightly stretched rubber, covered in green baize, to which we could attach weights at some points and prop up small hillocks at other points – an Einsteinian relativistic universe in which a flat universe is now warped as a result of a range of influences. Seen from above the surface would still look perfectly smooth and flat, until we observe balls swerving into dips and away from hillocks; a more accurate picture requires understanding the 3-‐dimensional structure of the table. Looking from above under uniform lighting conditions, however, we may still interpret the baize surface as two-‐dimensional. In this metaphor the world looks perfectly uniform as long as it is static, but shows a different structure once we operate within it. This world is certainly non-‐linear; balls may now curve, accelerate and decelerate, depending on which particular part of the table they find themselves on and the speed with which they are travelling. It is also still completely deterministic as, once we know the three-‐dimensional structure, we can again compute where the balls will go and how balls interact. Working backwards is, however, even more difficult than the flat version, but if we move enough balls around we can begin to identify the hills and valleys that make up the 3-‐D structure (ignoring the temporal dynamics) just as we can identify a planet orbiting round a distant star. These hillocks and depressions in the tabletop can be equated, mixing metaphors, with the latent conditions, the holes on the cheese. The Swiss Cheese model, at least in its original and more complex form, represented a considerable improvement on the simpler models. Unfortunately it has become progressively dumbed down as more attention is being given to what had originally
been the last component, the final barriers, and less to why the holes were appearing in the cheese in the first place. The model we often see today has been reduced to a linear, as well as a deterministic, model. This simplicity may well still apply to the last moments, but washes out what it was that got us there in the first place, the underlying conditions. Such a model loses all the non-‐linear subtlety, as the holes in the cheese should also be seen as dynamic, opening and closing and even moving as conditions change. A more sophisticated version now places the slices of cheese in an organisational context, which is where the latent conditions are created. The issue for safety specialists is that this level, rather than the immediate events surrounding an incident, is where effective interventions can and should be implemented. The problem, however, is that we find it increasingly difficult to specify in advance exactly what accidents we are preventing4, even though we know that this is where we ought to intervene. Intervention at the more immediate level is not only direct, and easy to justify in an immediate context, like removing a domino, but also often too restricted because it generally targets specific combinations, such as a localized failure to follow a particular procedure in the presence of a unique hazard. The possible number of interventions is huge, most of them targeting combinations that may never occur again. Figure 3. A probabilistic model from the CATS project (Ale et al , 2009)
2.4 Beyond Swiss Cheese – non-linear and non-deterministic models 4
Simple deterministic and linear models make it relatively easy to predict accidents, but typically only in the personal rather than the process area; non-linearity complicates this significantly.
One of the problems with the simple Swiss Cheese model, and the underlying version that reflects the inherent non-‐linearity from organisational causes to effects, is that even this level of description misses common effects of higher order causes on lower order barriers. This is to say, poor management of incompatible goals has unspecified but real effects on all sorts of barriers in terms of their effectiveness at any one time, depending on what other goals are also claiming priority at the same time. Operating in physically difficult conditions, under time and financial pressures, with an organisational culture that accepts a degree of non-‐compliance and a regulatory regime that may be prone to give in to commercial pressures stresses a system in ways where it becomes increasingly difficult to predict what will happen next. The original model would therefore have to be expanded to allow for holes to be altered by common organisational factors operating on separate slices. This could mean that common holes in different slices (in terms of the metaphor) might make traversing to an incident much easier all of a sudden. So, for instance, a failure to have up-‐to-‐date procedures can appear and have interaction effects in a great many apparently unrelated parts of an accident tree; the tree no longer simply expands, now branches start to come together again. The influence from these remote factors can also no longer be treated in any way except probabilistically, i.e. they will no longer be deterministically related, but will make conditions and sequences of actions more or less likely. Furthermore the probabilities would have to be represented as distributions, varying as a function of a large number of other higher-‐order factors5. Cultural factors have far-‐reaching common effects on many levels of the organisation as well as on the immediate defences. My students and I have collected evidence in commercial aviation that the nature of the outcome, whether it is a disaster, a near miss or a minor incident that may not even be noticed, can be statistically predicted by factors well off the line of direct causality (Hudson, v.d. Graaf & Bryden, 2003; Jonker, 2000; v d Merwe, 2004; Hudson, 1994). So being first or last flight of the day, flying an aircraft just out of maintenance or having a half-‐hour delay on push-‐back can all be found to make an outcome worse, even though there is no obvious causal pathway to connect them to that outcome. Furthermore we find that it is not the specifics of the particular issues, but rather the absolute number of problem areas, regardless of which ones, that predicts the outcome (Jonker, 2000). At this level of analysis we may have to accept that causal effects are not only non-‐ linear, but also non-‐deterministic. The only approach left is to accept that the relationships between causes are inherently probabilistic and are themselves influenced probabilistically by higher order factors, as distributions. This reflects the increasing realisation that the organisational culture is a pervasive influence, but one that is impossible to specify deterministically, rather operating as a multiplication factor on lower orders. In one analysis using the bowtie methodology (Hudson, 2010) cultural and regulatory factors can be seen to influence organisational escalation factors, which themselves impact on the immediate and 5
This is more complicated than simple frequency-based probabilities, such as p= 0.005, computed on a single event such as a collision. With treating an event as a threshold related to an outcome, like taking the whole range of collisions and near-collisions, where we set a threshold of a ‘significant’ collision, we also allow the possibility of multiple causes being brought together. The probability distribution captures the variability and uncertainty of outcomes, and can be computed by examining the range of causes. Uncertainty becomes a parameter of the distribution.
more deterministic causes of accidents. In the CATS program (Ale et al, 2009), modeling commercial air safety, it became necessary to use such an approach, with inherently distributed probabilities (Figure 3). These show sensitivity to small variations in some of the starting conditions, what is called chaotic behaviour, and hence may explain why the few accidents we have with the 4th generation of aircraft are all unexpected and ‘weird’ – Wildly Erratic Incidents Resulting in Disaster6. 2.5 from Einstein to Shrödinger The analysis here suggests that, for a full appreciation of accident causality, simple linear and deterministic models are inadequate to capture organisational and cultural factors. Because these higher order factors form the level at which interventions also have the best chance of succeeding, simple models are inadequate for effective management of safety, especially as the accident rate decreases towards zero. I propose that this extension, into naturally distributed probabilistic causation, should enable us to capture 80% of what was left over, the remaining 4%, getting us to 99.2%. This is still not zero, but getting a lot closer7! To do so we have had to leave behind, as simplifications, both the Newtonian and the Einsteininan metaphors; moving to inherently distributed probabilities suggests we move to Quantum Physics as represented by Shrödinger. Taking the quantum metaphor a little further (possibly to its limits and beyond), we can propose that an actual event, but especially one that we will later label as an accident, may be regarded as the collapse of the totality of the probabilistic wave function. This can be seen as opening the box on Shrödinger’s cat which, up to that point, had been in the superposed position of being both dead and alive at the same time. Once the wave function has collapsed, looking backwards, each probability has become either true (1) or false (0), so the causes are clear and determinist and the line backwards, after the event, becomes equal to what would, in foresight, have only been approximated by a linear and deterministic description. Such approximations serve us well for large numbers of accidents, the 80%, and reasonably for all 96%, but become increasingly inaccurate as approximations when one attempts to capture the notion of causation in the limit. This restriction on approximation has considerable consequences for the idea of causation as envisaged by managers and the law. The notion of an approximation helps us understand why ideas like Target Zero are so difficult to achieve, especially when those in a position to influence affairs stick to the old metaphors and their associated models and continue to believe that just trying even harder will achieve the final goal. The success of early approaches can now be understood in terms of the adequacy of simplifications of the real issues at stake. Linear and deterministic approaches represent approximations to the real 6
This acronym is thanks to Tim Hudson. Weird accident causation is partly related to chaotic behaviour due to sensitivity to initial conditions, but also arises from summation and interactions between otherwise very small probabilities, which is probably what Hollnagel’s Resonance model is actually about (c.f. Hollnagel et al, 2006). 7 The next step – to 99.84% - may either involve a different metaphor, such as protein folding or string theory if one looks for the next physics metaphor. Both require the computation of specific context sensitive information.
situation that will be effective when performance is poor, because they will capture enough possibilities even if they also miss relevant information from time to time. As performance improves, unfortunately, these approximations become less and less appropriate as ways of capturing the remaining factors. 3.0 Rocket Science thinking – Attribution and Hindsight. So, why do people like lawyers and managers persist in sticking to the old 20th Century models? Why should they feel that it is not so difficult to achieve a target such as zero accidents? Partly it is because they continue to believe in the simple linear and deterministic models, even though those models become increasingly inaccurate representations of how future accidents happen as the accident rate reduces. But there are two specific mechanisms that help reinforce their beliefs about how accidents are caused and, accordingly, what can be done to prevent them. One reason is the attribution of blame to those immediately involved in incidents. Attribution means explaining behaviour, either in terms of dispositional factors – the personal characteristics of individuals – or of external environmental factors. 3.1 Attribution error The Fundamental Attribution Error (Jones & Harris, 1967; Ross, 1977) is where people attribute the behaviour of others to dispositional factors, whereas they attribute their own behaviour as being caused by external factors. Attribution bias refers to this tendency to attribute failures in others, such as in accidents, to personal weaknesses and failings, while at the same time attributing one’s own failures to problems in the environment. An individual involved as the driver in a car crash, for instance, when asked about why an incident occurred, will describe the causes with reference to external factors, such as the traffic density, low visibility, other drivers etc. An outside observer, in contrast, will tend to feel that the person is just a bad driver. This is a reliable mechanism in people that ensures that they shift blame from themselves, while at the same time blaming others for personal failure (Campbell & Sedikides, 1999). When it comes to explaining the roles of others in the causal pathway to an accident, the fundamental attribution error means that those not personally involved, in particular managers and supervisors, both attribute the causes of the accident to personal failings in someone, frequently the victim, while at the same time persuading themselves that they personally would never have done the same8. At the same time the external factors are actually more likely to be those under their control, so accepting an ‘external’ set of causes is likely to reflect badly upon management. Simple, linear and deterministic models are attractive because they appeal to a sense of predictability that is then reinforced by hindsight. 8 This can be explained in terms of the Self-‐Serving bias. When ascribing a failure of an event,
individuals tend to deny responsibility for their outcomes of their actions (Bradley, 1978) in order to protect and maintain a high task-‐related self-‐esteem (Larson, 1977; Baron et al., 2007).
3.2 Hindsight The second reason why managers stay with simple models is the effect of hindsight on their beliefs of how accidents are caused. Fischhoff (1975,1986) described the problem of Hindsight Bias very clearly. “Hindsight bias is the tendency to exaggerate in hindsight what one knew in foresight. The feeling that one knew all along what was going to happen leads one to be unduly harsh on past decisions (if it was obvious what was going to happen, then failure to select the best option must mean incompetence) and to be unduly optimistic about future decisions (by encouraging the feeling that things are generally well understood, even if they are not working out so well).” How this operates is that individuals can generate a small number of scenarios about what could happen given a description of the situation prior to an event. Armed with the benefit of hindsight they now know one specific scenario, the one leading to the actual outcome. If they already start by knowing the outcome the number of scenarios they can develop is usually fewer, often because knowing one for certain suppresses the invention of ‘unrealistic’ alternatives. Knowing a scenario makes it seem both linear and fully determined, because we can easily trace the sequence from initial to final state. Knowing the outcomes means that all the accidents one has heard of will most easily fit such a simple model, so that proposing non-‐linear and non-‐deterministic models are seen as unnecessarily complicated; armed with 20/20 hindsight all the accidents they know about can all be made to fit the simplest model. 3.3 Hindsight and Attribution together make Rocket Science obvious In 2001 I wrote that: “There is a very real disparity between the expectation of disaster before an event and the understanding of that event after it has actually happened. The considerable differences in perception of events mean that those who operate with hindsight, but unknowingly open to the biases that hindsight can bring, may see the events as inevitable and those who failed to understand this, in advance, as worthy of blame. Those who are confronted in real life with a myriad of possibilities, before the event, may act reasonably, by their own lights, and totally fail to predict what eventually happened. This disparity has serious consequences in areas such as policy, political life and the framing of the Law.” (Hudson, 2001) The combination of hindsight bias and attribution error weighs heavily on managers’ post-‐incident beliefs, let alone the lawyers’ beliefs, that the individual involved 1) knew what was happening, 2) could see it coming, and 3) was personally incapable of proceeding properly or even actively sought out the hazard. Many notions of blame rely upon the belief that individuals can be held accountable for their conscious choices of action, and that they could have easily predicted what would happen. Failures to take the predictable into account are seen to reflect deep failings in such individuals, forming the direct and primary causes of disasters and
who, as such, deserve to be punished. The reality, of course, is almost always that the person did not see it coming at all, was not well supported and was put into a situation in which the accident may, suddenly, have become inevitable but all involved are surprised. Under such circumstances people are actually far less able to predict what really happened in disasters than they themselves would like to believe (Groenewegen, 1990). Linear and deterministically caused incidents may well meet the requirements for predictability, but the remaining incidents will not be caused that way and therefore it is a mistake to believe that, armed with the benefit of hindsight, they should have seen it coming just because the judge or manager can persuade themselves, operating with the self-‐serving bias (Bradley, 1978; Larsen, 1977) that they would never have been so thoughtless or reckless. If, however, accident causation is really both non-‐linear and non-‐deterministic, and the most effective places to intervene are within the organisation even if one cannot easily predict exactly which accidents are being prevented, then these beliefs and attitudes have to be reviewed. All too often both the courts and managers demand simplification and, as I have discussed above, attribution bias and hindsight favour the simplistic models of how accidents happen over the more complex reality. While the accident rate is high this is probably good enough, as linear deterministic approximations will still catch enough to demonstrate success. As implemented remedial measures prove effective in reducing the accident rate, however, the approximations become increasingly inaccurate, leading to managerial frustration and the all too frequent strengthening of the ‘old’ measures. 5.0 Discussion Rocket science, like the law, has been well served in the past by complicated but inherently simple Newtonian physics, but safety management requires more than this for a proper understanding of the totality of the space of possibilities. A post-‐ Newtonian metaphor is needed. This could be based on Einsteinian relativistic thinking, but that is still deterministic and we have seen that the Swiss Cheese model breaks down when we consider causal influences that operate at a distance and simultaneously over different tranches of cheese. So the new metaphor could be based on some other physical theory, such as Quantum physics. Unlike Newtonian and Einsteinian physics, Quantum physics is inherently probabilistic, something I have just argued we may have to accept in any full understanding of how accidents are caused. This metaphor takes us beyond determinism to a world where events and conditions are inherently probabilistic, and where events and states acting at a distance may influence outcomes. This may be what we need to understand how the aviation accidents were made more likely by ‘non-‐causal’ factors like fatigue and whether a flight was the first or the last of the day. Such a complex type of model may become increasingly necessary as we achieve and then consequently demand ever-‐improving levels of safety performance. What we have to sacrifice are the simple notions of causality implied by linear and deterministic thinking, treating them as approximations that work in most, but not all cases. The dominant model for understanding how accidents happen has always been one in which a sequence of events cause one another, with at the end a hazard being let loose on a victim. This Chain of Events model has provided a strong set of
conceptions, such as Heinrich’s Domino theory and the Iceberg, but as safety performance has improved those models have to be regarded as increasingly inadequate, only serving as rough approximations to a more adequate theory. More sophisticated approaches saw accidents as the final coming together of events that stretch off into the past, represented by event trees with combinations of two or more events or conditions. Nevertheless the models even this thinking implies are still deterministic, if non-‐linear. The problem I have identified is that many of those in a position to intervene and remedy, managers of high hazard industries and even regulators, still stick to the simplistic models. One reason why people think like this is the result of the fundamental attribution error and the self-‐serving bias, that lay the blame at the feet of individuals when the reality is that individuals are caught up in a more complex web that leads to an accident. The other reason is hindsight, where the inevitability of causes producing consequences seems more and more obvious, even necessary. We may understand this thinking, that event A causes event B, in terms of a Newtonian deterministic world, but reality is more complex than that. In terms of the Quantum metaphor we may regard events as being more like opening the box containing Schrödinger’s cat. If the cat is dead, it was an accident; if the cat is still alive, it was nothing or a near miss. Prior to the opening both states are true, a superposition. With a dead cat we can look back at what had been in advance a veritable sea of possibilities and observe them after the event, all collapsed into actualities or having vanished as non-‐occurrences. This fixation of possibilities, represented by distributions of future probabilities, is what can lead us into the mistaken belief that the process that led to where we are now was itself simple, linear and determined. Another area in which the mixture discussed here occurs, with biased interpretations of who and what caused accidents, is the legal system. Whereas managers can at least intervene directly and proactively, and be exposed to the normal state of affairs as well as incidents, the legal profession really only ever sees what happens after the event. Possessing 20/20 hindsight, together with belonging to a profession that exists to apportion blame and responsibility, means that the legal profession is almost doomed to believing in a view of accident causation that is attractive but wrong. There are probably a number of other beliefs that circulate, supported by simplistic notions of how accidents happen and the role of individuals that are influenced by the products of hindsight and attribution bias, taken together with Lerner’s Just World hypothesis (Lerner, 1980; Lerner & Simmons, 1966). The Just World represents a set of beliefs that the world is just, fair and ordered so that bad things happen to bad people; if someone has an accident, people are likely to believe that they probably deserved it – blaming the victim. Taken all together, the legal system tends to believe that an accident could have been seen to be coming, and should have been prevented by those involved in it (hindsight bias); that the causes of the accidents and the failures to act are due to internal or dispositional characteristics of individuals rather than the situation they find themselves in (attribution and self-‐serving biases); and finally that they must have been worthy of blame in the first place just because something bad happened to them (just world bias). So not only managers, but also practicing lawyers tend to suffer from what we can now add to the list of biases, the Rocket Science bias.
The analysis presented here suggests that real accidents arise from complex and essentially almost unpredictable combinations. The quantum metaphor is an extension of the notion first presented as the Impossible Accident (Wagenaar & Groeneweg, 1987), which proposed that accidents happen because people cannot oversee what is influencing them and they do not believe what is about to occur is even possible at all. In many cases, nevertheless, simplifying assumptions are sufficient to catch the majority of direct causes, but they will never catch them all; we will always be left with impossible or weird accidents, typically those we can identify as low probability but often of high consequence. My analysis suggests that once we understand the more complex and subtle mechanisms, we can start to develop ways of designing preventative measures that will get us much closer to our target of zero accidents. These measures are starting to become clear, and they involve working on the culture, regulatory regimes and organisational practices at all levels in the company, from the board to the front-‐line worker, while not forgetting any of the basics as well (Hudson, 2007). What this requires of more simple-‐minded managers is that they learn to accept and implement preventative measures without first having an accident to prove they were necessary. The final message is that if we wish to achieve anything really close to a zero level of accidents in a high hazard operation, we cannot achieve this with the kind of simplifying assumptions and attributions too many managers at all levels still make.
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