69 - Port Authority

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Jun 18, 2017 - Pass Prices. Annual Pass. $1,072.50. Monthly Pass $97.50. Weekly Pass. $25.00. Day Pass. $7.00 per day. V

4:29 5:09 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:45 8:35 9:35 10:40 11:35 12:35 1:30 .... 2:30 .... 3:30 .... 5:06 5:41 6:36 7:56 8:36 9:26

4:30 5:10 5:31 6:01 6:31 7:01 7:46 8:36 9:36 10:41 11:36 12:36 1:31 .... 2:31 .... 3:31 .... 5:07 5:42 6:37 7:57 8:37 9:27

4:37 5:17 5:40 6:10 6:40 7:10 7:55 8:46 9:46 10:51 11:46 12:46 1:40 .... 2:40 .... 3:40 .... 5:16 5:51 6:46 8:05 8:45 9:35

4:42 5:22 5:45 6:15 6:45 7:15 8:00 8:51 9:51 10:56 11:51 12:51 1:45 .... 2:45 .... 3:45 .... 5:21 5:56 6:51 8:10 8:50 9:40

4:45 5:25 5:49 6:19 6:49 7:19 8:04 8:55 9:55 11:00 11:55 12:55 1:49 .... 2:49 .... 3:49 .... 5:24 5:59 6:54 8:13 8:53 9:43

4:51 5:31 5:55 6:25 6:55 7:25 8:10 9:01 10:01 11:06 12:01 1:01 1:55 .... 2:55 .... 3:55 .... 5:30 6:05 7:00 8:18 8:58 9:48

4:53 5:33 5:57 6:27 6:57 7:27 8:12 9:03 10:03 11:08 12:03 1:03 1:57 .... 2:57 .... 3:57 .... 5:32 6:07 7:02 8:20 9:00 9:50

5:00 5:40 6:06 6:36 7:06 7:36 8:21 9:11 10:11 11:16 12:11 1:11 2:05 .... 3:05 .... 4:05 .... 5:39 6:14 7:09 8:26 9:06 9:56

5:05 5:45 6:12 6:42 7:12 7:42 8:27 9:16 10:16 11:21 12:16 1:16 2:10 .... 3:10 .... 4:10 .... 5:44 6:19 7:14 8:30 9:10 10:00

5:08 5:48 6:15 6:45 7:15 7:45 8:30 9:19 10:19 11:24 12:19 1:19 2:13 .... 3:13 .... 4:13 .... 5:47 6:22 7:17 8:33 9:13 10:03

5:14 5:54 6:24 6:54 7:24 7:54 8:39 9:26 10:26 11:31 12:26 1:26 2:20 .... 3:20 .... 4:20 .... 5:54 6:29 7:24 8:38 9:18 10:08

5:24 6:04 6:37 7:07 7:37 8:07 8:52 9:37 10:37 11:42 12:37 1:37 2:31 .... 3:31 .... 4:31 .... 6:04 6:39 7:34 8:47 9:27 10:17

5:29 6:09 6:44 7:14 7:44 8:14 8:59 9:44 10:44 11:49 12:44 1:44 2:38 .... 3:38 .... 4:38 .... 6:10 6:45 7:40 8:52 9:32 10:22

5:39 6:19 6:54 7:24 7:54 8:24 9:09 9:54 10:54 11:59 12:54 1:54 2:53 3:19 3:53 4:23 4:53 5:28 6:20 6:55 7:50 9:00 9:40 10:30

Downtown Stanwix St opp. Fourth Ave Oakland Forbes Ave at Atwood St Carnegie Museum Forbes Ave opp. S Craig St Point Breeze S Dallas Ave at Reynolds St Wilkinsburg Sawyer Way at East Busway Steps Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd opp. Bryn Mawr Rd East Pittsburgh Electric Ave at Dynamo Way Turtle Creek Penn Ave opp. Shaw Ave Wilmerding Airbrake Ave at Patton St Bridge Wilmerding Station St at Westinghouse St Pitcairn Broadway opp. Wall Ave

5:45 6:25 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:15 10:00 11:00 12:05 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:25 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:35 6:25 7:00 7:55 9:05 9:45 10:35

5:45 6:25 7:00 8:00 .... .... 9:15 10:00 11:00 12:05 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:25 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:35 6:25 7:00 7:55 9:05 9:45 10:35

5:55 6:35 7:11 8:11 .... .... 9:25 10:10 11:10 12:15 1:10 2:10 3:12 3:37 4:12 4:42 5:12 5:47 6:35 7:10 8:04 9:14 9:54 10:44

5:57 6:37 7:14 8:14 .... .... 9:28 10:13 11:13 12:18 1:13 2:13 3:16 3:41 4:16 4:46 5:16 5:51 6:39 7:14 8:08 9:18 9:58 10:48

6:06 6:46 7:24 8:24 .... .... 9:38 10:23 11:23 12:28 1:23 2:23 3:30 3:55 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:05 6:50 7:25 8:17 9:27 10:07 10:57

6:12 6:52 7:31 8:31 .... .... 9:45 10:30 11:30 12:35 1:30 2:30 3:42 4:07 4:42 5:12 5:42 6:17 6:57 7:32 8:23 9:33 10:13 11:03

6:19 6:59 7:38 8:38 .... .... 9:52 10:37 11:37 12:42 1:37 2:37 3:50 4:15 4:50 5:20 5:50 6:25 7:04 7:39 8:29 9:39 10:19 11:09

6:27 7:07 7:46 8:46 .... .... 10:01 10:46 11:46 12:51 1:46 2:46 4:00 4:25 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:35 7:13 7:48 8:37 9:47 10:27 11:17

6:29 7:09 7:48 8:48 .... .... 10:03 10:48 11:48 12:53 1:48 2:48 4:02 4:27 5:02 5:32 6:02 6:37 7:15 7:50 8:39 9:49 10:29 11:19

6:35 7:15 7:54 8:54 .... .... 10:09 10:54 11:54 12:59 1:54 2:54 4:08 4:33 5:08 5:38 6:08 6:43 7:21 7:56 8:44 9:54 10:34 11:24

6:36 7:16 7:55 8:55 .... .... 10:11 10:56 11:56 1:01 1:56 2:56 4:10 4:35 5:10 5:40 6:10 6:45 7:23 7:58 8:45 9:55 10:35 11:25

6:43 7:23 8:02 9:02 .... .... 10:18 11:03 12:03 1:08 2:03 3:03 4:17 4:42 5:17 5:47 6:17 6:52 7:29 8:04 8:51 10:01 10:41 11:31

Trafford Viaduct Way

To Forest Hills - East Pittsburgh - Trafford

Trafford Brinton Ave near 5th St (Municipal Bldg) Pitcairn Broadway at Wall Ave Wilmerding Station St at Westinghouse St Wilmerding Middle Ave at Bridge St Turtle Creek Penn Ave at Shaw Ave East Pittsburgh Electric Ave opp. Dynamo Way Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd at Bryn Mawr Rd Wilkinsburg Wallace Ave past Swissvale Ave Wilkinsburg Hay St at Penn Ave Point Breeze S Dallas Ave at Reynolds St Oakland Forbes Ave at S Craig St Oakland Fifth Ave opp. Atwood St Downtown Fifth Ave at Ross St Downtown Stanwix St opp. Fourth Ave

Trafford Viaduct Way

To Downtown Pittsburgh

6:53 7:33 8:12 9:12 .... .... 10:28 11:13 12:13 1:18 2:13 3:13 4:28 4:53 5:28 5:58 6:28 7:03 7:39 8:14 9:00 10:10 10:50 11:40


7:12 8:43 10:13 11:43 1:13 2:43 4:13 5:43 7:13 8:41 10:11

7:13 8:44 10:14 11:44 1:14 2:44 4:14 5:44 7:14 8:42 10:12

7:21 8:52 10:22 11:52 1:22 2:52 4:22 5:52 7:22 8:50 10:20

7:26 8:57 10:28 11:58 1:28 2:58 4:28 5:58 7:27 8:55 10:25

7:29 9:00 10:31 12:01 1:31 3:01 4:31 6:01 7:30 8:58 10:28

7:35 9:06 10:37 12:07 1:37 3:07 4:37 6:07 7:36 9:04 10:34

7:37 9:08 10:39 12:09 1:39 3:09 4:39 6:09 7:38 9:06 10:36

7:44 9:15 10:46 12:16 1:46 3:16 4:46 6:16 7:45 9:13 10:43

7:48 9:19 10:50 12:20 1:50 3:20 4:50 6:20 7:49 9:17 10:47

Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg Station Stop B Wilkinsburg Ross Ave past Wood St Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd opp. Bryn Mawr Rd East Pittsburgh Electric Ave at Dynamo Way Turtle Creek Penn Ave opp. Shaw Ave Wilmerding Airbrake Ave at Patton St Bridge Wilmerding Station St at Westinghouse St Pitcairn Broadway at Pitcairn Park

7:52 9:23 10:54 12:24 1:54 3:24 4:54 6:24 7:52 9:20 10:50

6:30 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:30 2:00 3:30 5:00 6:30 8:00 9:30

6:32 8:02 9:32 11:02 12:32 2:02 3:32 5:02 6:32 8:02 9:32

6:38 8:08 9:38 11:08 12:38 2:08 3:38 5:08 6:38 8:08 9:38

6:45 8:15 9:45 11:15 12:45 2:15 3:45 5:15 6:45 8:15 9:45

6:47 8:17 9:47 11:17 12:47 2:17 3:47 5:17 6:47 8:17 9:47

6:52 8:22 9:53 11:23 12:53 2:23 3:53 5:23 6:53 8:22 9:52

6:53 8:23 9:55 11:25 12:55 2:25 3:55 5:25 6:55 8:24 9:54

Trafford Viaduct Way

To Forest Hills - East Pittsburgh - Trafford

Trafford Brinton Ave near 5th St (Municipal Bldg) Pitcairn Broadway at Wall Ave Wilmerding Station St at Westinghouse St Wilmerding Middle Ave at Bridge St Turtle Creek Penn Ave at Shaw Ave East Pittsburgh Electric Ave opp. Dynamo Way Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd at Bryn Mawr Rd Wilkinsburg Wallace Ave past Swissvale Ave Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg Station Stop D

Trafford Viaduct Way

To Wilkinsburg Station

7:00 8:30 10:02 11:32 1:02 2:32 4:02 5:32 7:02 8:31 10:01

7:11 8:41 10:12 11:42 1:12 2:42 4:12 5:42 7:12 8:40 10:10


8:39 10:09 11:41 1:11 2:41 4:11 5:41 7:11 8:41 10:11

8:40 10:10 11:42 1:12 2:42 4:12 5:42 7:12 8:42 10:12

8:47 10:18 11:50 1:20 2:50 4:20 5:50 7:19 8:49 10:19

8:52 10:24 11:56 1:26 2:56 4:26 5:56 7:24 8:54 10:24

8:54 10:27 11:59 1:29 2:59 4:29 5:59 7:26 8:56 10:26

9:00 10:33 12:05 1:35 3:05 4:35 6:05 7:32 9:02 10:32

9:02 10:35 12:07 1:37 3:07 4:37 6:07 7:34 9:04 10:34

9:09 10:42 12:14 1:44 3:14 4:44 6:14 7:40 9:10 10:40

9:13 10:46 12:18 1:48 3:18 4:48 6:18 7:44 9:14 10:44

Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg Station Stop B Wilkinsburg Ross Ave past Wood St Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd opp. Bryn Mawr Rd East Pittsburgh Electric Ave at Dynamo Way Turtle Creek Penn Ave opp. Shaw Ave Wilmerding Airbrake Ave at Patton St Bridge Wilmerding Station St at Westinghouse St Pitcairn Broadway opp. Wall Ave

9:17 10:50 12:22 1:52 3:22 4:52 6:22 7:47 9:17 10:47

7:59 9:29 10:59 12:29 1:59 3:29 4:59 6:31 8:01 9:31

8:01 9:31 11:01 12:31 2:01 3:31 5:01 6:33 8:03 9:33

8:06 9:36 11:07 12:37 2:07 3:37 5:07 6:38 8:08 9:38

8:12 9:42 11:14 12:44 2:14 3:44 5:14 6:45 8:15 9:45

8:14 9:44 11:16 12:46 2:16 3:46 5:16 6:47 8:17 9:47

8:19 9:49 11:22 12:52 2:22 3:52 5:22 6:53 8:23 9:53

8:20 9:50 11:24 12:54 2:24 3:54 5:24 6:54 8:24 9:54

8:27 9:57 11:31 1:01 2:31 4:01 5:31 7:01 8:31 10:01

Trafford Viaduct Way

To Forest Hills - East Pittsburgh - Trafford

Trafford Brinton Ave near 5th St (Municipal Bldg) Pitcairn Broadway at Wall Ave Wilmerding Station St at Westinghouse St Wilmerding Middle Ave at Bridge St Turtle Creek Penn Ave at Shaw Ave East Pittsburgh Electric Ave opp. Dynamo Way Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd at Bryn Mawr Rd Wilkinsburg Wallace Ave past Swissvale Ave Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg Station Stop D

Trafford Viaduct Way

To Wilkinsburg Station

8:36 10:06 11:41 1:11 2:41 4:11 5:41 7:10 8:40 10:10


5:51 6:39 7:09 7:39

5:52 6:40 7:10 7:40

5:59 6:49 7:19 7:49

6:03 6:53 7:23 7:53

6:09 6:59 7:29 7:59

6:11 7:01 7:31 8:01

6:18 7:10 7:40 8:10

6:25 7:19 7:49 8:19

6:29 7:23 7:53 8:23

6:36 7:30 8:00 8:30

6:45 7:40 8:10 8:40

4:00 4:30 5:05 5:45

4:10 4:40 5:15 5:55

4:16 4:46 5:21 6:01

4:22 4:52 5:27 6:07

4:26 4:56 5:31 6:11

4:35 5:05 5:40 6:19

4:45 5:15 5:50 6:27

4:47 5:17 5:52 6:29

4:53 5:23 5:58 6:35

4:57 5:27 6:02 6:39

Trafford Viaduct Way

Downtown Penn Station Stop C Downtown Liberty Ave at Market St Downtown Penn Station Stop B East Liberty East Liberty Station Stop B Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg Station Stop B Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd opp. Bryn Mawr Rd East Pittsburgh Electric Ave at Dynamo Way Turtle Creek Penn Ave opp. Shaw Ave Wilmerding Airbrake Ave at Patton St Bridge Pitcairn Broadway opp. Wall Ave

To Forest Hills - East Pittsburgh - Trafford

Trafford Brinton Ave near 5th St (Municipal Bldg) Pitcairn Broadway at Wall Ave Wilmerding Middle Ave at Bridge St Turtle Creek Penn Ave at Shaw Ave East Pittsburgh Electric Ave opp. Dynamo Way Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd at Bryn Mawr Rd Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg Station Stop D East Liberty East Liberty Station Stop C Downtown Penn Station Stop C Downtown Liberty Ave at Market St

Trafford Viaduct Way

To Downtown Pittsburgh

5:08 5:38 6:13 6:48

Wilkinsburg Stop Policy

Light type indicates AM times. Bold type indicates PM times.

All inbound P69 trips will discharge only at all stops between Ardmore Boulevard opposite Rebecca Avenue, Hay Street Ramp and Wilkinsburg Station Stop ‘D’ inclusive. All outbound P69 trips will pick-up only in Wilkinsburg at all stops between Hay Street Ramp and Rebecca Avenue at Ardmore Boulevard inclusive.

P69 EAST BUSWAY SERVICE Inbound All inbound P69 trips will board and discharge at Homewood, East Liberty, Negley, Herron Avenue and Penn stations at Stop “C.” P69 will discharge only on the Hay Street Ramp (inbound shelter) and at Wilkinsburg Station Stop “D.” Outbound All outbound P69 trips will board only at Herron Avenue, Negley, East Liberty, Homewood and Wilkinsburg stations at Stop “B.” P69 will board only on the Hay Street Ramp.


5:36 5:56 6:11 6:22 6:31 6:41 6:51 7:01 7:11 7:21 7:51 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 4:41 5:11

5:42 6:02 6:17 6:28 6:37 6:47 6:57 7:07 7:17 7:27 7:57 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 4:47 5:17

5:54 5:57 6:14 6:17 6:29 6:32 6:40 6:43 6:49 6:52 6:59 7:02 7:09 7:12 7:19 7:22 7:29 7:32 7:39 7:42 8:09 8:12 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 4:59 W 5:02 5:29 W 5:32

6:11 6:31 6:48 6:57 7:08 7:18 7:28 7:38 7:48 7:58 8:28 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 5:13 5:43

6:17 6:37 6:56 7:06 7:16 7:26 7:36 7:46 7:56 8:06 8:36 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 5:20 5:50

6:21 6:41 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:40 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 5:24 5:54

6:27 6:47 7:06 7:16 7:26 7:36 7:46 7:56 8:06 8:16 8:46 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 5:30 6:00

.... .... 7:15 .... 7:35 7:45 7:55 8:05 8:15 8:25 8:55 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

Downtown Liberty Ave at Market St Downtown Penn Station Stop B East Liberty East Liberty Station Stop B Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg Station Stop B Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd opp. Bryn Mawr Rd North Versailles North Versailles Park and Ride East McKeesport Lincoln Hwy at Fifth Ave White Oak Route 48 at Rainbow Shopping Ctr Versailles Olympia Park and Ride

To Forest Hills - North Versailles - White Oak

Versailles Olympia Park and Ride White Oak Route 48 at Oak Park Mall East McKeesport US Hwy 30 at Fifth Ave North Versailles North Versailles Park and Ride Forest Hills Ardmore Blvd at Bryn Mawr Rd Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg Station Stop D East Liberty East Liberty Station Stop D Downtown Penn Station Stop C Downtown Fifth Ave at Market St (3 PNC) Downtown Fifth Ave near Grant St Downtown Liberty Ave at Market St

To Downtown Pittsburgh

.... 6:35 .... 6:55 .... .... .... 7:25 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3:10 3:15 3:40 3:45 4:00 4:05 4:15 4:20 4:30 4:35 4:40 4:45 4:55 5:00 5:05 5:10 5:15 5:20 .... G 5:40 .... G 6:10

6:35 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3:15 3:45 4:05 4:20 4:35 4:45 5:00 5:10 5:20 5:40 6:10

6:41 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3:21 3:51 4:11 4:26 4:41 4:51 5:06 5:16 5:26 5:46 6:16

6:47 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3:27 3:57 4:17 4:32 4:47 4:57 5:12 5:22 5:32 5:52 6:22

6:51 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3:31 4:01 4:21 4:36 4:51 5:01 5:16 5:26 5:36 5:56 6:26

6:59 W 7:11 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3:39 3:54 4:09 4:24 4:30 4:46 4:45 5:01 5:00 5:16 5:10 5:26 5:25 5:41 5:35 5:51 5:45 6:01 6:05 6:21 6:35 6:49

7:15 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3:58 4:28 4:50 5:05 5:20 5:30 5:45 5:55 6:05 6:25 6:52

7:26 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 4:09 4:39 5:02 5:17 5:32 5:42 5:57 6:07 6:17 6:37 7:03

7:31 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 4:14 4:44 5:08 5:23 5:38 5:48 6:03 6:13 6:23 6:43 7:08

ANNOUNCEMENTS June 18, 2017 Service Changes: Route 69: Travel times have been revised throughout the week; many departure times have changed. See schedule for details. Route P69: Travel times have been revised; many departure times have changed. See schedule for details.

G - These are the only afternoon trips that will serve Grant Street stops. W - This trip will stop at the North Versailles WalMart shelter near the store entrance, not North Versailles Park and Ride.

Route P76: There are no changes to this schedule.

Wilkinsburg Service Note The inbound stop on South Avenue at Wood Street in Wilkinsburg will be served discharge only by all P76 trips.

P76 EAST BUSWAY SERVICE Inbound All inbound P76 trips will discharge only at Wilkinsburg, Homewood, East Liberty, Negley and Herron Avenue stations at Stop “D.” Outbound All outbound P76 trips will board only at Herron Avenue, Negley, East Liberty, Homewood and Wilkinsburg stations at Stop “B.” P76 will board only on the Hay Street Ramp.

BUS STOPS Route 69 Uptown & Downtown stops Fifth Avenue

at Magee Street at Washington Place opposite Diamond Street at Ross Street past William Penn Place near Wood Street at Market Street (3 PNC Bldg)

Stanwix Street

opposite Fourth Avenue

Blvd of the Allies at Market Street at Wood Street at Smithfield Street

Route P69 & P76 Downtown Stops East Busway

at Penn Station Stop C

Grant Street

at Federal Building at Strawberry Way at Oliver Avenue

Fifth Avenue

past William Penn Place near Wood Street at Market Street (3 PNC Bldg) (P76 Discharge Only)

Liberty Avenue

East Busway

at Market Street at Sixth Avenue at Smithfield Street at William Penn Place at Penn Station Stop B

SERVICE NOTES Route 69 Sunday service operates on New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


Fare Information Starting 1/1/17

New locations. More opportunities.

One Zone. One Fare. Base fare will be $2.50 with a ConnectCard. Cash riders will pay $2.75 per ride.

We’ve now made it even easier to purchase or reload your ConnectCard.

Transfer for $1.00 with a ConnectCard. $1 in stored cash value will be automatically deducted from your balance within 3 hours of your last tap. Cash customers will pay a full fare to transfer.

In addition to Port Authority’s Downtown Service Center and the more than four dozen Giant Eagle locations and 20 independent retailers that have been selling Port Authority passes, we recently partnered with area Goodwill stores.

Pay as you enter. Starting January 1, 2017, you will board through the front door of the bus and pay as you enter. Every time, everywhere. This means there will be no free fare zone for bus riders. You can still ride the T for free anytime from First Avenue Station to Allegheny Station. Special Fares Children [6-11] pay half the full ConnectCard fare with a Kid’s ConnectCard.

In the coming months, Port Authority will also add nearly a dozen more ConnectCard Machines along its light rail system. Riders can soon buy a card, purchase a pass or stored cash value and check their balance at over 150 ConnectCard sites throughout Allegheny County, and online at connectcard.org.

Persons with Disabilities pay half the full ConnectCard fare with a Port Authority Reduced Fare ConnectCard. Cash half fare is $1.35.

$1,072.50 $97.50

Weekly Pass


Day Pass

$7.00 per day.

Downtown • Oakland • Squirrel Hill • Point Breeze Wilkinsburg • Forest Hills • Chalfant • East Pittsburgh Turtle Creek • Wilmerding • Pitcairn • Trafford

P69 Trafford Flyer Lincoln Highway P76 Flyer

Senior Citizens ride free when displaying a Medicare ID or state-issued senior citizen transit pass.

Monthly Pass

69 Trafford

Via East Busway Downtown • Wilkinsburg Forest Hills • Chalfant • East Pittsburgh • Turtle Creek Wilmerding • Pitcairn • Trafford

Children 5 and under ride free when accompanied by a fare-paying adult.

Pass Prices Annual Pass


Via East Busway Downtown • Wilkinsburg Forest Hills • Chalfant • East Pittsburgh • North Versailles East McKeesport • White Oak • Versailles

Valid from time of first tap through end Port Authority service that day.

Routes P69 and P76 do not operate on Saturday, Sunday, New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Folder - 69-P69-P76


