9 -11 april 2014 - Nicholas Hall & Company

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We will be offering two dedicated Networking Sessions, enabling you to ..... CEO of Nicholas Hall & Company, an elit



9 -11 APRIL 2014


wel c o m e We invite you to join us at this momentous event, our 25th Nicholas Hall’s Insight European OTC Conference & Action Workshop, which is being held in picturesque lakeside Luzern. Celebrating 25 years of successful conferences, seminars and workshops in the healthcare industry, we are embracing the concept of iNNOVATION, just like OTC marketers across the globe. Indeed, we will be launching our latest new product at the meeting, an exciting and innovative information dashboard and web app. The event kicks off with a pre-conference Action Workshop exploring the increasingly relevant phenomenon of OTC adjacencies – such as medical devices, functional foods and cosmeceuticals – before the main two-day Conference reviews key changes impacting today’s OTC market, and potential iNNOVATION routes to commercial success. Speakers will review topics including excellence in new product development, tapping into unmet consumer demand, mHealth, entrepreneurial processes such as market testing and brand creation, ways of enhancing shareholder value and what OTC can learn from the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry. We will be offering two dedicated Networking Sessions, enabling you to pre-book meetings in advance with other delegates of particular interest to you and your company from among an international group of 150+, you also have the opportunity to network in a less formal setting at our Delegate Dinner. Last but certainly not least, we will present our Annual Awards for iNNOVATION, Marketing and Creativity, which are being relaunched for this anniversary year. The venue for the 25th Anniversary Conference & Action Workshop is the five-star Palace Luzern, which boasts sensational lake views and an ideal location from which to explore this cultural city. The Conference concludes with a half-day sightseeing tour taking in the amazing sights of this most beautiful region of Switzerland. I look forward to greeting you in Luzern in April for our very special 25th Conference.

C H A I R M A N & C E O, N I C H O L A S H A L L G R O U P O F C O M PA N I E S


LUZERN Switzerland

THE VENUE The conference is being held in the five-star hotel, Palace Luzern. The hotel lies directly on the lakeshore promenade, with sensational views of Lake Luzern and some of Switzerland’s most amazing mountain scenery. A fitting venue to hold such a prestigious and significant meeting. Situated just over an hour from Zurich Airport by train and 50 minutes by car, Luzern offers a stunning setting for this 25th Annual Conference. The Delegate Dinner is being held at the Grand Casino Luzern, just a short walk from the conference hotel. Putting a glamorous spin on our evening, the venue offers unique views of the mountains as well as gourmet delights!



Brussels Paris

Schweiz Luzern

France Mailand Monaco


Barcelona Madrid


16% Business Development 32% Marketing & Sales 13% Brand & Product 3% Research & Development 36% CEOs / Directors / HODs

Who should attend? Nicholas Hall’s OTC Events are designed for Heads of Departments and Decision-Makers working in the Consumer Health / OTC and Pharma sectors. In the past, we have welcomed delegates from a range of functions.

Previous companies that have attended our events include: • Abbott Laboratories • Aptar • Bayer • Boehringer Ingelheim • Capsugel • Catalent • Celesio • DSM Nutritional Products

• GlaxoSmithKline • Johnson & Johnson • Leo Pharma • Lil’ Drug Store • Menarini • Merck • MSD • Novartis • Nycomed

• Omega Pharma • Pfizer • PGT Healthcare • Reckitt Benckiser • Sanofi • PT Takeda • Zambon • USP • and many more... 3


ACTION WORKSHOP iNNOVATION IN OTC ADJACENCIES This interactive event will explore cosmeceuticals, functional foods, diagnostics and medical devices. The OTC environment is changing rapidly to cater for new trends as consumers become increasingly aware of their health. Key to expansion in OTC Adjacencies, such as home diagnostics, is driven by iNNOVATION and technological advances, which has led to faster testing and easier-to-read results for consumers.

Similarly, the cosmeceuticals market provides great opportunities for OTC marketers to expand their offerings. We have seen some innovative A+P campaigns in this sector with brands using multiple platforms to promote their lines. During the workshop the opportunities and challenges faced when dealing with OTC Adjacencies will be explored and analysed with interaction from delegates encouraged. Led by Nicholas Hall and in association with James Hall of JensonR+ and other guest speakers, this session offers ample opportunities for discussion, debate and networking.

C O N F E R E N C E D AY 1 08:30 Registration & Coffee

13:00 Lunch

09:00 Opening Address & Annual Report

14:00 Consumer Business Sustainability Trends

In his keynote speech, Nicholas Hall will review the current status of both the European and global OTC market, highlighting the latest industry trends and developments. He will announce the latest OTC market data from newly published DB6 Global OTC Database, and provide a challenging vision of the future. Nicholas will also discuss the OTC “Hot Topic” of the moment during his session, and include a summary of the key findings from the pre-Conference Action Workshop. Nicholas Hall, Chairman & CEO, Nicholas Hall & Company

10:00 Best European OTC Advertising Award Voting

This award is sponsored by Nicholas Hall’s INSIGHT Colin Borg introduces this year’s shortlist for the Best European OTC Advertising Award and invites delegates to cast their votes. The results will be announced during the Nicholas Hall OTC Marketing Awards Dinner to be held at the Grand Casino on Thursday 10th April 2014. Colin Borg, Managing Director, Ladybird Cottage To enter your brands for the Awards, please contact Jennifer O’Donnell, E: [email protected]

10:30 Creativity, iNNOVATION and Entrepreneurship

In this thought-provoking and interactive presentation which is split over two days, renowned industry figure Anand Sharma will share with you his learnings from the leading FMCG companies. Anand will focus on creativity, iNNOVATION and entrepreneurship in the industry. Anand Sharma, Founder & CEO, Growth Angle

11:00 Coffee 11:30 Developing Products and Services your Customers will Love

Not all ideas are opportunities. Developing products and services your customers will love is an exploratory and adaptive process. Most companies spend too much time brainstorming ideas before initiating any action. Here, we will look at the entrepreneurial process of early market testing and prototyping, and continued refinement to create breakthrough innovations by really understanding what your customers want and need. This presentation will also offer case studies from companies within the OTC industry. Therese Sofie Kinal, CEO & Co-founder Unleash

12:15 Creating a Brand with iNNOVATION in Turkey,

a Challenging OTC Market

Hayal Tepe will present the journey of creating a brand in a challenging OTC market. In this presentation, she will focus on the need of shift of mind in branding and marketing strategies, when the issue is consumer health products. She will underline the importance of consumer insight and how 360 degree marketing strategies and actions build upon those valuable information with successful examples from Abdi Ibrahim brands: Youplus, a.i.d and Bruno, winner of two Nicholas Hall OTC Marketing Awards 2013. Hayal Tepe, Sales & Marketing Director, Abdi Ibrahim 4

With sustainability in mind, leading consumer-facing companies are re-thinking their products, how they market them and even their business models. It’s increasingly a full part of the business strategy, not merely the responsibility of a CSR department. Elizabeth will give examples of how leading companies in other sectors are organising themselves to drive innovative sustainability initiatives, putting themselves in powerful competitive positions as a result and suggest what this might mean for OTC companies for the future. Elizabeth Morgan, Director, Innoweaver Consulting

14:45 The Future of Healthcare:

Innovation in a New Paradigm

The game is changing with the means and responsibility for preventing and coping with illness and well-being; these are shared across the whole of society. During his presentation, Chris will discuss the three strategic threats for consumer healthcare including disintermediation, as well as exploring the five innovation platforms for the new Paradigm such as Tribal Brands. This presentation will also explore how the execution of successful strategy starts with a passionate team. Chris Middleton, Founder & CEO, Futures Coaching

15:30 Men’s Health and the Pharmacy:

The Emerging Male Market

Men use pharmacies as poorly as most other primary care services, despite pharmacies ticking all the right boxes for men when it comes to advice and medical products. If ever there was an untouched market, it has to be the male market. This presentation builds on last year’s and offers further insight into public health issues combined with the commercial potential of getting men through the pharmacy door. From intuitive good ideas we now have solid evidence base. Professor Ian Banks, President, European Men’s Health Forum

16:15 Coffee Break & Networking

A dedicated Networking Session, for which you can pre-book meetings with delegates (the delegate list will be distributed prior to the meeting for this purpose). For more information please email: [email protected]

19:30 Nicholas Hall OTC Marketing Awards Dinner

The Awards dinner will take place at the Grand Casino just a short walk from the conference hotel. Putting a glamorous spin on our evening, the venue offers unique views of the mountains as well as gourmet delights! Delegates should meet in the hotel lobby at 19:15.

LUZERN Switzerland

C O N F E R E N C E D AY 2 08:00 Coffee 08:30 US Developments and the Impact

on the International OTC Market

This presentation will focus on two key points: 2014 • The Year of Switch, what will drive switches? • Who will do it with which brands? Obamacare • How it will impact the OTC market? • Overall what effect will these US developments will have on the international OTC market? Mary Alice Lawless, Managing Director & Joe McGovern, VP Strategy, everythingHealth

09:15 iNNOVATION as a way of Enhancing

Shareholder Value

Fuad Sawaya will bring an interesting M&A perspective to the conference theme by addressing iNNOVATION as a way to create shareholder value. Through M&A examples, he will demonstrate how iNNOVATION in its various forms has resulted in superior value creation for brand owners. His presentation, which relies heavily on case examples of iNNOVATION anchored around unmet consumer needs, unique IP, patent protection, and rejuvenating orphaned brands will shed light on how private equity owners and public companies alike have managed to create value in a largely mature consumer health environment. Fuad Sawaya, Managing Director, Sawaya Segalas

10:00 Coffee Break & Networking 11:00 Product and Brand Lifecycle Management

in the Italian OTC Market

For the consumer, Italian brands have always been very important in all markets. OTCs are not an exception. The pressing question for the industry is how to build an OTC brand that maximises ROI at the same time as being ahead of the competition. This analgesics case study focuses on Moment (ibuprofen), Momentact, Momendol (naproxen) and Momentkid, which are a collection of brands by Angelini, are leaders in CHC market in Italy by organic growth alone. Dr Maini will also discuss other Angelini success stories such as Tachipirina (paracetamol) and disinfectants (sodium hypochlorite), and will reflect on the effects that the Rx switch of pantoprazole had on the major Italian pharmaceutical companies. Dr Andrea Maini, Consultant in Executive & Strategic Management, formerly GM at Angelini

11:45 Innovative Consumer Dose Forms,

your Competitive Advantage in the Market

Mark Gardella will showcase the latest advancements in delivery form technology for the consumer products market. This presentation will inspire both marketers and R&D leaders searching for unique delivery forms to support their brands’ iNNOVATION strategies. Mark’s presentation will specifically offer a global perspective on: • New opportunities to develop higher value VMS products • Advanced formulations to generate better product claims • Customising dose forms to acquire new consumers • Enjoyable forms to improve compliance Mark Gardella, Global R&D Platform leader, Catalent Pharma Solutions

12:30 Creativity, iNNOVATION and Entrepreneurship

Join Anand for the second part of his interactive presentation, which will continue to focus on creativity, iNNOVATION and entrepreneurship and from this you will walk away with three new innovative ideas that will enable you to put to use and turn into projects of your own. ‘It’s all about “people” and “brands” stupid’. Anand Sharma, Founder & CEO, Growth Angle

13:00 Summary & Close 13:15 Lunch 14:30 Sightseeing Tour

Join us on a half-day tour, cruising along Lake Luzern offering fantastic views of the picturesque landscape and historical sites that the city has to offer. Nicholas Hall International Pte Ltd reserves the right to make changes to the conference agenda. 5


S p ea k er B io g ra p hies

Professor Ian Banks - President European Men’s Health Forum

Mark Gardella - Global R&D Platform Leader Catalent Pharma Solutions

Ian was appointed visiting professor of men’s health in Europe by Leeds Metropolitan University in 2005, and awarded the Royal Society of Public Health Gold Medal for public health in 2007 followed by appointment to the Academy in 2012. The City of Vienna and the International Society of Men’s Health honoured Ian with their award for public health in September 2007. In 2012 the RSPH appointed Ian as Professorial Fellow to the Society. He is now visiting professor to the University of Ulster. He currently chairs the European Cancer Organisation (ECCO) patient advisory committee and the European Forum Against Blindness.

Mark Gardella is responsible for leading the R&D effort for Consumer Health globally, with specific focus on the introduction of new technologies to support long term strategic growth plans and geographic expansion. Prior to Catalent, Mark served as Director, U.S. Business Development – Consumer Healthcare and Director of Life Cycle Management (LCM) at Sanofi, leading cross-functional efforts to build the LCM plans for brands including, Ambien®, Eloxatin®, Uroxatral® and lastly the Rx-to-OTC conversion of Allegra®. Mark has been in the pharmaceutical industry for 18 years, including roles at Eli Lilly and the consulting firm, The Mattson Jack Group.

Colin Borg - Managing Director Ladybird Cottage

A Cambridge honours degree in classics and a spell conducting buses in a UK seaside resort might seem an odd background for a career in marketing, but Colin believes they both taught him the communication skills essential for marketing success. Colin’s advertising and PR history includes working on major OTC brands in Britain and Europe.

Dr Andrea Maini - Consultant in Executive & Strategic Management Formerly GM at Angelini A graduate with an honors degree in Economics, Dr Maini began his professional career at Nestle (Milan), where he assumed increasing responsibility in marketing and sales. Following the acquisition of major brands by the Swiss multinational he then moved to BSN Danone Group as Marketing Director, working on international innovation projects. In 1997, he joined Angelini where he built the team and product portfolio. Today, Angelini is ranked in the top 10 companies in Italy within the pharmaceutical industry and was the first one to capture market share in the ‘self-medication’ sector. During this time, Dr Maini also made several acquisitions and opened two business units in Spain and Portugal.


Elizabeth Morgan - Director Innoweaver Consulting

Elizabeth Morgan created and chaired the Boots Centre for Innovation and now runs a consultancy business, helping both retailers and brand owners build commercial success through innovation, especially in the context of the increasing importance of corporate sustainability for businesses and their customers. She is now also undertaking scientific research at the University of Leeds into retailer and brand businesses’ innovations that help their customers act more sustainably.

Chris Middleton - Founder & CEO Futures Coaching

Following a degree in social sciences from University College London, Chris spent most of his early career researching consumers and translating his findings into marketing strategies. He joined the international pharmaceuticals group, Boots The Chemist in 1987, where he specialised in consumer strategy, business planning, mergers and acquisitions. In 1992, he transferred to France where he worked in corporate strategy for the beauty retail chain - Sephora. Six years ago, Chris set up his own specialist marketing consultancy, Futures Coaching, helping clients such as Wrigleys, Unilever and Michelin; rejuvenate and develop their brands for the future. Chris’ work in innovation and brand strategy has taken him around the globe and Asia is a particular focus of attention where Chris has worked for Merck, Lufthansa, L’Oréal and Zurich Insurance.

LUZERN Switzerland

Nicholas Hall, Chairman & CEO Nicholas Hall & Company

Nicholas Hall is the founder and CEO of Nicholas Hall & Company, an elite consulting firm primarily serving the OTC healthcare industry since 1978. After a career in marketing and general management with Procter & Gamble, Vicks and GD Searle, Nicholas has managed the company’s consultancy practice, which has among its clients many blue chip OTC companies, as well as some of the leading local laboratories in Asia, Middle East and Latin America. He has more than 36 years experience in the healthcare industry and has chaired and moderated over 300 OTC conferences and seminars in 58 countries.

Mary Alice Lawless - Managing Director everythingHEALTH

Therese Sofie Kinal - CEO & Co-founder Unleash

Alice Mary is the founder and Managing Director of everythingHEALTH LLC, which advises healthcare organisations on matters of business strategy, growth and innovation. She has led consulting engagements with many of the world’s largest companies and brands, and has worked on academic and public sector initiatives at the state and national level. The major focus of her work has been in the areas of healthcare consumerism, managed care, health economics and value creation, communications, dissemination, and the impact of technology in empowered self-care. She has worked extensively in the areas of Rx-to-OTC Switch, CV, GI, Pain/Arthritis, Women’s Health, Wellness and Prevention, and Healthcare Consumer Education.

Therese S. Kinal is the CEO and co-founder of Unleash, a disruptive innovator in the management education and consulting industry. She has spent the last five years working exclusively with consumer health, FMCG and pharmaceutical companies and has particular understanding in the complexities and nuances of OTC and Consumer Health. She is the co-author of ‘Unleashing: The Future of Work’ and writes, runs workshops and works with clients on a range of management issues, including: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, The Future of Organisations, Leadership Development, Organisational Change, Adaptive Strategy Execution, Living Brand and Complex Problem Solving etc.

Fuad Sawaya - Managing Director Sawaya Segalas

Joe McGovern - VP Strategy everythingHEALTH

Fuad Sawaya is co-founder and Managing Director of Sawaya Segalas & Co., LLC. Fuad brings 25 years of experience advising some of the most respected consumer companies on M&A and Strategic Financial Advisory assignments. Prior to Sawaya Segalas, Fuad’s career began at PaineWebber, Inc. 1986 in its Mergers & Acquisitions department where he worked as a generalist on many of the group’s most important assignments.

Joe McGovern is an accomplished pharmaceutical executive with extensive experience in the strategic management of global health care businesses, including portfolio management, product launches, Rx-to-OTC switches and acquiring new products through business development. Deep and extensive experience at both Pfizer Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline PLC has contributed to his extensive knowledge base of global strategic marketing and development. Joe led the first global launches of seven new prescription drugs, including world-leading antibiotic Augmentin, plus ten prescription-to-over-the-counter switch projects. Rx-to-OTC switches include: H2s, allergy brands, NRT products globally.

Anand Sharma - Founder & CEO Growth Angle

Anand Sharma is the founder and CEO of Growth Angle Ltd UK. His company focuses on Healthcare Marketing, Brand Building, Business Development and Executive / Team / Leadership coaching. Anand acquired over 35 years of Pharma and Consumer Healthcare experience including 15 years at Reckitt Benckiser PLC.UK as the Global Category Director, Healthcare. Anand also managed powers brands such as Nurofen, Strepsils, Gaviscon and Mucinex in various roles spanning global brand strategy, innovation, brand equity and new country entry models. He led the acquisition of Boots Consumer Healthcare UK, Adams Respiratory USA and Paras Pharma India from the category development organisation and helped them integrate into Reckitt Benckiser. He also was responsible for medical marketing training globally.

Hayal Tepe - Sales & Marketing Director Abdi Ibrahim

Hayal Tepe, started her career in Hunca cosmetics as Product Manager in 1998, responsible for leading the biggest brand of the company Jagler. Between 1999 - 2004, she continued her professional life at Colgate Palmolive as Senior Brand Manager in personal care category and managed the company’s largest category; Palmolive brand equity: shower gel, shampoo & conditioner, soap and Protex. She was later appointed as Unit Head of Youth Segment in Turkcell, and in 2007, she became Marketing Manager at Unilever Food Solutions, responsible for out-of-home business. Appointed as Marketing Director in 2009, at Yildiz Holding, Hayal was responsible for the culinary business. Since 2011, Hayal has been the Sales & Marketing Director for Health Products at Abdi Ibrahim, the leading pharmaceutical company in Turkey. 7




Sponsored by

Sponsored by

This Award will be given for the most innovative new marketing campaign for any OTC brand. This could be a campaign or a launch from anywhere in the world, which has appeared for the first time globally between 1st March 2013 and 28th February 2014.

This Award will be given for the most outstanding example of creativity in OTC advertising which has appeared in film, TV, internet or out-of-home media between 1st March 2013 and 28th February 2014.

THE SELECTION PROCESS: OTC.Newsflash readers will be offered a chance to vote for: •




This Award will be given for the most innovative and successful product launch or Rx-to-OTC switch in any European country between 1st March 2013 and 28th February 2014. Significant line extensions might be considered for this award.

The campaigns that receive the highest number of votes will make the shortlist. Nicholas Hall and a judging panel will choose the winners from the shortlist. The Awards will be presented to the winners at the Nicholas Hall Marketing Award Ceremony in April 2014. The Award for the BEST EUROPEAN OTC ADVERTISING 2014 will be voted for by delegates at the 25th Nicholas Hall’s INSIGHT Annual OTC Conference & Action Workshop.

S P O N S O R S H I P O PP O R T U N I T I E S Welcome Drinks Sponsor

Networking Hour Sponsor

Dinner Sponsor

3 Two roll-up banners to be displayed 3 Thank you announcement 3 Logos printed on napkins /  drinks coasters (materials to be supplied by the sponsor) 3 Promotional material displayed in  drinks reception area (one table and linen provided, space permitting) 3 One space at Workshop & Conference

 3 Promotional material displayed in the coffee break area (one table and linen provided) 3 One pop-up banner and two  roll-up banners to be displayed during the break 3 Opportunity for a dedicated  meeting area (space permitting) 3 Reminder announcement at the conference 3 Two spaces at the conference only

3 Logo on menus Reminder announcement 3 at the conference 3 Two roll-up banners to be displayed 3 Promotional material displayed (one table and linen provided, space permitting) 3 To present the awards alongside  Nicholas Hall for our Annual OTC Marketing Awards Ceremony 3 Two spaces at the conference only

Price £5,500

Price £7,500

Price £8,500

(Two packages available)

* All promotional / marketing materials to be supplied by sponsors

Book 3 places and get the 4th place free of charge!

NICHOLAS HALL’S INSIGHT 25TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE & ACTION WORKSHOP Palace Hotel, Luzern, Switzerland: 9 -­11 April 2014

I would like to book ____________ place/s for the following event/s:

Workshop only (9th April) Conference only (10th - 11th April) Conference & Workshop (9th - 11th April)

Bookings before 31st December GB £650 GB £1,000 GB £1,500

Bookings before 1st March

Bookings at Full Rate (Received after 1st March)

GB £725 GB £1,150 GB £1,700

GB £800 GB £1,300 GB £1,900

Please tick if you do not want your email published on our delegate list (only for meeting attendees). Please tick if you wish to attend the delegate dinner. P lease advise below if you have any dietary requirements. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please tick if you wish to attend the half day sightseeing tour (included in registration fee). If you would like a partner to attend the delegate dinner and / or sightseeing tour there will be a small surcharge. Please contact Lianne and Jennifer for further details and rates. Dress code for all functions is business casual.

Payment Details

A cheque is enclosed / follows under separate cover for £___________________ payable to Nicholas Hall International Pte Ltd Please invoice my company quoting the Ref / Order no. _____________________ Please debit my credit card with 5% discount! Visa Mastercard America Express Eurocard Diners Club

Card number

Expiry Date

Security Code

Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr Full Name__________________________________ Job Title________________________________________________________ Company___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________Country________________________ Postcode __________________________ Tel_________________________________________________Fax___________________________ Email_____________________________

If booking two or more places please provide contact details below: Delegate two Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr Full name____________________________ Job title______________________________ Email address__________________________ Country______________________________

Delegate three Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr Full name____________________________ Job title______________________________ Email address__________________________ Country______________________________

Delegate four Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr

Please tick if you do not want your email published on our delegate list (only for meeting attendees). Please tick if you wish to attend the delegate dinner. Please advise below if you have any dietary requirements. ________________________________ Please tick if you wish to attend the half day sightseeing tour (included in registration fee).

Please tick if you do not want your email published on our delegate list (only for meeting attendees). Please tick if you wish to attend the delegate dinner. Please advise below if you have any dietary requirements. ________________________________ Please tick if you wish to attend the half day sightseeing tour (included in registration fee).

Please tick if you do not want your email published on our delegate list (only for meeting attendees). Please tick if you wish to attend the delegate dinner. Please advise below if you have any dietary requirements. ________________________________ Please tick if you wish to attend the half day sightseeing tour (included in registration fee).

Full name____________________________ Job title______________________________ Email address__________________________ Country______________________________

I accept the terms and conditions below and understand that Nicholas Hall International Pte Ltd reserves the right to amend the agenda. Signature ________________________________________________________________________ Date DD / MM / YYYY This conference is being held by Nicholas Hall International Pte Ltd, but for bookings, information and other details please contact our managing agents: Nicholas Hall & Company, 35 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1BW, UK N.B. Nicholas Hall & Company is not liable for any incident or injury which may occur during the course of the meeting or any of the functions, including the city tour. The appropriate fee covers attendance at all sessions, conference / workshop documentation, lunches and coffee breaks during the meetings, and organised social functions on the evenings of 9th & 10th April and the city tour on the afternoon of the 11th April. It does NOT include hotel accommodation or items charged to your room account, or transport to and from the conference. Bookings may be transferred to a colleague, at no extra charge. Notice of cancellations or transfers of bookings must be given in writing. For cancellations received by 1st March 2014, fees will be refunded in full, less an administration charge of £100. If received by 11th March 2014 there will be a 50% refund. There will be no refund for cancellations received after 11th March 2014, or cancellations where no written notice of cancellation is received. If you have any questions about this conference, please contact Lianne Hill or Jennifer O’Donnell: T: +44 (0) 1702 220 224 / 215 F: +44 (0) 1702 220 241 E: [email protected] or [email protected]

Nicholas Hall International Pte Ltd Singapore Land Tower 37th Floor 50 Raffles Place Singapore 048623 Nicholas Hall & Company 35 Alexandra Street, Southend on Sea, Essex SS1 1BW, UK T F E W

+44 (0)1702 220 200 +44 (0)1702 220 241 [email protected] www.NicholasHall.com

Lianne Hill Events Director T +44 (0)1702 220 224 E [email protected] Jennifer O’Donnell Events Co-ordinator T +44 (0)1702 220 215 E [email protected] Follow us on Twitter @NicholasHallCo @NHOTCAwards Get involved: #NHOTC14