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Metropolis algorithms along with Gibbs steps are proposed to perform the Bayesian inference of such models. Some Bayesian model diagnostics are developed ...
A Bayesian Approach Using Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process for Software Reliability Models Jorge A. Achcar Department of Computer Sciences and Statistics ICMSC, University of Sao Paulo C.P. 668, 13560-970 Sao Carlos, S.P., Brazil Dipak K. Dey and Murali Niverthi Department of Statistics University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269 Abstract

Bayesian approach using nonhomogeneous Poisson process is considered for modeling software reliability problems. A generalized gamma and lognormal order statistics models are considered to model epochs of the failures of software. Metropolis algorithms along with Gibbs steps are proposed to perform the Bayesian inference of such models. Some Bayesian model diagnostics are developed and incorporated to verify further modeling assumptions. Model selection based on a prequential likelihood of conditional predictive ordinates is considered. The methodology developed in this paper is exempli ed with a software reliability data set introduced by Jelinski and Moranda (1972). Key Words: Generalized Gamma intensity function, General order statistics, Gibbs sampling, Lognormal intensity function, Metropolis algorithm, Model diagnostics, Model selection, Nonhomogeneous Poisson process. AMS 1991 subject classi cations: 62F15, 62N05.


1 Introduction The modelling of the number of failures of a software could be based on a point process to count failures (see for example, Singpurwalla and Wilson, 1994; or Musa, Iannino and Okumoto, 1987). Let M (t) be the cumulative number of failures of the software that are observed during time (0; t] and M (t) is modeled by a nonhomogeneous Poisson process with mean value function m(t). The di erent models of this type specify a di erent function m(t): The cumulative number of failures M (t) can also be speci ed by its intensity function (t) which is the derivative of m(t) with respect to t; either of these functions completely specify a particular nonhomogeneous Poisson process, with distribution,

P fM (t) = ng = fmn(t!)g e?m(t) n


where n = 0; 1; 2; ::: If  is a constant (so that m(t) is linear), then M (t) is called a homogeneous Poisson process; otherwise it is called a nonhomogeneous Poisson process (NHPP). Many di erent choices for the mean value function m(t) are considered in the literature. Goel and Okumoto (1979) assume that the expected number of software failures to time t, given by the mean value function m(t), is nondecreasing and bounded above. Speci cally, they consider the mean function, m1 (t) = (1 ? e? t); (2) where  represents the expected number of errors in the software and is considered to be the fault detection rate. From (2), we have 1 (t) = m01 (t) =

 e? t:

Often, the rate of faults in software increases initially before eventually decreasing. In view of that, Goel (1983) proposes a generalization of model (2) given by the intensity function,

2 (t) =  t ?1 e? t


where  is still the total number of bugs and the parameters and describe the quality of testing. 2

From (3) it follows that the corresponding mean function (4) m2 (t) = (1 ? e? t ): Observe that (2) and (4) can be written as a special case of a general form where the mean value function is given as m(t) = F (t): (5) Here we assume that there is an unknown number N of faults at the beginning of software debugging and we model the epochs of failures to be the rst n order statistics taken from N i.i.d. observations with density f supported in R+ and c.d.f. F (of a general order statistics model). Also observe that in this case, tlim m(t) is nite and this process can be denoted by NHPP-I. !1 From (5), we observe that if F (t) = 1 ? e? t; we have the Goel and Okumoto (1979) process (an exponential order statistics model); if F (t) = 1 ? e? t ; we have the Goel (1983) process (a Weibull order statistics model); whereas if F (t) = 1 ? (1 + t)e? t; we have the Ohba-Yamada (1982, 1983) process. Other NHPP processes are also proposed to model software reliability data. In situations where new faults are introduced during debugging, we need to replace the general order statistics (GOS) model with a record value statistics model (RVS). In these cases, we have m(t) ! 1 as t ! 1; and we denote such as NHPP-II processes (see Yang, 1994). A special case is given with m(t) = ? ln(1 ? F (t));which reduces to the cases of the MusaOkumoto (1984) process with (t) = =(t+ ), the Duane (1964) process with (t) = t ?1 and the Cox and Lewis (1966) process with (t) = exp( + t): Recently, Kuo and Yang (1995) developed a uni ed approach for software reliability growth models considering the two di erent classes of models: (i) using general order statistics models (GOS) and, (ii) using record value statistics models (RVS). They also introduce a Bayesian analysis for NHPPI software reliability models considering some special choices of F (t) in (5) (exponential, Weibull, Pareto and extreme value order statistics models) and using Gibbs sampling with Metropolis-Hastings algorithms. Kuo, Lee, Choi and Yang (1996) present Bayesian inference for the OhbaYamada (1982, 1983) process by considering a further extension given by the NHPP-gamma-k model with, j k?1 F (t) = 1 ? e? t j=0 ( tj !) : (6) 3

They used Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm for the Bayesian analysis assuming a known value of k. Observe that if k = 1 in (6), we have the Goel and Okumoto (1979) process and if k = 2, we have the Ohba-Yamada process (1982, 1983). In this paper we present Bayesian inference for software reliability models using Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithms for two special classes of GOS models: a supermodel given by the generalized gamma order statistics model which incorporates some standard order statistics software reliability models and the log-normal order statistics model. The use of these two classes of models give great exibility for the shape of the intensity function (t), which implies in better t for software reliability data. We also explore some Bayesian model selection criteria considering a software reliability data set introduced by Jelinski and Moranda (1972). An outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, a Bayesian inference for generalized order statistics software reliability models are developed. Section 3 specializes to generalized gamma order statistics models. Gibbs algorithms are presented for special cases of such models. Section 4 discusses Bayesina inference for the lognormal order statistics models. Bayesian inference and model selection procedures are described in Section 5. Section 6 considers a numerical illustration of Bayesian model tting along with model comparisons.

2 Bayesian Inference for GOS Software Reliability Models Let us assume that the mean value function m(t) is indexed by the unknown parameters  and :  Given the time truncated model testing until time t, the ordered epochs of the observed n failure times are denoted by x1 ; x2 ; :::; xn . The likelihood function is given by n

LNHP P (;  j Dt ) = fi=1 (xi)g expf?m(t)g


where Dt = fn; x1 ; x2 ; :::; xn; tg is the data set (see for example, Cox and Lewis, 1966; or Lawless, 1982, p. 495). 4

For the failure truncated model a similar expression to (7) can be applied with t replaced by xn: For Bayesian inference of GOS software reliability models (5), we consider the use of Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithms (see for example, Gelfand and Smith, 1990). Since the presence of the expression m(t) = F (t) for the NHPP in the likelihood function (7) usually prevent us in specifying a convenient form for the conditional density of and  given Dt needed in the  Gibbs sampling, we consider the introduction of a latent variable N 0 = N ? n which has a Poisson distribution with parameter [1 ? F (t j )] (see Yang,  1994; or Kuo and Yang, 1995). In this way, the posterior distribution p(; j Dt) can be obtained from  the joint density p(; ; N 0 j Dt ) by marginalization. The joint posterior  density p(; ; N 0 j Dt ) is approximated from the Gibbs samplers drawn  from the following conditional densities: p(N 0 j ; ; Dt ); p( j N 0 ; ; Dt ) and   p( j N 0 ; ; Dt ): 

3 Bayesian Inference for the Generalized Gamma Order Statistics Model Let us assume that F (t) given in (5) is the c.d.f. of a generalized gamma distribution, that is, the corresponding mean function mGG(t) = Ik ( t ); (8) where Ik (s) is the incomplete gamma integral given by Zs Ik (s) = ?(1k) xk?1 e?xdx: 0 From (8), we get the intensity function (9) GG(t) = m0GG(t) = ?(1k)  k t k?1 e? t : Observe that several usual order statistics models which are already considered in the literature are special cases of the generalized gamma order statistics model: 5

(i) If k = 1; GG(t) reduces to 2 (t) given in (3) (a Goel (1983) process). (ii) If k = 1; = 1; GG(t) reduces to 1 (t) =  e? t (a Goel and Okumoto (1979) process). (iii) If = 1; GG(t) reduces to, k 3 (t) =  ?( k) tk?1 e? t


which is a NHPP ? gamma ? k process with m3 (t) = F (t) where F (t) is given by (6). We denote this NHPP process by a gamma order statistics model. (iv) If k ! 1; we have a normal order statistics model (see for example, Lawless (1982)). Considering the generalized order statistics model (8), the likelihood function for ; ; and k is given (from (7)) by,

LNHP ; k j Dt )  n  nP (; ; o k k?1 e? x i exp ? R t  k u k?1 e? u du: x = i  i 0 ?(k) =1 ?(k) That is,



LNHP P (; ; ; k j Dt ) = fn?( kn) gknn i=1 xi k?1   n  exp ? i=1 x i ? Ik ( t )


For Bayesian inference, considering the introduction of a latent variable section 2), we assume the following prior densities for

N 0 = N ? n (see N 0 ; ; ; and k :

(i) N 0  P f[1 ? Ik ( t )]g; (ii)   ?(a; b); a; b known, (iii)  ?(c; d); c; d known, (iv)  1 ( ), where 1 ( ) is a prior density for ( > 0); (v) k  2 (k); where 2 (k) is a prior density for k(k > 0): 6


Here, P () denotes a Poisson distribution with parameter ; ?(a; b) denotes a gamma distribution with mean a=b and variance a=b2 : We further assume independence among the parameters ; ; and k: The joint posterior density is, 0+

P (N 0 ; ; ; k;  j Dt ) / N nN a0!?f?( kn) gnkn c? n n  : 0 ?(b+1)?(d+  x i ) N k ? 1 i  i=1 xi 1 ( )2 (k) f1 ? Ik ( t )g e +






For the failure truncated model, similar expressions to (12) and (14) can be applied with t replaced by xn: The marginal posterior densities for the Gibbs algorithm are given by, (i) N 0 j ; ; k; ; Dt  P [(1 ? Ik ( t ))]; (ii)  j N 0 ; ; ; k; Dt  ?[a + n + N 0 ; b + 1]; n n  k?1 e? i xi f1 ? I ( t )gN 0  ( ); (iii) p( j ; N 0 ; ; k; Dt ) / n i x k 1 =1 i =1

n  x i +d] kn+c?1 ? [i=1


f1 ? Ik ( t )gN (iv) p( j N 0 ; ; k; ; Dt ) /  e  n k?1 )gN 0 2 (k): x f 1 ? I ( t (v) p(k j N 0 ; ; ; ; Dt ) / f?( kkn)gn i k i =1

(15) The variables ; and k should be generated using Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (see for example, Chib and Greenberg, 1994).

3.1 Gibbs Algorithms for Special Cases of the Generalized Gamma Order Statistics Model Assuming k = 1 in (8), we have a Weibull order statistics model (Goel (1983) process). In this case, 1 ? Ik ( t ) = e? t and the joint posterior density for N 0 ; ; and  is given (from (14)) by,

p(N 0 ; ; ;  j Dt ) / N10! Nn 0+n+a?1 n n+c?1 n  0  i=1 xi ?1 e?(b+1) e?(i xi +N t +d) 1 ( ): =1



The marginal posterior densities for the Gibbs algorithm are given by (i) N 0 j ; ; ; Dt  P (e? t ) (ii)  j N 0 ; ; ; Dt  ?(a + n + N 0 ; b + 1) n (iii) j N 0 ; ; ; Dt  ?(n + c; N 0 tc + d+ i x ) and (17) =1 i 0 + n x i )

n ?(N t (iv) p( j N 0 ; ; ; Dt) / n (  x )e i=1 i


1 ( ):

Observe that when k = 1, we only need to use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate the variable : Assuming = 1 in (8), we have a gamma order statistics model. The joint posterior density for N 0 ; ;  and k is given by p(N 0 ; ; ; k j Dt ) / N 0!f?(1 k)gn N 0+n+a?1 kn+c?1 n  n (18) ?(d+  xi ) k ? 1 ? ( b +1)  i e f1 ? Ik ( t)gN 0 2(k):   xi e i=1


The marginal posterior densities for the Gibbs algorithm are given by (i) N 0 j ; ; k; Dt  P [(1 ? Ik ( t))]; (ii)  j N 0 ; ; k; Dt  ?[a + n + N 0 ; bn+ 1]; ?(  x +d) 0 (iii) p( j N 0 ; ; k; Dt ) / kn+c?1 e i i  f1 ? Ik ( t)gN n k?1 N 0  (k): x f 1 ? I ( t ) g and (iv) p(k j N 0 ; ; ; Dt ) / f?( kkn)gn i k 2 i =1 (19) When = 1; we need to use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate the variables and k: When = 1 and k = 1 (a Goel and Okumoto (1979) process), we have the exponential order statistics model. In this case, the joint posterior density for N 0 ;  and is given (from (14)) by 1 N 0 +n+a?1 n+c?1 ?(b+1) ?(i n xi +N 0t+d) 0 p(N ; ; j Dt ) / N 0 !  : (20) e e With = 1; k = 1, the marginal posterior densities for the Gibbs algorithm are given by (i) N 0 j ; ; Dt  P (e? t) (ii)  j N 0 ; ; Dt  ?[a + n + N 0 ; b + 1] (21) n 0 0 (iii) j N ; ; Dt  ?[n + c; d + N t+ i xi ]: =1 =1



4 Bayesian Inference for the Log-Normal Order Statistics Model Let us assume that F (t) given in (5) is the c.d.f. of a log-normal distribution, that is, the mean function is !

mLN (t) = z ln t ?  ;


where z () is the c.d.f. of a standard normal distribution. The intensity function is given by (


2 LN (t) = p exp ? (ln t2?2 ) : t 2 The likelihood function for ;  and  is given (from (7)) by

n  LNHP P (; ; ) = (2)n= n i=1 1=xi  n  n n



 exp ? 21 i=1 (ln xi ? )2 exp ?z ( ln t? ) :




Considering the introduction of a latent variable N 0 = N ? n (see section 2), we assume that following prior densities for N 0 ; ;  and  : (i) N 0  P [(1 ? z ( ln t? ))]; (ii)   ?[a; b]; a; b known, (iii)   3 (); where 3 () is a prior density for (?1 <  < 1); and (iv)   4 (); where 4 () is a prior density for  ( > 0): (25) The joint posterior density is 0 ; ; ;  j Dt ) / n1 0 n+N 0+a?1 e?(b+1) p(N  n o 0  N ! 1 n ln t? N  1 ? z (  ) exp ? 2 i=1 (ln xi ? )2 3()4(): 2


In this case, the marginal posterior densities for the Gibbs algorithm are


given by (i) N 0 j ; ; ; Dt  P [(1 ? z ( ln t? ))]; (ii)  j N 0 ; ; ; Dt  ?[a + n + N 0 ; b + 1]; n (ln xi ? )2 g  f1 ? z ( ln t? )gN 0 3 (); (iii)  j N 0 ; ; ; Dt / expf? 21 i =1 n 1 2 g   ?n f1 ?  ( ln t? )gN 0  ( ): 0 (ln x ?  ) and (iv)  j N ; ; ; Dt / expf? 2 i 4 i z  =1 (27) Observe that, we again need to use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate the variables  and : 2


5 Bayesian Inference and Model Determination We can use the Gibbs samplers to get inferences on the parameters of the software reliability model or functions of these parameters. In this case, we could approximate posterior moments of interest. As a special case, consider the number of remaining errors in the software given by "(t) = m(1) ? m(t): Considering the generalized gamma order statistics model, we have "(t) = (1 ? Ik ( t )) and a Bayes estimator of "(t) with respect to the squared error loss function is given by

E ["(t) j Dt ] = E [(1 ? Ik ( t )) j Dt ]: (28) Let (r;s) ; k(r;s) ; (r;s) and (r;s) denote the variates for ; k; and drawn in the rth iteration and the sth replication where R and S are respectively the total number of iterations and simulations of the Gibbs sampler. Then (28) can be estimated by 2 S R (r;s) (r;s) t r;s )): "b(t) = RS  (1 ? I (29) r;s (   k R s=1 (


r= 2 +1



Similar inferences could be obtained for m(t) and also by considering other order statistics models. For model checking, observe that, if the model (5) is correct m(t)= = F (t) has a standard uniform distribution. Therefore, at each failure time we could consider Empirical Q-Q plots of the Monte Carlo estimates of m(t)= 10

versus Uniform(0,1) distribution for each failure time and for each model. Departure from uniform distribution indicates model inadequacy. For model selection, we could consider the prequential conditional predictive ordinate (PCPO) as suggested by Dawid (1984), for the future epoch xi+1 de ned by ci = p(xi+1 j Dxi ); the conditional density of Xi+1 evaluated at the future observed time xi+1 given (x1; x2 ; :::; xi ): The sequence fXigi1 is Markov chain (see Yang, 1994, pp 52). Therefore, we can write ci = p(xi+1 j xi ): The PCPO can be computed by

p(xi+1 j xi ) = R p(xi+1 j ; Dxi )p(  ; Dxi )d  R = II (xi+1) exp f?mII (xi+1) + mII (xi)g p( ; Dxi )d  


where mII (t) = ? ln(1 ? F (t)) is the mean value function of a NHPP-II process considering the record value statistics in a given interval and II (t) is the intensity function (also the hazard function of F; that is, II (t) = m0II (t) = f (t)=(1 ? F (t)): Considering the generalized gamma order statistics model (8) with F (t) = Ik ( t ) we have mII (t) = ? ln(1?Ik ( t )) and II (t) = k t k?1 e? t =f?(k)[1? Ik ( t )]g: Thus, the PCPO for the future epoch xi+1 ; considering the generalized gamma order statistics model is given

p(xi+1 j xi) =

Z Z Z k x k?1 e? x i i+1


?(k)f1 ? Ik ( x i)g

p( ; ; k j Dxi )d d dk:


Special cases of the generalized gamma order statistics model are easily obtained from (31); for example, if k = 1 (a Weibull order statistics model), ? x we have 1 ? Ik ( xi ) = e i and,

p(xi+1 j xi ) =




xi +1?1 exp ? x i+1 + x i p( ; j Dxi )d d : (32)

Using the Gibbs samplers (31) can be approximated by its Monte Carlo estimate pb(xi+1 j xi ) r;s k r;s r;s r;s x r;s k r;s ? e? r;s xi (33) S R i : = RS2 s=1 R r;s ?(k r;s )f1?Ik ( r;s x )g (

r= 2 +1









) (












( ) +1

Considering the log-normal order statistics model with mean value function (22) we have from (30) (

ln t ? 

mII (t) = ? ln 1 ? z (  ) and


expf?(ln t ? ) =2 g : II (t) = m0II (t) = p 2tf1 ? z ( ln t? )g In this case, the PCPO for the future epoch xi+1 considering the log2


normal order statistics model is given by

p(xi+1 j xi) =

Z Z expf?(ln x ? )2 =22 gp(;  j D )dd xi p i+1

2xi+1 f1 ? z ( ln xi ? )g



We can use the obtained PCPO ci = p(xi+1 j xi) in model selection. In this way, we could consider plots of ci versus i (i = 1; 2; :::) for di erent models; large value of ci (in average) indicates the better model. n We also could choose the model such that c(`) =  ci(`) is maximum (` i=1 indexes models).

6 A Numerical Illustration In table 1, we have a software reliability data set introduced by Jelinski and Moranda (1972). The data consists of the number of days between the 26 failures that occurred during the production phase of a software (NTDS data - Naval Tactical Data System). n From the data of table 1, we observe that n = 26; i ln xi = 112:4776 =1 and xn = x26 = 250:


Table 1. NTDS data (ti = xi ? xi?1 is the interfailure time)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ti xi i 9 12 11 4 7 2 5 8 5 7

9 21 32 36 43 45 50 58 63 70

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

ti xi

1 6 1 9 4 1 3 3 6 1

71 77 78 87 91 92 95 98 104 105


21 22 23 24 25 26

ti xi

11 33 7 91 2 1

116 149 156 247 249 250

Assuming the generalized gamma order statistics model (8) and the failure truncated model with t replaced by x26 = 250; we consider (from (13)) the priors N 0  P f[1 ? Ik ( (250) )]g;   ?(60; 2);  ?(10; 2) and noninformative prior densities for and k given by 1 ( ) / 1= ; > 0 and 2 (k) / 1=k, k > 0. From the marginal posterior densities for N 0 ; ; ; and k given in (15), we generated 10 separate Gibbs chains each of which ran for 1000 iterations, and we monitored the convergence of the Gibbs samplers using the Gelman and Rubin (1992) method that uses the analysis of variance technique to determine if further iterations are needed. For each parameter we consider the 110th ; 120th ; :::;1000th iteration, which for 10 chains yields a sample of size 900. In Table 2, we have the obtained posterior summaries for the parameters N 0 ; ; ; and k and in gure 1 we have the approximate marginal posterior densities considering S = 900 Gibbs samples. It is interesting to observe that the maximum likelihood estimators for ; ; and k obtained by using the software SAS are given by b = 29:4301; k = 18:2010; b = 0:2748 and b = 5:1279: Usually, software engineers consider special cases of the supermodel (8) to analyze software reliability data. Considering k = 1 (a Goel (1983) process) and assuming the failure truncated model, assume the priors N 0  P (e?(250) );   ?(90; 3);  ?(26; 160) and a noninformative prior density for given by 2 ( ) = 1= ; > 0: In table 3, we have posterior summaries for the parameters N 0 ; ; 13

and using S = 900 samples obtained from 10 Gibbs chains each of 1000 iterations (from (17)). When = 1 (a Gamma order statistics model) and assuming the prior densities N 0  P [(1 ? Ik (250 ))];   ?(90; 3);  ?(12; 680) and a noninformative prior density for k proportional to 1=k; k > 0; we have in table 4, the posterior summaries for the parameters of the model considering S = 900 samples obtained from 10 Gibbs chains each of 1000 iterations of the marginal posterior densities given by (19). Considering k = 1 and = 1 (a Goel and Okumoto (1979) process) and assuming the prior densities N 0  P (e?250 );   ?(60; 2);  ?(5; 1000); with  independent of ; we have in table 5, posterior summaries for the parameters N 0 ;  and considering S = 900 samples obtained from 10 Gibbs chains each of 1000 iterations of the marginal posterior densities (21). In table 6, we have posterior summaries for the parameters N 0 ; ;  and  of the log-normal order statistics model. Considering S = 1000 samples obtained from the Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm generated using the marginal posterior densities (27) and assuming the priors N 0  P [(1 ? z ( ln 250 ? ))];   ?(36; 1:2) and the noninformative priors for  and  given by 3 () / constant, -1 <  < 1 and 4 () / 1=;  > 0: In table 7, we have approximated Bayes estimates for the mean value function m(t) with respect to the squared error loss considering the di erent models and using the Gibbs samplers. In gure 2, we have the plots of the PCPO (see (30)) ci against i for all considered models and observe that the Generalized Gamma Order Statistics Model gives the largest PCPO values. n In table 8, we have the values of c(`) =  ci(`); ` = 1; 2; :::; 5 considering i=2 the 5 di erent models. 26 We also have in table 8, the sums of relative errors de ned by RE (`) =i =1 c(xi))2=m c(xi);where ni is the observed number of bugs in the interval (ni ? m c(xi) is the Bayesian estimator for the mean value function and ` (0; xi]; m indexes models. We observe better t of the generalized gamma order statistics model for the NTDS data of table 1 (bigger value for c(`) and smaller value for RE (`)): From gure 3, it follows that the Generalized Gamma Order Statistics model gives values of m(t)= closest to the Uniform(0,1) model. 14

Table 2. Posterior Summaries for the Generalized Gamma Order Statistics Model

N0  k

Mean Median S.D. 95% Credible Interval 1.997 28.78 0.303 5.188 18.93

1.000 28.21 0.308 4.732 18.88

2.472 5.190 0.056 2.107 5.131

(0, 8) (19.91, 39.58) (0.195, 0.399) (2.096, 10.170) (10.42, 31.25)

Table 3. Posterior Summaries for the Weibull Order Statistics Model (Goel (1983) Process; k=1)


Mean Median S.D. 95% Credible Interval 6.994 31.02 0.479 0.111

7.000 30.89 0.478 0.111

3.96 2.93 0.062 0.023

(1, 16) (26.00, 37.37) (0.356, 0.605) (0.071, 0.159)

Table 4. Posterior Summaries for the Gamma Order Statistics Model ( = 1)


Mean Median S.D. 95% Credible Interval

2.20 2.00 1.998 (0, 7) 29.61 29.41 2.780 (24.65, 35.56) 0.017 0.0169 0.0042 (0.0099, 0.0262) k 1.890 1.854 0.404 (1.188, 2.840) Table 5. Posterior Summaries for the Exponential Order Statistics Model (Goel and Okumoto (1979) Process; k = 1; = 1)


Mean Median S.D. 95% Credible Interval

7.971 7.000 4.400 (1, 17) 0.0059 0.0057 0.0016 (0.0032, 0.0094)  31.242 31.074 3.484 (25.09, 38.79) Table 6. Posterior Summaries for the Lognormal Order Statistics Model


Mean Median S.D. 95% Credible Interval 4.21 30.12 4.57 0.852

2.00 29.73 4.48 0.779

5.440 4.405 0.413 0.299


(0, 21) (22.68, 40.21) (4.13, 5.96) (0.576, 1.694)

Table 7. Bayes Estimators for m(xi); i = 1; 2; :::; 26


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

xi ni

9 21 32 36 43 45 50 58 63 70 71 77 78 87 91 92 95 98 104 105 116 149 156 247 249 250

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Generalized Gamma Weibull Exponential Log-Normal Gamma ( = 1) (k = 1) (k = 1; = 1) 0.3846 2.0812 4.3854 5.31023 6.9691 7.4451 8.6263 10.4612 11.5574 13.0122 13.2119 14.3654 14.5502 16.1163 16.7573 16.9124 17.3656 17.8009 18.6197 18.7497 20.0653 22.9720 23.4314 26.7075 26.7454 26.7640

0.5818 2.1213 3.9483 4.6694 5.9725 6.3508 7.3020 8.8234 9.7633 11.0534 11.2346 12.3034 12.4782 14.0042 14.6534 14.8128 15.2839 15.7441 16.6318 16.7755 18.2748 21.9213 22.5449 27.3343 27.3909 27.4187


8.4327 11.7309 13.6585 14.2275 15.1072 15.3360 15.8716 16.6368 17.0676 17.6201 17.6947 18.1224 18.1905 18.7678 19.0055 19.0633 19.2329 19.3972 19.7107 19.7612 22.2848 21.5821 21.8159 24.0499 24.0870 24.1054

1.5897 3.5758 5.2713 5.8599 6.8558 7.1326 7.8099 8.8515 9.4772 10.3218 10.4396 11.1314 11.2443 12.2302 12.6515 12.7552 13.0628 13.3649 13.9530 14.0490 15.0679 17.7547 18.2606 23.2699 23.3534 23.3948

0.1411 1.1853 3.0620 3.8828 5.4090 5.8561 6.9785 8.7491 9.8186 11.2487 11.4459 12.5889 12.7726 14.3377 14.9828 15.1393 15.5975 16.0392 16.8745 17.0077 18.3662 21.4633 21.9703 25.8712 25.9213 25.9460

Table 8. Values for c(l) and RE(l) for all the considered models


Gen. Gamma Order Statistics Model Weibull Order Statistics Model (k = 1) Gamma Order Statistics Model ( = 1) Exponential Order Statistics Model ( = 1, k = 1 ) Lognormal Order Statistics Model


9.576*10?50 9.874*10?58 1.325*10?51 3.587*10?57 1.130*10?51


6.775 68.589 23.376 221.450 7.972

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The rst author acknowledges nancial support of the Brazilian institution, FAPESP, to visit the Department of Statistics of the University of Connecticut

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APPENDIX The Gibbs Sampling and Metropolis-Hastings Algorithms

The Gibbs sampler is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique for generating random variables from a distribution without calculating the density itself (see for example, Gelfand and Smith, 1990). Given a collection of k random variables  = (1 ; 2 ; :::; k ); we want to generate a random sample from their joint distribution p(1 ; 2 ; :::; k ) or p( ): By suppressing the dependence on the data, we need the complete conditional distributions p(s j ); s = 1; 2; :::; k where  denotes the ran(s) (s) dom vector of k ? 1 random variables with the sth random variable being deleted. Given the initial values of 1(0) ; 20 ; :::; k0 ; the Gibbs sampling algorithm proceeds as follows: generate a value 1(1) from the conditional density p(1 j 2(0) ; 3(0) ; :::; k(0) ): Similarly, generate a value 2(1) from the conditional density p(2 j 1(1) ; 2(2) ; :::; k(0) ) and continue up to the value k(1) from the conditional density p(k j 1(1) ; 2(1) ; :::; k(1)?1 ): Then, replace the initial values with the new realization  (1) of  ; and iterate the above process t times, producing  (t) : Geman and Geman (1984) showed that the k-triple produced at the tth iteration of the sampling scheme, (1(t); 2(t) ; :::; k(t) ); converges in distribution to a random variate from p(1 ; 2 ; :::; k ) if t is suciently large. Further, i(k) can be regarded as a simulated observation from p(i ), the marginal distribution of i : Replicating the above process B times, we obtain B many k-tuples f1(tg) ; 2(tg) ; :::; kg(t) ; g = 1; 2; :::; B g: Upon convergence of the Gibbs sampler, any characteristic 19

of the marginal density p(i ) can be obtained. In particular, if p(s j ) is (s) available in closed form, then B pb(s) = B1 g=1 p(s j ); (s)g

s = 1; 2; :::; k:

The Gibbs sampler involves drawing random samples form all full conditional densities of p( ): When the conditional densities are not easily identi ed, such as in cases without conjugate priors, we can employ the MetropolisHastings algorithm Suppose we desire to sample a variate from a nonregular density p(i j ): (i) Observe that p(i j ) only needs to be known up to a constant and we de(i) note p() as the target density, suppressing the subscript and the conditional variables for brevity. Let us de ne a transition kernel q(; X ) which maps  to X . If  is a real variable which ranges in (?1; 1), we can construct q such that X  + Z; with Z being the standard normal random variable and 2 re ecting the conditional variance of  in p(): If  is bounded with range (a; b); we can use a transformation to map (a; b) to (?1; 1); then use the transition kernel q and apply the Metropolis algorithm to the density of the transformed variable. Then the Metropolis algorithm proceeds as follows: (i) start with any point (0) ; and stage indicator j = 0; (ii) generate a point X according to the transition kernel q((j ) ; X ); (iii) update (j ) to (j +1) = X with probability p = minf1; p(X )=p((j ) )g; stay at (j ) with probability 1 ? p; (iv) repeat (ii) and (iii) by increasing the stage indicator untilt he process reaches a stationary distribution.