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ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
2016 Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management
A bionic study of the magnetic bacteria with applications to the mecano-magnetic micromanipulators Yuan FengYuan Elenaa, Ignat Mirceab, Ardelean Ioanc* A,B
National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineers, Alexandru Proca Excellence Center of Research, Bucharest, Romania c Biology Academy Institute of Romania, Bucharest, Romania
The paper presents a bionic study of the magnetic bacteria which includes: - The structure of the magnetic bacteria (Magnetospirillum magneticum) with the of the magnetosomes(which represent the nanomagnetic particles in chains) ; - The motility and the movements ; with a biomecanomagnetic model; - The identification of the micro and nanomanipulators for MEMS (microelectromechanical) applications. The authors present the microecanomagnetic structures of this manipulators: the geometric model (the linear and the angular movements), the engineering structures with the specific parameters (micro forces, speed, micro torque), and the electromagnetic driver modes of this manipulators. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is open article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer review under responsibility of the committee organizing committee GCMM2016 Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing of the 13th Globalof Congress on Manufacturing and Management
Keywords: Type your keywords here, separated by semicolons ; bionic, magnetic bacteria, micromanipulator, microactuator
* Corresponding Yuan FengYuan Elena. Tel.: +40757578894; E-mail address:
[email protected]
1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
1. Introduction The first description of magnetotactic bacteria appeared in 1963 in a publication of the Microbiology Institute of the University of Pavia written by Salvatore Bellini. While observing bog sediments under his microscope, he noticed a group of bacteria that evidently oriented themselves in a unique direction.[1] It has been known for some time that some bacteria, known as magnetotactic bacteria, contain chains of magnetic crystals that are thought to be used for navigation. The ability to find your way is as important for bacteria as it is for a human being since if you can't find a food source, and then you are likely to starve. Whilst humans can use maps or satnav in order to find their way, bacteria face a significant challenge in locating food sources within the microscopic world of sediments. Magnetic crystals, known as magnetosomes, usually consisting of the iron oxide mineral magnetite can however act as microscopic compasses that allow bacteria to sense direction. Scientists have had a long-standing problem with bacteria magnetosome compasses - the magnetite crystals in some bacteria are just too small to be used as magnets [1, 2]. Magnetism in minerals such as magnetite is ferromagnetic, as such small magnetic minerals behave like bar magnets, that is, a dipole having a north and south pole. The magnetization in magnetosome crystals is uniform – termed single domain - and behaves like a compass needle in response to the earth's magnetic field. The problem for bacteria is that the magnetization in the very smallest crystals of magnetite is not stable due the thermal vibrations and effectively loses its magnetism easily. These small crystals are said to display superparamagnetic behavior, and no longer behaves like a magnetic compass needle. 1.1. Structure
fig Fig 1 - Nanostructure of magnetic bacteria
Fig 2 - Nanostructure of magnetosome
Figure 1 and Figure 2-A nanostructure of a magnetic bacteria and the magnetosome [1, 2]. In the Figure 3 is represented the evolution of the culture of magnetotactic bacteria in the presence of an external magnetic field [3].
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
Figure 3 The motility evolution of the magnetotactic bacteria bacteria in a magnetic field In Figure 4 we have an image on TEM where is presented the magnetosome chain of the Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense [3, 4]
Fig. 4.A TEM image of magnetotactic bacteria Several different morphologies (shapes) of MTB exist, differing in number, layout and pattern of the bacterial magnetic particles (BMPs) they contain. The MTBs can be subdivided into two categories, according to whether they produce particles of magnetite (Fe3O4) or of greigite (Fe3S4), although some species are capable of producing both. Magnetite possesses a magnetic moment three times that of greigite. In 1975 Robert Blakemore published his paper on magnetotactic bacteria (MTB).He stated that MTB’s main functional characteristic is magneto taxis, the orientation along the Earth` s geomagnetic field lines [3, 5]. Magneto taxis is determined by he the presence inside the cell of particles named magnetosomes. These were originally defined as intracellular, magnetic single-domain (SD) crystals of a magnetic iron mineral that are
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
enveloped by a trilaminate structure, the magnetosome membrane (MM)... In other words, magnetosome consist of magnetic iron mineral particles (the inorganic phase) enclosed within a membrane (the organic phase). The organic phase (the magnetosome membrane = the magnetosome vesicle), consists in Magentospirillum strains (M.magnetotacticum or M.gryphiswaldense) of a bilayer. Magnetite-producing magnetotactic bacteria are usually found in an oxic-anoxic transition zone (OATZ), the transition zone between oxygen-rich and oxygen-starved water or sediment. Many MTB are able to survive only in environments with very limited oxygen, and some can exist only in completely anaerobic environments. It has been postulated that the evolutionary advantage of possessing a system of magnetosomes is linked to the ability of efficiently navigating within this zone of sharp chemical gradients by simplifying a potential three-dimensional search for more favorable conditions to a single dimension (see the "Magnetism" subsection below for a description of this mechanism). Some types of magnetotactic bacteria can produce magnetite even in anaerobic conditions, using nitric oxide, nitrate, or sulfate as a final acceptor for electrons. The greigite mineralizing MTBs are usually strictly anaerobic. [10] The magnetic specific characteristics, which realized to the Scientific Research Initiating, National Institute of Electrical Engineering –Advanced Research (INCDIE CA),are presented in Fig.5.
0.0020 0.0015
Magnetizing [emu]
0.0001 0.0000 -0.0001
Magnetizatia [emu]
Magnetizatia [emu]
Magnetizing [emu]
0.0005 0.0000 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015
The intesity of the magneticB) field [Oe]b)
The intesity of the magnetic field [Oe]a) -0.0004 -6000
Intensitatea campului magnetic [Oe]
In the table 1 we present a situation about the characteristics of the magnetic bacteria. Fig. 5. Cicles of hysteresis representative for Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense culctures (live bacteria) in biological environment. a) at aproximative 12 hours from the preparation of culture b) Cycle after 24 hours 1.2. Tables
Intensitatea campului magnetic [Oe]
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
1.1.2. Research scientific theme formulation. The authors consider that the magneto tactic bacteria (MTB) represent a remarkable bionic structure with application on MEMS (microelectromechanical systems); micro robots, micromanipulators, micro actuators. In Fig. 6 it’s represented the algorithm of approaching the subject of magnetotactic bacteria, which beside the biology research it reaches to bionics applications. The research theme formulation can be the following: Let the microtopologic structure and the micro-magnetomechanic characteristics of an MTBF been given. The goal is to find specific MEMS structures of micro and nanomanipulators types, micro and nano elements of robotics, micro and nanoactuators and to identify some applications. In the bionic study of magnetotactic bacteria nanostructure and the magnetosomes chains it will be used the geometric modeling, mechanic modeling and the mathematic one.
ALGORITM MODELARE MICROBIOACTUATOR The microelectromechanical modelation algorithm
Studiu Biological biologic study
BiocineModel biocinematic matic model
Model biodimicrobionamic dinamic
Model Micromicromagnetic magnetic model
Model Micro and Micro nanomanipulators ,nanoactuatie electromecanica and actuators
Fig. 6.The algorithm of approaching the subject of magnetotactic bacteria
In Fig. 7 is presented, by example, a micromechanic model of magnetosome with the specific mathematical model, where is used the elastic ratio; km , and damper ratio; cm , and near the micromechanic model is presented the simple mathematical model.
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
d 2x mP 2 , dt
dx cx kx x dt
x e p xt , y x
p t
e y ,z
e pzt
Ae px1t Be px 2t
Fig.7.The micromechanic model of the magnetosome micromecano
1.1.3. The bionic elementary structures An application by a bionic study is the micromanipulator structure based on the micromechano-magnetic of the magnetic bacteria. In Fig.8 is presented an elementary microstructure of a mecanomagnetic manipulator.
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
Fig.8 Structure of magnetic micromanipulator: cylindrical support, cf- flexible connection
mm- magnetic core, sc-
In Fig.9 are presented the behavior of this type of manipulator in absence and the presence of magnetic field.
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
Fig. 9 Magnetic micromanipulator in absence and presence of magnetic fields
In the following table we inserted the data about our geometrical model realized using plastic tubes and permanent magnets
Tube diameter
Magnets length
Distance between
Total length III-IV
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
Iron Fillings
16.48 mm -
18.74m m -
21.64m m -
41.54m m -
175mm 198mm
Figure 10 represents a geometrical modeling of a magnetotactic bacteria using 3 magnets put with different polarity so that they could reject each other and don’t allow anything to pass such as water.
Figure 11 represents “Snake of life”, a geometrical modeling of a magnetotactic bacteria using iron filings.
Figure 12 represents “Dragon baby”, a modeling of a MTB using 12 cylindrical magnets with diameter 4mm and length of 10mm put with different polarity.
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
Figure 13 and 14 represents “Flexible dragon”, a modeling of a MTB using 5 spherical magnets with diameter 5 mm and 4 pen springs allowing to contract in contact cu a strong magnet field and it helps the model to take a various of shapes. Figure 15 is a example of how easy Flexible dragon can move and enter small places such as the plastic tube.
1.2. Conclusions The specific structural characteristic of magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) is the presence inside the cell of particles named magnetosomes which are magnetic nanocrystals. Magnetosomes, with nanometric dimensions, are defined as intracellular, magnetic single domain crystals of a magnetic iron mineral are enveloped by a membrane. The paper presents some aspects of the bionic study on the magnetic bacteria with possible applications in MEMS field. The magnetosome and magnetosome chain microstructure can be, by example, a category of nano manipulators for nanomedicine applications. The magnetosomes nanomanipulators which include the drug are drive to a target invalid tissue or tumor (that in figure).
Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
Fig.15 A medical application of the nanomagnetosome manipulator.
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Yuan FengYuan Elena et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 (2017) 1128 – 1139
Magazine, 72, 2008, 1:333–336. [5] Encyclopedia of Science,DK Press,London , Munich,New York, 2000. [7] Departament of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology ,”Principles of Electrical Engineering series.Magnetic Circuits and Transformers”,John Wiley & Sons, New York,1947. [8] Dusenbery, David B. (2009). Living at Micro Scale, pp. 164-167. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. ISBN 978-0-674-03116-6.