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A Comparative Study of User Experience in Online. Social Media Branding Web Pages Using Eye. Tracker .... create online community for their brand such as on.
International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI - 2016), March 03-05, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India

A Comparative Study of User Experience in Online Social Media Branding Web Pages Using Eye Tracker Naveen Kumar

Varun Maheshwari

Jyoti Kumar

Instrument Design & Development Centre IIT, Delhi [email protected]

Instrument Design & Development Centre IIT, Delhi [email protected]

Instrument Design & Development Centre IIT, Delhi [email protected]

Abstract— Building and maintaining the brand loyalty has been a key issue for the market research department from a long time. Various means have been utilized to promote the brand loyalty amongst the users. One of the recent means is the social media marketing. Social media marketing has totally changed the scenario of the traditional marketing tools by socially engaging with the customers. In this paper we take the case of a few Facebook pages of famous banks and perform a Repertory grid interview to obtain customer preferences of a positive user experience. The key –words thus generated were analyzed both subjectively and objectively to identify customer’s search pattern for a good user experience using eye tracking usability tool identifying heat maps generated. Thus the paper gives an insight to the social media consultants to manage the content on Facebook branding page in a more holistic way. Keywords— Repertory Grid technique; Eye Tracking; User experience; E-business

I. INTRODUCTION Marketers have adopted various strategies to build and maintain the brand loyalty of their customers which includes elements ,classic marketing, mix variables ,events ,sponsorships ,internet marketing and social media marketing [9] [11]. As brands makes a positive and prominent image in the minds of a large number of consumers, they become irresistible and irreplaceable, and win the loyalty of the consumers. Brand loyalty, in return, brings sales revenues, market share, profitability to the firms, and help them grow or at least maintain themselves in the marketplace [1] [7] [9].Our concern of the paper is on the brand loyalty through social media marketing which empowers brands to promote their services, products and websites through social channels which has a larger community involvement than the traditional methods of online marketing [14].The widespread consumer adoption of social media is significant in every aspect on marketing. Merchants are not alone in their use of social networks to engage customers but even the financial institutes like banks cannot survive without the social media presence. “Social media has irrevocably changed the way business interacts with their clients, their employees and their stakeholders” (K. Ramakrishna, chief executive, Indian banks association).The user experience of a Facebook page for a brand plays a highly significant role in building a brand value

and maintaining it. Good social media strategy is required to stay competitive in the market .For this various brands hire social media experts and consultants to decide on content and characteristics of their offers and activities in social media environments so that the hearts and minds of the consumers are captured and brand loyalty follows [3][6]. II. SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDING WEB PAGES A. Social Media Social Media is “a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow The Creation and exchange of usergenerated content” [8]. B. Social Media Phenomenon in India The internet has become an imperative in modern lifestyle without which the society would struggle to bring stability in economics, business and marketing .The internet broadens the choices of the customer and also helps him in selection and targeting. The Internet is not just a passive medium but there is the possibility of mutual communication and feedback. These attributes are an important factor in marketing which increasingly tries to use them to its advantage. The Internet is becoming a powerful independent marketing tool and not only a support tool as it was before [12]. Social media emergence got a boost in the Indian market with the advent of “easy availability and cheap tariffs “.This has been increase the social media participation using smart phones. In India, 40 million use internet on the go on mobile handsets and 82% of these users use social media applications on mobiles.”[15]. C. Indian Banks and Social Media Indian banks have already started their social media campaigns and are at different stages of maturity. As of April 2013, some private banks provide regular updates on the latest offers and allow basic customer operations through popular social media sites. A large private bank in India hosted Facebook application on its secure servers allowing balance

978-1-4673-8810-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI - 2016), March 03-05, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India using repertory grid method. In second phase an eye track amount check, cheque book request, stop payment, etc. Some study was conducted using the key words identified in phase of the private banks are using their Facebook page to provide one to understand the viewing patterns on Facebook pages of customers, exclusive offers, product details and customer care banking institutions. services. This sets a direction for the other banks to offer online financial services through social media platforms like Aim of the first experiments, first we tried to analyze the Facebook. ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank are user experiences to a Facebook page of the banks which is among the top 10 Banks with Social Media presence as per a essential for brand enhancement by employing the Rapid Grid survey by Financial Branding in July, 2013 [16] Technique .This method provides factors that influence user Social Media assists banks in increasing its customer base, by acceptance of interface design [16]. achieving the following: Brand Building: Social media give a social stature to A. Experimentation Study 1: Repertory Grid Interview the banks by differentiating it and making them more The technique interprets the idea of personal construct relevant to the customers .Banks may provide theory which assumes that people have mental models of the schemes and services ,provide instant support and things and use these interpretations to make hypothesis about create online community for their brand such as on the environment. The underlying idea is that people represent Facebook [15]. Social media creates an effective use their experiences by placing alternative constructs upon them of time thus give companies better platform for [10]. RGTs provide a wealth of information, all of which is communication ground with the costumers to build generated from the interviewee. More importantly, this brand royalty [2]. information can be qualitatively or quantitatively analyzed. Rich/Targeted Advertising: Social media has changed Based on the current insights, this method can capture the strategy from the generic advertisement to a those constructs which the customer hold as mental models target based advertisements which focuses on the about their experiences. It makes the possibilities and customer present, according to the particular taste. limitation clear for the designer for better solution. It [15]. In the branding social media web pages likes highlights certain human values which are not otherwise and dislikes of the customers can be known present in a human factor specification. In fact, the research determining the present and future trends which helps could lead to another classification of users [13]. in maintaining long relationships with your customer Participants: Five participants, 4 males and 1female, base. Social media marketing is related to (M age = 27) were volunteered for the participation in relationship marketing, where the first need to shift the test. All participants were post graduate students. In from “trying to sell “to “making connection” with the terms of social networking experience, all participants consumers [4]. visited Facebook on a daily basis and spent at least 5 to Better Leads: Social Media technology not only 6 hours a week on it. All the participants reported they enables to increase the insight on potential leads but have an online bank account in a bank different from also supports generating new leads via consumer the chosen banks for the study and also stated that they referrals and influencers. Social media presence is no have visited a Facebook branding page at least once. longer an option but a business imperative [15]. The web sites selected for this study were all commercial banks of India and have an impactful “This media is also a rich source to understand social media presence. customer trends and preferences” [15].Social media involvement of the banks ensures consistent customer Materials: Colored prints of stimuli were taken which experience. was various bank pages on the same date and time and It is important for companies to enhance the user made into sorting cards. In this research paper authors experience of their Facebook branding pages. A selected five private banks namely HDFC, IDBI, recent survey indicates that a positive user experience AXIS, ICICI and Kotak Mahindra. These banks were can result in a return on investment (ROI) of as high selected on the basis of their social media presence as as 83% percent [5]. Human computer interaction per the Financial Brand 2013.These bank pages were (HCI) studies suggest that a good user experience can considered as experiment stimuli’s shown in below figure 1. be accomplished by creating pages that are able to build elicit trust in their customers. In this paper we tried to explore some of these strategies by tracking customer expectations from the Facebook bank branding pages and then evaluating both qualitative and quantitative data. III. METHODOLOGY This study was conducted in two phases. In first phase, key words important for Facebook page viewers was identified

978-1-4673-8810-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE




International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI - 2016), March 03-05, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India As described in section, after the interview 5 constructs out of the total 10 constructs elicited were used in the eye tracking as shown in Table 1.Trustworthy, official, engaging, affectionate and sophisticated are few keywords obtained from the test as costumer preference for the bank Facebook page. The selection of these 5 was based on the participant preferences only. These constructs were then framed into questions for an eye tracking protocol to analyze the search d pattern through heat maps. Table 1. Repertory grid interview construct and contrast



Saturated colors

Striking colors



Affectionate/customer caring

Unaffectionate/l ess caring

More trustworthy

Less trustworthy

Procedure: Construct elicitation phase: Participants were given three stimuli at a time also known as triads. They are told to find two stimuli that share something in common (construct), and then explain why the third is different (contrast).

User centric

Less centric

More official

Less official



For example, they were shown three Facebook pages. They need to find something two of these three webpages have in common and name it. Once the similarity is established, participants are asked to describe what the remaining webpage did not have in common with the other two.

More Sophisticated

Less sophisticated



More secure

Less secure

e Figure 1: Facebook bank pages (stimuli’s) taken for repertory grid technique namely a) HDFC b) AXIS c) Kodak Mahindra d) IDBI e) ICICI

We also used a rating scale of 1-5, where 1 represented the construct and 5 represented the contrast of the construct, but not its literal opposite. The experimenter recorded all constructs and contrasts generated by all participants. Participants were allowed 2-3 minutes to look at the pages of all the different webpages before the interview began. They were instructed to stay within the given printouts of the Facebook pages and not get distracted by the other pages whatsoever. At the start of the interview, the experimenter briefed the participant about the test and provided an example of how to compare two webpages on the basis of positive /negative experience to generate a construct and use the third webpage to generate a contrast. Participants were also told that it was acceptable if they could not think of a new construct during a triad. In such cases, the experimenter moved on to the next triad. In the case of repeated constructs, laddering was used to clarify the meaning of the constructs and determine whether it was the same as a previously elicited construct. At the end of the interview, all the quality constructs elicited were tabulated in the excel sheet.


In this paper RGT was employed on customers to identify the different personal constructs and contrast poles and then index the major elements of the construct. Different keywords were recorded and then an eye tracking experiments was done to identify the visualization pattern of the customer following those keywords. B. Study 2: Eye tracking based usability testing Eye tracking is one of the key methods for usability testing in UI/UX design which provides relevant, convincing and objective data for usability and user experience both conscious and unconscious. Eye tracing records eye movement whilst the user is looking at the stimulus. Eye tracking is used to gain insight into web based project because of its non-invasive nature which leaves the participants alone to focus on the task at hand. The data procured from the eye-tracking can be qualified and is highly accurate. It also acts as a memory cue to allow-in depth discussions around the findings. Concise evidence is created allowing teams to focus on implementation. The objective of the eye tracking was to get the analysis of the user’s gaze of the Facebook pages for the different keywords appearing on the screen. Protocol Design: For the eye tracking experiment a protocol was designed consisting of 30 pdf pages out of

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International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI - 2016), March 03-05, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India which 25 were images of the same Facebook pages similar to what we are looking for, then they are used in study 1 while the other 5 consists of the through for the eye tracking experiment. Participants questions framed after the repertory grid interview in were also briefed about the evaluation of Facebook study 1.The protocol was designed as such that the pages out of 5 and telling it aloud to the facilitator who participant sees a question with keyword marked in red will note it down on an excel sheet. in order to concentrate efficiently .A questionnaire as The eye tracking equipment was calibrated for the shown was designed in order to take individual ratings participant and then the participants was asked to of the pages from 0 to 5 .These ratings were undertake the tasks as shown in figure 3. When the eye continuously marked by the facilitator. tracking began, the software launched the pdf format Participants: In the study total 10 participant’s data protocol for the study consisting of all the instructions were collected. Several participants had glasses but this to be executed for the task .The experimenter stay was not an impediment to tracking their eye movement quietly in the room to record the ratings for each page. once calibrated properly. All the people had Facebook At the end of the task facilitator will ask the profile and spent 5-6 hours every week online. None of participants to kindly leave the room. the participant has used the Facebook bank page ever though they were aware about these pages. Material: The study was conducted by SMI RED 60Hz sampling rate ,dual PC setup eye tracker as shown in figure 2, a free standing non-invasive device with RED interface .The tracker works with two near infrared light sources, the reflection of which from the retina is recorded by the camera centrally placed in between two NIR light sources. Consequently, the participants could move freely in the limited area that the tracking system can record accordingly. One 22 inch flat screen monitor (stimuli monitor) was attached to the laptop to show the webpages to the participants. The system was running an eye tracking software SMI iViewX on a laptop with the Windows XP operating system. The data for eye tracking is uploaded in the Experiment Center software and then analyzed using SMI BEGAZE eye tracking software.

Figure 3: Experimental setup with eye tracker

IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS In the study, authors were done two studies which was analyzed and correlate the final conclusion. After the complete experiments, the eye gaze and eye movements were traced out and heat maps were generated from the eye tracking device for all the objects for various attributes and the visualization pattern of the participants were observed to provide some qualitative insights regarding the Facebook branding web page. The objects were grouped according to all five keywords i.e., Official, trustworthy, affectionate, engaging and sophisticated. These keywords further used to report the social media web pages status in public minds by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis. These two combine analysis was showed significant results to justify the keywords with respect to all five objects. Below eye tracking results were interpreted qualitatively. In below shown (figure4figure8) heat maps shows that maximum seen region in red color and dense region of maps also concluded the same.

Figure 2: Equipment: SMI RED- 60Hz and 22” Eye tracker.

Procedure: Each session began with the participant giving the verbal consent stating the name, age, occupation and the average time spent on Facebook daily. The facilitator will then give a brief understanding about the experiment and the eye tracking device .They were asked about their mental models for the keywords extracted from repertory grid technique to match with the facilitators .i.e. They were asked what is official for you and if the answer is

978-1-4673-8810-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI - 2016), March 03-05, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India

Figure 5: Eye tracking Heat maps for all objects from 1-5 for keyword 2: Trustworthy

Figure 4: Eye tracking Heat maps for all objects from 1-5 for keyword 1: Official

978-1-4673-8810-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI - 2016), March 03-05, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India

Figure 6: Eye tracking Heat maps for all objects from 1-5 for keyword 3: Affectionate Figure 7: Eye tracking Heat maps for all objects from 1-5 for keyword 4: Engaging

978-1-4673-8810-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI - 2016), March 03-05, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India text on the page, specially the top ribbon text giving the description of the bank. While evaluating ‘how affectionate a bank is’, participants looked longer at the faces on the site and rated their reaction mainly by the looking at the expressions on the faces. In general faces were paid more attention than text and other items. More spread out eye patterns were observed in cases of pages where no faces were present. While evaluating for ‘how engaging the pages were’, participants paid attention to all the different parts of the page, including right side sponsored links and the advertisements. Unlike the previous reports that archives on sites lead to more trust (), in this study presence of timelines were ignored and they were not evaluated for forming opinions on the keywords used in this research.

While evaluating for “how official is the page” participants choice depends largely on the number of likes on the page as shown by the intense heat map over that area. Participants paid more glance to the visual creative than the text while evaluating “affectionate”. Prior brand impression did matter in general for the evaluations of trust. The quantitative results were graphical presented and the rating given by all the participants to the keywords i.e.; official, trustworthy, affectionate, engaging and sophisticated, for each stimulus were recorded. Statistical measures like mean and standard deviation were then calculated to establish a relationship to correlate all the objects on the basis of the keywords. This method gives a quantified analysis of the various attributes of the all the five objects for further comparison. The final conclusion was made on the basis of comparison of qualitative data with quantitative data shown in below figure9.

Figure 8: Eye tracking Heat maps for all objects from 1-5 for keyword 5: Sophisticated

Grouping the objects on the basis of the keywords gives a clear understanding of the visualization pattern and thus qualitative observation can be made on the basis of the experiment results. Qualitative observations from Eye track study Participants took longer to evaluate the pages without faces than they took to evaluate the pages with faces. Multiple faces attract equal attention. While evaluating trustworthiness, participants spent more time on the pages and paid more attention to the

Figure: 9 Mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) for all five objects at five keywords

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The visual experiences of the users were recorded through eye tracking device and the analyzed data in the form of heat maps of the concern keywords explains the user eye behavior over the bank web page. The keywords taken in the study were the attributes of the user experiences which are useful for banding of bank web pages in the social networking sites. These kind of study would be consider for market researchers and social media consultants to design and manage their brand values on the social media web.




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978-1-4673-8810-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE