A Composition Construction of Bent-Like Boolean Functions from ...

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Sep 26, 2003 - Bromley: Chartwell-Bratt Ltd,. 1993. [39] Cohen E. Linear and quadratic equations in a Galois field with applications to geometry. Duke. Math.
A Composition Construction of Bent-Like Boolean Functions from Quadratic Polynomials ZENG Xiangyong and HU Lei State Key Laboratory of Information Security (Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences) Beijing, 100039, China e-mail: {xyzeng2002, gnuleihu}@sina.com September 26, 2003 Abstract: In this paper, we generalize the composition construction of Khoo et al. for highly nonlinear Boolean functions ([1]). We utilize general quadratic forms instead of the trace map in the construction. The construction composes an n -variable Boolean function and an m -variable quadratic form over F2 n to get an nm -variable Boolean function with beautiful spectrum property and a doubled algebraic degree. Especially, the method is suitable to construct functions with 3-valued spectra (bent-like functions) or ones with better spectra (near-bent functions). Our proof technique is based on classification of quadratic forms over finite fields and enumeration of solutions of quadratic equations. We also prove the p -ary analogy of these results for odd prime p. Keywords: bent-like function, bent function, near-bent function, algebraic degree, 3-valued spectrum, quadratic form

1 Introduction Boolean functions used in cryptosystems are required to have good cryptographic properties, such as balancedness, high nonlinearity and high algebraic degree, to ensure the systems are resistant against linear cryptanalysis ([2]). Besides, it is a desirable property that a Boolean function has 3-valued spectra. This property provides a protection against the soft output joint attack ([3]). A framework unifies such cryptographic properties is to introduce the concept of near-bent function. Except balancedness, such a function behaves like a bent function, that is, it has 3-valued spectra and high nonlinearity close to the upper bound on nonlinearity, and may have high algebraic degree. It is important to study near-bent functions since bent functions are not balanced and can’t be directly used in a cryptosystem. There is an intrinsic relation between near-bent functions and bent functions. Bent functions can be constructed from near-bent functions ([4]), and vice versa. Another important aspect to study bent and near-bent functions is that the theory is closely related to combinatorics ([5-7]) and communication ([8-15]) in some useful fields such as difference set, partial spread, and sequences with low cross correlation. 1

Recently, Khoo et al. present a new construction for highly nonlinear Boolean functions from the theory of geometric sequence ([1, 15]). Their functions are cryptographically good and do not have a weakness shared by Boolean functions constructed by concatenating linear functions ([16]). They use a composition construction idea originated from GMW-sequences in communication ([17]). Essentially, they utilize in their construction a special quadratic form, which can be derived from a trace map between finite fields. In this paper, we generalize their idea to utilize general quadratic forms. Our generalization can obtain a larger class of functions than that in Khoo et al.’s method. On the other hand, our method not only can construct usual binary near-bent functions, but also p -ary functions ([18-22,10]) for any prime p . In addition, our method constructs a larger class of functions than near-bent functions, called bent-like functions. On the other hand, our proof method is completely different with that of Khoo et al. It is direct and is based on classification of quadratic forms over finite fields and enumeration of solutions of quadratic equations. The proof of Khoo et al. is especially indirect and makes reference to one result of Klapper etc. ([17]), which again makes reference to another one ([23]) whose proof is complicated and very long. This paper is arranged as follows. We give some definitions and preliminaries in Section 2. In Sections 3-4 we construct binary bent-like and near-bent functions, and discuss the basic construction in Section 3 and extend it to a cascaded construction in Section 4. In section 5, we first show a quadratic form over Fp must be bent-like, and then give the similar construction of

p -ary bent-like and near-bent functions for odd p .

2 Preliminaries Let p be a prime, q = p , and Fq and Fq m be the finite fields with q and q n

elements, respectively. An n -variable function (over Fp ) is a map f from Fp



to Fp . It is

usually called a Boolean function if p = 2 and a generalized Boolean function if p > 2 . Taking a basis (α1 , α 2 , L , α n ) of Fq over Fp , an n -tuple ( a1 , a2 , L , an ) over Fp uniquely represents an element of Fq , a1α1 + a2α 2 + L + anα n . Under this representation and its induced representation, we always assume in this paper that Fq is the domain of any

n -variable function f , and Fq


is the domains of nm -variable functions.

Let ( β1 , β 2 , L , β n ) be the dual basis of (α1 , α 2 , L , α n ) , i.e., Tr (α i β i ) = 1 and

Tr (α i β j ) = 0 for i ≠ j , where Tr is the trace map from Fq to Fp . Then the usual dot product of two n -tuples ( a1 , a2 , L , an ) and (b1 , b2 , L , bn ) over Fp is Tr (αβ ) , where 2

α = a1α 1 + a2α 2 + L + anα n and β = b1 β1 + b2 β 2 + L + bn β n . As a consequence, the dot nm -tuples (a1,1 , a1, 2 , L , am,n ) and (b1,1 , b1, 2 , L , bm,n ) over Fp

product of two


Tr (u1v1 + L + u m vm ) , where ui = ai ,1α 1 + ai , 2α 2 + L + ai , nα n and vi = bi ,1 β 1 + L + bi , n β n . In this paper, we will study the nm -variable functions over Fp with good Walsh spectra, and we always make such a convention that the input variables of the functions are written as

( x1 , x2 ,L , xm )


xi ∈ Fq




n -dimensional



( xi ,1 , xi , 2 , L , xi ,n ) over Fp by xi = xi ,1α1 + xi , 2α 2 + L + xi ,nα n under the representation derived from the basis (α1 , α 2 , L , α n ) , whilst the input variables of the Walsh spectra of the functions




(λ1 , λ2 , L , λm )



λi ∈ F




n -dimensional vector (λi ,1 , λi , 2 , L , λi ,n ) over Fp by λi = λi ,1 β1 + L + λi ,n β n under the representation derived from the basis ( β1 , β 2 , L , β n ) . An n -variable function f over Fp has a unique polynomial expression of the form q −1

f ( x) = ∑ as x s

( x, a s ∈ Fq )

s =0

p −1









p −1

f ( x1 ,L, xn ) = ∑ L∑ ci1 ,L,in x1 1 L xn n ( x1 ,L, xn , ci1 ,L,in ∈ Fp ). The algebraic degree of i

i1 = 0





in = 0


deg( f ) = max{i1 + L + in : ci1 ,L,in ≠ 0} ,






max{Wh p ( s ) : a s ≠ 0} ([24]), where Wh p ( s ) is the sum of the coefficients of the p-adic expression of s . Let

ω = e i 2π / p be a primitive complex p -th root of unity. The Walsh transform of an

n -variable function f : Fq → Fp is a complex function W f defined over Fq and defined by W f (λ ) =

W f (λ ) =


f ( x ) − Tr ( λx )



f ( x )−λ ⋅x



λ ∈ Fq , or equivalently, defined over Fp n and defined by

λ ∈ Fp n , where x is a vector of Fp n . The values of W f are

x∈F p n

called the spectra of f . 3

Definition 1: f : Fq → Fp is called a bent-like function if | W f (λ ) | is 0 or p


for any

λ ∈ Fq , where 2u is a fixed integer. f is called a bent function if | W f (λ ) |= p n / 2 for any λ ∈ Fq . A bent-like function is called a near-bent function if u = (n + 1) / 2 when p > 2 , and u = (n + 1) / 2 for odd n and u = (n + 2) / 2 for even n when p = 2 .

Remark 1: (i) Parseval’s equation

∑W λ ∈Fq

nonzero value



(λ ) = p 2 n tells us that if | W f (λ ) | takes only one

θ for λ ∈ Fq , then θ 2 is a rational number. However, θ 2 =| W f (λ ) |2 is an

algebraic integer ([25]), so equation again. So,

θ 2 is an integer ([25,26]), and hence divides p 2 n by Parseval’s

θ = p u for some u with 2u being an integer.

(ii) Parseval’s equation also says that u ≥ n / 2 for a bent-like function, and that if

u = n / 2 then | W f (λ ) | is always nonzero. (iii) When p = 2 , the above defined bent-like functions are also called plateaued functions ([27,28,1]) or ones with 3-value spectra ([29-34,1]) since W f (λ ) takes one of three values 0, 2 , u

and − 2 , and for odd n , the near-bent functions are also called Gold-like ([12,14,15]). u

(iv) For p = 2 , W f (λ ) is always an integer. So, u is an integer for a bent-like function, and a bent function exists only when n is even. This is a well known fact. For p > 2 , u may be a half integer. See [15] and the example in Section 5 (Theorem 3). For results on existence of generalized bent functions, see [20-22].

Definition 2: Let f be an n -variable function over Fp . If the outputs of f at exact 1 / p of its all possible inputs are a for any element a of Fp , then f is called to be balanced.

Lemma 1: Let f

be an n -variable function over Fp .

f is balanced if and only if

W f ( 0) = 0 .


p −1

Proof. It is clear by the fact that

∑a ω i =0



= 0 if and only if a0 = a1 = L = a p −1 , where

a0 ,L, a p −1 are integers. Bent functions are ones with optimal nonlinearity ([35]), but they are not balanced by Lemma 1 (also a well known fact), so they can’t be directly used in the design of cryptosystems. Patterson and Wiedemann show that for odd n ≥ 15 , it is possible to construct functions whose nonlinearity is greater than that obtained by concatenating two bent functions ([36]). Maitra and Sarkar give methods to heuristically modify the Patterson-Wiedemann and bent functions to achieve balanced and still retain nonlinearity higher than the bent concatenation value ([37]). However, the spectra of these modified functions are not considered and maybe they are vulnerable under the soft output joint attack ([3]). One of our purposes is also to obtain balanced Boolean functions with good nonlinearity and we concentrate our attention on studying near-bent functions. Different from their methods, our idea is composing an n -variable near-bent function and a quadratic form over Fp n . See [38] for knowledge of quadratic form over a finite field.

Definition 3: An m -variable quadratic form over Fq is a polynomial over Fq of the form

Q( x1 , L, xm ) =



i , j =1

i =1

∑ aij xi x j + ∑ bi xi + c , aij , bi , c ∈ Fq . It needs not to be homogeneous, i.e.,

bi and c may be nonzero. If for any β ∈ Fq , the outputs of Q( x1 ,L, xm ) at exact 1 / q of its all possible inputs are

β , then Q is called to be balanced. Q( x1 ,L, xm ) is called to be

non-degenerate if it is not transformed to a quadratic form of fewer variables under any invertible affine transformation over Fq on ( x1 ,L, xm ) .

3 Bent-like functions from quadratic forms In this section, we assume p = 2 , and present a construction of bent-like functions, which composes balanced quadratic forms. Let

f be an n -variable Boolean function, and Q( x1 ,L, xm ) be an m -variable

quadratic form over Fq . Define an nm -variable function g as f (Q ( x1 ,L, xm )) .

Theorem 1: Assume f and Q ( x1 , L, xm ) are balanced.

Then g is balanced, and the 5

spectra of g take such values: 0 and ± q W f (λ ) , d

λ ∈ Fq * , where d is an integer depending

only on Q ( x1 , L, xm ) . Proof. Let Λ = (λ1 ,L , λm ) ∈ Fq . Then m

Wg (Λ ) =

∑ (−1)

( x1 ,L, x m )∈Fq

Tr ( λ1 x1 +L+ λ m x m ) + f ( Q ( x1 ,L, x m ))



By applying an invertible affine transformation on ( x1 , x2 , L , xm ) ([38]),

λ1 x1 + L + λm xm

and Q ( x1 , L, xm ) can be transformed into d1 x1 + L + d m xm + d 0 and Q' ( x1 ,L, xm ) + c0 , respectively, where Q ' ( x1 , L, xm ) is of one of the following (pairwisely affinely non-equivalent) forms: i)

x1 x2 + x3 x4 + L + x2t −1 x2t ( t ≥ 1 );


x1 x2 + x3 x4 + L + x2t −1 x2t + x2t +1 ( t ≥ 1 );


x1 x2 + x3 x4 + L + x2t −1 x2t + x22t +1 ( t ≥ 0 );


x1 x2 + x3 x4 + L + x2t −3 x2t −2 + x22t −1 + x2t ( t ≥ 1 );


x1 x2 + x3 x4 + L + x2t −1 x2t + x22t +1 + x2t +1 ( t ≥ 0 );


( x1 x 2 + x3 x 4 + L + x 2t −1 x 2t ) + αx 22t −1 + αx 22t ( t ≥ 1 );


( x1 x2 + x3 x4 + L + x2t −1 x2t ) + αx22t −1 + αx22t + x2t +1 ( t ≥ 1 ),


α ∈ Fq satisfies Tr (α ) = 1 . Since Q is balanced, so is Q' . By Lemma 3 in Appendix,

Q' ( x1 ,L, xm ) should be one of Cases ii), iii), iv), and vii). We have

Wg (Λ) = (−1) Tr ( d 0 )

∑ (−1)

Tr ( d1 x1 +L+ d m x m ) + f ( Q '( x1 ,L, x m ) + c0 )

( x1 ,L, x m )∈Fq m

If Λ = (λ1 ,L, λm ) = (0,L ,0) , then ( d1 ,L, d m ) = (0,L,0) , and

Wg (Λ ) = (−1) Tr ( d 0 )

∑ (−1)

( x1 ,L, x m )∈Fq

f ( Q '( x1 ,L, x m ) + c0 )


= (−1) Tr ( d 0 ) q m −1 ∑ (−1) f ( z + c0 ) = 0 z∈Fq


f and Q' are balanced. By Lemma 1, g is balanced. Below we assume that


Λ = (λ1 ,L, λm ) ≠ (0,L,0) and (d1 ,L, d m ) ≠ (0,L,0) . For y, z ∈ Fq , let δ y, z be the number


( x1 ,L, xm ) ∈ Fq





d1 x1 + L + d m xm = y


Q' ( x1 ,L, xm ) = z . Then Wg (Λ ) = (−1) Tr ( d 0 )


y , z∈Fq


(−1) Tr ( y ) (−1) f ( z +c0 ) .

Now we need the following lemma. Lemma 2: For a fixed Λ ≠ 0 , (a) If

δ y, z is independent on y , then Wg (Λ) = 0 .

(b) Assume there exist integers N1 , N 2 , d , d ' , independent on y and z , such that

 N1 + N 2  N1

if y = dz + d '

δ y ,z = 

if y ≠ dz + d '

Then Wg ( Λ ) = ± N 2W f ( d ) . (c) Assume there exist integers N1 , N 2 , d , d ' , independent on y and z , such that

 N1 + N 2

if y = d z + d '

 N1

if y ≠ d z + d '

δ y ,z =  Then Wg ( Λ ) = ± N 2W f ( d ) . 2

(d) For any constant N ,

Wg (Λ ) = (−1) Tr ( d 0 ) Proof. We use the fact that

∑ (δ

y , z∈Fq

∑ (−1)

Tr ( y )

y, z

− N )(−1) Tr ( y ) (−1) f ( z + c0 ) .

= 0 . So, (d) is trivial.


(a) We have

Wg (Λ ) = (−1) Tr ( d 0 ) ∑ δ y , z (−1) f ( z + c0 ) z∈Fq

∑ (−1)

Tr ( y )



(b) We have

Wg (Λ ) = (−1)Tr ( d 0 )

∑ N (−1)

y , z∈Fq y = dz + d '

Tr ( y )


(−1) f ( z + c0 )

= (−1)Tr ( d 0 ) ∑ N 2 (−1)Tr ( dz + d ') (−1) f ( z + c0 ) z∈Fq

= (−1)Tr ( d 0 ) ∑ N 2 (−1)Tr ( dz − dc0 + d ') (−1) f ( z ) z∈Fq

= (−1)

Tr ( d 0 − dc 0 + d ' )

N 2W f (d ). 7

(c) Similarly as (b), we have

Wg (Λ ) = (−1) Tr ( d 0 − dc0 + d ') ∑ N 2 (−1) Tr ( d


(−1) f ( z )


= (−1) Tr ( d 0 − dc0 + d ') ∑ N 2 (−1) Tr ( d z ) (−1) f ( z ) 2


= (−1) Tr ( d 0 − dc0 + d ') W f (d 2 ).

Continue the proof of Theorem 1. Note that

( x1 ,L, xm ) ∈ Fq


δ y, z is the number of the solutions

of the system of equations

d1 x1 + L + d m xm = y  Q' ( x1 , L, xm ) = z

(1) (2)

Let x1 ,L, xu be the all variables which appear in the expression of Q ' ( x1 , L, xm ) , that is,

u = 2t for iv), and u = 2t + 1 for ii), iii), and vii). If there exists a subscript i > u such that

d i ≠ 0 , then by taking values of x1 ,L, xu satisfying (2), arbitrarily taking values for xu +1 , xu + 2 , L , xi −1 , xi +1 , xi + 2 , L , xm and then taking a uniquely determined value for xi to make (1) holds, we are easy to know that

δ y, z is equal to the product of q m−u −1 and the number

of solutions ( x1 , x2 ,L, xu ) of Equation (2), and

δ y, z is independent on y . Thus, by Lemma

2 (a), Wg ( Λ ) = 0 . Below we assume that d u +1 = L = d m = 0 . Then the system of equations (1) and (2) is degenerately on the variables x1 , x2 , L , xu . Let

δ ' y, z be the number of the solutions

( x1 ,L, xu ) ∈ Fq of this degenerated system of equations, then δ y , z = q m−uδ ' y , z . u

If d u = 0 , then by taking values of x1 , x2 , L , xu −1 satisfying (1) and taking a uniquely determined value of xu satisfying (2), we have

δ ' y , z = q u −2 and δ y , z = q m−2 , then by Lemma

2 (a) again, Wg ( Λ ) = 0 . Assume d u ≠ 0 . Then

xu = c1 x1 + L + cu −1 xu −1 + y / d u ,


where ci = d i / d u . Replacing xu in (2) by c1 x1 + L + cu −1 xu −1 + y / d u , the degenerated system of equations becomes a single equation on variables x1 , x2 , L , xu −1 , which has a form of one of the following: t

∑ x' i =1


∑ (x i =1


2 i −1

x'2i = z + y / d u + ∑ c2i −1c2i


i =1

x + c2i −1 x2i + c2i x2i ) = z + ( y / d u ) 2 2





2 i −1 2 i

t −1

t −1

i =1

i =1

∑ x'2i−1 x'2i + x22t −1 + c2t −1 x2t −1 = z + y / du + ∑ c2i−1c2i t

∑ x' i =1



2 i −1

x'2i + αx'22t −1 +αx'22t = z + y / d u + αc22t −1 + αc22t + ∑ c2i −1c2i


i =1

corresponding to Cases ii), iii), iv), and vii), respectively, where x'2i −1 = x2i −1 + c2i and

x'2i = x2i + c2i −1 ( 1 ≤ i ≤ t ) in (3), (5), and (6). For Case ii), by Lemma 3 in Appendix,

 2t −1 t −1 t q − q + q  δ ' y,z =  q 2t −1 − q t −1  and by Lemma 2 (b), Wg ( Λ ) = ± q


if z + y / d u = ∑ c2i −1c2i i =1 t

if z + y / d u ≠ ∑ c2i −1c2i i =1

m − 2 t −1 t

q W f (d u ) = ± q m−t −1W f (d u ) .

For Case iii), by Lemma 4 in Appendix,

q 2t −1 ± q t −1 m q t δ ' y , z =  2t −1 t −1 q ± q and by Lemma 2(c), Wg ( Λ ) = ± q

if z + ( y / d u ) 2 = 0 if z + ( y / d u ) 2 ≠ 0

m − 2 t −1 t

For Case iv), if c2t −1 = 0 then

q W f (d ' ' ) = ± q m−t −1W f (d ' ' ) .

δ ' y , z = q 2t −2 and Wg (Λ) = 0 by Lemma 2(a). Suppose

c2t −1 ≠ 0 . Replacing x'i by c2t −1 x' 'i ( 1 ≤ i ≤ 2t − 2 ) and replacing x'2t −1 by c2t −1 x' '2t −1 , (5) become t −1

t −1

i =1

i =1

∑ x' '2i−1 x' '2i + x' '22t −1 + x' '2t −1 = ( z + y / du + ∑ c2i−1c2i ) / c 2 2t −1 . By Lemma 3, we have 9

δ ' y , z = q 2t − 2 + q t −1 (−1) Tr ( a ) , δ y , z = q m − 2 + q m −t −1 (−1)Tr ( a ) , where a = ( z + y / d u +

t −1

∑c i =1

c ) / c 2 2t −1 . By Lemma 2(d),

2 i −1 2 i

Wg (Λ ) = ± q m − t −1

∑ (−1)

Tr ( y + a )

(−1) f ( z + c0 )

y , z∈Fq

0 = −2 m −t  ± q W f (c2t −1 )

if d u c 2 2t −1 ≠ 1 if d u c 2 2t −1 = 1

For Case vii), by Lemma 3,

 2t −1 t −1 t q − q + q δ ' y,z =  q 2t −1 − q t −1 

if z + y / d u = αc


2 2 t −1

+ αc + ∑ c2i −1c2i 2 2t

i =1


and by Lemma 2(b) again, Wg ( Λ ) = ± q

m − 2 t −1 t

q W f (d u ) = ± q m−t −1W f (d u ) . This completes the

proof. Remark 2: (1) As noted in Introduction, our proof technique is direct and is based on enumeration of solutions of quadratic forms over a finite field. Khoo et al. prove their conclusion by using a result on crosscorrelation of sequences. (2) Our result is different with that of Khoo et al. in three aspects: a) The quadratic form used in [1] is Trq m / q ( x

q k +1

) , where Trq m / q is the trace map from Fq m to Fq . The form is

homogeneous, and is special among homogeneous forms, while the form in our construction is any (balanced) and may be not homogeneous; b) The index m in [1] is assumed to be odd, while in ours m can be even; c) The quadratic form used in [1,17] is non-degenerate and is equivalent to only one case, Case iii) in Theorem 1, while ours can be any balanced form.

Corollary 1: Assume f and Q ( x1 , L, xm ) are balanced and Q is non-degenerate. the spectrum set of f (Q ( x1 ,L, xm )) is {± q


[m / 2 ]

W f (λ ) : λ ∈ Fq } .

Corollary 2: Assume f is balanced and the spectra of f are 3-valued: 0 and ± 2

( n+l ) / 2


where l is an integer satisfying l ≥ 1 and l = n(mod 2) , and assume Q ( x1 , L, xm ) is balanced and non-degenerate.

Then the spectra of f (Q ( x1 ,L, xm )) are also 3-valued: 0 and

± 2[m / 2 ]n+( n+l ) / 2 . Furthermore, if m is odd, then the nonzero spectrum values of f (Q( x1 ,L, xm )) are ± 2 ( nm+l ) / 2 , and consequently, f (Q( x1 ,L, xm )) is near-bent if and 10

only if also is f ; while if m is even, the nonzero spectrum values are ± 2

( nm+ n +l ) / 2


Remark 3: When m is even, f (Q ( x1 ,L, xm )) can’t be a near-bent function. It is an interesting phenomenon that in study of bent-like functions, we usually obtain better conclusion in the case of m being odd than that of m being even. Theorem 2: Assume m ≥ 2 . Then deg f (Q ( x1 ,L , xm )) = 2 deg( f ). Proof. Let {γ 1 , L, γ m } be a basis of the field Fq m over Fq . Let f ( x) =

q −1

∑a x s =0




the polynomial expression of f . Set X = x1γ 1 + L + xmγ m . Since Q ( x1 , L, xm ) is quadratic, it can be written as Q ( x1 ,L , xm ) =

∑c X t∈S



, where

S = {0, q u , q v + q v + w : 0 ≤ u < m,0 ≤ v < v + w < m} , and there exists a subscript t of the form q + q v

Let s = 2 1 + L + 2 s



such that ct ≠ 0 .

be the binary expression of s , 1 ≤ s < 2 , 0 ≤ s1 < L < su < n . n

Then q −1

f (Q( x1 ,L, xm )) = ∑ a s (∑ ct X t ) s s =0

q −1


= a0 + ∑ a s ∑ L∑ ct1 s =1

t1 ∈S

2 s1

t u ∈S

L ct u

2 su


s1 t1 +L+ 2 su t u

It is easy to show that if 2 1 t1 + L + 2 u t u = 2 1 t1 '+ L + 2 v t v ' , then s = s ' , u = v , and s


s '

s '

(t1 ,L, t u ) = (t1 ' ,L, t v ' ) , where s ' = 2 s1 ' + L + 2 sv ' is the binary expression of s ' , 1 ≤ s' < 2 n


0 ≤ s1 ' < L < sv ' < n







Wh2 (2 s1 t1 + L + 2 su t u ) = Whq (t1 ) + L + Whq (t u ) , where Whq (0) = 0 , Whq (q u ) = 1 , and Whq (q u + q u +v ) = 2 . So,

deg f (Q) = max{Whq (t1 ) + L + Whq (t u ) : 1 ≤ u = Wh2 ( s ) ≤ deg f , t1 ,L, t u ∈ S } = 2 deg f .



Recursively composed bent-like functions

Similar as the construction of cascaded GMW sequences ([17]), we recursively compose bent-like functions in this section. Set q0 = q = 2 , qi = qi −i1 , 1 ≤ i ≤ l. Let g 0 : Fq → F2 be an n -variable Boolean m


function, and Qi ( x1 , L, xmi ) : Fqi → Fqi−1 be an mi -variable quadratic form over Fqi−1 . Define recursively the functions

g i ( x) = g i −1 (Qi ( x1 ,L, xmi )),1 ≤ i ≤ l. By Theorems 1-2 and Corollary 2 we have

Corollary 3: Assume f and Qi ( x1 , L, xmi ) with mi ≥ 2 are balanced. (i) g l is balanced, and deg g l = 2 deg f . l

(ii) The spectra of g l take the values 0 and ± q01 q1 2 L ql −l 1W f (λ ) , e



λ ∈ Fq * , where

ei ≥ [mi / 2] is an integer depending only on Qi ( x1 ,L, xmi ) . (iii) Assume all Qi are non-degenerate. Then the spectra of g l take the values 0 and

± q0[ m1 / 2] q1[ m2 / 2 ] L ql[−m1l / 2]W f (λ ) , where λ ∈ Fq . In particular, when all mi (1 ≤ i ≤ l ) are odd, *

the spectra of g l take values 0 and ± q

m1m 2 Lml −1 2

W f (λ ) , λ ∈ Fq . Furthermore, if f is *

near-bent, then also is g l .

5 A generalization to p-ary bent-like functions In this section we assume p is odd and generalize the above results to p -ary bent-like functions. First, we show that any quadratic polynomial h( x1 ,L, xn ) over Fp is bent-like. The similar result is well known for p = 2 . Further, we characterize when h( x1 ,L, xn ) is bent or near-bent. Second, we show that a composition of a bent-like function and a quadratic form is also bent-like, and as a consequence, there is also a GMW-like construction of bent-like functions for odd p . These are a generalization of the results in Sections 3-4. The proof is similar as Theorem 1. Some proof details will be omitted.


Theorem 3: Let p be odd and h( x1 ,L, xn ) be an n -variable quadratic form over Fp . Then (i) h( x1 ,L, xn ) is always bent-like. (ii) Assume h( x1 ,L, xn ) is affinely equivalent to a r -variable non-degenerate quadratic form. Then the nonzero value of | Wh (λ ) | is either p

( 2n−r ) / 2

or p

( 2 n −r +1) / 2

n −1

(iii) h( x1 ,L, xn ) is bent if and only if it is equivalent to

∑x i =1

2 i


+ cxn2 + c0 , where

c ∈ Fq , c0 ∈ Fq . *

(iv) If h( x1 ,L, xn ) is homogeneous, then the nonzero value of | Wh (λ ) | is p

( 2n−r ) / 2


and h( x1 ,L, xn ) is bent and near-bent if and only if r = n and n − 1 , respectively. Proof. Let x = ( x1 ,L , xn ) denote a row vector. There are an n × n matrix A , a column vector B and a c ∈ Fp such that h( x1 ,L, xn ) = xAx + xB + c , where x t

transpose of x . Then for

denotes the

λ = (λ1 ,L, λn ) ∈ Fp n , | Wh (λ ) |2 =

∑ω λ

x , y∈F p

= =

⋅ x − h ( x ) + h ( x + z ) − λ ⋅( x + z )



h( z )−λ ⋅z


h( z )−λ ⋅z −c

z∈F p


ω h( y )−λ ⋅ y

⋅x−h( x)


∑ω λ

x , z∈F p



x∈F p

z∈F p n

h( x + z )−h( x)−h( z )



z ( A + At ) x t

x∈F p n

Let V = {z ∈ Fp : z ( A + A ) = 0} and dim F p V = s . Since n




zx t

= 0 for 0 ≠ z ∈ Fp , n

x∈F p n

we have

| Wh (λ ) |2 = p n ∑ ω h ( z ) − λ ⋅ z − c . z∈V

h( x) − c is a linear function on V since h( x + z ) − h( x) − h( z ) − c = z ( A + At ) z t = 0 , and so,

∑ω z∈V

h( z )−λ ⋅z −c

= p s or 0. Thus, | Wh (λ ) |= p ( n + s ) / 2 or 0, and h( x1 , x2 ,L, xn ) is



By applying an invertible affine transformation over

Fp on ( x1 ,L, xn ) ([38]),

h( x1 ,L, xn ) is transformed into h' ( x1 ,L, xn ) + c0 , where h' ( x1 ,L, xn ) is of one of the following (pairwisely affinely non-equivalent) forms: r


∑x i =1

2 i

r −1


∑x i =1

2 i

r −1


∑x i =1

2 i

r −2


∑x i =1

2 i

( 1 ≤ r ≤ n );

+ z0 xr2 ( r being even and 2 ≤ r ≤ n );

+ xr ( 2 ≤ r ≤ n );

+ z 0 xr2−1 + xr ( r being odd and 3 ≤ r ≤ n ), *

where z0 is a non-square element in Fq . It is clear that s = n − r for Cases i) and ii) and s = n − r + 1 for Cases iii) and iv). So, the nonzero value of | Wh (λ ) | is p

(2n−r ) / 2

for Cases i) and ii) and is p

( 2 n −r +1) / 2

for Cases iii)

and iv). In the last two cases, h( x1 , x2 ,L, xn ) is not bent. If h( x1 ,L, xn ) is homogeneous, then we can easily show that h' ( x1 ,L, xn ) can’t be of the form iii) or iv), and thus, it is one of the former two cases.

Remark 4: Given an n -variable quadratic form h( x1 ,L, xn ) over Fp , we can transform

h( x1 ,L, xn ) to one of the standard forms in i)-iv) in Theorem 3 by a series of concrete elementary transformations ([38]), and so, it is easy to judge whether h( x1 ,L, xn ) is bent or near-bent by Theorem 3. Conversely, from a proper standard form we can obtain a quadratic form with known r by using an affine transformation, especially, obtain a bent or near-bent quadratic form.

Theorem 4: Assume p is odd, f and Q ( x1 , L, xm ) are balanced. Suppose Q ( x1 , L, xm ) is affinely equivalent to a non-degenerate quadratic form with odd number of variables. Then the absolute values of the spectra of f (Q ( x1 ,L, xm )) take the values 0 and q | W f (λ ) | , d


λ ∈ Fq * , where d is an integer depending only on Q( x1 ,L, xm ) . Q( x1 ,L, xm ) is affinely equivalent to Q' ( x1 ,L, xr ) + c0 and

Proof. Suppose

Q' ( x1 ,L , xr ) is of one of the forms i)-iv) in Theorem 3. (Note that: Here x1 ,L, xm are variables taking their values in Fp n .) Since Q ( x1 , L, xm ) and Q ' ( x1 ,L , xr ) are balanced, by Lemma 5 in Appendix, Q ' ( x1 ,L , xr ) should be one of Cases iii) ( r being odd) and iv). The remaining proof is highly similar as that of Theorem 1 and should use the enumeration results listed in Lemma 6 in Appendix. We omit the details of the proof. Remark 5: Unlike in the case p = 2 , the number r of variables of the non-degenerate quadratic form equivalent to Q (x1 , L, xm ) should be assumed to be odd in Theorem 4. If r is even, the analogy result doesn’t hold.

Corollary 4: Assume


and Q ( x1 , L, xm )

are balanced, m

is odd, and Q


non-degenerate. Then the absolute values of the spectra of f (Q ( x1 , x2 , L , xm )) take the values

q [m / 2 ] | W f (λ ) | ( λ ∈ Fq ).

Corollary 5: Let

p > 2 , q0 = q = p n , qi = qim−i1 ,

mi be odd, 1 ≤ i ≤ l . Assume

g 0 : Fq → Fp is balanced, and Qi ( x1 ,L, xmi ) : Fqi → Fqi−1 is a balanced and non-degenerate quadratic form over Fqi−1 . For 1 ≤ i ≤ l , recursively define an nm1 L mi -variable function

g i ( x) = g i −1 (Qi ( x1 ,L, xmi )),1 ≤ i ≤ l. Then g l is balanced, and | Wg l ( Λ ) | ( Λ ∈ Fql ) is 0 or takes a value of the form


m1m2Lml −1 2

| W f (λ ) | , λ ∈ Fq . Furthermore, if g 0 is bent-like (or near-bent, respectively), *

then also is g l . The p -ary analogy of Theorem 2 doesn’t hold in general. However, we can similarly prove the following


Theorem 5: Assume m ≥ 2 and assume in the polynomial expression

q −1

∑a x s =0



of f there is

an s such that Wh p ( s ) = deg f and s = p 1 + L + p u , 1 ≤ s < 2 , 0 ≤ s1 < L < su < n , s



then deg f (Q ( x1 ,L , xm )) = 2 deg( f ).

Acknowledgement: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (90104034) and the High Technology Research and Development (863) Program of China (2002AA141020).

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Appendix: Number of solutions of quadratic forms Define a function v on Fq as v(0) = q − 1 and v( a ) = −1 for any 0 ≠ a ∈ Fq . For

p = 2 , we have

Lemma 3 ([38]): Let Q ' ( x1 ,L , xu ) is a quadratic form of one of the forms i)-vii) in Theorem 1,

u = 2t for i), iv), and vi); and u = 2t + 1 for other 4 cases. Then as an equation of

x1 , x2 ,L, xu , then numbers ρ z of solutions of Q' ( x1 ,L, xu ) = z is q 2t −1 + q t −1v( z ) , q 2t , q 2t , q 2t −1 , q 2t + q t (−1)Tr ( z ) , q 2t −1 − q t −1v( z ) , and q 2t , respectively. Proof. This lemma is proved in [38] for z = 0 . It holds trivially for Cases ii), iii), iv), and vii). For Cases i) and vi), it is easy to check the validation of the lemma by the fact that

Q' ( x1 ,L, xu ) is homogeneous. For Case v), the number is

∑ n (c )n (c )L n (c )(1 + (−1)

1 c1 ,L, ct ∈Fq





Tr ( c1 +L+ ct + z )


since the number of solutions of the univariable equation x


2 t +1


+ x2t +1 = c1 + L + ct + z is

1 + (−1)Tr ( c1 +L+ ct + z ) , where ni (ci ) = q + v(ci ) is the number of solutions of the equation x2i −1 x2i = ci of two variables. So,

∑ n (c )n (c )L n (c )(1 + (−1)

1 c1 ,L, ct ∈Fq






Tr ( c1 +L+ ct + z )



∑ n (c )n (c )L n (c ) + ∑ n (c )n (c )L n (c )(−1)

1 c1 ,L, ct ∈Fq







1 c1 ,L, ct ∈Fq



    =  ∑ n1 (c1 )  + (−1) Tr ( z )  ∑ n1 (c1 )(−1) Tr ( c1 )    c ∈F   c ∈F  1 q  1 q 2t Tr ( z ) t = q + (−1) q



Tr ( c1 +L+ ct + z )




where we use the facts that

∑ n (c ) = q






∑ n (c )(−1)



Tr ( c1 )



Lemma 4: Let c1 , c2 , L , c2t , z ∈ Fq . Then the number of solutions of 2t -variables equations t

∑ (x i =1

x + c2i −1 x22i −1 + c2i x22i ) = z is q 2t −1 + q t −1v( z )(−1)Tr ( c1c2 +c3c4 +L+c2 t −1c2 t ) .

2 i −1 2 i

Proof: If the lemma is proved for z = 0 , then it is easy to check the validation of the lemma for nonzero z by the fact that the left side of the equation is homogeneous. Assume z = 0 . First we prove the case of t = 1 . If c1c2 = 0 , then by an appropriate invertible linear transformation on x1 and x2 , the equation x1 x2 + c1 x1 + c2 x2 = 0 is transformed to x1 ' x2 ' = 0 , which has 2q − 1 = q + v(0) 2


solutions. If c1c2 ≠ 0 , then the equation x1 x2 + c1 x1 + c2 x2 = 0 always has a full-zero 2


solution. For its nonzero solution, replacing x1 by c2 x1 , then the equation can be written as

c1c2 + x2 / x1 + ( x2 / x1 ) 2 = 0 , which has solutions (two different solutions) if and only if Tr (c1c2 ) = 0 , that is, it has 1 + (−1)Tr ( c1c2 ) solutions for the variable x2 / x1 . So, the equation

x1 x2 + c1 x12 + c2 x22 = 0 has 1 + (q − 1)(1 + (−1)Tr ( c1c2 ) ) = q + (−1)Tr ( c1c2 ) v(0) solutions. For general t , we prove the lemma by induction. Assume the lemma in all cases for less than t

t . Let N t (z ) and nt (z ) be number of solutions of and t

∑ (x i =1

∑ (x i =1

x + c2i −1 x22i −1 + c2i x22i ) = z

2 i −1 2 i

x2t −1 x2t + c2t −1 x22t −1 + c2t x22t = z , respectively. Then the number of solutions of x + c2i−1 x22i −1 + c2i x22i ) = 0 is equal to

2 i −1 2 i

N t −1 (0)nt (0) +


0 ≠ a∈Fq

t −1

(a)nt (a)

= N t −1 (0)nt (0) + (q − 1) N t −1 (1)nt (1) = (q 2t −3 + q t − 2 (−1)Tr ( c1c2 +c3c4 +L+c2 t −3c2 t − 2 ) (q − 1)) ⋅ (q + (−1)Tr ( c2 t −1c2 t ) (q − 1)) + (q − 1)(q 2t −3 − (−1) Tr ( c1c2 +c3c4 +L+ c2 t −3c2 t − 2 ) q t −2 ) ⋅ (q − (−1) Tr ( c2 t −1c2 t ) ) = q 2t −1 + q t −1 (q − 1)(−1)Tr ( c1c2 + c3c4 +L+c2 t −1c2 t ) 19

The lemma is proved.

ε on Fq as ε (0) = 0 , ε (a) = 1 for any

For the case of p > 2 , define a function

0 ≠ a ∈ Fq*2 and ε (a ) = −1 for any a ∉ Fq*2 . Lemma 5 ([38]): Let Q ' ( x1 ,L , xr ) be a quadratic form over Fq = Fp n of one of the forms *2

i)-iv) in Theorem 3. Let Fq


denote the set of square elements of Fq . Denote numbers of

solutions of Q ' ( x1 ,L , xr ) = z by

ρ z . If r is odd, then r −1

(1) Q ' is of the form i). If − 1 ∉ Fq


If n ≡ 3(mod 4) or − 1 ∈ F

*2 q ,

ρ z is q


(2) Q ' is of the form iii) or iv),

and n ≡ 1(mod 4) , then r −1

ρ z is q r −1 − q 2 ε (− z ) .

r −1 2

+ q ε (− z ) .

ρ z is q r −1 .

If r is even then r


is q

r −1


r −1 2

r 2

*2 q

ρ z is q


(2) Q ' is of the form ii). If ( −1) ∈ F is q


ρ z is q r −1 + q 2 v( z ) . If (−1) 2 ∉ Fq*2 , ρ z

− q 2 v( z ) . r 2

r −1



(1) Q ' is of the form i). If ( −1) 2 ∈ Fq ,



r −1


v( z ) . If (−1) ∉ Fq*2 , ρ z

r −1 2

v( z ) .

(3) Q ' is of the form iii),

ρ z is q r −1 .

Using Lemma 5 and a result in [39] we can prove the following Lemma 6. The details are omitted. Lemma 6: Let Q ' ( x1 ,L , xr ) be as in Lemma 5, r ≤ m . Let

( x1 ,L, xm ) ∈ Fq


δ y, z be the number of

satisfying both that d1 x1 + L + d m xm = y and Q ' ( x1 ,L, xr ) = z . If r

is odd then r

(1) Q ' is of the form i). Let

β = ∑ d 2j , γ = y 2 − zβ , then δ y, z is q m−2 , j =1

q m − 2 ± ε (−z )q (2)



r +3 2

, q


m− 2




r +3 2


v(γ )ε ((−1) form

r −1 2

β ) , or q m−2 + q




δ y, z

r +1 2

ε ((−1) is

r−1 2

z) .

q m− 2

or 20

q m−2 ± q


r +3 2

r −1

v( z − y / d r − ∑ d 2j / 4d r2 ) . j =1







r +3 2






δ y, z



q m− 2


r −2

v( z − y / d r − ∑ d 2j / 4d r2 − z 0 d r2−1 / 4d r2 ) . j =1

If r is even then r

(1) Q ' is of the form i). Let

β = ∑ d 2j , γ = y 2 − zβ , then δ y, z is q m−2 , j =1

q m − 2 ± v( z )q

r m− −2 2

, q



r m − −1 2


ε ((−1) 2 γ ) , or q m−2 + q

r m − −1 2


v( z )ε ((−1) 2 ) .

r −1

d r2 2 m− 2 , γ = y − zβ , Then δ y, z is q , (2) Q ' is of the form ii). Let β = ∑ d + z0 j =1 2 j





q m−2 ± q

r m − −1 2

r 2

ε ((−1) z0γ ) , or q

Q' r m − −1 2






r m − −1 2


r 2

v( z )ε ((−1) ) . iii).


δ y, z


q m− 2


r −1

ε ( y / d r + ∑ d 2j / 4d r2 − z ) . j =1