A Conceptual Reference Model for Competencies

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Conceptual Reference Model, classes and properties have ... for Learning, Education, and Training provides: ... Gateway, PHP, MySQL, SCORM, CanCore).
A Conceptual Reference Model for Competencies: Development of an ISO/IEC International Standard for Information Technology for Learning, Education, and Training S. Laughton, University of Toronto Mississauga Library, Canada; B. Blandin, CESI Group, France; and G. Frank, RTI International, U.S.A.

Conceptual Reference Model for Competencies and Related Objects

Introduction An ISO/IEC international standard is being developed to provide a conceptual reference model that will allow information technology systems to share and manage competency information. The primary purpose of the Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) for Competencies and Related Objects is to support consistency and enhance understanding of various existing competency information models. Based on the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, classes and properties have been identified that are common across multiple use cases. These classes and properties provide reference points for attributes and information structures included in the information models.

Action (E1)



generates requires

Actor (E2)

profiles has a relationship with

LET Institution (E7)


Provides support for semantic information approach to competency information modeling;


Words, terms, definitions, relationship labels, etc. specifically chosen to be learning theory neutral and straightforward;


Definition of competency specific to IT systems for learning, education, and training and can be used for any discipline across various contexts;


Competency itself is viewed as something that is internal to the learner and not visible. Through an IT system learner competency can be made observable and measurable;


Intended to respect human learning potential, descriptive model that can be used to better understand existing information models and form as a basis for new information models to compare and understand how competency information is structured and to support the management and exchange of competency information.


Competency (E3)



Features of the ITLET CRM for Competencies and Related Objects

Outcome (E8)

provides a is assessed by measurement of Evaluation, assessment process (E6)

Role (E9) provides

sets defines

Criteria and method (E4)

is used by

Environment (E5)

requires / keeps track of influences

¾ ¾




The Conceptual Reference Model for Competencies and Related Objects being developed by JTC1 SC36 Information Technology for Learning, Education, and Training provides: Assistance with understanding competency as it is measured and observed within an IT system; Description and process by which a Conceptual Reference Model that defines categories of objects, attributes and relationships can be used as a common reference point to facilitate the exchange and management of competency information in IT systems; A common language and format that aims to clarify the logic of competency-related information types and relationships that are utilized in LET information technology systems; Support for associative queries against integrated resources by providing a global model of the basic classes and their associations to formulate such queries; and, Guidance regarding good practice in conceptual modelling.

Sample Use Case Information Models developed using the CRM

Class Descriptions Use Cases Canada h

Ontario Universities Application Centre (transfer of transcript information using EDI ANSIASCX12 version 4010)


Ontario Education Resource Bank (Contributor’s Gateway, PHP, MySQL, SCORM, CanCore)


Terms and Definitions


SSI – IT Skills Standards (ASP Service, Oracle Database, Search Engine)

¾ E1: [Action] {action related to learning, action related to teaching / training, action related to HR management, action related to HR administration, action related to LET administration…} ¾ E2: [Actor] {person, group, automated agent…} ¾ E3: [Competency] {simple competency, complex competency...} ¾ E4: [Criteria and method] {performance criteria, method of measurement...} ¾ E5: [Environment] {location description, duration, date and time, equipment…} ¾ E6: [Evaluation, assessment process] {jury, exam, test…} ¾ E7: [LET institution] {school, university, training department…} ¾ E8: [Outcome] {observable result, measurable result…} ¾ E9: [Role] {learner, tutor, teacher, trainer, support, administrator, staff…}

conceptual reference model provides definitions and a formal structure for describing the implicit and explicit concepts and relationships within a system


competency (ITLET) observable or measurable ability of an actor to perform necessary action(s) in given context(s) to achieve specific outcome(s)


TEN Competence Domain model (UML diagrams, vocabulary, integration of different technologies).

Properties Descriptions


Creation of vocabulary for curriculum information to provide valid controlled values for metadata schemas (based on LOM, utilizes Zthes specification, Vocabulary editor (Studio), vocabulary server (Vocabulary Bank), web service.)

In this Conceptual Reference Model, all properties should be considered as optional and repeatable. ¾ P1: [Actor] shows (is shown by) [Competency] ¾ P2: [Actor] performs (is performed by) [Action] ¾ P3: [Actor] plays (is played by) [Role] ¾ … P17: [Role] profiles (is profiled by) [Competency]

interoperability ability of two or more IT Systems to exchange information and to make mutual use of the information that has been exchanged

Luxembourg Research Center Henri Tudor (TAO Testing Assisté par Ordinateur (Computer-Based Testing), it is an open source computer-based assessment platform.)

United Kingdom

References Ellaway, R. (2006). Briefing Paper for the MedBiquitous Competencies Working Group. Retrieved 2009 February 18 from http://www.medbiq.org/. Frank, G., Ostyn, C., & Gemeinhardt, D. (2005, December). Linking reusable competency definitions to learning activities. In Proceedings of the 27th Interservice/Industry Training Systems and Education Conference. Frank, G., Hubal, R., & O’Bea, M. (2007, December). Using Competency Definitions to Adapt Training for Mission Success. In Proceedings of the 29th Interservice/Industry Training Systems and Education Conference. Gill, T. (2004). Building semantic bridges between museums, libraries and archives: The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. First Monday, 9(5). Retrieved 2009 February 18 from http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/f m/article/view/1145/1065. Hirata, K. Mitsuru, I. Mizoguchi, R. (2001) Total Resolution for Human Resource Development Based on Competency Ontology, in Proc. of the 9th For additional information, please contact: International Conference on Computers in Education [Name] (ICCE'2001), pp.1149-1152, Seoul, Korea, [Department] November 12 - 15, 2001. [Institution or organization] ISO 21127:2006E. (2006). Information and [E-mail address]-- a reference ontology for the documentation interchange of cultural heritage information.