Agrammatic aphasia: A cross- language narrative sourcebook. (vols. 1, 2,3). Philadelphia ... Spanish than in English, and 2) comprehension ....
Aqrantntatism A Cross-Linguistic Clinical Perspective by Barbara O'Connor, Inge Anema, HialJalla,
Teresa Signorelli, and Loraine K. Obler
lustration by Becky Heavner
peech-language pathologists who serve people with aphasia must be pre[>ared to evahiate and treat agrammatism. We ibcns here on fimdaincntal information about this (ommimiialioTi disoTdet, particularly its features in English, dialects of English, and several different languages aroiuid the world. It is important to examine agrariuuatism across dialects and languages, since the disorder is not imcommon, and it is manifested differently, depending on the grammatical structure of the dialect or language in question.
Definition Agrammatism is a fonn of speech production, often associated with Broca's aphasia, in which grammar appears relatively inaccessible. In severe agrammatism, senturse hi English, anti we see no rea.son that a similar approach should not work in other languages as well.
speech-language pathologist and a doctoral candidate at the CUN)' Graduate Center. Coutaet her at tsignorelli@gc. eu uy. edu.
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