May 16, 1986 - ldentifying via Chemical Composition . ..... c(gamma) synonym for colour(gamma) . .... dimensions parameter . ...... similar minerals can be examined and the nature and extent of ... glance what other properties might be determined or what data should be .... discrete crystals but only intergrown with related-.
A FORTRAN 77 Program for Mineral Identification D.G.W. Smith D.P. Leibovitz
Last changed: 16 May 1986 Computing Services, University of Alberta
Disclaimer This document is issued to describe our current services correctly. However, the information may be made obsolete by future developments. Changes to the Minldent program and documentation will be announced through a message when the Minldent program is run.
Documentation Most Computing Services documentation is available online on MTS: run *gendoc
Comments and Suggestions Although great care has been taken in compiling the Minldent data base, some errors will undoubtedly have passed undetected. The owners would appreciate being advised of any errors that are found, and receiving corrected data for incorporation in later versions of Minldent. Any correspondence should be addressed to: Professor D. G. W. Smith Department of Geology University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Canada, T6G 2E3. Telephone: (403) 432 -3955 Alternatively, messages can be sent to Minldent on the University of Alberta MTS message system by entering $MES (and then SEND). The message system has its own extensive online help/explain facility. Your comments and suggestions will be a valuable aid to the improvement of the Minldent program and documentation. Thank you.
Computing Services, University of Alberta, 1986.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ............................................................................................................................... 1 Ident section ........................................................................................... 1 Help/Explain Facility ........................................................................... 1 Modify section ........................................................................................ 1 Updating the Data Base ........................................................................ 1 Mineral Data ..................................................................................... 2 Using this manual .................................................................................... 2 Introduction ...................................................................................... 2 Procedures ........................................................................................ 2 Data Types ....................................................................................... 2 Commands ........................................................................................ 2 Definitions ........................................................................................ 2 Sam pie Sessions .................................................................................. 2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3 Purpose of MinIdent ................................................................................. 3 Users of MinIdent .................................................................................... 3 Compositionallnformation ......................................................................... 3 Calculated data ................................................................................... 4 ldentifying via Chemical Composition ....................................................... 5 Polymorphs ....................................................................................... 5 Classification System ................................................................................ 5 Groups. species. subspecies and varieties ................................................... 5 Common plagioclase minerals ................................................................. 6 New minerals ..................................................................................... 6 Additional data .................................................................................. 6 Mineral Parameters in MinIdent ................................................................... 7 Procedures for Using Minldent .................................................................................................. 8 How to Use MinIdent ................................................................................ 8 Easiest Method ........................................................................................ 8 Recommended Procedure ........................................................................... 8 Minimising Effects of Errors ...................................................................... 10 Data Types .......................................................................................................................... 11 Mineral data .......................................................................................... 11 Sam pie data ........................................................................................... 11 General data .......................................................................................... 11 Compiled data ........................................................................................ 11 Unknown data ....................................................................................... 12 Commands .......................................................................................................................... 15 Syntax Conventions ................................................................................. 15 I symbol ............................................................................................... 16 - symbol ............................................................................................... 16 # symbol ............................................................................................. 17 @ symbol ............................................................................................. 17 $ command ........................................................................................... 17 • command ... " ............................ , ......................................................... 17 ? synonym for help .................................................................................. 18 a parameter ........................................................................................... 18
all parameter ... , .................. " ....... , .......... " .......... , . '" .............................. 18 alpha parameter ...................................................................................... 18 angles parameter ..................................................................................... 18 attention command .................................................................................. 18 attention key ......................................................................................... 19 average parameter ................................................................................... 19 b parameter ........................................................................................... 19 batch command ...................................................................................... 19 batchprint variable .................................................................................. 20 beta parameter ....................................................................................... 20 birefringence parameter ............................................................................ 20 break synonym for attention ...................................................................... 20 c parameter ........................................................................................... 21 c(alpha) synonym for colour(alpha) ............................................................ 21 c(beta) synonym for colour(beta) ............................................................... 21 c(epsilon) synonym for colour(epsilon) ........................................................ 21 c(gamma) synonym for colour(gamma) ........................................................ 21 c(omega) synonym for colour(omega) .......................................................... 21 calpha synonym for colour(alpha) ............................................................... 21 case variable .......................................................................................... 21 cbeta synonym for colour(beta) .................................................................. 22 cepsilon synonym for colour(epsilon) ........................................................... 22 cgamma synonym for colour(gamma) .......................................................... 22 classify parameter ................................................................................... 22 cm parameter ......................................................................................... 23 color synonym for colour .......................................................................... 23 color(alpha) synonym for colour(alpha) ....................................................... 23 color(beta) synonym for colour(beta) .......................................................... 23 color(epsilon) synonym for colour(epsilon) ................................................... 23 color(gamma) synonym for colour(gamma) ................................................... 23 color(omega) synonym for colour(omega) ..................................................... 23 colors synonym f or colours ........................................................................ 23 colour parameter .................................................................................. , .23 colours parameter ................................................................................... 24 colour(alpha) parameter ........................................................................... 24 colour(beta) parameter ............................................................................ 24 colour( epsilon) parameter ......................................................................... 24 colour(gamma) parameter ......................................................................... 25 colour( omega) parameter .......................................................................... 25 comega synonym for colour(omega) ............................................................ 25 continue command .................................................................................. 25 coordination parameter ............................................................................. 25 crd synonym for coordination ..................................................................... 26 cutoff variable ....................................................................................... 26 d-value parameter ................................................................................... 26 data parameter ....................................................................................... 26 date parameter ....................................................................................... 26 default parameter .................................................................................... 27 density parameter .................................................................................... 27 dichroism parameter ................................................................................ 27 dimensions parameter ............................................................................... 27 dispersion parameter ................................................................................ 27 display command .................................................................................... 28 divisions parameter .................................................................................. 28 iv
dvalues synonym for d-values .................................................................... 28 EDATA2 command ................................................................................. 28 edges parameter ...................................................................................... 29 elist command ........................................................................................ 29 epsilon synonym for n(epsilon) .................................................................. 29 exit synonym for stop ............................................................................... 29 explain synonym for help .......................................................................... 29 formula parameter .................................................................................. 29 gamma parameter ................................................................................... 29 help command ........................................................................................ 29 identifier parameter ................................................................................. 30 identify command ................................................................................... 30 IM parameter ......................................................................................... 30 indices parameter .................................................................................... 31 JCPDS parameter .................................................................................... 31 level parameter ....................................................................................... 31 length parameter ..................................... _............................................... 31 list command ......................................................................................... 31 locality parameter ................................................................................... 32 location synonym for locality ..................................................................... 32 match command ..................................................................................... 32 maximum parameter ................................................................................ 32 minimum parameter ................................................................................ 32 mohs parameter ...................................................................................... 33 n parameter ........................................................................................... 33 n(alpha) parameter ................................................................................. 33 n(beta) parameter ................................................................................... 33 n ( epsilon) parameter ............................................................................... 34 n(gamma) parameter ............................................................................... 34 n(omega) parameter ................................................................................ 34 nalpha synonym for n(alpha) ..................................................................... 34 name parameter ...................................................................................... 35 nbeta synonym for n(beta) ........................................................................ 35 nepsilon synonym for n(epsilon) ................................................................. 35 ngamma synonym for n(gamma) ................................................................ 35 nomega synonym for n(omega) .................................................................. 35 null value .............................................................................................. 35 number parameter ................................................................................... 35 OAP parameter ...................................................................................... 35 occurrence parameter ............................................................................... 36 of parameter .......................................................................................... 36 omega synonym for n(omega) .................................................................... 36 OPM parameter of table ........................................................................... 36 output variable ....................................................................................... 36 pbase synonym for proportion-basis ............................................................ 37 pbasis synonym for proportion-basis ............................................................ 37 pleochroism parameter ............................................................................. 37 polymorphs parameter .............................................................................. 37 proportion -basis parameter ....................................................................... 37 proportion-sum parameter ........................................................................ 37 psum synonym for proportion-sum .............................................................. 37 quit synonym for stop .............................................................................. 38 r( 470) synonym for reflectance( 470nm) ........................................................ 38 r(546) synonym for reflectance(546nm) ........................................................ 38
r(589) synonym for reflectance(589nm) ........................................................ 38 r( 650) synonym f or reflectance( 650nm) ........................................................ 38 record parameter ........................................... " ....................................... 38 records command .................................................................................... 38 reflectance parameter ............................................................................... 38 reflectance( 470nm) parameter .................................................................... 38 reflectance(546nm) parameter .................................................................... 39 reflectance(589nm) parameter .................................................................... 39 reflectance( 650nm) parameter .................................................................... 39 refraction parameter ................................................................................ 40 request variable ...................................................................................... 40 remarks parameter .................................................................................. 40 rfl synonym for reflectances ....................................................................... 40 rfr synonym for refractions ....................................................................... 41 r470nm synonym for reflectance( 470nm) ..................................................... .41 r546nm synonym for reflectance(546nm) ..................................................... .41 r589nm synonym for reflectance(589nm) ...................................................... 41 r650nm synonym for reflectance(650nm) ..................................................... .41 save command ........................................................................................ 41 sign parameter ....................................................................................... 41 source parameter .................................................................................... 41 space-group parameter ............................................................................. 42 spcgrp synonym for space-group ................................................................ .42 status command ...................................................................................... 42 stop command ........................................................................................ 42 subset command ..................................................................................... 42 subset parameter ..................................................................................... 43 sum parameter ....................................................................................... 43 symmetry parameter ................................................................................ 43 table synonym for tabulate ........................................................................ 43 tabulate command ................................................................................... 43 time synonym for date .............................................................................. 45 tlist command ........................................................................................ 45 tm parameter ......................................................................................... 45 tree command ........................................................................................ 46 type parameter ....................................................................................... 46 unknown command .................................................. : .............................. 46 unknown parameter ................................................................................. 47 unload variable ....................................................................................... 47 VHN parameter ...................................................................................... 47 weight parameters ................................................................................... 47 year -first -described parameter ................................................................... .48 YPD synonym for year-first-described ......................................................... 48 2V - synonym for 2V(alpha) ...................................................................... 48 2V(alpha) parameter ............................................................................... 48 2V(gamma) parameter ............................................................................. 49 2V + synonym for 2V(gamma) ................................................................... 49 2Valpha synonym for 2V(alpha) ................................................................. 49 2Vgamma synonym for 2V(gamma) ............................................................ .49 2VX synonym for 2V(alpha) ...................................................................... 49 2VZ synonym for 2V(gamma) .................................................................... 49 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 50 angle entry ............................................................................................ 50
ba tch file .............................................................................................. 50 colour entry ........................................................................................... 50 command .............................................................................................. 51 continuation of long lines .......................................................................... 51 defaults ................................................................................................ 52 development charges ................................................................................ 52 editing data ........................................................................................... 52 mineral ................................................................................................ 52 mineral data .......................................................................................... 52 MTS .................................................................................................... 53 precision ............................................................................................... 53 range ................................................................................................... 53 requests ................................................................................................ 53 set.min file ............................................................................................ 54 synonyms ............................................................................................. 54 variables ............................................................................................... 54
SampIe Sessions .................................................................................................................... 55 display command .................................................................................... 57 identify command ................................................................................... 59 match command ..................................................................................... 61 match d-values .................................................................................. 62 match to find Be bearing minerals ........................................................... 64 table command ....................................................................................... 66 unknown command - request=on ............................................................... 68
References .......................................................................................................................... 72 Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 74
Minldent has been divided into two distinct sections: the modify section and the ident section. Each supports a subset of all commands available to Minldent. To reflect these two sections, Minldent documentation is separated into a reference manual and a users' manual.
Users 's Manual
Ident section
Most users of the Minldent package will be auempting to identify minerals and display results. The ident section of the package allows users to do this and is the most often used section of Minldent. This manual describes this ident seetion in detail; copies can be genera ted through the GENDOC program by issuing the following commands: run IIviolet, violet>red or either unit cell angle y working "name" or title of unknown position on Mohs' hardness scale
Data Types
index of refraction
index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to X direction
index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to Y direction
index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to extraordinary direction
index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to Z direction
N(Omega) OAP REMarks
optic axial plane / / or + to (100), (010), (001) relevant comments
reflectance at 470nm
reflectance at 546nm
reflectance at 589nm
reflectance at 650nm
entry of unknown data completed optical sign ( + or -) monoc1inic, trigonal, hexagonal, etc.
silicates, oxides, arsenides, etc.
Vickers hardness number
Weight 2V(Alpha) 2V(Gamma)
Data Types
index of refraction for light vibrating parallel to ordinary direction
composition converted to 2Vy angle between the optic axes (across y)
All symbols and terms that command Minldent to perform certain actions are shown in alphabeticalorder in this section.
Syntax Conventions Following are the conventions used in command syntax and in synonyms: 1.
The minimum abbreviations, if allowed, are shown in upper case. For example: DENsity can be entered in upper, lower or mixed case in any of the following forms: den dens den si densit density
2. {} (brace brackets) enclose terms that should be replaced appropriately. For example: SRECords ={mineral} could mean the entry of:
srec = calcite 3.
() (parentheses) enclose optional material. For example: Identify (And) could be entered as either of the following: i i and
.., (ellipsis) denotes that multiple entries are allowed. For example: Table {parameter} ... would permit the entry of: table {parameterl} {parameter2} {parameter3}
5. Where {range} is specified, see range in the "Definitions" section.
1 symbol
Syntax: {command1JI{command2} Semantics: The vertical bar symbol is used to separate multiple commands on one input line. Minldent will place a "I:" before the next command being read in from such a line. Example: The following command: unknownlmoh =9·10Isavelmatchltable moh name is equivalent to: unknown ................................... unknown data can now be entered moh=9-10 ............................ entry of Mohs' hardness for unknown save ....................................... data entry for unknown is complete match ............................................. find minerals with 9~moh~10 tabulate moh name ................................. table of matched minerals and will cause an output similar to: I: I: I: I: Note:
moh = 9-1Olsavelmatchltabulate moh name savelmatchltabulate moh name matchltabulate moh name tabulate moh name
The sequential presentation above is made so that the user is aware of which statement is being processed. This is important if one of the statements contains an error. All commands on the same input line following a comand which is in error will be ignored and the message "Multiple commands ignored" will be printed.
. symbol Syntax:
{start of a commandJ {middle of a commandJ {end of a commandJ Semantics: The dash symbol informs Minldent that the next line entered is part of the previous line. This may be needed where long lines are entered (such as for remarks) because so me systems will truncate them. Example: remarks=This mineral has not been found to occur as discrete crystals but only intergrown with relatedspecies in the form of polycrystals. Note: A dash should not split up a word as the dash is replaced by aspace.
17 # symbol # {Minident command} Syntax: Semantics: The # symbol informs Minldent that the input is not a response to a request, but a command to be executed. After the command is executed, the request is made again. This symbol is redundant when the request variable is off because all inputs Note: are assumed to be commands. Example: )N(alpha)" "? 1.504 ........................................ incorrect value entered )N(beta)""? #n(alpha) = 1.405 .................................. correction made )N(beta)" "? 1.435 ............................................. correct value entered )N( gamma ) " ,,')....
@symbol Syntax:
1. 2. Semantics: 1. 2. Example:
{parameter}=@fline} {requested parameter} @{line} appends the line to the present value of {parameter}. appends the line to the present value of the frequested parameter}. This form can only be used when the request variable is on. If the remarks parameter already contains Mineral is metallic. then the entry of: 1. remarks = @It is also brittle. 2. )REMarks"Mineral is metallic"? @It is also brittle. would both cause the remarks parameter to contain:
Mineral is metallic. It is also brittle. Aspace is inserted between the default and the appended value.
$ command
${MTS command} Syntax: Semantics: The dollar sign prefixes MTS commands and is therefore system dependent. Example: $copy -p.min .................................... display contents of file "-p.min" $empty -p.min .................................... delete contents of file "-p.min" $mes .................................................. enter the MTS message system $f .................................................................... list the user' s files
* command *{comment} Syntax: Semantics: An asterisk symbol at the start of a line will cause that input line to be ignored. This is useful as a "print" statement in a batch file. Example: *This "command" will be ignored.1 *So will this *This is also ignoredlbut this isn 't
? synonym for help
a parameter l. 2. 3. Semantics: l. 2. 3. Units: 0.0
A A={range} tabu la te A displays the unknown unit cell edge a. assigns it. tabulates it. -150.0angstroms (A)
all parameter Syntax: tabu la te (parameters) ... ALL (parameters) ... Semantics: tabulates the parameters f or all minerals in the data base.
alpha parameter l. 2. 3. Semantics: 1. 2. 3. Units: 0.0
ALPha ALPha = {range} tabulate ALPha displays the unknown unit cell angle a. assigns it. tabulates it. - 180.0 degrees. See angle entry.
angles parameter Syntax: tabulate ANGles Semantics: tabulates the a, ß and y unit cell angles.
attention command Syntax: ATTENtion Semantics: causes the same effect as hitting the attention (or break) key. Synonym: BREAK
19 attention
attention key Syntax: Synonym: Semantics: Hitting the attention (or break) key will cause a "loop" to end. For example, if this key is hit when MinIdent is printing a list of values, it will cause the listing to end prematurely. If hit when MinIdent is "looping" around arequest, the previous request loop will be re-entered. Hitting this key when processing a batch file is equivalent to entering batch pause. If hit in the first request loop of a program. the program will end (as if stop Note: had been entered) .
average parameter Syntax: tabulate (parameters) ... AVErage (parameters) ... Semantics: tabulates the average compiled data for the parameters (the default).
b parameter Syntax:
1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1. 2. 3. Units: 0.0
B B={range} tabulate B displays the unknown unit cell edge b. assigns it. tabulates it. -150.0angstroms (A)
batch command 1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1.
Example: Note:
BA TCH {batch file} BA TCH Pause BATCH Stop directs MinIdent to take input from the batch file rather than from the user. However. when an error is encountered. input will revert back to the user. Input will resume from the batch file when the continue command is entered . 2. causes input to revert back to the user when it is encountered within a batch file. Input will resume from the batch file when the continue command is ente red . 3. ends input from the batch file. batch dpll :bd.min The above command will cause input to be taken from the file dpll: bd .min. The dpll file prefix is an MTS signon id.
20 batchprint
batchprint variable Syntax:
BATCHPrint BA TCHPrint All BATCHPrint Line BATCHPrint Off displays the way batch lines will be printed. causes batch lines and line numbers to be printed. causes batch lines to be printed. When an error occurs, the number of the last line read will be printed. 4. causes the line numbers of batch lines causing errors to be printed. batchprint=all
1. 2. 3. 4. Semantics: 1. 2. 3. Default:
beta parameter 1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1. 2. 3. Units: 0.0
birefringen ce
BETa BETa = {range} tabulate BETa displays the unknown unit cell angle ß. assigns it. tabulates it. - 180.0 degrees. See angle entry.
birefringence parameter 1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1.
Units: Note:
BIRefringence BIRefringence={range} tabulate BIRefringence displays the maximum difference between the refractive indices for the unknown. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it (for general. compiled and sam pie da ta too). 0.0 - 10.0 This parameter is the maximum birefrigence and is calculated as the difference between the maximum and minimum refractive indices in the compiled data base. Because these maximum and minimum values could come from different sampies. the parameter calculated may be larger than the actual maximum birefringence for any given sampie. For this reason and for others concerned with the actual measurement of birefringence in thin sections, generous upward limits should be specified when using this parameter.
break synonym for attention
21 c parameter
1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1. 2. 3. 0.0 Units:
C C={range} tabulate C displays the unknown unit cell edge c. assigns it. tabulates it. - 150.0 angst roms (A)
c(alpha) synonym for colour(alpha)
c(beta) synonym for colour(beta)
c( epsilon)
c( epsilon) synonym for colour( epsilon)
c(gamma) synonym for colour(gamma)
c(omega) synonym for colour(omega)
calpha synonym for colour(alpha)
case variable
1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1. 2.
Default: Note:
CASE CASE Single CASE Mixed displays the case in which formulae may be entered. specifies that formulae may be entered in one case. In this form. each element in a formula must be separated from another. For example. "sil02" or "SIl02" may be entered. but not "SI02" which could be interpreted as consisting of sulphur. iodine and oxygen rather than silicon and oxygen. 3. specifies that formulae must be entered in mixed case. For example. "Si02" should be entered . case=mixed This variable affects only the processing of the formulae that are entered for the weight parameters of unknown data and the weight parameters of the tabulate command.
cbeta synonym for colour(beta)
cepsilon synonym for colour(epsilon)
cgamma synonym for colour(gamma)
classify parameter
1. 2. Semantics: 1. 2.
{levelJ: Note:
CLAssify CLAssify (AS) {level} (OF) {division} ({division}) displays the classification system of the unknown. classifies the unknown in terms of level and divisions. (The level and second division are not presently used.) TOp, Mineral, TYpe, Class, Family, SUPer-group, Group, SUB-Group, SE ries , End -member, SPecies, SUB -Species, Variety. To tabulate this parameter, see the level and division parameters. The tree command will show how minerals are classified. This command is explained here to show how minerals are classified in the data base. However, when "classifying" unknowns, only the first division value is of any use. The usefulness of specifying a division is that matching will be limited to that division rather than the entire data base, i.e., if the unknown was classified as belonging to the albite division, then only albite, cleavelandite and peristerite will be scanned by the match procedure. For the following partial classification scheme:
I------------DIVISIONS-----------I LEVELS
CLEAVELANDITE DIVISION clea velandite albite plagioc1ase
farnily group
CLASSIFIED AS variety of albite species of plagioclase alkali -feldspars group of feldspars
23 cm
cm parameter Syntax: tabulate CM Semantics: The compositional matching (CM) index will be tabulated. This index indicates how weH an unknown matches a mineral on the basis of the concentrations of elements present. This is the most important index for MinIdent.
color synonym for colour
color(alpha) synonym for colour(alpha)
color(beta) synonym for colour(beta)
color(epsilon) synonym for colour(epsilon)
color(gamma) synonym f or colour(gamma)
color(omega) synonym for colour(omega)
colors synonym for colours
colour parameter Syntax:
1. COLOur 2. COLOur=({colourJ), ... repeated up to 6 times 3. tabu la te COLOur {colour} See the colour entry rules. Semantics: 1. displays unknown colour in thin section of a mineral which is not dichroic or pleochroic. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it in the c(alpha) column of the table. Synonyms: COLOr, CLR
colours parameter Syntax: tabu la te COLOURS Synonyms: COLORS. DIChroisms. PLEochroisms Semantics: The colour. dichroic and pleochroic schemes will be tabulated. The column headings will be C(alpha). CCbeta) and C(gamma). For dichroic schemes. colour will appear in the C(alpha) column while colour will appear in the CCbe~) column. For colour scheme. colour will appeahn the C(alpha) column.
colour(alpha) parameter l. COLOUR(Alpha) 2. COLOUR(ALpha) = {colourJ) •... repeated up to 6 times 3. tabulate COLOUR(Alpha) {colour} See the colour entry rules. Synonyms: C(Alpha). CALpha. COLOR(Alpha) Semantics: 1. displays the unknown colour in thin section corresponding to the X vibration direction. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. Example: c(alpha) = red
colour(beta) parameter l. COLOUR(Beta) 2. COLOur(Beta) = ({colourJ) .... repeated up to 6 times 3. tabulate COLOUR(Beta) {colour} See the colour entry rules. Synonyms: COLOR(Beta). C(Beta). CBEta Semantics: 1. displays the unknown colour in thin section corresponding to the Y vibration direction. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. Example: c(beta) = dark blue
colour( epsilon)
colour( epsilon) parameter l. COLOUR(Epsilon) 2. COLOur(Epsilon) = ({colour}) .... repeated up to 6 times 3. tabulate COLOUR(Epsilon) {colour} See the colour entry rules. Synonyms: COLOR(Epsilon). C(Epsilon). CEPsilon Semantics: 1. displays the unknown colour in thin section corresponding to the extraordinary vibration direction. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it under the c(beta) column of the table. Example: c( epsilon) = light blue
25 eolour(gamma)
cOlour(gamma) parameter Syntax:
1. COLOUR(Gamma)
2. COLOur(Gamma)= ({eolourJ) .... repeated up to 6 times 3. tabulate COLOUR(Gamma) {eolour} See the colour entry rules. Synonyms: COLOR(Gamma). C(Gamma). CGAmma Semanties: 1. displays the unknown eolour in thin seetion eorresponding to the Z vibration direction. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. Example: e(gamma) = pale yellow. orange
eolour( omega)
colour(omega) parameter Syntax:
1. COLOUR(Omega) 2. COLOur( Omega) = ({ eolour}) .... repeated up to 6 times
3. tabulate COLOUR(Omega) {eolour} See the colour entry rules. Synonyms: COLOR(Omega), C(Omega), COMega Semantics: 1. displays the unknown eolour in thin seetion eorresponding to the ordinary vibration direetion. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it under the e(alpha) eolumn of the table. Example: c(omega) = orange
co mega
comega synonym for colour(omega)
continue eommand Syntax: CONTinue Semantics: When processing from the bateh file has been suspended due to an error, beeause the batch pause eommand has been eneountered, or because the attention key has been hit. then the continue command will cause processing to resurne from the batch file.
coordination parameter Syntax: Synonym: Semantics: Example:
tabulate COOrdination {element} CRD tabulates the coordination(s) of the element of a mineral. ta bula te coo fe
26 crd
erd synonym for coordination
eu toff variable Syntax:
l. CUTOFF 2. CUTOFF={rangeJ Semantics: l. displays the weight percentage for which elements with a lower value will be ignored (Le., not used) in the match procedure. 2. assigns it. Default: cutoff = l.0%
d -value
d·value parameter Syntax:
l. D- Values 2. D- Values={rangeJ, ... repeated up to 15 times 3. tabulateD-Values Semantics: l. displays the unknown d -values. 2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them (only the first five). Synonym: DVAlues Note: The 15 (or less) most intense diffraction lines must be entered in order of decreasing intensity. For identification purposes, as many as 15lines may be used, but for matching, only the first 5. 0.0 - 100.0 angstroms (A) Units: Example: d-v=2.93, 4.32, 9.35, 5.02, 3.87
data parameter Syntax: tabu la te DATA Semantics: tabu la te the type of data making up each row of the table. This can be one of: CAVE .................................... average compiled data (the default) CMAX .................................................. maximum compiled data CMIN ................................................... minimum compiled data UMAX ................................................. maximum unknown da ta UMIN .................................................. minimum unknown da ta
date parameter Syntax: tabulate DATe Synonym: TIMe Semantics: tabulates the date that the data was last modified.
27 default
default parameter Syntax: tabulate DEFault Semanties: The default parameter is equivalent to inserting name, unknown, tm, (other parameters entered for unknown) and formula. For example, if a value for density has been entered into the unknown, then tabulate default is equivalent to entering tabulate name unknown tm density formula Note:
If no parameters have been specified, default is assumed.
density parameter l. 2. 3. Semanties: 1. 2. 3. Units: 0.0
DENsity DENsity = {range} tabulate DENsity displays the unknown density. assigns it. tabulates it. - 25.0g/cc
dichroism parameter The phenomenon whereby a mineral transmits different colours for light vibrating parallel to the extraordinary and ordinary vibration directions. Diehroism is entered via the colour(epsilon) and colour(omega) commands. It is treated by the program as equivalent 10 the colours parameter.
dimensions parameter Syntax: tabulate DIMensions Semanties: tabulates the a, b, c, a ,ß and 'Y unit ceH dimensions.
dispersion parameter Syntax:
l. DISpersion
2. DISpersion = ({dispersion}), ({dispersion})
3. tabulate DISpersion {dispersion} : RED> Violet, R> Violet VIOLET> Red, v> Red Either Sem an ties: l. displays the unknown dispersion. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it.
Example: Note:
disp=r>v disp = r > v ,v> r disp=e The last two examples are equivalent.
display command This command causes aB da ta for particular compiled minerals to be displayed, each on a separate page. Syntax: 1. Display Compiled {mineral} ... 2. Display All (Compiled) 3. Display Matched 4. Display Unknown Semantics: 1. displays compiled data for the minerales) specified. 2. displays compiled data for aB minerals in the data base. 3. displays the compiled data for matched or identified minerals. 4. displays the data for the unknown. Note: The date displayed is the date data was last modified. For compiled data, the minimum, average, and maximum value of the parameters will be shown. The standard deviations of compositions will be shown only when more than five analyses have been used. Example: See "SampIe Sessions" .
divisions parameter tabulate (LENgth Hen}) DIVisions Syntax: minimum = 8, default=20, maximum=81 Hen} : Semantics: The divisions in which a mineral belongs will be tabulated with the length specified. For example. cleavelandite belongs to the albite division, which belongs to the plagioclase and alkali -feldspars divisions, which both belong to the feldspars division, which belongs to the tectosilicates ... Note: The tree command will also show divisions of minerals. The classify command assigns them.
dvalues synonym f or d -va lues
EDATA2 command Syntax: EDATA2 Semantics: The elemental compositional (weight) da ta from the output of the EDATA2 program, Smith & Gold (1979), will be read in for the unknown. See "SampIe Sessions" .
29 edges
edges parameter Syntax: tabulate EDGes Semantics: tabulates the a, band c unit cell edges.
elist command Syntax: ELIST Semantics: produces a list of the elements and their atomic weights. The listing may be stopped at any time by hitting the attention key.
epsilon synonym for n( epsilon)
exit synonym for stop
explain synonym for help
formula parameter Syntax: tabulate (LENgth ={Jen}) FORmula Hen]; minimum = 7, default= 33, maximum = 100 Semantics: tabulates the mineral formula with the length specified.
gamma parameter
1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1. 2. 3. Units: 0.0
GAMma GAMma = {range} tabulate GAMma displays the unknown unit cell angle assigns it. tabulates it. - 180.0 degrees. See angle entry.
"y •
help command
1. Help 2. Help {term} Semantics: 1. causes the CUTrent request to be explained. 2. causes {term} to be explained. Synonyms: ?, EXPLain Note: The list command can be used to list all terms that may be explained via the Syntax:
help command.
identifier parameter Syntax:
1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1.
IDEntifier IDEntifier={identifierJ tabulate IDEntifier displays the identifier - the "name" assigned to an unknown by an investigator which distinguishes it from other unknowns. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it in the name column of the table. iden = analysis 123, possibly hornblende
identify command
1. Identify 2. Identify And Semantics: 1. Finds the 20 most likely identities of the unknown by comparing it to all minerals in the data base. However, if a mineral subset has been loaded by using the subset command, then the unknown will be compared only with the subset. 2. Finds the 20 most likely iden ti ti es of the unknown by comparing it only with the previously matched or identified minerals. Because identification is much more expensive and time consuming per sam pie than matching, this form is very useful after a match has narrowed down the possibilities. Note: The table command with the indices parameter can be used to list the identities and can also show how well a particular mineral matches the unknown. The display command can list all information about identified minerals. The difference between the match command and the identify command is that match will reject all minerals that lie outside the range specified f or the unknown (e.g., den = 3.0 - 4.0), while identify does not reject any mineral, although it wil1likely assign lower matching indices for such minerals. Also, matching is much quicker and less expensive than identification. Example: See "Sam pie Sessions" .
IM parameter Syntax: tabulate IM Semantics: The Information matching (IM) index will be tabulated . This index reflects the percentage of the properties entered for the unknown that were available in the da ta base. As the MinIdent data base becomes more complete, so the significance of this matching index will decline.
indices parameter Syntax: tabulate INDices Synonyms: INDex, MATching Semantics: tabulates the TM, CM, OPM and IM matching indices.
JCPDS parameter
Syntax: tabulate JCPds Synonym: PDF Semantics: tabulates the mineral JCPDS number. The reference number (PDF number) for the mineral in the files of the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards.
level parameter Syntax: tabu la te LEVel Semantics: tabulates the dassification level of a mineral (division). The level can be one of: top, type, dass, family, super-group, group, sub-group, series, end -mem ber, species, sub -species and variety. The tree command will also display the level of a mineral. The classify command assigns them.
length parameter Syntax: tabulate LENgth {length} {parameter} Semantics: The parameter following the length specification will be tabulated with {length} characters. This affects only the following parameters (with minimum, default and maximum lengths shown): Parameters minimum default maximum divisions 8 20 81 formula 7 33 100 locality 9 53 130
occurrence 10 polymorphs 10 proportion -basis 5 remarks 7 source 6 tabulate length 60 formula
53 26 10 53 53
130 80 40 130 130
list command
Syntax: LIST Semantics: lists all the terms that may be explained with the help command. The listing may be stopped any time by hitting the attention key.
32 loeality
locality parameter Syntax: {len} : Synonym: Semantics:
tabulate (LENgth = {Jenn LOCality minimum =9, default=53, maximum = 130 LOCation tabulates the geographic regions where sampies used in the data base are found with the length specified.
location synonym for loeality
match command Syntax:
1. Match 2. Match And Semantics: 1. finds all the minerals in the data base that match the data for the unknown within the limits entered. However, if a mineral subset has been loaded by using the subset command, then the subset will be scanned rather than the entire data base. If a mineral division was specified for the unknown with the classify command, then only minerals in that division will be scanned. 2. matches but considers only the previously matched or identified minerals. Note: The tabu la te command can list specified information for the matched minerals, while the display command will list all information about them. The difference between the match command and the identify command is that match will reject all minerals that lie outside the range specified for the unknown (e.g., den=3.0 - 4.0), while identify does not reject any mineral, although it willlikely assign lower matching indices for such minerals. Also, matching is much quicker and less expensive than identification. Example: See "Sampie Sessions" .
maximum parameter Syntax: tabulate (parameter) ... MAXimum (parameter) ... Semantics: tabulates the maximum compiled data values for the parameters specified. Note: The dafault is the average compiled da ta values.
minimum parameter Syntax: tabulate (parameter) ... MINimum (parameter) ... Semantics: tabulates the minimum compiled da ta values for the parameters specified. Note: The default is the average compiled data values.
mohs parameter 1. MOHs 2. MOHs={range} 3. tabulate MOHs Semantics: l. displays the unknown Moh 's hardness. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. Units: 0.0 - 10.0 Example: moh=4.5-5.0
n parameter Syntax:
l. N
2. N = {range} 3. tabulate N Semantics: l. displays the unknown index of refraction. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it in the n(alpha) column of the table. Units: l.3 - 10.0 Example: n= l.594
n (alpha) parameter Syntax:
l. N(Alpha) 2. N(Alpha) = {range} 3. tabulate N(Alpha) Synonym: NALpha Semantics: 1. displays the unknown n index of refraction corresponding to the X vibration direction in a 'bi axial mineral. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. Units: l.3 - 10.0 Example: n(alpha) = 1.72-1. 75
n(beta) parameter Syntax:
1. N(Beta) 2. N (Beta) = {range} 3. tabulate N(Beta) Synonym: NBEta Semanties: 1. displays the unknown rnindex of refraction corresponding to the Y vibration direction of a'biaxial mineral. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. Units: l.3 - 10.0 Example: n(beta) = 1.495
n (epsilon) parameter Syntax:
1. N(Epsilon) 2. N(Epsilon) = {range} 3. tabulate N(Epsilon) Synonyms: NEPsilon, EPSilon Semantics: 1. displays the unknown n index of refraction corresponding to the extraordinary vibrationfdirection of a uniaxial mineral. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it in the n(beta) column of the table. Units: 1.3 - 10.0 Example: n(epsilon) =1.65
n(gamma) parameter
1. N(Gamma) 2. N(Gamma) = {range} 3. tabulate N(Gamma) Synonym: NGAmma Semantics: 1. displays the unknown ny index of refraction corresponding to the Z vibration direction of abiaxial mineral. 2. assigns it. Minldent automatically ensures that n =:; rp =:; ny. a 3. tabulates it. Units: 1.3 - 10.0 Example: n(gamma) = 1.62-1.67 Syntax:
n(omega) parameter
1. N(Omega) 2. N(Omega) = {range} 3. tabulate N(Omega) Synonyms: NOMega, OMEga Semantics: 1. displays the unknown IL index of refraction corresponding to the ordinary vibration direction of a uniaxial mineral. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it in the n(alpha) column of the table. Units: 1.3 - 10.0 Example: n(omega) = 1.59
nalpha synonym for n(alpha)
35 name
name parameter Syntax: tabulate (LENgth {lenl) NAMe {len} : minimum=4, default=20, maximum=40 Semantics: tabulates the mineral name and unknown identifier with the length specified.
nbeta synonym for n(beta)
nepsilon synonym for n( epsilon)
ngamma synonym for n(gamma)
nomega synonym for n(omega)
null value Syntax: {parameter} = NULL Semantics: erases the value of a parameter or variable. Example: density = null d-values= , , ,null,null Note: The example demonstrates how the fourth and fifth d-values can be erased while leaving the first three unchanged.
number parameter Syntax: tabulate NUMber Semantics: numbers the rows in the table.
OAP parameter l. OAP 2. OAP = (foapJ), ({oapJ) , ({oapJ) {oap} examples: 11(010) or (010) ................................................ parallel to (010) + (010) ................................................... perpendicular to (010) Semantics: 1. displays the unknown Miller indices of the orientation of the optic axial plane in monoclinic minerals. 2. assigns it. Note: multiple values are allowed for unknowns to match minerals having any of the orientations. Example: oap=1 1(100), + (010)
36 occurrence
occurrence parameter tabulate (LENgth {len}) OCCurrence Syntax: {len} : minimum =10, default=53, maximum = 130 Semantics: tabulates the occurrence with the length specified - the geological and/or mineralogical environment in which sampies used in the data base have been found.
of parameter Syntax: Tabulate (parameters) ... OF {minerals} ... Semantics: tabulates the parameters for the specified minerals. Note: When of is not specified, the default is a tabulation of the parameters fOT all the matched or identified minerals. Also, of must be the last parameter in the tabulate command. Example: tabulate density formula of biotite hornblende
omega synonym for n(omega)
OPM parameter of table Syntax: tabulate OPM Semantics: tabulates the other properties matching (OPM) index. This index indicates how well an unknown matches a mineral based on properties other than composition: density, dispersion, d -values, Mohs' hardness, OAP, pleochroism, reflectance, indices of refraction, symmetry, unit cell dimensions and angles, VHN and 2V-y.
output variable Syntax:
OUTPUT OUTPUT = Terminal OUTPUT = File displays where output will be sent sends output from the tabulate and display commands to the terminal (user) . 3. sends output from the tabulate and display to the file "-p.min". This is useful if a hard copy of the output is desired. To produce the hard copy in MTS, for example, enter:
1. 2. 3. Semantics: 1. 2.
$copy -p.min *print* Default :
output = terminal
37 pbase
pbase synonym for proportion-basis
pbasis synonym f or proportion -basis
pleochroism parameter The phenomenon whereby a mineral shows different colours for light vibrating parallel to the X, Y or Z vibration directions. This parameter is treated as equivalent to the colours parameter of the tabu la te command.
polymorphs parameter Syntax: tabulate (LENgth {len}) POLymorphs {Jen}: minimum=lO, default=26, maximum=80 Semanties: tabulates the mineral poly morphs with the length specified.
proportion -basis
proportion-basis parameter Syntax: {Jen}: Synonyms: Semantics: Note:
proportion -sum
tabulate (LENgth={lenJ) PROPORTION-Basis minimum=5, default= 10, maximum =40 PBAse, PBAsis tabulates the elements on which the calculation of atomic proportions are based with the length specified. This is mineral data. The elements on which the proportions are based will be indicated with an "." (asterisk) in the proportion basis column produced by the display command.
proportion-sum parameter tabulate PROPORTION -Sum Syntax: Synonym: PSUm Semantics: tabulates the proportion sum of the elements that form the basis. This is mineral data.
psum synonym for proportion -sum
38 quit
quit synonym for stop
r(470) synonym for reflectance(470nm)
r(546) synonym for refleetanee(546nm)
r(589) synonym for refleetanee(589nm)
r( 650)
r( 650) synonym f or refleetanee( 650nm)
record parameter Syntax: tabu la te RECord Semantics: tabulates the reeord number of the mineral tabulated . Note: Compiled da ta have the same reeord numbers as mineral data.
records eommand RECords {prefix} Syntax: Semantics: lists the record numbers, number of sampies and number of generals of aB mineral names starting with {prefix}. Hitting the attention key will eause the listing to stop. Example: ree para Note: {prefix} may be substituted by a mineral name for which the above information is desired.
reflectance parameter Syntax: tabulate REFlectanee Synonym: RFL Semantics: tabulates the reflectanees at 470nm, 546nm, 589nm and 650nm.
reflectanee( 470nm)
reflectance( 470nm) parameter l. REFLECTANCE( 470nm) 2. REFLECTANCE(470nm) = {range} 3. ta bulate REFLECT AN CE( 470nm) Synonyms: R(470), R470nm Semanties: l. displays the unknown refleetanee measured at a wavelength of 470
Units: Example:
reflectance( 546nm)
nanometers, preferably using the procedures outlined by the commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association (Bowie & Simpson, 1978). 2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them. 0.0 - 100.0 percent r(470) =45
reflectance( 546nm) parameter 1. REFLECTANCE(546nm) 2. REFLECT ANCE( 546nm) = {range} 3. tabulate REFLECTANCE(546nm) Synonyms: R(546), R546nm Semantics: 1. displays the unknown reflectance measured at a wavelength of 546 nanometers, preferably using the procedures outlined by the commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association (Bowie & Simpson, 1978). 2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them. Units: 0.0 - 100.0 percent Example: r(546)=37 Syntax:
reflectance( 589nm)
reflectance(589nm) parameter 1. REFLECT ANCE( 589nm) 2. REFLECT ANCE(589nm) = {range} 3. tabulate REFLECTANCE(589nm) Synonyms: R(589), R589nm Semanties: 1. displays the unknown reflectance measured for a wavelength of 589 nanometers, preferably using the procedures outlined by the commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association (Bowie & Simpson, 1978). 2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them. Units: 0.0 - 100.0 percent Example: r(470)=32
reflectance( 650nm)
reflectance ( 650nm) parameter 1. REFLECT ANCE( 650nm) 2. REFLECTANCE(650nm) = {range} 3. tabulate REFLECTANCE(650nm) Synonyms: R(650), R650nm Semantics: 1. displays the unknown reflectance measured for a wavelength of 650 nanometers, preferably using the procedures outlined by the commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association (Bowie & Simpson, 1978).
Units: Example:
refraction parameter Syntax: Synonym: Semantics: Note:
2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. 0.0 - 100.0 percent r(650)=38
tabulate REFraction RFR tabulates the n , ~ and n)' indices of refraction. For uniaxial m~nerals, the n will appear in the n(alpha) column while the n E will appear in the n(beta) ~lumn. For cubic minerals, n will appear in the n(alpha) column.
request variable Syntax:
1. REQUEST 2. REQUEST= {value} {value}: True, Yes, ON False, No, OFf Semantics: 1. displays the value of the request variable. 2. assigns it. If request is "on" then Minident will make requests for unknown parameters. If it is "off" then unknown parameters can be entered only by commands.
remarks parameter Syntax:
1. REMarks 2. REMarks EDIT 3. REMarks = {remarks} 4. tabulate (LENgth {len}) REMarks {len} : minimum = 7, default=53. maximum = 130 Semantics: 1. displays the unknown remarks with the length specified. 2. edits them using the MTS editor. 3. assigns them. 4. tabulates them. Example: rem = mineral belongs to the amphibole group
synonym for reflectances
41 rfr
rfr synonym for refractions
r470nm synonym for reflectance( 470nm)
rS46nm synonym f or reflectance( 546nm)
rS89nm synonym for reflectance(589nm)
r6S0nm synonym f or reflectance( 650nm)
save command Syn tax: SA VE Semantics: saves the data entered for an unknown and then returns to the previous request loop.
sign parameter Syntax:
1. SlGn
2. SIGn={sign} 3. tabulate SIGn sign: plus, positive or + minus or negative Semantics: l. displays the optical sign f or the unknown. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. Note: The optical sign is calculated from 2V(gamma) for compiled data. Also "minus" must be entered rather than "-", which is the line continuation character.
source parameter Syntax: tabulate (LENgth {len}) SOUrce {len}: minimum=6, default=53, maximum = 130 Semanties: tabulates the source of data for the mineral with the specified length.
space-group parameter Syntax: tabulate SPAce -group Synonym: SPCgrp Semantics: tabulates the mineral space group. Convention: The space groups are listed in the following conventions: 1. Subscripts are written as numbers enclosed within parentheses "()", e.g., P4(1) =P4 2. Bars ar~indicated by a negative sign preceding the number, e.g., P-4=P4 3. Slashes are as written, e.g., C2/m. j
spcgrp synonym for space-group
status command Syntax: ST ATus Semantics: prints out the following information about the state of the data base and the user: 1. number of mineral, sam pie and general records in the da ta base 2. access rights of the current user 3. values of the user variables batchprint, case, cutoff, output and unload
stop command Syntax: STOP Semantics: terminates the program. In MTS, the program can be continued by entering $STart or $REStart and will behave as if the stop command was not issued. In other systems, the program may not be continued. Synonyms: QUIT, EXIT Note: If the unload variable is "on", then the program cannot be continued.
subset command
l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Semantics: l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
SUBSET SUBSET Load {file} SUBSET Off SUBSET Read {file} SUBSET Save {file} SUB SET Transfer {file} SUBSET Write {file} displays the number of minerals in the subset loads pointers to the minerals in the subset. uses the entire da ta base rather than the subset. reads the names of the minerals in the subset. saves the pointers to the minerals from the subset.
6. transfers the matchedlidentified minerals to the subset. 7. writes the names of the minerals of the subset. Subsets have been created so that restricted groups of minerals can be examined. This may be useful for teaching purposes or when it is known that only a restricted number of minerals need be considered in a particular application. For example, subsets of ore minerals and meteoritic minerals could be created. Use of such subsets can cut the processing time and costs dramatically.
subset parameter Syntax: tabulate (parameter) ... SUB set (parameter) ... Semantics: tabulates da ta for the parameters of the minerals in the subset. See the subset command.
sum parameter Syntax: tabulate SUM Semantics: tabulates the sum of the concentrations of all the elements present in the mineral.
symmetry parameter Syntax:
1. 2. 3. {symmetry:}
SYMmetry SYMmetry = {symmetry} ... tabulate SYMmetry Cubic (=Isometric), TETragonal, TRIGonal, Hexagonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, TRIClinic Semantics: 1. displays the unknown symmetries. 2. assigns them. 3. tabulates them. Example: sym = tetragonal, trigonal ,hexagonal Note: Could be used to list all minerals having any of these symmetries, Le., all opticaBy uniaxial minerals. If a mineral can have more than one symmetry, "multiple" will be shown as the symmetry in the display or tablulation.
table synonym for tabulate
tabu la te command Syntax: Tabulate ({parameters}) ... Synonym: Table Semantics: tabulates the parameters for the minerals that are specified, that were matched or identified, that are in the mineral subset, or aB of them.
A .................................................................... unit cell edge a ALL ............................... tabulate data for all minerals in da ta base ALPha ............................................................ unit cell angle a ANGles ................................................... unit cell angles a, ß, y AVErage .......................... tabulate average compiled data (default) B .................................................................... unit cell edge b BETa .............................................................. unit cell angle ß BIRefringence ................................................... maximum value C .................................................................... unit cell edge c CM .............................................. compositional matching index COLour ............................ colour scheme tabulated under c(alpha) COLOURS ............................................ colou~ , colouh ' coloury COLOUR(Alpha) ................................. pleochroism in X direction COLOUR(Beta) ................................... pleochroism in Y direction COLOUR(Epsilon) ................................... tabulated under c(beta) COLOUR(Gamma) .............................. pleochroism in Z direction COLOUR(Omega) ................................. tabulated under c(alpha) COOrdination {fe} ...................................................... of cation D- Value .................................................... .interplanar spacings DA Ta ...................................................... compiled or unknown DATE ............................................................... last modified DEFault ........................... name tm {specified in unknown} formula DENsity ........................................................................ g/cc DIMensions .................... unit cell edges a, b, c and anglesa , ß and y DISpersion .......................................... red>violet or vilolet>red DIVision ................................................. in classification system FORmula ................................................ idealized or simplified GAMma .......................................................... unit cell angle y IM ................................................. .information matching index INDices ............................................ tm, cm, opm and im indices JCPds .................................................. Powder data file number LENgth {len} ............................... of tabulated name, formula, etc. LEVel .................................................... in classification system LOCality ...................... geographicallocations where mineral found MAXimum ................................. tabulate maximum compiled da ta MINimum ................................... tabulate minimum compiled data MOH ......................................... position on Mohs hardness scale N .............................................................. index of refraction N(Alpha) .................................. index of refraction in X direction N(Beta) .................................... index of refraction in Y direction N(Epsilon) ............................................ tabulated under n(beta) N(Gamma) ................................ .index of refraction in Z direction N(Omega) ........................................... tabulated under n(alpha) NAMe ......................... IMA accepted name and unknown identifier NUMber .................................................. row numbers of table OAP .............................................................. optic axial plane OCCurrence ................ , ........ paragenesis or geological environment OF {minerals} .............................. tabulate parameters for minerals OPM .......................................... other properties matching index POLymorphs .............................. known to exist for the compound PBAse ............................................................ proportion basis PSUm ............................................................. proportion sum REFlectance ......................... r470nm, r546nm, r589nm and r650nm R470nm .................................................... reflectance at 470nm I
R546nm .................................................... reflectance at 546nm R589nm .................................................... reflectance at 589nm R650nm .................................................... reflectance at 650nm REFraction ......................................................... ?t, Hand ny REMarks ..................................................... relevant comments SAMples ................................. tabulate parameters for sample data SIGn ....................................................... optical sign ( + or -) SOUr ce ............................................................. source of data SPCgrp ................................................................ space group SUBset ................................ tabulate parameters for mineral subset SUM .................................................... sum of element weights SYMmetry ......................................................... crystal system TM .......................................................... total matching index TYPe .............................................. silicate, oxide, arsenide, etc. UNKnown ................................. tabu la te parameters for unknown VHN .................................................. Vickers hardness number Weight {FeO} ............................................. composition {of FeO} YFD ................................................ year mineral first described 2V(Alpha) ................................................. tabu la ted under 2Vy 2V(gamma) ............................ angle between optic axes (across y) Examples: 1. 2. 3. Explanation:
tabulate name density w Si02 w A1203 tabulate w K w Ca formula of biotite hornblende plagioclase tabulate 1. The names, densities and weights of Si0 2 and Al 20 3 of aB matched or identified minerals will be tabulated. 2. The formulae and the weights for K and Ca in biotite, hornblende and plagioclase in the compiled data base will be tabu la ted 3. Default parameters for identified or matched minerals will be tabulated.
time synonym for date
tlist command TUST Syntax: Semantics: lists the mineral types. See the type command. Listing may be stopped by hitting the attention key.
tm parameter
Syntax: tabulate TM Semantics: tabulates the total matching (TM) index. This index is calculated from the weighted average of the other indices (CM, IM, OPM). This index is used to order the top 20 minerals for identification purposes. The weighting given to each index may be changed from time to time to improve discrimination between minerals.
tree command Syntax: TREE {mineral} (Full) (Alternate) Semantics: A "tree" is drawn for a mineral showing its position in the classification system. Trees normally have the following form:
(D is abnormal being) (within 2 divisions)
/1\ / \
/ C D
/ / /1
- SPECIES level E
Minldent prints trees sideways. A path from the mineral to the top of the tree is shown. A few minerals, such as D above, have two possible paths upwards. For such minerals, which will be postscripted by an ".", only one path will be traced. To trace the other path, specify "alternate". Also, all the minerals one levellower will be shown. To see the minerals more than one levellower, specify "fuH". Note: F is considered one levellower than
A. Example:
tree albite TREEA A species F variety C sub-species D sub-species
TREEAFULL A species F variety C sub-species G variety D sub-species H variety I variety
TREEH A species D sub-species • H variety
TREE H AL TERNA TE B species D sub-species • H variety
type parameter
1. TYPe 2. TYPe={typel 3. tabulate TYPe Semantics: 1. displays the mineral or unknown type (e.g., oxides, silicates, etc.). 2. assigns it. The tUst command can be used to list the allowable types. 3. tabulates it. Example: type = arsenides
unknown command Syntax:
1. Unknown 2. Unknown Edit Semantics: 1. Data for the unknown (mineral to be identified or matched) can be added, Le., all unknown data initially null. 2. Data for the unknown can be edited, Le., aH previously entered unknown data values not erased. Note: Minldent will enter the "Unknown input" request loop if request=off, or
will request aB the unknown parameters if request = on.
unknown parameter Syntax: tabulate (parameters) ... UNKnown (parameters) ... Semantics: tabulates data for the unknown parameters specified. Note: Most unknown parameters have minimum and maximum values tabulated.
unload variable UNLOAD= ({value}) True, Yes, ON False, No, OFf Semantics: If unload is on, then MinIdent will be unloaded after a stop command (and cannot be restarted ). If off, then the stop command will return to MTS, and a $START or $RESTART command will cause execution of MinIdent to resume. unload=on Default:
Syntax: {value}
VHN parameter
1. VHN 2. VHN = {range} 3. tabulate VHN Semanties: l. displays the unknown Vicker's hardness number (VHN) measured using a 100g load. 2. assigns it. 3. tabulates it. Units: 0 - 10000 (scale)
weight parameters Syntax examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Weight Weight OXides Weight NULL Weight SCALE Weight SUM Weight Fe203 Weight Fe203 = {range} Weight Fe203= TRACE Weight Fe203= MINOR Weight Fe203 = MAJOR Weight Fe203=NULL Weight Fl- = {range} Weight Mn = 75ppm-80ppm
14. Semanties: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
year -first described
tabulate Weight Fe203 Weight Mn Weight F1displays the weights of all elements in elemental form. displays the weights of all elements in oxide form. erases the weights of aB elements. scales the weights to sum to 100.0%. displays the sum of the weights. displays the weight of Fe 20). adds the weight to Fe 20). adds 0.0 to min and 1.0 to max weight% of Fe 20). adds 0.1 to min and 5.0 to max weight% of Fe 20). adds 3.0 to min and 100 to max weight% of Fe203. erases the weights of Fe and O. This could have undesirable consequences because oxygen associated with aB elements will be deleted. It is better to use form 3) and then re-enter the weights. 12. assigns the weight to Fand subtracts the oxygen equivalent from O. 13. is equivalent to Mn=0.0075-0.0080. 14. tabulates the weight% of Fe 203, Mn and P-. Unlike other parameters, weight assignments are added to previous values rather than replacing them. This is done so that a composition of FeO= 5 and Fe 203=7 could be entered. Otherwise, the amount of Fe corresponding to Fe 20 3= 7 would replace the previous amount. The value of the case variable affects the processing of formulae. Weights are always in percentages, not as weight fractions and the percent symbol (%) is omitted. Weights are displayed in elemental form.
year·first·described parameter Syntax: tabulate YEAr-first -described Synonym: YFD Semantics: tabulates the year the mineral was first described.
2V -
YFD synonym for year-first-described
2V- synonym for 2V(alpha)
2V(alpha) parameter Syntax:
1. 2V(Alpha) 2. 2V(Alpha) = {rangel 3. tabulate 2V(Alpha) Synonyms: 2VAlpha, 2V -, 2VX Semantics: 1. displays the unknown 2V - the optic axial angle measured across the X vibration direction in a n%neral. 2. assigns it. It will automaticaBy be converted to 2Vy by the pro gram . See angle entry. 3. tabulates it in the 2V(gamma) column of the table.
49 Units: Example:
0.0 - 180.0 degrees 2v(alpha) =65-85
2V(gamma) parameter 1. 2V(Gamma) 2.2V(gamma)={rangeJ 3. tabulate 2V(gamma) Synonyms: 2Vgamma, 2V +, 2VZ Semantics: 1. displays the unknown 2Vy - the optic axial angle measured across the Z vibration direction. 2. assigns it. See angle entry. 3. tabulates it. Units: 0.0 - 180.0 degrees Example: 2v(gamma) = 55 Syntax:
2V +
2V + synonym for 2V(gamma)
2Valpha synonym for 2V(alpha)
2Vgamma synonym for 2V(gamma)
2VX synonym for 2V(alpha)
2VZ synonym for 2V(gamma)
angle entry Examples: 12 .............................................................................. 12 degrees 12.5 ............................................................. 12 degrees, 30 minutes 12:30 ........................................................... 12 degrees, 30 minutes 12: 34.5 ......................................... 12 degrees, 34 minu tes, 30 seconds 12:34:30 ........................................ 12 degrees, 34 minutes, 30 seconds 12:34:56.7 ................................... 12 degrees, 34 minutes, 56.7 seconds
batch file Input to MinIdent can be entered by the user from a keyboard or from a batch file. Input from the batch file is treated as if it came from the user, except that if an error occurs, batch pause read in or if the attention key is hit. then the user regains control. At this point. the user can correct the mistake and then issue the continue command to have input resurne from the batch file. The batch command directs MinIdent to take input from the batch file. This feature was added so that data fOT MinIdent could be prepared in advance and placed cheaply into a file through the system editor. The name of the batch file is arbitrary. See the file DPLl:BD.MIN for an example. An instructor could place messages to his students and initialisation commands in a batch file.
colour entry Colours entered for pleochroic. dichroic and colour schemes should be as follows: ({shade}) ({colour}) {colourJ Syntax: Dark, Deep, D {shade} : PALe, Light, L {colour} : BLAck, BK BLUe, BLUish, BU BRownish, BR Colourless, Colorless, CL GREEnish, GN GREYish, GY IR (opaque with Intern al ReDections) LILac. LL OPaque,OP Orange,OR Plnkish, PK PUrpie, PUrplish, PP Redish, RD Violet, VT White, WT
51 Yellowish, YL Examples: green pale green bluish green light bluish green Note: Blue green is a different colour from green blue. Also, the use of the "ish" ending has no effect, Le., green and greenish are equivalent. For shades, the last single letter abbreviation, and for colours, the last two letter abbreviations are the on es used in displays and tabulations.
command Any statement that can be recognized by Minldent is considered a command. For example, den = 3.45 commands Minldent to set the value of the density parameter of a mineral sam pie to 3.45. Multiple commands can appear on the same input line if they are separated by the "I" symbol. Commands can be continued onto more input lines by appending a hyphen "- " to the line to be continued. The following are all equivalent examples:
1. density = 304 symmetry = monoclinic 2. density = 3 o4lsymmetry = monoclinic 3. density = 3 o4lsymmetry = monoclinic 4. density = -13 Alsymmetry = -Imonoclinic
continuation of long lines Consider the following input to MinIdent: re marks = This mineral has not been found to occur as remarks = discrete crystals but only intergrown with related remarks=species in the form of polycrystals. It will not acheive what was desired because each line will erase the previous entry for remarks which will thus contain only "species in the form of polycrystals." Now consider the f ollowing input:
remarks=This mineral has not been found to occur as discrete crystals but ... This also may not achieve the desired effect because most systems cannot handle such long lines. They usually truncate them, and only the beginning or end portion will be placed in the parameter remarks. To solve this problem, append a dash ( -) to any incomplete line and continue with the input on the next line. The correct solution would be: remarks = This mineral has not been f ound to occur asdiscrete crystals but only intergrown with relatedspecies in the form of polycrystals.
A dash should not be used here to split up a word as it would be replaced by aspace.
defaults If a blank line (enter key) is entered, MinIdent will ass urne that the default shown was meant to be entered. See requests. Defaults in form Minldent not to change values. For numeric values, empty spaces (before commas) denote defaults. For example, to change the fourth d -value to 5.3 and leave the first, second, third and fifth unchanged, enter: d-values= , , ,5.3
development charges To pay for the further refinement of the Minldent program and for the entry of additional data into the da ta base, a development charge of some fraction of the MTS soft costs will be levied. This rate, where applicable, will be printed out when the program is run.
editing data Normally, data is added to the data base. For example: density = 3.456 However, if data has been incorrect1y entered, then it must be edited. If the correct density value is 3.546, then, to replace the old value with the new, enter density = 3.546 To edit unknown data, enter: unknown edit
mineral A mineral has been defined as a naturally occurring solid, element or compound with a characteristic intern al (atomic) structure and a chemical composition wh ich is either fixed or which varies within certain definite limits. In deciding what materials to include in the data base, this definition has been used. Thus, materials such as amber or coal, palagonite, leucoxene, etc., will be excluded.
mineral data
mineral da ta Mineral data consist of data wh ich are common to all samples of a mineral. The following are mineral parameters: CLAssify ......................................................... classification level and divisions COOrdinations .............................................................................. of cations D- Values ....................................................................... .interplanar spacings
FORmula .................................................................... idealized or simplified JCPDS ......................... Powder Data File number from Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards MLOcation .................................. geographicallocations where mineral was found MOCcurrence .............................. paragenisis or geological environment of mineral MREmarks ....................................................... relevant comments for mineral MSOurce ............................................................................... source of da ta NAMe ........................................................................... IMA accepted name POLymorphs .................................................. known to exist for this compound PBAse ................................ proportion basis used in calculating atomic proportions PSUm ................................. proportion sum used in calculating atomic proportions SA VE ............................................ transfer mineral da ta to data base if modified SPCgrp .................................................................................... space group SYMmetry ............................................................................. crystal system TYPe .................................................................. silicate, oxide, arsenide, etc. YFD .............................................................................. year first described
MTS The Michigan Terminal System is the operating system on which Minldent was developed.
precision Minldent does not keep track of the number of digits entered for a value. As a result 12, 12., 12.0, 12.00, 12.000, 12.0000, ete. are all equivalent. On output, Minldent rounds off numbers to an arbitrary three digits after the decimal point. However, trailing zeros, unless directly following a decimal point, are deleted for purely aesthetic reasons. For example, 12.3456 would be displayed as 12.346,12.3000 as 12.3 and 12.0000 as 12.0.
range For unknown parameters, a {range} can be replaced as follows: press enter key ........................................ leave min and max va lues unchanged NULL ............................................................... erase min and max values 10 ...................................................... assign 10 ± 1% as min and max va lues 10 - 20 ................................................ assign 10 as min and 20 as max values
requests All requests made by Minldent take the following form: )request "default "? The right pa ren thesis ")" denotes output fra m Minldent. The "request " is the request
fer input made by Minldent. The double quotes enclose the default that MinIdent will assume if nothing is entered. The "?" indicates that MinIdent is waiting fer input. Note: In cases where two quotation marks follow one another, there is no default response as in: )Minident command" "?
set .min file This file contains the values of the user variables. If the file does not exist, default values will be used.
synonyms Minident has a list of mineral synonyms and discredited minerals. Whenever a mineral name is entered, it is first checked against this list. If on the list, then this is pointed out and the name is corrected if it is a synonym.
variables All users have access to several variables that affect the MinIdent procedures. They are batchprint, case, cutoff, output and unload. The status command will display the values of the user's variables.
The following are sam pIe sessions of all MinIdent procedures. In all cases, boldface will represent user entry.
Sampie Sessions
SampIe Sessions
display command #$run unsp:Minldent #17:19:32
)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Srnith, 1983. ) )Ident cornmand""? display compiled hornblende )Ident command""? stop
Sample Sessions
961THoRNBLENDE-~~~ci;~-of'sILicATEs 111:00:01MAR 27, 1986 Record: Formula: (Ca Na K)2-3(Ma Fe2+ Fe3+ AI)5(Si AI)8022[OH]2 Svmmetrv: Monoclinic I JCPDS: 29-1258IDlsDersion: R>V v>RI ISDace GrouD: C2/m Type: SILICATES 40 IVear First Described: 1789 Samples: 40lGenerals: 21Total Samples: c Alpha Beta Gamma EllWt Min IWt Ave IWt Max IStd DevlAt ProD ICoord a b 40.476 43.596 46.949 1.421 24.000* 9.880 18.000 5.300 105.000 0 5.315 90.000 105.250 90.000 Si 18.361 21. 841 25.368 1.688 6.849 4 9.890 18.010 Fe 0.171 11.337 22.497 4.810 6 8 9.900 18.020 5.330 105.500 1.788 VHN 7.033 n(alph) n(beta) n(gamm) Density MOH 8.336 9.906 0.648 1.832 8 Ca 1.610 5.0 1.677 7.878 15.331 2.780 2.854 6 1.610 1.618 3.02 Mg 5.5 1.672 3.154 Al 2.064 4.501 7.886 1.484 1.469 4 6 1.651 1.664 6 1.705 1.730 3.45 6.0 Cr 0.000 1.143 3.202 0.194 1.714 OAP 0.364 1.736 12 R(470) R(546) R(589) R(650) 2V(gam) Na 0.865 0.350 0.331 //(010) 0.486 6 67.5 Ti 0.000 0.644 2.278 0.118 105.6 K 0.000 0.494 1.403 0.364 0.111 12 6 153.0 Mn 0.000 0.216 1.007 0.197 0.035 0.031 C(alph) C(beta) C(gamm) d-vals. H 0.208 0.300 0.058 1.820 8.52 F 0.000 0.187 0.530 0.218 0.087 Cl l VI Gn l Gn 6 VI Gn l Br Gn Bu Gn 3.16 V 0.000 0.050 0.050 0.009 2.73 l Bu Gn Cl 0.000 l VI VI Gn 0.035 0.050 0.009 0.000 l VI Br l Gn Br 3.41 P 0.031 0.074 0.029 0.009 6 Gn Br VI Br 2.61 Ni 0.000 0.016 0.016 0.002 l Br Rd Br l VI 70.176 101.379 138.582 41.517 Sources:Rock Forming Minerals. Deer, Howie & Zussman. vols. 1-5, ~1962! Col1ection number~s!: Po I :imoq~hs : Remarks: Ca-amphibole group. See alsp tschermakite, pargasite, hastingsite and edenlte. One anal:isis includes 1-2% ~idote. Occurrence: Comman in igneous and metamorphic rocks. In gabbros. In amphibolites. In ultrabasic rocks. In metamorphosed limestones. In hornblendite. In actinolite-chlorite schists. In hornblende-mica ~eridotites. In guartz-orthoclase-~lagtoclase-hornblende rocks. In bahi alte. location(s): Celledizzo, Italy. Turkey. Eric Harbour, Baffin Is., Canada. Karungalpatti, Madras, India. Pamrnal HilI, Madras, India. Ankogel, Salzburg, Austria. Prieska district, Cape Province, S.Africa. Cooma District, New South Wales, Australia. lillfjallsgruvan, Sweden. Grovstanas, Sweden. Garabal Hi 11, Argyllsire, Scotland. GIen Tilt, Perthshire, Scotland. Glenelg-Ratagain, Inverness-shire, Scotland. Elklon, Penn., U.S.A. Hindubagh, Baluchistan. Sekimoto-mura, Ibaragi Prefecture. Japan. ~:::I-.
59 identify command #$run unsp:Minldent #14:56:42
)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (Ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith,
)Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? w 0=43 )Unknown input""? w Si=18 )Unknown input""? w Fe=9 )Unknown input""? w Ca=8 )Unknown input""? w AI=7 )Unknown input""? w Mg=7 )Unknown input""? w Ti=5 )Unknown input""? w Na=3 )Unknown input""? w K=O.5 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? identify )3742 minerals examined, 0 ignored, top 20 identified. )Ident command""? tabulate name tm formula Page: 1 of Table IName KAERSUTITE BASALTIC-HORNBLENDE FERRO-KAERSUTITE FERRO-PARGASITE FERRO-FERRI-TSCHERMA SODIUM-GEDRITE TSCHERMAKITE HASTINGSITE FERRO-HORNBLENDE MAGNESIO-HORNBLENDE MAGNESIOKATOPHORITE RHONITE TI TANAUGI TE AUGITE HORNBLENDE FASSAlTE PLAGIOCLASE OMPHACITE BARKEVIKITE PARGASITE
I TM 99.6 95.8 94.5 93.7 90.8 89.7 88.2 86.9 85.6 85.6 85.0 84.9 84.8 84.1 82.7 81.5 80.6 80.6 80.3 79.9
IFormula NaCa2(Mg,Fe)4TiSi6A12022[OH]2 Ca2(Na,K)0.5-1(Mg,Fe2+)3-4(Fe3+,A NaCa2(Fe2+,Mg)4TiSi6A12022 NaCa2(Fe2+,Mg)4AlSi6A12022[OH]2 Ca2(Fe2+,Mg)3Fe3+2Si6A12022[OH]2 Na(Mg,Fe2+)6A1Si6A12022[OH]2 Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)3A12Si6A12022[OH]2 NaCa2(Fe2+,Mg)4Fe3+Si6A12022[OH]2 Ca2(Fe2+,Mg)4A1Si7AI022(OH,F)2 Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)4A1Si7AI022(OH,F)2 Na2CaMg4(Fe3+,Al)Si7Al022(OH,F)2 Ca2(Fe2+,Fe3+,Mg,Ti)6(Si,Al)6020 (Ca,Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+,Ti,Al)2(Si,Al)20 (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)206 (Ca,Na,K)2-3(Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+,Al)5(Si Ca(Mg,Fe3+,Al)(Si,Al)206 (Na,Ca)Al(Al,Si)Si208 (Ca,Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al)03 Ca2(Fe2+,Mg)4A1Si7AI022(OH,F)2 NaCa2(Mg,Fe2+)4A1Si6A12022[OH]2
)Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? d-values=2.7, 3.1, 8.4 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? identify and ) 20 minerals examined, 8 ignored, top 12 identified. )Ident command""? tabulate name tm d-values
SampIe Sessions
60 Page:
1 of Table
--------------------------------------------------------KAERSUTITE 90.3 2.69 3 . 1 1 8.38 3.36 2.548 FERRO-PARGASITE 3. 15 2.72 2.61 2.57 89.3 8.5 HASTINGSITE 85.5 8.43 3. 13 2 . 7 1 3.39 3.28 TSCHERMAKITE 84.9 2.7 3.09 3.38 HORNBLENDE 84.6 8.52 3. 16 2.73 3.41 2 . 6 1 MAGNESIO-HORNBLENDE 82.4 3. 1 3.26 2.7 8.4 2.79 BARKEVIKITE 2.7 79.8 3.09 3.38 3.29 2.59 PARGASITE 77.0 3. 12 8.43 3.27 2.93 2.7 2.54 2.58 2.97 2.56 FASSAlTE 3.0 66.0 AUGITE 2.96 6.45 3.0 3.23 1. 62 65.8 RHONITE 62.2 2.95 2.55 2.69 2.09 1.5 OMPHACITE 52.4 2. 13 2. 12 2.02 2.98 1.4
)Ident command""?
Sample Sessions
61 match command #$run unsp:Minldent #Execution begins 12:44:44
}***************************************************************** }*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** }***************************************************************** }(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. }
}Ident command""? unknown }Unknown input""? moh=9-10 }Unknown input""? save }Ident command""? match }3658 minerals examined, 623 ignored, 3030 not matched, 5 matched. )Ident command""? tabulate name moh density formula Page: 1 Table of matched data. MOH
9.0 9.0 10 • 0
9.0 9.5
3.017 3.941 3.514 4.87 3.218
BeO A1203 C
V203 SiC
)Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? weight 0=5-100 }Unknown input""? save }Ident command""? match and }5 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 2 not matched, 3 matched. )Ident command""? table name w Be w Al w V w 0 w Fe203 symmetry Page: 1 Table of matched data. IName
36.032 51.502
0.0 67.976
IFe203 63.968 46.757 32.024
ISymmetry I
Hexagonal 0.932 Trigonal Trigonal
Sample Sessions
match d-values #$run unsp:Minldent #Execution begins 13:53:20 )***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. )
*match to find the minerals with the following d-values: * 3.55, 6.15, 2.51, 2.03, 2.325 )Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? d-values=3.5-3.6 )Unknown input""? save ) I dent command '!I'? match )3787 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 3360 not matched, 427 matched. )Ident command""? unknown edit )Unknown input""? d-values=,6.1-6.2 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and )427 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 415 not matched, 12 matched. )Ident command""? output terminal )Ident command""? tabulate name d-values Page: 1 Table for matchedjidentified minerals d-values IName -----------------------------------------------------------ALUMINOCOPIAPITE 9.2 18. 1 5.58 6. 17 3.58 COPIAPITE 18 . 1 6. 17 9.2 5.58 3.58 HOELITE 3.52 7.69 3.36 6. 16 3.84 MAGNESIOCOPIAPITE 18 . 1 5.58 6. 17 3.58 9.2 PARALSTONITE 3.55 2.51 2.05 6. 15 1. 94 10.79 8. 12 3.74 PARTHEITE 6. 1 3.6 3.41 ROGGIANITE 13.08 9.27 6. 13 3.6 TUGTUPITE 3.57 2.5 2.02 3.52 6. 13 UM-123 6. 14 19.5 9.3 5.63 3.52 2.77 UM-259 7.3 11.6 6. 19 3.5 11.58 2.77 URANOSILITE 7.3 6. 19 3.5 ZINCOCOPIAPITE 9.25 6.2 5.57 3.55 3.49
Sample Sessions
63 )Ident command""? unknown edit )Unknown input""? d-values=,,2.46-2.S6 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and )12 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 10 not matched, 2 matched. )Ident command""? tabulate name d-values Page: 1 Table for matchedjidentified minerals d-values
3.55 3.52
6. 13
2.05 3.57
6. 15
1. 94 2.02
)Ident command""? unknown edit )Unknown input""? d-values=",2.98-2.08 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and )2 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 0 not matched, 2 matched. )Ident command''''? unknown edit )Unknown input""? d-values=",,2.27S-2.375 )Unknown input""? d-values )Contains: 3.5-3.6,6.1-6.2,2.46-2.56,2.08-2.98,2.275-2.375 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match and )2 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 2 not matched, 0 matched. *because the analyst missed a d-value and included an extra one *not in the data base, both possibilities were rejected. If all 5 *d-values are used, IDENTIFY will normally be a much safer procedure *to use than match - but also much more expensive! )Ident command""? stop )*****************************************************************
Sample Sessions
match to find Be bearing minerals #$run unsp:Minldent #17:58:12 )***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. )
)Ident command""? unknown *find all Be silicate minerals )Unknown input""? w Be=O.5-100 )Unknown input""? w Si=5.0-100 )Note: the sum of the weights is a large 200.000%. *200% comes from adding the maximum values *for the above concentrations )Unknown input''''? w sum )The sum of all the weight percentages is 5.500-200.000 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match )3787 minerals examined, 0 ignored, 3735 not matched, 52 matched. *in the following table, the weight of BeO is the average compiled *weight. A number of minerals are listed below which are not *Be-Si-minerals in the sense that Be and Si are incidental rather *than essential components. Hence, Be or Si does not appear in the *tabulated formulae for such minerals (e.g., allanite, idocrase). ) Ident command''''? tabulate name BeO formula Page: 1 Table for matched/identified minerals IName ALLANITE AMESITE AMINOFFITE ASBECASITE BARYLITE BAVENITE BAZZITE BERTRANDITE BERYL BERYLL I TE BERYLLIUM-MARGARITE BITYITE BOWLEYITE CHI AVENNITE CHKALOVITE DANALITE EPIDIDYMITE EUCLASE EUDI DYMI TE GADOLINITE GADOLINITE-(CE) GENTHELVITE GUGIAITE
Sample Sessions
IBeO 1. 31 4.277 6.2 2.3 15.89 6. 11 1 13.8 41.407 12.525 40.0 2.28 4.972 7.675 9.3 12.67 13.407 11 .088 18.82 10 . 751 9. 155 8.83 12.785 9. 19
I Formula (Ce,Ca,Y)2(Al,Fe)3[Si04]30H Ca2(Be,Al)Si2070H:H20 Ca2(Be,Al)Si2070H:H20 Ca3(Ti,Sn)As6Si2Be2020 BaBe2Si207 Ca4Be2A12Si9026[OH]2 Be3(Sc,Al)2Si6018 Be4Si207[OH]2 Be3A12Si6018 Be3Si04[OH]2:H20 (Ca,Mg,Fe2+,Ba)(Li,Na,K)0.25(Al,Fe3+ CaLiA12A1BeSi2010[OH]2 CaLiA12A1BeSi2010[OH]2 CaMnBe2Si5013[OH]2:2H20 Na2BeSi206 Fe4Be3Si3012S NaBeSi2070H BeA1Si040H NaBeSi3070H Y2Fe2+Be2Si2010 (Ce,La,Nd,Y)2Fe2+Be2Si2010 (Zn,Fe,Mn)8Be6Si6024S2 (Ca,Na)2Be(Si,Al)2(O,OH,F)7
19.732 1 1 . 37 34. 16 13 .4 1 13.197 13 • 0 1 10 • 5
10.767 16.04 0.75 0.727 5.769 2.58 3.8 10.978 25.47 6.9 10.447 5.249 43.86 8.25 7.725 45.2 4.361 17.08 5.35 41.012 11.2 4.0
Ca6(Mn,Mg)Be4Si6(O,OH)24 Ca6(Mn,Mg)Be4Si6(O,OH)24 (Be,Ca)4(Si,Al)207[OH]2:3H20 (Mn,Fe,Zn)8Be6Si6024S2 Mn4Be3[Si04]3S Mn4Be3[Si04]3S (Y,Yb)BeSi040H (Yb,Y)BeSi040H Ca3Li2Be3[Si04]3F2 (Ba,Pb,Ca,K)6(B,Si,Al)2(Si,Be)10028( Ca10Mg2A14[Si04]5[Si207]2[OH]4 (Ca,Pb)(Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+)5Si6Be2022[OH]2 Na2(Be,Zn,Mg)A12Si6016[OH]2 (Na,H30)2(Si,Al,Be,B)7(O,OH,F)14 (Ca,Na)2BeSi2(O,F,OH)7 Li2BeSi04 (Na,K,Ca)4(Be,Al)2Si6016:4H20 (Ca,Na)2Be(Si,Al)2(O,OH,F)7 K2Ca4A12Be4Si24060:H20 Be2Si04 (Ca,Ce,La,Na)10-12(Fe,Mn)(Si,Be)20(O Na4SnBe2Si6016[OH]4 Be5(Si,Al,Fe3+)207[OH]4 (Mg,Fe2+)3A14BeSi3016 (Ca,Mn)BeSi04 Na4BeA1Si4012Cl Be:?Si02 Be3A12Si6018 Ca2Mg4Fe3+02Si4Be2018
)Ident command""? stop
Sample Sessions
66 table command #$run unsp:Minldent #Execution begins 17:03:03
)***************************************************************** )*** M I N I DEN T (ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983. )
)Ident command""? unknown )Unknown input""? density=16-25 )Unknown input""? save )Ident command""? match )3766 minerals examined, 790 ignored, 2967 not matched, 9 matched. )Ident command""? tabulate name density formula Page: 1 Table for matched/identified minerals IName BESSMERTNOVITE GOLD IRIDIUM IRIDOSMINE IRIDOSMINE-1 IRIDOSMINE-2 OSMIUM PLATINIRIDIUM SISERSKITE
IDensitylFormula 16. 3 16.969 22.66 19.29 21.0 21.0 22.58 20.0 19.107
Au4Cu(Te,Pb) Au Ir (Ir,Os) (I r , Os) ( Ir, Os) [Os]0.8-1[Ir]0-0.2 (I r , Pt) (Os,Ir)
)Ident command""? t name moh for gold iridium platiniridium Page: 1 Table for specified minerals IName GOLD IRIDIUM PLATINIRIDIUM
MOH 3.0 6.5 7.0
)Ident command""? t w FeO w Fe203 w Al203 w Si02 w F of hornblende Page: 1 Table for specified minerals IFeO IFe203 IAl203 ISi02 IF --------------------------------------1 14.5851 16.2091 8.5041 46.7251 0.18 7 1
Sample Sessions
)Ident command""? table name formula all Page: 1 Table for all minerals IName
ABELSONITE C31H32N4Ni ABERNATHYITE KU02As04:4H20 (U,Ca,Y,Ce)(Ti,Fe)206 ABSITE ACANTHITE Ag2S ACETAMIDE CH3CONH2 ACHAVALITE FeSe ACMITE NaFe3+Si206 Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8022[OH]2 ACTINOLITE ADAM I TE Zn2As040H CaMgAs040H ADELITE Mg2B12020:15H20 ADMONTITE ADULARIA KA1Si308 NaFe3+Si206 AEGIRINE (Na,Ca)(Fe3+,Fe2+,Mg,Al)Si206 AEGIRINE-AUGITE Na2Fe2+5TiSi6020 AENIGMATITE AERUGITE Ni9As3016 )Ident command""? *NOTE: attention pressed during listing )Ident command""? stop
Sample Sessions
unknown command - request=on #$run unsp:Minldent #Execution begins 15:14:54
)***************************************************************** )*** M i n I den t (Ident section) *** )***************************************************************** )(C) Copyright D. P. Leibovitz and D. G. W. Smith, 1983.
)The following commands are applicable here: ) Unknown (Edit) . . . . . to enter data for the unknown to be ) identified or matched. } Identify (And) . . . . . to find the 20 most likely identities } of the unknown. } Match (And) . . . . . . to find the minerals meeting the search } criteria entered for the unknown. } . . . . . to list specified parameters about the tabulate. } matched or identified minerals } d i s p l a y . . . . . . . . to list all data for minerals. }The usual sequence is: unknown, match or identify, } tabulate or display. )Ident command"Unknown"? }MinIdent will now request all the parameters for the unknown }because it is in request mode (request=on). To turn off this mode }enter: request=off }To issue any command, prefix the command with a "#". }A""? 9.9 }B""? 18 )C""? 5.3 )ALPha""? ) BETa" " ? 1 05 )GAMma""? )BIRefringence""? )CLAssification""? species of silicates )COLour", , , ,,"? )C(Omega)""", "? )C(Epsilon)""","? pale yellow brown )C(Alpha)""","? yellowish green )C(Beta)""","? red brown )C(Gamma)", ", ,"? )DENsity""? 3.14 )DISpersion""? r>v ) D-Va 1 ue s" , , , , , , , , , , , , , , "? 8.52,3. 16,2. 73,3.41 ,2.61 )IDEntifier""? possibly hornblende }MOH""? 5.5 )N""? )N(Omega)""? )N(Epsilon)""? )N(Alpha)""? 1.615 )N(Beta)""? 1.618 }N(Gamma}""? 1.634 ) OAP" , , "? / / ( 0 10 ) )R(470)""? }R(546)""?
SampIe Sessions
69 )R(589)""? )R(650)""? )REMarks""? )SlGn""? )SYMmetry""? monoclinic )TYPe""? silicates )VHN""? )2V(Gamma)""? 81 )lf the weight of Fe203 is 30%, enter: Fe203=30% )To finish entering compositions, enter a blank line. )Weight"SAVE"? Si02=S4.27 )Weight"SAVE"? A1203=4.92 )Weight"SAVE"? FeO=O.22 )Weight"SAVE"? MnO=O.18 )Weight"SAVE"? MgO=2S.42 )Weight"SAVE"? CaO=11.31 )Weight"SAVE"? Na20=1.20 )Weight"SAVE"? H20=1.94 )Weight"SAVE"? H20=O.26 )Weight"SAVE"? surn )The sum of all the weight percentages is 98.725-102.414 )Weight"SAVE"? )The following commands are applicable here: .to enter data for the unknown to be ) Unknown (Edit). ) identified or rnatched. ) ldentify (And) . . . . . to find the 20 most likely identities ) of the unknown. ) Match (And) . . . . . . to find the minerals meeting the search ) criteria entered for the unknown . ) tabulate. . . . . . to list specified parameters about the ) matched or identified minerals ) display. . . . . . to list all data for minerals. )The usual sequence is: unknown, match or identify, ) tabulate or display. )ldent command"Unknown"? stop
SampIe Sessions
Sample Sessions
Sampie Sessions
Bowie, S. H. U & Simpson, P. R. (1978): The Bowie-Simpson System lor the Microscopic Determination olOre Minerals: First Students' Issue. McCrone Research Associates, London. Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A. & Zussman, J. (1962): Rock-lorming minerals, Vois. 1- 5. Longman, London. Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A. & Zussman, J. (1978): Rock-Forming Minerals, Vol. 2A: Single-Chain Silicates. Longman, London, 668pp. Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., & Zussman, J. (1982): Rock-Forming Minerals, Vol. IA: Orthosilicates. Longman, London, 919pp. Dietrich, R. V. (1969): Mineral Tables. Hand-specimen properties 011500 minerals. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 237 pp. Embrey, P. G. & Fuller J. P. (1980): A manual 01 new mineral names 1892 - 1978. British Museum (Natural History)/Oxford University Press, 467 pp. Fleischer, M (1983): Glossary olmineral species. Mineralogical Record Inc. Tucson, 202 pp. Fleischer, M., R.E. & Matzko, J.1. (1984): MicroscopicDetermination olthe Nonopaque Minerals. U.S. Geol. Surv. BuH. 1627. Frye, Keith (Ed.) (1981): The Encyclopedia 01 Mineralogy. Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co. Stroudsburg Pennsylvania, 794 pp. Hahn, Theo (Ed.) (1983): International Tables lor Crystallography. Vol. A: Space-Group Symmetry. D. Readel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland / Boston, U.S.A. Henry, N. F. M. (Ed.) (1977): IMA/COMQuantitativedatajile. International Mineralogical Association. Commercial Agents: McCrone Research Associates Ltd., 2 McCrone Mews, Belsize Lane, London NW3 5BG. England. Henry. N. F. M. & Lonsdale. K. (Eds.) (1952): International Tables lor X-ray Crystallography, Vol I: Symmetry Groups. International Union of Crystallography. Kynoch Press, Birmingham, England, 538 pp. Hey, M. H. (1962): An Index olMineral Species & Varieties Arranged Chemically. (2nd edition). British Museum (Natural History ), London, 728 pp. Hey, M. H. (1963): Appendix to the second edition 01 an Index 01 Mineral Species and Varieties Arranged Chemically. British Museum (Natural History), London, 135 pp. Leake, B. E. (Ed.) (1978): Nomenclature 01 Amphiboles. Report on the IMA Subcomittee on Amphiboles. Mineral.Mag. 42,533-563. Pierrot, R. M. (1979): Chemical and Determinative Tables 01 Mineralogy (without the silicates). Masson Publishing USA inc., New York, 591 pp. Roberts, W. L., Rapp, G .R. & Weber, 1. (1974): Encyclopedia 01 Minerals. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 693 pp. Smith, D. G. W. & Gold, C. M., (1979): EDATA2: A FORTRAN IV Computer program lor processing wavelength and/or energy-dispersive electron microprobe analyses. Proc. 14th Ann. Mtg. Microbeam Anal. Soc. (San Antonio, Texas, 1979) p. 273 - 278. San Francisco Press. Troger, W.E (1979): Optical determination 01 rock-lorming minerals. Part 1: Determinative tables. 4th German edition by Bambauer, H.U., Taborsky, F. & Trochin H.D. [English translation by Hoffmann, C. K.]. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 188pp. Uytenbogaardt, W. & Burke, E.AJ. (1971): Tables lor microscopic identijication olore
73 minerals. Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 430pp. Winchell, A. N. (1956): Elements ojoptical mineralogy. Part III, Determinative tables. Wiley & Sons, New York and Chapman & Hall, London, 231pp. Winchell, A. N. & Winchell H. (1951): Elements oj optical mineralogy. Part II, Determinative tables. Wiley & Sons, New York and Chapman & Hall, London, 551pp.
MinIdent Appendix A TO:
Proposers of New Mineral Species
J. A. Mandarino, Chairman Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names International Mineralogical Association
Completion of the attached CHECK LIST will greatly improve the handling of your proposed new mineral. Hopefully, it will also point out deficiencies in your description which can be corrected before the proposal is submitted. The CHECK LIST is not meant to replace the material which you might norma 11 y submi t . Ins tead, i t wi 11 serve as a summary of the proposa 1 and will assist me to prepare the abstract which will be sent to the members of the Commission for voting. Please send as much text as you wish in addition to the CHECK LIST. Where choices are given on the form, circle the appropriate words or figures. Please feel free to add any additional data not listed specificallyon the CHECK LIST. If there is not enough space on a sheet, use additional sheets. Note that there are two different versions of Page 1 and Page 2: 1a and 2a for nonmetallic minerals; 1b and 2b for metallic minerals (the "ore" minerals) . I suggest that those authors who regularly submit proposals, prepare several blank copies of the CHECK LIST for future use. If you have an earlier version of this CHECK LIST, please destroy it and use only this one. Please DO NOT prepare your own version of the CHECK LIST. It is very important that you enter your data directly onto one of my forms. This helps me to find "missing" data much more readily. Thanks for your co-operation which will assist me greatly in handling the 80 to 100 proposals which I receive per year.
J. A. Mandarino Cha i rman
Enc 1 .
............................................................... ....................................................................
POINT GROUP NOTE: Give estimated errors for unit eell edges and angles in the braekets. For example, a 12.345(9). a
........ ( )
•..••... ( ) 0
•••••••• (
) A
•••••••• ( ) 0
........ ()
•••••••• ( )0
V ••••••••••• ( ) A3
(Give speeifie details on the geographie loeality and the assoeiated minerals). In eases of isolated loealities, give Latitude and Longitude.
APPEARANCE AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES GENERAL APPEARANCE: (Inelude grain or erystal size, type of aggregate, ete.).
..... . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• STREAK
........ ( )g/em 3
........ ( )g/em 3
(Method used to measure density: ..............•.....................•.••.. ) OTHER DATA:
(Use other pages, if neeessary)
= .......... )
NOTE: Give estimated errors for refractive indices and 2V.
n ..•.......• ( ) (+)(-)
(+) (-)
w .........• (
a..... . . . . . ()
2V(meas.) ............ () DISPERSION:
E •••••••••• (
ß• •••••••••
2V(ca1c.) ....•••....• (
(Such as r>v, strong)
r > v,
(As comp1ete as possib1e)
'Y. • • • • • • • • •
............................................................... CHEMICAL FORMULA .................................................................... CRYSTAL SYSTEM ..................... SPACE GROUP ................................. . NO.
POINT GROUP NOTE: Give estimated errors for unit eell edges and angles in the Braekets. For example, a 12.345(9). a
........ ( ) A b
..••.... ( ) 0
•••••••• (
) A
•••••••• ( ) 0
........ ( ) A
•••••••• ( )0
V ••••••••••• ( ) A3
(Give speeifie details on the geographie loeality and the assoeiated minerals). In cases of isolated localities, give Latitude and Longitude.
APPEARANCE AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES GENERAL APPEARANCE: (Include grain or crystal size, type of aggregate, etc.).
COLOUR (megascopic ) ............................................................. .
••••••••••••• TRANSPARENCY
HARDNESS Mohs' .....••... Microindentation: VHN load me an
= ................. .
range = ................ .
FRACTURE ........ ( )g/em 3
........ ( )g/cm 3
(Method used to measure densi ty: ...•.....................................• ) OTHER DATA:
(Use other pages, if necessary)
Version 850501 Page 2b METALLIC MINERALS OPTlCAL PROPERTIES COLOUR: INTERNAL REFLECTIONS: ANISOTROPY: BIREFLECTANCE: PLEOCHROISM: REFLECTANCE VALUES (The standard shou1d be one of those recommended by the Commission on Ore Microscopy). Standard: (air/oil; n
= •.....•..•.•. )
400 420 440 460 470 480 500 520
540 546 560 580 589 600
620 640
650 660 680 700
Version 850501 Page 3 CHEMICAL DATA TYPE OF ANALYSIS: Ccircle appropriate ones) WET
CNumber of analyses: .....•.... )
If multiple analyses have been carried out, please give ranges and/or standard deviations of the data.
WT. %
Standard Deviation
Other ..•..•.••...••............ Yes
(I f
space group is unknown) .....••••........••.•.......•...••.....•.
· ......... ( · ......... (
) A
·......... (
· ......... (
Al Z
(For CuKa, FeKa or
Debye-Scherrer ... NOTE:
Gandolfi ...
· ......... ( · ......... ( ......... )
)0 )0 )0
(Circle or insert 'Y)
Diffractometer .•.
Guinier ..•
CRYSTAL STRUCTURE (Summarize the details): R = ....
MORPHOLOGY HABIT FORMS TWINNING OTHER DATA a:b:c or c:a (from morphology) (calculated from unit cell parameters)
Version 850501 Page 5 NAME (Explain the reason for selecting the name): If named for a living person, indicate his or her acceptance and year of birth. If named for a deceased person, please give years of birth and death. For names transliterated from the Cyrillic alphabet, please give the original Cyrillic spelling.
(Give the name of the Museum where it is deposited)
(Include, if possible, where the mineral fits into a classification)
How can it be distinguished from similar minerals? REFERENCES
IK )
(Thermal, Infra Red, etc.)
(Add anything which will clarify difficult parts of the description)