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Identification Page 10 Sep 99
Paper title:
A Framework for Systems Engineering Education
Paper number: Primary contact:
Ian Faulconbridge
Abstract: This paper proposes a suitable framework upon which to base Systems Engineering education and training. A framework is necessary due to the breadth, complexity and interrelationships that exist within the Systems Engineering discipline. Current frameworks such as those contained in engineering standards necessarily contain complexity, terminology and detail to guide Systems Engineers. However these attributes make them less than ideal for the delivery of education and training. The Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBOK) framework proposed in this paper divides Systems Engineering into Processes, Management, Tools and Related Disciplines. Two courses of study have been developed based on the SEBOK framework; an introductory course and a practitioner’s course. Initial feedback from the introductory course indicates that the SEBOK is an effective framework upon which to base Systems Engineering education and training. Author name: Business affiliation: Address: Phone number and fax: e-mail: Author name: Business affiliation: Address: Phone number and fax: e-mail:
Ian Faulconbridge Ball Aerospace Australia Pty Ltd Level 2 – John McEwen House 7 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6270-7777 Fax: +61 2 6273-8123
[email protected] Mike Ryan University of New South Wales School of Electrical Engineering Australian Defence Force Academy Campbell ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6268-8200 Fax: +61 2 6268-8443
[email protected]
Biography: Mr. Ian Faulconbridge is a part-time lecturer with the School of Electrical Engineering, The University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy. He is currently lecturing in systems engineering and radar systems. He has over six years practical experience in the application of Systems Engineering having served as an Engineering Officer in the RAAF for nearly eleven years. He is currently employed by Ball Aerospace Australia as a Senior Systems Engineer in support of AIR 87 – Army Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter Project. Ian holds a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, a Masters degree in Business Administration (Project Management), and completes a Masters degree in Engineering Science at the end of 1999. Dr. Mike Ryan is a Senior Lecturer with the School of Electrical Engineering, The University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy. For the first seventeen years of his career he held a number of communications engineering, project management, and management positions. Since joining the University of New South Wales, he has lectured in a range of subjects including communications systems, software engineering, systems engineering and project management. He holds Bachelor, Masters and
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Doctor of Philosophy degrees in electrical engineering as well as a Graduate Diploma in Management Studies.
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A FRAMEWORK FOR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING EDUCATION ABSTRACT This paper proposes a suitable framework upon which to base Systems Engineering education and training. A framework is necessary due to the breadth, complexity and interrelationships that exist within the Systems Engineering discipline. Current frameworks such as those contained in engineering standards necessarily contain complexity, terminology and detail to guide Systems Engineers. However these attributes make them less than ideal for the delivery of education and training. The Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBOK) framework proposed in this paper divides Systems Engineering into Processes, Management, Tools and Related Disciplines. Two courses of study have been developed based on the SEBOK framework; an introductory course and a practitioner’s course. Initial feedback from the introductory course indicates that the SEBOK is an effective framework upon which to base Systems Engineering education and training. INTRODUCTION Systems Engineering, as we know it today, emerged from the United States Department of Defense acquisition programs of the 1950s. These programs often involved: emerging technology and the subsequent high technical risk; complex and challenging user requirements; and large numbers of different technical disciplines. Systems Engineering methodologies and practices have continued to develop since the 1950s, and are widely applied to many of today’s challenging system acquisition projects. The focus of Systems Engineering is on the System as a whole, requiring it to maintain a strong interdisciplinary approach. Project Management, Quality Assurance, Integrated Logistics Support, and the traditional design disciplines such as Hardware and Software Engineering are but a few of the many disciplines that must become part of a coordinated Systems Engineering effort. Discussions on Systems Engineering become complicated by the broad mandate of the System, the complexity and interrelationship of the many Systems Engineering constituents, and the relationships with other disciplines throughout the entire System lifecycle. A solid framework within which concepts can be delivered greatly enhances the ability to teach a complex subject such as Systems Engineering. A fine example is the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) [1996] which provides a clear framework upon which many Project Management courses are based. Without an equivalent framework, the broad scope of Systems Engineering soon becomes confusing given the complexity of its components and their many interrelationships. There are a number of excellent Systems Engineering standards available today which seem to provide such a framework, but each standard contains complexity, terminology and detail that requires substantial interpretation. The entry level of many students, particularly undergraduates, does not allow the use of such standards as effective Systems Engineering frameworks. This paper proposes a framework within which Systems Engineering education can be delivered in a clear and concise manner. SYSTEMS ENGINEERING BODY OF KNOWLEDGE (SEBOK) A Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBOK) has been synthesised through a thorough survey of existing Systems Engineering publications and standards. The main aim of the SEBOK is to develop a framework that is able to withstand the sometimes rapid changes in Systems Engineering processes and practices. System Lifecycle The SEBOK framework is based on the lifecycle approach to engineering a system and draws on the popular and familiar system lifecycle contained in Blanchard [1998] and MIL-STD-499B [1994]. The lifecycle model used in the SEBOK is shown in Figure 1.
Conceptual Design
Preliminary Design
Detailed Design & Development
Construction and/or Production
Operational Use and System Support
Figure 1. SEBOK Lifecycle Model. This model was selected as it shows sufficient detail in the early stages of the acquisition phase where Systems Engineering arguably has the potential to make the most significant contributions. In addition, there is a clear delineation between acquisition and utilisation phases allowing the application of Systems Engineering during utilisation to be investigated and documented. The focus of the SEBOK and its framework emphasises that a System begins with a perceived need and finishes upon disposal; the so called “cradle to the grave” approach. SEBOK Framework The proposed framework developed within the SEBOK is shown in Figure 2.
Preliminary Design Tasks
Detailed Design Tasks
Construction Production Tasks
Utilisation Related Tasks
Figure 2. SEBOK Framework. By referring to this framework throughout the SEBOK, students are able to maintain a clear focus on where they currently are within the Systems Engineering course. Systems Engineering Processes Systems Engineering processes and tasks are divided into the lifecycle stages within which they typically occur. The SEBOK uses the classic “Analysis-Synthesis-Evaluation” loop as the basic Systems Engineering process, and shows how this loop is iteratively applied throughout the system lifecycle. The SEBOK does not attempt to investigate exhaustively detailed Systems Engineering processes. Instead, it concentrates on the intent and main aim of each phase, and explains some of the likely techniques that may be used to arrive at that aim. For example, the tasks completed during Conceptual Design are shown to focus on achieving a clear and complete definition of the system-level requirements. The concepts of design reviews and audit, test and evaluation, specifications and standards (to name a few) are introduced during this part of the SEBOK, as an effective lead-in to the section on Systems Engineering Management.
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Systems Engineering Management Systems Engineering Management is shown to “sit above” Systems Engineering Processes in the SEBOK framework as the management effort dictates, directs and monitors the process effort. This section takes up from the discussion on Systems Engineering Processes and expands on the management related concepts referred to in that preceding section. Some of the topics covered in this section of the SEBOK have already been listed above. Others include technical risk management, configuration management, integration management and the overall management and planning of the Systems Engineering effort. As shown in the SEBOK framework, Systems Engineering Management is viewed as being central to the entire Systems Engineering effort, surrounded by related disciplines. The central position of Systems Engineering Management within the framework is also appropriate as management is certainly where many of the students will ultimately be employed. Systems Engineering Tools There are many Systems Engineering Tools available to today’s practitioners. Under the SEBOK framework, these tools are divided into Management Tools and Process Tools. Through the preceding discussions on Systems Engineering Processes and Management, it becomes clear that effective Systems Engineering Tools are a necessity. The SEBOK presents generic Process tools such as Functional Flow Block Diagrams (FFBD), Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), trade-off analysis, prototyping and simulation as examples of tools that may be applied to the Systems Engineering Process effort. The SEBOK proposes that the most valuable Systems Engineering Management Tools are standards and capability maturity models. The current suite of standards are reviewed and summarised in the SEBOK, including MIL-STD499B [1994], EIA/IS 632 [1994], IEEE 1220 [1994] and EIA 632 [1999]. The SEI SE-CMM [Software Engineering Institute 1995] is used as an example capability maturity model in order to explain how CMMs can be used to assist the overall Systems Engineering Management effort. Related Disciplines Related Disciplines are considered to be the “glue” that holds the other SEBOK framework components together. Discussions on the Related Disciplines in the SEBOK are conducted with respect to the Systems Engineering Manager. To that end, the discussions start with Project Management, as the Project Manager will typically be seen (organisationally) as the Systems Engineer’s superior. The very strong nexus between Systems Engineering and Project Management is borne out through an investigation of the PMBOK. Disciplines such as Quality Assurance and ILS Management are considered to “sit next to” the Systems Engineer and are discussed in that context. The traditional design disciplines such as Hardware Engineering, Software Engineering and the numerous specialty disciplines are shown as sitting between Systems Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Process. COURSE DESIGN Philosophy The focus of the course design is on teaching the importance and relevance of the Systems Engineering discipline. The course is designed to emphasise the intent of each of the Systems Engineering elements rather than any particular process. In this way, students are exposed to “why and what” Systems Engineering is aiming to achieve, rather than “how” it goes about it. For example, the instruction on Technical Reviews and Audits focuses on the overall aim of the technical review process, and the likely stages within a system development when technical reviews and audits will be necessary. The SEBOK introduces the popular reviews and audits, but emphasises that every system development will have varying requirements, and needs to be considered individually. In short, the course design aims to produce advocates of Systems Engineering with a thorough understanding of its application, and an appreciation of the real potential of the discipline. Extendable Body of Knowledge The breadth and complexity of Systems Engineering and the coverage provided by the SEBOK justified the development of two different courses in Systems Engineering. An introductory course (Introduction to Systems Engineering) is a course designed for those new to the Systems Engineering discipline. It is suited to junior engineers about to be employed as Systems Engineers, as well as those falling into the “Related Disciplines” category explained earlier. The second course (Systems Engineering Practice) is a practitioner’s
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course aimed at those with some previous experience who wish to learn how to apply Systems Engineering principles. Introduction to Systems Engineering The School of Electrical Engineering at the University of New South Wales (Australian Defence Force Academy) offers Introduction to Systems Engineering in two forms; an undergraduate subject in the bachelors degree, and a three day short course. Introduction to Systems Engineering covers the entire SEBOK framework, emphasising the relevance and importance of Systems Engineering and the complex interrelationships that exist. The syllabus for Introduction to Systems Engineering is shown in Figure 3. Part One
Part Two
Introduction History & Definitions Benefits & Relevance Context
Construction/Production Issues Processes Production Planning
Systems Engineering Process Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Operational Use & Support
Conceptual Design Analysis Activities TPMs Synthesis & Evaluation System Specification Design Review Preliminary Design Analysis & Allocation Synthesis & Evaluation Specifications Design Reviews
Phase Out and Disposal Systems Engineering Management Reviews & Audits Test & Evaluation Specifications & Standards Technical Risk Configuration Integration Engineering Planning
Part Three Systems Engineering Tools Standards Maturity Models Analysis Tools Synthesis Tools Evaluation Tools Related Disciplines Project Management Others
Detailed Design Design & Integrating Prototype Development Design Reviews Figure 3. Introduction to Systems Engineering. Systems Engineering Practice The School of Electrical Engineering at the University of New South Wales (Australian Defence Force Academy) will offer Systems Engineering Practice in two forms; a postgraduate subject in the Master of Engineering Science degree, and a five day short course. Systems Engineering Practice will begin with a short overview of Systems Engineering theory by way of a revision of the SEBOK. A more detailed coverage of a popular Systems Engineering standard will be provided (currently EIA 632 is proposed) and representatives from industry will be invited to give a presentation on popular Systems Engineering tools. The practical aspects of the course will be based on both individual and group effort. The group activities centre on taking a system development project through the early stages of the acquisition lifecycle including presentations in the form of design reviews. The individual effort is based on proposing a tailoring of EIA
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632 to suit the needs of the system development project. The practical exercises ensure individuals are familiar with EIA 632 and understand the application of Systems Engineering to a particular project. The syllabus for Systems Engineering Practice is shown in Figure 4. Part 1 SEBOK Revision Introduction SE Process SE Management SE Tools EIA 632 (detailed) Industry Presentations Related Disciplines
Part 2 Individual Exercise EIA 632 Revision Project appreciation Proposed tailoring Justification
Part 3 Group Exercise Conceptual Design Functional spec. Major SE plans SDR Preliminary Design Detailed req. analysis Interface issues Req. allocation PDR
Figure 4. Systems Engineering Practice. EARLY FEEDBACK Early feedback from the current undergraduate course is that the SEBOK framework provides an excellent means of communicating the complexities and interrelationships present in the Systems Engineering discipline. Informal feedback during lectures, exam results and assignment quality indicate that the undergraduates are successfully grasping the concepts of Systems Engineering. CONCLUSIONS An effective framework is essential in the teaching of a complex discipline such as Systems Engineering. The SEBOK has been written to provide such a framework for the Systems Engineering discipline and is showing significant promise as a vehicle through which those new to Systems Engineering can be introduced to the discipline. The framework will be tested at the more advanced practitioner level during next year. REFERENCES Blanchard, B.S. and Fabrycky, W.J., Systems Engineering and Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Sydney, 1998. IEEE 1220, IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process, IEEE Computer Society, New York, 1994. EIA/IS 632, Systems Engineering, Electronic Industries Association, Washington DC, 1994. EIA 632, Processes for Engineering a System, Electronic Industries Association, Washington DC, 1999. MIL-STD-499B, Military Standard - Systems Engineering (Draft), US Department of Defense, 1994. PMBOK, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Project Management Institute, Upper Darby, 1996. Software Engineering Institute, Systems Engineering Capability Maturity Model, Version 1.1, Carnegie Mellon University, 1995.