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CCFS] Chipot M., Chleb k M., Fila M. and Shafrir I., Existence of positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, preprint.

Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae Vol. LXVI, 2(1997), pp. 321{328

A FUJITA{TYPE THEOREM FOR THE LAPLACE EQUATION WITH A DYNAMICAL BOUNDARY CONDITION H. AMANN and M. FILA Abstract. We nd a critical exponent for global existence of positive solutions of the Laplace equation on a half-space with a dynamical boundary condition.

1. Introduction Given a nonempty open subset X of Rm we denote by BUC (X ) the Banach

space of all bounded and uniformly continuous functions on X , endowed with the  supremum norm kk . We also put BUC u 2 BUC (X ) ; u(x)  0 for 1 + (X ) := x 2 X . Moreover, H n := Rn?1  (0; 1) is the open upper half-space in Rn , and its boundary @ H n is identi ed with Rn?1 . We x q 2 (1; 1) and consider the following system: (1.1)

in H n  (0; 1) ; on @ H n  (0; 1) ; on @ H n ;

u = 0 @t u ? @ n u = u q u(; 0) = '

where  = @12 +    + @n2 is the Laplacian with respect to x = (x0 ; xn ) 2 Rn?1  R . By a solution of (1.1) on [0; T ) we mean a function (1.2)



u 2 C [0; T ); BUC+(H n ) \ C 1 (0; T ); BUC (H n )

such that u(t) 2 C 2 (H n ) \ C 1 (H n ) for t > 0, and u satis es (1.1) point-wise, where u(x; t) := u(t)(x). Note that this requires ' to belong to BUC+ (Rn?1 ). Of course, each solution, being ?harmonic, is analytic in H n for 0 < t < T . A function u 2 C [0; T'); BUC+ (H n ) is a maximal solution of (1.1) if u is a solution on [0; T') and [0; T') is a maximal interval with this property. If T' = 1 and u is a solution on [0; 1) then u is a global solution of (1.1). The following theorem is the main result of this paper: Received October 10, 1997. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classi cation (1991 Revision ). Primary 35J05, 35B05. Key words and phrases. Global existence, blow-up, Laplace equation, dynamical boundary condition.



Theorem. Problem (1.1) possesses for each ' 2 BUC (Rn? ) a unique maximal solution u'. If T' < 1 then u' `blows up', that is, +


lim ku'(t)k1 = 1 :


If q  n (n ? 1) then every nonzero maximal solution blows up in nite time (that  is, T' < 1). If q > n (n ? 1) then there are solutions that exist globally as well as solutions that blow up in nite time.

Observe, in particular, that each nonzero maximal solution blows up in nite time if n = 1. Intuitively, the above result can be explained as follows: If ' 2 L1 \ BUC+ then the solution of the linear problem (1.3)

u = 0 @t u ? @ n u = 0 u(; 0) = '

in H n  (0; 1) ; on @ H n  (0; 1) ; on @ H n ;

is global and decays with rate t1?n , as will be shown in Section 2. On the other hand, each solution of the ordinary di erential? equation u_ = uq blows up in nite  1=(1?q ) time with rate (T ? t) , where T := T u(0); q . Therefore the solution q ( = n (n ? 1)) of equation n ? 1 = 1 (q ? 1) can be expected to be a critical exponent for global existence. Letus mention here that problem (1.1) possesses positive stationary states i q  n (n ? 2) (cf. [H], [CSF], [CCFS]). In the case of bounded domains, problems analogous to (1.1) have been studied recently in [E1{3], [K], [FQ], for example. References to earlier work can be found in [E1]. Beginning with the classical paper by Fujita [F], blow-up results of the above type have been established for many classes of parabolic problems (see [L] for a survey, and [DFL], [EL], [FL], [FLU], [GL1{2], [HY1{3], [KO], [LQ], [MS], [MY], and [S] for some more recent results). `Fujita-type theorems' are also known for nonlinear Schrodinger and wave equations (also cf. [L] and the references given therein). The interest in our (model) problem stems from the fact that system (1.1) is equivalent to an evolution equation of the form (1.4)

u_ + Au = uq ; t > 0 ;

u(0) = '

in BUC (Rn?1 ), where A is a pseudodi erential operator of degree 1 (see Section 2). Thus the Theorem is a Fujita-type result for a new class of equations.



2. Preliminaries

The case n = 1 is trivial. Therefore we assume henceforth that n  2 and study (1.1) by means of a `variation-of-constants formula', which we establish now. We denote by ub = F u the (partial) Fourier transform with respect to x0 2 Rn?1 (in the space S 0 (Rn?1 ) of temperate distributions). Then the rst equation in (1.3) yields @n2 ub(; xn ; t) ? j 0 j2 ub(; xn ; t) = 0 ; xn ; t > 0 : Hence

ub(; xn ; t) = ub(; 0; t)e?xn j j ;



and we infer from the second equation in (1.3) that

@t ub(; 0; t) + j 0 j ub(; 0; t) = 0 ;


Thus ub(; 0; t) = e?t j j 'b for t  0, and it follows from (2.1) that 0

ub(; xn ; t) = e?(xn+t) j j 'b ;



xn > 0 ; t > 0 :

Put (x0 ) := 1 + jx0 j2 1=2 for x0 2 Rn?1 and cn := k?n k1?1, where kkr is the norm in Lr := Lr (Rn?1 ) for 1  r  1, and let ?


p (x0 ) :=  1?n cn ?n (x0 = ) ;

 > 0 ; x0 2 Rn?1 :

Then f p ;  > 0 g is the (n ? 1)-dimensional Poisson kernel, and we deduce from (2.2), by taking the inverse Fourier transform, that (2.4)

u(; xn ; t) = pxn+t  ' =: P (xn + t)' ; 

xn  0 ; t > 0 ;

denoting by P ( ) ;   0 the Poisson convolution semigroup on Rn?1 . It is well-known that P ( ) ;   0 is a strongly continuous analytic semigroup of contractions on BUC (Rn?1 ) whose negative in nitesimal generator equals the BUC (Rn?1 )-realization of A := F ?1 j 0 j F . By invoking standard properties of this semigroup (e.g., [A]) it is not dicult to see that u, as given by (2.4), is a global solution of (1.3) and the only one (in our class of solutions satisfying (1.2)). Note that (2.3) and (2.4) also imply that if ' 2 L1 \ BUC+ then

ku(t)k1 = O(t ?n ) ; 1


and it is easily seen that this decay rate is exact. Let be the trace operator for @ H n , that is, w(x0 ) := w(x0 ; 0) for w 2 C (H n ). Then an obvious modi cation of the above considerations also shows that u is a



solution of (1.1) on [0; T ) i v := u is a solution of (1.4) on [0; T ). In fact, if v is a solution of (1.4) on [0; T ) then (2.5) u(; xn ; t) := P (xn )v(t) ; xn  0 ; t  0 ; is its unique harmonic extension over H n  [0; T ) such that u(; ; t) is bounded on H n for 0 < t < T . As usual, we associate with (1.4) the Volterra integral equation (2.6)

v(t) = P (t)' +




P (t ?  )vq (t) d ;


in BUC (Rn?1 ). Standard arguments guarantee that it possesses a unique maximal solution ?  (2.7) v' 2 C [0; T'); BUC+ (Rn?1 ) and that (2.8) lim kv (t)k = 1 t!T ' 1 '

if T' < 1. Thus v' is a mild solution of (1.4). Using Besov spaces and regularity properties of the Poisson semigroup in these spaces it can be shown that v' is a classical solution of (1.4), that is, v' (t) 2 dom(A) for t 2 (0; T') and Av' belongs ?  n ? 1 to C (0; T'); BUC+ (R ) , and v' satis es (1.4) on [0; T ) in the point-wise sense. In fact, it can be shown that ?  ?  (2.9) v' 2 C 1 (0; T'); BUC (Rn?1 ) \ C (0; T'); BUC 2 (Rn?1 ) ; where u 2 BUC 2 i @ u 2 BUC for j j  2. Since we do not need these regularity results for the blow-up considerations we refrain from giving details and refer the interested reader to [A]. Note that (2.7) and (2.9) imply that u', as de ned by (2.5) with v replaced by v' , is the unique maximal solution of (1.1). Moreover, (2.8) shows that the supremum norm of u'(t) over H n blows up as t ! T , provided T' is nite. Also note that u' is characterized by being the unique maximal solution of the integral equation

u(; xn ; t) = P (xn + t)' +




P (xn + t ?  )uq (; 0;  ) d ;

xn > 0 ; t  0 ;

in BUC (H n ), as follows from the semigroup property of P . The above considerations prove the existence and uniqueness assertion of the Theorem and also the fact that u' blows up if T' is nite. It should be mentioned that uniqueness is lost if we drop the condition that u' (t) be bounded on H n for 0  t < T' . Indeed, if ' is a positive constant and g is any C 1 -function of one variable satisfying g(0) = ' and g_ (t)  gq (t) for 0  t < T , then ?  u(x; t) := g_ (t) ? gq (t) xn + g(t) ; (x; t) 2 H n  [0; T ) ; is a solution of (1.1).



3. Blow-Up and Global Existence

Thanks to the observations in Section 2 it suces to study the blow-up behavior of the unique maximal solution of integral equation (2.6) in the Banach space E := BUC (Rn?1 ). Note that E is ordered by the positive cone E+ := BUC+ (Rn?1 ) and that P (t) ; t  0 is a positivity preserving semigroup on E . For abbreviation we write (2.6) in the form

u(t) = P (t)' + P  f (u)(t) ;



where f (u) := uq . Then we prove the following comparison principle: Lemma 1. Let v be a solution of (3.1) on [0; T ] and suppose that w 2 ? C [0; T ]; E+ satis es

w(t)  P (t) + P  f (w)(t) ;


0tT ;

for some 2 E+ . Then  ' implies w  v .  ? Proof. Suppose that  ?2 (0; T ] and aj 2 C [0; ]; E+ for j = 0; 1 with a0  a1 .  Also suppose that uj 2? C [0; ]; E+ satis es uj = aj + P  f (uj ) on [0; ] and that uj = limk!1 ukj in C [0; ]; E+ , where the sequence (ukj )k2N is obtained by the iteration scheme u0j := aj and ukj +1 := aj + P  f (ukj ) for k 2 N and j = 0; 1. Then a0  a1 , the positivity of P , and the fact that f is increasing imply by induction that uk0  uk1 for k 2 N . Hence u0  u1 .  ? From (3.2) we infer the existence of b 2 C [0; T ]; E+ such that

w = b + P () + P  f (w) on [0; T ]. Thus

a0 := b + P ()  P ()' =: a1 and u0 := w and u1 := v satisfy uj = aj + P  f (uj ) on [0; T ]. Since f is locally Lipschitz continuous it is well-known that there exists  2 (0; T ] such that uj can be obtained on [0; ] by the above iteration scheme. Hence w j [0; ]  v j [0; ] by the rst part of the proof. Since (3.1) is autonomous we can apply this argument once more with and ' replaced by w() and v(), respectively, to nd that w j [0; 1 ]  v j [0; 1 ] for some 1 2 (0; T ]. Then standard arguments guarantee that w  v as long as both solutions exist, that is, on all of [0; T ].  R Since the Poisson kernel is positive and satis es pt (x0 ) dx0 = 1 for t > 0, it follows from Jensen's inequality that

P ( )uq = P ( )f (u) = p  f (u)  f (p  u) = (p  u)q



for   0 and u 2 E+ . Thus the proof of Theorem 5 in [W1] implies the existence of a constant c := c(q) such that

t1=(q?1) P (t)'  c ;


0  t < T ' ; ' 2 E+ :

Using this estimate we can derive the following blow-up result along the lines of the proof of Theorem 1 in [W2]. For the reader's convenience we include the details. Lemma 2. If q  n(n ? 1) then each nonzero solution blows up in nite time. Proof. Suppose that ' 2 E+ nf0g and T' = 1. Thanks to Lemma 1 we can assume that ' 2 L1 . Since tn?1 pt ! cn point-wise as t ! 1, it follows that lim tn?1 P (t)' = cn k'k1



point-wise. This contradicts (3.3) if q < n (n ? 1).  Suppose that q = n (n ? 1). From 1 + jx0 ? y0 j2  2(1 + jx0 j2 )(1 + jy0 j2 ) we infer P (1)' = p1  '  p1 ; where := 2?n=2 k?n'k1 . Hence (3.1) implies

u' (t + 1)  P (t + 1)' = P (t)P (1)'  P (t)p1 = pt+1 ;


and (3.5)

ku'(t + 1)k  P  f (u' )(t 1

+ 1)


 q = q



P (t + 1 ?  )f (p +1 ) 1 d




kf (p )k d +1


for t  0, since kP (t)vk1 = kvk1 for v 2 E+ by Fubini's theorem. Note that

kf (p )k = ( + 1)? cqn k?nq k +1




since q = n (n ? 1). From this, together with (3.5) we deduce that (3.6)

lim ku'(t)k1 = 1 :


On the other hand, (3.3) (with q = n (n ? 1)) and (3.4) guarantee the existence of a constant c such that k'k1  c for any ' 2 E+ with T' = 1. Thus, in particular, ku'(t)k1  c for t  0, which contradicts (3.6). 



Lemma 3. If q > n (n ? 1) then there are global solutions. Proof. Note that := n ? (1 ? 1=q)? > 0. Put c := = q? =cn and v(t) := ct pt for t > 0. Then p_t = ?Apt for t > 0 and v_ (t) = ct ? pt + ct p_t = t? v(t) ? Av(t) ; t > 0 : ?  It is easily veri ed that t? v(t)  f v(t) so that v_ + Av  f (v) on (0; 1). From this it follows that w(t) := v(t + 1) satis es w(t)  P (t)v(1) + P  f (w)(t) for t  0. Now the assertion is a consequence of Lemma 1.  Lastly, suppose that u' is a solution on [0; T') for some ' 2 E nf0g. Then it follows from (3.3) that there exists k > 0 such that Tk' < T' for k  k . Hence 1


1 (






there exist solutions that blow up in nite time.


Acknowledgments Parts of this work were done while the rst author visited Comenius University and while the second author visited the University of Zurich. The rst author was partially supported by Schweizerischer Nationalfonds and the second one by VEGA Grant 1/4190/97. [A]


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H. Amann, Institute for Mathematics, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH{8057 Zurich, Switzerland M. Fila, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Comenius University, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia