A Modular Control Scheme for PMSM Speed Control With Pulsating Torque Minimization Jian-Xin Xu, Senior Member, IEEE, S. K. Panda, Senior Member, IEEE, Ya-Jun Pan, Member, IEEE, Tong Heng Lee, Member, IEEE, and B. H. Lam
Abstract—In this paper, a modular control approach is applied to a permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed control. Based on the functioning of the individual module, the modular approach enables the powerfully intelligent and robust control modules to easily replace any existing module which does not perform well, meanwhile retaining other existing modules which are still effective. Property analysis is first conducted for the existing function modules in a conventional PMSM control system: proportional–integral (PI) speed control module, reference current-generating module, and PI current control module. Next, it is shown that the conventional PMSM controller is not able to reject the torque pulsation which is the main hurdle when PMSM is used as a high-performance servo. By virtue of the internal model, to nullify the torque pulsation it is imperative to incorporate an internal model in the feed-through path. This is achieved by replacing the reference current-generating module with an iterative learning control (ILC) module. The ILC module records the cyclic torque and reference current signals over one entire cycle, and then uses those signals to update the reference current for the next cycle. As a consequence, the torque pulsation can be reduced significantly. In order to estimate the torque ripples which may exceed certain bandwidth of a torque transducer, a novel torque estimation module using a gain-shaped sliding-mode observer is further developed to facilitate the implementation of torque learning control. The proposed control system is evaluated through real-time implementation and experimental results validate the effectiveness. Index Terms—Iterative learning, modular approach, permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed control, pulsation torque minimization, sliding mode, torque observer.
HE concept of system modularization has been broadly applied to hardware construction of engineering systems ranging from personal computers to aeroplanes. It greatly facilitates design, development, diagnosis, maintenance, and upgrading of a particular module according to the relatively independent functionality. In this paper, the same concept is
Manuscript received September 26, 2001; revised October 30, 2003. Abstract published on the Internet January 14, 2004. This paper was presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Nagoya, Japan, October 22–28, 2000. J.-X. Xu, S. K. Panda, and T. H. Lee are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576 (e-mail:
[email protected]). Y.-J. Pan was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576. She is now with the Laboratoire d’Automatique de Grenoble, UMR CNRS 5528, ENSIEG-INPG, 38 402 St. Martin d’Heres, France. B. H. Lam was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2004.825365
applied to a permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed control system which is the integration of a number of control algorithms and supporting hardware components. Based on individual functionality, the existing PMSM control part can be divided into three independent modules: proportional–integral (PI) speed control module, reference current-generating module, and PI current control module. PMSM control with the above three modules has been widely and successfully applied to speed servo control tasks, in which the sole objective is to track a constant reference speed. However, the existence of parasitic torque pulsation limits the application of PMSM as a high-performance servo. The torque pulsation in PMSM is generated due to a number of factors, including the distortion of the stator flux linkage distribution, variable magnetic reluctance at the stator slots, and secondary phenomena such as current measurement offset as well as scaling errors [1]. The resulting torque ripples and, consequently, speed oscillations deteriorate the performance of the drive in high-performance servo applications. Since the pulsating torque consists mainly of 1st, 2nd, 6th, and 12th harmonics, it can be regarded as a periodic disturbance with known period. It will be shown in this paper that those harmonics enter the process in both additive and multiplicative ways. This makes it difficult for a simple PI control module to reject those uncertainties. An effective approach catering to this problem is iterative learning control (ILC) [2]. An ILC module is inserted in between two PI control modules to replace the conventional reference current-generating module. The main role of the ILC module is to supply an internal model which can compensate any periodic components in the torque. In the ILC module, the tracking error between the desired and the actual oscillatory torque is stored over one entire cycle in memory, and then is used to generate the reference -axis current for the next cycle. Thus, the iteratively generated reference current takes all the periodic factors into account. Since the motor torque is directly proportional to the -axis current, in the ILC module the P-type ILC method is applied, which incorporates both the previous cycle error information and current cycle error feedback [3], [4]. By virtue of incorporating the internal model, the ILC module achieves the desirable feedforward compensation for all torque harmonics with unknown magnitudes, hence, it can outperform pure error-feedback-based control approaches. On the other hand, by incorporating feedback, the ILC module is also robust in comparison with feedforward control approaches [5]–[7]. Note that the replacement of the conventional reference current-generating module by the ILC module minimizes the re-
0278-0046/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE
configuration of the control system, as two existing PI control modules retain and work with the new ILC module. Advanced control methods such as adaptive control, robust control, or the integrated ones were also proposed to improve the control accuracy [8]–[10]. However, those advanced methods have to reconstruct the entire control system into a highly complicated control module, which inevitably loses advantages associated with a modularized system, and loses insight to site engineers. A prerequisite for the proper functioning of the proposed ILC torque control scheme is the torque feedback information. For high-performance torque control, the torque feedback must accurately reflect any variations in the developed motor torque. One way to obtain the torque feedback signal is to directly measure the motor torque by using a torque transducer. However, this direct measurement method is impractical for servo control applications, as torque transducers have disadvantage from either their low bandwidths or high costs. Therefore, an alternative means of obtaining the torque feedback information is essential. In this paper, a torque estimation module is further added to the ILC module; in the torque estimation module a gain-shaped sliding observer is used to achieve the flux estimate, in the sequel to achieve the torque estimate. The sliding observer works as a disturbance estimator while the system is in the sliding mode. It should be noted that this module estimates the torque as a lumped quantity, no matter how many harmonic components are involved, hence, it is easy to implement in comparison with the work of others [11]. Different from other adaptive approaches such as [9], a promising advantage of the proposed sliding observer is that it can estimate the time-varying linkage flux and torque ripples owing to its broad bandwidth. An inherent problem associated with a sliding observer is its chattering phenomenon arising from the use of high switching gain. To eliminate the chattering in the estimated signals, a new gain-shaping scheme is employed in the observer. Based on the concept of equivalent control [12], the “equivalently” estimated signals are extracted using a low-pass filter; meanwhile, the switching control gain that is responsible for the chattering is also scaled down accordingly as the output of another low-pass filter. An interesting feature of the gain-shaped sliding observer is that it can be well designed based on the frequency-domain knowledge of the system, even though it is originally designed for nonlinear systems. This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the effectiveness and limitations of the existing PMSM control approach are explored through module-based analysis. In Section III, the proposed ILC module is presented with detailed property analysis. In Section IV, the construction of the torque estimation module is given. The module consists of a sliding observer and two low-pass filters. In Section V, implementation issues are addressed and experimental results are demonstrated. II. PROBLEM FORMULATION AND MODULE-BASED ANALYSIS In this section, a module-based analysis is conducted for the conventional PMSM speed control system. The analysis result shows that it is inadequate to suppress the torque pulsation influence within the existing control framework.
A. Model of PMSM Control System A permanent-magnet synchronous motor consists of a mechanical subsystem and an electrical subsystem (1) (2) (3) (4) where (1) and (2) represent the mechanical subsystem, and (3) and (4) represent the electrical subsystem. and are motor angular position and speed. and are the – -axes stator voltages which are control inputs. and are the – -axes stator and are the – -axes currents. is the stator resistance; stator self-inductances; is the inertia angular momentum; is the damping factor; is the -axis flux linkage due to the permanent magnet, and is the load torque. For the above electromechanical model, the true states (i.e., , , , ) are assumed is the motor torque, which, in the ideal case, all measurable. is given by the following: (5) is the torque constant where is the number of pole pairs; and is a constant -axis flux linkage. In practice, however, the motor torque is expressed as (6) where and are periodic torque pulsation due to cogging and current measurement error, respectively. is dominated is dominated by the 1st and 2nd by the 6th harmonics, and can be shown as harmonics. The actual flux linkage (7) where and are the average dc and 6 th harmonics terms of the flux linkage, respectively, while is the electrical angle of the rotor. The pulsating flux is due to the distortion of the stator flux linkage distribution and variable magnetic reluctance at the stator slots. Rewrite (6) and (7) as
where is the actually torque coefficient, the additive perturbation, and
in is the multiplicative perturbation. The block diagram of the conventional PMSM speed control system is shown in Fig. 1. The whole system can be divided into four modules: PI speed control module, reference current-generating module, PI current control modules, as well as the plant module, each with
Fig. 3.
Simplified control signal flow.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of conventional PI control scheme.
Fig. 2. Flow of control signals.
a unique function. Here, , , , and are reference angular speed, reference torque, and auxiliary reference -axis and -axis currents, respectively. The flow of control signals is shown in Fig. 2, where is the transfer function of the electrical subsystem, is the transfer function of the mechanical subsystem, and is the additive part of torque pulsations. The subdynamics (3) associated with a PI controller is ignored in subsequent analysis is a much easier regulation problem and well as the task under control in practice. B. PI Speed Control Module The objective of the PI speed control module is to generate the following torque reference:
(8) where and are, respectively, proportional and integral . gains of the speed control module, and Now, let us investigate the capability for the speed control and to reject any module to track a given reference speed disturbance. To focus on this, assume the ideal case where two subsequent control modules can work perfectly such that the motor torque can always follow the reference torque. Note the and is 1 in the ideal case. On transfer function between the other hand, from (2), one has (9) Substituting (8) into (9) the error dynamics are
Fig. 4. Bode plot for the PI speed loop: J = 0:002 89, B = 0:0004, K = 0:35.
0:035, and K
where is the lumped disturbance to the speed control loop. Applying the Laplace transform yields
(10) The control system can be simplified into Fig. 3. can be rejected From (10), it depends on how much of which is, in fact, a bandpass filter. Fig. 4 shows the by for a real PMSM system to be detailed later Bode plot of in this paper. From the plot it can be seen that in order to fully attenuate , PI gains should be carefully chosen such that the peak can be kept far away from that of . A value of constant disturbance can be perfectly rejected; in other words, and the PI speed control module can perform well when are constants or slowly time varying. It is clear that the PI speed control module is designed for tracking the constant speed reference, hence, is not able to reject the torque pulsations in and . C. PI Current Control Module The PI current controls are designed to generate the control output voltages as
where and are current control module proporis set to zero tional and integral gains, respectively. Usually, can be easily achieved by PI control. Analogous to and the speed control, the error dynamics can be derived as Fig. 5. Flow of control signals with new control module.
(11) . The major difference between two PI where modules is that current control gains can be chosen much higher in because of the much smaller electrical time constant comparison with the mechanical subsystem. Subsequently, the to a certain PI current module can follow the reference signal bandwidth. This can be easily seen from (11) by letting , leading to
Now, the point is whether the PI current module can reject the torque pulsations in and . From Fig. 2, the sole objective of the current control module is to faithfully track the reference current. In the ideal case when the PI gains are sufficiently high, to approaches unity. Of course, the transfer function from a unity gain in the feedthrough path cannot do anything to disturbance rejection. D. Reference Current-Generating Module From Fig. 2, the role of this module is quite straightforward: cancel out the torque coefficient , so that a unity transfer functo can be achieved if the PI current module tion from can work perfectly. Unfortunately, is perturbed by harmonics with known order but unknown magnitude as shown in (7). In is used. Note that conventional design an estimated value this estimate may not be equal to the average dc component in (7); it is needless to mention the possibility to compensate those harmonics in and . E. Alternative Control Methods Let us make some conclusions and find alternative ways to solve the problem. First, two PI control modules are able to fulfill their jobs but not for torque pulsation compensation. Second, the reference current-generating module is obviously too simple to be of any help. From Fig. 2, all torque pulsations are reflected . A feedback loop can, thus, be introduced from to in as shown in Fig. 5, and be replaced with an appropriate control module . However, if is a pure and smooth error feedback, no matter linear or nonlinear, it is still impossible to achieve the target. Let us verify this using the concept of internal model. Assume that the PI current control module and is negliperforms well so that the deviation between gible. The output of should directly cancel out perturbations from and . Nevertheless, for a pure and smooth error feedback, the output of is zero whenever the input is zero, i.e.
Fig. 6. Block diagram of the control scheme with ILC.
. On the other hand, pulsations in and are always present. By incorporating integrators in only constant perturbations can be eliminated. Variable-structure control (VSC) approach [9] can partially overcome the difficulty by introducing a discontinuous control . law which possesses infinite gain at the equilibrium In the case where perturbations are random or nonperiodic, VSC perhaps is the best solution when high performance is required, though it inevitably incurs chattering. Since PMSM torque pulsations are periodic harmonics, a more suitable control approach is to incorporate an internal model in which constantly provides the necessary signals for compensation, even through the input to is zero. Section III shows that this task can be easily is to be learned. fulfilled with ILC when a periodic III. PROPOSED ILC CONTROL MODULE A. ILC Mechanism The block diagram of the PMSM control system with ILC module is shown in Fig. 6. In this section the torque measurement is assumed available. Let us first demonstrate the periodic characteristic of the desired , which is indispensable for an ILC reference current signal mechanism to learn and reproduce. Considering the actual torque (6), the desired reference current control is (12) Since the PI current control module can achieve sufficient , such a ensures tracking accuracy, namely, . Based on the prior knowledge, can be expressed as (13) where is the nominal dc component, and represents all the remaining unknown components. The objective of ILC is ; for this it needs to show that to learn the unknown is periodic, which is given by the following proposition.
Proposition: is a periodic signal. and is the same, Proof: Note that periodicity of thus it needs only to prove that is a periodic signal. Rewrite as below
Since and constitute torque harmonics and are essentially the same periodic signals, is a constant reference torque, and
Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of the proposed ILC module.
factor is introduced to make a tradeoff between perfect learning and robustness. which is periodic, where is the period of the fundamental harmonics. Iterative learning control appears to be a natural approach to achieve the pulsating torque minimization since it uses the repetitive nature of the torque pulsation. The iterative learning torque controller learns and then generates the desired compenand is added to and the process sating current profile is carried out iteration by iteration, each with a period of one electrical cycle. As learning progresses, the pulsating torque decreases and the motor torque tracks the desired torque. The iterative learning scheme is (14) ; is the electrical is the fundamental harmonic period for ; represents the th electrical cycle or the th “itis equivalent to ; eration,” hence, and are constant gain matrices; is a constant in (0,1]. The and are either initial values zero or generated by the feedback part alone. In terms of (14), the reference current of the present cycle is updated by using the preceding cycle refand error signal . The learning update erence current is performed according to electrical angle instead of time , because torque pulsations are periodic with respect to the electrical angle. Another point in the application of the ILC in the PMSM is that the iterative learning part is essentially an open-loop feedforward control between two electrical cycles, thus it may be sensitive to any small perturbations. To overcome is included this shortcoming, the present error signal in the learning law to enhance the system robustness. Fig. 7 shows the schematic diagram for the proposed learning control scheme, where the LPF is a low-pass filter introduced to remove measurement noise. From the figure it can be seen how , and the internal model principle is applied. Suppose does a perfect job such that . In such circumstance . By virtue of the memory-based learning, is preserved in memory for the entire period and is being and the perused for the new cycle, in the sequel fect compensation repeats. In practice, the error signal may contain certain nonperiodic components such as noise. Those components will be accumulated as ILC scheme (14) is simply an integrator in the iterating domain. Consequently, a forgetting where angle;
B. ILC Convergence Analysis Starting from the relationship
, (15)
where is a residue term resulting from the replacement of by . Recall that the objective of ILC is to make converge to the ideal reference torque such that iteratively. This is summarized in the theorem below. Theorem 1: The learning scheme (14) is convergent by and . choosing gains to satisfy The torque tracking error will converge to a bound linearly proportional to the forgetting coefficient and the PI current module tracking error. , and subProof: Subtracting (15) from stituting (13) and (14) lead to
(16) From the first equality in above equation one can also derive
As a result, (16) becomes
(17) It is easy to see that the convergence condition is (18) Since and
, the convergence condition is satisfied with which can also be expressed as . In the presence of the residue term and the forgetting factor , the tracking error will not converge to zero but within a bound. Let us calculate the bound. Denote
. Accordingly, a standard sliding-mode observer [13] can be constructed (21) where
Fig. 8. Block diagram of the proposed modular-based control scheme with ILC and torque estimation.
associated with an upper bound
. Accordingly,
, and . Note that, in our problem, currents and are physically measurable. The objective of the above sliding-mode observer is not to reconstruct the state variables, but to estimate the disturbance . Now, let us show how the sliding-mode flux observer works and what is the existing problem. Subtracting (21) from (20), (22)
(19) , the error is bounded to . As Remark 1: Since the error bound is linearly proportional to and , choosing a small and designing an appropriate PI current module assures a sufficiently small learning error bound. Remark 2: Note that one of the convergence conditions is
Since is unknown, there is a need to estimate its upper bound in order to set . A conservative estimate guarantees convergence for a wider range of , but leads to a lower gain and slower convergence speed. Having that is too large will cause oscillatory response when time delay is present. As before, a would suffice in proconservative choice of such that ducing good results. As for the forgetting factor, the smaller is, will be. Thus, a small value of the smaller would be adequate to ensure robustness of the controller. IV. TORQUE ESTIMATION MODULE USING A GAIN-SHAPED SLIDING-MODE OBSERVER The prerequisite for the proposed ILC module to properly function is the torque feedback information. However, the direct torque measurement is not practical for servo control applications due to either the limited bandwidth or cost of a torque transducer. In this section, the design of an online torque estimator that employs the sliding-mode flux observer is presented (Fig. 8). First, rewrite (3) and (4) in state-space form as below (20) where
, ,
, ,
By choosing appropriate gains and the matrix can be made Hurwitz (stable), therefore, according to and such Lyapunov equation there exist that . Now, selecting a Lyapunov function , differentiating it yields
(23) Assuming a bound on the disturbance , it is easy to with , design to guarantee such that in a finite time interval reaches zero. For instance, a possible choice of the switching gains in is
where and indicate the minimum and maximum eigenvalues of . When the observer is in the sliding mode, it is straightforward from (22), because in the sliding to derive the relationship mode . Since contains fast switching functions, a low-pass filter can be applied to extract the average of , which is according the equivalent control [12]. The main difficulty in applying the above sliding-mode observer lies in the last step extracting the average profile from highly chattering signals. A low-pass filter with a small time constant is not able to acquire a smooth estimate. A low-pass filter with a large time constant will incur unacceptable phase lag. Chattering in sliding mode arises mainly due to two factors: extremely high gain around the equilibrium and limited switching frequency. For a practical system it is hardly possible to increase the Nyquist frequency; the only way is to shape the switching gain. Numerous smoothing schemes have been proposed, but none of them can retain the tracking accuracy because the feedback gain around the equilibrium is scaled down. To overcome this dilemma, once again, introducing feedforward to work concurrently with feedback is needed. Gain-shaped sliding-mode control with filtering
V. IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. Low-Order Harmonics Estimate in Practical Implementation
Fig. 9. Gain-shaped sliding-mode torque estimator.
technology [14] is developed exactly for this purpose. Briefly speaking, two low-pass filters are used. The first filter LPF1 is (24) which is to extract the average signal. The second filter LPF2 is
During the actual operation of the PMSM, it was observed that the motor speed consists of not only the 6th and 12th harmonic ripples, but also the 1st and 2nd harmonic ripples as well. The source of these low-order harmonic speed ripples is very likely due to current measurement error that produces the first- and second-order harmonic torque pulsations [9]. However, these torque pulsations are not reflected in the estimated torque signal using the sliding-mode observer technique. The sliding mode flux observer only estimates the 6th harmonics and , the additive unknown part above in . From is left to be further estimated and compensated. An additional torque pulsation estimator is employed [15], and it essentially uses the speed pulsation information to determine the magnitude of the low torque harmonics. From (2), the following can be expressed:
(25) which is to shape the switching gain
as below
(26) are filter parameters appropriately Here, , , , and chosen to meet certain convergence conditions [14]. is a continuous and even function of . is the reaching time of the sliding mode, which can be calculated in terms of (23). The in is now replaced by original switching control . As long as the observer remains in the , and . Note that and, sliding mode, will also go to zero when in the sliding mode thereafter, . According to (22),
Thus, the flux linkage
can be estimated as
(27) All dominant frequencies in torque pulsations can be divided into three bands: dc component, 1st/2nd harmonics, and 6th harmonics and above. At steady-state operation, the average motor torque equals to the sum of the load torque and the frictional torque. As the higher frequency pulsations are naturally attenuated more by the system inertia, the motor speed should be predominated by dc component , as well as the 1st and 2nd harmonics, i.e., . In practice, a low-pass filter with cutoff set at the second-order harmonic frequency is used to further attenuate any 6th and higher harmonics in . By applying the low-pass filter to (27), dc torque because of the attenuation of 6th and higher harmonics, and
consists mainly of 1st and 2nd harmonics, and
The estimated motor torque is
dc torque
As far as the 1st harmonics are not extremely low, for example, above 1 Hz, The block diagram of the gain-shaped sliding mode torque estimator is as shown in Fig. 9. Remark 4: The estimator works only at steady state . It would be meaningless to cancel torque pulsation during a transient period as the fast response is the sole objective.
From the above relationships and (27),
is finally reached and
(29) Therefore, the total estimated torque consists of the dc torque , the 1st and 2nd harmonics from , 6th harmonics from , that are due to the combined effect of curand above from rent measurement error and nonideal back-electromotive-force (EMF) waveform. Note that the cogging torque, characterized by 6th harmonics and above, is left out in the process of the torque estimation. Since much of it is absorbed by the motor inertia, the speed performance is less affected with this torque residue. B. Sampled ILC Scheme In practice, implementation of the learning control is in digital form. Hence, the learning law in discrete form can be expressed as follows:
Fig. 10. Configuration of DSP-based experimental setup.
(30) is the sampling period, is the sample index, , and equals the sample size (number of samples per learning cycle) with elec. . is the number-of-steps-ahead compensation in the past tracking error signal to compensate for any delay originated from the sampled-data system and error signal filtering. The -step-ahead compensation is an inherent advantage of the ILC, since both and are stored in memory components and, th hence, can be manipulated arbitrarily in the present cycle. Typically, is chosen to make up for the one-step sampling delay encountered in the conversion of the learning control law from continuous to discrete time. The present cycle has an index of because at the instant error term of the th sample, is the latest available error cannot be practically obtained before signal, since is produced by the physical system. It is worthwhile to note that ILC only provides the reference that adds to the constant reference compensation current current , as shown in (13). During the first trial, i.e., at the zeroth iteration , the initial value of is set to zero. As will approach the optimal value the iteration progresses, that cancels out the pulsating torque. However, it is not vital to zero at the first trial. Using sufficiently accurate to set at the first trial would greatly inpredetermined values of crease the rate at which the torque pulsations are minimized. Nevertheless, one of the primary advantages of the ILC is that it does not require any a priori offline computation. Numerical is not performed predetermination of the initial values of in this work so as to preserve the advantage of the ILC over the preprogrammed stator current excitation scheme. where
C. System Setup As shown in Fig. 8, the pulsating torque minimization is approached by well incorporating ILC and gain-shaped
Fig. 11.
Photograph of the motor experimental setup.
sliding-mode observer. During the transient state, the ILC is is provided only by the PI speed controller turned off and output. When steady state is reached, the ILC is applied and to the it provides the additional compensation term so as to minimize the torque reference current signal pulsations by generating the desired current control signal. The performance of the drive system using the ILC scheme is compared with the scheme using only the PI controller. The ratio of the peak-to-peak torque pulsation to the average torque is . The called the torque pulsation factor, is used as a performance criterion to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme for torque pulsation minimization. Simreflects the ratio of peak-to-peak ilarly, an speed to average speed is also used. The sampling times for the controllers are: ILC controller and torque estimator 500 s, current controller 250 s, and PI speed controller 2 ms. The gains N m rad/s , of the PI speed controller are: N m/rad, while the gains of the PI current controller are: V/A, V A s . Notice that the current control gains are much higher than the speed control and . The forgains. The learning gains are: . The parameters of the gain-shaped getting factor is sliding-mode observer are: s, , s, , , V/A, V/A, and . In the experiment, the motor parameters of the surfacemounted PMSM are given in Table I. The configuration of the
Fig. 12.
Steady-state motor estimated torque response under load of T
(T RF = 27:5%). (b) With ILC compensation (T RF = 7:5%).
= 0:051 p.u. (0:4 N m) at ! = 0:026 p.u. (51:5 r/min). (a) Without ILC compensation
experimental setup is shown in Fig. 10 and the photograph of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 11. A dc generator provides the loading. The proposed control is realized in the digital-signal-processor (DSP)-based control system using the floating-point DSP TMS320C31 with an instruction cycle of 60 MHz. The proposed algorithm is implemented using C-program and compiled using a TMS320C31 compiler. The position of the rotor is detected by using an incremental encoder, and the speed is then estimated using a finite-impulse response (FIR) filter. Currents of two phases are measured using Hall-effect devices and the measured voltage signal is converted into digital value using the 16-bit resolution A/D converter. All the internal data of the DSP can be displayed on an oscilloscope via a 12-bit D/A converter. D. Experimental Results To substantiate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, experiments are carried out using the DSP-based PMSM drive system described in the previous sections. The experiment was conducted under different operating conditions, with speed reference ranging from 0.005 p.u. (10 r/min) to 0.05 p.u. (100 r/min), and load torques from 0.045 p.u (0.35 N m) to 0.795 p.u. (6.2 N m). The torque pulsation amplitude varies under different operating conditions, and in general is larger with lower speed and higher load torque. Due to page
limitations, we only exhibit experimental results for one case p.u. r/min , p.u. N m . As is reduced shown in Fig. 12, after ILC compensation the from 27.5% to 7.5%. The frequency spectrum in Fig. 12 clearly shows the significant reduction of 1st, 2nd, 6th, an 12th harvaried from 9% to 3% before monics The corresponding and after ILC compensation. From Fig. 13, it can be observed that the current canceling the flux harmonics are added to the sinusoidal current so that the phase current contains the high-order harmonics such as 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, and so on. Fig. 14 verifies the implementation considerations of the torque estimation described in Section V-A in the frequency domain. The total estimated torque is quite consistent with the measured speed waveform both in lower and higher order harmonics. As a whole, the presence of the 1st, 2nd, and 6th harmonics in the speed, as well as the reduction of these harmonics with compensation are evident from these figures. The new scheme significantly minimizes most of the torque pulsations. VI. CONCLUSION A new modular control approach is proposed and applied to the speed control of a PMSM drive system. Two new modules, the ILC module and torque estimation module based on gainshaped sliding-mode observer, are incorporated to work consistently with the existing PI speed and current control modules.
Fig. 13. Phase current profile at the steady-state with T = 0:051 p.u. (0:4 N 1 m) and ! ILC compensation.
= 0:026 p.u. (51:5 r/min). (a) Without ILC compensation. (b) With
Fig. 14.
Comparison of estimated torque with speed oscillations.
The iterative learning control module guarantees convergence of the motor torque to the desired value and, at the same time, minimizes torque pulsations and only requires minimal knowledge of the machine parameters. The torque estimation module effectively reconstructs the pulsating flux and the low harmonics. Experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed control approach, which validate the expected effectiveness in minimizing torque and speed pulsations.
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Jian-Xin Xu (M’92–SM’98) received the Bachelors degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1982, and the Master’s and Doctor of Engineering degrees from The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1986 and 1989, respectively, all in electrical engineering. He was with the Hitachi Research Laboratory, Japan, for one year. He was a Visiting Scholar for more than one year at The Ohio State University, Columbus. In 1991, he joined the National University of Singapore, Singapore, where he is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests lie in the fields of learning control, variable-structure control, fuzzy logic control, discontinuous signal processing, and applications to motion control and process control problems. He has authored more than 90 peer-refereed journal papers, nearly 160 technical papers published in conference proceedings, and authored/edited four books. Dr. Xu is a Member of the Technical Committee on variable structure systems and sliding mode control of the IEEE Control Systems Society. He is an Associate Eeditor of the Asian Journal of Control.
S. K. Panda (S’86–M’86–SM’03) received the B.Eng. degree with First Class Honors from Regional Engineering College, Surat, India, in 1983, the M.Tech. degree from the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., in 1991. Since 1992, he has been a Faculty Member in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests are in the areas of control of electric drives, power electronics, power quality, and piezoelectric actuators. Dr. Panda is presently serving as Deputy-Chairman of the IEEE Singapore Section. He also served as the Technical Program Chairman of the PEDS’97 Conference. He was also the Conference Organizing Chairman of PEDS’03. He was a recipient of the IEEE Millennium Medal.
Ya-Jun Pan (M’03) received the B.Eng. degree in mechanical engineering from Yanshan University, Qinghuangdao, China, in 1996, the M.Eng. degree from the Institute of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore, Singapore, in 2003. She joined the National University of Singapore as a Research Scholar in 1999. Since 2003, she has been a Post-Doctoral Fellow of CNRS in the Laboratoire d’Automatique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France. Her research interests are in the fields of teleoperation systems control, predictive control, time-delay systems control, variable-structure control, robust and optimal control, learning control and applications to mobile robots, and vehicles and servo mechanisms.
Tong Heng Lee (M’88) received the B.A. degree with First Class Honors in the Engineering Tripos from Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., in 1980, and the Ph.D. degree from Yale University, New London, CT, in 1987. He is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. He is also currently Head of the Drives, Power and Control Systems Group in this Department and Vice-President and Director of the Office of Research at the university. His research interests are in the areas of adaptive systems, knowledge-based control, intelligent mechatronics, and computational intelligence. He has coauthored three research monographs, and is the holder of four patents (two of which are in the technology area of adaptive systems, and the other two are in the area of intelligent mechatronics). Dr. Lee currently holds Associate Editor appointments with Automatica, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, Control Engineering Practice (an IFAC journal), the International Journal of Systems Science, and Mechatronics. He was a recipient of the Cambridge University Charles Baker Prize in Engineering.
B. H. Lam, photograph and biography unavailable at the time of publication.