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Watts and Strogatz introduced an algorithmic construction for small-world networks ... If ρ0 > 1/2 then the CA must relax to a fixed point configuration of all 1's, ...
A New Fault-Tolerance Measure for Evolved Small-World Automata Networks Christian Darabos1 , Mario Giacobini1,3 , and Marco Tomassini1,2 1

Information Systems Department, University of Lausanne, Switzerland 2 Computer Science Department, University of Geneva, Switzerland 3 Molecular Biotechnology Center, University of Torino, Italy {christian.darabos, mario.giacobini, marco.tomassini}@unil.ch

Abstract. This work conducts a thorough study of the fault-tolerance of previously evolved arbitrary interconnection topologies of automata in order to perform the density task. We extend and improve the measures used to evaluate the effect of noise on the performance, the time to convergence, and the Hamming distance of several distinct populations of automata networks evolved form regular structures and random graphs. The computer simulations confirm and strengthen the interesting result that small-world graphs are much more faulttolerant than straight classical lattice cellular automata for the task.



Networks are a central model for the description of countless phenomena of scientific, social and technological interest. Typical examples include the Internet, the World Wide Web, social acquaintances, electric power supply networks, neural networks, and many more [1]. In recent years there has been substantial research activity in the science of networks, motivated by a number of innovative results, both theoretical and applied. The key idea is that most real networks, both in the natural world as well as in manmade structures, have mathematical properties that set them apart from regular lattices and random graphs, which were the two main topologies studied until then. In 1998, Watts and Strogatz introduced an algorithmic construction for small-world networks [2], in which pairs of vertices are connected by a short path through the network. The existence of short paths between any pair of nodes has been found in networks as diverse as the Internet, airline routes, neural networks, or metabolic networks, among others. The presence of short paths is also a property of random graphs, but what sets real networks apart from these latter is a larger clustering coefficient, a measure that reflects the locality of a structure. The topological structure of a network has a marked influence on the processes that may take place on it. Regular and random networks have been thoroughly studied from this point of view in many disciplines. For instance, the dynamics of lattices and random networks of simple automata have received a great deal of attention [3, 4]. On the other hand, there are very few studies of the computational properties of networks of the small-world type. Notable exceptions are Watts’ book [5] and [6] in which cellular automata (CAs) computation on small-world networks is examined, in particular the

density task. While in these works the automata networks were designed by a prescribed algorithm, we have recently shown that evolutionary algorithms can be an effective way for obtaining high-performance computational networks in the small-world region without explicit prior design [7]. In a subsequent article [8] we have explored the robustness of these evolved automata networks when faced to a noisy environment, using the faulttolerance measure proposed in [9]. We observed good robustness of small-world CA topologies with respect to standard regular lattice CAs, mainly due to the fact that their convergence on the studied task is faster than for these latter. In this work we refine the tolerance measure in order to better understand the dynamics of these new topologies CAs when subject to noisy environment, and their behaviors according to the two different fault-tolerance measures are compared. In the following section we give a brief account of the small-world networks used here, as well as a description of the density task. Next we will discuss the experimental performance of generalized networks on the task. After that we study in detail their fault-tolerance abilities and, finally, we present our conclusions and ideas for future extensions.


Small-World Automata Networks

Following Watts and Strogatz [2], a small-world graph can be constructed starting from a regular ring of N nodes in which each node has k neighbors (k  N ) by simply systematically going through successive nodes and “rewiring” each link with a certain probability β. When an edge is deleted, it is replaced by an edge to a randomly chosen node. If rewiring an edge would lead to a duplicate edge, it is left unchanged. This procedure will create a number of links, called shortcuts, that join distant parts of the lattice. Shortcuts are the hallmark of small worlds. While the average path length1 between nodes scales logarithmically with the number of nodes in a random graph, in Watts-Strogatz graphs it scales approximately linearly for low rewiring probability but goes down very quickly and tends towards the random graph limit as β increases. This is due to the progressive appearance of shortcut edges between distant parts of the graph, which obviously contract the path lengths between many vertices. However, small world graphs typically have a higher clustering coefficient2 than random graphs, and a degree distribution P (k) close to Poissonian. 2.1

The Density Task on Generalized Networks

The density task is a prototypical distributed computational problem for binary CAs. For a finite one-dimensional CA of size N it is defined as follows. Let ρ0 be the fraction of 1s in the initial configuration (IC) s0 . The task is to determine whether ρ0 is greater than or less than 1/2. In this version, the problem is also known as the majority problem. If ρ0 > 1/2 then the CA must relax to a fixed point configuration of all 1’s, otherwise it must relax to a fixed point configuration of all 0’s, after a number of time steps of 1 2

The average path length L of a graph is the average value of all pairs shortest paths. The clustering coefficient C of a node is a measure of the probability that two nodes that are its neighbors are also neighbors among themselves. The average hCi is the average of the Cs of all nodes in the graph.

the order of the grid size N , usually 2N . Here N is set to 149, the value that has been customarily used in research on the density task (if N is odd one avoids the case where ρ0 = 0.5 for which the problem is undefined). This computation is trivial for a computer with a central control: just scanning the array and adding up the number of, say, 1 bits will provide the answer in O(N ) time. However, it is nontrivial for a small radius one-dimensional CA since such a CA can only transfer information at finite speed relying on local information exclusively, while density is a global property of the configuration of states. It has been shown that the density task cannot be solved perfectly by a uniform, two-state CA with finite radius [10], although a slightly modified version of the task can be shown to admit perfect solution by such an automaton [11], or by a combination of automata [12]. Task Performance on Small-World Structures The design, evolution, and performance evaluation of one-dimensional CAs that approximately perform the density task has a long history; an excellent review appears in [13]. The performance of a CA rule on the density task is defined as the fraction of correct classifications over n = 104 randomly chosen initial configurations (ICs). These are sampled according to a binomial distribution among the 2N possible binary strings i.e., each bit is independently drawn with probability 1/2 of being 0. Clearly, this distribution is strongly peaked around ρ0 = 1/2 and thus making a difficult case for the CA to classify. The best CAs found to date either by evolutionary computation or by hand have performances around 0.8 [13]. Using his small-world construction, and thus relaxing the regular lattice constraint, Watts [5] has been able to obtain automata networks with performance around 0.85, with the same mean connectivity as in the regular CA case. In [7, 8], inspired by the work of Watts on small-world cellular automata, we have used an evolutionary algorithm to evolve networks that have similar computational capabilities. Each individual represents a network topology, and the automaton rule is the generalized majority rule described by Watts [5]: at each time step, each node will assume the state of the majority of its neighbors in the graph, and, in case of a draw the next state is assigned at random with equal probability. We have evolved network topologies starting from populations of slightly modified regular one-dimensional lattices, and from populations of random graphs, using binary tournament selection and only the mutation operator for variation. Mutation is designed to alter the network topology by randomly rewiring a small fraction of the edges of each selected individual. The fitness of a network of automata in the population is calculated by randomly choosing 100 ICs with uniform density—i.e. any initial density has the same probability of being selected— and then iterating the automaton on each IC for M = 2N time steps, where N = 149 is the automaton size. The network’s fitness is the fraction of ICs for which the rule produced the correct fixed point, given the known IC density. At each generation a different set of ICs is generated for each individual. We have also used a second fitness function, in order to obtain a different class of networks, with less shortcuts (captured by the measure of the φ value, which is the fraction of edges in a graph that are shortcuts), and with a higher average degree. Without including any preconceived design issue, the evolutionary algorithm has been consistently able to find high-performance automata networks in the same class of those constructed by Watts (see figure 1).

1 0.9













0.4 0.3



0.2 ring−based individuals random−based individuals Watts individuals Best human solution (P=0.816) Best GA solution (P=0.769)



















ring−based individuals random−based individuals Watts individuals 0













Fig. 1. Density task. The φ - performance values of the 50 best individuals found by evolution starting from rings (circles) and random (triangles) graphs. For comparison, Watt’s results are also plotted (redrawn from [5]). (a): using a first fitness function that does not favor low φ networks, thus obtaining networks comparable with Watts’ hand-constructed networks with hki = 6. (b): using a second fitness function that favors low φ networks, thus obtaining networks comparable with Watts’ hand-constructed networks with hki = 12.


The Effects of Noise

Noisy environments are the rule in the real world. Since these automata networks are toy examples of distributed computing systems, it is interesting and legitimate to ask questions about their fault-tolerance aspects. A network of automata may fail in various ways when random noise is allowed. For instance, the cells may fail temporarily or they may die altogether; links may be cut, or both things may happen. In this section, we will compare the robustness of standard lattice-CAs and small-world CAs with respect to a specific kind of perturbation, which we call probabilistic updating. It is defined as follows: the CA rule may yield the incorrect output bit with probability pf , and thus the probability of correct functioning will be (1 − pf ). Futhermore, we assume that errors are uncorrelated. This implies that, for a network with N vertices, the probability P (N, m) that m cells (vertices) are faulty at any given time step t is binomially distributed. It should be noted that we do not try to correct or compensate for the errors, which is important in engineered system but very complicated and outside our scope. Instead, we focus on the “natural” fault-tolerance and self-recovering capabilities of the systems under study. To observe the effects of probabilistic updating on the CA dynamics, two initially identical copies of the system are maintained. One proceeds undisturbed with pf = 0, while the second is submitted to a nonzero probability of fault. We can then measure such things as Hamming distances between unperturbed and faulty configurations, which give information on the spreading of damage. A first robustness measure we have used is the one proposed in [9] (where the case of synchronous, nonuniform CAs is examined), i.e. for each time step the average Hamming distance over 2N steps is measured. Figure 2 shows that, for our evolved smallworld networks with hki = 6 (being equivalent to these ones, results for hki = 12 are

not shown), the amount of disorder is linearly related to the fault probability. This is an excellent result when compared with ring CAs where already at pf = 0.001 the average Hamming distance is about 20 [8], and tends to grow linearly. At pf = 0.1 it saturates at about 95, while it is still only about 20 for the small-world CA.




Hamming distance









Evolved topology CA Mitchell EvCA 0







fault probability

Fig. 2. Hamming distance (y-axis) vs fault probability (x-axis) comparing rule-evolved ring CAs [13] (dashed lines) with small-world topology-evolved networks. The curves are averages over 104 distinct initial configurations for 50 evolved networks.


A New Robustness Measure

The good robustness of small-world automata network topologies, besides their topological structure, is partly due to the fact that the convergence on the density task is faster than for ring-CAs, and therefore their Hamming distance does not differ much in average in one case and the other. In fact, the Hamming distance is close to N × pf for all pf , as it is averaged over 2N time steps that include all those after convergence is reached. For this reason we have decided to refine the fault-tolerance measure in order to better understand the dynamics of these new topology CAs when in the presence of a noisy environment. As before, two initially identical copies of the system are maintained in parallel. One proceeds undisturbed with pf = 0, while the second is submitted to a nonzero probability of fault. We let the process continue until both copies have reached a fixed point or they have run for a maximum of 2N time steps. Repeating this process for 104 distinct initial configurations, we then measure different quantities: – the percentage of configurations that are correctly classified, incorrectly classified, or not classified at all (do not relax to a fix point); – the mean number of time steps to get the correct and incorrect classifications; – the average Hamming distance between unperturbed and faulty configurations over the number of time steps actually required for the classification (and not over 2N time steps, as was the case for the previous tolerance measure).




80% classification


As described in Section 2.1 we have extracted the best individual of 50 independent evolutionary runs for both considered starting points (ring-based and random-based). In this first experiment individuals had evolved freely towards shortcut proportions φ between 0.6 and 0.8. We have studied the performance variation of these networks under probabilistic updating for 7 fault probabilities pf evenly scattered over [0, 0.3]. Figure 3 shows how percentages of initial configurations that are correctly classified (in black), incorrectly classified (in dark gray) and not classified at all (in light gray) evolve as the fault probability increases. These percentages are averaged out over all contributing individuals to that classification category. Figure 3(a) depicts the behavior of networks evolving from perturbed rings whereas Figure 3(b) that of networks emerging from random networks.

60% 40% 20% 0%

60% 40% 20%






fault probability












fault probability


Fig. 3. Percentages of correctly classified (black), incorrectly classified (dark gray) and unclassified (light gray) vs. fault probability for (a) ring-based networks and (b) random-based networks with a fitness function not favoring low φ values, thus hki = 6.

As pictured in Figure 3 although the fault probability increases rapidly, our evolved networks (previously shown in Figure 1(a)) demonstrate interesting fault-tolerance abilities up to 10% of faulty outputs. Moreover we note that the proportion of correctly classified ICs compared to the incorrectly classified is around 10:1, and this ratio remains almost constant despite the increase in the fault probability. This is especially interesting considering that identifying unclassified ICs is trivial (2N steps and no convergence to a steady state) whereas distinguishing correct from incorrect classification is impossible without knowing the solution beforehand. We conclude that this specific kind of noise does not affect the ability of the CA to classify the ICs, just its ability to reach a convergence point. Figure 4 shows the performance of networks evolved using a fitness function favoring low values of φ (previously shown in Figure 1(b)) resulting in networks with higher average degrees and generally better performances [7]. We can see that when the approximate 10:1 proportion of correctly vs. incorrectly classified is respected, the




80% classification


percentage of unclassified ICs drops significantly for both networks evolved starting from ring and from random structures. We also note that there are significantly fewer unclassified ICs in this case, virtually none when the fault probability is null.

60% 40% 20% 0%

60% 40% 20%






fault probability












fault probability


Fig. 4. Percentages of correctly classified (black), incorrectly classified (dark gray) and unclassified (light gray) vs. fault probability for (a) ring-based networks and (b) random-based networks evolved using a fitness function favoring low φ values, thus hki = 12.

The problem of distinguishing correctly classified ICs from incorrect ones is qualitatively explained by the results shown in Figures 5 and 6 for both ring and random-based evolved networks with or without pressure on the value of φ. Figures 5(a) and (c) and Figures 6(a) and (c) depict the average number of time-steps necessary to converge to a correct classification (continuous line) and incorrect classification (dashed line) for all 4 combinations of fitness functions and ring/random-based networks. The average number of time-steps taken by CA that failed to classify an IC is obviously not represented as it is always of 2N steps. Figures 5(b) and (d) and Figures 6(b) and (d) show the normalized average Hamming distance to the parallel unperturbed system. On Figure 5 we see that faultless systems converge in average to a solution in less than 20 time-steps. This fast convergence is mainly due to the presence of shortcuts through the network. We also see that the number of time-steps necessary to converge to a classification increases exponentially as the fault probability grows. We note on Figure 5(a) and (c) that correctly classified IC are consistently found in significantly fewer times steps than incorrectly classified ones. As shown by the error bars of the standard deviation, this difference is significant for values of fault probabilities up to 0.1. In other words, it would be safe to assume for fault probabilities up to 10% that by taking all the converged solutions and discarding the 1/10 that had the slowest convergence, we would be left with almost all correctly classified ICs. When we compare results shown in Figure 2 and in Figure 5(b) and (c), we see that the Hamming distance of correctly classified ICs grows practically linearly with the fault probability and remains at all times below the Hamming distance of incorrectly classified or unclassified ICs, and


75 Correctly classified ICs Wrongly classified ICs

Correctly classified ICs Wrongly classified ICs Not classified ICs

Hamming distance
















fault probability





fault probability




75 Correctly classified ICs Wrongly classified ICs

Correctly classified ICs Wrongly classified ICs Not classified ICs

Hamming distance













fault probability




0.1 fault probability


Fig. 5. Average number of time-steps necessary to converge to a correct classification (continuous line) and incorrect classification (dashed line) for (a) ring-based networks and (c) random-based networks. Normalized average Hamming distance to the parallel unperturbed system for (b) ringbased networks and (d) random-based networks. This is for networks evolved using a fitness function not favoring low φ values.

significantly below the values of automata where the rules had evolved rather than the topology. Figure 6 shows results of the same experiments as in Figure 5 for networks evolved using the fitness function favoring low values of φ. These networks show even faster convergence towards a fixed point than the case where the evolution did not favor the low φ values. Results as depicted in Figure 6 are closely comparable to those analyzed in Figure 5 and, despite the fact that networks with lower φ values and higher average degree converge faster, the same conclusions can be drawn.


Conclusions and Future Work

In this work, we have tried to improve the evaluation scheme of automata networks when facing a noisy environment by discriminating correctly classified ICs, incorrectly


75 Correctly classified ICs Wrongly classified ICs

Correctly classified ICs Wrongly classified ICs Not classified ICs

Hamming distance
















fault probability





fault probability




75 Correctly classified ICs Wrongly classified ICs

Correctly classified ICs Wrongly classified ICs Not classified ICs

Hamming distance











0.2 fault probability





0.1 fault probability


Fig. 6. Average number of time-steps necessary to converge to a correct classification (continuous line) and incorrect classification (dashed line) for (a) ring-based networks and (c) random-based networks. Average Hamming distance to the parallel unperturbed system and normalized over 100 for (b) ring-based networks and (d) random-based networks. This is for networks evolved using a fitness function favoring low φ values.

classified ICs and ICs that did not converge to a fixed point. By looking at these three different cases, we now see that the number of unclassified ICs increases with the fault probability, thus reducing the number of correctly and incorrectly classified ones, but does not change the ratio between these two classes. So we see the that noise influences the capability of small-world automata networks to converge to a fixed point but does not increase the ratio of incorrect vs. correct classification. In addition, we modified the computation of the average number of time-steps necessary to reach convergence, and the average Hamming distance measures, in a way that avoids the pitfalls of the previous measure. In this case, we computed averages over actual time-steps only, until both the system with pf = 0 and the one with pf > 0 converged. This compares favorably with our previous work [7] where the average Hamming distance over all the 2N time-steps was computed. We see that for lower fault probability values, the number of steps to converge to the correct solution is significantly lower than that needed to converge to an incorrect solution. Moreover, we note

that the Hamming distance for correctly classified ICs increases practically linearly, remaining at all times significantly below those of incorrect or unclassified ICs. In any case, the new measures fully confirm that Watts–Strogatz small-world automata networks are much more resilient than lattice-based CAs under noise for the density task. In the future, we plan to evolve both the topology and the CA rules in parallel to produce even higher performance automata networks for computation of global tasks. Naturally, we will conduct a thorough study of the fault-tolerance of such networks. Acknowledgements. Ch. Darabos and M. Tomassini gratefully acknowledge financial support by the Swiss National Science Foundation under contract 200021-107419/1.

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