KMIS 2010 A new Method for Measuring and Solving dissatisfactory communication in Business Organizations The Problem
Procedure Model
Design Method Identify roles , communication channels and types of conflict , which will be evaluated in targeted business organizations
Provide a practical tool that identifies+solves conflicts & communication problems by way of prevention
Empirical Inquiry
In Business Companies various Roles and Experts work together Experts often clash, not because of technical or domain specific reasons, but: because of the way they communicate with each other, which may often end in a dispute Not every company is in the habit of conducting retrospectives In optimal circumstances, a retrospective should not even be necessary because many of these conflicts would not arise
Pre-test based checklist configuration for efficiently collecting data by personnel
Develop a Measurement-Method for Satisfied Communication in Business Organizations through an exploration in reference analysis
conducting evaluation in practice
Data Analysis Analyze collected data and compare the results of investigated companies
Data Analysis – SPSS Report
100% 90%
80% 70%
Derive recommendations and construct the model for satisfied Communication
Blocked channels
60% 50%
Communication terminated
40% 30%
Forwarded to project manager
20% 10%
Data Analysis – SNA Graph
Ignored / delayed for the moment
Placed conversation on hold Business Executive
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Other Blocked channels
Employee Group
Communication terminated Forwarded to project manager Ignored / delayed for the moment
Placed conversation on hold
Data Analysis – SNA Report
Prestige for the consultant and the project manager is at a high level in comparison to the other nodes High Prestige indicates important nodes in a network, even if these nodes are no stars in the network The project manager in this example isn’t a network star, if only the value of his degree centrality is considered The project manager's high prestige value indicates, that he nevertheless is important for the organization
Chair of Business Information Systems and Electronic Government University of Potsdam August-Bebel-Str. 89 14482 Potsdam, Germany
Project Manager
In the first case, the results can be interpreted as a performance of success: the communication between IT and other departments including marketing etc. has been mediated by introducing a special role. It is not to be negatively interpreted, that contact makers are delivered to a dedicated person, which communicates between them: It shows a kind of organizational learning: the use of a mediator between different departments. A direct communication was previously overloaded
Contact: Dipl.-Inform. Eldar Sultanow E-Mail:
[email protected]
Future Work
As databases expand it will be possible to make much more specific comparisons organizations of the same size, business branch, and communication structure or role distribution. The biggest challenge is to make the data collecting efficient. At the moment every dissatisfied communication event has to be reported manually by paper and pen. Whenever possible, the analysis has to take advantage of automatic data collection, for example by analyzing log files, always guaranteeing the privacy of the employees.