A phosphorylation site located in the NH2-terminal domain of c-Myc ...

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cells were then transferred to serum-free medium and incubated for. 18 h. The duplicate dishes of .... transcriptional activation domain at Ser"> we used site-di-.
Communication ~34'"" (11). c-Myc may therefore be a direct target of signal transduction pathways. The purpose of the experiments described in this report was to test the hypothesis thatSer"' is a regulatory site of c-Myc phosphorylation. The NH,-terminal domain of c-Myc is required for transformation (12) and hasbeen shown t o function asa transcrip(7). The growthfactor-regulated (Received for publication, July 5, 1991) tionalactivationdomain phosphorylation site, Ser"", is located within a proline-rich Alpna Seth$, Elvira AlvarezS, Shashi Gupta$, and region of the transcriptional activation domain thatis highly Roger J. Davis$$1 conserved among membersof the Myc family: c-Myc, L-Myc, From the §Howard Hughes Medical Znstitue and the N-Myc, and s-Myc (11). The location of Ser"' within this $Program in Molecular Medicine and Department of conserved region suggests that phosphorylation of c-Myc at Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, thissite may regulate thefunction of thetranscriptional Worcester, Massachusetts 01605 activation domain. To test this hypothesis, we employed a fusion protein strategy (13) in which the NH,-terminal tranThe c-myc gene encodes a sequence-specific DNA- scriptional activation region of c-Myc (residues 1-103) was binding protein (c-Myc) that forms leucine zipper com- fused to the DNA binding domain and nuclear localization plexes and can act as a transcription factor. Growth signal of the yeast transcription factor GAL4 (residues 1-147) factor stimulation of cells causes the phosphorylation (7, 11). This experimental approachallows the direct examiof thec-Myc transcriptional activation domain at Ser"" nation of the effectsof phosphorylation at Ser"" on the tranwithin a proline-rich region that is highly conserved scriptional activation function of the c-Myc NH,-terminal among members ofthe Myc family (Alvarez, E., North- domain. We report that phosphorylation Ser"" at is associated wood, LC., Gonzalez, F. A,, Latour, D. A., Seth, A., with an increase in the level of transactivation of gene expresAbate, C., Curran, T., and Davis, R. J. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 15277-15285). This phosphorylation site sion. is a substrate for growth factor-regulated MAP kinases EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES and for the cell cycle-dependent protein kinase ~34'~''. We report that serum treatment of cells results in a Materials-The construction of the plasmids pGAL4/Myc, marked increase in the transactivation of gene expres- pGAL4/[Ala""]Myc, and pGAL4/[Ala";lMyc has been reported prewere obtained sion mediated by the c-Myc transcriptional activation viously (11).The plasmidspG5ElbCAT andpRSV-Luc domain. A point mutation at the site of growth factor- from Drs. M. R. Green and P. Dobner (University of Massachusetts stimulated phosphorylation (Ser"") decreases the Medical School), respectively. HeLa cells and CHO-K1 cells' were serum induction of transactivation. These data indicate obtained from the American TypeCulture Collection. [14C]Chlorwas obtained from Amersham International PLC. that the c-Myc transcriptional activation domain may amphenicol Transfection of HeLa Cells-HeLa cells were maintained in Dulbe a direct target of signal transduction pathways. becco's modifiedEagle'smedium supplemented with 5% fetal calf

A Phosphorylation Site Located in the NH2-terminalDomain of c-Myc Increases Transactivation of Gene Expression*

serum. The cells were transfected using the calcium phosphate coprecipitation technique with 5 pg of the activator plasmid (pGAL4/ Myc), 10 pg of the reporter plasmid (pG5ElbCAT), and 7 pg of a control luciferaseplasmid (pRSV-Luc). The doseresponse of the It has been established that there is an important functional activator plasmid was performed using pUC13 as carrier DNA. The role for Myc proto-oncogene family proteins during cellular transfections were performed with reagentspurchased from 5'-3' Inc. proliferation, differentiation, and neoplasia (1). Recently it (Boulder, CO) and used according to the manufacturer's directions. Briefly, 5 X lo5cells were plated in 100-mm tissue culture dishes 1 hasbeendemonstratedthatc-Mycis asequence-specific cells were incubated with the DNA-binding protein (2-4) that forms leucine zipper com- day priortothetransfection.The plexes (5, 6) and can act as a transcriptionfactor (7). In calcium phosphate/DNA precipitate for 4 h and subsequently with medium supplemented with 15% glycerol for 2 min. After washing growing cells the c-Myc protein is constitutivelyexpressed at with Tris-bufferedsaline,the cells were transferredto complete a low level during the cell cycle (8, 9). The regulation of the medium and then harvested after48 h of incubation at 37 "C. biological activity of c-Myc must therefore occur by a postTransfection of CHO Cells-CHO cells were grown in Ham's F12 translational mechanism. One possible mechanism for regu- medium supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum. The cells were colation of c-Myc is provided by phosphorylation (10). Recently, transfected withpGAL4/Myc, pG5ElbCAT, and pRSV-Lucplasmids we have reported thatSer"? is a site of c-Myc phosphorylation ( 2 pg each) using the DEAE-dextran method (7). 5 X lo5cells were in 100-mm dishes 1 day before transfection. The cells were that is markedly stimulated by growth factor treatment of plated washed withTris-bufferedsalineandincubatedwiththeDEAEcells (11). This site is a substrate for growth factor-regulated dextran/DNA mixture for 30 min at 22 "C. The medium was then MAP kinases and by the cell cycle-dependent protein kinase aspirated,andthe cells were incubated for 2 min with medium supplemented with 20% dimethyl sulfoxide. After washing with Tris* These studies were supported by Grants GM37845 and CA39240 buffered saline, thecells were incubated for 5 h a t 37 "C with medium from the National Institutes of Health. The costs of publication of containing 0.1 mM chloroquine and then washed and transferred to complete medium for 14 h. The cells were trypsinized, seeded into this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in duplicate dishes, and incubated in complete medium for 10 h. The cells were then transferred to serum-free medium and incubated for accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 18 h. The duplicate dishesof cells were treated without andwith 15% 7 To whom correspondence should be addressed Howard Hughes Medical Institute,Programin MolecularMedicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, 373 Plantation St., Worcester, MA I The abbreviations used are: CHO, Chinese hamster ovary; CAT, 01605. chloramphenicol acetyltransferase.


Phosphorylation of the c-Myc Transactivation Domain


fetal bovine serum for 2 h prior to harvesting. Preparation of Cell Extracts-The cells were washed with phosphate-buffered saline(138 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 16.5 mM NaHPO,, pH 7.4) and were harvested by scraping in 3 ml of the same buffer. The cells were collected by centrifugation at 800 rpm for 5 min and the cell pellet was resuspended in 1 ml of extraction buffer (100 mM potassium phosphate, pH7.8). The centrifugation step was repeated, and the cells were resuspended in 100 p1 of extraction buffer. The cells were then lysed by three cycles of freezing on dry ice and thawing at 37 "C. Cell debris was removed by centrifugation in a microcentrifuge for 5 min at 4 "C and the supernatant was stored at -20 "C. Measurement of CAT Actiuity-The CAT activity in 25 pl of cell extract was measuredusing['4C]chloramphenicol, extractioninto ethyl acetate, and thinlayer chromatography (14). The CAT activity was quantitated using a Phosphorimager (Molecular Dynamics Inc., Sunnyvale, CA). Measurement of Luciferase Actiuity-Luciferase activity (15) was measured using 10 pl of cell extract. The samplewas mixed with 350 pl of 25 mM glycylglycine (pH 7.8), 15 mM MgSO,, 1mM dithiothreitol, and 5 mM ATP in a plastic cuvette. The reaction was initiated by the injection of 100 pl of 1 mM luciferin. Light production was measured for 10 s using a Monolight model 2010 luminometer (Analytical Luminescence Laboratory, San Diego, CA). RESULTS




Ala-67 Ala-62

Activator Plasmid







I Ser-62 Thestructures of theplasmids used inthisstudyare 0 Ah42 presentedin Fig. 1. GAL4/Mycfusion proteins were con0.10. structed (7, 11) by fusingtheDNAbindingdomainand 0 nuclear localization signal of the yeast transcription factor 0.05. GAL4 (residues 1-147) to the NH,-terminal transcriptional w activation region of c-Myc (residues 1-103). It haspreviously 0.00been demonstrated that this Myc fusion protein is synthesized 0.05 0.1 1 5 in tissue culturecells and is correctlylocalized in the nucleus Activator Plasmid (kg) (7). Transactivation by the GAL4/Myc fusion protein was investigated by employing a reporter plasmid (pG5ElbCAT) FIG. 2. Effect of point mutation at the site of c-Myc phosthatcontains GAL4 bindingsitesadjacentto a minimal phorylation, Sere', on the expression of a CAT reporter gene adenovirus E l b promoter (TATA) element and the bacterial in HeLa cells. Panel A, comparison of the transactivation potential chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene (14). The ac- of GAL4/Myc fusion proteins (Control, GAL4(1-147); WT, GAL4/ [Ser6']Myc; Ala-62, GAL4/[Ala6']Myc; Ala-67, GAL4/[Ala67]Myc). tivator and reporter plasmidswere co-transfected into HeLa The reporter CAT plasmid (pG5ElbCAT) was co-transfected with cells, and the CAT activity in extracts prepared from these the activator plasmid (pSG424 or pGAL4/Myc) and a plasmid excells was measured. In the absenceof the activator (data not pressing the firefly luciferase gene (pRSVLuc). Panel B , effect of shown) or in the presence of GAL4(1-147) no significantlevel activator plasmid (pGAL4/Myc) concentration onCAT reporter gene of CAT activity was detected in cell extracts (Fig. 2 A ) . How- expression. Relative CAT activities are presented as arbitrary units



defined as follows: (% conversion of [14C]chloramphenicolto acetylated forms)/(luciferase activity).Eachdatapointrepresentsthe mean & S.D. of determinationsobtained from threeindependent transfections. Similar data were obtained in three separate experiments.





FIG. 1. Structure of activator, reporter, and control plasmids.

ever, a high level of CAT activity was measured in extracts prepared from cellsafter transientexpression of the wild-type GAL4/Myc fusion protein (Fig. 2 A ) . This result confirms the previous observations reported by Kat0 et al. (7) that the NH2-terminal region of c-Myc can function asa strong transcriptional activation domain. To examine the role of the phosphorylation of the c-Myc transcriptional activation domain at Ser">we used site-directed mutagenesis toreplace this residue with Ala (11).Fig. 2A shows that the level of CAT activity observed in experiments using the mutated [Ala"']Myc fusion protein was reduced compared with the CAT activity measured in experiments using thewild-type fusion protein. In previous studies we have demonstrated that the mutated [Ala"2]Myc fusion protein and the wild-type protein are expressed at a similar level (11).The difference in reporter gene expression (Fig. 2 A ) is therefore not a result of differences in the level of expression of these c-Myc fusion proteins. This conclusion was confirmed by examination of the dose response of the cMyc activator plasmids. It was found that thedecreased CAT activity causedby the replacement of Ser"' with Ala was observed in experiments employing amounts of the activator

Phosphorylation of the Transactivation c-Myc Domain plasmid from 50 ng to 5 pg in the transfectionprotocol (Fig. 2B). As a control experimentto examine the possible nonspecific perturbation of protein structure that may be caused by the introduction of point mutations into c-Myc we investigated the effect of the mutation at a different Ser residue (Ser"') within the c-Myc transcriptional activation domain. Fig. 2A shows that the replacement of Ser"' with Ala caused no significant change in the level of CAT activity. The lack of an effect of the mutation atSer"' in this control experiment suggests that themarked effect of the mutation atSer":! (Fig. 2) is notthe result of a nonspecific alteration in c-Myc structure. Instead, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that the defect in phosphorylation a t Ser"' may account for the reduced level of transactivation caused by the mutated [Ala"']Myc fusion protein (Fig. 2). If phosphorylation at is relevanttotransactivation, the increase inSer"' phosphorylation causedby growth factors (11)should alter reportergene expression in cells transfected with the GAL4/Myc activator plasmid. The effect of the treatment of cells with serum was therefore investigated. It was observed that serum stimulationof HeLa cells (data not shown) and CHO cells (Fig. 3) expressing the wild-type Myc fusion protein caused a marked increase in the level of CAT activity. Incontrast, adecreasein theextent of serumstimulated CAT activity was found in experiments using the mutated [Ala""]Myc fusion protein in HeLa cells (data not shown) and CHO cells (Fig. 3). A generalized defect inserumstimulated gene expression does not account for this result because it was observed that serum increased the expression of a heterologous reporter gene (luciferase) that was cotransfected into these cells (Fig. 3). We conclude that the mutation of Ser"j causes a specific reduction in serum-stimulated gene expression mediated by the c-Myc transcriptional activation domain. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that thephosphorylation of the c-Myc activation domain a t Ser"' increases transcription.












The MAP kinases represent a family of enzymes that are thought tohave an important role during signal transduction (16,17). A signaltransduction pathway has been described in which the MAP kinases are activated by phosphorylation at Thr and Tyr (18,19) by a protein kinase cascade mechanism (20). The MAP kinases can phosphorylate and activate the S6 protein kinase(21), but thephysiologically relevant targets of this signal transduction pathway are poorly understood (22). We have previously reported that c-Myc is phosphorylated atSer"" by a MAP kinase in vitro (11).The rapid growth factor-stimulated phosphorylationof S e P observed in serumstarved cells indicates that c-Myc may be a physiological substrate for the MAP kinases (11).We thereforepropose the working hypothesis that thec-Myc transcriptional activation domain may be a direct target of the MAP kinase signal transduction pathway that regulates gene expression (Fig. 4). Furthermore, asc-Myc is phosphorylated at Ser"? by the cell cycle-dependent protein kinase p34'" (ll),it is also possible that the phosphorylation and transactivation potentialof cMyc is regulated in proliferatingcells during the cell cycle. Recently, substantial evidence has been reported indicating that phosphorylationis animportant mechanism for the regulation of transcription factor function. For several transcription factors it has been demonstrated that DNA binding activity is regulated by phosphorylation (e.g. SRF (Ref. 23), c-Myb (Ref. 24), and c-Jun (Ref. 25)). However, phosphorylation can also regulate transcription factor function independently of changes in DNA binding activity. For example, the activity of CREB is stimulatedby phosphorylation by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase at a specific site within the activation domain (26). Phosphorylation of the activation domain of c-Jun hasalso been proposed to increase transcription (27). This mechanism of regulation of CREB (26) and cJun (27) by phosphorylation may be similar to theregulation of the c-Myc transcriptional activation domain caused by phosphorylation a t Ser"' described in this report. The phos-

0 Control Serum





0 Control Serum T



P .r(



t d


O.( Ala-62 Ser-62 Ala-62 Ser-62 Ser-62 Ala-62 ActivatorPlasmid Activator Plasmid FIG. 3. Serum induction of reporter gene expression by the c-Myc transcriptional activation domain is blocked by a point mutation at the phosphorylation site, SerwY.CHO cells were co-transfected with the activator (pGAL4/Myc), reporter (pG5ElbCAT), andcontrol (pRSV-Luc)plasmids. The cells were treated without and with serum for 2 h. The CAT activity detected in cell extracts is presented as an autoradiograph in panel A and quantitatively in panel B. The luciferase activity measured in the cell extracts is presented in panel C. Luciferase activity is presented as Light Units per 10 pl of cell extract. CAT activities are presented as arbitrary units that are defined as follow: (% conversion of ['4C]chloramphenicol to acetylated forms)/(luciferase activity determined for cells incubated in serum-free medium). Each data pointrepresents the mean k S.D. of determinations obtained from three independent transfections. Similar data were obtained in three separateexperiments.


Phosphorylation of the c-Myc Transactivation Domain REFERENCES 1. Liischer, B. & Eisenman, R. N. (1990) Genes C Den 4, 2025-


1. EGF Receptor

Tyrosine Kinase



3. MAP2IERWERT Protein Kinase


w- w“ Sites


GAL4 Sites

4.Transcription Factor

CAT Gene

5. Reporter Gene


FIG. 4. A schematic representation of a putative signal transduction pathway is presented as a working hypothesis. The c-Myc transcriptional activation domain is a substrate for phosphorylation at Ser“ by the growth factor-regulated MAP kinases (ERK, ERT, and MAP2 protein kinase; Ref. 16, 17, 28, and 29) and ‘’ Increased by the cell cycle-dependent protein kinase ~ 3 4 ‘ ~ (11). phosphorylation at Ser“’ is associated with the activation of gene expression. The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor is an ex“ X ” that ample of a signalling receptor. Acandidatetransducer activates MAP kinases by Thr and Tyrphosphorylation (18, 19) has been described (20). An important goal for future research will be to rigorously establish the molecular details of this putative signal transduction pathway by MAP kinases and the possible cell cycle regulation of c-Myc function by p34“1“.

phorylation of the activation domains of these and other transcription factors may therefore be a general mechanism for regulation of gene expression. Acknowledgments-We thank Drs. M. R. Green and P.Dobner for providing the plasmids pG5ElbCAT andpRSV-Luc, respectively. We greatly appreciate the excellent secretarial assistance of Margaret Shepard.

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