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arXiv:1404.0241v1 [math.FA] 1 Apr 2014
A Picard-S Iterative Scheme for Approximating Fixed Point of Weak-Contraction Mappings ¨ Faik GURSOY Department of Mathematics, Yildiz Technical University, Davutpasa Campus, Esenler, 34220 Istanbul, Turkey e-mail:
[email protected] The date of receipt and acceptance will be inserted by the editor
Abstract We study the convergence analysis of a Picard-S iteration method for a particular class of weak-contraction mappings. Furthermore, we prove a data dependence result for fixed point of the class of weak-contraction mappings with the help of the Picard-S iteration methods. Key words Picard-S iterative scheme – Weak-Contraction mappings – Convergence – Rate of Convergence- Data Dependence 1 Introduction Most of the problems that arise in different disciplines of science can be formulated by the equations in the form F x = 0,
where F is some function. The equations given by (1) can easily be reformulated as the fixed point equations of type T x = x.
where T is a self-map of an ambient space X and x ∈ X. These equations are often classified as linear or nonlinear, depending on whether the mappings used in the equation is linear with respect to the variables. Over the years, a considerable attention has been paid to solving such equations by using different techniques such as direct and iterative methods. In case of linear equations, both direct and iterative methods are used to obtain solutions of Send offprint requests to: Offprints Assistant Correspondence to: Address for offprint requests
the equations. But in case of nonlinear equations, due to various reasons, direct methods can be impractical or fail in solving equations, and thus iterative methods become a viable alternative. Nonlinear problems are of importance interest to mathematicians, physicists and engineers and many other scientists, simply because most systems are intrinsically nonlinear in nature. That is why, researchers in various disciplines of sciences are often faced with the solving such problems. It would be hard to fudge that the role of iterative approximation of fixed points have played in the recent progress of nonlinear science. Indeed, the phrase iterative approximation has been introduced to describe repetition-based researches into nonlinear problems that are inaccessible to analytic methods. For this reason, the iterative approximation of fixed points has become one of the major and basic tools in the theory of equations, and as a result, numerous iterative methods have been introduced or improved and studied for many years in detail from various points of aspects by a wide audience of researchers, see, [1-14, 16-42, 44, 45]. In this paper, we show that a Picard-S iteration method [14] can be used to approximate fixed point of weak-contraction mappings. Also, we show that this iteration method is equivalent and converges faster than CR iteration method [9] for the aforementioned class of mappings. Furthermore, by providing an example, it is shown that the Picard-S iteration method converges faster than CR iteration method and hence also faster than all Picard [31], Mann [25], Ishikawa [17], Noor [26], SP [30], S [2] and some other iteration methods in the existing literature when applied to weakcontraction mappings. Finally, a data dependence result is proven for fixed point of weak-contraction mappings with the help of the Picard-S iteration method. Throughout this paper the set of all positive integers and zero is shown by N. Let B be a Banach space, D be a nonempty closed convex subset of B and T a self-map of D. An element x∗ of D is called a fixed point of T if ∞only if T x∗ = x∗ . The set of all fixed point of T denoted by FT . Let and ain n=0 , i ∈ {0, 1, 2} be real sequences in [0, 1] satisfying certain control condition(s). Renowned Picard iteration method [31] is formulated as follow
p0 ∈ D, pn+1 = T pn , n ∈ N,
and generally used to approximate fixed points of contraction mappings satisfying: for all x, y ∈ B there exists a δ ∈ (0, 1) such that kT x − T yk ≤ δ kx − yk .
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The following iteration methods are known as Noor [26] and SP [30] iterations, respectively: ω0 ∈ D, ωn+1 = 1 − a0n ω n + a0n T ̟n , (5) ̟n = 1 − a1n ω n + a1n T ρn , ρn = 1 − a2n ω n + a2n T ωn , n ∈ N, q0 ∈ D, qn+1 = 1 − a0n rn + a0n T rn , (6) rn = 1 −a1n sn + a1n T sn , sn = 1 − a2n qn + a2n T qn , n ∈ N,
Remark 1 (i) If a2n = 0 for each n ∈ N , then the Noor iteration method reduces to iterative method of Ishikawa [17]. (ii) If a2n = 0 for each n ∈ N , then the SP iteration method reduces to iterative method of Thianwan [42]. (iii) When a1n = a2n = 0 for each n ∈ N, then both Noor and SP iteration methods reduce to an iteration method due to Mann [25]. Recently, G¨ ursoy and Karakaya [14] introduced a Picard-S iterative scheme as follows: x0 ∈ D, xn+1 = T yn , (7) yn = 1 − a1n T xn + a1n T zn , 2 2 zn = 1 − an xn + an T xn , n ∈ N,
The following definitions and lemmas will be needed in obtaining the main results of this article. ∞
Definition 1 [5] Let {an }n=0 and {bn }n=0 be two sequences of real numbers with limits a and b, respectively. Assume that there exists lim
|an − a| = l. |bn − b|
(i) If l = 0, the we say that {an }n=0 converges faster to a than {bn }n=0 to b. ∞ ∞ (ii) If 0 < l < ∞, then we say that {an }n=0 and {bn }n=0 have the same rate of convergence. ∞
Definition 2 [5] Assume that for two fixed point iteration processes {un }n=0 and {vn }∞ n=0 both converging to the same fixed point p, the following error predictions kun − pk ≤ an for all n ∈ N, (9) kvn − pk ≤ bn for all n ∈ N,
∞ {an }n=0
∞ are available where and {bn }n=0 are two ∞ bers (converging to zero). If {an }n=0 converges ∞ {un }∞ n=0 converges faster than {vn }n=0 to p.
sequences of positive num∞ faster than {bn }n=0 , then
Definition 3 [4] Let (B, k·k) be a Banach space. A map T : B → B is called weak-contraction if there exist a constant δ ∈ (0, 1) and some L ≥ 0 such that kT x − T yk ≤ δ kx − yk + L ky − T yk , for all x, y ∈ B.
Definition 4 [4] Let T ,Te : B → B be two operators. We say that Te is an approximate operator of T if for all x ∈ B and for a fixed ε > 0 we have
T x − Tex ≤ ε. ∞
Lemma 1 [43]Let {β n }n=0 and {ρn }n=0 be nonnegative real sequences satisfying the following inequality: β n+1 ≤ (1 − λn ) β n + ρn , X∞ λn = ∞, and where λn ∈ (0, 1), for all n ≥ n0 , n=1 Then limn→∞ β n = 0.
(13) ρn λn
→ 0 as n → ∞.
Lemma 2 [39] Let {β n }n=0 be a nonnegative sequence for which one assumes there exists n0 ∈ N, such that for all n ≥ n0 one has satisfied the inequality β n+1 ≤ (1 − µn ) β n + µn γ n , (14) where µn ∈ (0, 1) , for all n ∈ N, the following inequality holds
∞ P
µn = ∞ and γ n ≥ 0, ∀n ∈ N. Then
0 ≤ lim sup β n ≤ lim sup γ n . n→∞
2 Main Results Theorem 1 Let T : D → D be a weak-contraction map satisfying condition (11) with FT 6= ∅ and {xn }∞ defined by (7) with real n=0 an iterative sequenceP ∞ 1 2 i ∞ sequences an n=0 , i ∈ {1, 2} in [0, 1] satisfying k=0 ak ak = ∞. Then ∞ ∗ {xn }n=0 converges to a unique fixed point u of T . Proof Uniqueness of u∗ comes from condition (11). Using Picard-S iterative scheme (7) and condition (11), we obtain kzn − u∗ k ≤ 1 − a2n kxn − u∗ k + a2n kT xn − T u∗ k ≤ 1 − a2n kxn − u∗ k + a2n δ kxn − u∗ k + a2n L ku∗ − T u∗ k = 1 − a2n (1 − δ) kxn − u∗ k , (16) kyn − u∗ k ≤ 1 − a1n kT xn − T u∗k + a1n kT zn − T u∗ k ≤ 1 − a1n δ kxn − u∗ k + a1n δ kzn − u∗ k ,
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kxn+1 − u∗ k ≤ δ kyn − u∗ k .
kxn+1 − u∗ k ≤ δ 2 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) kxn − u∗ k .
Combining (16), (17) and (18)
By induction
kxn+1 − u∗ k ≤ δ 2(n+1)
1 − a1k a2k (1 − δ) kx0 − u∗ k k=0 Xn
≤ δ 2(n+1) kx0 − u∗ k a1k a2k = ∞, e
a1k a2k
n+1 −(1−δ)
a1k a2k
→ 0 as n → ∞,
which implies limn→∞ kxn − u∗ k. Theorem 2 Let T : D → D with fixed point u∗ ∈ FT 6= ∅ be as in Theo∞ rem 1 and {qn }∞ n=0 , {xn }n=0 two iterative sequences ∞ by SP (6) and defined Picard-S (7) iteration methods with real sequences ain n=0 , i ∈ {0, 1, 2} in Pn [0, 1] satisfying k=0 a1k a2k = ∞. Then the following are equivalent: (i) limn→∞ kxn − u∗ k = 0; (ii) limn→∞ kqn − u∗ k = 0. Proof (i)⇒(ii): It follows from (6), (7), and condition (11) that
kxn+1 − qn+1 k = 1 − a0n (T yn − rn ) + a0n (T yn − T rn ) (22) 0 0 ≤ 1 − an kT yn − rn k + an kT yn − T rn k ≤ 1 − a0n (1 − δ) kyn − rn k + 1 − a0n (1 − L) kyn − T yn k ,
kyn − rn k = 1 − a1n (T xn − sn ) + a1n (T zn − T sn ) (23) 1 1 ≤ 1 − an kT xn − sn k + an kT zn − T sn k ≤ 1 − a1n kT xn − sn k + a1n δ kzn − sn k + a1n L kzn − T znk ,
(24) kT xn − sn k = 1 − a2n (T xn − qn ) + a2n (T xn − T qn ) 2 2 ≤ 1 − an (1 − δ) kxn − qn k + 1 − an (1 − L) kxn − T xn k , kzn − sn k ≤ 1 − a2n kxn − qn k + a2n kT xn − T qn k ≤ 1 − a2n (1 − δ) kxn − qn k + a2n L kxn − T xn k .
Combining (22), (23), (24), and (25) kxn+1 − qn+1 k ≤ 1 − a0n (1 − δ) 1 − a1n (1 − δ) 1 − a2n (1 − δ) kxn − qn k (26) 2 1 2 0 1 + 1 − an (1 − δ) 1 − an 1 − an (1 − L) + an an δL kxn − T xn k 1 0 + 1 − an (1 − δ) an L kzn − T zn k + 1 − a0n (1 − L) kyn − T ynk .
It follows from the facts δ ∈ (0, 1) and ain ∈ [0, 1], ∀n ∈ N, i ∈ {0, 1, 2} that 1 − a0n (1 − δ) 1 − a1n (1 − δ) 1 − a2n (1 − δ) < 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) . (27)
Hence, inequality (26) becomes (28) kxn+1 − qn+1 k ≤ 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) kxn − qn k 1 0 2 1 2 + 1 − an (1 − δ) 1 − an 1 − an (1 − L) + an an δL kxn − T xn k 1 0 + 1 − an (1 − δ) an L kzn − T zn k + 1 − a0n (1 − L) kyn − T ynk . Denote that
β n : = kxn − qn k ,
λn : = a1n a2n (1 − δ) ∈ (0, 1) , ρn : = 1 − a0n (1 − δ) 1 − a1n 1 − a2n (1 − L) + a1n a2n δL kxn − T xn k + 1 − a0n (1 − δ) a1n L kzn − T zn k + 1 − a0n (1 − L) kyn − T yn k .
Since limn→∞ kxn − u∗ k = 0 and T u∗ = u∗
lim kxn − T xn k = lim kyn − T yn k = lim kzn − T zn k = 0,
which implies λρnn → 0 as n → ∞. Therefore, inequality (28) perform all assumptions in Lemma 1 and thus we obtain limn→∞ kxn − qn k = 0. Since kqn − u∗ k ≤ kxn − qn k + kxn − u∗ k → 0 as n → ∞, limn→∞ kqn − u∗ k = 0. (ii)⇒(i): It follows from (6), (7), and condition (11) that
kqn+1 − xn+1 k = rn − T yn + a0n (T rn − rn ) ≤ δ krn − yn k + 1 + a0n + L krn − T rn k ,
(33) krn − yn k ≤ 1 − a1n ksn − T xn k + a1n kT sn − T zn k 1 1 1 ≤ 1 − an ksn − T xn k + an δ ksn − zn k + an L ksn − T sn k , ksn − T xn k ≤ kT sn − T xn k + ksn − T sn k
≤ δ ksn − xn k + (1 + L) ksn − T sn k ≤ δ kqn − xn k + δa2n kT qn − qn k + (1 + L) ksn − T sn k ,
ksn − zn k ≤ 1 − a2n kqn − xn k + a2n kT qn − T xn k ≤ 1 − a2n (1 − δ) kqn − xn k + a2n L kqn − T qn k .
Combining (32), (33), (34), and (35) kqn+1 − xn+1 k ≤ δ 2 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) kqn − xn k (36) 2 2 1 +δ an 1 − an (1 − L) kqn − T qn k + 1 + a0n + L krn − T rn k + δ 1 − a1n + L ksn − T sn k .
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Since δ ∈ (0, 1)
δ 2 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) < 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) .
Hence, inequality (36) becomes kqn+1 − xn+1 k ≤ 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) kqn − xn k (38) 2 2 1 +δ an 1 − an (1 − L) kqn − T qn k + 1 + a0n + L krn − T rn k + δ 1 − a1n + L ksn − T sn k . Denote that
β n : = kqn − xn k , λn : = a1n a2n (1 − δ) ∈ (0, 1) , ρn : = δ 2 a2n 1 − a1n (1 − L) kqn − T qn k + 1 + a0n + L krn − T rn k + δ 1 − a1n + L ksn − T sn k .
lim kqn − T qn k = lim krn − T rn k = lim ksn − T sn k = 0,
Since limn→∞ kqn − u∗ k = 0 and T u∗ = u∗ n→∞
which implies λρnn → 0 as n → ∞. Therefore, inequality (38) perform all assumptions in Lemma 1 and thus we obtain limn→∞ kqn − xn k = 0. Since kxn − u∗ k ≤ kqn − xn k + kqn − u∗ k → 0 as n → ∞,
limn→∞ kxn − u∗ k = 0. Taking R. Chugh et al.’s result ([9], Corollary 3.2) into account, Theorem 2 leads to the following corollary under weaker assumption: Corollary 1 Let T : D → D with fixed point u∗ ∈ FT 6= ∅ be as in Theorem 1. Then the followings are equivalent: 1)The Picard iteration method (3) converges to u∗ , 2) The Mann iteration method [25] converges to u∗ , 3) The Ishikawa iteration method [17] converges to u∗ , 4) The Noor iteration method (5) converges to u∗ , 5) S-iteration method [2] converges to u∗ , 6) The SP-iteration method (6) converges to u∗ , 7) CR-iteration method [9] converges to u∗ , 8) The Picard-S iteration method (7) converges to u∗ . Theorem 3 Let T : D → D with fixed point u∗ ∈ FT 6= ∅ be as in Theorem ∞ ∞ 1. Suppose that {ω n }∞ n=0 , {qn }n=0 and {xn }n=0 are iterative sequences, respectively, defined by Noor ∞ (5), SP (6) and Picard-S (7) iterative schemes with real sequences ain n=0 ⊂ [0, 1], i ∈ {0,1,2} satisfying 1 (i) 0 ≤ ain < 1+δ , (ii) limn→∞ ain = 0. Then the iterative sequence defined by (7) converges faster than the iterative sequences defined by (5) and (6) to a unique fixed point of T , provided that the initial point is the same for all iterations.
Proof From inequality (20), we have kxn+1 − u∗ k ≤ δ 2(n+1) kx0 − u∗ kn+1
1 − a1k a2k (1 − δ)
Using (6) we obtain
(43) kqn+1 − u∗ k = 1 − a0n rn + a0n T rn − u∗ ∗ 0 ∗ 0 ≥ 1 − an krn − u k − an kT rn − T u k ≥ 1 − a0n (1 + δ) krn − u∗ k ≥ 1 − a0n (1 + δ) 1 − a1n ksn − u∗ k − a1n δ ksn − u∗ k = 1 − a0n (1 + δ) 1 − a1n (1 + δ) ksn − u∗ k 1 − a2n kqn − u∗ k − a2n δ kqn − u∗ k ≥ 1 − a0n (1 + δ) 1 − a1n (1 + δ) = 1 − a0n (1 + δ) 1 − a1n (1 + δ) 1 − a2n (1 + δ) kqn − u∗ k ≥ ···
≥ kq0 − u∗ kn+1
n Y 1 − a0k (1 + δ) 1 − a1k (1 + δ) 1 − a2k (1 + δ) .
Using now (42) and (43) kxn+1 − u∗ k ≤ kqn+1 − u∗ k
Yn δ 2(n+1) kx0 − u∗ kn+1 1 − a1k a2k (1 − δ) k=0 . n n+1 Q 0 ∗ kq0 − u k [1 − ak (1 + δ)] [1 − a1k (1 + δ)] [1 − a2k (1 + δ)] k=0
Define δ 2(n+1) θn = Yn
1 − a1k a2k (1 − δ)
[1 − a0k (1 + δ)] [1 − a1k (1 + δ)] [1 − a2k (1 + δ)]
By the assumtion θ n+1 n→∞ θ n
δ 2(n+2)
= lim
Yn+1 k=0
Yn+1 k=0
[1−a1k a2k (1−δ)]
[1−a0k (1+δ)][1−a1k (1+δ)][1−a2k (1+δ)] Yn δ 2(n+1) [1−a1k a2k (1−δ)] k=0
[1−a0k (1+δ)][1−a1k (1+δ)][1−a2k (1+δ)] k=0 δ 2 1 − a1n+1 a2n+1 (1 − δ) = lim 1 2 n→∞ 1 − a0 n+1 (1 + δ) 1 − an+1 (1 + δ) 1 − an+1 (1 + δ) = δ 2 < 1.
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It thus follows from ratio test that
θ n < ∞. Hence, we have limn→∞ θn =
0 which implies that the iterative sequence defined by (7) converges faster than the iterative sequence defined by SP iteration method (6). Using Noor iteration method (5), we get
kω n+1 − u∗ k = 1 − a0n ω n + a0n T ̟n − u∗ (47) 0 ∗ 0 ∗ ≥ 1 − an kωn − u k − an kT ̟n − T u k ≥ 1 − a0n kωn − u∗ k − a0n δ k̟n − u∗ k ≥ 1 − a0n − a0n δ 1 − a1n kω n − u∗ k − a0n a1n δ 2 kρn − u∗ k ≥ 1 − a0n − a0n δ 1 − a1n − a0n a1n δ 2 1 − a2n (1 − δ) kωn − u∗ k ≥ 1 − a0n − a0n δ 1 − a1n (1 − δ) kωn − u∗ k ≥ 1 − a0n (1 + δ) kω n − u∗ k ≥ ··· n Y n+1 ≥ kω0 − u∗ k 1 − a0k (1 + δ) . k=0
It follows by (42) and (47) that Yn δ 2(n+1) kx0 − u∗ kn+1 1 − a1k a2k (1 − δ) kxn+1 − u∗ k k=0 ≤ . n kω n+1 − x∗ k n+1 Q kω 0 − u∗ k [1 − a0k (1 + δ)]
δ 2(n+1) θn =
n Q
By the assumption
[1 −
δ θ n+1 lim = lim n→∞ θ n n→∞
= δ 2 < 1. It thus follows from ratio test that
∞ P
1 − a1k a2k (1 − δ)
(1 + δ)]
1 − a1n+1 a2n+1 (1 − δ) 1 − a0n+1 (1 + δ)
θ n < ∞. Hence, we have limn→∞ θn =
0 which implies that the iterative sequence defined by (7) converges faster than the iterative sequence defined by Noor iteration method (5). By use of the following example due to [45], it was shown in ([9], Example 4.1) that CR iterative method [9] is faster than all of Picard (3), S [2], Noor (5) and SP (6) iterative methods for a particular class of operators which is included in the class of weak-contraction mappings satisfying (11). In the following, for the sake of consistent comparison, we will use the same example as that of ([9], Example 4.1) in order to compare the rates
of convergence between the Picard-S iterative scheme (7) and the CR iteration method [9] for weak-contraction mappings. In the following example, for convenience, we use the notations (P Sn ) and (CRn ) for the iterative sequences associated to Picard-S (7) and CR [9] iteration methods, respectively. Example 1 [45] Define a mapping T : [0, 1] → [0, 1] as T x = x2 . Let a0n = a1n = a2n = 0, for n = 1, 2, ..., 24 and a0n = a1n = a2n = √4n , for all n ≥ 25. It can be seen easily that the mapping T satisfies condition (11) with the unique fixed point 0 ∈ FT . Furthermore, it is easy to see that Example 1 satisfies all the conditions of Theorem 1. Indeed, let x0 6= 0 be an initial point for the iterative sequences (P Sn ) and (CRn ). Utilizing Picard-S (7) and CR [9] iteration methods we obtain 1 1 4 xn P Sn = − 2 2 n = ··· n Y 1 2 x0 , (51) = − 4 k k=25
4 1 1 8 xn CRn = −√ − + √ 2 n n n n = ··· n Y 1 1 8 4 = −√ − + √ x0 . 2 k k k k k=25
It follows from (51) and (52) that n Y
1 4
|P Sn − 0| = n k=25 Y |CRn − 0| 1 √1 2 − k −
2 k
4 k
8 √
k k
n Y
1 k=25 2 n Y
1 4
√1 k
− k2 − k4 +
8 √ k k
√ (k − 8) k = √ √ 2 k k − 2k − 8 k + 16 k=25 √ (k − 8) k √ = k − 2 (k − 8) k=25 2 √ n Y k √ . = k−2 k=25 2 n Y
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For all k ≥ 25, we have √ k−4 (k − 2) 4
> 1 √ k−4 >4 ⇒ (k − 2) √ √ ⇒k k−4 >2 k−2 √ 1 k−4 > ⇒ √ k 2 k−2 √ k 1 0 is a fixed number.
5ε , 1−δ
Proof It follows from (7), (11), (12), and (57) that
en k + a2n T xn − Tex en kzn − zen k ≤ 1 − a2n kxn − x ≤ 1 − a2n + a2n δ kxn − x en k + a2n L kxn − T xn k + a2n ε, (59) en k + a1n δ kzn − zen k kyn − yen k ≤ 1 − a1n δ kxn − x + 1 − a1n L kxn − T xn k + a1n L kzn − T zn k + 1 − a1n ε + a1n ε, kxn+1 − x en+1 k ≤ δ kyn − yen k + L kyn − T yn k + ε.
(60) (61)
From the relations (59), (60), and (61) kxn+1 − x en+1 k ≤ δ 2 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) kxn − x en k 1 2 2 1 + an an δ L + 1 − an δL kxn − T xn k
Since a1n , a2n ∈ [0, 1] and
+L kyn − T yn k + a1n δL kzn − T zn k +a1n a2n δ 2 ε + 1 − a1n δε + a1n δε + ε.
1 2
≤ a1n a2n for all n ∈ N 1 − a1n a2n ≤ a1n a2n ,
1 − a1n ≤ 1 − a1n a2n ≤ a1n a2n ,
1 ≤ 2a1n a2n .
Use of the facts δ, δ ∈ (0, 1), (63), (64), and (65) in (62) yields kxn+1 − x en+1 k ≤ 1 − a1n a2n (1 − δ) kxn − x en k Lδ (1 + δ) kxn − T xn k +a1n a2n (1 − δ) 1−δ 2L kyn − T yn k + 2δL kzn − T zn k + 5ε + . 1−δ
Define β n : = kxn − x en k , (67) µn : = a1n a2n (1 − δ) ∈ (0, 1) , Lδ (1 + δ) kxn − T xn k + 2L kyn − T yn k + 2δL kzn − T zn k + 5ε γn : = ≥ 0. 1−δ Hence, the inequality (66) perform all assumptions in Lemma 2 and thus an application of Lemma 2 to (66) yields 0 ≤ lim sup kxn − x en k
≤ lim sup
Lδ (1 + δ) kxn − T xn k + 2L kyn − T yn k + 2δL kzn − T zn k + 5ε . 1−δ
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We know from Theorem 1 that limn→∞ xn = u∗ and since T u∗ = u∗ lim kxn − T xn k = lim kyn − T yn k = lim kzn − T zn k = 0.
Therefore the inequality (68) becomes ku∗ − u e∗ k ≤
5ε . 1−δ
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