A Practical Self-Calibration Scheme Implementation for Pipeline ADC Benoit Provost, Student Member, IEEE, and Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—An efficient pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC) self-calibration implementation is presented. The technique uses a highly linear on-chip analog ramp generator, performs a simplified on-chip integral nonlinearity (INL) measurement, and extracts the compensation coefficients. Except for the ramp generator, the whole calibration is performed in the digital domain and is done at the nominal ADC speed (at-speed). The approach does not require any modification to the original analog section of the ADC. The INL measurement can be carried off-chip to simplify the production testing or to perform performance verification in the application environment. Simulation and measurement results show an INL improvement of more than 2 bits (from 2.1 LSB to 0.5 LSB). Index Terms—Analog-digital conversion, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) calibration, pipeline processing.
HILE THE demand for high-performance analog-todigital converters (ADCs) continues to grow, the accuracy limit of pipeline ADCs forces the designers to use self-calibration techniques. The matching of analog components is the main cause of nonlinearity. Several early approaches proposed to compensate for the capacitor mismatch by using a programmable capacitor bank in the sub-digital-to-analog converters (DACs) [1]. Other techniques correct the analog mismatch with digital compensation values for each stage using the precision provided by all the other stages [2], or only the remaining stages [3], [4]. A recent technique uses a precise and slow DAC to compensate for the errors in the ADC under calibration [5]. The problem with analog compensation is the deterioration of the analog data path by addition of capacitor banks. Digital compensation is preferable, but so far, the analysis required to determine the compensation coefficients was intensive. The technique used in [4] is simple, but reshuffling the analog stages also means deterioration of the analog data path. Finally, the technique used in [5] necessitates a very precise DAC, which is still process-dependent. In this paper, we propose an approach for digital self-calibration of 1 bit per stage pipeline ADCs. No high-frequency performance degradation will result since the technique does not require any change on the analog blocks and their interconnec-
Manuscript received June 19, 2002; revised November 15, 2003. This work was supported in part by the Texas Instruments Data Converters Group. B. Provost is with Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA (e-mail:
[email protected] E. Sánchez-Sinencio is with the Analog and Mixed-Signal Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 USA (e-mail: sanchez@ ee.tamu.edu; http://amesp02.tamu.edu/~sanchez). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2004.823317
tions. Moreover, the approach involves an on-chip, simplified computation of the integral nonlinearity (INL) in real-time. The on-chip INL computation can greatly simplify the production test of ADCs and allow for simple monitoring of the ADC performance while in the application environment. The approach has first been validated by calibrating a realistic ADC modeled by a simulator which includes controls on capacitor mismatch and noise level. Section II describes the proposed self-calibration scheme and defines the performance requirement from the main blocks. Section III provides a brief overview of the on-chip ramp-generator (OCRG) used in the system. Then, the theory behind the coefficient extraction technique is described in Section IV. In Section V, the circuit implementation of the digital self-calibration loop is presented in detail. Section VI shows the experimental test setup and measurement results. Finally, Section VII gives the conclusions. II. SELF-CALIBRATION SCHEME The most important source of nonlinearity in pipeline ADCs is the capacitor mismatch in the multiplying DAC (MDAC) [6]. The MDAC block is usually a switched-capacitor (SC) circuit that implements the functionality of a DAC, an adder and a gain stage (Fig. 1) [7]. The capacitor mismatch affects the gain and the DAC binary weights. Other sources of nonlinearity include inter-stage reference mismatch, sub-ADC offsets, opamp gain bandwidth (GBW) product, finite dc gain and speed-related issues such as clock-feedthrough, charge injection, and settling time. The inter-stage reference mismatch can be minimized by proper layout and digital error correction circuit used in all typical pipeline ADCs easily compensates for the sub-ADC offsets. The proposed self-calibration system compensates for the capacitor mismatch and finite opamp dc gain in the MDAC. The technique does not add to the speed-related problems like charge injection and clock feedthrough since it is performed at-speed and does not modify in any ways the analog data path of the ADC. From this analysis, we conclude that the approach will improve the performance of any “1-bit mode” or “Lewis mode” pipeline ADC. These modes will be described in Section IV. The general block diagram of the self-calibration system is shown in Fig. 2. An OCRG first generates a low-slope and highly linear analog ramp. This is the only analog block in the whole calibration loop. Details on this block will be given in Section III. The analog pipeline, delay lines, and error correction blocks form the original data path of the pipeline ADC and are not modified. The remaining blocks form the digital self-calibration loop. First, a simplified INL calculation is performed on-chip by the INl built-in (INBI) block, located
0018-9456/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Fig. 1.
Analog stage of a 1 bit per stage pipeline ADC.
Fig. 2. Detailed block-diagram of the self-calibration scheme.
in the INl jump (INJU) block. The INJU computes the INL jumps, which will be used to form the compensation code. These blocks will be described in details in Section V. The compensation coefficients are extracted from the INL jumps supplied by INJU. The digital data going from the delay lines to the error correction is also sent to the compensation block, after it has been scaled according to the extracted coefficients. Finally, the compensation code is added to the original data to produce the corrected digital output code. Only the first three stages are being calibrated to minimize the hardware and because the precision limit of the on-chip INL extraction technique makes the coefficient extraction for subsequent stages unreliable. Moreover, the nonlinearity errors of a pipeline ADC are mostly due to the limitations of the first few stages. In order to obtain the required precision on the INL calculations, the input ramp must have a maximum INL defined , where FSR is the full-scale by range of the ADC, is the resolution of the ADC in bits, and HPC is the hit-per-code used in the histogram testing for INL computation. The HPC represents the number of times the same code is obtained at the output of the ADC while the input ramp is slowly rising. The higher the HPC is, the more precise the INL and other computations will be. For this reason, we set the slope of the ramp to a value low enough to obtain an HPC of at least 16. The self-calibration system will adapt to the exact value of the input ramp’s slope by computing the real HPC and taking it into account in the rest of the processing. As will be described in Section V, the calibration process is performed in two ramp iterations. Therefore, the relative variations on
the ramp’s slope from one iteration to the next should result in an HPC variation of less than one. In order to set the slope stability needed from the ramp generator, we need to relate the slope variations to the HPC variations. Using the relation , we relate the slope error to the HPC error (1) where and are the variations on HPC and slope, respectively. We also have (2) is the error on the final voltage of the ramp in where LSB units, assuming that the starting point does not have any error. From (1) and (2), we obtain a limit on the offset of the ramp’s final value necessary to satisfy the specification on the HPC variation (3) In order to obtain the same HPC measurement from one iteration should be limited to 0,5. If we assume to the next, that , it yields (4) (5)
(derived from the clock) and then during a constant delay with the target dc level . The LMS comparing block uses this information to vary the control voltage of the current source. This process of ramping and adjusting becomes exactly the the control voltage is repeated until . A simplified implementation of the LMS block same as avoiding multipliers is to make a discrete-time (DT) integration and and apply a gain of the difference between that guarantees stability of the adaptive loop (6)
Fig. 3. Basic principle of the ramp generation.
Fig. 4. Block-diagram of the adaptive approach for precise ramp generation.
where is expressed in voltage units. This expression is independent from the resolution of the converter under calibration. Our target ADC is a 10-bit structure with a 0.5-V fully differential input (1 V total) range and the typical HPC provided by the slope of the OCRG is 32. Therefore, the final value offset should always be less than 15 mV. If the amplitude of the input ramp is set slightly larger than the input range of the ADC, the average offset is unimportant, as all the possible codes of the ADC are hit. III. ON-CHIP RAMP GENERATOR This section briefly describes the adaptive OCRG [8] used in our self-calibration technique and provide its measurement results. The principle of the basic ramp generator is to charge is a capacitor with a constant current source. In Fig. 3, directly proportional to the pulse width of the Step signal ap. plied to the switch: To achieve the required performance (linear ramp with small slope), we need a very low current source with a near infinite output impedance and a very large capacitor. Both have to be precise and constant. If we want to use an on-chip ramping capacitor in the range of 10 pF, the design of the extremely small current source required to test a typical ADC becomes a challenge. Moreover, the process variation affecting the absolute value of the current-source and on-chip capacitor ( 20%) would result in significant slope errors. Fig. 4 shows the conceptual block diagram of the adaptive scheme used to solve this problem. The advantage of the adaptive approach is that a precise and process independent current reference is not needed since the adaptive scheme will automatically generate the proper value to satisfy the least mean square (LMS) condition. The discrete adaptive calibration procedure is based on two reference values: the clock signal and a reference voltage used as a target. The calibration procedure consists of letting the output ramp
is the final voltage obtained at the end of iteration where and is the initial value at the output of the integrator. The circuit of the adaptive OCRG is shown in Fig. 5. A differential current source (self-biased Wilson topology) charges in feedback with an op-amp to increase the capacitors and are fully differential. linearity. The ramps on The final values of the ramps are subtracted from the targets and ) and the error is integrated. The accu( mulated error signal is converted to single-ended and fed back to the current source as a control signal. The circuit was fabritechnology from Texas Instruments, using cated with a 0.18a single power supply of 1.8 V. Once calibrated, the ramp goes from 0.7 to 1.3 V in 1.024 ms. The maximum INL of the ramp is 175 V, representing about 11 bits. This result is mainly limited by measurement setup accuracy (a 12-bit analog acquisition board from National Instruments). Post-layout simulations showed a precision of 15 bits. This accuracy satisfies the linearity test requirement of our target ADC. IV. COMPENSATION COEFFICIENT EXTRACTION FROM INL CURVE The following analysis is a brief overview of the technique described in [9]. It is based on the pipeline stage transfer curve shown in Fig. 6(a). Since this is a 1 bit/stage with one bit of redundancy, we will call this transfer curve the “1-bit mode” [7]. The curve is divided into three regions. When the input of the and , the sub-ADC genanalog block is between and , erates “00” (region 0). If the input is from the digital output is “01” (region 1) and if it is between and , the output is “10” (region 2). The transfer curve proposed by Lewis [10] is much more used in commercial products [Fig. 6(b)]. While the analysis is based on the former technique, simulation and experimental results show that our technique works equally well with the latter transfer curve (which we will call the “Lewis mode”). The actual code at any particular sample resulting from a conversion by the ADC can be written as
(7) is the number of stages in the ADC, where region (0, 1, or 2) of the sub-ADC for stage ,
is the actual is the
Fig. 5.
Detailed view of the OCRG.
difference in INL of the codes just before and just after the first region transition of the first stage (region 0 to region 1)
(10) Fig. 6. Tranfer curve of the analog stage in (a) 1-bit mode and (b) Lewis mode.
digital offset that must be subtracted from the output code after is the digital correction when using the “1-bit mode,” and INL of the current output code. The term “actual” is used to signify that it is affected by nonidealities (gain errors, analog offsets, dc gain errors, etc.). The INL term is expressed as (8)
where is the digital output of stage after/before the transition on the first stage. Furthermore, can be generalized as follows: (11) where is the stage number. Therefore, we can compute each stage’s coefficient starting from the last to the first. Since we are only calibrating the first three stages, the compensation equation now becomes
is a correction coefficient for stage . The goal here where is to find a simple procedure to predict the value of each of the and then recover the ideal code with
(9) Fig. 7 shows the large jumps in the INL curve obtained from a pipeline ADC (with typical gain errors equal on all stages). The locations of the largest jumps correspond exactly to the transition locations between each region on the transfer curve of the first stage. Also, the locations of the second largest jumps correspond exactly to the transition locations between each region on the transfer curve of the second stage, and so on. When the input to the first stage makes the transition from region 0 to 1, its to , where and are residue will go from errors due to capacitance mismatch. This forces the second stage to go from region 2 to region 0 and its output residue will be close to 0 (before and after the transition). Therefore, the output residues for the next several stages will also be close to 0, both before and after the transition. From (8), we can compute the
Fig. 8 gives a simplified version of the timing diagram for the self-calibration system (refer to Fig. 2 for the block diagram). The jump locations (Jump Locs) are the code values where the large INL jumps occur in Fig. 7. Initially, the jump locations, HPC, INL, and coefficients (coeffs) are all unknown (“wrong” in Fig. 8). Once a “calib” signal is sent by the user, the first ramp generated and the INL jump locations are registered (“building”). At the same time, the ramp’s HPC is estimated (both by subblocks in INJU). When the second ramp is generated, the INL is computed in real-time by INBI and the “coefficient extraction” block computes the compensation coefficients according to (11). The calibration process is complete at the end of the second ramp. At this point, the jump locations, HPC and coefficients are all right, and the INL is accurately computed for any new data from the ADC. The coefficients are then applied according to (12) and a third ramp is input to observe the effect of the compensation.
Fig. 7.
INL from a typical uncalibrated pipeline ADC.
Fig. 8. Self-calibration timing diagram.
borhood of a registered INL jump, along with a number identifying the INL jump. Meanwhile, the INL of the data is computed in real-time by the INBI block. The maximum and minimum INL in the neighborhood of an INL jump and registered and the INL jump is computed when the data leaves the neighborhood of the jump. The “jump register” block registers the INL jump value for each of the ranges stored in the Jump Loc Register and computes the average INL jump caused by the first, second, and third stage. B. HPC Computation
Fig. 9.
INJU computation block structure.
The HPC resulting from the ramp’s slope is estimated by counting how many hits (clock cycles) were spent between the and and dividing detection of the codes number . Fig. 10 shows a graph depicting the approach. 1 by LSB window of acceptability is used around the counter start and stop detection values to allow for possible missing codes. and were used instead of the full Start values of range because nonlinearity often eliminates the first and last few codes.
A. INL Jump Extraction
C. INL Computation
The INJU block diagram is shown in Fig. 9. During the first calibration step, the “jump loc register” detects the location of each INL jump by monitoring the changes on the Regions and using windows of expected ranges for each stage. Also, during the first ramp, the HPC is estimated. The averager (implemented by a moving average Filter) [11], [12] removes most of the digital noise present in the data. Four levels of averaging are available. Level 0 uses a 4-byte window, therefore resulting in a minimum filtering. Levels 1, 2, and 3 use windows of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bytes, respectively. During the second calibration step, the averaged data is sent to the “window” block which generates a “in-window” signal whenever the code falls within the neigh-
The INBI block implements a simplified version of the traditional INL computation typically performed by an external production tester by computing the INL of the input data in real-time. Fig. 11 illustrates the approach for the simple case of 6 and Fig. 12 shows the block-diagram of INBI, where is the maximum HPC allowed (64 in our implementation). First a counter is incremented at each clock cycle and multiplied (“counterx64” in Fig. 12; curve 1 in Fig. 11). The actual by data from the ADC (“data in” in Fig. 12) is also multiplied by . Since the actual data is incremented every HPC clock cy(“actual curve,” curve 2), it will be cles and multiplied by HPC times lower than counterx64 (ignoring INL on the actual
Fig. 10.
HPC computation graph.
(the INL jump), thereby eliminating the offset. The result of the INBI block is the ADC INL multiplied by 64. The delay caused by the “div by HPC” block is dependent on the HPC value. Assuming that the nominal HPC will always be equal or higher than 16, it can be shown that the maximum delay will be 12 clock cycles. Since this is lower than the nominal HPC, the division result will be available before a new code appears. If a particular code step is so short that the divider result is not available on-time, the divider will skip the new code and will wait for the next one. This has minimal effect on the final INL jump value. It can be shown that the inaccuracy on the INL measurement caused by the truncation error in INBI is given by
Fig. 11.
INL computation approach for the case of
HPC = 6.
where is the maximum HPC, is the hit number, and Floor is the truncation to the lower integer. We then have LSB
Therefore, the maximum INL computation error caused by the truncation is equal to the error caused by the finite HPC. D. Coefficient Computation The role of the coefficient extraction [see (11) and Fig. 2] is to compute the compensation coefficient for each of the first three stages. From (11), we can define each of the first three coefficients with bitwise shifters and adders. Then, from (14), we find that each coefficient will have a maximum cumulative error given by Fig. 12.
INBI (INl built-in) block diagram.
(15) ramp for simplicity). Therefore, we divide counterx64 by HPC (“ideal curve,” curve 3). The INL of the actual data is obtained by subtracting the actual curve from the ideal curve whenever the actual curve shows a new code. An arbitrarily large offset value of half the total range is added to the ideal curve before subtraction to ensure that the result will be positive, thereby simplifying the circuitry. This offset has no effect on the final result since only the difference between two INL values is of interest
When the compensation coefficients (numbered , 2, 3) are applied, they are first scaled by their corresponding and then added together [see (7) and (8)]. The s can take values of 0, 1, or 2. Therefore, the largest error on the final compensation code is LSB
Fig. 13. Matlab simulation (for 1.5% mismatch) of the self-calibration with on-chip coefficient extraction scheme showing INL (a) before calibration and (b) after calibration.
In the case where 6, this represents approximately 0.3 LSB, which is acceptable for our application. We can now determine the limitation on the number of stages under calibration due to the cumulative error and limited INL jump accuracy. To verify the validity of the approach and implementation algorithms, a MATLAB program called fast and intuitive pipeline ADC simulator (FIPAS) was written in which a pipeline ADC was simulated with nonidealities (capacitor mismatch, adjustable noise level) and the INL curve was obtained. Additional subprograms for the system’s blocks such as the INJU and coefficient extraction were written in a way that would simulate exactly their respective implemented circuits. The simulation is performed in three steps. During the first step, a ramp is sent to the ADC and the real HPC is estimated from the output codes (HPC computation). In the second step, a second ramp is sent and the compensation coefficients are computed (INL jump extraction and coefficient computation). A third step is sent to the ADC so that the INL improvements can be observed. The actual calibration process necessitates only the first two steps. Fig. 13 illustrates the INL of an ADC with 1.5% mismatch and typical noise level, (a) before and (b) after calibration. An improvement of more than 2 bits is obtained.
Fig. 14.
Test setup.
VI. TEST SETUP AND RESULTS The ultimate goal of the self-calibration scheme is to integrate the entire system on one chip. The OCRG has been separately fabricated [7] and it was demonstrated that it could be used for the task of calibrating a typical pipeline ADC using the proposed approach. It was decided to emulate a nonideal ADC on software instead of fabricating a real ADC on silicon because the latter would have required additional tunability on several key error sources in the ADC. Furthermore, this control circuitry would have introduced additional sources of error, imposible to separate from the intended nonideality. On the other hand, the use of a softwareemulated ADC offers more flexibility, allowing to easily and precisely test many cases of errors and ADC implementation (1 bit mode or Lewis mode), noise level, etc. Using FIPAS, we injected typical nonidealities such as capacitor mismatch, reference offsets and dc gain errors on the opamps in a pipeline ADC. Various cases were simulated and the output data of the nonideal
Fig. 15. INL calculated by (a) software and (b) on-chip. The black and gray curves represent the INL before and after calibration, respectively. This case uses the 1-bit mode, typical uncalibrated capacitor mismatch (1.5%) and typical noise level (0.18 SD).
ADC was stored in a file. A data acquisition system from National Instruments (NIDAQ) was then used to read the data file and generate it on a digital data bus. The NIDAQ consisted of a PXI-1000 module with a PXI6533 and PXI6534 high-performance digital I/O card (see Fig. 14). In this way, the NIDAQ system can be seen as the ADC under calibration with variable nonidealities. The chip containing the digital self-calibration loop receives the uncalibrated data, computes the compensation
Fig. 16. Zoom on noisy data with 0.3 S.D. noise.
coefficients, and applies them to the input data. The output data is also acquired by NIDAQ in real-time. The circuits described in Section V were implemented in VHDL and a Xilinx XCS200 SPARTAN FPGA was programmed using the Digilent “Digilab 2” development board. The FPGA contains all the digital circuits of the self-calibrating ADC. The digital I/O card supplies the 20 uncompensated bits (“regions”) to the FPGA, which computes the calibration, compensates and returns the 10 corrected bits (total of 30 bits, plus several control bits). The I/O limitation on the acquisition card and their possible configuration limited the ADC accuracy to 10 bits. The whole system operates at a frequency of 10 MHz. This speed could be increased by eliminating speed paths in the FPGA implementation. There are no fundamental speed limitations in the circuit of Fig. 2 and in each sub-block. The first test was done using a 10 bits ADC with 1.5% capacitor mismatch in all the gain stages and a typical noise level with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.09 LSB. The results are shown in Fig. 15. In Fig. 15(a), we see the INL of the output digital ramp before (black) and after (gray) calibration, showing that it goes from 2.05 LSB to 0.48 LSB, an improvement of more than 2 bits. This INL was computed from the output digital data using the traditional method in LabView (DNL for each code, then integrating to get the INL). In Fig. 15(b), we show the INL before and after as it was generated by the INBI block within the FPGA. We can see that the INL curves in Fig. 15(a) and (b) are practically identical, showing that the on-chip INL computation is excellent. The apparent “drop” in the overall computed INL before calibration [in Fig. 15(a)] is caused by some missing codes at the end of the ramp. Table I shows test results for several additional nonideal scenarios. Not shown in this table are cases with reference offset errors resulting in INL lower than 0.5 LSB, even before calibration, because of the digital error correction
(standard in most pipeline ADCs). The effect of the averager setting (0, 1, 2, or 3) was also observed. As expected, a low averaging setting under large noise levels results in a decrease in performance (INL after calibration of 0.83 LSB). An excessively high level of filtering also degrades the performance of the self-calibrating circuit (INL after calibration of 0.75 LSB). Fig. 16 shows a close-up on the output data of the ADC before (black) and after (gray) the Averager when the noise has a SD of 0.3 LSB. This gives a visual appreciation of the amount of noise present in the digital data. VII. CONCLUSION The proposed self-calibration scheme presents key advantages over the previous approaches. First, it does not require any modification to the original analog section of the ADC. This insures that the system does not degrade the high-speed performance. Second, the self-calibration process does not require the use of a higher speed micro-controller. Third, the INL measurement can be carried off-chip to simplify the production testing or to perform performance verification in the application environment. This is a major advantage for high reliability applications such as biomedical equipment or security monitoring. The approach has been proven with behavioral and structural simulations, as well as experimental measurements. The results are excellent, showing that the system can calibrate an ADC with an initial INL of 2.1 LSB to lower than 0.50 LSB. These typical results were obtained for ADCs using the “1-bit mode” as well as the “Lewis mode” transfer curves. It can also withstand a large amount of noise while still extracting the compensation coefficients accurately. The on-chip INL extraction provides results that are practically identical to the external INL computation. The area overhead is 0.18 mm for
the ramp generator and the equivalent of 45 000 gates. The number of gates could be easily reduced since approximately 10% are presently used only for the buffer in the averager block. Depending on the expected amount of noise in the chip, the buffer size could at least be reduced by half. This buffer could also be implemented in RAM for a more efficient use of the silicon. The “max-min detect” block in INJU occupies another 30% of the area. This block could be greatly optimized with a custom “winner-takes-all” circuit. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank E. Bilhan for preliminary technical discussions. REFERENCES [1] J. Goes, J. C. Vital, and J. E. Franca, “An analogue self-calibration technique for high-resolution video-rate pipelined A/D converters,” in Proc. 38th Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems, vol. 2, Aug. 1996, pp. 740–743. [2] E. G. Soenen and R. L. Geiger, “An architecture and an algorithm for fully digital correction of monolithic pipelined ADCs,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, vol. 42, pp. 143–153, Mar. 1995. [3] M. K. Mayes and S. W. Chin, “A 200 mW, 1 Msample/s, 16-b pipelined A/D converter with on-chip 32-b microcontroller,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, pp. 1862–1872, Dec. 1996. [4] A. N. Karanicolas, H. S. Lee, and K. L. Bacrania, “A 15-b 1-Msample/s digitally self-calibrated pipeline ADC,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 28, pp. 1207–1215, Dec. 1993. [5] M. Jun and S. H. Lewis, “An 8-bit 80-Msample/s pipelined analog-todigital converter with background calibration,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 36, pp. 1489–1497, Oct. 2001. [6] T. Kuyel and H. Bilhan, “Relating linearity test results to design flaws of pipelined analog-to-digital converters,” in Proc. Int. Test Conf., Atlantic City, NJ, Sept. 1999, pp. 772–779. [7] I. E. Opris, L. D. Lewicki, and B. C. Wong, “A single-ended 12-bit 20 Msample/s self-calibrating pipeline A/D converter,” IEEE J. SolidStates Circ., vol. 33, pp. 1898–2003, Dec. 1998. [8] B. Provost and E. Sánchez-Sinencio, “Auto-calibrating analog timer for on-chip testing,” in Proc. Int. Test Conf., Atlantic City, NJ, Sept. 1999, pp. 541–548. [9] E. Bilhan, E. Soenen, and F. Maloberti, “An efficient digital method for nonlinearity correction in pipelined ADCs,” in Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Int. Analog VLSI Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2–3, 2000, pp. 57–62. [10] S. H. Lewis and P. R. Gray, “A pipelined 5-Msample/s 9-bit analog-todigital converter,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, pp. 954–961, Dec. 1987. [11] J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1996. [12] B. Provost and E. Sánchez-Sinencio, A Simple Pass/Fail Digital BIST for ADCs Based on Improved Monotonicity Test.
Benoit Provost (S’03) was born in Montréal, QC, Canada, in 1970. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the École Polytechnique de Montréal in 1993 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Analog and Mixed-Signal Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, in 2002. His M.S. thesis focused on the design of an implantable bladder volume monitor to correct urinary dysfunctions and his Ph.D. dissertation focused on analog and mixed signal built-in self-test and pipeline ADC self-calibration. In 1997 and 2000, he was with Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, working on ADC self-test and self-calibration. He joined Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR, in 2002, where he concentrates on high-speed design-for-testability techniques.
Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio (F’92) was born in Mexico City, Mexico. He received the degree in communications and electronic engineering (Professional degree) from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, Mexico City, in 1966, the M.S.E.E. degree from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1970, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, in 1973. In 1974, he held an industrial Postdoctoral position with the Central Research Laboratories, Nippon Electric Company, Ltd., Kawasaki, Japan. From 1976 to 1983, he was the Head of the Department of Electronics at the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Optica y Electrónica (INAOE), Puebla, Mexico. He was a Visiting Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, during the academic years of 1979 to 1980 and 1983 to 1984. He is currently the TI J Kilby Chair Professor and Director of the Analog and Mixed-Signal Center, Texas A&M University. He was the General Chairman of the 1983 26th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. He is coauthor of the book Switched Capacitor Circuits (New York: Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1984), and coeditor of the book Low Voltage/Low-Power Integrated Circuits and Systems (New York: IEEE Press, 1999). His present interests are in the area of RF-communication circuits and analog and mixed-mode circuit design. Dr. Sánchez-Sinencio is presently a member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Award Committee. He was an Associate Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS from 1985 to 1987, and an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS. He is the former Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II. In November 1995, he was awarded an Honoris Causa Doctorate by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Mexico, the first honorary degree awarded for microelectronic circuit design contributions. He received the 1995 GuilleminCauer for his work on cellular networks. He was also the corecipient of the 1997 Darlington Award for his work on high-frequency filters. He received the Circuits and Systems Society Golden Jubilee Medal in 1999. He was Representative to the Solid-State Circuits Society (2000–2002) for the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He is a former IEEE CAS Vice President-Publications. He was an Associate Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS from 1985 to 1987, and an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS. He is the former Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II.