Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment. &. Environmental Management Plan.
A REPORT On Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Plan For 1.65 MTPA CLINKER/ 2.54 MTPA CEMENT PLANT & 2×20 MW CAPTIVE POWER PLANT
Prepared By Global Experts Bhubaneswar, Orissa Ph. No.-0674-2436853 Email-
[email protected]
CHAPTER- 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 CHAPTER-2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 CHAPTER-3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 CHAPTER-4 4.1 4.2 4.3 CHAPTER-5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6
PAGE NO. C1-C3 A1-A3 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 6 7 8 16 18 19 21 23 25 25 25 27 28 32 38 47 55 57 62 72 77 86 86 86 86 88 88 88 89 89 97 97
5.7 5.8 5.9 CHAPTER-6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9
6.10 6.11 6.12 CHAPTER-7
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 CHAPTER-8 8.1 8.2
09 10
8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 CHAPTER-9 CHAPTER-10
100 105 106 111 111 111 113 115 116 118 119 120 121 123 124 124 126 126 126 127 127 128 129 130 130 130 132 134 137 137 138 141 141 142 143 144 146-160
F. No. J-11011/851/2008- IA II (I) Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests (I.A. Division) Paryavaran Bhawan CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi 110 003 E-mail :
[email protected] Telefax : 011: 2436 7668 Dated 23rd January, 2009 To, Shri Vishal Jain, Director M/s Goldstone Cements Limited 24, Hemant Basu Sarani 404, Mangalam (A) Kolkata-700 001 West Bengal E-mail :
[email protected] /
[email protected] ; Fax No. : ?? Subject: Cement Plant (Clinker, 1.65 MTPA; Cement, 2.54 MTPA) alongwith Captive Power Plant (2x20 MW) at Village Musiang Lamare (Old), P.O. Chiruphi, District Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya by M/s Goldstone Cements Limited TORs reg. Ref. : Your Letter no. GSCL/ENV-01/2008-09 dated 8th November, 2008. Sir, Kindly refer your letter no. GSCL/ENV-01/2008-09 dated 8th November, 2008 alongwith project documents including Form-I, Pre-feasibility Report and draft Terms of Reference as per the EIA Notification, 2006. It is noted that proposal is for the Cement Plant (Clinker, 1.65 MTPA; Cement, 2.54 MTPA) alongwith Captive Power Plant (2x20 MW) at Village Musiang Lamare (Old), P.O. Chiruphi, District Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya by M/s Goldstone Cements Limited. Installation of proposed plant will be carried out in 3 phases as per details given below:
S.N 1 2 3
Facility Clinker kiln Cement Grinding Facility Captive Power Plant FBC
Production Capacity (MTPA) Phase-I Phase-II Phase-III 0.412 0.635 (1x120 TPH)
0.413 0.635 (1x120 TPH)
0.825 1.27 (2x120 TPH)
1x 20 MW
1x 20 MW
Total Capacity (MTPA) 1.65 2.54
2x20 MW
Draft Terms of Reference (TOR) have been discussed and finalized during the 90th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 6th8th January, 2009 for preparation of EIA/EMP. Following are the TORs:
The earlier questionnaire for plant and mining sectors should be submitted while submitting EIA/EMP. 2. Present land use based on satellite imagery should be included. Study area should be 10 Km radius. 3. Details of location of wildlife sanctuary and national parks within 10 km radius of the plant and plan for conservation and protection of the same should be included. 4. Site-specific micro-meteorological data including inversion height and mixing height should be included. 5. Collection of baseline data on air, water, soil, noise, flora, fauna etc. for one season other than monsoon should be included. 6. Ambient air quality monitoring modeling for cement plant and CPP should be included. 7. Sources of secondary emissions, its control and monitoring as per the CPCB guidelines should be included. 8. A full chapter on fugitive emissions and control technologies should be provided. 9. A write up on use of high calorific hazardous wastes including BF slag in kiln and commitment regarding use of hazardous waste should be included. 10. Chemical characterization of RSPM and incorporation of RSPM data should be included. Location of one AAQM station should be in downwind direction. 11. Source and prior permission for the drawl of 2,600 m3/day water from the concerned department should be included. Water requirement and source should be rechecked. Water balance cycle data including quantity of effluent to be generated, recycled and reused and discharged should be included. 12. Efforts made to minimize use of ground water alongwith an action plan should be provided. A chapter on hydrology study by the State Govt. may be included. Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 locations. 13. Action plan for surface as well as roof top rainwater harvesting and ground water recharge should be included. 14. Scheme of proper storage of fly ash, gypsum, clinker, coal should be included. 15. Action plan for 100% fly ash utilization should be included. 16. Impact of transportation of raw materials and the details of mitigation measures should be included. 17. Risk assessment and damage control should be included. 18. Occupational health of the workers should be included. 19. Green belt (33%) development plan as per CPCB guidelines should be included. EMP should include a clear map for plantation/green belt. 20. Socio-economic development activities should be included. 21. Scheme for compliance to the recommendations mentioned in the CREP guidelines for cement plants and CPP should be included. 22. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure should be provided. 23. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimisation, recycle/reuse/recover techniques, energy conservation and natural resource conservation. 24. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures. 25. A tabular chart of the issues raised and addressed during public hearing/public consultation should be provided.
26. Any litigation/court case pending against the proposal (Cement/Mine) should also be included. These TORs should be considered for the preparation of draft EIA / EMP report for the Cement Plant (Clinker, 1.65 MTPA; Cement, 2.54 MTPA) alongwith Captive Power Plant (2x20 MW) at Village Musiang Lamare (Old), P.O. Chiruphi, District Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya in addition to all the relevant information as per the General Structure of EIA given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. The draft EIA/EMP as per TORs should be submitted to the Chairman, Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board (MSPCB), Shillong, Meghalaya. for public consultation. The MSPCB shall conduct the public hearing/public consultation as per the provisions of EIA notification, 2006. You are requested to kindly submit the final EIA/EMP prepared as per TORs and incorporating all the issues raised during Public Hearing / Public Consultation to the Ministry for considering the proposal for environmental clearance.
(Dr. P.B. Rastogi) Director Copy to: The Chairman, Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board, Arden Phase-III, Lumpygngad, Shillong - 793 014, Meghalaya.
(Dr. P.B. Rastogi) Director
COMPLIANCE REPORT ON TOR Sl. TOR conditions No 1 The earlier questionnaire for plant and
Action taken in EIA/EMP report
Reference Page no.
Earlier questionnaire is enclosed as
mining sectors should be submitted Enclosure – I. while submitting EIA/EMP.
Present land use based on satellite imagery should be included. Study area should be 10 Km radius.
Satellite map of land use pattern of 10 Km radius from the proposed plant site is given in the chapter-3 of REIA/EMP report.
Details of location of wildlife sanctuary and national parks within 10 km radius of the plant and plan for conservation and protection of the same should be included.
No wildlife sanctuary and national parks are present within 10 km radius of the proposed project. The details of site description & Topographical map of 10 Km radius is given in chapter 3 of REIA/EMP report.
Site-specific micro-meteorological data including inversion height and mixing height should be included.
Collection of baseline data on air, water, soil, noise, flora, fauna etc. for one season other than monsoon should be included
Detailed micrometeorological data including wind rose diagram is provided in chapter 3 of REIA/EMP report. Summarized base line data for winter season including air, water, soil noise, flora, fauna etc are given in chapter 3 of REIA/EMP report.
Ambient air quality monitoring modeling for cement plant and CPP should be included.
AAQ modeling has been done by ISCST. The details are in chapter-5 of REIA / EMP report.
Sources of secondary emissions, its control and monitoring as per the CPCB guidelines should be included.
The details of secondary emission & its control are given in chapter- 5 of RIEA/EMP report.
A full chapter on fugitive emissions and control technologies should be provided.
The fugitive emission will be due to, raw material storage & handling, movement of vehicles, cement packing etc. The company shall take all possible measures like installations of dust control equipments, water sprinkling system, black top of internal roads to control and suppress fugitive dust emission. The details are given in the chapter -6 of the REIA / EMP report.
A write up on use of high calorific hazardous wastes including BF slag in kiln and commitment regarding use of hazardous waste should be included.
There will be no generation or use of BF slag in the proposed project. The details of Solid waste management is given in chapter-6 of REIA / EMP report.
Chemical characterization of RSPM and incorporation of RSPM data should be included. Location of one AAQM station should be in downwind direction.
The details of RSPM data including the sampling locations & chemical characteristic are given in chapter 3 of REIA/EMP report.
Source and prior permission for the drawl of 2,600m3/day water from the concerned department should be included. Water requirement and source should be rechecked. Water balance cycle data including quantity of effluent to be generated, recycled and reused and discharged should be included.
The company requires 2,600M3/day of fresh makeup water for plant process, CPP & other utility. It proposes to meet all the water through rain water harvesting. One natural drain called Umsangke is flowing inside the plant premises & primarily fed by the rain water of the surrounding steep hills. The company proposes to construct an impoundment wall on the drain to collect the rain water to store the same rain water pond build on 5Ha of dedicated land. The company will take necessary permission from the statutory authority if required Details of water and waste management plan are given in chapter 6 of REIA/EMP report.
Efforts made to minimize use of ground water along with an action plan should be provided. A chapter on hydrology study by the State Govt. may be included. Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 locations.
Action plan for surface as well as roof top rainwater harvesting and ground water recharge should be included.
No ground water will be utilized for the proposed plant. The Company proposes to use rain water for the process, CPP & other utility. There are no ground water sources available in the 10 Km of the study area. The details of rain water harvesting are given in chapter 6 of REIA/EMP report.
Scheme of proper storage of fly ash, gypsum, clinker and coal should be included. Action plan for 100% fly ash utilization should be included.
Impact of transportation of raw materials and the details of mitigation measures should be included.
Risk assessment and damage control should be included.
Occupational health of the workers should be included.
Details of Flyash, gypsum, clinker and coal storage is given in chapter 2 of REIA/EMP report. All the flyash generated will be utilized for the production of PPC.Detailed solid management plan is given in chapter 6 of REIA/EMP report. All raw materials shall be transported under covered means; adequate dust suppression measures shall be taken to mitigate dust emission from raw material transport and handling. The details are given in chapter– 6 of REIA / EMP report, The details on risk assessment & damage control are given in chapter 7 of REIA/EMP report. Details on occupational are given in chapter 8 REIA/EMP report.
Green belt (33%) development plan
The company has earmarked 33% of its 121-123
8-13 118-119
126 143
as per CPCB guidelines should be included. EMP should include a clear map for plantation/green belt.
total land towards green belt development plan. Details are provided in chapter 6 of REIA/EMP report.
Socio-economic development activities should be included.
Details are mentioned in Chapter 6 & Chapter 9 of REIA/EMP report.
124 & 144
Scheme for compliance to the recommendations mentioned in the CREP guidelines for cement plants and CPP should be included.
Details of the CREP are given in chapter 6 of REIA/EMP report.
Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure should be provided.
Details are given in Chapter 6 of REIA/EMP report.
EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle /reuse / recover techniques, energy conservation and natural resource conservation.
Details are given in Chapter 6 of REIA/EMP report.
Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures.
Details are given in chapter 2 of REIA/EMP report.
23 - 24
Any litigation/court case pending against the proposal (Cement/Mine) should also be included.
There are no litigation/ court case pending against the proposed project.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya CHAPTER-1
INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL M/s Gold Stone Cements Limited (GSCL) is a group company, having diversified business intrest.The company is pioneer in production of cereals & trading of different comodites. Observing continuous growing demand of cement in different sectors, the company proposes to install a greenfield cement plant at village MusiangLamare (old), dist- Jaintia Hills in the state of Meghalaya with a production capacity of 1.65 MTPA clinker and 2.54 MTPA cement grinding plant in different phases. It also proposes to install 2 X 20 MW FBC CPP to meet the internal power requirement of the proposed cement project. 1.2 MARKET SCENERIO India is fast emerging on the world map as a strong economy and a global power. The country is going through a phase of rapid development and growth. All the vital industries and other sectors of the country are registering growth thus luring investors and cement industry is one of them. To throw light on the Indian cement industry, it has launched its report "Indian Cement Industry Forecast to 2012" that gives an extensive research and in-depth analysis of the cement industry in India. This report helps clients to analyze the competitive dynamics and emerging opportunities to the success of the cement industry in India. Based on this analysis, the report gives a future forecast of the market that is intended as a rough guide to the direction in which the market is likely to move. The key findings are that the domestic demand for cement has been increasing at a fast pace in India and it has surpassed the economic growth rate of the country. Cement consumption in India is forecasted to grow by over 22% by 2009-10 with compare to 2007-08. Among the states, Maharashtra has the highest share in consumption at 12.18%, followed by Uttar Pradesh. In production terms; Andhra Pradesh is leading with 14.72% of total production followed by Rajasthan. Housing sector is expected to remain the largest cement consumer in coming years. 1.3 FUTURE DEMAND Growth in cement consumption in India over the last decade has exhibited a strong correlation to the GDP. An examination of the past growth in cement consumption and GDP growth shows a high correlation of 0.995. This is understandable, since an increase in national income leads to higher investment in both housing and infrastructure, which will consume more cement in future. So, there is considerable demand of cement during next few years.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
1.4 JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: As cement is a basic commodity for the development of all industrial, domestic, public & commercial activities and its consumption marks prosperity of the region as well as the country, the cement industry has tremendous forward and backward linkages in terms of material flow, income and employment generation. Cement is a core industry and thus its demand is strongly linked to the overall economic activity of the nation. Given the inherent long-term potential of the Indian economy and its cyclical nature, the long-term prospects of the cement industry are fairly comfortable. The demand and production has been growing at a healthy rate for the last few years and the forecast for the next decade and half is also very promising. Following the globalization, the present scenario in the cement market and upward rising trend of the cement prices inspire the company to install an integrated cement plant which has close proximity of its site to major raw material resources. The principal raw material like good grade limestone and caol is available within 50 Km of the proposed location. The company above all interested for acquiring its own captive mines of lime stone & coal, which will be helpful for the reduction of production cost in this competitive market scenario.Above all govt. policy on tax exemption & other facilites shall make the company financially more viable.
1.5 SCOPE & COVERAGE OF THE REPORT The Government of India has made it a mandatory for all development projects to prepare a detailed EIA study so that the impacts of the proposed developmental activity can be predicted and a suitable management plan can be implemented. Cement manufacturing project falls under Schedule-I of EIA Notification-1994 and this required to obtain Environmental Clearances from MoEF, Govt. of India. Forest clearance under Forest Act (Conservation), is also specifically required if the project involves utilization of forestland for non-forestry activities. The EIA part shall include: Brief description of the site, surroundings, process & facilities of the proposed plant: •
• •
Detailed description of present environmental status, covering meteorology, air quality, surface water & ground water quality, noise level, soil quality, ecology, land use, Socio-Economic aspects. Identification impacts due to various project activities on various environmental attributes. Prediction of the changes in ambient environment parameters.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya • •
Comprehensive Environmental Management Plan. Project benefits and Conclusion
The EMP part is to deal with: •
• • • •
Environmental Management Plan is integrated with project development and product activity starting from raw material procurement to marketing of products. Suitable pollution Control measures to confirm the standard prescribed by statutory bodies. Setting up of Environmental management cell to implement the EMP Cost-benefit analysis of EMP Project benefit and conclusion
Methodology adopted for the report: The methodology adopted for the preparation of EIA report is in line with norms prescribed by SPCB & MoEF along with sound advanced practices. The major steps are: • • • • •
Collection & enumeration of base line data from state & district authorities. Physicochemical & microbiological analysis of ambient air, surface water, ground water & soil. Description of plant facilities, project activities and project components Evaluation and quantification of impacts by using suitable matrix method. Prediction of impacts by some suitable simulation & modeling techniques. Preparation of EMP by going through the details project report, visit to site & different similar plants by our team of experts.
1.6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT M/s. Global Experts, Bhubaneswar expresses its deep appreciation to M/s Goldstone Cements Limited (GSCL), for entrusting the assignment of conducting REIA & EMP study. We thank the concerned officials of the company for their wholehearted cooperation. The cooperation extended by the officials of State & Central Govt. in preparation of this report is also gratefully acknowledged.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya CHAPTER-2
Location of a manufacturing plant is influenced by important factors like proximity to raw material resources, infrastructure facilities like road, railway network, power supply etc and availability of water & other utilities. Considering all thease factors, the company has selected the site at village MusiangLamare, district Jaintia Hills in the state of Meghalaya.
The major highlights of the site are: • • • • •
NH-44 is only 3Km away. Major raw materials like limestone & coal are available within 50 kms from the site. Nearest broad gauge railhead is Guwahati 230 Km & meter-gauge rail head Badarpur is 70 kms away from the proposed site. Availability of sufficient land at moderate cost. Easy availability of skilled & un-skilled manpower
The site is not surrounded by heavily populated locations. There are no human settlement (population), agricultural land, highway, stream/river, pond/lake/dam, forest/sanctuary/park, estuary/sea, within the proposed site. There are no national park, biosphere reserve, historical/archeological sites/monuments and sea/estuaries etc. within the 25 km radius of the site. Therefore the present site fulfils all the basic requirements for the proposed industry and the statutory requirement of the MoEF. Hence no alternative site was considered. The location map is enclosed as Annexure - I
The selected site is at the village MusiangLamare(old),The site is near to the National Highway- 44 leading to Badarpur via Jowai. Meter-gauge section of the North East Frontier Railway connecting Lumding-Silchar is 70 Km away from the proposed site. Land Requirement The land requirement for the proposed project is around 65 Ha. The company has alredy aquired 25 Ha. of nonforest private land & is in the process to aquire the balance land. The core zone will contain various plant equipments, extensive
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya greenbelt & utility. The aquired land is purely barren & suitable for the proposed project. Raw Materials Linkage The principal raw materials required for the proposed plant are coal, limestone, Sand stone, Iron ore fines/mill scale, shale/Clay, Gypsum & flyash. The site selected is advantageously placed with respect to the limestone and coal. The sources are within 50 km from the site and can be easily transported through road. Mill scale will be sourced from Assam; gypsum will be transported from Bhutan where fly ash will be brought from Farakka of West Bengal. Road Linkage The site is readily accessible from the National Highway 44 connecting Badarpur via Jowai. The site is nearer to highway and can be connected easily. Rail Linkage Nearest broad gauge railhead is Guwahati 230 Km & meter-gauge rail head Badarpur is 70 km away from the proposed site, it will be possible to have direct transportation of the raw materials from the siding nearer to this location. Electrical Power Power requirement for the proposed project is around 40 MW. It proposes to install 2 X 20 MW FBC CPP, which shall meet the project requirement. Make-up Water Requirement The total fresh make-up water requirement for the entire plant after full expansion is around 2600 m3 per day. The state of Meghalay is endowed with the abundant rainfall (~4500 mm/Yr). The soil in the area has very low permeability, which hinders groundwater recharging. Evaporation rate is not considerable because of moderate temperature throughout the year. Given the steep hilly terrain of the location, the maximum amount of water flows away as run off. The company therefore plans to construct a water retaining structure over a small stream inside the plant premises with 5 Ha water harvesting pond to retain the run off water. This water shall be adequate enough to meet the daily requirement for the project at the same time maintaining the normal flow of the stream. Core Zone Land Use Pattern The land use pattern of core zone of the plant after full expansion is presented in table no. 2.1
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Table 2.1. Proposed Core zone Land Use Pattern after expansion. SL. NO.
Plant Facilities
Raw material Yard
24.0 5.0
Internal Road
Water facilities & Rain water Harvesting Pond
Office and miscellenous
Green Belt
22.0 TOTAL
2.3 PLANT GENERAL LAYOUT The plant general layout indicating the disposition of the different plant units is presented in Annexure - II. The raw material handling system for storage and supply of various raw materials has been located nearer to the user department. All the major users are connected to this system by conveyors. All raw materials are proposed to be received in dump trucks and shall be unloaded in the raw material receiving hoopers. Sufficient space is earmarked to cater to the needs of all the units of the plant. Different plant units are laid out considering the need for optimized earthwork, rational material flow, economy in operations and the space requirements for rational development. The layout also takes into account the phase wise expansion & commissioning of the plant units. 2.4
The cement manufacturing facilites & power plant shall be located in the same premises. Space is also provided in the power plant area for the installation of additional generating units in the future if required. Adequate space is provided in all the production blocks for the accommodation of immediate service facilities such as the sub-stations, water recirculation, yard utilities etc. Landscaping and Afforestration The general layout of the plant has been developed with requisite provision for landscaping and greenbelt development with a view to avoid adverse impact on the environment. The company has earmarked 33% of the total land for this purpose.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
A single kiln & cooler has been considered for the proposed project with facilites for phase wise expansion to produce 5,000 tpd capacity clinker after full expansion. In phase-I, the company proposes for 1250 tpd Clinker production & equivalent cement grinding capacity. Plant shall be expanded to 5,000 tpd clinker by installing new preheater with on line calciner and mills for raw material, coal, cement grinding and a new packing plant in different phases. A product mix of 100 % PPC has been considered in this report. However, OPC, PPC is indicative based upon the prevailing market scenario and may change as per the future market demand. The cement production also may vary depending on the actual addition of gypsum and flyash. The cement grinding facilities shall be designed on the basis of 100 % PPC. The details of the project configuration & product mix is shown in the following table.
1250 TPD Clinker DRI Kiln
PHASE-I Clinkerisation
Cement grinding
2000 TPD
Design for 100% PPC, 6,35,000 OPC/PSC as & when required
20 MW
20 MW
Use in own cement grinding unit
Internal consumption
Cement grinding
1250 TPD PPC, OPC/PSC Kiln 4,12,000 expandable as & when to 2500 TPD required
2000 TPD
Captive power 20 MW plant
Use in own cement grinding unit
Design for 100% PPC, 6,35,000 OPC/PSC as & when required
Internal Use
20 MW
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya PHASE-III
Cement grinding
The same kiln Clinker expandable to 5000 TPD
Use in own cement grinding unit
Design for 100% PPC, 12,70,000 OPC/PSC as & when required
5000 TPD
Use in own cement grinding unit
8000 TPD
Design for 100% PPC, 25,40,000 OPC/PSC as & when required
Internal Use
4000 TPD
After Full Expansion Clinkerisation
Cement grinding
Captive Power 2×20 MW Plant
40 MW
In addition to above raw material handling, water treatment plant, DM plant, oil handling compress air facilities storage facilities for raw material & product shall be provided 2.6 GENERAL PROCESS DESCRIPTION The process involves rom the preparation of the rawmaterials to the packaging & storage of the finished product. The details of the process flow sheet is enclosed as Annexure – III Limestone Crushing The brief technical details of the proposed crushing system are as follows: Type Location Proposed Feed Size Output Size
: : : : :
Crusher FeedHoppers
Single stage Hammer/impact crusher In Plant 2 X 400 TPH ROM limestone maximum 1200 mm edge length. The size distribution of crushed material will be controlled to achieve 90 % passing 40 mm sieve with the maximum product size as 50 mm. The secondary crusher installed just after the primary crusher shall reduce the crushed limestone to achieve the product size of 90 % passing 15 mm. A crusher feed hopper of mass flow design may be installed before the crusher. Material shall be unloaded by truck tippler into the feed hopper of the crusher.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Hoppers Extraction Transportation to stockpile
: ;
Heavy Duty Apron Feeders The crushed material from the crusher will be transported by a set of belt conveyors to the limestone stockpile through a stacker. From stockpile, the material shall be reclaimed through a reclaimer and shall be transported to the limestone hoppers.
Crushing (Correctives -Shale/Sand stone) The brief technical details of the proposed crushing system for correctives in the plant is as follows: Crusher (For Correctives) Type Location Proposed Feed Size Output Size
: : : : :
Single stage Hammer Crusher In the Plant 2 X70 TPH 300X300X300 mm The size distribution of crushed material will be Controlled to achieve 90 % passing 25 mm sieve with the maximum product size as 30 mm.
Crusher Feed Hoppers: Shale & sandstone shall be transported through dumpers to the plant site. Crusher feed hopper of mass flow design may be installed before the crusher. Since mill scale does not require crushing a separate dump hopper shall be provided near the corrective crusher area and trucks shall be unloaded with the help of truck tippler. HoppersExtraction: Heavy Duty Apron Feeders
Storages (Limestone and Correctives) Limestone 4x21, 000 T Sand stone 2x800 T Shale/Clay 2x3000 T Mill Scale 2x50 T Four nos. of Chevron type, longitudinal stockpiles have been proposed for storages & homogenization of the crushed limestone. For limestone extraction, a bridge type reclaimer has been considered. The storage capacity for limestone and for each corrective excepting mill scale has been considered as 7 days. While stacking of limestone will be done in one pile, material reclaiming will be done from the other. Reclaimed material shall be transported to the raw material hoppers in the raw mill department through a series of belt conveyors. The crushed sandstone, shale and mill scale shall be stored in the covered storage yard. From the storage yard, all the correctives shall be fed into the hopper made on a series of belts through a pay loader to feed it to the dedicated raw mill hopper.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Crushing (Additives) The project envisages independent crushing system for additive. The brief technical details of the proposed crushing system for gypsum in the plant are as follows: Additivecrusher Proposed capacity Type Location Feed Size Output Size
: : : : :
2X35 TPH Ring granulator/ Impact crusher In Plant 150 mm, maximum 25 mm
Crusher Feed Hoppers: Gypsum shall be received from Kothakpa, Bhutan by road to the plant site through trucks. A crusher feedhopper of mass flow design may be installed before the crusher. Gypsum received shall be unloaded by truck tippler and fed to the dump hopper of the gypsum crusher. The crushed gypsum will be stored in a covered gantry by belt conveyors. Hoppers Extraction: Heavy Duty Apron Feeders Additive Storage The crushed gypsum from crusher shall be stored in the covered storage yard with the help of a tipper conveyor. From the storage yard, crushed gypsum shall be fed into the hopper by a series of belts through a pay loader to feed it to the cement mill hopper. The crushed limestone shall be stored near gypsum storage area for feeding to limestone bin. The feeding of the limestone can be done through the dump hopper and belt conveyors used for gypsum. Fly ash Fly ash for the cement plant would be brought from thermal power plant at Farakka, West Bengal, Kahalgaon and other DVC/ DPL stations. NTPC is also installing a 2x375 MW coal fired thermal power plant in Salakati near Bongaigaon, which is likely to be operational in next three years. The fly ash from this source may also be tapped in future. It is foreseen that fly ash will be transported to the plant from source in HDPE bags through trucks and stored in covered shed. Flyash from these bags shall be transported to flyash bin in the cement mill section through a belt conveyer. Raw Material Drying and Grinding & Raw Mill For raw material grinding, a CCBM of is envisaged in the first phase. An identical raw mill shall be installed for expansion to 5000 TPD. The brief technical details of the raw mill drying & grinding system are as follows:
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
Raw Mill Bin(s)
Raw Mill Feeding
Mill system Proposed Vertical Roller Mill (VRM)
Mill dedusting
Product collection
For mill feeding, 4 nos. RCC hoppers of mass flow design (three of capacity 100 MT each for mill scale, sand stone & shale/clay, respectively and one of capacity 200 MT for limestone) shall be installed. Material from the respective raw materials hoppers shall be fed into the mill through the weigh feeders provided beneath the each hopper. Hot gases from the kiln shall be used for drying of raw materials in the raw mill. For a situation, when kiln stops but the CCBM has to be operated, a hot air generator (HAG) may be provided. 2 X170 TPH VRM shall be equipped with a new generation, high efficiency separator. An external reject circulation system will be provided in VRM circuit for energy saving. Mill vent gas shall be dedusted in twin cyclones. Exit gas from cyclones shall be transported to the bag house through raw mill fan. Gas from the raw mill fan along with the gases from PH fan exit shall be dedusted in the bag house. Gas from the auxiliary equipment will be dedusted in the bag filter. From bag filter exit, the gas will be transported to raw mill bag filter fan and vented out. Material collected at the bottom of the cyclones and bag filter shall be transported to the raw mill storage silo through a set of screw conveyors, bucket elevators and air slides. Material collected from the bag house bottom shall be transported to the kiln feed bin when kiln operates in direct mode.
Raw Mill Blending and Kiln Feed Blending will be performed to minimise the variations in chemistry of raw mill. For homogenisation of the raw mill, it is recommended to provide a continuous, controlled flow type-blending silo with design blending ratio as minimum. Provision will be made for the recirculation of material from silo discharge to silo feeding. A single kiln is propsed for 1st phase of 1250 TPD, another 1250 TPD in 2nd phase and 2500 TPD in 3rd phase. The total capacity will be 5,000 TPD of clinker production after full expansion. A kiln feed system, comprising of a steel bin shall be installed beneath the blending silo. The system shall use gravimetric feed control by solid flow meters. A system having bucket elevators and air slides has been considered for feeding the material to preheater (PH). Similar capacity silo and the kiln feed system shall be installed for the expansion of plant to 5000 TPD, Crushing and Storage of Fuel It is proposed to use 100 % Meghalaya coal as fuel. The typical properties of the fuels are as follows:
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Meghalaya coal Property Moisture Ash Sulphur Volatile matter Fixed carbon NCV
Unit % % % % % Kcal/ kg fuel
Value 8-12 15 4.0 39.69 45.01 6,000
The brief technical details of the proposed crushing and storages of coal are as follows: Coal crusher Type Location Proposed Capacity Feed Size Output Size Crusher feed hoppers
: : : : : :
Hoppers Extraction
Roll crusher In Plant 60 TPH, Considering total production capacity of 5,000 TPD 150 mm, max. -25 mm Coal shall be received from Sutanga, Bapung and Suruphi coalfields, which are at a distance of 5 – 50 Km from the proposed plant site. Coal shall be transported by trucks to the plant site. A crusher feed hopper of mass flow design may be installed before crusher. Coal received will be unloaded by truck tipper into feed hopper of coal crusher at proposed plant. Heavy Duty Apron Feeders
Storage requirement for coal for a 5,000 TPD cement plant works out to: Material Storage type Storage capacity Coal Covered 4,000 MT The crushed coal from crusher shall be stored in the covered storage yard with the help of a tipper conveyor. From the storage yard, crushed coal shall be fed into the hopper made on a series of belts through a pay loader to feed it to the coal mill hopper. Coal Drying and Grinding Proposed capacity : One VRM of 30 TPH The brief technical details of the coal mill drying & grinding system are as follows: Coal mill hopper : For mill feeding, 1 No. RCC hopper of mass flow design of capacity 200 MT shall be installed. Coal mill feeding : Material from the raw coal hopper shall be fed into the coal mill through weigh feeder beneath the hopper. Drying : Hot gases from the PH exit shall be used through a booster fan after dedusting it in a cyclone for drying of coal in the coal mill. For a situation, when the kiln stops but the CCBM has to be operated, hot gas from the HAG may be used. Fine coal moisture
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
Mill system
Product collection
has been envisaged as 1 %. Mill vent gas shall be transported to the coal mill bag filter. Fine coal product collected at the bottom of the bag filter shall be transported to the respective fuel bins through screw conveyors. Gas from the auxiliary equipment will be dedusted in the bag filter. From bag filter exit, the gas will be transported to coal mill bag filter fan and vented out. Material collected at the bottom of the fuel bin shall be transported by the dedicated F.K. Pump for the kiln. A stand by F.K. Pump will be provided to take care of the emergency situation.
PyroProcessing Section Kiln, PH & PC Proposed kiln Capacity
Single kiln 1250 TPD in 1st phase 1250 TPD in 2nd phase 2500 TPD in 3rd phase.
Total 5000 TPD clinker productions after full expansion. A dry-process kiln installation has been envisaged. The PH may have four or five stage cyclones. With higher number of cyclone stages in the PH, the specific heat consumption and the PH exit gas temperature would be lower. On the other hand, the total pressure drops across the PH and hence, the specific power consumption of the PH fan increases with increasing the number of PH stages. It has been recommended to install a single string, five stages PH having new generation, high efficiency cyclones with low-pressure drop. Presently 100 % fuel shall be fired in kiln. In future, for expansion to 5,000 tpd, a separate string with calciner shall be installed. In this event 40 % fuel shall be fired in the kiln and the balance 60 % fuel shall be fired in the PC. The kiln feed material from storage silo shall be introduced into the PH by means of a system having bucket elevator and air slides. For the PH string, a high efficiency, suitably designed PH fan will be installed for handling the gas from PH exit. Provision shall be made to feed material at 4th stage, if the requirement of hot gases increases. Kiln burner & Fuel Firing The fuel firing equipment shall comprise of one complete combined multi fuel firing system for rotary kiln burner. Future provision shall be kept for one complete fuel firing system for PC burner. The firing system shall include required oil pumps, filters, pipes, valves, safety instruments, primary air fans, etc. A modern multi channel, multi fuel type burner with low primary air consumption shall be installed for fuel firing in the kiln. Kiln burner will be suitable for using multiple fuels.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Clinker cooler A new generation, high heat recuperation efficiency (minimum 75 %) clinker cooler shall be installed. A cooler ESP and a cooler ESP fan shall be installed for dedusting and venting of the cooler exhaust gas. For a situation when the cooler exit gas temperature exceeds a certain value of say 3000C, provision will be made for gas cooling by water spray in duct between cooler exit and cooler ESP. The clinker shall be cooled to a temperature of 650C + ambient. Initially, the cooler grate shall have some dummy plates, which shall be replaced for the expansion of plant to 5,000 tpd. Clinker transport & storage Clinker from the clinker cooler discharge shall be transported by deep pan conveyor (DPC) to the covered clinker stockpile of capacity 30,000 T. The clinker storage has been considered for the plant capacity of 5,000 TPD. Deep Pan Conveyors will be sized with a capacity of 250 TPH for transport of clinker from clinker storage to cement mill bin(s), pan conveyors have been considered. It has been observed that quite often-fresh clinker needs to be ground, in which case, belt conveyor failures may happen. Installation of pan conveyors for this duty application can eliminate this problem. Cement Grinding & Storage System Proposed cement grinding capacity shall be 1x120 TPH in 1st phase, 1x120 TPH in 2nd phase & 2x120 TPH in 3rd phase. Proposed capacity is being planned with 100 % PPC production. However there shall be provision for the production of other types of cement namely OPC depending upon market demand and raw material availability. The brief technical details of the cement grinding system are as follows: Cement Mill Bin(s): For mill feeding, 4 nos. RCC hoppers of mass flow design (Three of for additive i.e. limestone, gypsum & fly ash and one of capacity 100MT for clinker). Cement Mill Feeding: Material from the respective material’s hoppers shall be fed into the cement mill through the weigh feeders provided beneath the each hopper. Controlled/ measured quantities of fly ash will be drawn from flyash bin through dozing valve and solid flow meter and rotary air lock shall be fed to mill discharge bucket elevator through a set of air slides. Mill system: The mill circuit shall be equipped with a new generation, high efficiency separator. The material collection will be done in cyclones and air will be vented through a suitably sized bag filter and fan. Dust laden air from the cement mill outlet will be dedusted in the bag filter and vented to the atmosphere through the bag filter fan.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Product Collection: Material collected in the cyclone and bag filter will be transported to the cement storage silo with the help of bucket elevator and air slides. Cement Storage Proposed Cement storage capacity 5 x 10,000 = 50,000 T Five nos. multi compartments RCC silo of capacity 10,000 MT shall be constructed phasewise for storing cement. From the silos, cement shall be transported to the packer with the help of a set of air slides and bucket elevators. Cement Dispatch The capacity of packing system shall be as shown below Proposed Packer capacity 5x100 TPH Requirement of packing depends upon the market requirements i.e. extent of bulk and bagged cement sales. However, the packing capacity is designed considering 100 % cement dispatch in bags. For cement packing, eight spouts, electronic packing machines of capacity 250 tph shall be installed at the proposed plant. Two truck loaders shall be provided for loading bags onto trucks. From the packer outlet up to loading of the packed bags into the trucks, suitable system with flat belts and diverters shall be considered. One more packing machine of similar capacity shall be installed when the plant is expanded to 5,000 TPD. Quality Control Plan To produce good quality cement, it is imperative that sampling & testing of various raw materials, fuels, in-process materials and the final product is carried out regularly at the required intervals for taking corrective action timely. To ensure consistent product quality and to permit the trouble free and cost effective operation, the quality control for sampling & testing of various raw materials in-process shall be carried out . While proposing the methods and procedures for quality control, the following aspects have been taken into account • • • •
Requirements and norms, particularly in cement testing. Corrective measures to be undertaken as quickly as possible in the process operation. Desired degree of automation. Available raw materials and process equipment.
The three primery areas of quality control have been envisaged:
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
Facilities and equipment envisaged for quality control of the raw materials and final products for the proposed plant are as follows Raw mix preparation Pyro-processing Cement
Raw material control in quarry Raw material control before pre-blending Raw mill control after raw mill Kiln feed Fuel Clinker Before cement mill After cement mill
Description of Plants & Equipment Main Plant The main Units of Plant & Auxiliaries required for the Captive Power Plant are: • Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler with Auxiliaries. • Steam Turbo-Generator along with its Auxiliaries. • The FBC Boiler will be connected to a Concrete Stack of adequate heights. • The Steam Turbine will be of Extraction cum Condensing type. The set will becomplete with Lube & Control oil System, Air Cooled Condenser, Condensate Extraction Pumps, De-aerating System, Boiler Feed Pumps and other Auxiliaries. • The Generator will be three phase Synchronous type complete with Air Cooler. Automatic Voltage Regulator, Protection-Metering & Synchronising Panel, Brushless Excitation System Electronic Governing System and Turbo-visory Instruments as required for safe operation of the Unit. Power Requirement: Based on the annual production of cement, water recirculating system, raw material handling, utilities, repair shop, facilities electrical power requirement is estimated as 40 MW after full expansion. Entire requirement will be met from in plant power generation of 2 X 20 MW FBC CPP. Electricals The proposed 40 MW Turbo-Generator has been envisaged to be operating in synchronism with MSEB (Meghalaya State Electricity Board) system if required. CPP unit will generate power at 6.6 KV. The output of Generator will be connected to 6.6 KV Indoors Metal Clad Switchgear with following feeders to be procured for CPP: One (1) no. Incoming feeder from each 20MW Turbo-generator One (1) no. Outgoing feeder for CPP Distribution Transformer of rating 2.5MVA, 11/0.433KV to be procured for feeding CPP auxiliaries.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya One (1) no. Tie Feeder for interconnection between proposed CPP with the 6.6KV Main Substation Switchboard bus of Cement Plant. CPP Distribution Transformer will feed Low Tension (LT) i.e. 415V supply to CPP LT PCC (Power Control Center) also to be procured for CPP. PCC will cater all CPP LT auxiliary loads as stated below. • All MCCs (Motor Control Center) for LT Loads of Boiler, Turbo-generator, Coal Handling, Ash handling. Compressed Air System, Water Treatment and other Water management, Cooling Water including Cooling Tower Fans, ESP (Electrostatic Precipitator) Loads etc. • Starter & Protection system for important auxiliaries like Boiler Feed Water Pump Motors, Induced Draft Fan Motors, Forced Draft Fan Motors shall be provided in the PCC for safer and more reliable operation. Start up power for CPP will be ensured from two (2) sources by back charging 6.6KV CPP Indoor Switchgear through 6.6KV interconnecting Tie feeder between 6.6KV Main Substation Switchboard buses of Cement Plant & CPP 6.6KV Indoor Switchgear Instrumentation and Controls A Centralized Distributed Digital Control, Monitoring and Information System (DDCMIS) will be provided for monitoring, control, alarm and interlocking of each Unit for ensuring efficient, smooth and safe Operation of the Plant and Equipment. Besides above, continuous monitoring and displaying, data recording / storing / retrieval facilities will also be provided to generate Trend Curves and to know the Operational History for any analysis as may be required for regular monitoring, assessment of any emergent condition and reason of failure etc. Housing colony A housing colony for 2000 people (accommodation for 500 employees) is being planned in the plant premises. Adequate capacity of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and composting facility shall be constructed for colony waste management. Plant Communication System: A self-contained communication system will be provided for the plant consisting of external telephone communication mobile handset & press to talk systems within the shops. Besides there will be complete communication for transfer of all-important data and message. Coal Handling Plant The Coal Handling Plant for feeding coal to the FBC Boilers, as envisaged, will be a simple system with single conveyor. Meghalaya Coal of NCV of around 6000 K.Cal/Kg will be a bought out item. Ash Handling and Disposal System Bottom Ash and Fly Ash from the FBC Boiler and its associated ESP will be removed on the principle of Dry Dense Phase Pneumatic System and transported in dry condition to a Silo. Ash from the Silo will be transported to the Cement grinding units for use.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
The Bottom Ash from the FBC Boiler will be collected on wheel barrows, sieved for re-use in raw meal preparation. Water for Power Plant: Water will be required for cooling of the turbine condensers, cooling of boiler and turbo generator auxiliaries, production of make up water for the boiler and other sundry uses. A DM water plant for meeting the boiler feed water needs will be installed. Water Quality & Treatment: Considerable quantity of water will be required for this project for process, cooling, boiler feed and other miscellaneous uses. Therefore a water treatment plant is envisaged comprising of the units like raw water reservoir, clarifier, filtration etc. The filtered water is used for cooling and other processes. A part of filtered water is to be treated in DM water plant to get the boiler feed water requirement for FBC units. Type of System: It is proposed to adopt recirculating systems, which permit reuse of cooling water after treatment. Make up water is required for compensation for the loss due to evaporation and bleed. All the major production shops will have independent water recirculating systems. While use of heat exchanger based systems will be maximized. This will provide excellent control over the machine cooling and avoid loss of water. Potable water will be supplied to meet the drinking and sanitary needs of the plant personnel and also the need of fire fighting and other miscellaneous uses. Necessary treatment facilities will be proved for ensuring the requisite quality. Fuel Facilities Centralised compressor and blower room have been envisaged for the sake of overall economy, effectiveness and ease of operation and maintenance. The compressed air is required mainly for dust collection equipment and operation of pneumatic valves. Blowers will be used for aeration of silos. Two nos. centralised compressor rooms are proposed, one for the clinkerisation section and the other for cement grinding, storage and packing section. Blowers may be suitably accommodated under buildings/ silos near points of utility. 2.8 ANNUAL RAW MATERIAL REQUIREMENT Cement manufacturing process is a dry agglomeration process of various minerals & raw materials. The details of gross annual requirement are given below.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Table-2.2 Annual Gross Raw Material Requirement in TPA. Raw Material Limestone Shale/clay Sandstone Mill scale Gypsum Fly ash Coal for clinkerisation Coal for CPP
Net Quantity 2210,000 182,000 162,000 21,000 1,27,000 762,000 127,000 125,000
Gross Quantity 2431000 200,000 178,000 23,000 140,000 8,38,000 140,000 138,000
Source Nearby mine Local Local Guwahati Bhutan West Bengal Nearby mine Nearby mine
Transport Road Road Road Road Road Rail/Road Road Road
2.9 UTILITY SYSTEMS Water System The water requirement for plant and colony has been estimated as about 2600 m3/day. Water in the plant is required for equipment cooling, drinking, sanitation, horticulture, etc. Water demand can be met from perrenial water sources that exist in the vicinity of the plant. A suitably designed water treatment and chlorination plant shall be installed. Water shall be stored in an underground tank for plant and overhead (OH) tank for drinking purpose. For plant equipment, water shall be recirculated after cooling to avoid any wastage and only losses shall be made up from fresh water. A small DM plant shall be set up to meet the boiler feed water requirement. The proposed plant would require industrial water on a continuous basis for cooling purposes and to meet the process needs. Potable water would be required for the plant personnel. In order to minimize consumption of fresh water from the source industrial water is proposed to be recycled after cooling and suitable treatment. Make–up water will be added to compensate for the losses in recirculation system. Air-conditioning and Ventilation Necessary facilities are envisaged for ensuring other conditions to suit the different equipment and premises. For this purpose air conditioning and ventilation systems envisaged are given below in table Premise Elec. rooms Transformer rooms Substations Control rooms, Laboratory & Control pulpits
Type envisaged Filtered air supply & exhaust Washed air supply Air conditioning by package units & Window air conditioners
Central Control Room (CCR) A new CCR building is envisaged to be constructed. Operation of the raw mill, pyro processing section and cement mill will be carried out from this control room.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
Fire Protection System The fire protection system will comprise of a hydrant system for the total plant. Fire detection and alarm system will be provided in all critical areas. Besides this fire fighting system covering different types of portable fire extinguishers, will be provided. Fire Fighting System A complete fire fighting system shall be provided comprising of: • A suitable high-pressure system of fire hydrants consisting of suitable number of fire hydrants. • A complete separate fire fighting water piping network for feeding the hydrants. • Heavy-duty ABC powder type fire extinguishers shall be hung at particularly important electrical equipment areas. • Portable CO2 extinguishers shall be provided throughout the plant. • Automatic fire extinguishing system-using water shall be considered for empty bags store in the packing plant. Workshop A mechanical and an electrical workshop are envisaged to take care of the regular maintenance/ repair jobs in the plant. Workshop shall have the provision for essential machines like generalpurpose lathe, milling machine, radial drilling machine, shaper, grinding machine and cutting &, welding machine/ tools & an over head EOT crane. Repairs servicing and periodical checking of plant vehicles will be done through outside contract Garages. Machinery stores A store building needs to be constructed for storing tools, spare parts, consumables, etc. Open area to be earmarked for storing machinery and construction materials for the proposed plant. Cranes, Monorails and Pulley blocks Adequate size maintenance cranes/ hoists, monorails and pulley blocks to be provided at all suitable locations at the plant for ease of maintenance and operation. Ancillary Buildings: There will be a main gatehouse, which will accommodate time office, security office, guardroom etc. Beside this there will be works office located near the production shops. This building will accommodate the Plant offices, commercial, personnel, finance and other administration offices.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya A canteen building will be provided inside the plant in a suitable location. It is also proposed to have fire brigade station fully equipped with the tender and water tender with booster pumps. Laboratory A well-equipped laboratory will be provided for carrying out various tests at different stages of production. Laboratory will be accommodated in the Central Quality Control Room (CQCR) building. The laboratory shall have the provision of chemical and physical testing facilities for raw materials, clinker, gypsum, fly ash and cement. Facilities will include testing equipment for raw materials, rapid chemical evaluation of samples, gas analysis, macro & micro examinations, non-destructive testing etc. A well-equipped environmental laboratory will be set up to perform environmental monitoring job. First aid A small first aid centre shall be provided in the plant premises. Provision will be made for regular health checkup for all plant employees by specialist doctor. Weigh Bridge Two nos. electronic weighbridges are envisaged to take care of the incoming and outgoing materials at the plant. These may be located near the main entrance of the plant. Bags godown Space shall be provided in the packing plant department for the storage of bags. Parking Adequate parking space shall be provided in the plant premises for the parking of the vehicles. Colony & social amenities A residential colony to provide suitable accommodation for about 2000 personnel is envisaged initially. However, a lumpsum figure has been considered for a few social amenities (First aid room, Rest house, Vendor shops) in the project cost. Accommodation facilities for other essential staff may be provided at Khliehriat town. 2.10
The estimated manpower has been classified according to grade, qualification and trade. The trading requirements have been broadly identified.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
Organisation Structure The organization structure has been developed based on functional requirements. The layers of hierarchy in the organization have been kept to a minimum in order to ensure efficiency and accountability. This approach is a necessity in order to keep the organization result oriented and competitive in terms of cost. The proposed organization structure indicates the major functional divisions and principal executives responsible for each division. The organization will be headed by a plant head, who will be assisted by individual unit head like Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Commercial, Personnel and Administration and Finance and Accounts. Manpower Requirements A preliminary estimate for manpower requirements during operation phase has been prepared primarily to derive the labour component of the production cost. The total manpower requirement is estimated at 500 for cement unit & power plant. Which includes executives, skilled workers & semiskilled/unskilled workers. While making this estimate, no provision has been made for the services like security major maintenance and auto repairs etc as these are envisaged to be done through external agencies. Basis of Manpower estimates The manpower estimates are based on the process and facilities envisaged for the plant. Where direct manning is involved, the positions have been tentatively identified on the basis of layout, technologies and facilities. Where a crew is required for a particular operation, its size has been determined generally in keeping with the normal practices and taking no account the facilities propose. As indicated earlier, the maintenance has been centralized. Shift maintenance crew has been provided for break down and running repair jobs and for the planned repairs. Staff has been provided in the general shift. The utilities and services functions like water supply, power distribution and transportation are centralized. While estimating manpower it has been considered that both operation and maintenance staff will have multi-disciplinary skills so that the operation personnel will be able to carry out minor repairs of furnace and related equipments etc. and actively help this maintenance crew during maintenance. The maintenance personnel will also carry out minor repairs and lubricate the equipments. Technicians will able to do a rigger/fitter/ machinist’s jobs as and when required.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Training Training is an essential requirement in supporting the development and growth of technologies it helps to attain higher productivity. Therefore it is essential that appropriate steps to be taken for developing the human resources required to operate and maintain the different units. Further to achieve higher productivity during the course of plant operating, training helps in the upgradation of the skills of personnel and creating conducive learning environments where new entrants entering the company. Appropriate work culture, acquire values of teamwork, familiar with group decision-making will be part of the training programme etc. Approach to Training: In a plant of the type envisaged for GSCL, it is necessary to evolve a culture to its requirement devoid of the legacies of the industry. To that extent the management proposes to outline a working philosophy based on multi disciplinary skills in personnel, learning opportunities on job in a highly interactive environment. Initially the management will focus on introducing the personnel to procedures and system based on functional requirement cutting across lines of hierarchy. With this approach the need for non-productive supervision will be reduced to minimum. All the functional personnel will be evaluated on the basis of the results and achievements on a crew basis, which will ensure work ethic of the highest order. The managerial personnel will conduct regular training programmes to expose the operating and maintenance personnel to theoretical, technological, quality and system aspects of production. These will be interactive sessions with case studies evolved from the plant experiences. Similarly, in the office related functions, the emphasis will be on computerization and creating of database in tune with the requirements and making them available to all in need, thus saving enormous amounts of efforts otherwise needed. 2.11
This chapter deals with the capital cost estimation for the project. The details are presented in the following paragraphs.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Estimated Capital Cost Plant cost Land and site development Civil Plant & Machinery Envionmental Management Plan & Peripheral Development Consultancy Expanses on training Miscellaneous fixed assets Preoperative expanses Provision for contingency Working capital Captive power plant 40 MW Total
Rs.in Crore 10.2 88.80 170.00 25.00 04.5 0.30 55.00 24.20 07.00 10.00 170.00 565.00
Basis of the estimate: The capital cost has been arrived at on the basis of the prices for such equipment and facilities, cost of construction work and materials, provisions for equipments and facilities, cost of construction work and materials. Provisions have been made for the other costs of associated with the project namely land and site preparation, interests on loan during construction and margin money for working capital and start up expenses. Cost Towards EMP (Capital Investment & Annual Recurring Cost)
Plant cost Air Pollution Water Pollution Noise Pollution Envionmental Management Plan & Monitoring Occupational health Green Belt Solid Waste Total
Capital Investment Rs.in Crore 16 2.0 1.0 2.5
Annual Recurring Cost Rs.in Crore 0.80 0.30 0.10 0.30
0.50 1.0 2.0 25.00
0.05 0.10 0.15 1.80
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya CHAPTER - 3 PRESENT ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3.1 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS This chapter gives an idea and description of the environmental status of the study area with reference to the prominent environmental attributes. The general study area covers about 10 Km radius with respect to the project site. The impact identification starts with the collection of primary or baseline data such as the ambient air quality, water quality, noise levels, land use patterns, flora & fauna and the socio-economic aspects. The baseline monitoring was conducted from November 2007 to February 2008. The topographical map showing all the major settlements, forest area and the existing transport networks is shown in the Figure 3.1. 3.2 SITE DESCRIPTIONS AND ENVIRONMENT Location: The study area covers an area about 314 sq km around the project site at Musiang Lamare, Jaintia Hills district, Meghalaya. Jaintia Hill district is endowed with huge reserve of very good quality of limestone and coal. The geographical
location of this site is demarcated by 250 12’ 13” N and 920 20’ 58.7" E and altitude 585 to 695 m above MSL (mean sea level). However, limestone constitutes the bulk of the mining activities in the area. The area has many cement plant and coal mines, which take the advantage of the availability of the raw material in the region. The study area comprises of semi urban and rural environment. Jaintia Hills being a component of the Meghalaya Plateau has its physiographical features almost similar to that of Khasi Hills. The only difference is that Jaintia Hills has comparably more flat topography with a mild gradient. The Hills gently slope towards Brahmaputra valley of Assam in the North and overlook the gentle plains of Bangladesh in the South. The Marangksih peak on the Eastern plateau of Jaintia Hills stands majestically at the elevation of 1631 meters from the mean sea level of Karachi and is the highest peak in the entire District. The main elevation of the District ranges between 1050m to 1350m with Jowai, which was established in the year 1972 as its headquarter lies on the central plateau. In general, the whole District is full of rugged and undulating terrains with the exception of the deep gorges, steep precipice and narrow valleys carved out by the rivers of Umngot, Myntdu, Lukha, Myntang and a good number of other turbulent streams that drain out all over the district. The Jaintia hills is richly endowed with natural resources and in the by gone days was endowed with rich flora and fauna. But gradually, the harmony and quintessence of this remarkable eco-system have been disturbed and degraded by various ecological and alike physical factors viz. unscientific mining operation, deforestation, jhuming, soil erosion etc. coupled with population pressure. However, with the moratorium recently imposed by the Supreme Court of India on the felling down of trees for commercial purposes such renewable forest resources are being replenished and the fading scenery is being rejuvenated and restored to its pristine glory and nature making the land fit for good to live in.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Figure- 3.1 Location map of study area around 10 KM radius
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya 3.3 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: Temperature: The climate of the study area is very mild, with neither too hot summer nor too cold winter, except in the foothills of southern slopes where it is somewhat hotter in summer months. During the deep winter in December-January, in the central plateau at altitudes above 1300 m, there is usually ground frost. At low altitudes on the southern slopes, the climate is humid and warm, showing only minor variations in temperature during the year (Table-3.1 and 3.2.) Table-3.1 Temperature (in Celsius) of Jowai (the District headquarter) During 2001- 2005 2001 Max. Min. 29 5
2002 Max. Min. 29.4 5
2003 Max. Min. 29.6 5
2004 Max. Min. 27.5 5
2005 Max. Min. 28.7 19.2
2006 Max Min 26.7 8.7
Table-3.2: Temperature and Relative Humidity Profile of the study area Sl.No.
1 2 3
Summer Winter Monsoon
Temperature (0C) Min Max 12 32 5 27 13 31
Relative Humidty (%) Min Max 61 78 57 87 62 89
Rainfall: Rainfall however, is the most pronounced climatic factor and is fairly distributed throughout all the months. An entirely dry month is rare, except in northern slopes, where February-March is usually dry. The summer monsoon or the southwest monsoon sets in during June-July and is usually accompanied by squally winds, and dense mists. Clouds brought in during this period get intercepted by the high central ridge, resulting in heavy precipitation on the southern face of the region. The monsoon, which lasts till September, contributes nearly 75% of annual rainfall in the area. July-August is typical monsoon months experiencing the heaviest downpour, when a rainfall of as much as 150cm is not unusual. Depressions in the Bay of Bengal, moving northwards cause most of the rainfall. By the autumn, the southwest monsoon is replaced by northeast monsoon and this continues till January. Depressions at the eastern end of the Himalayas moving southwards and south westwards cause most of the precipitation in winter. During February-March, a strong southerly wind blows across the tract. April, the inter-monsoon period is the hottest and driest, with very little wind velocity. Destructive storms and cyclones are unknown. Summary of the climatological data is presented here under. The data has been ascertained by establishment of a meteorological station in the study area (Table3.3). Table-3.3 Total Rainfall (in mm) at Jowai Centre: During 2001 - 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 4961.6 4328.0 4901.6 4502.6 4730.8 Source: District & Local Research Station and Laboratories, Jowai
2006 4430.0
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya 3.4
Meteorology of the study area plays an important role in the air pollution studies. The prevailing micro-meteorological conditions at the site will regulate the dispersion and the dilution of air pollutants in the atmosphere. The predominant wind speed at the core zone will decide the direction and the distance of the most affected area from the proposed activity. Regional meteorological scenario helps to understand the trends of the climatic factors. It also helps in determining the sampling stations in predicting the post project environmental scenario. Meteorological Scenario exerts a critical influence on Air Quality as the pollution arises from the interaction of atmospheric contaminants with adverse meteorological conditions such as temperature inversions, atmospheric stability and topographical features like hills, canyons and valleys. The critical weather elements that influence air pollution are wind speed, wind direction, temperature, which together determines atmosphere stability. Hence it is an indispensable part of any Air Pollution Studies and required for interpretation of baseline information. Monitoring Period Meteorological data was collected for the study period of four months (Nov 2006 to Feb 2007). The data collected during the monitoring period represents the winter season considering the seasonal variations of the study period. In order to determine the micrometeorological conditions of the study area a temporary micro-meteorological monitoring observatory was set up near the site. The following parameters were recorded at hourly intervals continually during the study period. • Wind speed • Wind direction • Relative humidity • Air temperature • Cloud cover Wind speed and direction is measured by Anemometer, air temperature by Thermometer, relative humidity is measured by Hygrometer and cloud cover recorded through visual interpretation. The localized data generated in the study area have been compared with the data compiled from the nearest IMD observatory at Cherrapunji. At the meteorological station Wind speed & direction, Temperature, Relative humidity and Cloud Cover were recorded at hourly intervals throughout the monitoring period. Total rainfall for the entire monitoring period was also recorded. The summarized meteorological data is given in Table 3.4. Wind roses on sixteen-sector basis (N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW) have been drawn for 00-23 hours. From the analysis of data the overall predominant wind direction has been from SWW to NEE followed by SW to NE AND West to East. The average wind velocity is 1.30 m/s and the calm period is 24.58 %. Details of the overall wind frequency distribution during the study period at the site are given in Table 3.5. The Wind
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Rose diagrams for winter season are given as Fig.3.2, Fig 3.3, Fig-3.4, Fig-3.5 and Fig 3.6. Table 3.4: Summarized Meteorological Data at site. Period Nov -2007 Dec-2007 Jan-2008 Feb-2008 Season
Temperature (0C) Max Min Avg 27.00 11.00 19.81 20.00 9.00 13.91 20.00 5.00 11.85 19.00 10.00 13.46 27.00 5.00 14.75
Relative Humidity (%) Max Min Avg 87.00 70.00 77.04 80.00 57.00 66.69 85.00 61.00 71.01 75.00 61.00 66.53 87.00 57.00 70.36
Wind Speed (km/h) Max Min Avg 13.1 0.2 5.8 13.8 0.2 4.5 12.0 0.2 4.3 13.8 0.2 5.0 13.8 0.2 4.9
Table No. 3.5: Overall Wind Frequency Distribution (Nov. 2007 - Feb 2008)
Station ID: 42516 Date Range: November 2007-February, 2008 Time Range 00:00 - 23:00 Frequency Distribution (Normalized) Speed m/s Wind Direction 0.5-2.1 2.1-3.6 3.6-5.7 5.7-8.8 348.75-11.25 0.007639 0.003125 0.000347 0.000 11.25 - 33.75 0.001736 0.001042 0.000000 0.000 33.75-56.25 0.019097 0.023611 0.000000 0.000 0.001389 0.000 56.25-78.75 0.047569 0.025347 78.75-101.25 0.023611 0.010069 0.000347 0.000 101.25-123.75 0.027083 0.014236 0.001389 0.000 0.000347 0.000 123.75-146.25 0.005556 0.005208 146.25-168.75 0.029167 0.012500 0.002083 0.000 168.75-191.25 0.002778 0.001042 0.000000 0.000 191.25-213.75 0.030208 0.010764 0.000000 0.000 213.75-236.25 0.101389 0.041319 0.001042 0.000 236.25-258.75 0.088194 0.054167 0.002431 0.000 258.75-281.25 0.067361 0.037847 0.003819 0.000 281.25-303.75 0.026042 0.016319 0.000000 0.000 303.75-326.25 0.004514 0.001389 0.000000 0.000 326.25-348.75 0.000347 0.000347 0.000347 0.000 Sub-Total: 0.482292 0.258333 0.013542 0.000 Calms Missing/Incomplete Total Frequency of Calm Winds Average Wind Speed
8.8-11.1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
>= 11.1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total 0.011111 0.002778 0.042708 0.074306 0.034028 0.042708 0.011111 0.043750 0.003819 0.040972 0.143750 0.144792 0.109028 0.042361 0.005903 0.001042 0.754167 0.245833 0.000000 1.000000 24.58% 1.30 m/s
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Figure-3.2 Overall Wind Rose Diagram (Nov 2007 - Feb 2008)
Figure- 3.3
Wind Rose Diagram (November 2007)
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Figure- 3.4
Wind Rose Diagram (December 2007)
Figure- 3.5 Wind Rose Diagram (January-2008)
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Figure- 3.6
Wind Rose Diagram (February-2008)
3.5 AIR ENVIRONMENT Ambient Air Quality The ambient air quality in two locations in core zone and eight locations in impact (Buffer) zone i.e 10 Km radius of the study area around the proposed site as the center will form the baseline information over which the predicted impacts can be superimposed to find out the net impacts on the air quality in the project impact area. The design of the network of ambient air quality monitoring stations in the study area was done based on the following criteria. • • • • • •
Meteorological conditions on a synoptic scale Topography of the study area Representation of the regional background levels Representation of the site Influence of the existing sources Major human settlements in the study area
The study area represents mostly rural environment with no major polluting industries in the study area. Air quality in the project area is still good despite the presence of several polluting industry. The prominent sources of air pollution in
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya the study area are due to emission from industries, vehicular movement, dust arising from unpaved village roads and domestic fuel burning in some parts of the study area. The pollutants of concern are the Particulate Matter (SPM and PM10), SO2 and NOX. Ambient air quality monitoring in the study area was carried for the pollutants of concern as per the project requirement. The selected sampling location for air quality study is shown in table-3.6 and Figure 3.7. Air quality monitoring stations were selected using simulation models within the study area keeping in view the topographical and the meteorological conditions. All the ambient air quality-monitoring stations were installed on flat roof, at least 3m above the ground level with no obstructions and ensuring free flow of the wind. Parameters for Sampling & Sampling Frequency Ambient Air Quality Monitoring has been carried out for one season i.e. winter season with a frequency of twice a week for four weeks in a month for the entire season. The baseline data of air environment is generated for the following parameters: • • • • • Table- 3.6
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM) Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) Carbon monoxide (CO)
Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Locations
Station Code
Environmental setting
Project site (center)
Project site (east)
Old musiang lamare
New musiang lamare
1.9 Km, NE
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Figure 3.7. Map showing AAQ Monitoring sampling location
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Table- 3.7: Ambient Air Quality Standards (μg/m3) Pollutants Suspended Particulate Matter Respirable Particulate Matter Sulphur Dioxide Oxides of Nitrogen Lead Carbon Monoxide (ppm)
Industrial Area 500 150 120 120 1.5 5000
Residential, Rural and Other Areas 200 100 80 80 1.0 2000
Sensitive Areas 100 75 30 30 0.75 1000
The values of air quality pollutants of concern as mentioned above are presented in the Table-3.7. The range of maximum concentrations reflects that the pollution level is low in most of the places as it is a rural area and surrounded mostly by villages. The value is higher in only that site and at places, which are nearer to industrial units and national highways. An analysis of the data of the site with respect to downward side in particular and other monitoring sites in general represent the background levels. Spatial and temporal variations in the air quality occur as a result of the air basin and the prevailing meteorological conditions of the study area. To assess the existing sub regional air status during the winter, the above factors govern the status at all the AAQ sampling stations. Various statistical parameters like maximum; minimum and different percentile have been computed from the observed raw data for all sampling stations. Data Analysis of AAQ Levels The existing concentrations of the critical pollutants in the study area are represented in the Table 3.8 and 3.9. The range of maximum and minimum concentrations reflect that the pollution levels are varying depending on the prevailing activity i.e. either industrial, or domestic fuel burning or vehicular traffic etc. Background concentrations of the critical pollutants are established by comparing the concentrations at the site and that of the downwind locations with the pollutant concentrations at other locations. Table 3.8
Summarized Ambient air quality data for RPM and SPM
Sampling station
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
Project site (center) Project site (east) Old musiang lamare New musiang lamare Umlaper Umrasian Umlong Lumshnong Nongsning Umlatodh
SPM (µgm/Cu.m.) Max Min 98th perc 97.7 56.1 95.5 95.2 55.0 93.5 96.5 54.9 93.7 117.0 68.1 115.2 115.6 62.3 114.6 112.1 59.4 110.3 96.8 53.1 93.4 115.3 60.5 112.0 116.4 61.7 114.8 100.9 50.6 99.1
RPM Max 58.6 57.1 57.9 70.2 69.3 67.2 58.0 69.1 69.8 60.5
(µgm/Cu.m.) Min 98th perc 36.8 54.4 35.4 55.0 35.2 56.6 39.4 68.5 40.1 66.2 38.6 64.7 34.2 56.4 35.0 68.1 35.3 66.4 34.6 57.3
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Table- 3.9
Summarized Ambient air quality data for SO2 and NOx
Sampling station
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
Project site (center) Project site (east) Old musiang lamare New musiang lamare Umlaper Umrasian Umlong Lumshnong Nongsning Umlatodh
SO2 (µgm/Cu.m.) Max. Min. 98th perc 8.7 4.3 7.7 7.3 3.9 5.6 10.9 5.8 8.5 11.1 6.2 9.8 12.3 7.0 10.3 11.0 5.1 9.0 9.4 4.8 7.9 11.8 6.5 9.9 12.5 7.4 10.8 10.1 4.0 7.9
NOX (µgm/Cu.m.) Max. Min. 98th perc 6.8 3.9 5.9 6.0 3.0 4.9 7.7 4.3 6.8 8.9 5.1 7.7 9.0 5.6 8.1 7.9 4.7 6.8 7.2 4.0 6.3 8.0 4.8 7.2 8.8 5.5 7.9 7.2 4.0 6.1
Discussions Suspended Particulate Matter Suspended Particulate Matter or dust in general terms is the particulate matter in suspension in ambient air. It includes dust, smoke, fly ash, carbonaceous matter, trace metals etc. Sources: In general some of the important sources of suspended particulate matter in the study area are due to construction activities, domestic fuel burning, brick manufacturing and fugitive emissions from the traffic during construction of the site and heavy vehicular traffic. The following sources of suspended particulate matter in the study area are identified: • Fugitive emissions from handling of material during construction • Fugitive emissions due to vehicular movement. • Domestic fuel burning Effects: Excessive exposure to dust causes breathing related diseases as it effects the lungs. Excessive concentration of smoke and dust also reduces the visibility. Particulate matter affects the plants by settling on the leaves and preventing natural growth. The chemical matter in the dust will affect the structures due to slow reaction over a period of time. The ambient status observed during the study period (average & 98th percentile values) is presented in the tables. During the study period, the concentrations of SPM is 97.7μg / m3 in core zone and 96.8 (Umlong) μg / m3 117.0 (New musiang Lamare) in buffer zone. The 98th percentile values of suspended particulate matter ranged between 93.4 to 115.2 μg / m3 in the study area. SPM value was observed to be highest at New musiang Lamare. Besides this high, levels of SPM were observed in the study area due to local phenomena viz. unpaved roads, heavy vehicular traffic on roads & agricultural activities leading to generation of dust. The concentrations of RPM is 58.6 μg / m3 in core zone and 57.9 (Old Musiang Lamare)-70.2 (New Musiang Lamare) μg / m3 in the buffer zone. The
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya 98th percentile values of Respirable Particulate Matter ranged between 54.4 to 68.5 μg / m3 in the study area. The 24 hourly average values of SPM were compared with the national ambient air quality standards and it was found that all the sampling stations recorded values lower than the applicable limit of 200 µg/m3 for residential areas. The highest SPM level in the area recorded is found to be 117.0 µg/m3. It is observed that during the assessment of ambient air quality status high levels of SPM values were observed at most of the locations owing to the local phenomena like dust emanating from unpaved village roads, vehicular activities and dust generating from agricultural activities rather than industrialisation. Sulphur Dioxide Sulphur dioxide gas is an inorganic gaseous pollutant.Sulphur dioxide emissions are expected to be emitted wherever combustion of any fuel containing Sulphur takes place. The Sulphur in the fuel will combine with oxygen to form Sulphur dioxide. Sulphur trioxide and sulphuric acid mist are the other important pollutants in the Sulphur group. Sources: In general some of the important sources of Sulphur dioxide are Power stations, Sulphuric acid plants, oil refining, Boilers in utilities in any industry and domestic use of coal. The major source of SO2 in the study area is the domestic fuel burning and industrial activities. Effects: The presence of sulfur dioxide in the photochemical smog reaction enhances the formation of visibility enhancing aerosols. Sulphur dioxide in atmosphere is significant because of its toxicity. Sulfur dioxide is capable of producing illness and lung injury. Further it can combine with water in the air to form toxic acid aerosols that can corrode metal surfaces, fabrics and the leaves of plants. Sulphur dioxide is irritating to the eyes and respiratory system. Excessive exposure to Sulphur dioxide causes bronchial asthma and other breathing related diseases as it affects the lungs. The average levels of SO2 concentrations at all locations varied from 8.7μg / m3 in core zone and 9.4 (Umlong)-12.5 (Nongsning) μg / m3 in the buffer zone. The 98th percentile values of SO2 varied between 7.7 to 10.8 μg / m3 in all the locations. The 24 hourly average values of SO2 when compared with the national ambient air quality standards and it was found that most of the sampling stations recorded values much lower than the applicable limit of 80 µg/m3 for residential areas. The SO2 level of 12.5 µg/m3 is well within the limits of 80 µg/m3 specified for the residential area.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Oxides of Nitrogen Oxides of nitrogen are also an inorganic gaseous pollutant. Oxides of nitrogen are expected to be emitted at high temperature. Nitrous oxide and nitric acid mist are the other important pollutants in the inorganic nitrogen group. Sources: In general some of the important sources of oxides of nitrogen are acid manufacture, Boilers in utilities in any industry and Auto exhaust. In a metropolitan town NOx levels are predominantly due to automobile emissions. Effects: Oxides of nitrogen have far greater significance in photochemical smog reaction than any of the other inorganic gaseous contaminants. NOx in the presence of sunlight will undergo reactions with a number of organic compounds to produce all the effects associated with photochemical smog. NOx has inherent ability to produce deleterious effects by themselves like toxicity. It acts as an asphyxiating agent when in concentrations great enough to reduce the normal oxygen supply from the air. The concentrations of NOX values varied between 6.8 μg/m3 in the core zone and 7.2 (Umlong, Umlatodh)- 9.0 μg/m3 (Umlaper) in buffer zone. The 98th percentile values of NOx ranged between 4.9 to 8.1 μg/m3 in the study area. The 24 hourly average values of NOx when compared with the National Ambient Air Quality standards and it was found that all the sampling stations recorded values much lower than the applicable limit of 80 µg/m3 for residential areas. Other Pollutants (CO & Lead) Apart from the regular pollutants mentioned above, pollutants like CO and Lead were also monitored at all the sampling locations in the study area. The values were found to be far below the stipulated limits. Conclusions From the ambient air quality monitoring carried out for four months (Nov 2007 & Feb 2008) during the study period shows that the critical pollutants like SPM, SO2 and NOX are well within the permissible limits. Any slight increase in the pollutant concentrations in the study area may be attributed to vehicular traffic, unchecked domestic fuel burnings etc in the study area. 3.6 WATER ENVIRONMENT Water is one of the fundamental resources and is one of the most common compounds. Although its chemical formula is deceptively simple, the effect of water on almost everything including the plant and the animal kingdom is far more consequential than might be imagined. The main river in Jaintia hills district is the Myntdu springing in the central ridge near Jowai town and flowing southwards and becoming the Hari river of Bangladesh. The Wah Myntang River
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya arising near Ummulong traverses the northern part of the central plateau through Nartiang and Mynso to finally join the Kopili River, a tributary of Brahmaputra. The Lubha and Kopili rivers in the east, both originate in the hills between Raliang and Sutnga. The former flows southwards through Sonapur to Bangladesh and joins the Surma River. The latter flows northwards through Garampani along the border of Jaintia and N. Cachar Hills and finally joins the Brahmaputra. The Umngot River commencing from near Ummulong flows southwards through a deep gorge on the border between Jaintia and Khasi Hills and flow to Bangladesh finally joins the Kalni River. Apart from these perennial rivers and rivulets, there are innumerable seasonal streams and streamlets which swell with the surfeit of water during the rains, cascading and wildly tumbling in water falls and rapids in the rugged hills areas before quieting into sluggishly flowing streams in the plains area. These rivers and streams have rather sharp deep ravines in the southern parts, where the descent is rapid from 1500 to 100 m in about 20-30 Km. Occurrence & Movement of Groundwater in Rock Formations The occurrence and movement of groundwater is controlled mainly by geomorphic conditions in the study area. The groundwater occurs within the weathered portion of hard rocks as well as in the unconsolidated alluvial sediments. The yield of these formations varies between low to medium range. The joints and other opening sin the gneiss and granites, the pore spaces in the zone of weathering and bedding planes of the metamorphasized sediments determine the rate of percolation of water into sub-surface and the yield of the wells in the region. Laterite soil allows water to infiltrate slowly after saturation. The impervious calcareous clay bed below laterite soil prevents the downward movement of water. Occurrence of groundwater thus, is mainly controlled by water Table conditions. The recharge of the groundwater is mainly due to rainfall, which is poor in the region. Therefore, the depth of the water table in the area is high. The groundwater potential map of the study area is shown in Figure 3.7. Groundwater Potential Groundwater potential has been assessed as per the data collected from the State Groundwater Department, Irrigation Department, Command Area Development Authority and the Central Groundwater Board. In general, the entire region is underlain by Pre-Cambrian crystalline rocks like Granite, Granitic Gneiss, Banded Hematite Jasper, Quartzite, Slate, Phyllite and Mica- Schist. The groundwater potentiality of the study area is found to be poor. However, groundwater is found in some pockets of the area in the zones of weathered jointed and fractured rocks. Since the district is predominantly covered by laterite and alluvial soils which inhibit the percolation and circulation of water. There are pockets of bad quality of groundwater in the area.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Figure-3.8
Hydrogeology map of study area.
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Drainage System The drainage pattern of the State represents a most spectacular feature revealing extraordinary straight courses of the rivers and streams evidently along the joints and faults. The magnificent gorges scooped out by the rivers in the southern Khasi and Jaintia Hills are the result of massive headward erosion by antecedent streams along joints of the sedimentary rocks over the block, experiences relatively great uplift. Westward in the Garo Hills, the consequent streams are mostly controlled by the structures, faults and monoclines in the sedimentary rock. The northern part of the plateau devoid of any sedimentary cover is marked by long incisive valley formed due to head ward erosion along joints in the gneissic rocks and granites. The limestone-covered country over southern Garo, Khasi and Jaintia Hills represent typical karst topography. The present physiographic configuration of the plateau was attained through different geological events since Melozonic to present day as indicated by polycyclic surface at various levels. Eight main rivers in the north and five main rivers in the south drain the State. Rivers of north and south are tributaries of Brahmaputra and Meghna respectively (Figure-3.9).
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Figure-3.9
River and Drainage Map of Project Area
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Water Recharge Potential The most important source of water for the domestic purposes in the region is surfacewater. Groundwater availability is not so good in the region and varies greatly from location to location. Groundwater in any area is mainly due to the accumulation of water below the ground surface, caused by rainfall and its subsequent percolation through pores and crevices. Percolated water accumulates till it reaches impervious strata consisting of confined clay or confined rocks. Occurrence of groundwater is controlled by landform, structure and Lithology. The groundwater table ranges from 90 to 140 feet in the study area. Even though the study area encounter high rainfall, the groundwater recharge potential except a few villages is less because of the prevailing soil type i.e. alluvial underlain by lateritic hard rocks which inhibits easy percolation of rain water and thus most of the water drain out to river as run off water. Surface Water Potential The study area is an undulating tableland of different elevations broken up by rugged hill ranges and cut off by torrential hill streams. Numerous small streams originating from the hillocks at the upper elevation flows towards East direction and ultimately empties into Brahmaputra River. The general slope of the district is from West to East. Because of this undulating, hilly and sloping nature of landscape, the area is subject to rapid runoff leading not only to soil erosion but also to scarcity of water for both agriculture and drinking purpose. Surface- Water Quality Monitoring The quality of surface water was assessed by taking samples from different locations based on the following objectives:
For rational prioritization
To assess the nature and extent of pollution control needed in different water bodies or their part
To evaluate the effectiveness of pollution control measures already in existence
• •
To understand the environmental fate of different pollutants
To assess the fitness of water for different uses
Methodology Reconnaissance survey was undertaken and monitoring locations were selected based on: • Location of the major water bodies • Location of industries, their water intake and effluent disposal locations
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya • •
Critical pockets of pollution occurrence Likely areas that can represent baseline conditions
The water samples were collected as grab samples and were analyzed for physical, chemical and biological characteristics as per CPCB guidelines. The habitation within the study area is scattered and the drinking water sources is surface water from the streams in most of the villages. Therefore, no village has open artisan wells as well as tube wells. Among these the selection of surface water samples has been considered as per their utilization for domestic and drinking purposes. The sampling station location is given in Table 3.10 and the analysis results of surface water are given in the Table 3.11. Table 3.10
Surfacewater Sampling Locations
Station Code
Environmental setting
Spring near project site
Spring near Old musiang lamare
Spring near New musiang lamare
1.9 Km, NE
Spring near Umlaper
Spring near Umrasian
Spring near Umlong
Spring near Lumshnong
Spring near Nongsning
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Figure-3.10 Map showing Water sampling locations
EIA & EMP Report of M/s Goldstone Cements Ltd., Musiang Lamare (Old), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Table 3.11
Surface Water Quality in study area
Sl. No.
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Color (Haz.unit) Taste Odour pH Temperature ( 0C) Total Dissolved Solid (mg/l) Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU) Residual Chlorine (mg/l) Total Hardness (mg/l) as CaCO3 Calcium (mg/l) Magnesium (mg/l) Chloride (mg/l) Sulphate (mg/l) Fluoride (mg/l) Alkalinity (mg/l) Nitrate (mg/l) Phosphate (mg/l) Iron (mg/l) Copper (mg/l) Lead (mg/l) Arsenic (mg/l) Chromium (mg/l) Mercury (mg/l) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/l)
Project site
1.0 Agreeable UO 6.8 21.0 87.0 45.0 4.0 ND 58.0 19.2 2.4 12.0 9.4 0.3 28.0 0.4 0.06 0.08