A Study of Precancerous Lesions for Oral Cancer in ...

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Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, July-September 2011 .... Oral Surgery Oral medicine Oral Pathology 1975;40(5):652-58. 3. Shafer ...
JIAOMR 10.5005/jp-journals-10011-1162 ORIGINAL ARTICLE

A Study of Precancerous Lesions for Oral Cancer in Jamnagar City

A Study of Precancerous Lesions for Oral Cancer in Jamnagar City 1 1

Reeta Jha, 2Dipesh V Parmar

Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine, Diagnosis and Radiology, Government Dental College and Hospital Jamnagar, Gujarat, India 2

Additional Professor, Department of Community Medicine, MP Shah Medical College, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

Correspondence: Dipesh V Parmar, Additional Professor, Department of Community Medicine, MP Shah Medical College Jamnagar, Gujarat, India, e-mail: dpparmardipesh@gmail.com

ABSTRACT Introduction: Oral cancer is a common malignancy, ranking first among all cancers in Western and Asian countries. It is preceded by some benign lesions or conditions, which are termed precancerous. Only one-third of people at the precancerous stage of disease succumb to cancer, it would be of practical importance to identify individuals at risk among them. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate high risk factors for oral cancer, to evaluate clinical features and correlate various factors to precancerous lesions and to determine incidence rate and magnitude of precancerous lesions in general population. Methods: In the study, 17,692 residents from different wards of Jamnagar city are clinically assessed for presence of precancerous lesions and interviewed by cross-sectional study. Results: It was found that prevalence rate of leukoplakia was found 0.93% while of OSMF was 1.75% in study population. All persons with precancerous lesions have addictions like tobacco chewing/smoking. Out of 5,652 persons with poor oral hygiene, leukoplakia was found in 2.54%, while OSMF in 1.67%. Conclusion: This study concluded that prevalence rate of precancerous lesion in general population of Jamnagar city is high. It is associated with habits of tobacco chewing and cigarette smoking. Keywords: Oral cancer, Precancerous lesions, Precancerous condition.


The study had the following aims and objectives: 1. To evaluate the high-risk factors associated with oral cancer. 2. To evaluate the clinical features of such lesions and to correlate various factors, such as age, sex, habits and personal hygienic conditions with the clinical condition. 3. To determine the incidence rate and magnitude of precancerous lesions and conditions among general population in Jamnagar.

1,000 persons per ward); out of which 10,951 were males and the remaining 6,741 were females with the age group distribution from 10 to 90 years. A special proforma was prepared for the study. People were examined for the presence of leukoplakia and OSMF diagnosis of both OSMF and leukoplakia were entirely based on clinical features only. For leukoplakia, any white plaque on the oral mucosa which can not be classified under definite entities, like lichen planus, syphilitic mucous patches, white sponge nevus, moniliasis, lupus erythematosis, chemical burns and other stomatitis, etc. were considered as leukoplakia.2,3 OSMF was characterized on the basis of burning sensation of the mouth particularly when eating spicy foods, followed by formation of vesicles, ulcerations or recurrent stomatitis, blanching of mucosa, appearance of fibrotic bands usually involving buccal mucosa, soft palate, lips and tongue; stiffening of certain areas of oral mucosa with difficulty in opening the mouth and swallowing.4,5 People were also graded as per their oral hygiene maintenance. These grades were given on the basis of oral hygiene index. All the collected data were then statistically organized and analysis was done.



The present study was carried out from Jan 2001 to Dec 2001 in 17,692 persons in different wards of Jamnagar city (minimum

Chi-square test was used to compare precancerous lesions with regard to age, sex, habits and oral hygiene status. All significant

Oral cancer is one of the most dangerous and deadliest diseases of affecting the oral cavity. Hence, its detection and diagnosis at an early stage is of utmost importance for its proper control and elimination. Herein lies the importance of premalignant lesions and conditions.1 Keeping in view the importance of early diagnosis and hence cure of such lesions, a study was conducted in Jamnagar during the year 2001 to 2002, regarding the occurrence and prevalence of such premalignant states and conditions and its relation to various factors predisposing to such conditions. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, July-September 2011;23(3):S333-335


Reeta Jha, Dipesh V Parmar

tests were done at 0.001 levels. Analysis was carried out using SPSS software. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 17,692 patients attending the OPD were examined for the precancerous states and conditions during the year 2001 to 2002. Out of them, majority of patients were between 21 to 40 years of age (53.09%) while 16.47% were below the 20 years of age and rest was above 40 years of age (Table 1). The sex-wise distribution was as such: Out of 17,692 patients 61.9% were males and remaining 38.1% were females. Table 2 shows the age-wise distribution of precancerous lesions. Overall (out of 17,692 patients) 165 patients (0.93%) had leukoplakia and 309 patients (1.75%) had OSMF. Table 5 shows association of personal oral hygiene and precancerous state. No case of leukoplakia and only four cases of OSMF were observed in patients with good oral hygiene, 21 cases of leukoplakia and 133 cases of OSMF were found in patients Table 1: Age-wise distribution of patients Age groups (years)

Total patients

with fair oral hygiene, highest no. of cases of leukoplakia (144) and OSMF (172) were observed in patients with poor oral hygiene. INFERENCES •


Below 10 years 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90

72 2843 4822 4570 3083 1519 544 202 37

0.4 16.07 27.26 23.83 17.43 8.59 3.07 1.14 0.21




As the age increases percentage of precancerous lesions also increases. [χ2 are highly significant for both the conditions (Table 2)], similar findings by Axell T6 and Rajendra R7 in their studies Males are predominantly affected by both the conditions. Out of 165 leukoplakia cases, 162 were males. Similarly, out of 309 cases of OSMF 297 were males. [χ2 are highly significant for sex ratio (Table 3)]. Same things were observed by Zein RB8 in their study With regard to habits, it shows that out of 17,692 patients 5,451 (30.81%) patients have some type of addiction. All 165 patients having leukoplakia lesions have addiction of smoking. Similarly, all 309 OSMF patients have addiction of chewing pan masala or tobacco (Table 4) Not a single precancerous state was seen in patients free from any addiction There is a significant relationship between leukoplakia and smoking and OSMF and pan masala/tobacco chewing (Table 4). Same relationship was also found by Sinor PN9 and Gupta PC10 With decrease in oral hygiene precancerous state/condition levels increases and it was statistically highly significant. HA Seedat observed same things.11 Maximum cases of OSMF were detected in the age group of 20 to 40 years. Holumerman observed same things12

Table 2: Age-wise distribution of precancerous lesions Age groups (years)

Total patients

OSMF Percentage



72 2843 4822 4570 3083 1519 544 202 37

00 19 12 27 38 38 17 12 02

0.00 0.67 0.25 0.59 1.23 2.50 3.12 5.94 5.41

00 27 89 94 62 23 10 02 02

0.00 0.95 1.85 2.06 2.01 1.54 1.84 0.99 5.41






Below 10 years 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 Total

Leukoplakia No.

Leukoplakia: χ = 94.49; p < 0.001 HS OSMF: χ2 = 13.92; p < 0.001 HS 2

Table 3: Sex-wise distribution of precancerous lesions Sex

Total patients







Males Females

10951 6741

162 03

1.48 0.04

297 12

2.71 0.18







Leukoplakia: χ = 93.30; p < 0.001 HS OSMF: χ2 = 156.78; p < 0.001 HS 2



JIAOMR A Study of Precancerous Lesions for Oral Cancer in Jamnagar City Table 4: Association of habits and precancerous lesions Type of habit

Total patients (out of 17,692)







Smoking Pan masala and gutkha chewing











Total Percentage

5451 30.81





Table 5: Association of personal hygiene and precancerous lesions Level of personal oral hygiene

Total patients (out of 17,692









Good Fair Poor

4088 7952 5652

23.11 44.98 31.94

00 21 144

0.00 0.26 2.54

4 133 172

0.09 1.67 3.04








Leukoplakia: χ2 = 232.33; p < 0.001 HS OSMF: χ2 = 80.59; p < 0.001 HS

Maximum cases of leukoplakia were detected above 40 years of age. Similar finding by Gupta PC in their study.10

REFERENCES 1. Greenberg, Glick, Burket’s. Oral Medicine (10th ed). Idiopathic True Leukoplakia 101-08. 2. Payne TF. Why are white lesions white? Observation on keratin. Oral Surgery Oral medicine Oral Pathology 1975;40(5):652-58. 3. Shafer, Hine, Levy. A textbook of oral pathology (4th ed). Premalignant lesions of epithelial tissue origin 92-104. 4. Greenberg, Glibk, Burket’s. Oral Medicine (10th ed), Oral SubMucous Fibrosis 117-18. 5. Shafer, Hine, Levy. A textbook of oral pathology, (4th ed). Oral Submucous Fibrosis, 109-10. 6. Axell T, Pindborg JJ, Smith CJ, Van Der Wall I. Oral white lesions with special reference to precancerous and tobacco related lesions. Conclusion of an international symposium held in Uppsala, Sweden, May 18-21, 1994, International Collaborative Group on oral white lesions. Journal of Oral Pathology Oral Medicine 1996;25(e):49-54.

7. Rajendra R. Oral submucous fibrosis: Etiology, pathogenesis and future research. Bull World Health Organization 1994;72(6): 985-96. 8. Zein RB, Ikeda N, Gupta PC, et al. Oral mucosal lesions associated with betel-quid, areca-nut and tobacco chewing habits consenses from a workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Nov 25-27, 1996; J Oral Patho Med 1999;28:1-4. 9. Sinor PN, Gupta PC, Murti PR, et al. A case control study of oral submucous fibrosis with specific ref to the etiological role of areca-nut. J Oral Patho Oral Med 1990;19(3):94-98. 10. Gupta PC, Habert GR, Bhonsle RB, et al. Dietary factor in oral leukoplakia and sub mucous fibrosis in a population-based case control study in Gujarat, India. Oral Disease 1998;4(3): 200-06. 11. Seedat HA, Van Wyk CW. SA Medical Journal. Betel chewing and dietary habits of chewers without and with submucoucs fibrosis with concomitant oral cancer. 3 Dec, 1988;74:572-75. 12. Holumerman P, Freedman S, Kerpel. Oral epithelial dysplasia and the development of invasive squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology 1995;79: 321-29.

Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, July-September 2011;23(3):S333-335
