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sumption health education activity is very important8. With this background, the present ... of MDA in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal and community ...
J Vector Borne Dis 48, June 2011, pp. 101–104

Short Research Communications

A study on coverage, compliance and awareness about mass drug administration for elimination of lymphatic filariasis in a district of West Bengal, India P. Ray Karmakar, K. Mitra, Anirban Chatterjee, P.K. Jana, S. Bhattacharya & S.K. Lahiri Department of Community Medicine, R.G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata, India Key words Awareness; filaria elimination; mass drug administration

Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) is one of the oldest and most debilitating neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). An estimated 120 million people in 81 countries are infected currently, and an estimated 1.34 billion live in areas where filariasis is endemic and are at risk of infection. Approximately 40 million people suffer from the stigmatizing and disabling clinical manifestations of the disease, including 15 million who have lymphoedema (elephantiasis) and 25 million men who have urogenital swelling, principally scrotal hydrocele1. It is one of the major public health problems in south-east Asia. Nine of the 11 countries in the region are known to be endemic for filariasis. More than 60% of the global population and half of the infected cases are from this region2. International Task Force for Disease Eradication has identified LF as one of the seven diseases that can be eradicated3. India is committed to eliminate LF by 20154. To achieve this goal annual mass drug administration (MDA) of antifilarial drug was launched in 2004 by the Government of India5. According to the guidelines, DEC should be administered under supervision to all the people excluding children 85%) in endemic areas, which is sustained for 5 years, is required to achieve for the interruption of transmission and elimination of disease in India6. Though reported coverage by health department is high but different studies have shown that effective coverage is not that high7. To achieve and sustain high coverage of drug consumption health education activity is very important8. With this background, the present study was conducted with the objective of finding out the coverage and compliance of MDA in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal and community awareness about LF and filariasis elimi-

nation programme. According to the standard methodology three blocks and one municipality ward were selected. One block was selected with >80% coverage, one block with 50–80% coverage and one block with 15 Total

Received dose 12 14 30 36 185 158

(2.50) (2.91) (6.24) (7.48) (38.46) (32.85)

435 (90.44)

Nil 4 2 1 2 17 20

(0.83) (0.42) (0.21) (0.42) (3.53) (4.15)

46 (9.56)

Total 16 16 31 38 202 178

(3.33) (3.33) (6.45) (7.90) (41.99) (37)

481 (100)

Figures in parentheses indicate percentages. Table 1b. Person wise consumption of drug (n=435) Age group (yr)


Consumed dose



10 10 20 26 126 110

6–14 >15 Total

(2.30) (2.30) (4.60) (5.98) (28.97) (25.29)

302 (69.43)

Nil 2 4 10 10 59 48

(0.46) (0.92) (2.30) (2.30) (13.56) (11.03)

133 (30.57)

Figures in parentheses indicate percentages.

Total 12 14 30 36 185 158

(2.76) (3.22) (6.90) (8.28) (42.53) (36.32)

435 (100)

woman experienced vomiting within one hour of consumption of drug. She did not consult anybody and it subsided spontaneously. Reasons for non-compliance Even after getting the drug 133 persons (30.57%) did not consume. The most frequent cause was fear of side effect (36.84%) followed by inadequate counseling about the use of the drug for who do not have any clinical manifestation of filariasis (27.82%). Other causes of non consumption were no faith on the drug (12.03%), not present at home (5.26%), etc. Awareness of the community Only 55.42% interviewed persons have heard about LF. Awareness is better in urban ward (88.89%) compared to villages (42.98%). Those who heard about the name of LF few knew the presenting symptoms. Only 17.36% in rural area and 42.22% in urban area knew at least one correct presenting symptom of LF. Majority cited swelling of limb as the presenting symptom. According to them other presentations were fever, cough, pain, swelling of whole body and itching. Only 13.86% knew the mode of transmission of filariasis correctly; few had incorrect knowledge that direct contact, water, and air are modes of transmission. Only 20% in urban area and 4.13% respondents in rural area had correct knowledge of mode of prevention of LF. Very few were aware about treatment of Filariasis and the filaria elimination programme. Only 8.47% knew about availability of treatment of filariasis and 21.08% were aware about filaria elimination programme. Only 38.04% respondents knew that drug administration was being done on every house, but they did not know that it was for elimination of LF. Important sources of information were Anganwadi worker, Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) and community volunteer. No IEC activity was reported by any respondent in the fortnight previous to the drug administration. IEC activity was conducted only at the time of drug distribution (Table 2). DEC and Albendazole require to be administered to >85% of the eligible population in the endemic districts to achieve the National Health Policy (2002) goal of LF elimination in India by 20154,6. But in North 24 Parganas district, drugs were distributed to 55.91% of the eligible population. Only 69.43% of them actually consumed the drug, making the effective coverage to be 38.81%. In a study from Andhra Pradesh, compliance was reported to be as low as 41.96% in Krishna district and highest (76.06%) in East Gadavari district9. In another study from rural Puducherry the coverage, compliance and effective coverage rates were 76.2, 88.7 and 67.6% respectively8. In


Karmakar et al: MDA for elimination of LF in West Bengal, India

Table 2. Knowledge of people about lymphatic filariasis and its elimination programme Different aspects of knowledge

Rural (n=121)

Heard about lymphatic filariasis Know at least one symptom of lymphatic filariasis Know mode of transmission of lymphatic filariasis Know about mode of prevention of lymphatic filariasis Know about availability of treatment of lymphatic filariasis Aware about filariasis elimination programme

52 21 10 5 9 27

(42.98) (17.36) (8.26) (4.13) (7.44) (22.31)

Urban (n= 45) 40 19 13 9 9 8

(88.89) (42.22) (28.88) (20) (20) (17.78)

Total (n=166) 92 40 23 14 18 35

(55.42) (24.09) (13.86) (8.43) (10.84) (21.08)

Figures in parentheses indicate percentages.

2006, coverage, compliance and effective coverage in Gujarat were reported to be 85.2, 89 and 75.8% respectively7. A study in Kerala had reported coverage of 77% and compliance of 39.6% only10. Lahariya and Mishra had reported coverage ranging from 28.8 to 67.9% in different districts and compliance of 61.3 to 77.4% in Madhya Pradesh in MDA in 200711. Babu et al12 also reported low coverage (67.1%) in Orissa. In all these studies there was wide gap between coverage and compliance. During MDA round drugs were supposed to be administered under the supervision of the health worker. In the present study, drug consumption was not supervised. This created a room for non-compliance. In the present study, important causes for non-compliance were fear of side effects and inadequate counselling. In supervised drug administration, these non-compliant persons could have been identified and adequate counselling could have been done. In Puducherry study also, in 96.57% persons drug consumption was not supervised8. Supervised drug consumption create an opportunity to increase their awareness about LF and the elimination programme. Drug distributors did not give the drugs to persons suffering from various mild diseases. This highlighted the need for proper training of the drug distributors. Drugs were well-tolerated and side effect was negligible. This low level of side effect might be due to low prevalence of the disease in the population. In the present study, awareness of the community about the disease and the programme was found to be very poor. Similar low awareness was reported by Eberhard et al13 in an endemic area in Haiti. In a study from Indonesia14, only 54% have heard the name of filariasis. Mukhopadhyay et al9 reported that in Andhra Pradesh 65.06% knew the mode of transmission of LF and 72.93% were aware about the symptoms of LF. In the present study, very few (8.43%) were aware about preventive measures and 10.84% for treatment for LF. Though 38.04% respondents were aware about MDA, only 21.08% were aware about the purpose of it, i.e. filaria elimination programme. Babu et al12 re-

ported 96% awareness about LF elimination after the MDA round. Mukhopadhyay et al9 reported 53.66% awareness about MDA in Andhra Pradesh. To improve the situation there is a need for strengthening of awareness programme involving both government health workers and community volunteers. Awareness progmommes will make the community more receptive and that will make the elimination goal a reality. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors acknowledge the financial support obtained from the Government of West Bengal for the study. REFERENCES 1.

2. 3. 4.


6. 7.


Progress report 2000–2009 and strategic plan 2010-2020 of the global progress to eliminate lymphatic lilariasis: halfway towards eliminating lymphatic filariasis. Geneva: World Health Organization 2010; p. ix. Regional Strategic Plan for elimination of lymphatic filariasis (2004–2007). New Delhi: World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia, August 2004; p. 1 International Task Force for Disease Eradication Available from: http://www.cartercenter.org/health/itfde/index.html. [accessed on September 25, 2010]. National Health Policy 2002. New Delhi: Department of Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Available from : http://fpload_b.nic.in/NRHM/documents/ National_Health_Policy_2002.pdf [accessed on 20 September 2010. Elimination of lymphatic filariaisis: Training manual on mass drug administration and morbidity management. Delhi: Directorate of National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, Government of India 2009; p. 10–2. Operational guidelines on elimination of lymphatic filariasis. Delhi: Directorate of National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, Government of India 2004; p. 3. Kumar P, Prajapati PB, Saxena D, Kavishwar AB, Kurian G. An evaluation of coverage and compliance of mass drug administration 2006 for elimination of lymphatic filariasis in endemic areas of Gujarat. Indian J Commun Med 2008; 33: 38–42. Mahalakshmy T, Kalaiselvan G, Parmar J, Dongre A. Coverage and compliance to diethylcarbamazine in relation to Filaria Pre-


J Vector Borne Dis 48, June 2011

vention Assistants in rural Puducherry, India. J Vector Borne Dis 2010; 47: 113–5. 9. Mukhopadhyay AK, Patnaik SK, Satya Babu P, Rao KNMB Knowledge on lymphatic filariasis and mass drug administration (MDA) programme in filaria endemic districts of Andhra Pradesh, India. J Vector Borne Dis 2008; 45: 73–5. 10. Aswathy S, Beteena K, Leelamoni K. Mass drug administration against filariasis in India: perceptions and practices in a rural community in Kerala. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2009: 103(7): 617–24. 11. Lahariya C, Mishra A. Strengthening of mass drug administration implementation is required to eliminate lymphatic filariasis from India: an evaluation study. J Vector Borne Dis 2008; 45: 313–20.

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Correspondence to: Dr Prasanta Ray Karmakar, C-75, Amarabati, P.O. Sodpur, Kolkata–700 110, India. E-mail: prasantarayk@gmail.com Received: 2 November 2010

Accepted in revised form: 24 February 2011