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Mar 13, 2015 - Changi Airport tops global survey again. Skytrax award important as airport aims to grow as aviation hub:
Publication: The Straits Times, P 81 Date: 13 March 2015 Headline: Changi Airport tops global survey again

Changi Airport (left) beat South Korea's lncheon Airport (right) and termany's Munich Airport (below, right), which came in second and third respective­ ly. Points were given for ease of use, ease of transfer and passenger facilities, among other indicators. PHOTOS: LIM SIN THAI, BLOOMBERG, GETTY IMAGES

Changi Airport tops global survey again Skytrax award important as airport aims to grow as aviation hub: Experts

instead of dwelling on earlier suc­ cesses, Changi "continues to inno­

time of transformation... We are undertaking a number of signifi­

tra-Asian and global flights, trav­ eller recognition is important, ex­

manpower crunch. The airport, which handled

vate and concentrate on making

cant development projects, includ­ ing Terminal 4 and Jewel Changi

perts said. Associate Professor of market­

54.1 million passengers last year,

the customer experience in the air­ port environment the most enjoya­

ing Seshan Ramaswami, from the Singapore Management Universi­ ty, said: "Winning awards consist­ ently may influence travellers to


Airport, with some works taking place amid ongoing airport opera­

participated in the Skytrax sur­ vey, which is recognised as the

Changi also bagged the best air­ port award for leisure amenities,

tions." Terminal 4, or T4, which is be­

industry's biggest exercise. Travel­

which include its music bar loung­

lers awarded points for ease of use, accessibility, ease of transfer,

es, cinemas, music deck, swim­

ing built where the Budget Termi­ nal used to be, will open in 2017,



while Jewel - a passenger ser­

which polls travellers.

passenger facilities and terminal

areas, and the transit hotels at the

vices-cum-retail structure - is

The Singapore airport beat South Korea's Incheon Airport,

comfort, among other indicators.

slated for a 2018 launch.

Mr Edward Plaisted, chief exec­

terminals. The airport's chief executive

While awards do not make or

should spur them to do even bet­

which took the silver medal, and

utive officer of London-based Sky­ trax, said at the prize-giving cere­

officer, Mr Lee Seow Hiang, said: "This recognition is particularly

ter, he said. This is important to

mony in Paris on Wednesday that,

pleasing for us, as it comes at a

break airports, they are nice to have, and for Changi, which wants to grow as a hub for in-


More than 13 million travellers

CHANGI Airport has maintained its top spot for the third year run­ ning in an annual global survey





which walked away with bronze.




Source: The Straits Times ©Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.

is expected to grow by 3 per cent to 4 per cent a year over the next two decades. This will put a strain

stop over at Changi instead of

on resources, with Changi's total passenger-handling capacity ex­ pected to be fully utilised by the

other competing airports in the region."

time TS opens in a decade. "Certainly, there will be chal­

Public recognition also lifts

lenges," said airport spokesman

staff morale and pride, which

Robin Goh, who added that Changi will continue to innovate

ensure that Changi continues to do well amid challenges such as a

and transform so that it can serve its passengers and partners well.

[email protected]