aad2018 - AAD Expo

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this exhibition space comprises shell scheme, carpeting, furniture, brochure stand, electrical connections - 1x15 AMP pl
UnloCKinG aFRiCa’s aeRospaCe and deFenCe potential


19-23 Sept 2018 City oF tsHwane | GaUtenG soUtH aFRiCa


South AfricAn compAnieS

All prices exclude VAt @ 14%

standaRd Rate Valid from: 01 march 2018 to 31 Aug 2018

eaRly BiRd disCoUnt Rate Valid from: 01 march 2017 – 28 feb 2018

spaCe only

(min 36m²)

Between 36m² and 100m² or part thereof:

R 1 574.00/m²

R 1 732.00/m²

oveR 100M²

1 for the first 100m² between 36m² and 100m²

R 1 574.00/m² R 1 732.00/m²



for the second 100m² or part thereof - the part over 100m² but below 200m²

for the remaining area over 200m²

R 1 304.00/m² R 1 434.00/m²

R 1 226.00/m² R 1 349.00/m²

doUBle stoRey stand the upper level of the stand will be subject to a charge for the area utilised including the means of access at 50% of the indoor floor space rate.

R 723.00/m²

R 795.00/m²

walK-on stand (min 12m² & max 36m²) this exhibition space comprises shell scheme, carpeting, furniture, brochure stand, electrical connections - 1x15 AMP plug, 3x150 W spot lights, fascia - incl company name and stand number. *StAnd COSt peR m2

R 2 178.00/m²

R 2 322.00/m²

CHalet A Hospitality Chalet measures

5m x 15m COveRed AReA 5m x 15m OUtSide AReA includes the structure, marques, flooring, carpets, lighting and power as well as picket fencing for the outside area. The chalet is supplied as a shell & has no interior fittings.

R 170 016.00 per chalet

R 187 018.00 per chalet

oUtdooR eXHiBits (min 12m²)

two exhibition options for the outdoor area (the static park) are offered: 1

Bare outdoor area provided without any fittings to enable you to display equipment and/or products.

R 740.00/m²


R 813.00/m²

Built outdoor area should you wish to construct a structure to present equipment or host clients.

R 1 109.00/m²

R 1 220.00/m²


up to 3 metric tons 3.1 tons to 10 tons 10.1 tons to 25 tons 25.1 tons to 40 tons 40.1 tons to 60 tons 60.1 tons and above

*peR AiRCRAft

(A1) (A2) (A3) (A4) (A5) (A6)

R 2 125.00 R 4 250.00 R 8 501.00 R 14 168.00 R 18 418.00 R 22 669.00

R 2 338.00 R 4 675.00 R 9 351.00 R 15 585.00 R 20 260.00 R 24 936.00

It is compulsory for exhibitors to enclose their aircraft and/or equipment with barriers or fencing. The above rates for aircraft are for exhibit space only & do not include landing and airport handling fees or the use of ground equipment.

wHy eXHiBit?

AAD is the biggest exhibition of its type on the African continent and has continued to grow and attract more exhibitors with each edition. There is no better time to establish your presence in Africa than to exhibit at AAD2018. If your company is involved in the design and/or manufacturing of general aviation and/or defence products, is a National or consortia designing and/or manufacturing representing general aviation and/or defence industries or any allied industry, AAD2018 will put you at the center of Africa, the world’s fastest growing market. The quality of attendees is unparalleled in Africa and the networking opportunities are endless.

oUR paRtneRs

ContaCt details eXHiBition diReCtoR

MaRKetinG & CoMMUniCations ManaGeR

Leona Redelinghuys

Nakedi Phasha

Cell: +27 84 840 3215 Email: [email protected]

adMinistRation CooRdinatoR Busisiwe Nhlanhla Cell: +27 84 840 3214 E-mail: [email protected] addRess Africa Aerospace and Defence Air Force Base Waterkloof Western Entrance 4th Street Centurion, City of Tshwane, South Africa

Cell: +27 82 544 3339 Email: [email protected]

FinanCe ManaGeR Portia Ngobeni Cell: +27 72 567 6095 Email: [email protected]