Page 2 of 18. Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 2. ABHINAY MATHS CLASSES. mathswithabhinay. com. Profit & Loss. 1
On selling an article for Rs. 1470 a man gets profit of 22.5%. Find the cost price of the aricle.
fdl hoLrqdks1470 #-esacspusi j 22.5% dkykHkgksrk gS AoLrqdk Ø; ew Y; Kkr djksA 2.
fdl h oLrqdks820 #- esacspusi j t ksgkfu gksrh gS av kS j oLrqdksml 950 #- esacpusi j t ksykHkgksrkgS Aml dk v uq i kr 7 : 6 gS AoLrqdk Ø; ew Y; Kkr djsa A
On selling an article for Rs. 155 a man bears 2 3
10. The ratio of cost price and selling price is 5 : 4, the loss percent is :
m at hs wi th ab hi na y.c om
loss of 16 % . Find the cost price of article. 2 3
fdl hoLrqdks155 #- esacspusi j 16 % dhgkfu gksrh
ykxr ew Y; rFkk fo-ew - dk v uq i kr 5 %4 gS ] rksi zfr' kr gkfu Kkr djsa A
gS AoLrqdk Ø; ew Y; Kkr djksA 3.
In selling an article for Rs. 76, there is a profit of 52%. If it is sold for Rs. 75, the profit percent will be
76 #- esa, d oLrqdkscspusi j 52» ykHkgksrkgS A; fn bl oLrqdk 75 #i ; sesacspk t k; s] rksi zfr' kr ykHk Kkr djsa A 4.
If books bought at price from Rs. 150 to Rs. 300 are sold at prices ranging from Rs. 250 to Rs. 350. What is the greatest possible profit that can made in selling 15 books?
Loss incurred by selling an article for Rs 600 is equal to profit gained by selling same article for Rs 1000 Find the cost price of this article?
If selling price of an article is
8 times of its cost 5
price, the profit percent on it is:
; fn fdl hoLrqdkfo-ew - ml dsykxr ew Y; dk
8 5
xq . kk
gS ] rksi zfr' kr ykHk Kkr djsa A
12. Selling price of 25 articles is equal to cost price
150 # l s300 # dschp dsew Y; ksai j fdrkcsa[ kjhnh t krhgSv kS j 250 # l s350 # dschp dsew Y; ksai j mUgsa cspkt krkgS ] rks15 fdrkcksadkscspusi j v fèkdre ykHk 13. D; k gksxk\ 5.
Ratio of Loss incurred by selling an article for Rs 820 and profit gained by selling same article for Rs 950 is 7 : 6. Find the cost price of this article?
of 20 articles. Find profit/loss %.
25 oLrqdk foØ; ew Y; 20 oLrqdsØ; ew Y; dscjkcj
gS ] ykHk ; k gkfu i zfr' kr Kkr djksA
Selling price of 33 articles is equal to cost price of 44 articles. Find profit/loss %. 33 oLrqdk foØ; ew Y; , 44 dh Ø; ew Y; dscjkcj gS A ykHk ; k gkfu i zfr' kr Kkr djks?
fdl h oLrqdks600 #- ea scspusi j t ksgkfu gksrh gS aml s 14. If the total cost of 73 articles having equal cost 1000 : - ea scspusi j mrukghykHkgksrkgS AoLrqdkØ; is Rs 5, 110 and the total selling price of 89 such articles is Rs 5, 607, then in the transacew Y; Kkr djsa A 6.
Loss incurred by selling an article for Rs 550 is equal to half of the profit gained by selling same article for Rs 850 Find the cost price of this article?
tion, there will be
; fn l eku ew Y; okyh73 oLrq v ksadkdq y &ew Y; #- 5110 rFkk , slh 89 oLrq v ksadk dq y foØ; &ew Y; #- 5607 gks] rksl kS nsesagksxkA
fdl h oLrqdks550 #- esacspusi j t ksgkfu gksrh gS aoks 15. On selling 23 articles a person gains profit equal 850 #- es acspusi j gq ; sykHk dk v k/ k gS AoLrqdk Ø; to selling price of 3 articles. Find profit %. ew Y; Kkr djsa A 23 oLrqdkscs pusi j 3 oLrqdh foØ; ew Y; dscjkcj The profit earned when an article is sold for Rs. ykHkgksrk gS AykHk i zfr' kr Kkr djksA 800 is 20 times the loss incurred when it is sold for Rs. 275. At what price should the article be sold if it is desired to make a profit of 25%.
16. On selling 25 articles a person incurred loss
equal to cost price of 5 articles. Find profit/loss.
25 oLrqdkscs pusi j 5 OkLrqdhØ; ew Y; dscjkcj gkfu , d oLrqdks800 #i ; sesacspusi j gq v k ykHk ml oLrq gksrk gS AykHk ; k gkfu Kkr djksA dks275 #i ; sesacspusi j gq ; h gkfu dk 20 xq uk gS A25 17. On selling 17 articles for Rs 720 a person ini zfr' kr ykHkdekusdsfy, oLrqdksfdl dher i j cspk curred loss equal to cost price of 5 articles. Find t k; A s the C.P. of each article ? 8. Loss incurred by selling an article for Rs 800 is 17 oLrqdks720 #- es acspusi j 5 OkLrqdhØ; ew Y; ds 23% more than profit gained by selling same cjkcj gkfu gksrh gS Ai zR;sd OkLrqdk Ø; ew Y; D; k gksxk?
article for Rs 1246 Find the cost price of this article?
18. Cost price of 19 articles is Rs 625. By selling these articles A person incurred loss equal to fdl h oLrqdks800 #- ea scspusi j t ksgkfu gksrh gS aog selling price of 6 articles. Find the selling price 1246 #- es acspusi j gq v kykHkl s23» T; knkgS AoLrqdk of each article.
Ø; ew Y; Kkr djsa A
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136
ABHINAY MATHS CLASSES 19 oLrqdks625 #- es a[ kjhnk x; kAbUgsacspusi j 6 oLrq 26. A fruit merchant bought some oranges at the rate
dh foØ; ew Y; dscjkcj gkfu gq bZ A i zR;sd OkLrqdk foØ; ew Y; D; k gS?
,d iQ y foØsrk#- 10 esa4 dhnj i j dq Nl a r js[ kjhnrk gSv kS j #- 10 esa5 dhnj i j mrusghl a r jsv kS j [ kjhnrk gS Aog #- 20 esa9 dh nj i j l kjscsprk gS Aml sfdrus i zfr' kr gkfu ; k ykHk gq v k\ 27. A person bought some article at rate of 6 for Rs
20 and bought same number of articles at the rate of 8 for Rs 25. And sold all the stock at the rate of 8 for Rs 31. Find the profit or loss% ?
m at hs wi th ab hi na y.c om
19. The cost price of 16 apples is equal to the selling price of 10 apples. The cost price of 12 oranges is equal to the selling price of 16 oranges and the cost price of 6 mangoes is equal to the selling price of 4 mangoes. If the ratio of the cost price of 1 apple, 1 orange and 1 mango is in the ratio of 1 : 1: 2, then find the net profit percent on the sale of 1 apple, 2 oranges and 2 mangoes.
of 4 for Rs 10 and same amount of oranges at the rate of 5 for Rs 10 . If he sells whole stock at the rate of 9 for Rs 20. Find his profit /loss %.
20 Rs es a6 dsfgl kc l sdq N oLrq[ kjhnhA25 Rs esa8ds ; fn 16 l sc dkØ; ew Y; 10 l sc dsfoØ; ew Y; ] 12 l a r js fgl kc l smrusghoLrq[ kjhnhsv kS j 31 Rs esa8 dsfgl kc dkØ; ew Y; 16 l a r jsdsfoØ; ew Y; , oa6 v ke dkØ; l s cs p nh A yk H k i f z r' k r Kk r dh ft ,\ ew Y; 4 v ke dsfoØ; ew Y; dscjkcj gksAv kS j , d l sc] ,d l a r jsrFkk , d v ke dk v uq i kr 1 : 1 : 2 gksrks, d 28. A person bought some article at rate of 6 for Rs 20 and bought double number of articles at the rate l sc] nksl a r jsrFkknksv ke cspusi j gq , dq y ykHki zfr' kr of 8 for Rs 26. And sold all the stock at the rate of Kkr djsa \ 20. A person bought some articles at rate of 11 for
Rs 10 and sold them at the rate of 10 for Rs 11 Find the profit/loss %.
10 : - ds11 dhnj l sdq N oLrq[ kjhnhx; hv kS j 11 : -
esa10 dsfgl kc l scsp nhAykHk@ gkfui zfr' kr Kkr dhft , \
21. A person bought some articles at rate of 6 for
Rs 5 and sold them at the rate of 5 for Rs 6. Find the profit or loss %.
: - 5 ds6 dsfgl kc l sdq N oLrq[ kjhnhv kS j 6 : - esa5 dsfgl kc l scsp nhAykHk@ gkfu Kkr dhft , \ 22. A person bought some caps at rate of 60 for Rs
93 and sold them at the rate of 50 for Rs 93.Find the profit or loss %. 93 Rs es a60 dsfgl kc l sVksfi ; ksa[ kjhnhxbZ Av kS j 93 Rs
esa50 dsfgl kc l smUgsacsp fn; kAykHk@ gkfu i zfr' kr Kkr dhft , \
23. A person bought some caps at rate of 27 for Rs
102 and sold them at the rate of 8 for Rs 34. Find the profit or loss %.
102 Rs es a27 dsfgl kc l sVksfi ; ka[ kjhnhxbZ Av kS j 34 Rs
esa8 dsfgl kc rksykHk@ gkfu i zfr' kr Kkr dhft , \
24. A person bought some article at rate of 36 for
Rs 189 and sold them at the rate of 45 for Rs 189. Find the profit or loss %.
189 Rs. es a36 dsfgl kc l sdq N oLrq[ kjhnhA189 Rs. esa45 dsfgl kc l scsp fn; kArksykHk@ gkfu i zfr' kr Kkr
dhft , \
25. A person bought some article at rate of 11 for Rs
10 and bought same number of articles at the rate of 9 for Rs 10. And sold all the stock at the rate of 1 for Rs 1. Find the profit or loss %.
dq N VkW iQ h10 Rs esa11 dsfgl kc l s[ kjhnhxbZ Amruhgh VkW fi Q ; k¡10 Rs esa9 dsfgl kc l s[ kjhnhxbZ Ai w j sHka Mkj dks 1 Rs/ VkW iQ h dsfgl kc l scsp fn; kA ykHk@ gkfu i zfr' kr Kkr dhft , \
24 for Rs 118. Find the profit or loss% ?
20 Rs. es a6 dsnj l sdq N oLrq[ kjhnhsv kS j 26 Rs. esa8
ds fgl kc l s ml l s nksxq uh oLrq [ kjhnhs A nksuksadks feykdj 118 Rs ea s24 dsfgl kc l scsp fn; kx; kAykHk @ gkfu i zfr' kr Kkr dhft , \
29. A person bought 16 articles for Rs 25 and sold
5 articles for Rs 12 so overall he gains Rs 134. Find the number of articles he bought? 25 Rs ds16 oLrq[ kjhnhv kS j 12 Rs dh5 oLrqcsphx; h dq y 134 Rs dk i Q k; nk gq v kAfdruh oLrq [ kjhnh x; h\
30. A person bought 4 articles for Rs 15 and sold 6
articles for 25 Rs over all he gains Rs 25. Find the number of articles he bought? 15 Rs ds4 dsfgl kc oLrq[ kjhnh v kS j 25 Rs ds6 ds fgl kc l scsp nhAdq y 25 Rs. dki Q k; nkgq v kAoLrqdh
la [ ; k Kkr djsa \
31. A man purchased a box full of pencils at the rate of 7 for Rs. 9 and sold all of them at the rate of 8 for Rs. 12. In this transaction, he gained Rs. 10. How many pencils did did the box contian?
, d v kneh i su l sHkjk gq v k cDl k 9 #i ; sds7 dh nj l s[ kjhnrk gSv kS j 8 #i ; sds11 dsnj l scsp dj 10 #i ; sdkykHkdekrkgS AcDl sesai su dhl a [ ; kKkr djsa \
32. A boy buys oranges at the rate of 3 for Rs. 2 and sells them at a rupee each. How many oranges must he sell to make a profit of Rs 10?
, d v knehnks#i ; sds3 l a r js[ kjhnrkgSv kjS1 #i ; sesa 1la r jk csprk gSdq y 10 #i ; sdk ykHk dekusdsfy, ml sfdrusl a r jscspusagksxa s\
33. I bought some oranges at the rate of 4 for Rs 1. 1 with my self and sold remaining at the 5 rate of 3 for Rs 1 and earn profit of Rs 1. Find the number of oranges I bought ?
I kept
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136
ABHINAY MATHS CLASSES eS usdq a Nl a r js, d #i ; sesa4 dsHkko l s[ kjhnsAml esal s nksoLr qd ksØe' k% i k¡pok¡ Hkkx eS usv i usi kl j[ k fy; k rFkk ' ks"k dks1 #a I st x % ykHk i j esa3 dsHkko l scsp fn; k v kS j eq >s1 #- dk ykHk gq v kA II nd x % gkfu i j eS usfdrusl a a r js[ kjhns\ (1) ; fn Ø; ew Y; l keku gks u ykHk u gkfu 34. A person bought some article at rate of 5 for Rs 1 and bought same number of articles at the rate of 4 for Rs 1. And sold all the stock at the rate of 9 for Rs 2.Total loss is 3 rupees.Find the number of articles he bought?
; fn foØ; ew Y; l keku gks rksdq y
x2 % gkfu gks xh 100
41. Two articles were sold for Rs 1199 each. First
was sold at 15% loss and second at 15% profit. Find over all profit or loss.
m at hs wi th ab hi na y.c om
1 #- es a5 dsfgl kc l sdq N oLrq[ kjhnhmrusghoLrq1 #- esa4 dsfgl kc l s[ kjhnhAnksuksadksfeykdj 2 #- esa9 dsfgl kc l scsp fn; k rks3 #- dh gkfu gq bZ AoLrq dh
la [ ; k Kkr djsa \
nksoLrqdks1199 #- i zR;sd dsfgl kc l scspk t krk gS A i gysdks15% gkfu rFkk nw l jsdks15% ykHki j cspk x; kAykHk@ gkfu i zfr' kr Kkr dhft , \
35. On selling 80 articles for Rs 140 a person in-
42. Two horses were sold for Rs 1920 each. First
curred a loss of 30%. How many articles he should sell for Rs 104 to earn profit of 30%.
was sold at 20% loss and second at 20% profit. Find over all profit or loss.
140 #- ds80 oLrqdkscs pusi j 30% gkfu gksrhgS A104
nks?kksM+ s1920 #-i zR;sd dsfgl kc l scspkt krkgS A, d dks 20% ykHkrFkknw l jsdks20% gkfu i j cspkt krkgS A dq y fdrus#i ; s dk ykHk ; k gkfu gq v k\
#- esafdruh oLrq cspst k; safd 30» dk ykHkgks\
36. On selling 70 articles for Rs 160 a person in-
curred loss of 20%. How many articles he should sell for Rs 96 to earn profit of 20%.
160 #- es a70 oLrqcspusi j 20% dh gkfu gksrk gS A96 #- esafdrusoLrq csa psfd 20% dk i Q k; nk gks\
37. A person bought 7 apples for Rs 3. At what price his should sell 100 apples to get the profit of 33%. 3 #- ds7 l s c [ kjhnsA100 l sc fdrusesacsa psfd 33» dk
iQ k; nk gks\
38. A person bought 9 articles for Rs 5. At what price his should sell 100 articles to get the profit of 8%. 5 #- ds9 oLrq[ kjhnhA100 oLrq fdruses scspsfd 8% a
dk i Q k; nk gks\
43. Ram and Nikhil both are dealers of Boeing helicopter. The price of boeing helicopter is Rs. 28000. Ram gives a discount of 10% on the whole, while Nikhil gives a discount of 12% on first Rs 20000 and 8% on the rest Rs. 8000. What is the difference between their selling prices?
jke v kS j fuf[ ky nksuksacksb± x gsfydksIVj ds foØsrk gS A a cksb± x gsfydksIVj dk ew Y; 28000 #- gS A jke l kS nsi j 10% Nw V nsrkgS At cfd fuf[ ky i zFke 20000 #- 12% Nw V nsrk gSrFkk 8000 #- i j 8% Nw V nsrk gS Anksuksads foØ; ew Y; esafdruk v Urj gksxk\
44. A milkman purchases the milk aid Rs x per liter
39. After selling 4 article for Rs 1 a person incurred loss of 4 % if he had sold 3 article for Rs 1 his profit would be?
1 #- esa4 oLrq , acsp dj , d v kneh dks4» gkfu gksrh gS A; fn ml us, d #i , esarhu oLrq , acsph gksrh] rksml s ykHk gksrk\ 40. By selling oranges at 32 a rupee, a man loses 40%. How many for a rupee should he sell in order to gain 20% ?
#- 1 ds32 l a r jscspusi j , d O;fDr dks40» dhgkfu gksrhgS ] #- 1 dsfdrusl a r jscspsdh ml s20» dk ykHk gksA Two article are sold at
and sells it at Rs x per liter and still he mixes 2 liter water with every 6 liter of pure milk. What is the profit percentage? , d nw èk okyk x #- i zfr yhVj dhnj l snw èk [ kjhnrk gS A rFkk i zR;sd 6 yhVj nw èk esa2 yhVj i kuh feykusdsckn og feJ. k dks2x #- i zfr yhVj dh nj l scsprk gS A
ml dk ykHkk i zfr' kr Kkr dhft , A
45. A house and a shop were sold for Rs. 1 lakh each, In this transaction, the house sale resulted into 20% loss whereas the shop sale into 20% profit. The entire transaction resulted in :
, d ?kj rFkk, d nq d ku] i zR;sd dks1 yk[ kesacspkx; kA edku i j 20» dhgkfu gq bZrFkknq d ku i j 20» dkykHk gq v k] rksi w j sl kS nsdk i fj. kke D; k jgkA
46. Two horses were sold at Rs 1599 each. First
Ist x% profit
was sold at 25% profit and second at 20% loss. Find the over all profit or loss %.
IInd x% loss (1)
If C.P. is same overall no profit no loss
If S.P. is same overall
x2 % loss 100
nks?kksM+ s1599 #- dsi zR;sd cS pst krsgS Ai gys?kksMs+dks a 25% ykHki j cs pkgSrFkknw l jsdks20% gkfu i j cspkgks rksdq y feykdj gq , ykHk ; k gkfu dk i zfr' kr Kkr djksA
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136
ABHINAY MATHS CLASSES 47. Two horses were sold at Rs 2380 each. First
1 2
, d v kneh , d Vscy i j 12 % ykHk v kS j dq l hZdks
was sold at 20% profit and second at 25% loss. Find the over all profit or loss %.
1 8 % gkfu i j 3
nks?kksM+ s2380 #- dsi zR;sd cS pst krsgS a Ai gys?kksMs+dks20% ykHk i j cspk gSrFkk nw l jsdks25% gkfu i j cspk gksrks dq y feykdj gq , ykHk ; k gkfu dk i zfr' kr Kkr djksA
csprkgSrksml sdq y 25 #i ; sdki Q k; nk 1 3
gksrk gS; fn oksVscy dks 8 % gkfu i j csprk v kS j
48. Two horses were sold at Rs 1710. First was sold at
1 2
10% loss and second at 25% profit. If the cost price of first horse is equal to selling price of second horse. Find the over all profit or loss in rupees.
dq l hZdks12 % ykHki j csprkrksml su gkfu gksrhu ykHk Vscy dk Ø; ew Y; Kkr djsa \
m at hs wi th ab hi na y.c om
nks?kksM+ s1710 #- dscS pst krsgS Ai gys?kksMs+dk Ø; ew a Y; 53. A man buys two chairs for a total cost of Rs nw l js?kksM+ sdsfoØ; ew Y; dscjkcj gS; fn i gys?kksM+ sdks 4 900. By selling one for th of its cost and the 10% gkfu i j cs pk gSrFkk nw l jsdks25% ykHki j cspk gS 5 rksdq y feykdj gq , ykHk ; k gkfu dk fdrus#- gksxhA
5 th of its cost, he makes a profit of 4 Rs 90 on the whole transaction. The cost of the lower priced chair is.
49. Two horses were bought at Rs 1600. First was
other for
sold at 10% profit and second at 20% profit. If first were sold at 20% profit and second at 10% profit he would get Rs 5 more. Find the difference between the cost price of both the horses.
, d v knehnksdq fl Z ; kadq y #- 9000 dhykxr esa[ kjhnrk
nks?kksM+ s1600 #- ds[ kjhnsx; sAi gys?kksMs+dks10% ykHk i j csp fn; krFkknw l jsdks20% ykHk i j csp fn; kA; fn ml usi gysdks20% ykHkv kS j nw l jsdks10% ykHk i j cspk gksrk rks5 #- T; knk feyrsAnksuksa?kksM+ ksdsØ; ew Y; dk v Urj Kkr djsa A 50. A wrist watch and clock were bought at Rs 390.
On selling wrist watch at 10% profit and clock at 15% profit a person gains Rs 51.5. Find the difference between cost price of both the watches.
gS A, d dksml dhykxr ds ykxr ds
4 i j v kS j nw l jhdksml dh 5
5 i j cspdj ml sdq y feykdj bl ysu&nsu esa 4
#- 90 dkykHkgksrkgSAde nke okyhdq l hZdhykxr gS \
54. A person bought 2 fans for Rs 2160. After selling first fan at 15% profit and second at 9% loss he neither gains nor looses . Find C.P. of each fan?
, d v kneh 2]160 #- esanksi a [ ks[ kjhnrk gS A, d i a [ kk 15» dsykHk i j vkS j nw l jk9» dhgkfu i j csp dj ml si w js l kS nsesau ykHkgksrkgSu gkfu Agj i a [ ksdkØ; ew Y; gS(#- esa )
, d dykbZ?kM+ h rFkk , d nhokj ?kM+ h 390 #- esa[ kjhnh t krh gS A; fn dykbZ?kM+ h dks10% ykHk i j rFkk nhokj ?kM+ hdks15% ykHk i j cspsrks51.5 #- dk ykHk gksrk gS A 55. A person bought a horse and a vehicle for Rs 40,000 he sold horse at 10% profit and vhicle at nksuka s?kM+ h dsØ; ew Y; dk v Urj Kkr djsa A
5% loss on whole transection he got profit of 1% . Find C.P. of horse?
51. A person bought two horses at the rate of Rs
40000 each. If he gains 15% profit on selling cost on first horse and sold second horse at loss and bears over all loss of Rs 3600. Find S.P. of second horse.
, d v knehus, d ?kksM+ kv kS j , d okgu 40]000 esa[ kjhnsAml us ?kksM+ k10» dsykHki j csp fn; kvkS j okgu 5» dhgkfu i j dq y l kS nsi j ml s1» dkykHkgq v kA?kksM+ sdk Ø; ew Y; Fkk\
, d v knehus2 ?kksM+ s] 40000 #- i zR;sd dhnj l s[ kjhnsA 56. A farmer sold a cow and a calf for Rs 760 and got a profit of 10% on the cow and 25% on the calf. If he i gys?kksM+ si j 15% dkykHkdek; krFkknw l jket cw j hesa sells the cow and the calf for Rs 767.50 and gets a gkfu i j cspuk i M+ kAdq y 3600 #- dh gkfu gq bZ Arksnw l js profit of 25% on the cow and 10% on the calf, find ?kksM+ sdk foØ; ew Y; Kkr djsa? 52.
the individual cost price of the cow and the calf.
1 A person sells his table at a profit of 12 % 2
, d fdl ku , d xk; v kS j cNM+ sdks760 #i ; sesacsprk gSv kS j xk; i j 10» i j , oacNM+ si j 25» ykHkdekrk gS; fn og mUgsa767-5 #i ; sesacsprk rksxk; i j 25» v kS j cNM+ si j 10» ykHk dekrkA xk; v kjS cNM+ sdk v yx&v yx Ø; ew Y; Kkr djsa A
1 and the chair at a loss of 8 % but on the whole 3 he gains Rs 25. On the other hand if he sells 1 the table at a loss of 8 % and the chair at a 3 1 profit of 12 % then he neither gains nor loses. 2 Find the cost price of the table.
If I sell a horse for Rs 6200 and a cow for Rs 2600 i will earn 10% profit. If I sell a horse for 1 Rs 6000 and a cow at its C.P. and earn 12 % 2 profit. Find C.P. of each?
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136
ABHINAY MATHS CLASSES ; fn eS a, d ?kksM+ k6200 #- ea sv kS j , d xk; 2600 #- esa csprk gw ¡rksnksuksadh ykxr i j 10% dekrk gw ¡A; fn eS a ?kksMk+dks6000 #- esav kS j xk; dksml dsØ; ew Y; i j
of both is same and differences of both the profit is Rs 85 then find the S.P. ?
nksO;ki kjh gS A , d v i uk ykHk Ø; ew Y; i j rFkk nw l jk foØ; ew Y; i j fudkyrk gS; fn nksuksa20» ykHkdk nkok djrsgS A; fn nksuksadkfoØ; ew Y; l eku gksrFkknksuksads ykHk dk v a r j 85 #- gS ArksfoØ; ew Y; Kkr djsa \
1 2
csprk gw ¡ rkseq >s12 % dk ykHk gksrk gS Ai zR;sd dh ew y ykxr ; k Ø; ew Y; D; k gS \
64. A person sells T.V. at 20% profit. If he gets profit
58. I get profit of 10% on selling a horse for Rs 3100 and a buffalo for Rs 1300 . I incur loss of 10% if I sell horse for Rs 3150 and a buffalo at its C.P. . Find the difference of C.P. of horse and buffalo.
equal to 20% S.P. then he would gain (3% of C.P. + 83 Rs) more. Find C.P. of T.V.?
m at hs wi th ab hi na y.c om
, d T.V. dks20» ykHki j cspkt krkgS A; fn foØ; ew Y; i j 20% dkykHkgq v kgksrkrksProfit (Ø; ew Y; dk3% + 83 Rs) gks r k] oLrqdk Ø; ew Y; Kkr djsa \
; fn eS a, d ?kksM+ k3100 #i ; sesarFkk, d HkS a l 1300 #i ; sesa cspwrkseq >s10» dkykHkgksrkgS Aysfdu ; fn eS?kksM+ k3150 65. A person sells T.V. at 25% profit. If he gets profit #i ; sesarFkkHkS a l Ø; ew w Y; i j ghcspwrkseq >s10» dhgkfu equal to 25% S.P. then he would gain (5% of gksrhgS?kksM+ k rFkk HkS a l dsØ; ew Y; ksaesaD; k v U rj gS A C.P. + 80 Rs) more. Find C.P. of T.V.? , d v kneh , d T.V. dks25» ykHk i j csprk gS A ; fn 59. A person ordered 4 shirts of brand A and some ml dksbl T.V. i j foØ; ew Y; ds25» dscjkcj ykHk shirts of brand B. The price of one shirt of brand A was twice that of brand B. When the order was exgq v k gksrk rksml s(Ø; ew Y; dk 5% + 80 Rs.) T; knk ecuted, it was found that the number of the two brands feyrsrksml T.V. dk Ø; ew Y; D; k gS \ has been interchanged. This increased the bill by 40%. 66. An article was sold at 10% profit. Had it been The ratio of the number of brand A shirts to that of purchased at 5% less and sold at Rs 110 less brand B shirts in the original order was there would have been profit of 10%. Find C.P. of article? , d O;fDr czk¡M A ds4 deht v kS j czk¡M B dsdq N , d oLrqdks10» ykHk i j cspk t krk gS A; fn ml s5» deht nq d ku l se¡xokrkgS Aczk¡MA dsi zR;sd deht dk de esa[ kjhnkx; kgksrkv kS j 110 #- de esacspkx; kgskrk ew Y; czk¡MB dsi zR;sd deht dsew Y; dknq xq uk gS At c
rks10» ykHk gksrkAoLrqdk Ø; ew Y; Kkr djsa \ deht s?kj v k; hrks; si k; kx; kfd nksuksaczk¡Mksdsdeht ks 67. An article was sold at 15% profit. Had it been dh l a [ ; k v ki l esacny xbZgS Ai fj. kkeLo: i ] deht ksa purchased at 5% more and sold at Rs 6 more there dh l a [ ; k v ki l esacny xbZgS Ai fj. kkeLo: i ] deht ks would have been profit of 10%. Find C.P. of article? dhdq y dher 40» c