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- v-'..'1uacl..ed r:ffices" sub*rriinate n*]w*.
4. I
. lS iind abily*
-t Cahiil,-^-
p*sfs; Supernurrrerary, The fbllt-rl'in::principlesshnnldir* *bssrvcd ri4ril*erciitingsupernunlsrflnpr)stri:
a' The supernutnersr]'' pcstsar* r:r*al*d {1the i?urpfi$**f acsommod*tingthe lien sf * Govemment serYanin'h*. th*ugh snlitled t* tr$fu1* iir:n agains: lht regular -ry---r posr, cannotbe sn accanrmodnt*ri hseau*ecf,non*nvailahi;ig,*l-sucir a p*st. b' The sdpernu:?erary'p$st is * shad*w p*st i.e. n* dutl*s {*r* aaaehedta s**}: e p*st" The supernrmsral"}' p*st is creatsd fbr a defi*its sni: fixed perirxS. $ince" a supemumeratyposf is rrs*{nd lbr ncccmmodating an nllicsr till hc;* ug**u[o: * u regularposr, ir shourdnot b{: cr*ated f*r an indefitiir* p*rin,r. c' Tte supernumerary-postis perxr:nalt* rhe slJlcer fnrlhcm it is createdanelno nther officer can be appointedaglrinstsucha pCIst.It smnds *totirl**d as $oonas rfue*ifi*er for whom il rt'as created1'acalesit *n acconnl {}f retirement or is acc*mm**xted in anotherregular post- ln *Iher rv*rds, na *fliciatixg an-&:Isemsn1s can b* rnade-against sucha p*sl. d" Adminittrative aurhoritiesshould m*intain a reccrd *f the superlnmerff{rpsstsrthe pa*icul*rs of the individuals ivh* hold liens againsi rt",.* and rhe iicr**lu* ab*lition of nuch pusts as anclwhen the hokler oiir,* lro*t* r*tire cr sre abs*rhed in regularp,:rr'r$n*ntposts,far the purp*se *f veriiicati*n r:f seflricefu, ;;;;;.5.1 llecrucrl Abnlitirn &. Revival of po*txl &' AII p*sts, except n*u'ly *real*rt post*, kepl in ab*1'ance*r remaining v&*sni frlr {i peri*cl $f mpre than ? years in any Ministryi n*pun**ntl Atr*s.h*.d*f{j*el 'lub*rdinate ofllce/ statafary b*dy, x;*uld b* efinsider:ed .deemed ss ah*lished, unrexsan exempticnhsslle*n given at the time *f senctioning the post. b' A p*xt *,j]|t_:f categ-ory of 'deemedab*tished'*nnnor tre fillett up pri* ro lhe *btaining irs' re'ivaI fronr Dep*rtmentaf Expenditure. c' Statutot3p$sl$'the namea$d level/ pay scaleal'**irh is specifi*allypr*vide*lfar in an Act of Farliament, sre sxempt*d fio* f*lling in th* categoi3."*f ,decmed aholirh*.d' on ren:ainins v$cflrlt lirr a peri*d af'nr*rf thsn y*uri, ? *nry ,# porr* mentionedin $tatute may be ca*sider*d $ratuf*ry, nnt their rupport srafi. d' N*wl1'nrea(ed p*sts {p*s{s which hrve beensan*tia**d rec*r:tiy by Departmentof ExpenditurelCnbinet),it*ieh d* not have Rns rv*uld fhll under'th* i,ui*g;,y oi 'd*em*rl ahalished'ailer;r period of 3 yearsfism tl:s dnte nf crsatian unles*it is clarified that this relaxation*'ould ni:t 6e applicabl*tp thaxe newly .o*l*u po*, r.vhichhaveexistingRRs. e' Revival *f po*ts wauld bt cqrlsidsrsdin rareand u**voidsbl* rin:umstnn*escnly. t Fr*po*tls fur revival af, p**ts may be reftr*d ro th!* Fepartrrent *n file, *l*ng witir the prestribed the*kiist issuedby this Deparrrn*xt {Ann*xure - IIi" $q:nrare ch**klist rnay be prepar*d f,ar.e*ch po$. p;*pssars r*c*ived rvi:hout $r*p*, ehe*kli*t lq*uld nat br: c**sider*cl" 5'2
All'i!{iniritrie# I}epacmelts..maysuhmit t* this Depxrtment,wirhin j moRths-a'r TakenJt*pfirt regardingabotition *f pcsrs which are vacsnt for more th"n S yeao ln **nio: the Ministr$ Der];tfiffent and organiaati*nsundertheir adn:inistraiive contnrl. purtt",o.*irir*
ref,erringfin-v pr*prlsar fi:r, *ruatif),"*/rer,irryrnf p*sts tp this llepartmexf_Ministris# uepanments mavenclcse n certific*t*that;lil.pcsrs ri***, tr*i, uiirinistratio*ccnt*r. yflcanl lor morethan5 yearson rhe *-i-.*-r-"i-!'rh* propnrnr.har.*ireenab*iished. "l"hecontliti*nc fsr deemerlab*riri*narepr*vided in theR:ilou,ingtabre: S.Nn
Sxistingp.n;rt trelUifiGyanffincanr Igllllorc than? vcar]
P*st Live foi Ft:s{is geernerta[riiished
llewll,CieqreAEog-EilTx i;
pcsilacffiETT Exisring 6"1
postmav lslboT[mmm
Crrnfinnation of po**:
-{ pnlq wourd be- S.nfderrd -*i*rlolr$lio, suhjecf r* conrinuafisn schemdpmje$ rbr wlkh' of rfta *;'*J;;# i-i*rry $epartmenr above af Ex*snditure ;s r*vrr-posx. ;*ff;;*l gr:orrtr3neri;;;s;grv,i1o p"i"prr,rpiup**r r apprcv*r {fixp'}'sesr*rarv ur&ilrug rnrr,!#;il;;nrwricn ofse*r**ry rev*l
il .a'tu*.'-iv,r" ;#**edh{inirrryr ffi:*i:HJ#"Ii#ffi ,,*p*i**nt ,X"1ffiffiS-2
{ldlmrrpfo-* r,.$r*^::&r CompetrntAuthariry {brcsntinuafionof pcstsis as follsws:
Sofi{se' Co$ass p;rrovalofpir{ 7.
Trsnskr of Fssts:
A postsanctionedlor a specificpurpo$e in anorganization anofher purpose rnaynot bediverred at thesame. for o, ciff"r*niro'rioo. c"o* oFruili*lr,aiurr.ion/ adju*nrenr postswourdamountto creation of of-nr-ri"noJy;*,simurraneous prnr approval abo of existingpostand *f Deparknent of Expendiil rsrequired r*, ** *u*lTion 8'
This ixsueswith theappr*v*r
sf FinanceMinisr*r.
1'l \/
Depug$**rrreqy{S.CJj Tet# ?309ZT6i
Ts, t"
secretaries of at Minisrrie#Departmen$ ofGovemmentof India Financial Advisersafatl MinistrievDepartmenh sf covernmeflr of India
(hFrklist for Creationof posts
i Detailsof post
postesistswi*;*;ffi i Doestiil. pay
ilg." ggtlc$psrTg,mglggggln lneilsenceoitG eost [ssentiaIand_nl*ngg gggl!*iit,onof the porr lrnmediatelower{feeder}port in tGt,i*rrncty lmmediatehigher{promati*nat}port inJG hG.arct v Wcrkload,"oj rhe psst {.€xtractof Sll"tstudv,if ;nyi
DR/DeputatianlPru:rnotion {a}Sanctioned )Vacant{wirhdare} {a}Sanctianed {b} Vacant{withdate {ai Sanctioned blVacant{withdate
Po:sibility af out$ourei nglcontr"ii/*O*etov***
FinanliaI .in-1p|i.eatio.n and {both rucu.ring,
-M*tchingSavings posii *i* pay"on-rec{r {Specific scalesi {F&m*y rrrf.fy filof pcsfs orerivesnd not surre*dered Yqfljqr ar f eqgff# qf gq"ltby glllfar alo/irianJ Wheth*ranyNormse,xist fsi th- pr@ pf the*Norms rnaybe prrvided. nizatian 0etailg
fllife af the organizati*n $tatusaf *rganiaati*n {nfinis"{ryiDepartnnet V Autano::*usl AttactredlSubcrdinatel D*taifedsanctionedstrength t.'@ qralg,ild.yeg qy f ryi1hd;rg of vacancyl Whetherthe org*ni:atisnhasb*e;;;di;d by stul lySU. lf sa,details
Sny.glleryet*v"ntin?oilitj oi*'
Certificatellt is certifie;
ye;rs, havebeen abolished Conrsrre*ceaf Fin*ncialAduissr
Concurrenceof Sacre*ary
\. t I
Cheqktsttor Revivalqt P,qpls
S.No.: ?articulars i 1 i lrlameof the crganizatian
Nameof the pcst PayScafeof the pcst 4
I 10
LZ t {
DatesfVacan{v Msde of recruitmentof the p*st {enclcsecapyaf RRs} DR/Feputation/Promotisn No.of postsin the gradeof pastproposedto be {a}Sanctioned revived {b}Vacant{withdate} Sutiesand resp*nsibilities*f the,post Functionaljustificatinn f