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cushioning materials, collected editions, art books, picture books, company .... every aspect of society, including town, home and business. 10. Kyodo Printing ...

Working with You to Create the Next “NOW” Making products that fulfill tomorrow’s dreams and capture the imagination, in partnership with our customers. Sharing the hardships and joys along the way… So you’ll say, “I’m glad we chose Kyodo Printing.” At Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd., we always welcome a challenge. It’s a spirit backed by the information processing technologies we’ve developed through the years and our open-minded approach to new ideas.



P. 3

Business Fields

P. 5

Project Development Branch

P. 6

Publications and Commercial Printing Branch

P. 7

Business Media Branch

P. 8

Living and Industrial Materials Branch

P. 11


P. 13


P. 15


P. 17


P. 19


P. 21


P. 25


Business Fields


POSSIBILITY We respond to customers’ requests with our collective capabilities through systematic and close collaboration among sections. Communications tools in today’s information society demand various “forms” that transcend the framework of printed matter. Kyodo Printing accurately responds to every kind of customer need, and provides high-level products and services, through integration of the sections responsible for both the soft and hard aspects of the creative process. This enables us to offer total backup, including research and development, planning and production, and marketing solutions.

Publications and Commercial Printing Branch

Business Media Branch

Living and Industrial Materials Branch

Sales Comprehensive management of work outsourced to Kyodo Printing, as a communications liaison with customers.


Research, analysis and marketing

Technology development and product development

We analyze various information collected from the market from a strategic perspective, in accordance with the issues faced by customers.

We produce products and technologies that will serve as a platform for the next generation, through research in wide-ranging fields, from printing and information processing technologies, to smart card processing technologies that assure advanced functions and security, and factory automation technology.


Project Development Branch

We conduct wide-ranging and comprehensive planning, including concept creation, product development, media planning, systems solution planning and promotion strategy.

Consulting We derive accurate direction in response to customers’ various issues, through collaboration with in-house specialists in respective fields and with diversified networks outside the company.

Systems solutions We propose systems to promote the computerization of customers’ information, and also offer consulting, design and installation, server operation and management and provision of ASP service using the Internet according to customers’ requests.

Creative activities We handle all aspects of production, manufacturing and operation of not only catalogues, information magazines, calendars, packages, POP materials and other print media but also visual images, websites, data broadcasting programs, CI/VI and various kinds of events.

Production Branch



We procure high-quality materials at fair prices and with the shortest possible delivery dates. We also promote purchasing of materials with consideration toward protecting resources and the environment.

We realize timely and efficient delivery and inventory management by using the latest physical distribution management system.

Production and processing We achieve labor and cost savings through state-of-the-art factory automation. We also aggressively tackle improvement of operators’ skills.

Quality assurance To achieve customer satisfaction, we are committed to ensuring total quality that combines product safety and information security. We have strengthened our promotions system, and are effectively operating ISO, Privacy Mark, and other management systems.


Project Development Branch

From research and planning to sales promotion and content production, we broadly support customers’ communications activities.

Sales promotion Advertising and sales promotion needs have become increasingly diversified, and contact points for communications have become more complicated as well. Sales promotion creates dynamic communications through total activities based on fusion between marketing and creative activities, including information collection and analysis, the creation and development of information values, and information delivery. We create solutions to customers’ problems using diverse options that span the strategy planning level to the creative level. Product lines Marketing (market research and analysis), total communications (CI, VI, SP, PR and advertising planning), sales promotions (campaigns, POP materials, premiums), visual communications (various tools for SP, PR and advertising), publishing and editing (corporate Publishing, company histories and chronologies), visual image production, space design, product photography using a digital studio, etc.

Digital communications As our customers’ solutions partner, we provide optimal digital communication tools while drawing on our many years of experience in printing-related fields to further evolve digital data processing technology and network construction technology. We research and accumulate digital-related knowhow, including system design and the use of digital contents, and also push to expand the edge of new possibilities. Product lines E-commerce solutions (rationalization of order acceptance and placement management, and other administrative processes), CRM solutions (customer relationship management, customer data analysis), web solutions (electronic bookstore, configuration and operation for websites), system solutions (database compilation of documents and images, education support, production and inventory management creation of sales promotional tools), media solutions (contents planning, production, procurement and sales), POD solutions (small-lot printing and variable printing applications), Customer Service Center (configuration of customer databases, business bureau operations).

Technological development and product development


Kyodo Printing established the first laboratory as a private printing company in 1932. Since then, we have accumulated achievements as a pioneer in the industry through development of various technologies in response to customers’ requests. Based on such wide-ranging experience as a comprehensive printing company, we conduct research and development on new technologies and new products with an eye to the future, through close collaboration with customers from their points of view, while also seeking to maintain a comfortable and safe society and harmony with nature.

Publications and Commercial Printing Branch

We provide a variety of services, including editing planning and production and multi-device development of contents, using print media as a core. Publications printing We have put into place an organization capable of a multifaceted response to customers’ needs, including not only editing planning, production, design, prepress, printing, processing, binding and logistics, which we have performed for conventional paper media, but also support for multi-use, such as content digitalization and multi-media development. Furthermore, we have systems both in Japan and overseas to develop and produce materials for Publishing-related products, such as product with the appendix and character goods, and we work to create high added value. We will also further enhance the quality and efficiency of Publishing printing while considering the environment, including aggressive efforts to systematize manufacturing processes and possession of an integrated Publishing printing plant that has obtained ISO14001 certification. Product lines Weekly magazines, monthly magazines, quarterly magazines, comics, mooks (book-magazine hybrids), school textbooks, dictionaries, independent books, pamphlets with cushioning materials, collected editions, art books, picture books, company histories, chronologies, electronic book production and sale, and other Publishing

General commercial printing Kyodo Printing divisions work closely together to form a comprehensive, integrated system to provide a full range of services to support customers’ activities. This includes marketing research, planning and creative activities led by our Project Development Branch, the creation of products supported by our Production Branch, and actual delivery by our Shipping Branch. In particular, we back up customers’ sales promotion activities through efforts such as product development and PR activities for various campaigns, exhibitions and events, as well as IT-related solution projects. Product lines Posters, pamphlets, inserts, catalogues, information magazines, direct mail, calendars, diaries, PR magazines, displays, POP materials, novelties, various cards, other advertising materials

High-class art reproductions Kyodo Printing’s Art Relief "Saibiban®" technology (patent pending), which pursues ultimate expression through printing technology, is a modern, high-level printing (reproduction) technology that blends the superb quality of hand-made prints with the latest image processing technology. Art professionals with well-trained eyes have given painting reproductions by Kyodo Printing extremely high marks. In addition to products for general consumers, we handle products and service for museums, art groups and other professionals. Product lines Reproduction paintings of Western and Japanese-style paintings, reproductions of prints (silkscreen, lithograph, wood block), hanging scroll pictures, folding screens, various sculptures and other artworks, art work photography, planning and production of museum goods, other art materials


Business Media Branch

We seek high-value new information communications together with our customers, based on advanced technology and information security systems. Business forms, Data printing, certificates, cards The quality and functions required for business forms and certificates created to convey information in business and daily living are becoming more advanced, and operations such as data printing that handle personal information call for increasingly stricter security. To respond to these needs, Kyodo Printing has built a high-level quality assurance system and information security system that is backed by certifications such as ISO9001, privacy mark and ISO27001 (ISMS: Information Security Management System). Based on these systems, we have developed solution activities to provide total support for resolutions to customers’ problems. Product lines Data printing service, BPO service, various mailing services by consignment, general continuous forms, shipping slips, other various forms, continuous envelopes, receipts, OCR forms, concealed postcards, bankbooks, checks, bills, gift certificates, other negotiable instruments, lottery tickets, passenger tickets, admission tickets, cash cards, credit cards, prepaid cards, SF cards, commuter passes, other various cards

Smart cards and RFID tags As it has moved into the information age, society has evolved to demand “safety” that spans a range of considerations, including security and personal identity. In an age of increased diversity, smart cards and RFID tags are in the spotlight for the important role they fulfill as system tools to meet a wide range of social needs. We are developing a smart card and RFID tag business based on the technologies we have developed for very fine and precision printing. As a general printing company capable of providing total support from system planning to manufacturing, publishing, operation and after-services processing, we help customers meet their needs and expand their business opportunities. Product lines Railway and bus passenger tickets and commuter passes, student and employee ID cards, airline boarding passes, credit cards, cash cards, digital cash, condominium entrance keys, locker keys, PC security and other products


Living and Industrial Materials Branch

We accurately respond to diversified consumer and industry needs, and deliver products that provide safety and an environmentally-friendly choice. Daily living materials (packaging) Packaging play a significant role in promoting sales as the product face, in addition to their functions as containers that protect important products. To maximize these functions, we assist customers’ product creation with comprehensive suggestions, such as naming and design, development and selection of materials, design of packaging lines, filling, and physical distribution. Of course, we also give careful attention to safety based on the Product Liability Law (PL Law) and have acquired ISO14001 certifications in our sales, planning, management, and manufacturing branches, and we suggest sustainable packaging materials and services that include reduction in the packaging weight. Product lines Paper containers, cardboard products, filling and packaging by consignment, flexible packaging, printing of resin films, laminate processing, metal containers, metallic decorative plating, various press products, laminate tubes, oval-shaped laminate tubes, multi layered blow molded tubes, aluminum tubes, manufacturing and sale of packaging-related equipment

Pharmaceutical and Industrial Materials Kyodo Printing provides high-quality, highly functional materials, such as highly-functional films that absorb moisture and outgassing which are a big issue for electronics manufacturing field, humidity indicator cards and other products indispensable for semiconductor manufacturing. Manufacture is performed at a state-of-the-art specialized plant equipped with advanced manufacturing equipment and a high-level management and clean environment incorporating GMP, which is the de facto standard of pharmaceutical manufacture and quality control. Moreover, we actively fulfill the needs of customers in many sectors, with high quality and added value that takes advantage of Kyodo Printing’s proprietary technologies, and we progressively strive for the development of new industrial materials which are sustainable and friendly to environment. Product lines Cobalt-free humidity indicator cards, highly functional materials (moisture absorbing films, oxygen scavenger films, non-contact anti-static films)


Living and Industrial Materials Branch

Building and Decorative Materials As a pioneer of the industry, we developed endless wood grain-plate-making technology in 1955. We later developed and brought into practical use various printing and processing technologies, and created products such as decorative sheets and veneers that possess the natural beauty and timeless quality of wood, marble and other materials, and today we plan and manufacture a variety of products for daily living utilizing these materials. To meet users’ needs for safety and durability, we continually pursue the development of high-added-value products. Product lines Various decorative sheets, interior materials, various types of veneers

Electronic equipment We develop and manufacture FA equipment that supports the orientation toward higher speed and labor-saving at printing plants, based on the concept of “total FA (factory automation) proposals from blank form delivery to bookbinding.” We also have developed a printing quality monitoring device that reduces output of print defects. Moreover, we can prepare packaging line automation proposals centered on carton folding and sealing machines or other equipment. Product lines Palletizing robots, stacker bundlers, automatic warehouses for paper rolls, product automatic warehouses, automated guided vehicles, automated packaging equipment (energysaving type), printing quality monitoring system


The information processing technology Kyodo Printing has cultivated through its long history has today expanded into various fields and reached products that far exceed the concept of printing. The following pages introduce Kyodo Printing products that have penetrated into and play active roles in every aspect of society, including town, home and business.

Kyodo Printing products are expanding into town, home and business


KP in


Digital signage

6 Lottery tickets

2 Women’s magazines

5 Food containers

3 Magazines / Mooks

4 11


Ideas and technologies are maximized to make society more energetic and convenient.

Transportation cards


Kyodo Printing supplies passenger tickets, commuter passes and other tickets for trains and buses, and also supplies transportation smart cards such as the Suica card throughout Japan. We have acquired the leading share in the industry for development and manufacture of transportation cards. We also propose and are manufacturing rewritable cards that enable information to be rewritten on the smart card surface.

We handle services from systems configuration for websites and cell phone sites to website operation, including planning proposals and production of website contents. We also are actively developing services in a wide range of areas, from printed materials and web utilization for sales promotion campaigns, to offering proposals for links to cell phones, and creative work.

High-speed image recognition engine “Patricia® 2G” Through its incorporation into smartphone application programs, the “Patricia® 2G” image recognition engine developed in-house by Kyodo Printing has become a “trigger" tool that encourages various actions from print images. Simply by holding their smartphone camera over Hold it up to the an image, users can call up product contents or actions called quickly, enabling companies to use images for a variety of applications such as sales promotion campaigns and product catalogs. We also provide services that support Android™.

POP We strive to produce POP materials that have visual appeal, by fully using the production and processing technologies we have cultivated over many years. We not only engage in planning and production but also suggest strategies regarding overall sales promotion activities. Products by Kyodo Printing have won various prizes at the JPM Creative Design Show, an exhibition of domestic POP advertising materials.


Digital signage


Women’s magazines


Magazines / Mooks




Food containers (pulmolcup™)


Lottery tickets


KP at


Decorative boards for system kitchen doors / Housing facility materials


Reproductions of Western paintings, Japanese-style paintings, scroll pictures, etc.

2 Packing materials for confectioneries and foods

6 Packing materials for pharmaceuticals

5 Independent books / How-to books

3 Various bills / Statements / Direct mail


4 Catalogs / Mail-order sales catalogs

We seek to be a bridge that firmly connects our customers and consumers.

“Quick Deli™” retort pouch

Direct mail, invoices and other materials from design, system design and printing to mailing

“Quick Deli™” retort pouch can be safely heated in the microwave without opening (retort type and boiling type). We developed this packaging material to enable everyone to enjoy easy, safe and delicious microwave meals. We added a steam vent function to the regular standup pouch, combined in a package with higher sealing strength and excellent sealing performance. The pouch offers a high steaming effect. (Related patents have been acquired.)

We manage a business support service to provide a onestop source for direct mail, invoices and other materials delivered to homes. A range of choices helps firms maintain rich communications with households by delivering high-value information through various channels including printed materials, the Internet and mobile devices, based on a solid information security system.

Electronic learning bookstore “Jikogaku™”

“Highly functional draining lids” with partial opening

The specialty electronic bookstore operated by Kyodo Printing has “learning” for personal growth, passing qualification examinations and similar topics as themes, and specializes in sectors such as medical care, nursing, business, law and qualifications. The store also provides introductions to related seminars and test information, along with link service to the seminar applications. Equipped with a multifunctional viewer we developed in-house, the site boasts beautiful screen quality even when enlarged. Digital books purchased through the site can be read on either a PC or Android™ handset, enabling readers to learn “anytime, anywhere” according to their individual lifestyles.



Decorative boards for system kitchen doors / Housing facility materials

Catalogs / Mail-order sales catalogs



Used for draining hot water for instant “Yakisoba” noodles, this product has been very well received by customers. Compared with conventional cover products, the product has safety-conscious design to prevent burns. By adopting a partial opening, we can design for various shapes and location. This product can be used for various applications such as food products and household goods. (All related patents have been acquired.)

Packaging materials for confectioneries and foods

Independent books / How-to books


Packaging materials for pharmaceuticals


Various bills / Statements / Direct mails


Reproductions of Western paintings, Japanese-style paintings, scroll pictures, etc.


KP for


Photo ID cards / Smart cards

1 Dictionaries / Wordbooks

5 Various negotiable securities / Certificates / Gift certificates

2 Web system solutions

3 PR magazines / Information magazines

4 15

Business reports / Annual reports / Company brochures / Environmental reports

We have many systems and services that make business difficulties easy.

Customer Service Center

Data printing service

We provide integrated management of all transactions with end users, including the operation of various offices, in accordance with customers’ needs, and assist our customers’ customer service offices. We provide outsourcing for such services as implementation of questionnaires, the planning, production, purchase and inventory management of sales promotional tools, and sales, delivery, invoicing, and handling of inquiries. We build the information system flow essential for information management and shipping operations, and operate the system under high security.

Kyodo Printing has built a system for optimal consignment of activities according to customers’ environments and requests, including data entry, programming, output, and delivery, based on its extensive actual achievements and know-how accumulated over 20 years. In 2002, our Kawajima Plant acquired certification for its “Information Security Management System (ISMS) conformity assessment system.” Our security management in handling personal information, and our quality assurance system for the manufacturing of important items, are also thorough.

Digitalization support system We assist the promotion of character and picture image conversions into databases and their practical application. We have achieved reductions to users’ labor, space, time, and total cost. “Comic Packer®,” a fully-digital production system for comics, is highly evaluated by users and can be integrated with not only the production of comics themselves but also with secondary uses such as conversions into comics and paperbacks, web distribution and eBooks. Also, our database publishing system “TRUENEXT®” enables the construction of databases from large amounts of product information (names, prices, characteristics, visual images, etc.) and efficient catalogue production through digital processing. (All related patents have been acquired.)

Production outsourcing Kyodo Printing’s outsourcing service supports enhancement of customers’ work efficiency. In airtight containers for food preservation, we are entrusted with an entire production line, from package printing, processing, contract work, and packing products into cardboard boxes to shipping. This service is generating results that include shortened delivery times and lower costs.


Dictionaries / Wordbooks


Web system solutions


PR magazines / Information magazines / Catalogues


Business reports / Annual reports / Company brochures / Environmental reports


Various negotiable securities / Certificates / Gift certificates


Photo ID cards / Smart cards


KP for



We work with a global-scale view, aiming to be an even better corporate citizen.

Aiming for a sustainable, recycling-oriented company As of October 2011, Kyodo Printing has obtained ISO14001 certification at all of its business locations (one office and seven plants) and at five group business offices. We are also contributing to society with our involvement in corporate citizenship activities and the development of environmentally friendly technologies and products, including environmental pollution prevention activities, based on the Kyodo Printing’s Group Environmental Policy. To communicate with our customers and society at large, we also publish the Kyodo Printing Group Social and Environmental Report, which provides public information.

FSC® CoC Certification Kyodo Printing has acquired CoC certification awarded by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). CoC certification is given by a third-party organization to paper produced from materials and chips from properly managed FSC-certified forests that is managed so that it is not commingled with other paper, and whose printing and processing have the approval of a third-party organization. Cooperating in this effort allows printers and publishers to carry an FSC-approved logo (shown at lower right side) affixed to their products made from FSC-approved chips. This communicates to consumers that the material used in the product is environmentally friendly.

Established on November 8. 2005 Revised on June 27. 2013

Kyodo Printing’s Group Environmental Policy Fundamental principles Printing is deeply intertwined with people’s daily lives. Given this, the Kyodo Printing Group recognizes that initiatives designed to reduce our environmental burden have an important role to play. In all of our business activities, we shall proactively contribute to biodiversity preservation and the creation of a sustainable, recycling-based society.

Basic policies 1. We shall abide by all environmental laws, and furthermore, we shall create voluntary standards to prevent pollution. Furthermore, we shall respond to the needs of customers and society, and promote environmental safety activities. 2. We shall continuously improve the effects of our corporate activities on the environment by creating Environmental Action Plans and periodically verifying our performance. 3. We shall evaluate the environmental impact of our products, beginning with the procurement of basic materials, through the manufacture use, and disposal of the products, and reflect it in our products and their development. Furthermore, in purchasing materials for our products, we shall make consideration of environment a priority in the selection of vendors and products. 4. We shall promote energy savings, resource savings, and reduction of waste and pollutants, and management of harmful chemicals in the manufacturing, logistics, and service areas, and reduce the burden on environment. 5. We shall make efforts to achieve mutual understanding with all stakeholders through active communication and open disclosure of environmental information. 6. We shall publicize the importance of environmental safety to all those who are involved in corporate activities, and enhance environmental awareness. 7. As a good corporate citizen, we shall actively engage in charitable and other activities to benefit society.

Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. President

Environmentally friendly products We are actively making environmentally friendly products based on the key words “Reduce” (materials used), “Recycle” (materials), and “Easy Disposition” (easy separation and disposal).


Environmentally friendly building materials

Plastic wrap cartons with nonmetal cutter

We have minimized formaldehyde content in base materials and adhesives to prevent “sick house” syndrome. We use paper and olefin sheets instead of vinyl chloride sheets to prevent toxic gasses in the event of fires and incineration.

Non-metallic cutters as an alternative to metal cutters. In addition to paper, such cutters also include plant-derived materials such as bamboo and corn.

Our humidity indicator cards provide a color change from blue to red without the use of cobalt, and are easy on the human body and the environment. They comply with RoHS Directive.

Envelops with a water wax window (made from paper)


QA seals

This has achieved to combine both “moisture absorbency” and “processing property.” Moreover, it prevents risks of dust dispersion, product contamination and accidental ingestion, which traditionally were a concern, have been eliminated by combining the desiccant with the package material.

Kyodo Printing’s seals have a high level of anticounterfeiting prevention. Judgment of whether a product is authentic can be performed both visually and by machine. These seals can also be synchronized with traceability and logistics management systems.

A window is made by direct water-soluble wax coating onto an envelope, enabling recycling without separation. This product has cleared the Japan Post guideline (opacity of 20% or less). Usage: various bills, direct mail, etc





Magazines / Mooks

Comics with attachments

Trading cards

Children’s books / Picture books

Infant magazines

Partworks collections

Pictorial books

Company histories / Chronologies


Easy creation of web-based sales promotion tools ASP service “My Leaf Studio™”

Easy creation of web-based forming system “Form α™”


A. Before processing

B. After use of ele-not™

POD (Printing-On-Demand)

Oxygen scavenger film requiring no water “OxyCatch™”

Non-contact antistatic film “ele-not™”

Non-stick food packaging film “Sepa Sheet”

Easy-open flexible package “Banana Open”

Standup pouch with fastener “DUPLEX ONE™”


Flexible packaging

Packaging materials (paper carton)

Packaging materials (metal)

Automatic warehouses for paper rolls

Quality monitoring equipment “KPQS”



PROFILE Corporate profile Name: Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. Location: 4-14-12 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Founded: June 25, 1897 President: Yoshiaki Fujimori Capital: 4.51 billion yen Employees: 1,862 (not incl. casual employees; as of April 30, 2013)

Headquarters and Branches Headquarters

Tel: +81-3-3817-2111 (Reception) 4-14-12 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8501

Publications Printing & Information Division Tel: +81-3-3817-2572

Sales division for publication and printing of magazines and books Tel: +81-3-3817-2202 Sales division for general commercial printing including catalogs, calendars and POP materials, and art products including pictures, hanging scroll pictures and lithographs

Promotion Media Division

Tel: +81-3-3817-2340 Sales and manufacturing division for business forms, data printouts, securities, and smart cards

Business Media Division

Tel: +81-3-3817-2115 Sales division for transport business centered on passenger tickets and transport smart cards

Transport Media Division

Tel: +81-3-3817-2246 Sales and manufacturing division for paper containers, flexible packaging, construction materials and other daily life materials

Packaging Printing Division

Tel: +81-3-3817-2246 Sales and manufacturing division for tubes, active films and other pharmaceutical and industrial materials, construction materials

Living & Industrial Materials Division

Tel: +81-3-3817-2033 Planning and solutions division for creative activities and IT-related business

Sales Promotion & Solution Division Headquarters

Total Solution Office

Tel: +81-3-3817-2036

Planning division for total solution business Tel: +81-3-3817-2612 Business development division for smart cards and other products

Smart Card Division

Tel: +81-3-3817-2048 Research and technology development division

Technical Supervisory Division

Tel: +81-3-3817-2766 Business development division for information technologies and IT systems

IT Supervisory Division


Plants Koishikawa Plant

4-14-12 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8501 Tel: +81-3-3817-2111 (Reception) Goka Plant

7514 Moto-Kurihashi, Gokamachi, Sashima-gun, Ibaraki 306-0313 Tel: +81-280-84-3511 (Reception)

Goka Plant

Koshigaya Plant (Kyodo Offset Co., Ltd.)

Tomakomai Plant (Cosmo Graphic Co., Ltd.)

Tsurugashima Plant

Kawajima Solution Center

Kyoto Plant (Kyodo Printing Nishinihon Co., Ltd.)

Moriya 2nd Plant

Odawara Plant

Wakayama Plant

Isohara Plant

Koshigaya Plant (Kyodo Offset Co., Ltd.)

4-301 Shichizacho, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0851 Tel: +81-48-989-1221 (Reception) Tomakomai Plant (Cosmo Graphic Co., Ltd.)

2-21-2 Akenomotomachi, Tomakomai, Hokkaido 053-0051 Tel: +81-144-55-8855 Tsurugashima Plant

6-2-12 Fujimi, Tsurugashima, Saitama 350-2201 Tel: +81-49-286-6060 (Reception) Kawajima Solution Center

6-13-2 Hachiman, Kawajimamachi, Hiki-gun, Saitama 350-0151 Tel: +81-49-291-0200 (Reception) Kyoto Plant (Kyodo Printing Nishinihon Co., Ltd.)

2-1-204 Sakae, Kumiyamacho, Kuze-gun, Kyoto 613-0032 Tel: +81-774-41-2521 (Reception) Moriya 1st Plant / Moriya 2nd Plant

1932 Tatsuzawa, Moriya, Ibaraki 302-0118 Tel: +81-297-45-2681 (Reception) Odawara Plant

288 Takata, Odawara, Kanagawa 250-0216 Tel: +81-465-42-1511 (Reception) Wakayama Plant

560-2 Kumai, Aridagawacho, Arita-gun, Wakayama 643-0023 Tel: +81-737-52-7211 (Reception) Isohara Plant (Jyoban Kyodo Printing Co. Ltd.)

1564 Isohara, Isoharamachi, Kita-Ibaraki, Ibaraki 319-1541 Tel: +81-293-42-4121 (Reception)



PROFILE Kyodo Printing Group

Certifications List of offices (as of June 27, 2013)

Cosmo Graphic Co., Ltd. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Plate-making and digital solutions Koishikawa Process Co., Ltd. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo


Kyodo Printing has focused on obtaining various certifications, including the Quality Management System (ISO 9001), Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) and Information Security Management System (ISMS / ISO 27001), and is working aggressively to expand its businesses, in order to deliver safety and satisfaction to its customers.

Kyodo Offset Co., Ltd. Koshigaya, Saitama

Printing, bookbinding Kyodo Printing Bookbinding Co., Ltd. Gokamachi, Sashima-gun, Ibaraki

Bookbinding Digital Catapult Inc. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Production of digital contents for digital devices and other businesses Kyodo Printing Nishinihon Co., Ltd. Chuo-ku, Osaka

Printing Joban Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. Kita-Ibaraki, Ibaraki

Printing Kyodo Logistics Co., Ltd. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Packing, transportation and storage Kyodo Sogyo Co., Ltd. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Real estate rental and management, non-life insurance agency Kyodo Printing Business Solutions Co., Ltd. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

System development and management, solutions business, call centers, BPO consignment Nihon Shoseki Shinsha Co., Ltd. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Publishing KYODO PRINTING (SHANGHAI) Co., Ltd. Shanghai,China

Sales and import/export of functional packaging materials

ISO9001 • Tsurugashima Plant • Kawajima Solution Center • Moriya Plant • Odawara Plant • Wakayama Plant • Kyodo Bookbinding Co., Ltd.

ISO14001 • Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd.※ • Kyodo Printing Nishinihon Co., Ltd. • Joban Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. • Kyodo Logistics Co., Ltd. ※As

the Kyodo group’s component entities, Cosmo Graphic Co., Ltd., Koishikawa Process Co., Ltd., Kyodo Printing Bookbinding Co., Ltd., Kyodo Sogyo Co., Ltd., and Kyodo Printing Business Solutions Co., Ltd. are cocertified along with Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd.

ISO/IEC27001 (ISMS) • Business Media Division Production Group • Kyodo Printing Nishinihon Co., Ltd. (Kyoto Plant)

Privacy mark • Kyodo Printing (all company) • Cosmo Graphic Co., Ltd.

Kyodo Bookbinding Co., Ltd. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo


• Kyodo Printing Nishinihon Co., Ltd. • Kyodo Logistics Co., Ltd. • Kyodo Printing Business Solutions Co., Ltd. • Kyodo Bookbinding Co., Ltd. (SAPPS)

FSC forest certification (CoC certification) • Headquarters • Koishikawa Plant • Goka Plant

• Kyodo Offset Co., Ltd. • Kyodo Printing Bookbinding Co., Ltd.


Printing Group Business Behavior Charter Enacted: May 28, 2003 Revised: April 1, 2011

In its activities, Kyodo Printing and its Group companies will conform to the following guidelines to achieve our objective of “using our core printing business to contribute to society in the spheres of lifestyle, culture and information industries.” 1. A trusted company

· We will strive to build relationships of trust and recognize the importance of advancing hand-in-hand with our stakeholders, who include customers, shareholders, business partners, employees and the local community.

2. A company that values ethics

· In the execution of their duties, all employees, including management, will obey rules and regulations and recognize the importance of corporate ethics.

3. A company that cares about safety, and implements thorough quality assurance and information management

· We will identify the needs of society and develop and provide high-quality products and services that are safe. · We will strictly manage the handling of information generated or obtained in relation to companies, customers and business counterparts.

4. A fair and transparent company

· We will act fairly, have a concrete understanding of the concept of free competition, and contribute to the sound advancement and development of the market. · We will maintain sound and proper relationships with political bodies and government agencies. · We will actively disclose useful and trustworthy corporate information and communicate extensively with shareholders and the public.

5. A company that cares about the environment

· We will acknowledge that tackling environmental problems is a challenge shared by all humanity and one that is crucial to our existence and livelihood. In this spirit, we will proactively initiate measures aimed at creating a more sustainable society.

6. A company that conducts activities that benefit society

· As a “good corporate citizen,” we will actively engage in activities that benefit society and the community.

7. A company that respects people

· As a “company that values people,” we will respect the diversity, characters and personalities of our employees and ensure a safe and comfortable working environment.

8. A company that emphasizes the maintenance of social law and order

· We will resolutely confront antisocial forces and organizations that pose a threat to the order and security of civil society and sever all relations with such individuals and groups.

9. A company that respects the local culture and customs of foreign countries

· In response to the globalization of our business activities, we will comply with the laws

and regulations of the countries and regions where operations are based and respect human rights and other international norms of behavior. We will also consider the local culture and customs of such countries in our business activities.

10. The responsibility of top management

· Top management must develop effective internal systems that include Group ·

companies, keep all employees informed about the items set forth in the Charter, and encourage our business counterparts to follow the same example. If the Charter is violated, top management should take charge to resolve the problem and make efforts to prevent similar violations in the future. At the same time, top management should promptly make full public disclosure, explain what has occurred, and impose strict disciplinary action against those responsible, including top management itself.

July 2003 We strengthened the organization by establishing the Business Ethics Committee, and setting up an Ethics Advisory Room as a consultation desk.





1897 Mr. Sahei Ohashi, the owner of Hakubunkan, founded Hakubunkan Print Factory, the predecessor of Kyodo Printing, in Kyobashi-ku, Tatekawa-cho (present day 6-Chome, Ginza) to print the books and magazines the company published.

1898 Hakubunkan Print Factory moved to its present location (Koishikawa-ku, Hisakatamachi [called “Bunkyo-ku, Koishikawa” today]) and its name was changed to Hakushinsha Printing Company.

1905 Hakushinsha Printing Company was renamed Hakubunkan Printing Company and expanded beyond factory operations.

1918 Hakubunkan Printing Company was organized into a joint-stock company.

1925 Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. was established through a merger with Seibi-Do, a company that engaged mainly in fine art printing and was founded by Mr. Kokichi Ohashi, Director of Hakubunkan. President: Kokichi Ohashi. As a comprehensive printing plant, the company established a mass production system.

1932 The first laboratory at a private printing company in Japan was established. Later, this laboratory developed revolutionary technology, including deep-etching and "type-posi."

1935 Construction of the entire headquarters plant was completed. At the same time, the company started printing on fabric and metal, rather than on just paper, and even became known as “the largest department store for printing in the Orient.”

1945 Facilities were destroyed by air raids during the war. Reconstruction began immediately afterwards.

1946 Printing of Bank of Japan notes (paper money) was taken over from the Ministry of Finance Printing Bureau.

1950 Commercialized vinyl and metallic tube production and printing. An 8-color photogravure rotary press which was jointly developed with Toshiba Machine Co., Ltd. was installed, and the company became known as a pioneer in multi-colored photogravure printing.

1960 Succeeded ahead of its competitors in commercializing wood-like decorative boards and metallic decorative plating, which are produced through the application of printing technology.

1963 An electronic color separation system (PDI color scanner) was installed. This system was responsible for revolutionary improvements in photoengraving precision in color printing. Stock listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Kinki Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. was established in Osaka to be a commercial printing plant in the Kansai region.

1964 Odawara Plant was established in Kanagawa Prefecture as a special plant for metallic tube manufacture.

1968 Koshigaya Plant was established in Saitama Prefecture to produce and print metallic containers.

1972 Jyoban Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. was established in Ibaraki Prefecture to exclusively produce decorative board for construction purposes. Kyodo-Shing Loong Printing Industries Pte, Ltd., a joint venture was established in Singapore.

Hakubunkan Printing Company right after establishment (1905)

Camera room in the Photography Section of Hakubunkan Printing Company (around 1916)

Kyodo Printing around 1932

Typesetting for printing press (around 1945)

Government-designated textbook (published by the Ministry of Education around 1935)

Bank of Japan notes printed by Kyodo Printing after the World War II

Photos: by courtesy of Hakubunkan Shinsha Publishers, Co., Ltd.

1978 Planning and production sections were unified and the Sales Promotion Center was established to conduct all processes in a continuous flow from planning to production.

1979 Laminate tube production line was installed and became operational at Odawara Plant.

1981 Tsurugashima Plant was established in Saitama Prefecture to produce business forms, securities, and plastic cards.

1982 Robotic printing equipment (palletizing robot) was developed, installed in plants, and external sales was also begun.

1983 Gravure engraving method OHG (offset heliogravure) was developed.

1985 Production of railway prepaid cards was begun.

1987 Moriya Plant was established in Ibaraki Prefecture to produce paper materials and flexible packaging.

1991 Wakayama Plant was established in Wakayama Prefecture to produce laminate tubes.

1993 Goka Plant was established in Ibaraki Prefecture as a specialized plant for publishing and commercial printing.

1997 Kyodo Printing celebrated the 100-year anniversary of its foundation.

2001 IC Card Division was established and Kawajima Plant was established in Saitama Prefecture to better provide information processing related services.

2002 Kawajima Plant obtained ISMS Certification. Goka Plant was awarded "The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry's Award" in the 1st Commendation of Environmental Excellence in the Printing Industry.

2003 The Kyodo Printing Group “Business Behavior Charter” and “Code of Ethical Practice” were implemented.

2007 Digital studio “Harimazaka Studio” was opened.

2008 Headquarters was granted an award by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for its global warming countermeasures.

2010 Medical and Industrial Materials Building at the Moriya Plant was constructed.

2011 Kyodo Printing Nishinihon Co., Ltd.. was established to be the group's core sales and production unit in Western Japan.

2012 KYODO PRINTING (SHANGHAI) Co., Ltd. was established to be the group's core sales unit in China and Asia.

Rotary press for offset printing (around early1960)

Stall set up at the World Exposition held in Japan (1970)

Palletizing robot

OHG type automatic gravure engraving machine

Panoramic view of Goka Plant

Digital studio “Harimazaka Studio”


4-14-12 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8501, JAPAN Tel: +81-3-3817-2111
