Sep 8, 2017 - ing to collective pinning theory,3 vortex segments of length Lc bend to adjust to energy wells provided by point defects. Consequently, if d ...
arXiv:1709.02776v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 8 Sep 2017
Accelerated vortex dynamics across the magnetic 3D-to-2D crossover in disordered superconductors Serena Eley*1 , Roland Willa2 , Masashi Miura3 , Michio Sato3 , Michael David Henry4 , and Leonardo Civale1 1
Condensed Matter & Magnet Science, Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM 2 Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 3 Graduate School of Science & Technology, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan 4 MESA Fabrication Facility, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM
September 11, 2017
Disorder can have remarkably disparate consequences in superconductors, driving superconductor-insulator transitions in ultrathin films by localizing electron pairs1 and boosting the supercurrent carrying capacity of thick films by localizing vortices2 (magnetic flux lines). Though the electronic 3D-to-2D crossover at material thicknesses d ∼ ξ (coherence length) is well studied, a similarly consequential magnetic crossover at d ∼ Lc (pinning length) that should drastically alter material properties remains largely underexamined. According to collective pinning theory,3 vortex segments of length Lc bend to adjust to energy wells provided by point defects. Consequently, if d truncates Lc , a change from elastic to rigid vortex dynamics should increase the rate of thermally activated vortex motion S. Here, we characterize the dependence of S on sample thickness in Nb and cuprate films. The results for Nb are consistent with collective pinning theory, whereas creep in the cuprate is strongly influenced by sparse large precipitates. We leverage the sensitivity of S to d to determine the generally unknown scale Lc , establishing a new route for extracting pinning lengths in heterogeneously disordered materials. Perfect crystallinity is an uncommon material characteristic. For superconductors, it is not only rare, but also often undesirable, as defects are prerequisite for these materials to host high dissipationless currents. This is because disorder can immobilize (pin) vortices, whose motion induces dissipation that adversely affects superconducting properties. Most real materials have heterogeneous defect structures, a preferential feature4 to produce high critical currents Jc because no single defect type is effective at pinning vortices over a wide range of temperatures and magnetic fields. Understanding vortex matter in heterogeneous 1
Single vortex
Mixed pinning
Vortex bundle
what is 𝐿𝑐𝑚𝑝?
Figure 1: Correlation volumes in different pinning scenarios. Illustration of pinning volumes for the single vortex, vortex bundle, and mixed pinning regime (from left to right). The volume Vc = Lc Rc2 (indicated by a dashed ellipsoid) contains many point defects (red) and/or few large inclusions (yellow) and determines the creep rate. The bottom row indicates the situation where Lc is truncated by the sample thickness d. The description of pinning in systems with heterogeneous defects poses an unsolved problem. microstructures poses a tremendous challenge because the effects of combinations of defects are not simply additive, but are often competitive.4, 5 Considering systems with only one defect type, a flux line or bundle of lines can be pinned by the collective action of many weak defects (weak collective pinning)2, 3 or the independent action of stronger defects.3, 6, 7 In the former case, individual defects are too weak to pin a vortex, while density fluctuations by ensembles of defects contained within a correlation volume Vc ∼ Rc2 Lc (depicted in Fig. 1) produce a finite pinning force. The volume Vc determines the characteristic pinning energy scale Uc . Because collective pinning theory considers only point defects, it is unclear—and beyond the scope of this theory—how Vc and Uc are affected by even a sparse distribution of larger defects coexisting with point defects. A further complication to understanding vortex dynamics arises when thermal fluctuations sufficiently energize vortices to overcome the current-dependent activation energy U (J). Vortices then depin (creep) from defects causing the persistent current to decay logarithmically over time t as J(t) ∝ [1 + (µT /Uc ) ln(t/t0 )]−1/µ , where 1/t0 is a microscopic attempt frequency and µ > 0 is the glassy exponent.8 This decay defines a creep
rate S ≡ −d ln J/d ln t = T /[Uc + µT ln(t/t0 )]. With few exceptions, most studies of vortex creep have been performed on single crystals or thick films.9 Yet the broad, often detrimental impact of vortex motion on thin-film-based devices10–12 warrants a better understanding of creep in thin films. For sufficiently thin samples, d < Lc , the activation energy and creep rate should acquire an explicit dependence on thickness3, 13, 14 and the vortex (or bundle) should no longer behave elastically, but rather rigidly. This should produce faster creep. In this Letter, we present a systematic study of the dependence of the creep rate on film thickness in two very different superconductors: niobium (Nb) and (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x . Nb is commonly used for device applications, and features a low critical-temperature Tc = 9.2 K, moderately large Ginzburg-Landau parameter κ = λ/ξ ∼ 11 (our film), and low Ginzburg number9 Gi ∼ 10−8 . Here, ξ and λ are the in-plane coherence length and penetration depth, respectively. Our film was deposited using DC magnetron sputtering to a thickness of 447 nm, is polycrystalline, and the microstructure includes point defects and grain boundaries. The cuprate (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x has high Tc = 92 K, κ ∼ 95, and Gi ∼ 10−2 and is a primary choice for high-current applications.15 It was grown epitaxially to a thickness of 900 nm using metal organic deposition, and its microstructure consists of point defects, a sparse distribution of Y2 Cu2 O5 (225) precipitates (diameter ∼94 nm, spacing ∼272 nm) and twin boundaries, all common in as-grown cuprate films.16 Using a SQUID magnetometer, we performed magnetization measurements M (t) ∝ J(t) to determine the temperature-dependent creep rate S(T ), Jc , and Tc . We alternated between these measurements and thinning the films using a broad beam Ar+ ion mill to characterize changes in these parameters with decreasing sample thickness. Further details of the experimental procedures are provided in the Methods section. Figure 2a compares S(T ) at different film thicknesses for Nb measured in a 0.3 T field. Creep is similar for d = 447 nm and 393 nm, while subsequent thinning causes successive increases in S(T ) that are more pronounced at higher temperatures. This progression from a thickness-independent to thickness-dependent S(T ) is suggestive of the sought-after 3D-to-2D transition. We now compare the experimental data with predictions from weak collective pinning theory,2, 3 which distinguishes two main (bulk) regimes: the pinning volume may contain single vortices (sv) or vortex bundles (vb) with characteristic longitudinal and transverse correlation lengths ( sv ( sv Rc ≈ ξ for Lsv Lc ≈ (ξ/γ)(Jd /Jc )1/2 c < a0 Lc = R = (1) c 2 vb 1/2 vb 1/2 for λ /a0 < Lvb Rc ≈ ξ(Jd /Jc ) Lc ≈ (ξλ/γa0 )(Jd /Jc ) c . Here, Jd is the depairing current, a0 = (4/3)1/4 (Φ0 /B)1/2 is the vortex spacing, B is the magnetic induction, and γ > 1 is the electronic mass anisotropy. Note that equation (1) neglects the narrow regime of small vortex bundles for which a0 < Lc < λ2 /a0 and Rc rapidly grows from ξ to λ. The pinning energy governing the creep rate is Uc ≈ c66 (ξ/Rc )2 Vc , where c66 is the shear modulus. Given an applied field of 0.3 T (a0 ≈ 89 nm ∼ λ) and Lc determined from critical current data (see Supplementary Information) 3
Figure 2: Thickness-dependent vortex creep in Nb film. a, Comparison of the temperature-dependent creep rates, S(T ), for a Nb film at different thicknesses d in a field of 0.3 T. The error bars [standard deviation in the logarithmic fit to M (t)] are smaller than the point sizes. b, Temperature dependence of the collective pinning length for vortex bundles in our Nb film based on equation (1), our experimental data for Jc (inset), and the assumption that λ(T = 0) ≈ 80 nm.31 c, Difference in creep rate of thinned film and that of the original film (d = 447 nm) versus the ratio of the film thickness to the collective pinning length, d/Lc (T ). Creep rate deviates from bulk behavior when film becomes thinner than Lvb c (T ). The insets illustrate the bulk (right panel) and truncated (left panel) collective pinning volumes, applicable for d > Lc and d < Lc , respectively. d, Creep versus film thickness at different temperatures on a log − log plot. The dotted lines are linear fits for −α , plotted d ≤ Lvb c used to extract the exponent α (slopes of fits) of the power-law S ∝ d in the inset.
2 the system clearly is in the vortex bundle regime, Lvb c (T ) > λ /a0 , see Fig. 2b. Based on these findings, we re-plot the data from Fig. 2a to display the change in creep rate from that of the original film (∆S) versus d/Lvb c (T ), see Fig. 2c. We observe that S abruptly deviates from bulk behavior when the film becomes thinner than Lc (T ), revealing the 3D-to-2D transition. On the 2D side of the transition, the longitudinal correlation length is capped by the sample thickness, Lc → d, and the transverse correlation length13, 14 sv Rc ≈ ξ for d < a0 , (2) Rc = vb 1/2 Rc ∝ d for a0 < d, (3)
replace the bulk expressions in Eq. (1). The energy Uc then scales as ( Ucsv ∝ d1/2 for d < a0 , Uc ∝ vb Uc ∝ d for a0 < d.
(4) (5)
Plotting S(d) for fixed temperatures, Fig. 2d, we observe a relatively flat (d-independent) region at nearly all temperatures for large values of d and power law behavior S ∝ d−α for small values of d. Using S ∼ T /Uc , the exponent 0.5 < α < 1 (Fig. 2d inset) assumes values in agreement with equations (4) and (5). The creep data further allows us to define the effective activation energy U ∗ ≡ T /S = Uc +µT ln(t/t0 ), hence providing direct access to the glassy exponent µ. This exponent captures the diverging behavior of the current-dependent activation barrier U (J) ∼ Uc (Jc /J)µ away from criticality, i.e., for J Jc , and assumes different values for creep of single vortices versus bundles.2 Near criticality, the behavior is non-glassy and the exponent is named p < 0 instead of µ. A detailed analysis of the system’s glassiness is provided in the Supplementary Information (see Fig. S5) and further confirms the transition from elastic to rigid vortex behavior at d ≈ Lc . We performed a complementary study on the cuprate film at 1 T. The evolution of S(T ) with thinning, plotted in Fig. 3a, again reveals successive increases in S that are more pronounced at higher temperatures. In the original film, S(T ) is non-monotonic, showing a shallow dip between 25 K and 45 K; this is typical of YBa2 Cu3 O7−x and has been associated with the presence of large precipitates.17 Notwithstanding a fixed density of precipitates at all thicknesses, the dip disappears with thinning, indicative of changes in vortex-precipitate interactions. In contrast, when the film is thinnest (d=262 nm) the creep rate grows monotonically with T and qualitatively adheres to the Anderson-Kim model describing creep of rigid vortices.18 The calculated length Lvb c (T ), shown in Fig. 3b, is far too small to reconcile the observed thickness dependence of S. We hence conclude that, though sparse, the large 225 precipi19–21 Accounting tates of size b Lvb c must substantially influence effective pinning scales. for these inclusions as strong defects, the pinning length cannot be smaller than b. This 5
Figure 3: Thickness-dependent vortex creep in (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film. a, Comparison of the temperature-dependent creep rates, S(T ), for the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x (YGdBCO) film at different thicknesses d in a field of 1 T. The error bars [standard deviation in the logarithmic fit to M (t)] are smaller than the point sizes. b, Collective pinning length Lvb c (T ) for (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x in the bundle regime based on equation (1), our experimental data for Jc (inset), and the assumption that λab (0) ≈ 140 nm is equivalent to YBa2 Cu3 O7−x .32, 33 The calculated pinning length is too small to account for the dependence S(d) observed in a. raises an important question: can a meaningful pinning length Lmp c (T ) (mixed pinning, mp) be extracted from the experimental data in heterogeneously disordered samples? Again, plotting S(d) on a log − log scale (Fig. 4a), we observe that at low temperatures S is relatively independent of d and conclude that creep is bulk-like, i.e. Lc < d for all thicknesses. At higher temperatures, S and therefore the energy U ∗ acquire a thickness dependence, which follows the power law U ∗ ∝ dα . The transition from the thicknessindependent to thickness-dependent U ∗ appears as a kink in U ∗ (d), as shown in the inset as the position of this kink and find a linear dependence on to Fig. 4b. We identify Lmp c temperature (Fig. 4b). This length decreases with decreasing magnetic field, as concluded from a similar analysis of data collected at 0.3 T, presented in detail in the Supplementary Information. This trend agrees with theoretical predictions within strong pinning theory.21 Figure 4c highlights the effectiveness of our method: there is an abrupt departure in S from that of the original film when the thickness falls below the extracted pinning length. We conclude that in the prevailing case of heterogeneously disordered superconductors, for which collective pinning by small defects and strong pinning by large precipitates coexist, a pinning length is indeed well defined. This length is much larger than predicted by collective pinning theory, consistent with theoretical expectations.19–21 Governing the energy barrier to vortex motion, the pinning length plays a major role in the emergence of fascinating phenomena such as glassiness and plasticity. It is therefore a crucial parameter to consider when pursuing the ambitious materials-by-design paradigm and development
Figure 4: Pinning length in (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film. a, Creep rate versus film thickness at different temperatures for (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x (YGdBCO) film on a log − log mp plot. The dotted lines are linear fits for d ≤ Lmp c (T ). b, Effective pinning length Lc at 0.3 T and 1 T. (See Supplemental Information for all 0.3 T data). The circles and diamonds show points extracted from the U ∗ (d) data. The inset shows an example of how Lmp was extracted for T = 10-25 K and 25 K at 1 T. Linear fits to this data (solid lines) c and extrapolations (dashed lines) defining Lmp c (T, H) are shown. c, Difference in creep rate of thinned film and that of the original film (d = 900 nm) versus the ratio of the film thickness to the effective pinning length, d/Lmp c (T ). Creep rate increases sharply when mp film becomes thinner than Lc . The insets illustrate the bulk (right panel) and truncated (left panel) pinning volumes, applicable for d > Lmp and d < Lmp c c , respectively. of a universal description of vortex matter. This work opens the door for further studies to unveil pinning lengths in other superconductors and could impact work on other problems that similarly involve the interplay between disorder and collective interactions, such as systems containing skyrmions,22 domain walls,23 or disordered polymers.24
Methods Film Growth and Characterization. The (Y0.77 ,Gd0.23 )Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film measured in this study was grown epitaxially on buffered Hastelloy substrates using metal organic deposition from Y-, Gd-, and Ba-trifluoroacetates and Cu-naphthenate solutions. A stack of NiCrFeO, Gd2 Zr2 O7 , Y2 O3 , MgO (deposited using ion beam assisted deposition), LaMnO3 , and CeO2 layers form the interposing buffer. Characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy, the film contain a sparse distribution (3×1019 /m3 ) of Y2 Cu2 O5 precipitates, which are on average 94 nm in diameter and spaced 272 nm apart (see ref. [25] for TEM images). The Nb film was deposited on a SiO2 substrate by DC sputtering and contains ∼10 nm sized grains.26 As discussed in the main text, Nb has low κ and low Gi, while (Y0.77 ,Gd0.23 )Ba2 Cu3 O7−x has both high κ and Gi. The relevance of these parameters is as follows: κ is related to the energy required for vortex core formation [almost negligible in (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x ] and Gi captures the relevance of thermal fluctuations in the material, i.e., materials with larger Gi suffer more from vortex creep.2, 9, 27 Thinning was achieved by broad beam Ar+ ion milling on a rotating, water-cooled stage. To prevent significant changes in the surface roughness, we milled at a low beam voltage of 300 V and current of 12 mA. Atomic force microscopy studies revealed milling rates of ∼ 12 nm/min and ∼ 9 nm/min and RMS surface roughnesses of 30 nm and 5 nm for the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film and Nb film, respectively. As a redundant verification of the rate calibration, the thickness of the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film after all milling steps was measured using focused ion beam and cross sectional scanning electron microscopy. Magnetization Measurements. Magnetization studies were performed using a Quantum Design SQUID magnetometer. For all measurements, the magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the film plane. Creep data were taken using an established approach28 where the decay in the magnetization over time was captured by repeatedly measuring M every 15 s at a fixed T and H. To accomplish this, the field was initally swept high enough (∆H > 4H ∗ ) that vortices, which first form at the film peripheries, permeate the center of the sample. In this case, H ∗ is the field of full flux penetration and the Bean critical state model defines the vortex distribution. A brief measurement of M (t) in the lower branch was collected, then for the upper branch M was repeatedly measured for an hour. After subtracting the background (determined by the differences in the upper and lower branches) and adjusting the time to account for the difference between the initial application of the field and the first measurement (maximize correlation coefficient), S = − d ln M/ d ln t was calculated from the slope of a linear fit to ln M versus ln t. The critical current was calculated from the magnetization data using the Bean model,29, 30 Jc = 20∆M/[w(1 − w/3l)]. Here, ∆M is the difference between the first few points from the upper and lower branches of M (t) , and w ∼ l ∼ 3 − 5 mm specifies sample width and length. Tc was determined from temperature-dependent magnetization curves recorded at
0.002 T. The Nb film demonstrated a slight increase in Jc only after each of the last two thinning steps, while Tc did not change. For the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film, neither Tc nor Jc are substantially altered after thinning.
Data Availability Data supporting the findings in this study are available within the article or from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Acknowledgements. This work was primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division (S.E. and L.C.) and performed, in part, at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), a user facility operated for the DOE Office of Science. Los Alamos National Laboratory is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the U.S. DOE under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. M.M. and M.S. are supported by JSPS KAKENHI (17H03239 and 17K18888) and a research grant from the Japan Power Academy. M.D.H. was supported by the LDRD program at Sandia National Laboratory (SNL). SNL is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. DOE’s NNSA under contract DE-NA-0003525. The authors acknowledge and thank the staff of the SNL MESA fabrication facility. We also thank Dr. Charles Thomas Harris of CINT at SNL for focused ion beam milling and cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy. R.W. acknowledges support from the DOE, Office of Basic Energy Sciences and from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through the Early Postdoc.Mobility program. Author Contributions. S.E. conceived and designed the experiment, performed the magnetization measurements, ion milling, atomic force microscopy, data analysis, and assisted with theoretical analysis. R.W. spearheaded the theoretical analysis. S.E. and R.W. wrote the manuscript. L.C. assisted with theoretical analysis and manuscript preparation. M.M. and M.S. grew and performed the microstructure characterization on the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x films. M.D.H. deposited and performed the microstructure characterization on the Nb films. Competing Financial Interest Statement. The authors declare no competing financial interests.
arXiv:1709.02776v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 8 Sep 2017
Supplementary Information Accelerated vortex dynamics across the magnetic 3D-to-2D crossover in disordered superconductors Serena Eley*1 , Roland Willa2 , Masashi Miura3 , Michio Sato3 , Michael David Henry4 , and Leonardo Civale1 1
Condensed Matter & Magnet Science, Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM 2 Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 3 Graduate School of Science & Technology, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan 4 MESA Fabrication Facility, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM
September 11, 2017
Critical current density in Nb and (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x films. The main text (see Methods) notes minimal changes in the critical current density (Jc ) with decreasing film thickness (d) for the Nb and (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x films. Here, we elaborate on this critical current data and place it in context with previous studies that have focused on understanding the origin of changes in Jc with film thickness in YBa2 Cu3 O7−x . Figure S1 shows the temperature dependence of Jc for both films after each ion milling step. Only small changes in Jc occur in the Nb film until the last two milling steps, which each successively increase Jc . Regarding YBa2 Cu3 O7−x , an increase in Jc with decreasing thickness has been reported in several studies1–7 —a trend that is reversed for sufficiently thin films, d . 100 nm. For our (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film, there is a noticeable reduction in Jc after the first milling step, after which Jc does not substantially change with further thinning. The initial decrease could be related to an initial change in the surface morphology, accompanied by a reduction in surface pinning. However, it should be stressed that we intentionally developed a gentle milling recipe that does not change the surface roughness. The dependence of Jc on film thickness in YBa2 Cu3 O7−x has been extensively studied and attributed to different origins, including changes in the microstructure with film depth1–3 (though also seen in perfectly crystalline films4 ), 3D-to-2D crossovers tuned by the relationship between the collective pinning length Lc and the film thickness,6, 8 and changes in the self-field7 with thickness. One of these studies3 did report a reduction in the creep rate at high temperatures from comparing S(T ) in three different fairly thick films (d = 0.7 µm, 1.4 µm, 2.8 µm). The study thoroughly characterized these films and 1
did not determine the fundamental underlying mechanism for the sensitivity of S to thickness. Another study6 suggested that the dependence of Jc (T ) on thickness in uniform films is related to changes in creep, but did not measure S versus thickness. The small changes in Jc (d) for our films raise two important questions: Why do we fail to observe the well-document dependence of Jc on d? Furthermore, given the fundamental relationship between S and Jc , why is there no large decrease in Jc with decreasing thickness (increasing S) at high temperatures? Regarding the first question, there is enough scatter in published data that we may not have observed the overall trend within our limited thickness range.1, 4 Additionally, we are likely in a regime in which the dependence is weak.5 In fact, Jc is far less sensitive to film thickness in samples grown by metal organic deposition than those grown by pulsed laser deposition.9 We find the answer to the second question in an observation made by Sheriff et al.,2 emphasizing the importance of the time at which Jc is measured. In their work, the authors observed that at temperatures higher than 60 K, their time-dependent magnetization (M ) curves for the very thin versus thick films crossed. That is, the magnetization M (t) ∝ Jc for the thin samples started off larger than for the thicker ones, but decayed faster. Hence, J for the thinner samples fell below that for the thicker ones at the end of their measurement window. Similarly, our curves at high T cross for t > 0 (see Fig. S2). Consequently, the trends in Jc (T ) shown in Fig. S1 merely represent a snapshot at a particular time. Creep in (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x measured at µ0 H = 0.3 T. The data presented in the main text for (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x was predominately measured in an applied field of 1 T. Here, we present data taken at 0.3 T that shows complementary trends. First, Fig. S3a shows that S successively increases as the film is thinned. Second, we again find that the vortex bundle prediction for the collective pinning length from equation (1) in the main text (plotted in Fig. S3b) is too small to explain the observed sensitivity of S to d. Third, when S is plotted against d on a log − log scale (Fig. S4a), we again see a transition from a thickness-insensitive creep rate at low T to power-law behavior S ∝ d−α at high T . The values of the exponents α are shown in the inset to Fig. S4a and are similar to those extracted from the 1 T data. Following the procedure outlined in the main text, we can extract the effective collective pinning length Lmp (mp = mixed pinning) from a kink c in the U ∗ (d) data that appears as the system transitions from thickness-independent to thickness-dependent S. The inset to Fig. S4a shows an example of the kink in the 0.3 T data at three temperatures and the main panel displays the linear dependence of Lmp on c T . Lastly, there is an abrupt increase in ∆S (increase in S after thinning, compared to original film) when the film thickness is equal to the collective pinning length Lmp (Fig. c S4c). Hence, the 0.3 T data corroborates our result. Activation energy and glassy exponents. For completeness of the argument, we briefly describe the different creep regimes arising for currents near and away from Jc .
Applicable for J . Jc , the Anderson-Kim model approximates the current-dependent activation barrier as U (J) = Uc (1 − J/Jc ) hence S(T ) ∼ T /Uc . For T Tc , the temperature dependence of Uc may be neglected thereby the creep rate grows linearly10 with T . Beyond the Anderson-Kim regime, when J Jc (typical at high temperatures), the energy barrier diverges as10 U (J) ∼ Uc (Jc /J)µ , where µ is temperature dependent and µ = 1/7, 3/2 or 5/2, and 7/9 are predicted for creep of single vortices, small bundles, and large bundles of flux, respectively.10, 11 The expression U (J) = (Uc /µ)[(Jc /J)µ − 1] interpolates between the two limiting regimes 1 − J/Jc 1 and J/Jc 1, and results in an expected creep rate of S = T /[Uc + µT ln(t/t0 )]. The effective activation barrier U ∗ ≡ −dU/d ln J = T /S can be determined from the creep data and provides direct access to µ. In the absence of glassiness [non-divergent creep barrier U (J)], the exponent is named p < 0 instead of µ, where the Anderson-Kim regime produces p = −1 and plastic creep based on dislocation mediated vortex motion12, 13 produces p = −0.5. Figure S5a shows how the Nb film exhibits Anderson-Kim-like (AK, rigid vortex) behavior at high T for all film thicknesses. At different temperatures, the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film demonstrates glassy behavior where µ = 1 and 1.5 (creep of small bundles), and plastic flow (p = −0.5), as indicated in Figs. S5b and S5c. An interesting difference between the data in these two figures is that, at high T , the original film exhibits plastic flow at 0.3 T and AK (rigid) behavior at 1 T. This would suggest that, at high T , the effective pinning length should be less than 900 nm at 0.3 T and greater than 900 nm at 1 T – consistent with our extracted Lmp in Fig. S4b. c
Figure S1: Dependence of critical current density on film thickness. Temperaturedependent critical current at different films thicknesses for a, the Nb film measured in a field of 0.3 T and b, c, the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x (YGdBCO) film measured in a field of 0.3 T and 1 T, respectively.
Figure S2: Logarithmic decay in the current over time for (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film. Log− log plot of critical current density versus the time at which it is measured for the original film (thickness d = 900 nm) and the same film after being thinned to 320 nm.
Figure S3: Thickness-dependent vortex creep in (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film. a, Comparison of the temperature-dependent creep rates S(T ) for the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x (YGdBCO) film at different thicknesses d in a field of 0.3 T. The error bars [standard deviation in the logarithmic fit to M (t)] are smaller than the point sizes. b, Collective pinning length Lvb c (T ) for (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x in the bundle regime based on equation (1) in the main text, our experimental data for Jc (inset), and the assumption that λab (0) ≈ 140 nm is equivalent to YBa2 Cu3 O7−x .14, 15
Figure S4: Pinning length in (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x film. a, Creep versus film thickness at different temperatures for (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x (YGdBCO) film on a log − log plot. The mp at 0.3 T and 1 dotted lines are linear fits for d ≤ Lmp c (T ). b, Effective pinning length Lc T. (See main text for all 1 T data). The circles and diamonds show points extracted from the U ∗ (d) data. The inset shows an example of how Lmp was extracted for T = 30-40 c K at 0.3 T. Linear fits to this data (solid lines) and extrapolations (dashed lines) defining Lmp c (T, H) are shown. c Difference in creep rate of thinned film and that of the original film (d = 900 nm) versus the ratio of the film thickness to the effective pinning length, mp d/Lmp c (T ). Creep rate increases sharply when film becomes thinner than Lc .
Figure S5: Current-dependent activation energy in Nb and (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x films. Activation energy U ∗ as a function of 1/J for the a, Nb film measured at 0.3 T and the (Y,Gd)Ba2 Cu3 O7−x (YGdBCO) film measured at b, 0.3 T and c, 1 T. Power-law fits (dotted lines in log − log plot) are used to extract the glassy exponents µ and p delineating different creep regimes. Here, p = −1 suggests the Anderson-Kim regime and plastic creep based on dislocation mediated vortex motion produces p = −0.5. For the Nb film, the exponent is p = −0.9 at high T and for all d; for clarity, only data for the thinnest and thickest d are shown. For the YGdBCO film, the crossover temperature to plastic behavior decreases monotonically with thinning, though for clarity only data from the thinnest and thickest d are shown.
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