was analysed in the feed at each change. myo-Inositol phosphates (hexa-, penta-, tetra- and tri-) and Zn, Cu, Fe and Ca were also analysed in the diets. After 9 ...
British Journal of Nutrition (1998), 80, 205–211
Accumulation of cadmium from wheat bran, sugar-beet fibre, carrots and cadmium chloride in the liver and kidneys of mice Ylva Lind1,2*, Joakim Engman1, Lars Jorhem1 and Anders Wicklund Glynn1,2 1
The Swedish National Food Administration, Box 622, S-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden Department of Environmental Toxicology, Uppsala University, Norbyva¨gen 18A, S-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden (Received 16 June 1997 – Revised 10 February 1998 – Accepted 18 February 1998)
The gastrointestinal absorption and organ distribution of Cd after exposure for 9 weeks to three fibre-rich foodstuffs (wheat bran, sugar-beet fibre and carrots) were determined in mice. Groups of eight mice were given a diet containing 0·05 mg Cd/kg from wheat bran, sugar-beet fibre, carrots or CdCl2 mixed in a semi-synthetic, low-Cd (