Action Plan and Budget 2013 - advid

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Represented by: António Américo da Rocha Graça. MEMBER: ... António José Silva Fonseca Gonçalves Mendes. Quinta da ... John Andrew Douglas Symington.
ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan and Budget 2013

Action Plan and Budget 2013

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

Contents 1.

Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................................................................................................3


Social Organs .....................................................................................................................................................................................................4


Members ............................................................................................................................................................................................................5


Objectives and Strategy....................................................................................................................................................................................8


Operational Resources .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 5.1. Human resources ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.1.1. Functional responsibilities .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.2. Financial resources ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 5.3. Material resources ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13


Strategic lines of development (Flagship Projects) .................................................................................................................................... 14 6.1. Climate change ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.1.1. Impact of Climate Change on Viniculture in the Douro Demarcated Region ......................................................................... 15 6.1.2. Modelling the Evolution of RDD Wine Quality .......................................................................................................................... 16 6.1.3. Short-term climate change mitigation strategies for viticulture (ClimVineSafe) ................................................................... 16 6.1.4. Management of grapevine water and heat stresses ................................................................................................................ 16 6.2. Zonation and three-dimensional mapping of the viticultural potential using a microzoning approach ........................................ 17 6.3. Functional Biodiversity in Viticulture ................................................................................................................................................... 17 6.3.1. Biodivine (Demonstration of the functional biodiversity in vineyard landscapes)................................................................. 17 6.3.2. Ecological infrastructures in the biological protection of conservation against vineyard pests, in the RDD ...................... 18 6.3.3. Maximising Vineyard Ecosystem Services ................................................................................................................................. 18 6.4. Evaluation of the oenological potential of grapes............................................................................................................................... 18 6.5. Preservation of the genetic variability of wine grape varieties .......................................................................................................... 19 6.6. Sustained viticulture production .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 6.7. Rationalisation of hillside vineyards ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 6.7.1. Economic observatory ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 6.8. Competency development – Training and Dissemination .................................................................................................................. 21


Communication and Dissemination ............................................................................................................................................................. 24 7.1. Production of knowledge support material ........................................................................................................................................ 24 7.2. Knowledge acquisition........................................................................................................................................................................... 24 7.2.1. Participation in events ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 7.2.2. Training ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 7.3. Knowledge transfer ............................................................................................................................................................................... 24 7.3.1. ADVID website– ................................................................................................................................................. 25 7.3.2. Dissemination Events .................................................................................................................................................................. 25 7.3.3. ADVID Prize - 2013 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26 7.3.4. Dynamisation of complementary projects ................................................................................................................................ 26


Support Services for Good Agricultural Practices ....................................................................................................................................... 26 8.1. Services financed by quotas .................................................................................................................................................................. 26 8.2. Invoiced services .................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 8.2.1. Viticulture .................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 8.2.2. Oenology ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 8.3. Future Plans............................................................................................................................................................................................ 29


Administrative and Accounting support...................................................................................................................................................... 29


Institutional Relations ................................................................................................................................................................................... 29


Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Action Plan for 2013 is a continuation of the Action Plan defined and approved for the 2009-2012 period as an instrument for the development of viticulture in the Douro Demarcated Region. The Action Plan is necessitated upon the recognition of ADVID as the managing entity of the Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster and because certain Flagship Project applications are still ongoing.

The official recognition of the Douro Region Wine Cluster and of ADVID as the managing entity will cease in late 2012 / early 2013, and there are still no concrete indications regarding the future of the EEC. However, regardless of the official recognition of the EEC, the Douro Region Wine Cluster will continue its mission with ADVID as a dynamising entity to achieve its vision of a "Sustainable Viticulture Sector", which is why the ADVID exists.

Moreover, the approaching end of the Community Framework IV (“IV Quadro Comunitário”) without actual knowledge of the PAC post 2013 and the consequences it may bring to Douro Region Viticulture means that this year we will give special emphasis to reflection and to defining strategies for the Future of ADVID, defining as priorities the internal organisation and improving processes/procedures of ongoing activities, and drafting and presenting the ADVID Strategic Plan for 2014-2018.

The results of several ongoing projects have allowed us to prepare the Handbook of Sustainable Viticulture (“Manual da Viticultura Sustentável”), a vital tool for regional development. As part of these projects, we highlight the events that will take place:

 Symposium “Management of water and heat stress in hillside vineyards” - Presentation of the results of the RDD regarding the management of water relations with the participation of prominent researchers in the field of ecophysiology and water stress.  Symposium “Biodiversity” - Presentation of the results of work conducted in the three ongoing RDD actions, "Demonstration of functional biodiversity in vineyard landscapes", "Ecological infrastructures in the biological protection of conservation against vineyard pests" and "Maximising vineyard ecosystem services" with the participation of internationally recognised researchers on this topic.

We will continue to develop skills for communication and dissemination, to reinforce networking, to promote the transfer of knowledge from the scientific and technological sectors to winemaking companies and to improve technical support to members.

From the point of view of the relationship between ADVID and its members, and the dissemination and training actions developed through workshops, symposia, bulletins and circulars, we will operationalise the communication 3

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

platform developed in 2012 through the Net Platform, which will enable members to monitor all activities developed by ADVID at its farm.

We will continue to develop, in conjunction with the Porto School of Economics (“Faculdade de Economia do Porto”), a database on the cost of cultural operations, combined with other elements related to income to create the "RDD Economic Observatory" (“Observatório Económico da RDD”), a fundamental tool for economic evaluation for each moment of the biological assets of the vineyard.

In a continuation of the actions taken in 2012 in relation to biodiversity, including "Birdwatching", and considering that the trials established in members’ farms aim to reduce costs but also add value to wines made from these grapes by increasing the hygiene and nutritional quality, as well as to improve the environment and add value to the landscape, we intend to continue to develop strategies that allow members to demonstrate and present the grapes’ positive qualities during visits from customers, opinion makers and tourists.

We intend to continue to take a very active role among national wine policy makers, devising proposals that meet the guidelines of the hillside viticulture, classified as World Heritage (“Viticultura de Encosta, classificada como Património Mundial”), including the redefinition of the size of the RDD vineyard. The RDD is a mountainous region, the main crop of which is grapes, which has encountered increased costs relative to other viticultures, and this vineyard region has generated the landscape, culture, World Heritage classification and, hence, the attractiveness to tourists. However, this economic activity, the vineyard, in addition to being localised to mountainous regions has, and desires, to preserve the conditions for a Heritage classification, which entails increased costs not only from the techniques used for the cultivation of the grapevines and the sustainability of the territory but also from increased expenditures of time and money with public bodies to obtain opinions and authorisations to restructure the vineyard or the cellar, that is, have a set of obligations that do not generate benefits, such as zones classified as “Rede Natura” (Natural Networks).

With this Action Plan, we intend to take one more step to realise the established view, i.e., to consolidate the position of ADVID as the main platform for knowledge dissemination/evaluation of problems between universities, research institutions, bodies of central and regional power and winemaking companies and aim to stimulate entrepreneurship and to enhance the competitiveness of the wine sector.

2. SOCIAL ORGANS ADVID Social Organs during the 2012-2014 triennial GENERAL ASSEMBLY 4

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

PRESIDENT: ADRIANO RAMOS PINTO VINHOS, S.A. Represented by: João Rosas Nicolau de Almeida VICE-PRESIDENT: NIEPOORT (Vinhos), S.A. Represented by: José Teles Dias da Silva MEMBER: ROZÈS, S.A. Represented by: António Fernando da Cunha Saraiva ADMINISTRATION PRESIDENT: SOGEVINUS FINE WINE, S.A. Represented by: José Manuel Meneres Manso MEMBER: W. & J. GRAHAM & Company, S.A. Represented by: Carlos Alberto Soares Caldeira MEMBER: SOGRAPE VINHOS, S.A. Represented by: António Américo da Rocha Graça MEMBER: QUINTA DO VALLADO - SOC. AGRÍCOLA, LDA. Represented by: Francisco Spratley Ferreira MEMBER: FINANCIAL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: C.ª GERAL DA AGRICULTURA DAS VINHAS DO ALTO DOURO [GENERAL AGRICULTURE COMPANY OF ALTO DOURO WINES] Represented by: Pedro Silva Reis MEMBER: CHURCHILL GRAHAM, LDA. Represented by: John Graham MEMBER: Manuel Maria Gonçalves Mota


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

LIST OF MEMBERS EFFECTIVE MEMBERS Adriano Ramos Pinto - Vinhos, S.A. C.ª Geral da Agricultura das Vinhas do Alto Douro Churchill Graham, Lda. Niepoort (Vinhos), S.A. Quinta do Noval - Vinhos, S.A. Rozès, S.A. Sociedade Vinícola Terras de Valdigem, S.A. Sogevinus Fine Wines, S.A. Sogrape Vinhos, S.A. W. & J. Graham, Ca. COLLECTIVE MEMBERS A. Monteiro & Pôncio, Lda. Bayer CropScience Portugal, Lda. Beloxisto - Turismo Rural e Agricultura, Lda. Biosani - Agricultura Biológica e Protecção Integrada, Lda. Cabanas - Sociedade Vitivinícola, Lda. Casa Agrícola Horta Osório, S.A. Casa de Vilarelhos, Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. Cockburn & Ca., S.A. Coimbra de Mattos, Lda. Duorum Vinhos, S.A. E.I. Empreendimentos e Investimentos Agrícolas do Douro, S.A. Esmero – Sociedade de Vinhos, Lda. F. Albuquerque e Filhos - Sociedade Agrícola, S.A. F. Olazabal & Filhos, Lda. Fundação da Casa de Mateus In Vino, Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. João Brito e Cunha, Lda. João Nicolau de Almeida & Filhos, Lda. José Maria Pires – Qta. Vale de Locaia, Soc. Unipessoal, Lda. José Viseu Carvalho & Filhos, Lda. Lemos & Van Zeller, Lda. Montez Champalimaud, Lda. Néctar da Sabedoria - Vinhos e Enoturismo, Lda. Pacheco & Irmãos, Lda. Pagamo Meco, S.A. Prats & Symington, Lda. Quinta da Carvalhosa, Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. Quinta da Jusã - Soc. Imobiliária e Turística, S.A. Quinta da Rosa - Vinhos, S.A. Quinta da Foz do Pinhão - Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. Quinta do Grifo - Sociedade Agrícola, S.A. Quinta da Xandica - Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. Quinta das Apegadas, Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. Quinta de D. Matilde - Vinhos, Lda. Quinta do Crasto, S.A. Quinta do Infantado, Vinhos do Produtor, Lda. Quinta do Osório, Lda. Quinta do Passadouro, Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. Quinta do Pessegueiro - Sociedade Agrícola e Comercial, Lda. Quinta do Querindelo, Lda. Quinta do Sairrão, Sociedade Agrícola, S.A. Quinta do Vallado - Sociedade Agrícola, Lda.

Quinta dos Avidagos, Lda. Quinta Geração – Vinhos, Lda. Quinta Nova de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, S.A. Rumo, Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. Sapec Agro, S.A. Saraiva & Filhos, Lda. Silva & Cosens, Lda. Sinergiae - Ambiente, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola da Quinta do Alvito, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola da Quinta do Vale de Malhadas, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola da Quinta do Vesúvio, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola de Vila Velha, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola dos Canais, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola José Mesquita Guimarães, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola Quinta da Sequeira Nova, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola Quinta da Teixeira Velha, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola Quinta do Beato, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola Quinta do Todão, Lda. Sociedade Agrícola Quinta Seara D'Ordens, Lda. Sociedade Agroturistica da Casa dos Barros, Lda. Sogevinus Quintas, S.A. Symington Vinhos, S.A. Syngenta Crop Protection, Lda. VCC, Unipessoal, Lda. Veredas do Douro - Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. Warre & Companhia, SA. Wine & Soul, Lda. INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Afonso do Vale Coelho Pereira Cabral, Herdeiros Alfredo Fernandes Teixeira Constantino, Cabeça de Casal da Herança de

Álvaro Martinho Dias Lopes Ana Maria Lencastre Sousa Soares Freitas Ana Paula Moreira Filipe de Castro Ana Rita Forjaz Teixeira Leal Fráguas André Correia Cigarro Brás Antónia Maria Ponce Leão Bettencourt Mesquita de Araújo António Caetano Sousa Faria Girão António Carlos Sobral Pinto Ribeiro António da Cunha Carvalho António dos Santos Cigarro, Cabeça de Casal da Herança de António José Silva Fonseca Gonçalves Mendes António Manuel da Costa Lima Acciaiuoli Dória António Manuel Rodrigues de Queiróz António Manuel Vicente Almeida António Manuel Vilhena Andrêz António Rodrigues de Carvalho Armando Filipe Lacerda Queirós Arnaldo Hibon de Campos Artur Luís Vinhal Graça Guimarães Serôdio Bernardo Maria Freire Albuquerque Nápoles de Carvalho Bertilde Botelho Elias Carlos Alberto Sousa Sampaio Magalhães César Augusto Correia de Sequeira Charles Andrew Nunes Symington Domingos Guilhermino dos Reis Alves de Sousa


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (continuation) Eduardo Francisco Bessa da Costa Seixas Eunice Luís Silva Fonseca Gonçalves Mendes Fernando de Sousa Botelho Albuquerque Francisco Júlio Marinho Oliveira Passos Inês Sofia Gomes de Sousa Botelho Albuquerque Isabel Maria da Costa Fevereiro João Baptista de Castro Girão de Azeredo Leme João Henrique Pereira da Silva e Sousa Pessanha Martins Moreira João Manuel Araújo dos Santos João Pereira Rebelo Joaquim Norberto Campos Rodrigues dos Santos John Andrew Douglas Symington Jorge Bernardo Lacerda de Queirós Jorge Botelho Elias Jorge Rosas Vinhos Unipessoal, Lda. José Agostinho Fernandes Lacerda José Alberto Pinto de Azevedo José António Teixeira Martins José Arnaldo Coutinho José Carlos de Morais Calheiros Cruz, Herdeiros José Correia Barrigas de Azevedo José Luís Matos Rodrigues de Figueiredo José Manuel Morais Barata José Maria Ramos, Herdeiros José Ramos da Fonseca Laura Maria Osório de Meneses Braga Coutinho Albuquerque Nápoles

Laura Maria Valente Barreto Nogueira Regueiro Luís Baptista Pinto de Figueiredo, Cabeça de Casal Macário de Castro da Fonseca Pereira Coutinho Manuel Cândido Pinto de Oliveira Manuel da Costa Pinto Hespanhol Manuel Fernandes Lebres Manuel Joaquim Freire D'Almeida Gouveia Manuel Mouzinho de Albuquerque de Mascarenhas Gaivão Maria Adelaide Pinto dos Santos Maria Alcina Fortes de Carvalho Maria Amélia Branco Xavier de Araújo Maria Amélia Cyrne Correia Pacheco Lobato Faria Maria Antónia de Nazaret Bernardo Azevedo Narciso Maria Beirão Costa Pinto Almeida Silva Maria Celina Gomes Parente do Patrocínio Maria da Graça Almeida Ferreira de Sousa Pizarro Maria da Graça Lacerda de Queirós

Natália Neusa Correia Cigarro Miranda Brás Paul Douglas Symington Pedro Pinto da Cunha Rola Peter Ronald Symington Pompeu Barros Viseu Pôncio Martins Ribeiro Tomás Guedes de Almeida Holtreman Roquette Vicent Bouchard HONORARY MEMBERS Acácio Manuel Poças Maia Alexandre José Pina de Carvalho António Rocha Pinto António de Vasconcelos Maia António J. Albuquerque de Oliveira Quinta António J.S. de Oliveira Bessa António Jorge Ferreira Filipe Charles Andrew Nunes Symington Christian Seely Cristiano José Seabra Van Zeller Fernando Bianchi de Aguiar Fernando Luís Van Zeller Francisco Barata Tovar George T.D. Sandeman João Manuel M. de Almeida Barros João Pedro Larangeiro Ramalho John Gordon Guimarães José Alfredo Pinto Gaspar José Manuel Froés Burguete de Sousa Soares José Maria d’Orey Soares Franco Manuel Ângelo Oliveira de Almeida Barros Miguel Côrte-Real da Silva Gomes Nuno d’Orey Cancela de Abreu Nuno Pizarro Magalhães Pedro Miguel Cunha de Sá Peter Ronald Symington

Maria de Fátima Pimentel Teixeira Correia Tavares de Figueiroa Rego

Maria Emília Miranda de Sousa Leite Lobo D'Ávila Maria Etelvina Ferreira Trigo Pereira Carneiro Maria Henriqueta Janeiro Pinto da Silva Maria Isabel Junqueiro Sarmento Gomes Mota Maria Luísa da Graça Paulo Ferreira da Rocha Maria Manuela Matos Silva Fonseca Maria Manuela Pizarro Montenegro Seixas Fego Maria Manuela Vasques Osório de Amorim Maria Natália Lameirão Monteiro de González Maria Paula Carmona de Abreu de Azeredo Malheiro Girão Maria Virgínia Borges Gonçalves Costa Mendes Mário Joaquim da Rocha Braga, Herdeiros Mário Joaquim Mendonça Abreu Lima


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013


400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0













Individual members













Collective Members













Effective members













Fixed quotas (€'000)

106,44 123,84 128,52 111,48 113,76 104,16 102,60 105,24 107,46 118,34 113,94 114,90

Variable quotas (€'000) 202,77 219,18 237,76 234,23 206,61 174,57 140,14 108,02 118,43 124,41 116,28 116,28 Total quotas (€'000)

309,21 343,02 366,28 345,71 320,37 278,73 242,74 213,26 225,89 242,75 230,22 231,18

Graph 1 – Evolution of the Member Structure



The activities performed since the creation of ADVID allowed for the presentation of an application in 2008 to compete for a coherent set of integrated initiatives in the Action Plan for the 2009-2012 period, which came to be recognised as a collective efficiency strategy, known as the Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster, and ADVID was recognised as its managing entity. Official recognition will end in late 2012 / early 2013 with no concrete indications regarding the future of the EEC. However, the Douro Region Wine Cluster, regardless of its official recognition as EEC, will continue its mission, as defined by the members and partners, to "dynamise and consolidate the wine production sector in the Douro Region, through a sustainable technological strategy applied to all its parties" and with the ambition (vision) "be an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable industry, driven by a networked culture of cooperation for the reduction of threats and optimisation of opportunities”. Additionally, ADVID's statutes define its reason to be, i.e., "the study, experimentation, demonstration and dissemination of winemaking techniques appropriate to the specific characteristics of the Douro Demarcated Region, in view of the competitiveness and quality of wines in national and international markets, on its own or in 8

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

collaboration with state or private, domestic or foreign agencies or services and also to represent and defend the interests of members before all official or private, national, regional or international entities. Finally, it will also promote professional training, technical support for integrated production and biological production and the promotion and protection of environmental assets and landscape of the RDD”. "The results of the actions undertaken and studies will be made public in a way to be available to the Douro winemakers, through publications, courses, seminars and other dissemination methods that the administration deems appropriate”.

ADVID is an association created in 1982 with a mission to promote the Sustainable Development of Douro . Viticulture, seeking to base its action in fundamental values: 

The culture of identity, rigor and commitment;

A flexible, cohesive and enthusiastic team;

The sharing of information and knowledge;

Creativity and innovation;

The primacy of Members;

Striving for excellence.

The vision of ADVID is to, "be an aggregator unit, promoting cooperation and networking of companies and other parties relevant to the development of the sector, and be recognised as a reference platform for the sustainable development of viticulture, for its ability in transfer knowledge and determine the problems of Douro Viticulture”.

If we analyse the reasons for its existence, the ideals of the Cluster and ADVID, and the results obtained in connection with research organisations, we are led to conclude that regardless of official recognition, ADVID is the natural driving entity of the Douro Region Wine Cluster.

Our strategic objectives are 

Increase the membership base and consequently increase the resources available to develop and dynamise the Cluster;

Promote and increase investment in R&D and business innovation through mobilising projects with added value in the winemaking industry;

Increase the level of technical and economic expertise of the sector as a factor for the competitiveness of companies in Portugal and worldwide;

Optimise, capture and disseminate knowledge in the region as a way to improve winemaking practices, 9

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

increasing the value of local human capital; 

Develop methodologies that increase the operational efficiency of wine production;

Raise public and private investment in the region;

Establish platforms to concentrate scientific knowledge and to support the initiatives of economic agents for the innovation of processes and products;

Create support services for companies.

To achieve these goals, an Action Plan was defined that aims to generate innovation, skills and the modernisation of companies from the sector and to foster the emergence of agglomeration economies through cooperation and networking. The Action Plan consists of the following efforts: 1. Strategic Lines of Development (Flagship Projects) This set of projects arose from the problems, needs and/or opportunities identified by all members and partners and will be developed under different support programmes or by using our own funding along with the involvement of the SCTN structures: universities, technology centres and national and regional institutions focused on research, regulation and development. 2. Complementary Projects Projects for individual action or cooperation between companies will aim to promote the technological and commercial development of companies. In this context, we disclose the tools available for their funding, including the incentives of the QREN, PRODER, RARRV and Promotion in Third Countries, where projects of interest to member companies can be introduced. We will also disclose tax benefits that may occur through deductions for expenditure on R & D in the SIFIDE (Sistema de incentivos fiscais à I&D empresarial [tax incentive system for business R & D]) programme. 3. Network Dynamising and Motivation Actions through meetings and work sessions with members, partners and counterparts. 4. Stimulation of Knowledge Communication and Dissemination through the production of knowledge support material; conducting training courses, workshops, colloquiums and seminars and participating in events for the dissemination of the work performed. 5. Support the Management of Good Agricultural Practices in the RDD. 6. Development of Partnerships and Institutional Relations. In a continuation from previous years, we will strengthen ties with the institutions with which we already maintain partnership protocols and foster partnerships with other relevant organisations for the development of winemaking in the Douro Region.

The objectives will be achieved if the targets proposed for each indicator are achieved. The table below presents the indicators and the respective targets we intend to achieve in 2013 with reference to the year 2009. 10

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

Result indicators


Targets defined in 2009 to be met by the project’s end, 2013 10



Training actions and dissemination events Technical information disseminated and publications released to the public Hours expended by the technical structure under training













Technical services provided by the Association





Reference plots in the ADVID network





New production processes developed









R&D projects conducted





Projects with intervention from SCT bodies




11 -

Proposed indicator

Change in the no. of members (2009 – 178 members)

Preservation of grape genetic variability

Increase in Cluster R&D expenses Increase in the no. of researchers in ADVID and main partners Participation in international R&D programmes Projects approved with government funding Level of financial execution of projects











No. Projects
















Impact indicators

Proposed indicator

Environmental awareness actions Increase in the appeal of RDD – No. of visitors 6

Increase in RDD exports (2009 – 327 x 10 €) Change in income (increase in business volume) 6 (2009 – 446 x 10 €) Reduction in production costs


Targets defined in 2009 to be met by the project’s end, 2013 10







5.6 (2011)




2.5 (2011)







Production units that require modernisation





Creation of qualified work positions - Level IV or higher




5 17

Change in workforce skill levels




No. of companies that move from SME to larger-sized enterprises





Result demonstration and dissemination actions/sessions Technical information disseminated and publications released to the public Projects with national/international dissemination













The targets set for 2013 in this action plan for some of the indicators are less ambitious than those set in 2009, namely, 

Change in the number of members

Technical services provided by the Association

New production processes developed

R&D projects conducted

Projects with intervention from SCT bodies 11

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

Participation in R&D international programmes

Projects approved with government funding

Creation of qualified work positions - Level IV or higher

Change in workforce skill levels

The seemingly negative change in the number of members is due to a decrease in the number of individual members, which, in reality, corresponds to a positive evolution of the economic fabric of the region and of our members, which has evolved into more structured forms of organisation, namely, into business structures, which is easily demonstrated by the increased value generated by quotas. Regarding the other indicators, differences arise from the current situation and the lack of government funding opportunities for the Strategic Lines of Development (Flagship Projects), which affects the various planned activities.

We chose not to include the indicators, "Increase in Cluster R&D expenses", "Increases in the no. of researchers in ADVID and main partners ", "Increase in the appeal of RDD - No. of visitors ", "Reduction in production costs", "No. of companies that move from SME to larger-sized enterprises" because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate figures for these indicators from official bodies.

5. OPERATIONAL RESOURCES 5.1. Human resources The ADVID team includes 9 full-time collaborators and the support of one collaborator on a retainer basis for administrative and accounting duties. For 2013, it is expected to add 5 interns to the team (2 professional internships and 3 internships through the research and development projects).

5.1.1. Functional Responsibilities - Rosa Amador – General Director - Fernanda Almeida – Communication and Dissemination - Hugo Pinto – Administration and Accounting Services - Fernando Alves – Technical Director - Jorge Costa - Agro-Environmental and Hillside Vineyard Measures - Cristina Carlos – Biodiversity and Protection against Pests - Maria do Carmo Val – Disease Prevention and Biological Viticulture - Branca Teixeira – Soils and Climatic Data - Paulo Costa - Oenology and Plant Material 12

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

5.2. Financial Resources 2012


Effective members



Collective members



Individual members



Fixed quotas ('000€)



Variable quotas ('000€)






Total ('000€)



5.3. Material Resources Material










Multifunction printers/ fax machines


Colour inkjet printer


Multifunction copier


Multimedia projector






Spectrum radiometer


Pressure chamber










UV / visible spectrophotometer


Cup washer


Bench-top refractometer


Pocket refractometer




Monitoring cameras


Soil humidity probes






Data loggers


Weather stations


Binocular microscope






Microvinification tanks


Mini - press



ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

6. Strategic Lines of Development (Flagship Projects) Box I presents the current structure of the Action Plan flagship projects. Next, we describe the main objectives and present a summary of actions planned for 2013. Box II presents the financing structure. Box I – Evolution of the dynamics of various ongoing actions 2009

Flagship projects

Main projects / support activities




2010 4




2011 4




2012 4




2013 4




Climate change impacts on the Douro Region Viticulture Climate change impacts on RDD Viticulture

Modelling the evolution of RDD wine quality ClimVineSafe – Short-term climate change mitigation strategies Management of grapevine water and heat stresses

Zonation of RDD winemaking potential

Functional biodiversity in viticulture Assessment of Oenological Fitness of Grapes

Spatial analysis of RDD cartography Zonation interface platform – application submission BioDiVine (Demonstration of biodiversity in the vineyard landscapes) Ecological infrastructures for biological protection against vineyard pests Maximisation of vineyard ecosystem services Preparatory study of methodologies Project in preparation for application Prospecting, identifying and collecting wine grape varieties

Biodiversity Preservation of Wine Grape Variety

Sustained viticulture production

Assessment of the behaviour of Tinta Roriz clones Clonal selection of RDD varieties Thematic Information and Dissemination Network Network of reference plots

Rationalising the Implementation of Rationalising vineyards – Mapping landslides Hillside Vineyards Competency SIAC-COMPETE Training needs and content development development – Training and POPH Training Dissemination Legend: Project preparation Application preparation / submission / analysis

Projects and actions underway

6.1. Climate change Objectives: Anticipate scenarios and impacts of climate change on the Douro Region and evaluate the impact of climate change on grapevine productivity and the wine quality obtained. Build routes to mitigate the effect of climate change, providing the sector with the appropriate tools to manage grapevine water relations and to model soil/plant/atmosphere relations. This flagship project is currently supporting four actions:



ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

6.1.1. Impact of Climate Change on Viticulture in the Douro Demarcated Region 

Analyse reference data for the Douro Region: productivity, phenology, maturation;

Support the development of products to enhance the spatial resolution of climate data for the region in cooperation with the ClimVineSafe project;

Continue to develop a zoning model of regional production variability;

Develop a cartographic model and assess the impact of climate change on the phenology of the main Douro wine grape varieties;

Participation in the project EUPORIAS (European project coordinated by the School of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Dom Luiz Institute (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Dom Luiz – FCUL/IDL)), the primary objective of which is the development of medium-term climate scenarios to support viticulture management;

Develop a model that provides a perspective of climate change on the scale of RDD using outputs from regional atmospheric circulation models according to the IPCC scenarios and in combination with historical series of regional climatic elements (action integrated in the ClimeVineSafe project);

Develop an application for the European programme (FP7-GMES) for the establishment of a platform for providing vineyard monitoring services and for supporting water stress management.

6.1.2. Modelling the Evolution of RDD Wine Quality 

Continue to support the development and calibration of a reference index for vintage quality. PhD Project from the School of Engineering of the University of Porto (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto – FEUP);

Organise the annual tasting of vintage wine. In 2013, the tasting of vintage white wines will be included in the current model.

6.1.3. Short-term climate change mitigation strategies of viticulture (ClimVineSafe) 

Evaluate the effects of kaolin (K) as a protective agent for leaves during periods of intense sunlight and heat, and silicon (Si) as a micronutrient beneficial in the physiological induction of stress tolerance;

Conduct trials in pots and in a commercial vineyard with 3 red wine grape varieties. Evaluate grapevine physiological, viticultural and oenological behaviour;

In 2013, continue the field trial started for the Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca varieties with the expectation of extending a third variety;

Assess the effects of radiation and temperature on the qualitative parameters of grape bunches; 15

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

Disclosure of the preliminary results of the project.

6.1.4. Water and heat stress management of the grapevines Objectives: Evaluate grapevine water stress to guide practices that promote efficient water use by the grapevine and to maximise their qualitative potential. Develop methodologies that can potentially lead to the creation of services available to members that are associated with remote sensing methods for the evaluation of the water status of the vineyard, the progression of the leaf area index and normalised vegetation indices. To this effect, ongoing reference trials in the region (4 locations) will be continued in plots to integrate the network of demonstration plots, highlighting the following actions: 

Monitoring the evolution of base water potential;

Evaluating the effect of different water regimes on production and qualitative parameters;

Modelling the response of the grapevine at different levels of water and thermal stress.

6.2. Zonation and three-dimensional mapping of the viticultural potential using a microzoning approach Objectives: Contribute to the organisation of winemaking land use based on techniques used to evaluate the qualitative potential of classes of homogeneous "terroir", which will be defined in the RDD winemaking area by the integration of environmental data (climate, geology, geomorphology, vegetation, forms of use and soil properties). Provide the tools to support microzoning in support of technical decisions and winemaking management. 

Consolidate the application consortium group and project interest group;

Consult scientific system entities and companies providing microzoning support tools;

Encourage the application of cartographic materials prepared under the Climate Change project for spatial analysis of the region ;

Formalise the application.

6.3. Functional biodiversity in viticulture Increase the functional biodiversity in vineyards (value creation), add value to the establishment of green corridors and reduce the level of pesticide inputs, a line of action that is supported by three projects, with respective actions being scheduled for 2013. 6.3.1. BioDiVine (Demonstration of functional diversity in vineyard landscapes) Objectives: Demonstrate the biodiversity of vineyard landscapes and strengthen landscape structures to foster biodiversity through additional conservation actions at the soil level through green corridors and by promoting floral diversity and pest control practices. Based on 6 demonstration sites in 3 countries, the main actions for 2013 for the Douro Region are the 16

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

following: 

Installation of soil covers and hedges using local flora;

Encouraging biodiversity in vineyard headland;

Demonstrating practices to promote biodiversity in dry stone walls;

Taking advantage of existing ecological structures and contributing to the reorganisation of vineyard borders and hedge installation.

The impact assessment of the conservation actions will be undertaken through monitoring the following factors in 25 sites of the project’s trap network (each trap represents a buffer of 500 m): 

Monitoring the arthropod population using the RBA method for 10 weeks;

Evaluating the floral diversity;

Evaluating the avifauna using samples from 3 time points;

Monitoring small mammals in the vineyard / ecological structure interface areas (9 sites);

Monitoring soil microbial activity;

As a component of a project that is also very focused on communication aspects, the project’s website will be developed, and dissemination actions will be conducted. There will also be participation in the project’s motivation network.

6.3.2. Ecological infrastructures in the biological protection of conservation against RDD grapevine pests ADVID/UTAD PhD Project Objectives: Contribute to increasing the functional biodiversity of the vineyards of the Douro Demarcated Region through the establishment of an adequate network of ecological infrastructures (EIs - structures comprised of, for instance, natural vegetation, covers, hedges, walls and woods) that are intended to increase the performance of natural enemies of crop pests, especially those that act against the European grapevine moth. These activities take place in three vineyards located in the Cima Corgo subregion with the following tasks planned for 2013 in partnership with the Maximising Vineyard Ecosystem Services project.

6.3.3. Maximising Vineyard Ecosystem Services Objectives: To increase and add value to the support services that a particular ecosystem (e.g., a network of ecological infrastructure (EIs) for the region’s vineyards, including meadows, small traditional orchards, rural paths and stone walls) can provide with regards to both reducing pesticide use and the national and international projection of the Douro Region. 

Characterisation of the main plant communities in the region and the identification of flowering seasons for the component species; 17

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

Characterisation of the arthropod communities present in the plant communities and the identification of plant species potentially more interesting for increasing arthropods that act against the European grapevine moth;

Characterisation of arthropod / floral relations;

Development of a process to protect the RDD grapevines against the European grapevine moth using mating disruption techniques;

Monitoring of auxiliary fauna and pest / parasitoid relationships;

Implementation of professional internships for support of activities;

Data organisation and processing – the development of scientific and dissemination studies;

Dissemination through workshops.

6.4. Evaluation of the oenological potential of grapes Objectives: Establish criteria that associate measurable parameters in the grape with qualitative parameters of wine and develop tools for the objective valuation of the raw material - grapes. The following activities are planned for 2013: 

Continue and strengthen the consultation of entities from the scientific system and establish partnerships;

Conduct experimental tests to define the technology to be used;

Promote applications to support systems for project development;

Promote the development of the iGrape application.

6.5. Preservation of the genetic variability of wine grape varieties Objectives: Search for and conserve statistically representative samples of the intra-variety genetic variability of regional indigenous varieties. Prevent the erosion of the genetic patrimony accumulated over several centuries. For 2013 and since the beginning of Action 2.3.1. - Conservation and improvement of genetic resources (“Conservação e Melhoramento dos Recursos Genéticos”) (PRODER) is not expected, and actions will be limited to the use of our own resources and in collaboration with IVDP and DRAPN in the following tasks: 

Identify and prospect wine grape varieties in the Trás-os-Montes wine zone;

Collect material for implementations in the plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) preservation field in Pegões under the coordination of PORVID to protect the genetic variability of the different wine grape varieties.

Moreover, with only our own means, the following tasks will be undertaken: 

Monitor two field trials for the evaluation of Tinta Roriz clones (Baixo Corgo and Cima Corgo), 18

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

established the use of the top-grafting technique, "innovation which will enable the process to become more expeditious" for trial establishment; 

Monitor the establishment of two new Tinta Roriz (Dao and Alentejo) fields using the top-grafting technique, which will be complemented with two more fields in the Douro Superior to be installed in 2014. The aim is to install 6 fields (2 were installed in 2012) to allow for greater robustness in the results;

Support the clonal selection fields installed in the region;

Support the member during the installation in the Douro Superior for the ampelographic collection of RDD wine grape varieties.

6.6. Sustained viticulture production Objectives: Collect and systematise information for supporting winemaking activities and for decision-making for cultural interventions and to support research and development activities. Collaborate in the development of a dissemination platform in cooperation with the project partners. The main actions to be undertaken are 

Develop a sustainable viticulture programme for the RDD;

Organise the Handbook of Good Practices in Sustainable Viticulture (support technical assistance actions for members);

Promote applications for sustainability projects in the management area of the wastewater treatment facilities (Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais – ETAR) and analyses of lifecycles and viticulture impacts in the Douro Demarcated Region;

Develop the network of reference plots in the region and integrate the reference sites with the various ongoing tasks (plant health, flora, fauna, arthropods, water relations, phenology) to support data collection and the implementation of R&D studies;

Evaluate strategies for disease control (namely, powdery mildew in a biological production system)

Motivate and implement protocols for data collection and systematisation;

Develop tools that enable the collection and integration of all data, aiming to develop a service to support decision-making by applying for FP7 in such projects as "Research for SME Associations";

Prepare support materials for the Thematic Information and Dissemination Network, namely, 

Collection and processing of climatic data from the ADVID weather stations;

Technical manuals;

Informational technical bulletins;

Circulars accompanying the viticultural year;

Lists of active substances approved for integrated production;

Reports on participation levels in conferences / colloquiums / scientific meetings.

In parallel and considering the scattered studies on viticultural and oenological characterisations for several wine grape varieties planted in several locations and also the data held by ADVID members, resulting from 19

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studies conducted over the years, surveys and the systematisation of existing data will continue to be performed. This database and the results that will be obtained will be essential to RDD zoning.

6.7. Rationalisation of hillside vineyards Objectives: Study and disseminate forms of adapting the systematisation of hillsides of the Douro Region to the Intermunicipal Land Organisation Plan for the Alto Douro Wine Region, Municipal Heritage (“Plano Intermunicipal de Ordenamento do Território para o Alto Douro Vinhateiro, Património Municipal” - PIOT ADV) to control erosion and ensure the sustainability of the proposed systems. Considering the approval of the application by SIAC, the following will be developed in 2013: 

Large-scale cartographic modelling of slope landslides to 

Support decision making on the grapevine installation systems;

Reduce the effect of erosion on agricultural soil and terraces;

Survey the incidents and record associated cultural practices.

As part of ongoing actions, 

Monitor the trial development phase of training systems for ascending and descending cordons, as adjusted to narrow trellis (“Qta. Carvalhas”);

Motivate the consortium and interest group to promote and monitor initiatives under the thematic of the rationalisation of hillside vineyards. 6.7.1. Economic observatory

In continuation of activities initiated in 2012 in collaboration with the School of Economics, University of Porto (Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto - FEP), a database will be built with elements made available by members with crop accounts, which allows the organisation and systematisation important tools, such as the Structure of Costs and Earnings from Grapevine Production (“Estrutura de Custos e Proveitos da Cultura da Vinha”). This database will also provide a model that will allow us to assess the Vineyard Biological Assets (“Ativo Biológico Vinha”). Alongside the database built to support the "Economic Observatory", the development of the "Handbook of Viticultural Management" (“Manual de Gestão Vitícola”) will also begin, which will contain the working time and costs for the different technologies used in every crop operation. These two tools are essential for decision-making in a hillside viticulture. 6.8. Competency development – Training and dissemination Objectives: Provide the target audience with the appropriate skills for the development of viticulture in the Douro 20

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Region. Detect training and knowledge transfer needs. Under this project, the application presented to POPH, typology 2.3 - Certified Modular Formations (“Formações Modulares Certificadas”) No. 075638/2012/23, was approved in June 2012, which included training in agricultural production with a volume of 14,250 training hours. This application was created according to the needs detected in a survey conducted among our members. The implementation of the application began in 2012 and will be completed in 2013 with courses in the following areas:

Application of phytopharmaceutical products

Agricultural machinery operator

Environment, safety, hygiene and health in agriculture

Wine technology



Regulation and maintenance of phytosanitary treatment equipment

First aid

Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP)

In 2013, we will maintain the collaboration under the Institutional Capacity Building Network for Promoting Employability in the Douro Region (“Rede de Capacitação Institucional para a Promoção da Empregabilidade no Douro”), aiming to detect the training and skills needs of the region. In 2011, an application was sent to ON2: “Continuous assessment of the Technological State of Viticulture in the Douro Demarcated Region (RDD)” (“Avaliação contínua do Estado Tecnológico da vitivinicultura da Região Demarcada do Douro (RDD)”), which had the goal of creating a continuous assessment tool for the technological state of the sector. Considering that the scope of ADVID is not limited to the North Region NUT (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistical purposes in the EU) but also covers municipalities from other NUTs, in 2013, we expect to apply this action to National SIAC, and with timely approval, we aim to start working with FEUP in 2013 for a needs survey.


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

Box II- Current situation of the Flagship Projects.

Flagship Projects

Typology SA ESCTN – Sho rt-term climate change mitigatio n strategies in M editerranean viticulture (C limVineSafe);

Current situation A pproved . Pro ject no. º PTDC/ AGRA LI/ 1108 77/2 0

Observations Ongo ing. FCT fund ing

1. 1. Impact o f Climate C hange o n Viticulture o f the Do uro Demarcated Regio n. M anagement o f water relatio ns. Climate assessment in the R DD (SIA C );

Total funding

163,582.00 P ro po sed funding


Eligible funding

163,582.00 Eligible funding


Financial Suppo rt

163,582.00 Financial Suppo rt

P ro po sed funding Parcial sup port SIAC - 760 7

Co ncluded, COM PETE + Eligible funding ADVID fund ing

Financial Suppo rt M o deling the Evo lutio n o f RDD Wine Quality. P hD pro ject fro m FEUP .

2. Zo ning o f Viticultural P o tential o f the Do uro Demarcated Regio n


B io DiVine (Life+ Nature and B io diversity 2009)

PhD f rom FEUP. M od elling t he evolut ion Ongo ing, ADV ID o f RDD wine qualit y. f unding In p reparat io n. Submit in 2013.

Ong oing . Pro ject LIFE9 NAT/ FR/0 00584 .

Ongo ing, ADV ID f unding


Eco lo gical infrastructures in the bio lo gical pro tectio n o f co nservatio n against Ong oing . PhD f ro m UTA D vineyard pests. P hD pro ject fro m A DVID/UTA D.

ADVID fund ing

M aximising Vineyard Eco system Services. P RODER, M ed 4.1-Co o peração para a A pproved PA 24 04 2 Ino vação

Ongo ing, PRODER f unding

Grapevine Varieties

P RODER – A ctio n 2.3.1Co nservatio n and A pproved . PA no. 1866 1. Leader ent it y d ro pp ed o ut and the PA was annulled. Impro vement o f Genetic Reso urces

Ongo ing. ADV ID f unding

5. A ssessm ent o f Oeno lo gical



4. B io diversity P reservatio n o f

A ptitude o f Grapes

P RODER , A ctio n 4.2.2 – Info rmatio n and Disseminatio n Thematic Netwo rks

6. Sustainable Viniculture P ro ductio n

7. Rasio nalisatio n o f Implementatio n o f H illside Vineyard

A pproved . PA no . 143 68

37,500.00 Eligible funding


37,500.00 Financial Suppo rt




Ongo ing. PRODER f unding


__ 1,951,043.00 P ro po sed funding


1,951,043.00 Eligible funding


959,523.00 Financial Suppo rt



9,000.00 ___

P ro po sed funding

1,042,618.18 P ro po sed funding

Eligible funding

647,248.64 Eligible funding

Financial Suppo rt

420,712.35 Financial Suppo rt


P ro po sed funding

141,254.00 P ro po sed funding


Financial Suppo rt

206,544.97 132,920.01


P ro po sed funding

388,662.06 P ro po sed funding


Eligible funding

293,552.02 Eligible funding


Financial Suppo rt

220,566.27 Financial Suppo rt


7º P Q (Intelligent Service Oriented M anagement System fo r P recisio n Sub mitt ed . Und er analysis Viticulture + VEGSTORE - A pplicatio n Sto re fo r GM ES Vegetatio n Services ) SIA C

A pproved SIAC 23 30 0


Transf erred f ro m Regional to Nat ional SIA C in 20 13

P OP H, M easure 2.3. – C ertified M o dular Fo rmatio ns

A pproved . PA no . 0 75638 / 2012/ 23

Ongo ing. COM PETE f unding

Ongo ing

8. Co mpetency Develo pm ent – Training and D issem inatio n



Sub mitt ed in 2012 (FCT) PA 46 97. Und er analysis


50,000.00 P ro po sed funding


Partnership with 7 P ro po sed funding ent it ies from 3 count ries. Lif e+ fund ing Eligible funding ADVID fund ing

Financial Suppo rt

3. . Functio nal B io diversity in

ADVID funding

P ro po sed funding

ON2 – M easure – “ Institutio nal P ro mo tio n and Capacity B uilding – Institutio nal Netwo rks 2010 – A xis V. “ Institutio nal Capacity B uilding N etwo rk fo r P ro mo ting Emplo yability - Do uro Regio n”

A pproved

Ongo ing. Part nership wit h DREN, Douro M useum, EFP, Hot el M anagement School of Lamego , DRAPN.

P ro po sed funding Eligible funding Financial Suppo rt

149,401.48 P ro po sed funding 119,650.62 Eligible funding 83,755.43 Financial Suppo rt

149,401.48 119,650.62 83,755.43

P ro po sed funding

128,524.35 P ro po sed funding


Eligible funding

110,444.65 Eligible funding


Financial Suppo rt

110,444.65 Financial Suppo rt


P ro po sed funding




ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

7. COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION 7.1. Production of knowledge support material In 2013, the continued production of the following knowledge support material is expected:  Monthly Bulletins of Climate Data from ADVID weather stations  Technical Bulletins  Phytosanitary Circulars  Pesticide Lists  Viticultural Year Bulletin  Production Forecast Bulletin  Support Bulletins for Agro-Environmental Measures  Bulletins on the Evolution of the Viticultural Year (bud burst/flowering /veraison/harvest)  Bulletin of maturation with statistical analyses and interpretation of data from five years of analysis (2007-2012) performed in the ADVID laboratory. This newsletter will be supported by FEUP.

Experimental research and development has been the subject of concerns at ADVID since its formation, allied to changes in recent years in the regional viticulture and to the effect that climate change may cause, thereby forcing a rethinking of the viticulture systems used in the Douro Region and the results that are being obtained with the development of flagship projects. These findings are complemented by the compilation of several studies that have been developed by other institutions and will allow for the preparation of a handbook, which will detail the Technical Constraints to Sustainable Viticulture in the Douro Region (“Condicionantes Técnicas da Viticultura Duriense Sustentável”), which began in 2012 and will continue in 2013.

7.2. Knowledge acquisition 7.2.1. Participation in events th


 XVIII GiESCO 2013 - Porto from July 7 to 11 (Portugal). Six communications will be submitted that are related to the development of various flagship projects.

7.2.2. Training In 2013, we will seek to continue the internal ADVID training of the English language to strengthen language knowledge further. To optimise the performance of ADVID technicians, training in time management and organisation is planned. Training scheduled for 2012 in the field of biological agriculture (Eng. Maria do Carmo Val) and communication (Eng. Fernanda Almeida) will be implemented in 2013.


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

7.3. Knowledge transfer 7.3.1. ADVID website– Given that the process of transferring climate data to the ADVID server by acquiring new licenses, sensors and other programmes has been completed, in early 2013, we will be able to deliver real-time internet access to the climate data from the five weather stations owned by ADVID. We will also make available an English version of the new ADVID website. This communication tool will be notably important for attracting new international expertise to the region and for strengthening our credibility and image abroad.

7.3.2. Dissemination Events

Symposium “Water and heat stress management in hillside vineyards” (“Gestão do stress hídrico e térmico em vinha de encosta”) – Feb.

Presentation of the results for work conducted in the RDD regarding the management of water relationships. We anticipate the participation of prominent researchers from the fields of ecophysiology and water stress. This symposium will seek to review the methodologies used for monitoring vineyards in the Douro Region.

Symposium “Biodiversity” (“Biodiversidade”) – May

Presentation of the results for work performed in the three ongoing actions in the RDD, demonstrations of the functional biodiversity in the vineyard landscapes, ecological infrastructures in the biological protection of conservation against vineyard pests and maximising vineyard ecosystem services along with the participation of internationally recognised researchers in this thematic. One of the ways that ADVID has benefitted from a form of knowledge transfer is by conducting workshops, seminars and training courses. In 2013, we intend to continue to organise a number of these events in specialised fields of high technical interest:  Work Hygiene and Safety – Jan  Reflection on Wine Grape Varieties (to be announced) – Feb  Organisation of the ADVID annual wine tastings –Jan/Mar  Biological Viticulture – Alternatives to Copper – Mar  Mid-Term Review of the Viticultural Year – Bud burst – Apr  Top-grafting versus Planting – May  Rationalisation of hillside vineyards – Jun  Use of natural resources from vineyard ecosystems as a means of encouraging natural pest control – Interest in insectivorous birds/bats – Jun


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

 Mid-term Review of the Viticultural Year – Production Forecast – Jul  Use of natural resources from vineyard ecosystems as a means of adding value to natural faunal resources– Reptiles and micro-mammals – Jul  Use of natural resources from vineyard ecosystems as a means of adding value to natural faunal resources – Oct  End-of-Year Review of the Viticultural Year – Nov  Rationalisation of hillside vineyards – Dec  Course WSET– INTERNATIONAL HIGHER / Level 2/3 Award in Wines and Spirits Jan / Mar / Apr  Conducting two " Open Days - Biodiversity” As a component of the application submitted to the POPH, the realisation / completion of the courses cited above in Section 6.8 is also expected in 2013.

7.3.3. ADVID Prize 2013 Since 2007, aiming to attract researchers from different scientific fields to the technical, cultural and social specificities of viticulture in the Douro Demarcated Region, the ADVID Prize has been awarded. This prize recognises an original study in any scientific field with significant importance to the Douro Region wine industry. Continuing the tradition of awarding the ADVID Prize, in 2013, we will recognise a study published in 2012.

7.3.4. Dynamisation of Complementary Projects Through meetings, clarification sessions and dissemination on the ADVID website, we aim to promote the technological and commercial development of companies through the dissemination of tools available for financing, including incentives from QREN, PRODER, RARRV (support scheme for the restructuring and conversion of vineyards), and promotions in third countries, where projects of interest to member companies can be introduced. In addition, tax benefits that may be available through deductions for R&D expenditure through SIFIDE (Sistema de incentivos fiscais à I&D empresarial – “Tax incentives systems for business R&D”) will be disclosed.

8. SUPPORT SERVICES FOR GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES 8.1. Services financed by quotas In 2013, a platform on the website will be operationalised as a result of the Member Management Programme (“Programa Informático de Gestão dos Associados”) developed in 2012, which will allow members to monitor any technical assistance provided on their farms. The "Internal Rules of Support to Members" (“Regulamento Interno de Apoio aos Associados”) will be released in 2013 for the systematisation and management of member support.


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

For the operationalisation of technical assistance, ADVID continues to develop the Project PRODER "Support Services for Companies" (Serviços de Apoio às Empresas”), which aims to promote the provision of specialised services to farmers and to strengthen their market orientation. This set of services, the object of the mentioned project, are focused on improving the services provided for integrated production, specialised support for viticultural potential, evaluation of productivity and qualitative characteristics of wine grape varieties grafted on different rootstocks. Member support will be enhanced by the possibility of updating their farm identification (identificação da exploração - iE) document and the orthophotographic document of the plot (P3) in the Plot Identification System (“Sistema de Identificação Parcelar”) together with the ADVID technician responsible for their farm. A further strengthening of member interactions is intended in 2013 in the interpretation of the evolution of the viticultural year, which will complement the technical support actions, namely,  Technical support for decision making within the integrated production (MPRODI) through consultation in the office and a field visit, assessment of the economic injury level, support for grapevine nutrition management, soil management and weed control and assessment of phytosanitary and physiological incidences;  Promotion of collective actions (plot meetings) for local / sub-regional assessments of the evolution of annual conditions;  Integration of reference data from the "Reference Plots" network;  Development and dissemination of support materials for technical assistance and the implementation of MPRODI (lists of approved active substances in the vineyard, the issuing of informational technical bulletins, elaborations of accompanying circulars with regional information regarding diseases and pests);  Collection and processing of climate data;  Support for the development of their respective field notebooks;  Support in compliance with the rules of conditionality;  Development of applications to agro-environmental measures, i.e., Single Payment Scheme (Regime de Pagamento Único – RUP)  Administrative monitoring of processes before the IFAP and certifying bodies;  Updating the IE/ISIP;  Development of regional estimates of harvest potential based on the pollination method and integration of climatic and phytosanitary data;  Assessment of the behaviour of rootstocks and wine grape varieties by analysing data collected in several studies on wine grape varieties x rootstock affinities, processing and publication of existing references on the phenological, productive and qualitative behaviour and contributions to the reference plots network;  Continuing to monitor the insect vector responsible for Grape Yellows Disease in RDD vineyards.


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

Fig. 1 – Distribution of UPs subject to the application of the RPU and to respective technicians responsible in the ADVID


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

8.2. Invoiced Services In 2013, to meet the detected needs, we intend to continue and implement the following services in the fields of viticulture and oenology:

8.2.1 Viticulture  Provisions for short-term weather forecasts;

8.2.2 Oenology  Maturation control;  Tannin Portal in association with the AWRI (The Australian Wine Research Institute).

8.3. Future Plans

As we approach the end of the IV Community Framework, the end of the official recognition of the EEC– Douro Region Wine Cluster and of ADVID as its managing entity and without enough information regarding post-2013, in this year, special emphasis will be placed on reflection and on defining strategies for the future. Our participation in external events and in the development / implementation of new materials and services will be strictly necessary because our top priority is the internal organisation and improvement of processes / procedures for ongoing activities and for the preparation and presentation of the 2014-2018 Strategic Plan for ADVID.

9. ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTING SUPPORT Continuing actions started in 2012, we will improve administrative and accounting procedures to obtain systematised data and the strict control of: the financial execution of the budget and, in particular, of each project subject to government funding through  A digital archive that organises and facilitates access to all official ADVID information;  Organisation and digital cataloguing of library assets;  An analytic accounting system for monitoring the financial execution of the budget and particularly each request for government funding.

10. INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS Following previous years, it is the goal of ADVID to strengthen ties with the institutions with which it already has partnership protocols and to foster partnerships with relevant entities for the development of the winemaking industry in the Douro Demarcated Region.


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

Aiming to attract new members, we will endeavour to perform two actions to DEMO ADVID with not-yet member companies. We will continue to focus on developing, along with the AEVP, IVDP, IVV, and AICEP VINIPORTUGAL, and demonstrating that the work described in the Action Plan can, and should, be incorporated into the valorisation of wine and that this results in comparative / economic advantages for wines produced in the RDD. We also intend to continue to work together with the Douro Mission Structure (“Estrutura de Missão do Douro”), the Regional Development and Coordination Commission – North (“Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional – Norte”), the School of Hospitality and Tourism of the Douro Region (“Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo do Douro”) - Lamego, Douro Tourism (“Turismo Douro”) and Portugal Tourism (Turismo de Portugal”) such that identical value can be added into the landscape of the Douro Wine Region and, consequently, lead to an increase in the number of visitors to the RDD. Considering the importance of PRODER, COMPETE, IVV, IVDP, IFAP, DRAPN and COTEC for the development of the Action Plan, we will pay special attention to these entities in promoting direct and permanent contacts to ensure the fulfilment of financial executions and the established objectives. We will also place particular emphasis on promoting the development of collaborations with researchers awarded the ADVID Prize and/or with their home institutions as a way to capitalise on the investment that this award represents for the region. We also want to take a more active role before national wine policy-makers, IVV, IFAP, DGAV, GPP, DGADR and other MAMAOT bodies in designing proposals that meet the specificities of Hillside Viticulture, classified as World Heritage. The RDD is a mountainous land, the primary crop of which is the grape with increased costs relative to other viticultures, which has led to the region’s landscape, culture, World Heritage classification and, hence, its attractiveness to tourists. However, this economic activity, the vineyard, in addition to being mountainous, has (and wants) to preserve the conditions of a World Heritage classification, which entails increased costs that result not only from the techniques used for the cultivation of grapevines and the territory’s sustainability but also in the increased expenditure of time and money from government bodies to obtain opinions and authorisations to restructure the vineyards or cellars.

For ADVID to monitor and participate in the definition of policies and technical-scientific winemaking events internationally, nationally and regionally, it maintains its participation in various institutions, such as:  Casa do Douro [House of Douro], with participation in the Regional Council;  Estrutura de Missão do Douro [Douro Mission Structure], participation in the Consultation Council;  FEVIPOR - Federação dos Viticultores de Portugal [Federation of Portuguese Winemakers], member of the Administration;  PORVID – Associação Portuguesa para a Diversidade da Videira [Portuguese Association for Grapevine Diversity], member of the Administration;  CNOIV – Comissão Nacional do OIV (National OIV Commission), participation in several expertise groups and the General Counsel; 29

ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

 OILB - l'Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique (International Organisation for Biological Control) – Associate;  ENDURE Networking - Member;  European Cluster Collaboration Platform – Member.

In 2013, considering the development of the Viticulture of the Douro Region, we also intend to maintain and/or promote close relationships with the following organisations and entities:  Fundação Luso-Americana [Luso-American Foundation]  Ministério da Economia e do Emprego [Ministry of Economy and Employment]  Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional – Norte [Regional Development and Coordination Commission – North]  Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária [National Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Research]


ADVID ■ Douro Demarcated Region Wine Cluster – Action Plan 2013

11. GLOSSARY ADVID – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense [Association for the Development of Viticulture in the Douro Region] AEVP - Associação das Empresas de Vinho do Porto [Association of Port Wine Companies] AICEP - Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal [Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal] AWRI -The Australian Wine Research Institute COMPETE - Programa Operacional Temático Fatores de Competitividade [Thematic Operational Programme of Competitiveness Factors] COTEC - Associação Empresarial para a Inovação [Business Association for Innovation] DRAPN – Direção Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Norte [Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of the North] EEC – Estruturas de Eficiência Coletiva [Collective Efficiency Structures] EMD – Estrutura de Missão Douro [Douro Mission Structure] IFAP - Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas, I.P. [Institute of Agriculture and Fisheries Financing, I.P.) IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IVDP – Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto [Douro and Porto Wine Institute] IVV - Instituto do Vinho e da Vinha [Institute of Vineyards and Wine] MAMAOT – Ministério da Agricultura, Mar, Ambiente e Ordenamento do Território [Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Land Organisation] MPRODI – Modos de Produção Integrada [Integrated Production Systems] PRODER - Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural do Continente [Rural Development Programme of Continental Portugal] PECDV - Pólo Experimental de Conservação da Diversidade da Videira [Experimental Centre for Grapevine Diversity Conservation] QREN - Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional [National Strategic Reference Framework] RARRV - Regime de apoio à reestruturação e reconversão da vinha [Support scheme for the restructuring and conversion of vineyards] RBA – Rapid Biological Assessment RDD – Região Demarcada do Douro (Douro Demarcated Region) RDD- Região Demarcada do Douro (Douro Demarcated Region) SIAC - Sistema de apoio a ações coletivas [Support system for collective actions] TICE.PT - Pólo das Tecnologias de Informação, Comunicação e Eletrónica [Centre of Information, Electronics and Communication Technologies] UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e alto Douro (University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro) WSET – Wine and Spirit Education Trust 31