Activating your personal ScienceDirect Account

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Your SME Membership gives you free access to content valued at $1,322 (US) ... ScienceDirect account you may have from a university or company, or you can ...
SME MEMBER BENEFIT! A valuable benefit of SME Membership is complimentary access to SME’s Journal of Manufacturing Systems (JMS), Journal of Manufacturing Processes (JMP), and Manufacturing Letters (MFGLET) on the ScienceDirect® digital library. Your SME Membership gives you free access to content valued at more than $1,400 (US) in combined subscription costs annually. All of the peer-reviewed manufacturing research papers published in these journals from 1982 to present are posted exclusively on ScienceDirect for paid access (and a financial benefit back to SME) by researchers and institutions worldwide. Follow the instructions below to validate your SME membership number on the SME ScienceDirect portal. You will then be prompted to either associate your SME member access with an existing ScienceDirect account (such as from your university or company), or you can create a unique ScienceDirect username and password for the SME ScienceDirect portal. These are the two pertinent Web addresses: To initially activate your SME membership number with ScienceDirect (must use “https”): For ongoing access after ScienceDirect registration, the SME ScienceDirect site is:

Instructions for SME Members To activate access to the SME ScienceDirect site, you will first need to use your SME Membership Number. If you don’t know your SME Membership Number (or have forgotten it), send an e-mail to: [email protected]. Please enter your SME Membership Number in the box at the following URL:

Click “Continue” to proceed to the next screen.

This step will allow you to associate an existing ScienceDirect user profile to this subscription, such as one you may have from a university or company. Note: This is NOT your username and password for the SME Web site, If you have an existing ScienceDirect user profile, enter that username and password, click “Login” and follow the online instructions to complete the association of your existing profile with the SME ScienceDirect site. If you do not have an existing profile and are a NEW USER to ScienceDirect, click on Register Now to go to the registration screen and create a new user profile. You will be asked to fill out a form and choose a password. A unique username for your SME ScienceDirect access will then be sent to you in an e-mail. Please Note – Usernames and passwords are case sensitive. Do NOT use special characters, such as ö, ä, æ.

After registration, you can directly login to the SME ScienceDirect site at with your new username and password. The place to enter the ScienceDirect username and password will be in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. For SME member access to these journals, for both new and existing ScienceDirect users, it is important that you go only to the SME Society Site— Access via the general ScienceDirect site will not be validated for your SME member number and will not work. If you encounter any problems registering, please note that older browsers may not support SSL encryption, which is required for secure data transmission. Also, cookies must be enabled in your browser to support the registration process. Should you require any assistance, please contact [email protected] or the closest Elsevier/ScienceDirect Customer Support department: Customers in North, Central, and South America: 1-888-615-4500 (+1 212-462-1978 if outside USA and Canada) Fax: +1 212-633-3680 Customers in Europe, The Middle East, and Africa: +31 20 485 3767 Fax: +31 20 485 3432 Customers in Asia Pacific including Australia (except Japan): +65 6 349 0222 Fax: +65 6 733 1510 Customers in Japan: +81 3-5561-5034 Fax: +81 3-5561-5047 Please mention the title of the journal you are trying to access, the URL of the site, and the name of your society in your communication.