Active Directory Migration Tool. ADMT. This is a Step By Step tutorial on how to
use the ADMT tool. ADMT Migration Steps Prerequisites on the workstation to be
Active Directory Migration Tool ADMT This is a Step By Step tutorial on how to use the ADMT tool ADMT Migration Steps Prerequisites on the workstation to be migrated:
Restart the workstation before migrating Domain\ADMTadmin must be added to the local administrators group All firewalls must be turned off Users must be logged off Ensure that the Password Export Server Service is started on (your domain controller) Ensure that the workstation appends and ( the source domain FQDN and the target domain FQDN) in the TCP/IP “DNS properties" Ensure that the source and target user account names match. Otherwise, rename the source (DomainA) account to match the target (DomainB) account Miscellaneous:
The following command pings all systems in a list: for /f %i in (c:\computerpinglist.txt) do ping %i -n 2 The following command restarts all systems in a list: for /f %i in (c:\computerlist.txt) do shutdown /r /t 5 /f /m When editing more than a few accounts, use ADModify if possible. This will speed things up.
User Migration Using ADMT located on the DomainB domain controller (which I will call DC1 from now on), steps are as follows:
1. Log onto DC1 as ADMTadmin 2. Migrate user account (s) using user account migration wizard
3. Ensure that the target OU is ldap://,DC=domainB,DC=com 4. Select the following options:
5. *** Optional Step *** Re-synch groups using the include file: C:\Documents and Settings\admtadmin\Desktop\ADMT Stuff\groups.csv 6. Go into the properties for the migrated user account and disable the change password at next login option.
Computer Migration
1. Migrate computer account (s) using the computer account migration wizard 2. Place the following target OU: LDAP://,DC=domainB,DC=com 3. Ensure that the following options are selected:
4. Click "close"•
5. Click Start to begin the migration
Mail Migration Steps 1. Go to ADUC and delete the DomainA contact. This will disable forwarding on the users account. 2. Log onto as domainB\domain-admin 3. On mailserver run the Exchange Server Migration Wizard
4. Reference Database chart (see your exchange database layout)
Active Directory Object Modifications Go to the user account associated with the migrated mailbox and do the following: 1. In, change the display name to the (last name, first name) standard. 2. In the DomainA domain ADUC, Create an SMTP address for "username" on the user account and set it to primary 3. Delete the address in the DomainA domain user account 4. In the DoaminA domain, create a new Contact in "Migration Contacts" OU with "" address manually or using my contact tool as shown below. 5. In the DomainA domain, enable forwarding to this new Contact
This is the interface to my utility:
6. In, on the migrated user accounts, custom attribute 15, add some kind of marker so you can sort or search migrated accounts easily as well as create custom address books. It can be something like €œMC€• for Migrated Contact or MU for Migrated User, etc. 7. That's it! You may have other things you need to complete after the migration like Voip phone setup or Smart phone or blackberry migration. Every environment will be different. This has been meant to give you a skeleton you can modify for your own needs.