active recreation - Ocean County Government

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was the first citizen-science project to collect data on wild bird abundance. Since its launch, thousands have .... Do Y
YOUR OCEAN COUNTY PARKS: With Freeholder John C Bartlett Jr. Throughout the seasons, a newly constructed boardwalk trail at Cattus Island County Park, offers residents and visitors of all ages and abilities a unique opportunity to view beautiful sunsets, majestic butterflies, intriguing waterfowl, and peaceful snowfalls along a pristine part of the Barnegat Bay. The newly constructed boardwalk trail provides an exciting and accessible option to visitors. With a five-feet, seven-inch wide deck, there is ample space for wheelchairs or other mobility devices to move comfortably along the trail. The trail fits seamlessly into the environment, allowing visitors to visit the saltmarsh and provides views of Barnegat Bay. It is a perfect place to catch a glimpse of some of the park’s winged wildlife including: Osprey, Great Blue Heron, Great Egrets, and Common Terns. The 1,500-foot-long boardwalk and stone-dust trail is also great for families with young children, as it provides a wide and firm surface to push strollers as you walk from the park’s Cooper Environmental Center to the playground and picnic area. “We are pleased to offer this amenity at Cattus Island County Park to all of our visitors,” said Ocean County Freeholder John C. Bartlett Jr., liaison to the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation. “This park offers such a wide array of wildlife and natural jewels that offering a boardwalk that meanders through the marshes and can accommodate all of our guests is an invaluable benefit.” The project began in 2012 when the original boardwalk was destroyed during Superstorm Sandy. As the storm surge ripped through the park, it lifted the old boardwalk off its wooden foundation and smashed it against the surrounding trees. Despite the best efforts of park staff, the former boardwalk was impossible to restore to its safe and accessible state. As a result, the staff of the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation worked with the Ocean County Department of Engineering to redesign the boardwalk and apply for necessary permits. This new structure would not just be wider, it would be stronger and more resilient. The engineers designed the boardwalk to sit atop 14-foot galvanized helical piles. These provide a stable footing anchored deep into the soil, preventing the boardwalk from twisting or floating during a storm. The wood of the structure is pressure treated and the fasteners are stainless steel. These materials resist the corrosive effects of the salt-water environment. Finally, the elevation was raised to keep the lumber above any seasonal high tides or storm events. Once the design was finalized and permits were received, Cattus Island staff and volunteers began removing the old boardwalk piece-by-piece with assistance from the Ocean County Department of Corrections and the county’s Buildings and Grounds Department. Shorelands Construction, a local marine construction company, was given the task of rebuilding a boardwalk through the muddy and often waterlogged marsh. In less than six months, they were able to bring the boardwalk trail to completion.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Active Recreation............................................37 CPR Programs................................................41 Creative Expressions.......................................20 Family Fun.......................................................16 Fun for Kids.....................................................35 Golf Courses....................................................22 Hikes..................................................................9 Horticultural Happenings.................................12 Jaunts................................................................7 Lectures...........................................................11 Get a Ways......................................................19

Natural Lands Trust Program..........................23 Nature Walks.....................................................6 Parent and Child Activities...............................29 Pre-School Programs......................................31 Registration Application...................................51 Van Tours........................................................13 Weekends..........................................................4 Winter Beach Blast..........................................26 Winter Solstice.................................................25 Yoga................................................................38

Newsletter Editor: Michelle Urban Assistant Editor: Carolyn Hofmann The Ocean County Recreation Newsletter is sponsored by the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders and is prepared by the County Parks and Recreation Department. Contributors Active Recreation Staff - Art Recreation Staff - Environmental Recreation Staff



Recreation personnel in charge of each program will have the final decision in all matters, especially where participant safety is concerned.

2. Due to the strenuous nature of some of our activities, recreation personnel reserve the right to deny a participant entry into a program if they deem the participant physically unfit to engage in said program. If the participant has already paid a fee, this fee will be reimbursed in accordance with our refund/ credit policy. 3. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited on all recreational programs. 4. All participants and their guardians must realize there may be some unavoidable hazards involved in all recreation programs. At the start of the program you will be asked to sign a Waiver of Liability Form, which is mandatory in order to attend the program and must be signed. 5. It is the participant’s or guardian’s responsibility to inform staff members of any medical problems that may inhibit your participation in a program. Please consult your doctor if you are not sure. 6. Please be advised that all return times are approximate. The actual times depend on the ability of the participants, prevailing weather, field conditions, and unforeseen circumstances. 7. All children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult, except programs specifically designed for young children. 8. Age range for programs has been designated according to program content and will be strictly adhered to. Programs designed specifically for children are for children only. 9. WARNING! Ticks may be present on all outdoor programs. To protect yourself form Lyme Disease, we recommend participants spray their clothing with insect repellent which contains DEET, wear light color clothes, tuck your pants into your boots or socks, always change your clothes as soon as you return home and check yourself over closely for ticks. Deer ticks are present all year round. 10. WARNING! The rabies epidemic is present throughout the state. For your safety, please enjoy wildlife from a distance, report any wildlife behaving strangely to park staff.



Calling all Ocean County teachers. Sick of fluorescent lights? Tired of cutting through the red tape to run a field trip? Learn to use the resources at hand to run your own outing. Most of Ocean County’s schools are located in some of the richest and most unique natural areas in the country. Get at least 4 teachers together and set up an appointment for a naturalist to come to your school and get you up to snuff on the general ecology of the schoolyard. This program is NOT JUST FOR SCIENCE TEACHERS. Teachers of any discipline from art to math will find practical applications for teaching in and about the environment. The naturalist can also answer questions and provide program ideas and curriculum resources. Contact Christopher Claus at (732) 506-5122, or [email protected] for more information or to set up an appointment. 3


This program is perfect for all ages. If inclement weather should occur, we will cancel. Please dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATE: Fridays, January 12...................................................................................436530-1A February 9...................................................................................436530-1B March 9....................................................................................... 436530-1C TIME: 8:00 - 9:00 am FEE: Free, pre-registration required AGE: All MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 20

Monthly Bird Walks

This informative two-hour bird walk is perfect for all levels of birders. Please be prepared to walk a few miles, dress for the weather, wear comfortable sneakers or boots and bring a pair of binoculars. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATES/ TIMES: Saturdays, January 13 9:00 - 11:00 am ................................................436530-2A February 10 9:00 - 11:00 am ................................................436530-2B March 10 9:00 - 11:00 am ............................................... 436530-2C FEE: Free, pre-registration is required AGE: l0 years- Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 20

Nature Photography

Bring your camera along with you as you take a guided tour of the bogs at Cloverdale Farm County Park to snap some memorable photos. This program is great for photographers of all levels. Please dress for the weather and wear comfortable sneakers or boots. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATES: Saturday March 10 .......................................................436530-3A TIME: 2:00 - 3:00 pm FEE: Free, pre-registration is required AGE: l0 years- Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 20

Owl Prowl

Are you adventurous? If so, you’ll enjoy a guided walk through the forest looking for these nocturnal birds of prey.  Eastern Screech Owl and Great Horned Owl are present here and nest in the winter months. Owls are strongly territorial in the winter and will investigate any disturbances nearby so if we are lucky enough we will get to see an owl up close and personal! Please wear sneakers or boots, dress for the weather and prepared to walk a mile and a half at a moderate pace. If it is overcast or high winds we will cancel. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATES/TIMES: Friday, December 29, 5:00 - 6:30 pm ���������������������������436530-4A Friday, January 5, 5:00 - 6:30 pm ���������������������������������436530-4B Friday, February 2, 5:30 - 7:00 pm ������������������������������ 436530-4C Friday, March 2, 6:00 - 7:30 pm ����������������������������������� 436530-4D Friday, March 9, 6:00 - 7:30 pm ������������������������������������436530-4E FEE: FREE - Registration Required AGE: 9 years-Adult MINIMUM: 10 MAXIMUM: 20 4


Join a park naturalist as they dispel the myths and fears regarding reptiles. You will be able to see some of our live snakes and turtles up close! Learn about what makes these native species so special, and why they are such an important part of the ecosystem. This program is sure to inspire all young nature lovers. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATES: Saturdays and Sundays TIME: 11:00 - 11:30 am AGE: All FEE: FREE

Turtle Feeding

Are you curious about the habits and habitats of turtles? Join a park naturalist as they demonstrate the feeding and care of some of our native reptiles. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATES: Saturdays and Sundays TIME: 1:30 - 2:00 pm AGE: All FEE: FREE

Cattus Island Nature Walks

Be part of a 38-year Ocean County tradition! Join a park naturalist and follow in the footsteps of such legendary local environmentalists as A. Morton and Betty Cooper, Dorothy Hale and Pete McClain. Be prepared to discover the fascinating and diverse wonders of the natural world. No registration required. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATES: Saturdays and Sundays TIME: 2:00 - 3:00 pm AGE: All FEE: FREE

January 6 & 7

Animal Signs in Winter

January 13 & 14

Cattus Island’s Ecosystems

January 20 & 21

Animal Habitats

January 27 & 28

A Sweet Winter Adventure—Maple Tapping

February 3 & 4

Groundhogs or Whistlepigs?

February 10 & 11

Animal Tracks

February 17 & 18


February 24 & 25

A Winter Marsh Walk

March 3 & 4

Backyard Birding

March 10 & 11

Signs of Spring

March 17 & 18

Return of the Osprey

March 24 & 25

Osprey Nests of Cattus Island

Registration is mandatory unless otherwise stated. 5


Come in and meet the animals of Jakes Branch County Park. Visitors will get an up-close look at the parks inhabitants and learn about each species. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Sundays, beginning January 7 through March 26 TIME: 1:00 pm AGE: All FEE: FREE

Discovery Nature Walks

Join a park naturalist on these brief but informative nature walks through Jakes Branch Park. ***Weather permitting*** walks will not exceed 30 minutes LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Sundays, beginning January 7 through March 26 TIME: 1:30 pm AGE: All FEE: FREE

“Drop By For Science On the Fly”

We know everyone is busy so take advantage of these free, “come and go” short science-based programs. A make and take craft will follow a brief lesson. Afternoon drop-in programs do not require registration. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATES: Saturdays, beginning January 6 thought March 25 TIME: Saturday’s, 1:00 - 3:30 pm on-going AGE: 4 years - Adult FEE: FREE

NATURE & HISTORY WALKS A nature & history walk offers participants a chance to learn about their surroundings while focusing on a specific theme. These walks are taken at a leisurely pace allowing plenty of time to absorb new information. Walks will not exceed three miles. Please read walk descriptions for specific information. We recommend you arrive 15 minutes prior to departure time. Bring a lunch or snack, bug spray, binoculars if you have them and dress for the weather. Return times are approximate.

Winter Shrub and Tree ID Walk

Join us as we go over the basics of winter tree and shrub ID while exploring the rich and historic coastal forest of Enos Pond County Park. Dress for the weather. PICK-UP: Nature Center Parking Lot, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Friday, January 12 �����������������������������������������������������������434536-2A DEPARTURE/RETURN: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm FEE: $6.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Harrisville Nature & History Walk

One of the more famous ghost towns of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Harrisville was the site of an iron forge and later a thriving paper factory. We will search for interesting plant species, as well as evidence of the site’s industrial past. Be prepared to walk through underbrush and grassy areas. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Sunday February 4 ����������������������������������������������������������434536-2B DEPARTURE/RETURN: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm FEE: $6.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12 6

Enos Pond History Hike and Lunch

Once the site of a thriving Hotel and Casino, Enos Pond County Park is full of history unbeknownst to many. Join us as we meander thru Pine Barrens and Salt Marsh alike, exploring the history and ecology of this one prominent tourist destination. Afterward, we have lunch at the Captain’s Inn, original site of the Enos Pond Casino. Please bring money for lunch at the Captains Inn. LOCATION: Parking Lot, Enos Pond County Park, Lacey DATE: Friday, February 9.............................................................435536-1B TIME: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm FEE: $6.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

History of Cattus

Join a park naturalist who will transport you back in time to visit the various sites around Cattus Island, bringing its varied history to life. Wear comfortable shoes; there will be several short walks included. PICK-UP: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, March 6.............................................................432536-2A TIME: 10:00 - 11:30 am FEE: $6.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Autumn Hill Reservation

Bone up on winter botany skills, stretch the legs, and shake off the winter doldrums with this invigorating jaunt high above the Millstone River Valley in Princeton Borough. The 1.9-mile route winds through boulder fields, old rock walls, and massive hardwoods, especially hickory and maple. A fine time to concentrate on bark, buds, and other lesser-known field identification signs. May be wet/muddy. Please wear appropriate garb and footwear, and bring along a hearty snack and plenty to drink. PICK-UP: Nature Center Parking Lot, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Saturday, March 24..........................................................435536-1A DEPARTURE/RETURN: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm FEE: $6.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Ocean County Hiking Club

When you register and participate in any hike or jaunt offered below we automatically begin to record and keep track of your mileage. Pins and credits for free hikes are earned at the 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 mile marks. Join us as we get outdoor exercise, learn about our natural history, and make lasting friendships! For more information call Wells Mills County Park at 609-971-3085.


JAUNTS Jaunts are shorter and traverse easier terrain than most of our hikes. These programs are well suited for beginners or those simply seeking a shorter walk. Feel free to bring along a snack or lunch to eat at the end of the jaunt as we will generally be finished with our walk by lunch time. Please wear shoes appropriate for hiking and dress for the weather. We recommend you arrive 15 minutes prior to departure time. All return times are approximate. If you have any questions, please call Wells Mills County Park at 609-971-3085.

Historic Smithville Jaunt

Traveling to Burlington County After we traverse a variety of habitats, ranging from upland forests to the Rancocas Creek shoreline we will walk through this historic village and industrial plant, which is on the National and NJ Registers of Historic Places and former home of the Mount Holly and Smithville Bicycle Railway. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Thursday, February 8........................................................434536-1A DEPARTURE & RETURN: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Easy: flat- 3.5 miles FEE: $8.00 per Adult / $6.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Michael Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve Jaunt

Traveling to Burlington County This New Jersey Conservation Foundation Preserve includes a variety of Pine Barrens habitats and is important breeding habitat for the Prairie Warbler, which winters in the West Indies. PICK-UP: Nature Center Parking Lot, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Friday, February 16...........................................................434536-1B DEPARTURE & RETURN: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Easy: mostly flat - 3.5 miles FEE: $8.00 per Adult / $6.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years to Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Holmdel Park Jaunt

Traveling to Monmouth County This nearly level jaunt follows the edges of open fields and parallels several streams. PICK-UP: Beach Complex Parking Lot, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Tuesday, February 27...................................................... 434536-1C DEPARTURE & RETURN: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Easy: mostly flat - 3 miles FEE: $8.00 per Adult / $6.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years to Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Batsto Jaunt

Traveling to Burlington County Batsto was once an iron-producing company town, providing munitions and supplies during the American Revolution. Part of our route will take us along the old millpond, which once supplied power to the furnace bellows and still powers the sawmill. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Saturday, March 17......................................................... 434536-1D DEPARTURE & RETURN: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Easy: flat, some sugar sand - 4 miles FEE: $8.00 per Adult / $6.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years to Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12 8

Pygmy Pines Jaunt

Traveling in Ocean County On this jaunt we will explore one of the most interesting habitats of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, walking through areas of forest no taller than the average person. Once part of a much larger military bombing range, the tract is currently part of Stafford Forge Wildlife Management Area, and is habitat for several rare and unique plant species adapted to these harsh growing conditions. PICK-UP: Nature Center Parking Lot, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Sunday, March 25.............................................................434536-1E DEPARTURE & RETURN: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Easy: mostly flat - 4 miles FEE: $8.00 per Adult / $6.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years to Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

HIKES Our naturalists cover the diverse terrain of New Jersey through our hiking programs. Pack your lunch and dress for the weather. Trail ratings follow each departure time. Please read them carefully to determine the best program for you. These are recreational programs with minimal stops for resting. You should be able to walk at a continuous pace on the given terrain of the hike. Please wear hiking shoes and be sure of your abilities. We recommend you arrive 15 minutes prior to departure time. All return times are approximate. If you have any questions, please call Wells Mills County Park at 609-971-3085

Indian Rock Hike

Traveling to Passaic County We will pass through an abandoned and overgrown 19th century gunpowder works before climbing Ramapo Mountain and hiking along the shore of Ramapo Lake. The return leg will feature scenic vistas of the Wanaque Reservoir. PICK-UP: Beach Complex Parking Lot, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Sunday, January 7............................................................434236-1A DEPARTURE & RETURN: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Moderate to Strenuous: steep, rocky, may be slippery - 5.5 miles FEE: $12.00 per Adult/ $8.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Cranberry Trail Hike

Traveling to Burlington County This hike will take us through a variety of habitats within Brendan T. Byrne State Forest, utilizing part of the Batona Trail for the return loop. We will enjoy lunch at one of the Civilian Conservation Corps-era pavilions overlooking scenic Pakim Pond. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Sunday, January 21..........................................................434236-1B DEPARTURE & RETURN: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Easy to Moderate (due to length) Flat, some sugar sand- 6.5 miles FEE: $12.00 per Adult/ $8.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12


Carranza to Apple Pie Hill Hike

Traveling to Burlington County The first half of our hike will follow the route of the Batona Trail. After enjoying lunch at the Apple Pie Hill fire tower, part of our return route will follow the abandoned tracks of the former Central Railroad of New Jersey, known by many as the Trail of the Blue Comet, after the depression-era luxury train that passed through the area. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Sunday, February 11 ������������������������������������������������������� 434236-1C DEPARTURE & RETURN: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Easy to Moderate (due to length): Flat, some sugar sand - 8 miles FEE: $12.00 per Adult/ $8.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Hawk Rock Hike Traveling to Passaic County We will climb a steep assent up to Hawk Rock and then Cactus Ledge (up 400 vertical feet!) where we will view much of Bergen County and possibly the New York City skyline on a clear day. We will also parallel a cascading stream, crossing rocky trails and woods roads. PICK-UP: Beach Complex Parking Lot, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Sunday, February 25 ������������������������������������������������������ 434236-1D DEPARTURE & RETURN: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Moderate to Strenuous: steep, rocky, may be slippery - 5 miles FEE: $12.00 per Adult/ $8.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Turkey Mountain Hike

Traveling to Morris County This hike will take us up to Turkey Mountain, located in the Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area which consists of 1,500 acres of forests, fields and streams. PICK-UP: Beach Complex Parking Lot, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Saturday, March 3 ������������������������������������������������������������434236-1E DEPARTURE & RETURN: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Moderate to Strenuous: steep, rocky, may be slippery- 5 miles FEE: $12.00 per Adult / $8.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years to Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Franklin Parker Preserve Hike

Traveling to Burlington County The New Jersey Conservation Foundation purchased 9,400 acres of a Pinelands cranberry farm in 2003. Much of the area has been returned to wetlands including miles of trails on dikes. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Friday, March 9 ����������������������������������������������������������������434236-1F DEPARTURE & RETURN: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Easy to Moderate (due to length): Flat, some sugar sand- 7 miles FEE: $12.00 per Adult/ $8.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12 10

Sourland Mountain Hike

Traveling to Somerset County A steep climb through boulder covered mountainside will be followed by a gradual descent into former farmland, now reclaimed by nature. PICK-UP: Beach Complex Parking Lot, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Sunday, March 11 ����������������������������������������������������������� 434236-1G DEPARTURE & RETURN: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Moderate to Strenuous: Hilly, rocky, may be slippery - 5.5 miles FEE: $12.00 per Adult / $8.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Hartshorne Woods Grand Tour Hike

Traveling to Monmouth County Hartshorne Woods Park in Monmouth County was a desirable military defense site due to its high elevation. Concrete bunkers can still be found on the property today. Our hike will traverse through dense thickets of mountain laurel and holly, while the lack of deciduous foliage will allow for views of the Navesink River. PICK-UP: Nature Center Parking Lot, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Friday, March 23 ������������������������������������������������������������� 434236-1H DEPARTURE & RETURN: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm RATING & MILEAGE: Moderate (due to length): Hilly -7 miles FEE: $12.00 per Adult / $8.00 per Child (ages 9-16) AGE: 9 years to Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

LECTURES Gerard Rutgers Hardenbergh, Artist and Ornithologist

Patricia H. Burke, historian, museum director, and author of Barnegat Bay Decoys and Gunning Clubs, will discuss her latest book, Gerard Rutgers Hardenbergh, Artist and Ornithologist. Hardenbergh was a jersey shore painter who lived on a small houseboat on Scow Ditch in Bay Head, New Jersey for a time and painted local scenes, including birds, landscapes and fish. He and his wife summered for 18 years at Bayhead, New Jersey where he died in 1915. An artist file of his work is in the Smithsonian Libraries. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Thursday, January 4 ��������������������������������������������������������434166-1A TIME: 7:00 - 8:30 pm FEE: free, registration required AGE: 14 years - Adult MINIMUM: 10 MAXIMUM: 30

Owls of New Jersey

Whoooo…ever knew owls could be so cool?! Join our naturalist staff as they give you an in-depth PowerPoint program on the eight species of owls common to New Jersey, review their life history, and discuss unique adaptations that make them one of the most ferocious nighttime predators. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATE: Saturday, January 6 ���������������������������������������������������������436166-6A TIME: 2:00 - 3:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: l2 years - Adult MINIMUM: 8 MAXIMUM: 30


Attracting and Watching Birds for Beginners

Have you ever wondered what bird is perched in that tree in your yard or bathing in that puddle on your street? Have you wanted to invite birds into your yard and are not sure how? Then this is the program for you. We will go over the basics of bird identification and attracting birds to your yard. After, we will head outside for a brief walk in search of our feathered friends! Please bring binoculars if you have them. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATES: Sunday, January 28 ������������������������������������������������������435166-5B TIME: 10:00 - 11:30 am FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 14 years - Adult MINIMUM: 8 MAXIMUM: 15

Postcards of Ocean County’s Past

Many of us rarely think about sending a postcard while on vacation to family in today’s time of constant contact though text messages and emails. Yet for many local historians such as Kevin Pace, postcards have become a way to document a town’s history through its imagery of buildings, bridges, dignitaries and celebrations. Participants will learn Ocean County history through his vast collection of postcards. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATES: Saturday, February 17 ���������������������������������������������������435166-5A TIME: 2:00 - 3:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 12 years - Adult MINIMUM: 10 MAXIMUM: 30

Naturalist Nights

What is a naturalist? The term is rarely used in our modern world. Teddy Roosevelt, John Muir, Gifford Pinchot and Rachel Carson were naturalists. A naturalist takes a holistic view of nature and eschews the supernatural. Naturalists are inherently curious, and that curiosity is encouraged during these short-subject programs. Bring a notebook and plenty of questions. LOCATION: Beach Complex, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Monday, February 5 - The Barnegat Bay Estuary Wednesday, February 14 - Birds Of Ocean County �������������������438166-8A Thursday, February 22 - The NJ Pinelands.................................438166-8B TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 12 years-Adult MINIMUM:10 MAXIMUM:30

Staff Stories

The Cooper Environmental Center at Cattus Island County Park is offering a power point and lecture series during the cold days of winter. Come inside and join a park naturalist for a themed presentation. No registration required. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Thursday, January 18 Cattus Island versus Superstorm Sandy Thursday, February 15 Birds of Ocean County Thursday, March 15 Bountiful Butterflies TIME: 1:00 - 2:00 pm FEE: Free AGE: 10 years-Adult



It doesn’t have to be summer to enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers around your home. Learn how to create colorful flower arrangements for your holiday table from center pieces to small table settings for your guests. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, January 17 ��������������������������������������������������437166-7A TIME: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 5 MAXIMUM: 10

House Plant Care 101

Come join us, and learn some helpful tips about what you can do to help turn those sad plants into happy, vibrant additions to your home. You too can have a green thumb! LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, February 14 ������������������������������������������������437166-7B TIME: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm FEE: Free AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 5 MAXIMUM: 10

Grow Vegetables From Your Kitchen Scraps

Did you know that many of those vegetable scraps that end up in the trash or compost bin can be regrown in the garden? Come join us for this fun instructional class, and learn how to reduce kitchen waste by recycling your produce. You will be amazed at the amount you can grow. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, February 28 ����������������������������������������������� 437166-7C TIME: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm FEE: Free AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 5 MAXIMUM: 10

VAN TOURS Our Ocean County van tours are held throughout the year. Each trip focuses on a specific theme. Here are some things to keep in mind when signing up for a van tour: • Pack a lunch (unless otherwise noted). We will try to stop at a picnic/park area to eat when available. • Dress for the weather. Layering is always best. • Be prepared for some walking (excessive amounts of walking will be indicated in the trip description) • We often travel on rough unpaved roads to accomplish the goals of the trip. Be sure to wear your seatbelt. • Read each description carefully so that you are adequately prepared. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to departure. All return times are approximate

Birding the North Shore

Waterfowl are abundant in Ocean and Monmouth Counties this time of year. We will meander our way along the coast stopping at ponds and scanning the ocean looking for Mergansers, Grebes, Ducks and Gulls. Bring your binoculars, pack a lunch, dress for the weather and be prepared for short walks. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Friday, January 19 �����������������������������������������������������������434516-1A DATE: Saturday, February 10 �����������������������������������������������������434516-1B DEPARTURE/RETURN: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12 13

NEW! Exploring the Hook

We will focus on the variety of wildlife that can be seen at Sandy Hook. We will hopefully see a variety of ducks and sea birds but also, with any luck, some seals. Bring your binoculars, pack a lunch, dress for the weather (layers are best as we will be in and out of the van) and be prepared for short walks on the sand. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Thursday, January 25 ������������������������������������������������������434516-2A DEPARTURE/RETURN: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Eagles & Waterfowl along the Delaware Bayshore

The magnificence of our national bird amidst the snow and ice is a sight not soon forgotten but there are also a wide variety of other birds to be seen this time of year along the Delaware Bayshore. Join us as we explore the nooks and crannies of the Delaware to find these magnificent birds. Dress for the weather, pack a lunch and bring your binoculars. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Saturday, January 27 �������������������������������������������������������434516-2B DATE: Friday, February 23 ��������������������������������������������������������� 434516-2C DEPARTURE/RETURN: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Winter Birding at Brigantine

We will visit the Brigantine Division of the Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, which will offer excellent views of a variety of waterfowl species, thousands of Snow Geese, over-wintering Tundra Swans and a chance sighting of a Bald Eagle. Bring your binoculars, pack a lunch and dress for the weather. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Thursday, February 1 ������������������������������������������������������ 434516-2D DEPARTURE/RETURN: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Winter Eagle Festival

Traveling to Cumberland County Cumberland County’s Winter Eagle Festival provides opportunities for bird watching and walks, visiting displays from local nature and non-profits and listening to talks by speakers such as Don Freiday, Pete Dunne and Pat and Clay Sutton. Bring binoculars/cameras and money for food or items to purchase. Pack a lunch (optional) or snacks/drinks, dress for the weather and to be prepared for walks on uneven ground and climbing viewing platforms. There will be an additional charge of $10.00/Adult and $5.00/Child 12 & under. Indoor activities are at the firehouse where hot food and drinks are available for purchase. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Saturday, February 3 �������������������������������������������������������434516-2E DEPARTURE/RETURN: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12


Ghost Towns and other Historic Sites of Atlantic County It has been said that there are more “ghost towns” in the New Jersey Pine Barrens than in the entire old west. We will visit and investigate the history and ruins of these forgotten villages and other historic sites that fallen into obscurity from the decline of the various industries that once supported them. Please pack a lunch, dress for the weather and be prepared for some walking. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Thursday, March 15 ���������������������������������������������������������434516-2F DEPARTURE/RETURN: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

Graveyard & Old Church Van Tour

Traveling around Central Jersey Sea captains, baymen, woodsmen, and veterans of our earliest wars are among those finding their final resting place in our local graveyards. These are the brave souls who carved communities out of a wilderness. Please pack a lunch, dress for the weather and be prepared for some walking. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Tuesday, March 20.......................................................... 434516-2G DEPARTURE/RETURN: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12

An Afternoon with Eagles and Other Birds along the Maurice River

Traveling to Cumberland County The Maurice River has been designated as a Wild & Scenic river by the National Park Service. It is a well-known wintering and nesting area for Bald Eagles and has one of NJ’s largest stands of wild rice, which attracts a variety of waterfowl. We will be on the lookout for returning osprey as well as the young eagles that have learned to fly. After lunch we will board the Osprey for a cruise and an exploration of the river between Millville and Mauricetown. Dress for the weather, bring your camera and binoculars and pack a lunch with drinks. Also bring sunscreen, insect repellent and a hat. There will be an additional charge of $25.00 for the Osprey. Please bring exact change. PICK-UP: Parking Lot, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown DATE: Saturday, April 7 �������������������������������������������������������������� 434516-2H DEPARTURE/RETURN: 10:30 am - 5:30 pm FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12


FAMILY FUN Put the hustle and bustle of daily life aside and take advantage of these short programs. These programs encourage families to spend quality time together while learning about the environment. Having fun is an added bonus!

NEW! Pets in our Parks Photo Contest

We know your pets love our parks, show us your best winter shot! Be creative, be active, be artsy….and you could win a prize. Please mail your photo to: Lisa ONeill at Ocean County Parks and Recreation, 1198 Bandon Road, Toms River, NJ 08753 Attn: Active Recreation. Sorry, photos cannot be returned. E-mails accepted at [email protected] Entry deadline is March 31.

Snowman Photo Contest

Design and create your best snow sculpture this winter. Send us a photo, and you could win a fun prize! Awards will be given for the most original, best traditional snowman and Kids Under 5 divisions. All snowmen must be built this winter season. Please mail your photo to: Lisa ONeill, Ocean County Parks and Recreation, 1198 Bandon Road, Toms River, NJ 08753 Attn: Active Recreation. Sorry, photos cannot be returned. E-mails accepted at [email protected] Entry deadline is March 31.

Winter Beach Blast

Come join us for some summer family fun this winter! We will bring the beach blast indoors. Wear your coolest Hawaiian shirt for the fun that includes music, games, crafts and prizes. Lots of “beachy” activities for all ages awaits, including the World’s largest Twister game! WOBM will provide extra excitement for the day. Location: Center Court, Ocean County Mall, Toms River Date: Saturday, January 13 Time: 1:00 - 2:30 pm Fee: Free! AGE: All

Night of the Stars at Jakes Branch

Spend the night under the stars and up on the 5-story observation tower with A.S.T.R.A., The Astronomical Society of the Toms River Area. Whether you are a budding astronomer or simply a casual a stargazer, this night is for you. Volunteer members of the club will be on-site with their equipment to share their out-ofthis-world knowledge and answer your questions about the great unknown. They will have telescopes that will leave your mind reeling in amazement for days from the views you see. If you have your own telescope, feel free to bring it. The club members will be happy to give you pointers on how to find the planets and locate constellations. No registration required. (*Ending Times Approximate * Program is weather permitting.) LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Saturday, February 24 TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm DATE: Saturday, March 24 TIME: 7:00 - 9:00 pm FEE: FREE AGE: ALL


Drop In and Discover

What will you discover about nature when you drop by and join us for a FREE story, game or craft? No Pre-Registration Required LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATES: Tuesday, December 26 and Thursday, December 28 Tuesday, April 3 and Thursday, April 5 TIME: 1:00 - 3:00 pm AGE: All FEE: Free

Cattus Island Christmas Bird Count

Since the Christmas Bird Count began over a century ago, it has relied on the dedication and commitment of volunteers like you. Beginning birders will be able to join a group that includes at least one experienced birdwatcher. Work on your identification skills by counting every bird we see and hear during the count. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, December 27 TIME: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm AGE: All FEE: Free

Hoooo Could It Be?

If you have ever been on a night hike, you know that it is a unique experience! Landmarks are less visible, and the sounds of the darkness are more vivid. We will use our ears to help discover owls that are in the park searching for a mate. Pre-registration is required. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Friday, January 5 �������������������������������������������������������������432466-2A TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm AGE: All FEE: Free, but pre-registration is required by calling 732-270-6960

A Sweet Winter Adventure

Maple sap is traditionally collected from Sugar Maple and Black Maple trees by a process called “tapping”. However, our native Red Maples also produce wonderful sweet sap. Join us as we identify and tap a tree, and taste this late-winter treat! No Pre-Registration Required LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Saturday, January 27 and Sunday, January 28 TIME: 2:00 - 3:00 pm AGE: All FEE: Free


The Great Backyard Bird Count

The Great Backyard Bird Count, started in 1998 by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, was the first citizen-science project to collect data on wild bird abundance. Since its launch, thousands have participated each year to help. Join us for this event as we count our Jakes Branch bird population. A naturalist will be on site to answer your birding questions and there will be a short lesson and information offered on how to attract and promote birds and other wildlife to come to your yard. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Friday, February 16 TIME: 12:30 - 3:00 pm FEE: Free, No Pre-Registration Required AGE: All

NEW! Selfie Scavenger Hunt

Beat those winter blues…have some outdoor fun! Join this team event with a time limit to search for a pre-determined list of photos. Both team members must be in each photo. Points will be given in different categories for fun prizes. LOCATION: Beach Complex, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Friday, March 23 �������������������������������������������������������������433466- 2A TIME: 5:00-7:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per team of two AGE: All, children must have a guardian. MINIMUM: 4 teams MAXIMUM: 12 teams NOTE: Please bring your own charged up smart phone. A credit will be issued if rained out.

DIY Rain Barrel

Do you want to save money on your water bill? Want to conserve a natural resource? If so, you might want to consider building your own 55 gallon rain barrel. Water collected in the barrel can be later used to water flowers, vegetable gardens and even your lawn. Due to limited supplies, a family can only build one barrel. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATE: Tuesday, March 27 ����������������������������������������������������������436466-6A TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 pm FEE: $30 per family AGE: 8 years-Adults MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 6

Beginners Geocaching Challenge

Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunt. It’s a great way to get outdoors and exercise the gray matter. Adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices search for hidden containers, called geocaches. Geocaching also involves an online community where information is shared and members develop a strong sense of community and support for the environment. After a brief introduction to Geocaching, participants will be given coordinates and turned loose in the park after a multicache. The first team to find the final cache will receive a prize. You will need a GPS unit or an equivalent smartphone app to participate. Participants must be able to walk two miles over uneven terrain. LOCATION: Beach Complex, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Saturday, January 27 �������������������������������������������������������438466-8A Saturday, February 10 ����������������������������������������������������������������438466-8B TIME: 12:00 - 3:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 9 years - Adult MINIMUM: 9 MAXIMUM: 12 18


Philly Flower Show & Historic District

Join us on a day trip over the river to Philly. We will make two stops, the centrally located Independence Visitor Center and the Convention Center for the famous Flower Show. The Flower Show is the world’s largest indoor event of its kind, featuring exhibits, attractions and shopping. This year’s theme is “Wonders of Water”. Many historic options are available, including a city tour, visiting the Liberty Bell, Franklin Institute, and US Mint. Don’t forget to pack a cooler for goodies if you visit the Reading Terminal Market, adjacent to the Flower Show. The fee is only for round- trip transportation. There are many tour companies and access to public transportation to help navigate through the area. You will be supplied with a list and map of attractions. Please note any admission fees will be paid on your own, the fee is for bus transportation only. Please bring money or credit card. LOCATION: Depart from the Beach Complex of Ocean County Park, Lakewood. DATE: Thursday, March 8 ������������������������������������������������������������ FLWER18 TIME: Depart from Lakewood at 8:00 am, depart Philadelphia at 4:00 pm. FEE: $35.00 per person includes bus transportation only. MINIMUM: 35 MAXIMUM: 46

Springtime at Longwood Gardens

Springtime at Longwood Gardens is sure to delight anyone who loves exquisite flowers, majestic trees, and opulent architecture. Longwood Gardens offers 1,050 acres of indoors and outdoors gardens to explore. In May, the Flower Garden Walk features tulips in a rainbow of colors, spring annuals such as marigolds, snapdragons, azaleas and much more! Lunch will be on your own at The Terrace Restaurant, which offers both cafe and full service dining. Also feel free to pack your own lunch! PICK-UP: Depart from the Beach Complex, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Tuesday, May 22 ��������������������������������������������������������������� LONGWD TIME: Bus departs at 8:30 a.m. Approximate return time is 7:00 p.m. FEE: $58.00 per person (includes round-trip bus transportation, admission into Longwood & gratuity) MINIMUM: 35 MAXIMUM: 40


CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS Evergreen Holiday Wreaths

Everybody loves the scent of holiday greens, and making your own homemade wreath is even more enjoyable. Evergreens cut from some of our Ocean County Parks will be provided along with wire and a wreath frame. Please bring your own pair of hand pruners and gloves. Celebrate the holiday season with us and go home with a great looking wreath. LOCATION: Program Room, Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, December 5 ������������������������������������������������������302186-3A DATE: Wednesday, December 6 ����������������������������������������������� 302186-3B DATE: Friday, December 8 �������������������������������������������������������� 302186-3C TIME: 7:00 - 9:00 pm FEE: $12.00 per person AGE: 10 years - Adult MINIMUM: 10 MAXIMUM: 20

Silhouette String Art

Want to make a unique gift for someone special? Join us to craft either the (beginner) bear or the (advanced) deer. Please bring your own hammer and ear plugs if you require them. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Saturday, December 16 ���������������������������������������������������435186-5A TIME: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: 12 years - Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

Fishbowl Snowmen

In this class, we will be creating our very own glass snowmen depicting various winter scenes in each bowl. This beautiful winter creation will not only be an amazing conversation piece, but will add warmth and joy to your home for years to come. Accent pieces for inside the bowls will be provided, but feel free to bring anything you would like to add as well. Fish Bowls are not provided and must be purchased separately. Sizes needed 5 1/2”, 7”, 8 1/2”. Please call Jakes Branch at 732-281-2750 for purchase locations. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Friday, January 5 �������������������������������������������������������������435186-5B TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: 14 years - Adult MINIMUM: 8 MAXIMUM: 16

Tree Cookie Wreaths

Has your Christmas wreath begun to lose its green while your spring wreath has not yet sprung? Looking for rustic yet classy décor for your home? Join us for this simple yet stylish craft as we make our very own wreaths out of tree cookie slices. Please bring a hot glue gun. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Friday, January 19 ���������������������������������������������������������� 435186-5C TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: 14 years - Adult MINIMUM: 8 MAXIMUM: 16


NEW! Winter Wonderland Wine Bottles

Need a new center piece for your dining room table? Come join us as we transform old wine bottles into a “Winter Wonderland” centerpiece of art. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, January 25 TIME: 6:00 - 7:30 pm ������������������������������������������������������������������ 431186-1A FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

Wine Glass Painting

Raise your glass to Mother Nature as we celebrate this WINTER SEASON. Delight in a world of color as we bring glasses to life. Create two of a kind works of art using wine glasses as your canvas. “Life is always better with a glass of fun.” All supplies are included. *Look forward to a series of season wine glass painting in the upcoming newsletters. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, February 8 ������������������������������������������������������� 431186-1B LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Thursday, March 15 TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm ������������������������������������������������������������������431186-1C FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 15

NEW! Whimsical Winter Accents

Do Yarn snowmen, twig wreaths and silhouette candles sound like fun? Then join us and beat the winter blues with a bit of whimsy and explore new craft ideas. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, February 15 TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm ������������������������������������������������������������������431186-1D FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

Pottery Classes

Enjoy the exciting world of pottery. You will study hand building techniques, use of the potter’s wheel, and glazing techniques. LOCATION: Pottery Barn, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATES: Tuesdays, February 20 - May 8 TIMES: 10:00 am -12:00 noon ���������������������������������������������� 431384-1A 5:00 - 7:00 pm ���������������������������������������������������������� 431384-1B 7:00 - 9:00 pm ���������������������������������������������������������� 431384-1C FEE: $145.00, includes expert instruction, firing and glazing AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 people MAXIMUM: 7 people

Rain Barrel Workshop

Are you interested in building your own rain barrel? Join an Ocean County Park Naturalist and learn how to conserve water and prevent pollution. Participants will each take home a 55 gal rain barrel that can be placed under the rain gutter of their house. The collected water can then be used to water the garden or wash the car. LOCATION: Beach Complex - Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Saturday, February 24 �����������������������������������������������������438186-8A TIME: 1:00 - 3:00 pm FEE: $30.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10 21

Ocean County Golf Courses Ocean County is home to many challenging golf courses. Among these are two public courses maintained by the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation. In fact, Atlantis has been named one of the top 50 golf courses in New Jersey under $50 to play. While Forge Pond has been named by the Asbury Park Press readers, “Best golf course in Monmouth/ Ocean County” for several years running.

Ocean County Golf Course at ATLANTIS 261 Country Club Boulevard Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087 (609) 296-2444

Ocean County Golf Course at FORGE POND 301 Chambers Bridge Road, Brick, NJ 08723 732-920-8899

Ocean County Golf Course at Atlantis, located on Country Club Boulevard in Little Egg Harbor, is an exceptional par72 championship course designed by George Fazio. It is meticulously maintained and has many challenging holes, such as the scenic but tricky par-three sixth hole, where the golfer must negotiate a pond in the middle of the fairway in order to reach the green. A full-service restaurant is on the premises and open to the public.

Ocean County Golf Course at Forge Pond, located in the Northeastern region of Ocean County in Brick Township, is a perfectly manicured par-60 executive course tucked into a 300-acre conservation area. These fairways offer a challenge to even the most experienced golfer, yet allow the novice to perfect his game. Here too, rates are very reasonable, especially for resident senior citizens.

Frequent Player Card ~ Yearly and Summer Packages ~ Resident Rates ~ Child’s Fee Unlimited Play Packages ~ Leagues Available Night Golf Book Your Tee Times Online Stop by one of our Pro Shops and get your email address into our golfnow database for the lastest information and promotions.

Course Hours

(Atlantis & Forge Pond) 7:00am - 5:30pm Sept 21 to Oct 31 8:00am - 4:00pm Nov 1 to March 30th 7:00am - 5:30pm March 31 to May 17 7:00am - 7:00pm May 18 to Sept 20

Cuisine on the Green is NOW OPEN

The Ocean County Culinary School is now managing the Restaurant at Atlantis. Call (609) 296-2137 for more 22

The Natural Lands Trust Fund Program

In 1997, the residents of Ocean County overwhelmingly voted to establish the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Program. The approval of a 1.2 cent dedicated tax provides the Board of Chosen Freeholders with the funds to acquire lands in Ocean County for conservation and farmland preservation. Lands that fall under this program are environmentally sensitive, natural areas or open spaces that would protect farmland, water quality, wetlands and other lands with unique or sensitive features. The Natural Lands Trust Fund encourages the establishment of a system of protected lands which, in combination with the Farmlands Preservation Program, enhances the quality of life in Ocean County by: Helping to maintain the County’s rural characteristics Protecting critical environmental resources Maintaining and enhancing active agriculture Buffering areas that are not compatible with development On February 18, 1998 the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders established a nine-member Natural Lands Trust Fund Advisory Committee. The committee’s purpose is to review nominations for the Trust Fund and to forward recommendations to the Board of Chosen Freeholders for consideration. The program now generates over $8 million per year for natural lands acquisitions and farmland preservation. Several important parcels have been preserved and acquired through partnerships with non-prots, municipalities and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 24 23

Throughout the seasons, a newly constructed boardwalk trail at Cattus Island County Park, offers residents and visitors of all ages and abilities a unique opportunity to view beautiful sunsets, majestic butterflies, intriguing waterfowl, and peaceful snowfalls along a pristine part of the Barnegat Bay. The newly constructed boardwalk trail provides an exciting and accessible option to visitors. With a five-feet, seven-inch wide deck, there is ample space for wheelchairs or other mobility devices to move comfortably along the trail. The trail fits seamlessly into the environment, allowing visitors to visit the saltmarsh and provides views of Barnegat Bay. It is a perfect place to catch a glimpse of some of the park’s winged wildlife including: Osprey, Great Blue Heron, Great Egrets, and Common Terns. The 1,500-foot-long boardwalk and stone-dust trail is also great for families with young children, as it provides a wide and firm surface to push strollers as you walk from the park’s Cooper Environmental Center to the playground and picnic area. “We are pleased to offer this amenity at Cattus Island County Park to all of our visitors,” said Ocean County Freeholder John C. Bartlett Jr., liaison to the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation. “This park offers such a wide array of wildlife and natural jewels that offering a boardwalk that meanders through the marshes and can accommodate all of our guests is an invaluable benefit.” The project began in 2012 when the original boardwalk was destroyed during Superstorm Sandy. As the storm surge ripped through the park, it lifted the old boardwalk off its wooden foundation and smashed it against the surrounding trees. Despite the best efforts of park staff, the former boardwalk was impossible to restore to its safe and accessible state. As a result, the staff of the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation worked with the Ocean County Department of Engineering to redesign the boardwalk and apply for necessary permits. This new structure would not just be wider, it would be stronger and more resilient. The engineers designed the boardwalk to sit atop 14-foot galvanized helical piles. These provide a stable footing anchored deep into the soil, preventing the boardwalk from twisting or floating during a storm. The wood of the structure is pressure treated and the fasteners are stainless steel. These materials resist the corrosive effects of the salt-water environment. Finally, the elevation was raised to keep the lumber above any seasonal high tides or storm events. Once the design was finalized and permits were received, Cattus Island staff and volunteers began removing the old boardwalk piece-by-piece with assistance from the Ocean County Department of Corrections and the county’s Buildings and Grounds Department. Shorelands Construction, a local marine construction company, was given the task of rebuilding a boardwalk through the muddy and often waterlogged marsh. In less than six months, they were able to bring the boardwalk trail to completion. 24




CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS CONT... Drawing & Watercolor Series

During this six day class series, Carol Nace will guide you through drawing techniques such as using form, shading, and how to add finer detail to your work. She will show you how drawing and watercolor are natural extensions of one another. During the watercolor portion of the class, color theory, color mixing, composition, and various techniques will be covered. This program is perfect for all skill levels. Please have $100 in exact change for instructor the first day of class along with an 8.5 x 11 inch sketch pad. Pencils will be provided. A list of watercolor supplies to be purchased (approximately $20 expense) will be provided at the end of the first class. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATE: Saturdays, March 3- April 7 ���������������������������������������������436186-2A TIME: 9:00 - 11:00 am FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 15 years-Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

NEW! Rustic Spring Décor

Come join us in making your very own unique handmade spring sign. This sign will be made on rustic reclaimed wood. We will use colorful springtime acrylic paints, ribbon and other spring materials to decorate your masterpiece! LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Thursday, March 8 TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm ������������������������������������������������������������������ 431186-1E FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 15

NEW! Totally Tea Time

“There’s nothing like a nice cup of tea”. Teatime is a calming, gentile way to spend an hour or two. While the kettle boils, we will make teacup bird feeders and other assorted teatime crafts. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, March 22 TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm ������������������������������������������������������������������ 431186-1F FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

NEW! Burlap Sunflower Wreath

Make a statement with this large burlap flower wreath. This is a super fun way to dress up any door in your house for the spring! LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, March 28 TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm �����������������������������������������������������������������431186-1G FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12


South Jersey Basket Making

Join us as Mary May, a local basket maker, speaks about South Jersey basket traditions and demonstrates how to create a basket. Be prepared to weave, as you will be creating your very own basket.

NEW! Shaker Cheese Basket

The Shakers were practical people whose early period baskets often focused on a primary purpose and function. The large hexagonal weave pattern in the Shaker Cheese Basket, known as the tri-axle weave, was originally used to separate the whey from cheese curd. During the Victorian era, this weave pattern reemerged to add a touch of elegance to homes. Come challenge your pre-existing basketry skills by creating your own 12-inch diameter basket to grace your table this Easter. Please have $45.00 in exact change to cover instructor fees and material costs. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATE: Tuesday, February 27 ������������������������������������������������������436186-1A TIME: 6:30 - 10:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

NEW! Jelly Jar Basket

This lovely 5-inch tall wire-swing handle basket is perfect for beginners. It is a functional basket perfect for carrying, stabilizing and displaying your preserves or olive oil on the kitchen counter. This versatile basket can also add a touch of southern charm simply by inserting a jelly jar inside to create a rustic countrystyle flower vase. Please have $30.00 in exact change to cover instructor fees and material costs. If time allows and you want to complete another basket, there will be an additional $10 material cost. LOCATION: Program Room, Cloverdale Farm County Park, Barnegat DATE: Tuesday, March 20 ����������������������������������������������������������436186-1B TIME: 6:30 - 9:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

PARENT AND CHILD FUN Nature Time Together Drop Ins

Enjoy the wonders of nature with your child. Children (and parents!) drop in any time and learn about nature through a brief lesson and craft. Topics will differ from week to week. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Mondays, January.......... 8 January.......... 22 February........ 12 February........ 26 March............ 12 March............ 26 TIME: 10:00 - 11:30 am - ON GOING AGE: 3 - 5 years FEE: FREE, NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED 29

Fireside Storytelling and Craftmaking

Pull up a chair in front of the warm fire as we read a few children’s stories inside. Afterward, the children will make a nature-themed craft related to the story. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood TIME: 10:30 - 11:30 am FEE: $5.00 per child, adults are free but must register AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 10 MAXIMUM: 20

Winter Fun-derland

Crisp winter air, hot cocoa by the fire, and falling snow; all the signs of a great snow day! Join us for some winter fun (even if it’s not snowing) as we read a few snow themed stories and sip hot cocoa by the fire. After, we will do a snowthemed craft. DATE: Thursday, January 18 ������������������������������������������������������435326-5A

Spellbinding Space

Space, the final frontier. These are the stories of the Nature Center Jakes Branch and its ongoing mission, to explore exciting new books, to seek out new crafts and fun activities, to boldly go where no story time has gone before! Join us as explore the vastness of space with stories and crafts sure to have you to the moon and back with excitement. DATE: Thursday, February 22 �����������������������������������������������������435326-5B

Seussical Celebration

Does suessical silliness seems like a treat? Do books paired with crafts seem awfully neat? Then come on stand up right out of your seat, because this program just can’t be beat! Wonderful wackiness in our stories and books is sure to cause dancing no matter who looks. So come on down, don’t walk, just dash, to this exciting birthday bash! DATE: Thursday, March 1 ���������������������������������������������������������� 435326-5C

Small Wonders—Parent & Child

Do you have a preschooler who is fascinated with anything and everything nature related? If so these one-hour sessions are perfect for you and your child. We will explore nature together with games, crafts, dramatic play, and possibly animal encounters! LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River FEE: $5.00 per child, adults are free but must register AGE: 3-5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 16

It’s a Bird World

Winter is a great time to attract birds to a bird feeder. Birds have beaks of different shapes and sizes for eating different types of food. Join us for all things “Bird” as we make our own feeders and other birdie crafts. DATE: Wednesday, January 10 ��������������������������������������������������432326-1A TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 am

Turtle Time

Turtles are amazing creatures with unique features. We will play a turtle game, read a story, and design our own turtles. Live native turtles will be on display for investigating. DATE: Wednesday, February 21 ������������������������������������������������432326-1B TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 am

Follow Your Nose Hike

The sense of smell is very important in the animal world. It is used to find food, locate other family members, sense danger, and to identify territories. Using our sense of smell, we will explore a variety of scents and take a small hike. Dress for the weather. DATE: Wednesday, March 14 ���������������������������������������������������� 432326-1C TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 am 30

PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAMS The following activities are designed for preschool children without parent participation. *These are drop-off programs only* *Please Note: Children must be potty-trained, thank you*

Born 2 Play

Currently taking registrations

Get moving indoors and play some fun games and activities with other kids. We will enjoy playing games such as indoor bowling and basketball. We will also have fun with giant parachute games. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, November 16 ������������������������������������������������� 303021-1D TIME: 10:00 - 10:45 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3-5 years MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 8

Kiddie Gym Class

Your child can put together a floor routine while using safe equipment; kiddies will learn basic gymnastic moves. This is a great way to start your child with coordination drills. Children must wear sneakers. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, December 5 �����������������������������������������������������433021-1A. TIME: 10:00 - 10:45 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3-5 years MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 8

Young Naturalists

Your little naturalist will learn about bugs and frogs, feel furs of local mammals, and make a fish print to take home. LOCATION: Beach Complex - Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Tuesday, January 9 ���������������������������������������������������������438021-8A DATE: Thursday, January 25 ������������������������������������������������������438021-8B TIME: 1:00 - 1:45 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 3-5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

Arctic Antics

What snow-white bear keeps her cubs hidden in an igloo? Using its wings as flippers, what bird loves swimming through the icy water? To answer these questions (and lots more!), your preschooler will love to join us for this exciting and educational day of crafts, games, discussions, and activities, while they learn all about cold-loving creatures! LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, January 11 TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 am. ������������������������������������������������������������431021-1A FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10


Mittens, Snowmen, and Hot Cocoa!

Put on your mittens and boots for an hour in an imaginary Winter Wonderland. Join us as we make snowmen, read winter tales, and warm our bellies! PLEASE LIST ANY FOOD ALLERGIES AT TIME OF REGISTRATION LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, January 16........................................................431021-1B TIME: 1:00 - 2:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

Wiggles & Giggles

Learn some basic moves to help with coordination and confidence. Balance, tumbling and exercises will be taught and practiced. Safe and soft equipment will be used. Children must be potty trained. Location: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Tuesday January 23.........................................................433021-1B TIME: 1:00-1:45 pm FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 8

Bed Time Buddies

Fun time at bedtime! Bring your favorite bed time buddy as we have lots of fun making crafts, and listening to stories! LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, January 25...................................................... 431021-1C TIME: 10:00-11:00 am FEE: $ 5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

Groundhog’s Day

Don’t be afraid of your shadow! Come celebrate Groundhog’s Day with us. We will learn about nature’s little weatherman through stories, games and crafts. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Friday, February 2............................................................ 431021-1D TIME: 10:00-11:00 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

Penguins, Zebras and Oreo Cookies

What do they have in common? They’re all black and white. Join us and learn about the uniqueness of black and white animals. We will discover them through stories, crafts and more. PLEASE LIST ANY FOOD ALLERGIES AT TIME OF REGISTRATION LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, February 6 TIME: 1:00-2:00 pm.....................................................................431021-1E FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10


Cupid’s Arrow

Preschoolers come and join in the fun of making special Valentine Crafts. We will read stories, make crafts and play games LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, February 13 ......................................................431021-1F TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

Preschool Playdate

Check out some of our fun sporty toys and have a ball meeting other kids. We will enjoy activities such as an obstacle course, giant parachute games and scooter races. Kids will learn to share with others in a sporting environment. Group games and taking turns will be emphasized. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, February 15 ���������������������������������������������������� 433021-1D TIME: 1:00-1:45 pm FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 8

NEW! Teddy Bear’s Picnic

“If you go into the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise” It’s the Teddy Bear’s picnic! Bring your favorite teddy and join us for “Beary” fun stories, games and crafts. PLEASE LIST ANY FOOD ALLERGIES AT TIME OF REGISTRATION

LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, February 22 ��������������������������������������������������� 431021-1G TIME: 10:00-11:00 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

Play Pal Kids

Meet new pals while you play and exercise. A variety of movement and coordination games will help your child with their physical development. Kids will play with exercise dice and other cool equipment to make working out fun. The kids will love our snake tunnel and frog hop! LOCATION: Classroom, Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Tuesday, February 27 ����������������������������������������������������� 433021-1C TIME: 1:00-1:45 pm FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 8

NEW! Green Eggs And Ham

Let’s go on an adventure through the wacky world of Dr. Seuss. Our morning will be filled with Seuss stories, colorful crafts and fun that is funny! LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Friday, March 2 ��������������������������������������������������������������� 431021-1H TIME: 10:00-11:00 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10


Zany Zoo!

Oh, we are going to the ZOO! Come with us on an imaginary trip to the zoo. We will learn about different animals, real and pretend. Our zany zoo will be filled with stories, games, and crafts. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, March 6 ������������������������������������������������������������431021-2A TIME 1:00 -2:00 pm FEE: $5:00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

Sporty Little Kiddies

Get those kiddies moving this winter. Join us for this fun class designed for active young children. Learn basic skills, follow direction, and build coordination all in a safe and playful setting. We will use soft playthings designed for this age group. Kids will learn good sportsmanship. Children must be potty trained. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, March 13 ����������������������������������������������������������433021-1E TIME: 1:00-1:45 pm FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MAXIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 8

Over The Rainbow

Let’s try to catch a leprechaun and capture his pot of gold! Through stories, crafts, and games, we will be Irish for the day! PLEASE LIST ANY FOOD ALLERGIES AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, March 15 ��������������������������������������������������������431021-2B TIME: 10:00-11:00 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

FUNdamentals of FUN

Your kids will play some of the classic games of your youth. Kids will enjoy learning the basics of some sports and games. Lots of exciting sports toys and props will be used with the children. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Tuesday, March 20 ����������������������������������������������������������433021-1F TIME: 10:00-10:45 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 8

It’s A Spring Thing!

Come join us as we discover what starts to bloom and grow in the spring. Our little gardeners will enjoy stories, games, and gardening related crafts. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Tuesday, March 20 ��������������������������������������������������������� 431021-2C TIME: 10:00-11:00 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10


NEW! Just Ducky!

Come “quack up” with us, and take a funny look at our web-footed friends. We will have stories, games and just ducky crafts LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Thursday, March 29 ������������������������������������������������������� 431021-2D TIME: 10:00-11:00 am FEE: $5:00 per child AGE: 3 - 5 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 10

FUN FOR KIDS Seasonal Scientists - Wonderful Winter

Sleeping plants first covered by fallen leaves are now blanketed with a soft covering of snow, tucking them in for a winters nap. Those creatures who have not left sleep thru winters chill or dot the landscape, leaving behind signs of their presence. Join us as we explore this frigid and fun landscape, observing the mysteries uncovered by the change in seasons. Please come dressed for the weather and be prepared to get dirty! LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Saturday, January 13 �������������������������������������������������������435332-5A TIME: 10:30 - 11:30 am FEE: $5.00 per child AGE: 6 - 8 years MINIMUM: 8 MAXIMUM: 16

Animal Tracking Adventures

Curious about that print in the sand? Wonder what made that scratch on a tree? Come learn the basic skills of observing and identifying animal tracks and signs! This program will utilize field guides, binoculars, and field journals to build outdoor observational skills while walking the trails at Jake’s Branch. All field materials will be provided. Please wear closed toe sneakers and weather appropriate clothing. There will be 2 dates as different animals will be moving about at different times of the year. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATES: Saturday, January 20 ����������������������������������������������������435332-5B Saturday, March 17 ������������������������������������������������������ 435332-5C TIME: 9:00 - 11:00 am FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 8 - 12 years MINIMUM: 7 MAXIMUM: 10

Pinelands Hiking Adventure

Spring is on the way! Let’s shake off the winter blues and take a hike though one of the most interesting places in New Jersey….Apple Pie Hill. This hill is one of the highest “peaks” in Southern New Jersey. At 205 feet, you can get a clear view of the surrounding Pinelands, Philadelphia and more. We will hike to the peak, have our lunch, climb the fire tower and then hike back out. Please have children wear appropriate footwear, pack a lunch and dress for the weather. PICK UP: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Sunday, January 14 �������������������������������������������������������� 435332-5D TIME: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 8 - 12 years MINIMUM: 7 MAXIMUM: 10 Hike is approximately 2.5 miles 35

Kids Night Out! Mom and dad go and grab dinner and leave the kids with us! We will meet at the nature center where we will fuel up on pizza and veggies then we will head outside for a night hike. Winter is a great time to hear calling owls. Afterwards, we will come back to a roaring fire, hot chocolate and other sweet treats. LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Saturday, February 10 �����������������������������������������������������435332-5E TIME: 5:30 - 7:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 8 - 12 years MINIMUM: 7 MAXIMUM: 10

Archery Adventure

Are you interested in learning archery? This class will teach you the essentials of archery including safety, equipment and technique. Our NASP certified instructors will get you hitting the bullseye in no time! Students will practice what they have learned on our outdoor range. All equipment is provided. Participants should wear sneakers and dress for the weather. LOCATION: Cooper Environmental Center, Cattus Island County Park, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, April 4 ����������������������������������������������������������432332-2A TIME: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm FEE: $10.00 per person AGE: 10 - 15 years MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

Hop on the Hognose Express and come with us on a magical journey to the Frogwarts School of Witches and Wizards. Here, you will be magically sorted into a wizard house and compete with fellow houses for fun and prizes. But be on the lookout, the dark witch Moldewort lurks the grounds and must be stopped before she steals all the magic! LOCATION: Tennis Court Parking Lot, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Monday, April 2 - Tuesday, April 3 ���������������������������������� 435332-5G TIME: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm FEE: $20.00 per child AGE: 10 - 13 years MINIMUM: 10 MAXIMUM: 20

Winter Beach Blast Come join us for some summer family fun this winter! We will bring the beach blast indoors. Wear your coolest Hawaiian shirt for the fun that includes music, games, crafts and prizes. Lots of “beachy” activities for all ages awaits, including the World’s largest Twister game! WOBM will provide extra excitement for the day. LOCATION: Center Court, Ocean County Mall, Toms River DATE: Saturday, January 13 TIME: 1:00 - 2:30 pm FEE: Free! AGE: All



Meditation has tremendous benefits for managing everyday stress. Find out ways everyone can live more in the present moment and effectively deal with stress in your present life. Give yourself permission to stop for an hour and just relax and breathe! This is a perfect class for those who are new to meditation. Dress comfortably and bring a mat, pillow and or blanket. Very gentle stretching and aromatherapy included! Please bring a check payable to instructor Karen English for $40.00 LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Tuesdays, January 9 - February 13..................................431544-1A DATE: Tuesdays, February 20 - March 27..................................431544-1B TIME: 5:30 - 6:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

NEW! The Meditation Cure

Experience our new class in meditation. During this class, we will use guided meditation techniques and aromatherapy. Let meditation help you conquer stress and anxiety. Dress comfortably and bring a pillow, mat or blanket for the each class session. Please bring a check payable to instructor Karen English for $10.00 LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, January 24...................................................431544-2A DATE: Wednesday, February 28.................................................431544-2B DATE: Wednesday, March 14..................................................... 431544-2C TIME: 5:30 - 6:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person per session AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

NEW! Zumba Fitness

Come dance to great music, with great people and burn many calories without even realizing it. This one-hour class is the perfect combo of fun and fitness for any age! Please bring exact cash or a check payable to instructor Carly Zupkus for $60.00 LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Mondays, January 8, 22, 29, February 5, 12, 26 431544-3A DATE: Mondays, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 �������������������������431544-3B TIME: 6:30 - 7:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person per session AGE: 16 years - Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 15

NEW! End of Year Pickleball Party

The Ocean County Park is a great place to play…bring a friend or meet others and join a group. We will rotate the players so you can compete, and also mingle with other participants. Light refreshments will be served. All equipment will be supplied. LOCATION: Tennis Complex, Ocean County Park, Lakewood DATE: Tuesday, November 28, Rain date Nov. 30 ���������������������433544-9A TIME: 11:00 am -12:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 16 37

Kripalu Yoga After Work

This class is designed for students of any level interested in furthering their Yoga experience. Modifications taught so you can practice at your own pace. Additional postures and breathing techniques will be reinforced. Increase your awareness and let yoga transform your life. Please wear comfortable, loose clothing and bring a yoga mat to class. LOCATION: Cafeteria, County Administration Complex, 129 Hooper Ave, Toms River DATE: Thursdays, January 25 - March 1 ������������������������������������433544-1A DATE: Thursdays, March 15 - April 19 ����������������������������������������433544-1B TIME: 5:15 - 6:15 pm FEE: $36.00 per person AGE: 16 - Adult MINIMUM: 10 MAXIMUM: 20

Gentle Yoga

Stress weakens the body, so come explore the possibilities of well being through movement in Hatha Yoga. This class is designed for those new to yoga as well as those with experience. Increase flexibility and strengthen the body with yoga postures and breathing. You don’t have to change to do yoga…yoga changes you. This class is also helpful for those with low back discomfort, joint stiffness, and arthritis. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat. LOCATION: Cafeteria, County Administration Complex, 129 Hooper Ave, Toms River DATE: Thursdays, January 25- March 1 �������������������������������������433544-2A DATE: Thursdays, March 15- April 19 �����������������������������������������433544-2B TIME: 6:45 - 7:45 pm. FEE: $36.00 per person AGE: 16 - Adult MINIMUM: 10 MAXIMUM: 20

Exercise with Ease

Currently accepting registration. This Exercise Program uses gentle activities to help increase joint flexibility, maintain range of motion and muscle strength. The gentle workout also helps to increase overall stamina. Participants may perform the exercises seated or use a chair. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: All Mondays and Fridays, November 20-December 15..... 303544-4C TIME: 2:30 - 3:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person registration $35.00 check day of class made payable to Linda Osowski AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 20

Easy Tai Chi

Currently accepting registration This program improves a quality of life for people with joint pain without any knowledge of tai chi. This ancient practice combines agile steps, joint safe exercise and mental strength to improve mobility, breathing and relaxation in ways that help you feel better. In this class you will learn warm up and cool down exercises and six basic movements along with some meditation. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: All Mondays and Fridays, ............................................... 303544-5C Session: November 20- December 15 FEE: $5.00 per person registration $37.00 check day of class made payable to Linda Osowski TIME: 3:30 - 4:15 pm AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 20 38

Bands and Balls Workout

Currently accepting registration Calling all energetic seniors…Try a new exciting approach to working out. Instead of using weights or machines, this class incorporates exercise bands and balls. Use the fun equipment in a safe and beneficial way for a senior’s well-being. The instructor will supply all equipment. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River All classes are Mondays and Fridays. DATE: November 20- December 15 .......................................... 303544-6C TIME: 1:30 - 2:15 pm FEE: $5.00 per person for registration Please bring a $37.00 check day of class made payable to Linda Osowski AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 20

Sunset Yoga (2, 6 week sessions)

What better way to “refresh, restore and renew” the senses then with a gentle yoga class on our 40 foot tall observation deck (weather permitting) as the sun sets over the vast expanse of the Pinelands. This class is intended for all levels. Please bring a yoga mat, block and strap if you have one. If not, they will be provided.*Please have check in the amount of $60 payable to Center for Health and Healing LOCATION: Nature Center, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATES: Wednesdays, January 3 - February 7 ���������������������������435544-1A DATES: Wednesdays, February 21- March 28 ���������������������������435544-1B TIME: 6:30 - 7:30 pm FEE: $5.00 per person registration fee AGE: 16 years - adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 12

SeniorCise Exercise

(Currently Accepting Registrations)

Let’s get moving .........This gentle exercise class includes low-impact, aerobic, stretching and strengthening routines. Improve joint flexibility, balance, range of motion and muscle strength. Get your juices flowing. Participants may perform the exercises seated. Some equipment will be supplied. All classes Tuesdays and Fridays. LOCATION: Classroom, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood DATE: Nov. 21 Dec. 15............................................................... 303544-8C TIME: 9:30 - 10:30 am FEE: $39.00 per person for the eight session class. AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 6 MAXIMUM: 20


Reiki 1-First Degree Training

Reiki is a time-honored practice, intended to promote health and well-being. It involves the gentle placement of hands on or above the body to rebalance the energies within the body. Certified Reiki Master, Grace Conte will explain what Reiki is, what the benefits are, what to look for in a practitioner and how to best establish your own practice. Upon completion, you will be fully trained to offer a full USUI REIKI session to yourself and others. Please bring exact change or a check payable to instructor Grace Conte for $145.00. Drinks and snacks will be provided during the class. Please bring your lunch, pillow and wear comfortable clothes. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Saturday, January 27........................................................431544-5A TIME: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 4  MAXIMUM: 8

Reiki 2-Second Degree Training

Second degree Reiki training builds upon the foundation established through your first degree training and attunement. As you have used that training, you have probably gained confidence. Moving into the second degree, you will gain an even greater capacity to sense the flow of energy within both yourself and your clients. The Second Degree Reiki Training includes: a greater explanation of the chakra system, an understanding of the value of symbols and their use in your Reiki practice and learning additional hand positions to affect certain body systems and situations. Please bring exact change or a check payable to instructor Grace Conte for $160.00. Drinks and snacks will be provided during the class. Please bring your lunch, pillow and wear comfortable clothes. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Saturday, March 10..........................................................431544-5B TIME: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person     AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 4                          MAXIMUM: 8

NEW! What are Energy Practices

In this session, we will explore and answer; what is Qi-Gong? What is Reiki? How can Qi-Gong and Reiki offer us tremendous health benefits? Participants will experience these practices and many other useful tools during this energy practice class. Please bring exact change or a check made payable to instructor Grace Conte for $10.00. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, January 31...................................................431544-4A TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person           AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 4   MAXIMUM: 12

NEW! Stay Healthy

Health does not include only physical wellness; it encompasses our entire existence-physical, mental, emotional and social. Come experience abundant health, harmony, balance and reduced stress by relaxing and rejuvenating the body through self-compassion practices. Please bring exact change or a check payable to instructor Grace Conte for $20 LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, January 11 & 18...........................................431544-4B TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: Adult MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 12 40

CPR Adult/Child/Infant CPR AED Certification

Did you know that four out of five cardiac arrests happen at home? If called on to administer CPR in an emergency, the life you save is likely to be that of a child, spouse, parent, or friend. Prepare yourself! Come and learn life-saving CPR and AED use, as well as how to relieve choking in adults, children and infants. This hands-on course is taught in a relaxed and comfortable environment by certified instructors and is designed for anyone with limited or no medical training. Upon completion, participants will receive a CPR AED Course Completion Card. Please bring a check for $50.00 payable to Ocean Side CPR. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, January 10................................................... 431166-1A DATE: Wednesday, February 7................................................... 431166-1B DATE: Wednesday, March 7........................................................431166-1C TIME 6:30 - 9:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 14 years - Adult MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 20

Basic Life Support (BLS) For the Healthcare Provider

Designed for the healthcare professional, this extensive hands-on course will prepare you to recognize and confidently respond to several life - threatening emergencies. Participants will actively engage in simulated clinical scenarios mastering CPR, use of an AED, and relieving choking in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Certified instructors from the American Heart Association will guide you through various learning stations to test ability and ensure proficiency in performing these life-saving skills. Upon the conclusion of skills testing, participants must also complete a written exam. Participants will receive an AHA BLS for the Healthcare Provider Completion Card. Please bring a check for $60.00 payable to Ocean Side CPR. LOCATION: Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River DATE: Wednesday, January 17................................................... 431166-2A DATE: Wednesday, February 21................................................. 431166-2B DATE: Wednesday, March 21......................................................431166-2C TIME: 6:30 - 9:00 pm FEE: $5.00 per person AGE: 14 years - Adult MINIMUM: 4 MAXIMUM: 20


Registration Information Unless otherwise stated, all programs require registration along with payment in full at time of registration. Anyone attending a program or trip, without registering in advance, must pay by check or money order (cash is unacceptable). Participants will only be permitted upon availability. When a program/trip has been advertised in a previous newsletter we will accept enrollment prior to the registration date listed in this newsletter issue. SPECIAL ASSISTANCE/ACCOMMODATIONS available upon request. For program availability or a newsletter please call:

1-877-OCPARKS (627-2757) TOLL FREE

REGISTRATION LOCATIONS: TIME: 8:30a.m. - 3:30p.m. Monday-Friday Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood 732-281-2750 Parks & Recreation Administration Ofce, Toms River 732-506-9090 Wells Mills County Park, Waretown 609-971-3085 Visit our WEBSITE:

Program Registration Application

When registering by mail or in person, you must complete and sign the entire Program Registration Application. For your convenience you can print our “Program Registration Application” right from our website or you may copy this application; however, an original signature must be on each application. Incomplete and unsigned applications will be returned unprocessed. Please return your completed Program Registration Application along with your payment to: Ocean County Parks & Recreation Administrative Ofces 1198 Bandon Road, Toms River, N.J. 08753-3138 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO “COUNTY OF OCEAN” If you would like to register in person, please visit one of our three locations listed above. Mail ins are also accepted.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

**Once a program has started, fees will not be refunded nor credit issued,regardless of the reason.**

REFUND POLICY 1. When the Department reschedules or cancels a program costing $15 or more per person, a full refund will be issued by means of a properly completed and signed Program Registration Application. 2. When the Customer cancels participation in a program costing $15 or more per person, having given at least two weeks notice prior to the scheduled program start date, a full refund will be issued by means of a properly completed and signed Program Registration Application. 3. Vouchers or credits will only be issued to the individual whose name appears on the check and/or reservation. CREDIT POLICY 1. When a program costing less than $15 per person is cancelled or rescheduled by the Department, the customer will receive a credit which is valid up to one year from the original date of that program. The credit will be applied to the household that the class was registered to. 2. When the Customer cancels participation in a program costing less than $15 per person, having given at least two weeks notice prior to the scheduled program start date, the customer will receive a credit which has no expiration date. 3. If a Customer cancels a program less than two weeks prior to the scheduled program start date, regardless of the cost per person, the customer does not receive a credit or a refund on that program. 4. Once a credit has been issued, it may not be exchanged for a cash refund. This includes all credits applied to future registrations. NO EXCEPTIONS. The Department of Parks & Recreation reserves the right to cancel or postpone any trip or program. NOTE: See application for Refund and Cancellation Policy.

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CUSTOMER: please print the following information and return the entire signed and completed application to the address noted below.


LAST: ______________________________________________ FIRST: ___________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ APT. # / BLG.: _________________________ TOWN: ________________________________ STATE: _________________________ ZIP: _______________ (4 digit ext) _______________ HOME # ( ) ________________________________________________________________ WORK # ( ) _______________________________________________ Ext. # ____________ EMERGENCY # ( ) _________________________CELL # ( ) ______________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $ _____________________________ Check #: __________________ Make check payable to “COUNTY OF OCEAN” and mail to: Ocean County Parks & Recreation, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, 1198 Bandon Road, Toms River, N.J. 08753-3138





Last Name, First: Date of Birth: Staff Use: PROGRAM # TITLE

Time / Date FEE:



Last Name, First: Date of Birth: Staff Use: PROGRAM # TITLE

Time / Date


Time / Date

Last Name, First: Date of Birth: Staff Use: PROGRAM #




Time / Date

Last Name, First: Date of Birth:

Staff Use: PROGRAM #




Time / Date

Last Name, First: Date of Birth:


Staff Use: I need a reasonable modication for a disability to enjoy this activity _____Y _____N. Upon completion of this application, please sign the Claimant’s Certication & Declaration box below. In the event a program refund is necessary, for programs costing more than $15.00 per person, this application will serve as a County Refund Voucher. County of Ocean - Parks & Recreation Vendor Claimant’s Certication & Declaration I do solemnly declare and certify under the penalties of the law that the within bill is correct in all its particulars; that no bonus has been given or received by any person or persons within the above claim; that the amount therein stated is justly due and owing. It is understood and agreed that park visitors and participants in Ocean County Park System programs, activities, and events may have their names and pictures used, without fee, in broadcast, telecast, and print media accounts for promotional and publicity purposes.



Participant’s Signature

Today’s Date

Event #:

Refund Amount:

Refund Date:

Event #:

Refund Amount:

Refund Date:


OCEAN COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 1198 Bandon Road Toms River, New Jersey 08753-3138 1-877-OC-PARKS



PERMIT # 544 Lakewood, N.J. 08701


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 FOR PROGRAMS IN THIS ISSUE. For your convenience register at the following locations:

Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood 732-281-2750 Parks & Recreation Administration Office, Toms River 732-506-9090 Wells Mills County Park, Waretown 609-971-3085 Visit our WEBSITE: for directions to all Park locations and program information.

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