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Feb 20, 2014 - and Technological Development and the mining company Vale do. Rio Doce, in ... integration between mobile devices, virtual learning environ- ments ..... that generates codes compatible with iOS, Android, Windows. Phone ...


Adaptation Model of Mobile Remote Experimentation for Elementary Schools Juarez Bento da Silva, Member, IEEE, Willian Rochadel, Member, IEEE, José Pedro Schardosim Simão, and André Vaz da Silva Fidalgo

Abstract— This paper reports an experience of ICT application using mobile devices on an educational scenario on a basic education environment. We present a pilot project developed by the Remote Experimentation Lab (RExLab), from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and coexecuted by the School of Basic Education Maria Garcia Pessi in Santa Catarina, Brazil. The project has the support of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development and the mining company Vale do Rio Doce, in the framework of a Formation-Engineering program that intends to stimulate the vocational interest of basic education students for the engineering profession and for scientific and technological research. The proposed development is based on educational content that can be accessed through mobile devices and supplemented through the use of remote experiments. The integration between mobile devices, virtual learning environments, and remotely accessed experiments provides students with a new way to interact with the discipline of physics in a simple and enjoyable way, anywhere and anytime. The architecture implemented in this pilot project is entirely based on open source resources, both software and hardware, including the learning management system (Moodle), the RExMobile app, and the remote experiments developed by RExLab. Index Terms— Remote experimentation, mobile devices, physics courses, HTML5, mobile learning, basic school.



HE DECREASE in the number of engineers in Brazil in the coming years is a recurring theme in the general press, a concern mainly motivated by issues such as discoveries of oil and gas in the pre-salt and in-country preparations to host the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. According to the Higher Education Census (Inep/MEC) only 38,000 engineers graduated in Brazil in 2010, figures well below their partners in the BRICS countries where China has formed 650,000, India 220,000 and Russia 190,000. According to the National Federation of Engineers of Brazil (FNE) by 2015 the country will need up to 300,000 new professionals representing an annual figure of 60,000 new specialists, meaning that the

Manuscript received September 6, 2013; revised December 5, 2013; accepted December 5, 2013. Date of publication January 22, 2014; date of current version February 20, 2014. J. B. da Silva, W. Rochadel, and J. P. S. Simão are with the Remote Experimentation Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis 88040-900, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]). A. Vaz da Silva Fidalgo is with CIETI-LABORIS, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Porto 4200-465, Portugal (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/RITA.2014.2302053

reality is 63% below the intended requirements. There are many explanations for the problem, ranging from the high rate of economic growth, the low number of entrants in engineering courses and the lack of interest that leads to low enrollment ratios on the top degrees in the areas of engineering (around 60%). The decrease in the number of students enrolling in Engineering programs causes a stagnation of enrollment vacancies, so it is important to consider the possible reasons for the low inflow of young people in engineering. One reason, maybe the main one, is the formation deficit in basic education in the disciplines of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, which represent an inhibiting factor for the students’ access to Engineering and also a factor that impedes their stay, as it increases their difficulties in following the courses. The considerable presence of mobile devices in peoples’ lives changed significantly their lifestyles, particularly for the young. The ubiquity of mobile devices and their intensive use continues to make this technology a common element in their daily routine, visible through multiple practices that include technology management and collaboration activities. Although these practices enhance the development of essential skills in today’s society they are still contained in an informal context. Laura Naismith et al state that it “has no meaning, that in an educational system with limited technological resources they do not try to make the most of what they bring to class,” so it is reasonable to think that the massive use of these technologies by the young in highly personalized and informal contexts might also connect informal and formal learning contexts. Thus, the use of learning environments and learning will surely bring teens’ daily lives closer to scholar routine [1], [2]. In the following sections the focus will be on the presentation of a research project developed by the Remote Experimentation Lab (RExLab) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), whose objective is to stimulate the vocational interest among Elementary Education students in the engineering profession and in scientific and technological research through interaction with a Higher Education Institution (HEI). The project developed by RExLab and co-executed by the School of Elementary Education Maria Garcia Pessi includes access to educational content for mobile devices, which is complemented by access to remote experiments in Physics courses within Elementary Education in public schools in the city of Araranguá, in Santa Catarina. We believe that this

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proposal can contribute to enhance current educational models and motivate, stimulating students towards these courses and maybe help reduce students’ dropout in the early years of the engineering courses. II. M OBILE L EARNING (M-L EARNING ) The technological advances open the doors for new ways, opportunities and challenges for developing new methods to support teaching and learning. In particular, the development of mobile technologies and their implications and applications in the educational field has recently emerged as an area of research focused on a new way of utilizing ICTs in order to access information through mobile devices. This approach is commonly known as Mobile Learning (m-learning) or mobile learning through the use of mobile devices like phones, tablets, PDAs, MP3 players, USB flash drives, electronic reading devices and smartphones. Mobile devices by themselves do not constitute useful educational tools, but they become indispensable for the research of their pedagogical use, in order to allow their interactive integration on user-oriented collaborative teaching and learning environments. Kukulska-Hulme and Traxler mentioned that the teaching resources available through mobile devices can maximize the context of teaching and learning from the conception of new methods, practices and developments that contemplate the particular technological features present in these devices. These characteristics include the portability of the device, its ability to spontaneously connect to communication networks, its collaborative nature, the ability to exchange information between devices, the location data and the multimedia features embedded [3]. M-learning has evolved considerably during the last decade, seeking to consolidate itself as a research field, but it is an area where there is no unanimity about its core concept [4]. For authors like Traxler, Ryu and Parsons, mobile technology and learning appear indissolubly united, considering m-learning as the application of mobile devices for educational purposes. Other authors consider m-learning as an evolution of b-learning from the incorporation of the value of the ubiquity of learning, meaning the possibility to access learning content anytime and anywhere [5]–[7]. And finally, other researchers consider m-learning as a new form of distance learning focused on students from two central aspects: mobility and learning context. These concepts join the ubiquity of mobile learning to relate them to the context of teaching and students’ learning facilitated by mobile devices. Authors like Sharples, Taylor and Cacuola [8] consider that what matters is not technology itself but the concept of mobility. For these authors, the terminology of the concept of m-learning has three implications: physical mobility, technological mobility and social mobility. The learning processes are supposed to reflect the daily life of students. Thus mobile devices in the hands of students and teachers can represent savings in investment on technological equipment used in educational institutions. As such, the use of mobile devices through m-learning should be viewed as an opportunity to encourage the use of technology in the educational field. However, one should not consider m-learning as


an end, but as a means of facilitating learning opportunities, especially as there is physical movement, therefore changing the context of learning. III. R EMOTE E XPERIMENTATION The ability to observe and to manipulate physical experiments, as provided by experimental laboratories, represents an attractive and fascinating way to achieve science education. However, due to the shortage of hands-on laboratories, the schools usually rely on virtual tools, such as simulators, as an alternative. These only return recorded values and observations, or previously calculated results, failing to demonstrate important aspects of reality, the actual execution of experiments and the effects of other natural factors. These limitations on dynamic interaction are real and simulation is a somewhat limited replacement for experimentation, which may lead to limitations in the students’ understanding of the theoretical concepts. Concurrently, laboratories and experiments generate costs and difficulties in space and maintenance management in public schools. On the other hand, some institutions already have many experiments that are available for interaction and observation by primary education students, which are prevented from using them by geographic distance or time constraints. In order to provide access to real experiments, so that students can interact, watch and perform their experiences, while applying their knowledge, some laboratories have enabled remote access over the internet to their experimental apparatus. These experimentation plants increase students’ motivation and also assist the development of a realistic approach to problem solving. Unlike virtual laboratories, where all processes are simulated, laboratory experimentation allows remote interaction with real processes, allowing the user to analyze the practical real-world problems. This fact alone gives these labs considerable advantages over virtual labs, because according to Casini [9] the “remote labs allow students to interact with real processes.” Therefore, it can be concluded that these laboratories are those in which the elements are real, their access is virtual and the experiences are real. According to Nedi´c [10], remote laboratories have many advantages: the information is real, there is direct interaction with real equipment, there are results of feedback from online experiences, there are no restrictions of time or space, and there is an average cost of installation, operation and maintenance. To facilitate the use of these resources, we seek to develop low-cost solutions in research and development, prioritizing the use of open source and open software to create, manage, and disseminate knowledge. A. Remote Experiments These experiments are adaptations of equipment connected to real circuits and actuators that allow interaction over the internet. Therefore, remote experiments are real experiences, with physical elements that interact by virtual commands, so that there are no time or space restrictions, and direct interactions with real equipment are possible. Additionally, we have the real-time feedback of the results of the online experiences,



Fig. 2. Fig. 1.

Experiment called “Ways of Heat Propagation.”

WEB Microserver (MSW) developed in the RExLab.

and the ever important advantage of low installation, use and maintenance costs [11]. The user can access the remotely-available experiences using a simple web browser and a wireless connection to the internet. The site was developed in PHP and uses JavaScript for the interface, managing the interaction with experiments connected to web microservers, via an Ethernet port. During remote interactions with the experiments, over the Internet, data is sent to the experimental devices, triggering relays which, in turn, control actuators and make the experiment work physically. Thus, the environment allows remote control of different devices such as motors, electric circuits, sensors and security systems while providing video feedback on the dynamic experimental results which are often too complex to be explained, but easily understandable when visualized. B. Hardware The remote experimentation hardware used in the project is based on WEB microservers (MSW) developed in the RExLab (Fig. 1). The MSW (Fig. 1) built in RExLab can be described as a standalone device, that has the ability to connect electrical devices to an Ethernet network. It allows data acquisition and remote control and safe, efficient and economical monitoring of these devices via a standard web browser. The device is based on a low cost and low power consumption microcontroller and uses the TCP/IP data communication protocol. The MSW functionality can easily be extended by adding applications that provide the ability to monitor and/or control devices. Thus, the MSW allows the use of JavaScript (embedded in HTML or as separate files) and Java applets, along with HTML, CGI routines and images. Thus, by accessing the web page containing such codes, the user will have access to the current state of the device controlled by the MSW or the environment monitored by it. The MSW can be seen in Fig. 1 and is currently built at a cost of U.S.$28.20, has a normal operation current consumption of 40mA and its dimensions are 75 mm × 95 mm.

Fig. 3. Experiment “Ways of Heat Propagation” accessed through a mobile device.

The observation of the devices is performed via streaming video, from an IP camera connected directly to the network, this type of camera being commonly used in monitoring systems. Fig. 2 shows the hardware used in the remotely-available experiment designated as “Heat Propagation,” which is used to support the study of the process of heat propagation, to illustrate propagation by conduction, convection and radiation, and also to compare the thermal characteristics of different materials. The access to the experiment is available at the following address: C. Software The access via mobile devices to the presented project relies on the RExMobile application (Fig. 3) developed in RExLab. The development application used HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language version 5) language features integrated with CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets, version 3) which is a language variant of XML (Extensible Markup Language) that allows


Fig. 4.


Proposed architecture.

the developer to create light patterns to design an interesting and visually attractive user experience. These interesting features of HTML5 and CSS3 are integrated by the jQuery Mobile framework, which employs a unified system suitable for Web applications on mobile devices [12] and the implementation of high-level JavaScript that generates codes compatible with iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian, BlackBerry, and other major mobile operating systems. In Fig. 3 you can see the access to the “Heat Propagation” experiment using the RExMobile application on a mobile device. IV. M OBILE R EMOTE E XPERIMENTATION Remote experimentation provides an interesting opportunity to study an environment that provides laboratorial experimentation geographically separated from its user. This interaction with real experiments in remote labs allows a real immersion that differs from simple simulators or virtual labs that provide only experiences recorded and simulated results [13]. The access to these significant remote experimentation resources using mobile devices enables a new realm of interaction that uses the idea of ubiquitous environments, i.e., immersing the user in a lab anytime, anywhere, using his or her own smartphone. From a mobile device with internet access, students can access experiences available in the labs, interacting with real equipment and experimenting with concepts that are studied in the classroom relating their knowledge to the observation of experiments. By providing students with this interaction, the RExMobile application (Fig. 4) enables a new way to interact with remote experiments. Teachers can use this resource to assist their classes, particularly in science courses in elementary school. In Fig. 4 we present the architecture implemented in the pilot. Just like in a real lab for classroom use, this application model has the same physical limitations, because the experiment cannot be accessed by different users simultaneously. Some alternatives such as scheduling, priority order, stack or even recording have been suggested to remote laboratories. The time limitation and control is an interesting solution to allow near-immediate access without the need to wait for long periods. A user can have unlimited access until other

Fig. 5.

Screenshots of the RExMobile application.

users log into the queue, which will cause a timeout period to be imposed for the experiment execution, prior to active user substitution. Authors like Kukulska-Hume [14] cite as advantages of m-learning: • Allows learning anytime and anywhere. • Can improve the didactic interaction in synchronous and asynchronous ways. • Empowers the student-centered learning. • Allows the enrichment of multimedia learning. • Allows customization of learning. • Promotes communication between students and educational institutions. • Promotes collaborative learning. The RExMobile (Fig. 5) idea and application development was awarded the 2nd position in the Campus Mobile contest, sponsored by the Instituto Claro, as one of the most innovative among more than 1,300 ideas from all over Brazil [15]. V. U SE IN H IGH S CHOOL One of the key aspects in teaching within the areas of technology and natural science is the practice that students can get by handling different devices and electronic or mechanical instruments. This will enable them to develop and apply the acquired theoretical knowledge. About 150 students of the 2nd high school year of a public school in the southern region of Santa Catarina have used the resources provided by RExLab. In this extension project, students have some lecture material available and may carry out their activities through the Virtual Learning Environment. There were several quizzes available about the content covered in the experiments. The use of the application was adapted to the previous methodology adopted by the teacher, making sure that the new way doesn’t change the main aspects of normal methodology. At school the main limitation is the internet access itself due to the low availability of broadband wireless access and the limited number of access points. As an alternative, smartphones can access through the mobile internet.



Thus, this technology is aimed to: • increase the practical activities in Physics classes, so that students can access them at any time, not only in class; • integrate in the same environment the practice applications, experimentation and laboratory work, with the proper teaching activities by integrating materials, simulations, and access to equipment and devices; • contribute to the strengthening of technology in education, research and extension in the area of project development. For this environment some methodologies and implementation were discussed in order to address the teachers’ needs, so that the application could provide the required resources and not simply replace the teaching [16], understanding what content and what experiments may be used. The implementation of this project has received support from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), which is aimed at promoting interest in engineering through applied learning and using mobile technologies.

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VI. C ONCLUSION In this paper we present the integration of m-learning with remote experimentation as an alternative use of mobile technologies that enables its users to extend the teaching and learning inside and outside the classroom, offering mobility capability, connectivity and customization. These factors promote and enhance the collection and generation of knowledge. The use of mobile devices in educational settings poses several technological and pedagogical challenges. However, the popularity of mobile technologies, the continuous increase of its capacity and its proportional decrease in cost makes m-learning a viable alternative with the potential to extend and enrich the teaching and learning process anywhere and anytime. The initiative presented in this paper is intended to provide new resources to support and enrich the teaching and learning process taking advantage on the portability, ubiquity and connectivity provided by mobile devices. It provides new ways to expand educational opportunities by increasing access for students and teachers to educational content, improving the quality of learning experiences and expanding the learning environment beyond the traditional school environment. R EFERENCES [1] L. Naismith, P. Lonsdale, G. Vavoula, and M. Sharples, Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning. Bristol, England: Futurelab Educ., 2005. [2] J. B. Silva, W. Rochadel, and R. Marcelino, “Utilization of NICTs applied to mobile devices,” IEEE-RITA, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 149–154, Jan. 2012. [3] A. Kukulska-Hulme and J. T. Routledge, Mobile Learning. A Handbook for Educators and Trainers. New York, NY, USA: Routledge. 2007. [4] J. G. Caudill, “The growth of m-learning and the growth of mobile computing: Parallel developments,” Int. Rev. Res. Open Distance Learn., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1–16, 2007. [5] J. Traxler. (2005). Mobile Learning: It’s Here but What is it [Online]. Available: [6] D. Parsons and H. Ryu. (2006). A Framework for Assessing the Quality of Mobile Learning [Online]. Available: hryu/Mblearning.pdf

Juarez Bento da Silva is a Professor/Researcher with Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and also Remote Experimentation Laboratory coordinator, directing his research to the following areas: remote experimentation, e-learning, virtual worlds, 3-D, teaching-learning environments, educational technologies, embedded servers, and web monitorization.

Willian Rochadel received the Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação degree from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). He is currently a Researcher with the Remote Experimentation Laboratory, UFSC.

José Pedro Schardosim Simão received the Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação degree and is a Volunteer Academic Researcher with the Remote Experimentation Laboratory, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. He is participating of an exchange program with the University of Windsor.

André Vaz da Silva Fidalgo is a Professor with the Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Instituto, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal. He is a member of the CIETI-LABORIS research group, being involved in the remote laboratories, distance learning, programmable devices, and debug and test areas.