Adaptive, Assessment-based Educational Games Diego Zapata-Rivera Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ 08541 USA
[email protected]
Abstract. Assessment-based educational games can produce useful information to guide student instruction. This paper describes an approach for integrating components of video games with those of adaptive technologies and assessment into the design of educational games. Three examples in the areas of English language learning and mathematics are also presented. Keywords: Adaptive technologies, assessment and video games.
1 Introduction Researchers have proposed applying adaptive techniques to the development of educational games (e.g., [1, 2]). Recent advances in assessment and learning technologies make it possible to develop adaptive learning systems that use assessment information from different sources to guide student learning (e.g., [3]). Educational video games can be used to engage students in learning inside and outside of the classroom (e.g., [4]). However, in order to better address educational goals, video games must provide evidence that learning of valued skills or knowledge takes place in the game. The use of valid embedded assessments may help video games become valid instructional instruments. We have developed assessment-based gaming and learning environments that employ an evidence-based methodology that reconciles the needs for obtaining valid assessment information and creating engaging interactive tools that students want to use. This paper describes the evidence-based approach and three instances of learning and gaming environments implemented by applying it.
2 Assessment-based Learning and Gaming Environments A major goal of assessment-based learning and gaming environments is to provide adaptive gaming scenarios that can be used to help students learn and provide valid assessment information to students and teachers. Gaming scenarios are composed of various interactive activities (i.e., assessment tasks). Each scenario has an underlying storyline aimed at defining: (a) the behavior to be observed and (b) the interactive activities needed to elicit such behaviors. Creating such scenarios requires input from an interdisciplinary team including users (i.e., students or players), domain experts (e.g., teachers and researchers), assessment specialists and interactive design experts. This development process encompasses the following activities: (a) gather domain knowledge information; (b) design initial competency and evidence models; (c) select initial competencies and required
evidence to focus on; (d) brainstorm about scenarios and activities that can be used to elicit desired behavior; (e) describe scenarios and activities (i.e., define the role of the student, the role of the teacher, the role of the pedagogical agents, level of feedback or scaffolding, assessment activities to be administered in particular situations, establish work products for each activity, and describe the evidence rules for the activity); (f) update task models, competency and evidence models; and (g) iterate until all the target competences have been covered. Once a scenario is described, interactive design experts and system developers create a prototype, pilot test it with users, and make changes based on the feedback that is gathered. More information about this process can be found in [6]. Next we describe three assessment-based learning and gaming environments: English ABLE [5], English and Math ABLE (EM ABLE) [6] and The Request Game [7]. 2.1 English ABLE English ABLE (Assessment-Based Learning Environment) uses assessment information to support student learning of English grammar. English ABLE draws upon a database of TOEFL® CBT tasks to create new packages of enhanced tasks that are linked to particular component ELL skills. In English ABLE, students try to help a virtual student (Carmen or Jorge) learn English by correcting this student’s writing from a notebook of facts (sentences –enhanced TOEFL® tasks). To make the game more compelling Carmen and Jorge are able to express basic emotions, which are triggered by a list of predefined rules that take into account recent student performance on particular tasks. A character named Dr. Grammar provides adaptive instructional feedback (i.e., rules, procedures, examples and definitions) based on the student model. English ABLE implements a Bayesian student model that divides English grammar into three main categories: use, form and meaning. The Bayesian model is used to capture and propagate evidence of student knowledge regarding some aspects of English grammar including sentence-level grammatical concepts (e.g., agreement) as well as word-level concepts (e.g., individual parts of speech). Tasks are linked to grammar concepts using IRT (Item Response Theory) task parameters. 2.2 EM ABLE EM ABLE (English and Math ABLE) models both English language and math competencies. It combines game elements (e.g., immediate feedback, sound effects, and progress indicators: points and power levels), pedagogical agents and various forms of scaffolding. The game starts when the student chooses and customizes a student character with which to play the game. The student also selects a friend to accompany the character while playing the game. The student’s mission is to help his/her student character interact in the EM (English-Math) “city.” The student character is invited to participate in various activities (e.g., a pizza party). Each activity provides an integrated learning and assessment scenario for the student. As part of each activity, the student character interacts with virtual people who provide guidance, feedback, and, at the same time, administer embedded assessment tasks to the learner related to predefined vocabulary and math proficiencies. Evidence of
student knowledge is obtained through the student’s interaction with these characters and his/her performance on various math and vocabulary activities. Activities vary in difficulty based on the student’s prior performance and include short, text-based dialogues using a virtual cell phone (i.e., conversations) as well as math completion tasks (i.e., math activities). As the learner advances in the game, s/he accumulates points for his/her student character. EM ABLE implements a Bayesian student model. Knowledge-level estimates (i.e., power levels) are continuously updated based upon performance and are visible to the learner through his/her virtual cell phone. These power levels are externalized as progress bars (one for vocabulary and one for math) and are referred to as the character’s knowledge levels. 2.3 The Request Game The Request Game is a prototype of an assessment-based educational game aimed at supporting non-native English speakers’ need for pragmatic instruction. This game allows users to engage in interactive written dialogue with a virtual professor (or pedagogical agent) in multiple academic contexts. Students explore contextually and socially appropriate request strategies while the system scores each attempt, assigns points, and provides immediate and summative feedback. The Request Game implements a finite automata dialogue engine that is used to recognize student utterances and determine the next actions of the virtual professor. Usability studies have been conducted using these assessment-based educational games. Initial evidence shows that students enjoy interacting with them and teachers appreciate the evidence of student performance provided by the system. Future work includes exploring student learning effects in controlled contexts.
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